Peace real or imagined- Will it come?

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    Peace real or imagined- will it come? 1st of two part article–

    Would the Apostle Paul have gone beyond what the ancient Prophets wrote about the Nations quest for peace? Would he have conveyed the idea that the Nations quest for peace would lead to a “Universal cry of peace and security?” as though it really looked like they would attain to a real lasting peace, and by so doing disrupt the harmony of the Bible? Let us now all look at a scripture that is very familiar to all of us, for we have heard it cited many times, at 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 but specifically verse 3, where it says: “Whenever it is that they are SAYING; “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pangs of distress upon a pregnant Woman, and they will by no means escape.” [1}

    Did you notice? Paul did not say, 'when they SAY it, but while they are SAYING it. Then sudden destruction would come on them like pangs of distress upon a pregnant Woman. So Paul was pointing to a prolonged period of distress and trouble when he made that statement; and that is in harmony with what one of the ancient Prophets wrote. For we read at Ezekiel 7:25,26 “There will come anguish and they will certainly seek peace but there will be NONE. There will come adversity upon adversity and there will occur report upon report and people will actually seek a vision from a Prophet, and the law itself will perish from a Priest and counsel from elderly men.”

    So this will be a period of time when there will be no help for them from any source. So Paul and Ezekiel were both united in thought as is clearly seen. For Paul had said, “Like pangs of distress upon a pregnant Woman,” and Ezekiel said, “There will come adversity upon adversity.” So both Paul and Ezekiel were in full harmony, and Ezekiels Prophecy fits perfectly with the words of the Apostle Paul, and Pauls harmonises with the words of Ezekiel.

    The following information was taken from my World Book Encyclopedia Vol 2 page 34
    Remember that this adversity upon adversity was to come while they were talking earnestly about peace and security. Do the pages of history support that thought? They most certainly do, as I will begin to show as I proceed with this writing and focus on certain peace conferences that occured in our own century. Let me take you back now to the year 1912, to the Balkan peace conference: “On March 13 1912, Bulgaria and Serbia made a secret treaty to win in an eventual War with Turkley.” Montenegro began the War against the Turks on October 8th 1912. On October 13th, the other Balkan states … mobilized their armies. Turkey declared War on Bulgaria and Serbia on October 17th. Greece declared War on October 18th. An armistice was declared on December 3rd 1912 … the London peace conference followed.”

    So, I believe at this time the 'adversity upon adversity' had begun. I believe that Jeremiahs Prophecy about this peace process can be applied here, at this time period, for it stated: “There was a hoping for peace, but no good came, for a time of healing, but, look TERROR! So Jeremiah 8:15 & Ezekiel 7: 25,26 can be rightly applied here at this time period.

    Is it not true that after they signed the treaty ending the first Balkan War that the foreltold “adversity upon adversity” came again at the outbreak of the second Balkan War on the night of June 29,30 1913 and this War ended with the Treaty of Bucharest signed on August 10 1913.” world War 1 began July 28 1914 a few short Months after the signing of the Treaty of Bucharest”. So the foretold “adversty upon adversity” was still taking place, and wasn't this because they were still “seeking peace”, still hoping for peace.I believe that to be the case.

    Those who have studied the pages of History might remember what the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain had to say about the Munich Conference. He made mention that it was the “second time” there had come back from Germany to Downing Street, 'Peace with honor'. The Book “the Rise and Fall of the third Reich” on page 567 revealed it was the British Prime-Minister Benjamine Disraeli, who, upon returning from the Congress of Berlin in 1878 was the first one to come back from Germany to Downing Street, making the same claim, “Peace with honor”. So, he too was “seeking peace” ” hoping for peace” but encountered too… “Adversity upon Adverstity” just as the two Prophets mentioned, foretold.

