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- April 24, 2009 at 10:06 am#128787
Tim Kraft
ParticipantCindy: Walking after my own lusts? Thats a bit harsh. Is believing what God says through Jesus walking after lust? Maybe to you, but its ok. If you have not accepted Jesus in your heart then I understand what these scriptures mean to you. But if Jesus is here, with us now, in Spirit and because you have accepted him as Lord he dwells in your heart then the word of God is made flesh again. Those born again of Spirit know this is True. If Jesus says to us that we are cleansed by his words and we accept and are made the righteousness of God by faith, then is that not the judgment? If you are judged as righteous then there is nothing more to judge! Perdition for the ungodly would not be you, you are cleansed by the words of Jesus/God. We all have to re-create our thinking Spiritually. I pray that all people will find the Truth of Christ within themselves, the annointing power of God within each being so that they would hopefully stop predicting and beleiving in destruction and devastation for our future. Talk about willingly ignorant of devastation, look around at all the cancer,disease, and all sicknesses burning up and destroying humans all over the planet. I guess some think devastation must be nuclear or guns and swords, who knows.Lets share the Godpel/Good news. It's good for believers and bad for non-believers. With utmost Love, TK
April 24, 2009 at 10:46 am#128792Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (michael777 @ Mar. 04 2009,04:27) Our Noah's Ark
The last prophecy letter by Michael777
This letter is dedicated to all ChristiansOur time here is getting short. Therefore, I've decided to construct one final outline of prophetic events. These prophetic events, which I've been writing about and debating for over two decades, are now heading towards a conclusion. Therefore, it is important that this letters purpose be understood. This letter is an interpretation and will move fairly fast with limited explanation. I hope it is understandable to all.
Since Christianity began, believers have always been taught to have faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, Hebrews 11:1. It has always been my thought that if the Bible was true faith would eventually become reality. In other words, prophecies that were written in a vague manner would start to become apparent and faith would become visible. An example of this would be Noah's Ark. If we could see the Ark upon a mountain then something we learned as faith would become a reality. Reality is one step higher than Faith. Short of seeing God, which we cannot do until we die, this is as good as it gets for a believer. Therefore, this is what I call, “Our Noah's Ark”. Our Noah's Ark is prophecy fulfilled in plain view. This now becomes something seen, instead of faith in something unseen. Better said, some of the prophecies of Revelation are finally becoming discernible, which suggests a conclusion. The two most important items that must be derived from this narrative are as follows. If these prophecies which were written centuries ago are now happening, we know two things. One, that the author of those prophecies was God; and two, that the religion he brought was true. Therefore, all other religions are false. I'll say that again. There is only one God and he brought only one way to Heaven. Any other way must become false and will lead to the second death, which is the death of the soul. Let's get started.
Note: not all verses are exact quotes. Some are paraphrased.
Rev. 13:1 – The beast with seven heads and ten horns.
The seven heads are seven nations. The ten horns are ten kings. The beast is a group of nations that will wage war or the leader of those nations. Literally, it is Israel and the Muslim nations that surround her. This beast was born when Israel received her independence in 1948. This beast though, as stated in Rev. 13:1, is actually Israel at a specific time in her history. It denotes the Oslo Accords of 1993 and the beginning of land for peace. This agreement lasted seven years and ended in September 2000 with the start of the second intifada. This brings us to those three extra kings who the beast subdues in Daniel. These kings were Israeli Prime Ministers and all served during this seven year time frame. Arafat was known to have boasted that he affected the elections in Israel three times through terror. Daniel 9:27 says he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week. The covenant began with the agreement between Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Rabin. It is also known as Daniel's 70th week. In Hebrew, the word many is written Rab.
Rev. 13:3- The beasts deadly head wound.
Head is a nation. It is similar to the heads of Rev 13:1, only singular. The beast's head (nation) was wounded in 1967 and is now being healed through the Oslo Accords.
Rev. 13:4- And they worshipped the dragon. Who is able to make war with him?
Islam is a false religion. The dragon is Satan. As long as they aren't worshipping Christ they are worshipping Satan. Who is able to make war with him refers to the difficulty of fighting a terrorist enemy. In other words, they are not really an army. A suicide bomber is almost impossible to defend against.
Rev. 13:5- he was able to continue 42 months.
Arafat continued for 42 months during the Oslo Accords before terror finally caused the Israelis to stop giving into his demands. The last 42 months of those seven years were not nearly as productive for him. This was during the term of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister from 1996 to 1999.
Rev. 13:7- power was given him over all kindreds and nations.
Arafat had power over all peoples of the Earth in the United Nations. All nations wanted Israel to give back lands won in the 1967 war. Votes in the U.N. are always one-sided in favor of the Palestinians.
Rev. 13:10- this is a parable. Those who lead into captivity will be taken captive. Those who kill with the sword shall be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.
