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    ON Wednessday April 12, 33AD at approximately six PM Jesus the Christ died for you and the world.

    Wednessday at SunSet began the first Sabbath day of unleaven bread (Lev.23: 5-8; John 19:31).

    Thursday at SunSet they prepared spices to anoint Jesus' body (Luke 23: 55-56; John 19:31).

    Friday at SunSet began the weekly Seventh Day Sabbath which they kept and rested (Luke 24:1).

    Saturday at SunSet the LORD Jesus Christ was resurrected.

    Saturday night the first day of the week very early in the daylight part of the first day (morning) they came with their spices to anoint Jesus' body. But the tomb was Empty an angel said Why do you seek the LIVING among the dead He is risen! (Luke 24:1,6)

    MAT. 12:40

    Wednessday——-Night Thurs——–Day

    Thursday———-Night Fri———-Day

    Friday————-Night Satur——-Day


    ON Wednessday April 12, 33AD at approximately six PM Jesus the Christ died for you and the world.

    And, on Wednesday, April 12, 2006, after sundown, Jehovah's Witnesses all over the world will commemorate this.

    I'm wondering when others who aren't attached to Easter memorialize the Lord's death.


    Why david,
    Was it commanded? Why would any christian want to celebrate the death of our Saviour?


    Why david,
    Was it commanded? Why would any christian want to celebrate the death of our Saviour?

    If you look a little closer Nick, you will see that I said "commemorate," not "celebrate."
    "Commemorate" means "to honor the memory of."
    Jesus said: "keep doing this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22; compare 1 cor 11:25,26)

    I also used the word "memorialize," which also means to remember. But I can't see you confusing that word with "celebrate."?


    not to be nosy but changing someones words remembering death and sacrifice into "celebrating" was really ridiculous


    Hi kt,
    Fair enough I guess. Commemorate really means to remember together rather than to celebrate. the whole Christmas Easter thing though is from the Whore. Jesus did not establish any new days of celebration or commemoration. He did want to be remembered in in the breaking of bread and the sharing of the cup though. I believe we miss out so much on the importance of the Jewish feasts by these human distractions. They are still vital and prophetic.
    The Catholic church celebrates the Mass, they celebrate the death of Jesus Christ.Go figure.


    Fair enough I guess. Commemorate really means to remember together rather than to celebrate. the whole Christmas Easter thing though is from the Whore.

    What does Easter or Christmas have to do with Christ, or what we're discussing?


    Hi everyone , your writings are very interesting and I hope to give a point of view toward enlighten.
    If you believe that Jesus is the Resurrection, then why not celebrate His death of the carnal, that has led Him back into the spiritual as to which He came. I understand instructions as to be a commandment. We all know that their is more than 10 commandment. Jesus covered all by saying " Love thy neighbor as thyself " and He also said to" love thy God with all thy heart and soul and mind "and keep His commandments. We can't help to ask , " what are His Commandments ? " It was Christ's death that led us to eternal life. One of the members of the church stated that he is not living in the end times but in the future.! wow , He said he serves the God of the living, not the death. The place called the Skull provided Jesus the event to fulfill the will of Salvation. Jesus said He is the truth , life and the way. and at the time of His death the graves were opened and the first resurrection took place. Matt 27 I think.
    Christmas is a man made event to remember Jesus's birth.  but is it wrong to do so ?  
    I chose to remember Jesus's life death and resurrection at this period of time, DEC. of every year. God bless ………………


    Christmas is a man made event to remember Jesus's birth. but is it wrong to do so ?

    Hi happyman. There is a thread that discusses this.
    Is it wrong to do so?
    What we do know is that paganism is wrong. Lies are wrong. Would connecting these things to Jesus birth be wrong?
    Nowhere does scripture command us to celebrate his birth.
    The early Christians (the one's before the apostasy) refused to celebrate his birth. And they had their reasons.
    Anyway, this would be better discussed in a "christmas" thread.



    My brothers,

    Everyday is Christmas to me, Everyday is Easter to me. I thank the Father everyday for sending his Son into the world. Everyday I thank the Father for sacrificing his Son on the cross. "Easter" is just another day.


    Everyday is Easter to me.

    "Easter" is just another day.

    So what you're saying is…."Everyday is ["just another day"] to me."

    Sorry, I know what you meant. Every day we should rememember Jesus' great sacrifice on our behalf.

    But to say that: "Everyday is Christmas to me," for example, seems wrong.
    So to you, every day is a pagan holiday covered in lies charading as Christ's birth?
    Again, I understand what you are saying. But Christmas IS clearly a combination of various paganisms, a celebration of a sun god, and other gods. Connecting this celebration with all it's practices to Jesus is wrong.
    Why have anything to do with these pagan gods? The very name "Easter," for example? Why?
    We are to be thankful. But why must we connect bad things to that thankfulness?


    Hi david,
    Indeed accepting 'a little yeast' is enough to spoil the loaf if the yeast is evil.

    The teaching is from the whore who attempts to supplant Christ as our teacher.

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