    I was reading through a Book called “Decisive Decades” on page 382, and I found the following information on the British Prime-Minister, Neville Chamberlain: it stated: “Chamberlain returned to England convinced that he had snatched “peace” out of the very jaws of War. To the cheering throng who greeted him at the Airport, he said: “I believe it is peace in our time. In London he told the huge crowds who gathered out-side the Prime Ministers office. “This is the second time there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honor. I believe it is peace it is peace in our time. And throughout the “ENTIRE CIVILIZED WORLD” the VAST MAJORITY of people, having faced the immedite prospect of War only to have it miracuously withdrawn, hailed Chamberlain as a saviour and echoed his words, peace with honor, peace in our time.” This took place in the year 1938; but almost one year to the day in 1939 world War two broke out, and the 'pangs of distress' foretold by Paul and the 'adversity upon adversity' foretold by Ezekiel continued to plague them. [Ezekiel 7:25,26 1Thessalonians 5:3]

    I photo-copied an article from a News paper of the year 1938 at the library that dealt with these cries of peace and security. The article highlited the point that almost the whole world threw a global party to celebrate this momentous event. One page was devoted to the joy and jubilation that was going on around the world. That joy and jubilation was dampened by the outbreak of World War 2 in the year 1939. Almost one year to the day. “Sudden destruction was instantly upon them” and the 'pangs of distress', and the 'adversity upon adversity' continued and continues to this very day.

    2nd of two part article
    Researching further in this Book “Decisive Decades” on page 469 I learned this, about the “Yalta Conference” … “all the allied Nations ,and especially the United States, hailed it as one of the most important steps ever taken to promote peace and happiness in the World.” … Great Briton, the United States and Russia pledged themselves to build a World order under law, dedicated to peace, security, freedom, and the general well-being of mankind “raising up the hope” for a World peace organization which had been dashed at Dunbarton Oaks, The “Big Three” invited all the Nations, great or small, to attend a conference at San Fransisco in April 1945, to draw up a charter for the United Nations.” The outcome of this conference came on Feb 11 1945, and is summed up in the following words of Franklin Delanor Roosevelt's closest advisor, he said: “We were absolutely certain that we had won the first great victory of peace. The Russians had proved they could be reasonable and far-seeing and there wasn't any doubt in the minds of the President or any of us that we could live with them peacefully for as far into the future as any of us could imagine.””

    Just previously I mentioned the “Dumbarton Oaks Conference” which my World Book Encyclopedia Vol. 5 on page 306 explains: It “was the name of an International Conference held in Aug-Oct 1944 at an estate in Washington D.C. Thirty nine delegates from the United States Great Briton, and Russia met to discuss plans for the creation of an International Organization to be called the United Nations. This was, as we all know, … To establish ways to maintain International peace and seurity” … We are all aware too, that the League of Nations was also designed for the same purpose. Both Organi
    zations were “seeking peace”, “hoping for peace,” but both Organizations were beset with “adversity upon adversity” just as those ancient Prophets predicted. One of the “Awake” magazines mentioned that the then reigning Pope declared it as THE LAST HOPE of concord and peace. He went even further than that though, for he stated: that “it was the Political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth.” [The last hope of concord and peace?] this Pope obviously had forgotten all about the Kingdom of God, and the fact that it would bring everlasting peace to this earth [7]

    Now, did the Bible predict that at some point close to the conclusion of this system of things that there would be a “universal cry of peace and security?” Not according to the Prophet Isaiah, who wrote: “Look! Their very heroes have cried out in the Street, the very messengers of peace will weep bitterly.” [Isaiah 33:7]

    Now the Apostle Paul would have had full knowledge of all of this, and knowing what Isaiah had predicted would never have conveyed the idea that there was to be a “universal cry of peace and security” somewhere near the conclusion of the system of things. He would have been in full accord with the aforementioned ancient Prophets, and would never have gone beyond what they had predicted. He would have been in full accord also with the Apostle Luke, who wrote: “I continue to this very day bearing witness to both small and great, but SAYING NOTHING except things the Prophets as well as Moses stated were going to take place.” [9]

    Now nowhere in the Bible can we find any of the ancient Prophets foretelling that there would be such a cry at the conclusion of the system of things. If we are really looking for such a cry ourselves we need only to look back to the year 1938 for such a cry came at that time. We will remember this point already covered: “This is the second time there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honor. I believe it is peace in our time. And throughout the “ENTIRE CIVILIZED WORLD” the “VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE”, having faced the immediated prospect of War only to have it MIRACULOUSLY withdrawn, hailed Chamberlain as a saviour and echoed his words, peace with honor, peace in our time.”

    No doubt there will be more peace conferences- more peace treatise- more declarations of peace, because they are still “seeking peace”- still “hoping for peace” but as those ancient Prophets wrote, all that will come is, “TERROR,” “adversity upon adversity, and as Paul wrote “pangs of distress” until Jehovah finally intervenes and brings real everlasting peace and security through his Kingdom by Christ Jesus.



    Hi Texas,
    A few years back Tony Blair announced a time of PEACE AND SECURITY.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 08 2009,09:50)
    Hi Texas,
    A few years back Tony Blair announced a time of PEACE AND SECURITY.

    Hi Nick!
    Yes! That was the point I was trying to draw out! The cries of peace and security are nothing really new! They have been going on for quite some time now. Texas


    The primary purpose of the UN, is to create “peace and security.” I believe it is stated in their charter.

    The preamble to the Charter expressed the determination “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”
    Prospective members of the United Nations were “to unite [their] strength to maintain international peace and security.”

    “The purposes of the United Nations are,” so reads its charter, “to maintain international peace and security.”

    Eventually, it along with the world, will announce that it has achieved this, although it won't be a true peace, or true security.


    Quote (david @ April 09 2009,11:22)
    The primary purpose of the UN, is to create “peace and security.”  I believe it is stated in their charter.

    The preamble to the Charter expressed the determination “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”
    Prospective members of the United Nations were “to unite [their] strength to maintain international peace and security.”

    “The purposes of the United Nations are,” so reads its charter, “to maintain international peace and security.”

    Eventually, it along with the world, will announce that it has achieved this, although it won't be a true peace, or true security.

    David! You said, the following:

    “Eventually, it along with the world, will announce that it has achieved this, although it won't be a true peace, or true security.”

    Nowhere does the Bible make such a statement as this, these words come from the minds of men, not from the pages of the Bible!
    Those are your words David, and that is the main point I disagreed with, because the Bible disagrees with it! Read Isaiah 33:7 and you should know what I'm driving at! It says there, this: “Their very heroes have cried out in the street; the very messengers of peace will cry out bitterly.”

    So their search for peace and security can end in only one way; in bitter tears; not in any universal cry of peace and security! Texas!


    Quote (Texas @ April 15 2009,02:17)

    Quote (david @ April 09 2009,11:22)
    The primary purpose of the UN, is to create “peace and security.”  I believe it is stated in their charter.

    The preamble to the Charter expressed the determination “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”
    Prospective members of the United Nations were “to unite [their] strength to maintain international peace and security.”

    “The purposes of the United Nations are,” so reads its charter, “to maintain international peace and security.”

    Eventually, it along with the world, will announce that it has achieved this, although it won't be a true peace, or true security.

    David! You said, the following:

    “Eventually, it along with the world, will announce that it has achieved this, although it won't be a true peace, or true security.”

    Nowhere does the Bible make such a statement as this, these words come from the minds of men, not from the pages of the Bible!
    Those are your words David, and that is the main point I disagreed with, because the Bible disagrees with it! Read Isaiah 33:7 and you should know what I'm driving at! It says there, this: “Their very heroes have cried out in the street; the very messengers of peace will cry out bitterly.”

    So their search for peace and security can end in only one way; in bitter tears; not in any universal cry of peace and security! Texas!

    Hello again David!
    I forgot to mention something when I talked to you last. You see, I know all about the scripture at 1 Thessalonians 5:3 that talked about this coming cry of 'peace and security'! But, is there something that you might have overlooked in that scripture as the Watchtower Society has seemed to as well? Notice, it doesnt say, When they “SAY” peace and security,as only one universal cry was intended; it says, while they're “SAYING” IT! A news flash for you David, they've been SAYING IT since the year 1913, and everytime that they have made that statement; [and it has been made many times], 'sudden destruction' was upon them, in the ensuing battles that followed. So the statement you made has no scriptural support, and it is very dangerous to make statements that the Bible does not support! Texas!


    When they “SAY” peace and security,as only one universal cry was intended; it says, while they're “SAYING” IT! A news flash for you David, they've been SAYING IT since the year 1913,

    As you should know Texas, JW's don't know whether this “saying” of peace and security began years and years ago, or it will be a more specific event. (You're right, what I said, that of it being a specific event isn't in the Bible. We just don't know.)

    Anyway, in several places, JW's have said this:

    In recent years, politicians have used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the beginning of the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3? Or was Paul referring only to a specific event of such dramatic proportions that it will claim world attention? Since Bible prophecies are often completely understood only after they are fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    –Revelation p 251

    In recent years, politicians have often used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. They even dubbed 1986 the International Year of Peace, although that year did not live up to its name. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the complete fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, or was Paul referring to a specific event of such dramatic proportions as to claim world attention?

    13 Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    –W 2004, 2/1, page 21

    What form that proclamation of “peace and security” will take remains to be seen.

    –wt, page 182

    Particularly since 1986, when an International Year of Peace was declared by the United Nations, the world has been full of talk about peace and security. Definite steps have been taken in an effort to secure world peace, apparently with a measure of success. Is this the entire fulfillment of this prophecy, or can we expect a future startling announcement of some sort? Jehovah will clarify that matter in his due time.

    –w 97, 6/1, p 10

    There are many more references that all say the same thing.

    So what is it that you disagree with, Texas?


    Quote (david @ April 15 2009,07:21)

    When they “SAY” peace and security,as only one universal cry was intended; it says, while they're “SAYING” IT! A news flash for you David, they've been SAYING IT since the year 1913,

    As you should know Texas, JW's don't know whether this “saying” of peace and security began years and years ago, or it will be a more specific event.  (You're right, what I said, that of it being a specific event isn't in the Bible.  We just don't know.)  

    Anyway, in several places, JW's have said this:

    In recent years, politicians have used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the beginning of the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3? Or was Paul referring only to a specific event of such dramatic proportions that it will claim world attention? Since Bible prophecies are often completely understood only after they are fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    –Revelation p 251

    In recent years, politicians have often used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. They even dubbed 1986 the International Year of Peace, although that year did not live up to its name. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the complete fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, or was Paul referring to a specific event of such dramatic proportions as to claim world attention?

    13 Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    –W 2004, 2/1, page 21

    What form that proclamation of “peace and security” will take remains to be seen.

    –wt, page 182

    Particularly since 1986, when an International Year of Peace was declared by the United Nations, the world has been full of talk about peace and security. Definite steps have been taken in an effort to secure world peace, apparently with a measure of success. Is this the entire fulfillment of this prophecy, or can we expect a future startling announcement of some sort? Jehovah will clarify that matter in his due time.

    –w 97, 6/1, p 10

    There are many more references that all say the same thing.

    So what is it that you disagree with, Texas?

    Hi David!
    Simply that I don't believe that there will be a “universal cry of peace and security” that will introduce Jehovah's Day. How could there be when the Bible tells us that “Jehovah's Day is coming exactly as a thief in the night”??… Does a thief announce his arrival when he comes in to take your worldly goods away? No! He doesn't, does he? You leave the house thinking all is well, you come home to a house that's been pillaged by a thief, all of your valued possessions are gone! a complete surprise! Now why didn't that thief phone ahead, and let you know he was coming? Had he have done so, we wouldn't have been taken by surprise, now would we? We would have been waiting to intercept him! If we believed that there was to be such a cry, then who would be taken by surprise, if that sort of cry was to mark the coming of that day? It just doesn't make any sense to me, does it really to you?

    Somehow, I get the feeling that you, yourself are a witness of Jehovah! Is that correct? Texas!


    So what is it that you disagree with, Texas?


    Hi David!
    Simply that I don't believe that there will be a “universal cry of peace and security” that will introduce Jehovah's Day.


    I don't think anyone believes there will be a “universal” cry of peace and security.  As the quotes I showed reveal, we do not know, nor claim to know.  

    In recent years, politicians have used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the beginning of the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3? Or was Paul referring only to a specific event of such dramatic proportions that it will claim world attention? Since Bible prophecies are often completely understood only after they are fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.


    I can find you 10 more quotes like this if you like.  

    Does a thief announce his arrival when he comes in to take your worldly goods away? No! He doesn't, does he? You leave the house thinking all is well, you come home to a house that's been pillaged by a thief, all of your valued possessions are gone! a complete surprise! Now why didn't that thief phone ahead, and let you know he was coming? Had he have done so, we wouldn't have been taken by surprise, now would we? We would have been waiting to intercept him! If we believed that there was to be such a cry, then who would be taken by surprise, if that sort of cry was to mark the coming of that day? It just doesn't make any sense to me, does it really to you?


    I hear what you''re saying.  But again, JW's do not dogmatically say that there will be some sort of announcement of peace and security.  What they in fact repeatedly say is: 'We don't know if this represents decades of people saying peace and security or if that will culminate in one declaration of peace from the world governments.  We don't know.

    It's hard to disagree with someone when they don't have a clear idea about something, yet, you do.  I'm wondering if you could explain that.

    And yes, of course I'm one of JW's.

    I do see that if you go back, you can find quotes that seem to support what you say:

    . There will be a great cry of “peace and security,” but this is to be followed by the “sudden destruction” of this corrupt world. Being in the dark, men will be taken by surprise by this turn of events, which will come “as a thief in the night.”—1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.

    –JW's, 1988.

    Back to your thief idea. A thief catches people off guard and when they do not expect it. The idea that people are “saying” peace and security and then comes descturction will certainly take people off guard, because they will be believing they are having peace when destruction is coming.


    Quote (david @ April 15 2009,11:04)

    So what is it that you disagree with, Texas?


    Hi David!
    Simply that I don't believe that there will be a “universal cry of peace and security” that will introduce Jehovah's Day.


    I don't think anyone believes there will be a “universal” cry of peace and security.  As the quotes I showed reveal, we do not know, nor claim to know.  

    In recent years, politicians have used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the beginning of the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3? Or was Paul referring only to a specific event of such dramatic proportions that it will claim world attention? Since Bible prophecies are often completely understood only after they are fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.


    I can find you 10 more quotes like this if you like.  

    Does a thief announce his arrival when he comes in to take your worldly goods away? No! He doesn't, does he? You leave the house thinking all is well, you come home to a house that's been pillaged by a thief, all of your valued possessions are gone! a complete surprise! Now why didn't that thief phone ahead, and let you know he was coming? Had he have done so, we wouldn't have been taken by surprise, now would we? We would have been waiting to intercept him! If we believed that there was to be such a cry, then who would be taken by surprise, if that sort of cry was to mark the coming of that day? It just doesn't make any sense to me, does it really to you?


    I hear what you''re saying.  But again, JW's do not dogmatically say that there will be some sort of announcement of peace and security.  What they in fact repeatedly say is: 'We don't know if this represents decades of people saying peace and security or if that will culminate in one declaration of peace from the world governments.  We don't know.

    It's hard to disagree with someone when they don't have a clear idea about something, yet, you do.  I'm wondering if you could explain that.

    And yes, of course I'm one of JW's.

    I do see that if you go back, you can find quotes that seem to support what you say:

    . There will be a great cry of “peace and security,” but this is to be followed by the “sudden destruction” of this corrupt world. Being in the dark, men will be taken by surprise by this turn of events, which will come “as a thief in the night.”—1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.

    –JW's, 1988.

    Back to your thief idea.  A thief catches people off guard and when they do not expect it.  The idea that people are “saying” peace and security and then comes descturction will certainly take people off guard, because they will be believing they are having peace when destruction is coming.

    I happen to know for certain that they do domatically assert that there will be an “International cry of Peace and Security” just prior to Jehovah's intervention! Don't you even read your own publications? In my twenty-ones years with them I read it many times. Fact of the the matter is, that is the reason I left. We was studying the Revelation Book and that subject was being dealt with. The Elder conducting the study said, exactly what we are talking about, and I flat-out told him that what he said, wasn't true! The you know what hit the fan, and I left, never to return again! Texas!


    Don't you even read your own publications?

    I'm the one with all the quotes, remember? Since you didn't respond to any of the quotes, I'm not sure you read my post.
    I'll give you the shortened version:
    Yes, 20 years ago you can find statements like this:

    There will be a great cry of “peace and security,” but this is to be followed by the “sudden destruction” of this corrupt world. Being in the dark, men will be taken by surprise by this turn of events, which will come “as a thief in the night.”—1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.

    Or this one from 1984:

    Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.” This prophecy makes it clear that, just prior to the end of this system of things, “peace and security” will be declared in some exceptional way, whether by the United Nations or independently by political and religious leaders. What will follow that declaration? Paul said: “Then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.”—1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.

    But if you did a quick search of the last 10 years, you find things like this that make it obvious that they don't make assertions either way:

    In recent years, politicians have used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the beginning of the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3? Or was Paul referring only to a specific event of such dramatic proportions that it will claim world attention? Since Bible prophecies are often completely understood only after they are fulfilled or in the course of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    In recent years, politicians have often used the phrase “peace and security” to describe various human schemes. They even dubbed 1986 the International Year of Peace, although that year did not live up to its name. Do such efforts by world leaders constitute the complete fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, or was Paul referring to a specific event of such dramatic proportions as to claim world attention?

    13 Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see.

    What form that proclamation of “peace and security” will take remains to be seen.

    Particularly since 1986, when an International Year of Peace was declared by the United Nations, the world has been full of talk about peace and security. Definite steps have been taken in an effort to secure world peace, apparently with a measure of success. Is this the entire fulfillment of this prophecy, or can we expect a future startling announcement of some sort? Jehovah will clarify that matter in his due time.

    I think it's the “sudden” and “instant” that make it seem like there would be some trigger. Both those words make it seem like something specific has to happen. Yet, as I've attempted to show you, in the past 10 years or so, you don't really find quotes like that. They leave it open.

    In my twenty-ones years with them I read it many times.

    I guess you stopped reading 10 years ago or so.

    In my twenty-ones years with them I read it many times. Fact of the the matter is, that is the reason I left.

    If that's the reason you actually left, it must be a fairly important issue for you.

    The Elder conducting the study said, exactly what we are talking about, and I flat-out told him that what he said, wasn't true!

    Well, I guess in that instance, you were presumptous and he was wrong.

    We have yet to actually discuss the reasons why many believe it will be a monumental cry of “peace and security.”
    It's how the verse is worded.
    And think for a moment of the charter of the UN. IN the opening, it states it's very purpose for existence: To bring about peace and security to the world! Do you think if it ever thought it achieved that, that it would make some sort of announcement?

    Anyway, we don't know. We don't know if it will be as you say, or if it will be the other way. JW's now leave it open and they plainly state it could be either way.

    “While they are talking of peace and security, all at once calamity is upon them.” (The New English Bible) This shows that the end of this system will begin “while they are talking.” Unforeseen by the world, destruction will strike when least expected, when the attention of humans is on their hoped-for peace and security.

    I also wonder who you think the “they” are that are talking about peace and security. Just normal people, like you and I? JW's seem to think it's “world rulers.”

    Particularly since 1986, when an International Year of Peace was declared by the United Nations, the world has been full of talk about peace and security. Definite steps have been taken in an effort to secure world peace, apparently with a measure of success. Is this the entire fulfillment of this prophecy, or can we expect a future startling announcement of some sort? Jehovah will clarify that matter in his due time. Meanwhile, let us stay spiritually awake, “awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah.” (2 Peter 3:12) As time continues to pass with still more talk of peace and security, some individuals who know of this warning, but who choose to ignore it, may become more defiant in assuming that Jehovah will not, or cannot, fulfill his word.

    –w 97

    One more question:

    Now, did the Bible predict that at some point close to the conclusion of this system of things that there would be a “universal cry of peace and security?” Not according to the Prophet Isaiah, who wrote: “Look! Their very heroes have cried out in the Street, the very messengers of peace will weep bitterly.” [Isaiah 33:7] . . . . Now nowhere in the Bible can we find any of the ancient Prophets foretelling that there would be such a cry at the conclusion of the system of things.

    Is this your main argument? I can also say that nowhere in the Bible can we find any of the ancient prophets foretelling that there would be people saying 'peace and security' and then suddenly instant destruction is upon them.'


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