Translation- If you lead others to false Gods you will be taken captive by those Gods. If you kill with the sword, which the Lord is the two-edged sword or better said the Word of God , you will be killed with the sword. In other words, believers will be taken by the Lord. This is the faith of the saints.
Rev. 13:11- and I beheld another beast coming up out of the Earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
This second beast has two horns. The horns are kings. Therefore, this second beast is a country with two kings. This is the Palestinian Authority after Hamas was elected and brought into the Unity Government in 2006.
Rev. 13:12- And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein, to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Hamas exercised all the power of the previous PA government because they were now an equal partner in the Government. Also, the leader of Hamas caused them to worship or honor the first beast (Mahmoud Abbas and the PA) because he would not honor the first beast. The first beast was the PA without Hamas as a member. The image of the beast is what the Government of Mahmoud Abbas represented. Verse 12 does not mention the image yet, we are just informed that he caused them to worship the first beast. Verse 14 and 15 gives the details of how that worshipping or honor was to commence. An image was created of the first beast that he (the false prophet) caused to be honored. This image of the beast is three items; the recognition of Israel, the honoring of all prior Palestinian agreements, and a renunciation of terror.
Rev. 13:13- here is a riddle for anyone who ventures to take a guess. If you've read this far this part will be a surprise. I've never given this answer to anyone yet, so if you guess it I'll confirm your correct answer. I will not tell you the answer. It must first be guessed. It is not hard to figure out. A little common sense is all that's needed. This is my way of seeing who is interested. Remember, we are still talking about the false prophet. Here's the verse.
“And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the Earth in the sight of men”. What is the great wonder that he does in the sight of men?
Rev. 13:15- And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast, should be killed.
Hamas gave life unto the image of the beast. Why? Because Hamas would not honor the image themselves. In other words, if Hamas agreed with the image it would never have been an issue. It was born from their disagreement. Therefore, they gave it life. Another way to say it is they caused it to be or exist.
Rev. 13:16- “and he caused all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or their foreheads:
Rev. 13:17- And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev.13:18- Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is, six hundred threescore and six.”These last three verses all refer to the beast (Mahmoud Abbas). If you were to think of it as a time line, it drops back in time a few years. Verse 16 is the election of Mahmoud Abbas as the President of the PA Government after the death of Yasser Arafat. All voters received an indelible ink mark on their hands so they could not vote twice. This was the Mark. It says in verse 17 no one could buy and sell unless they had the mark, the name, or the number of the beast. The number of the beast happened on June 16, 2006. This was the date that a new program was established that allowed Mahmoud Abbas to receive funds to pay the salaries of his people. This program was called the Temporary International Mechanism. All salaries passed through the office of Mahmoud Abbas. Therefore, if you were a supporter of his and on his payroll you got paid. Hamas did not receive salaries. Hamas also did not receive the mark of Mahmoud Abbas. They boycotted the PA elections for President on Jan. 9, 2005.
I can't do much better than that. This is why this is my last letter. There is nothing more for me to say. Now all that's left is for the final war to start. I believe that will happen very soon. This is Our Noah's Ark.
W.O.Ephraim aka Michael777
michel777.You need to apologise for saying that prophecy has been fulfilled the way you have said.
False teachers and prophets will get their reward, it is written.
Please repent for your own sake and trying to put the way into disrepute (whether you are conscious of this or not).
April 24, 2009 at 1:40 pm#128808Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ April 24 2009,22:06) Cindy: Walking after my own lusts? Thats a bit harsh. Is believing what God says through Jesus walking after lust? Maybe to you, but its ok. If you have not accepted Jesus in your heart then I understand what these scriptures mean to you. But if Jesus is here, with us now, in Spirit and because you have accepted him as Lord he dwells in your heart then the word of God is made flesh again. Those born again of Spirit know this is True. If Jesus says to us that we are cleansed by his words and we accept and are made the righteousness of God by faith, then is that not the judgment? If you are judged as righteous then there is nothing more to judge! Perdition for the ungodly would not be you, you are cleansed by the words of Jesus/God. We all have to re-create our thinking Spiritually. I pray that all people will find the Truth of Christ within themselves, the annointing power of God within each being so that they would hopefully stop predicting and beleiving in destruction and devastation for our future. Talk about willingly ignorant of devastation, look around at all the cancer,disease, and all sicknesses burning up and destroying humans all over the planet. I guess some think devastation must be nuclear or guns and swords, who knows.Lets share the Godpel/Good news. It's good for believers and bad for non-believers. With utmost Love, TK
TKI find it almost amusing, from the 6 scriptures that I quoted you picked the first one, and apparently stopped reading.
What gave you the idea that that scripture was just for you? do you consider yourself a scoffer?
I was in fact trying to put the emphasis on the last verse.Georg
April 25, 2009 at 10:18 am#128915Tim Kraft
ParticipantCindi:I apologize if I seemed to focus on one scripture that wasn't my intention.I do believe scripture is for each individual person but also for every person the same. I have done an extensive study in Bible prophecy and was just trying to share my truth. There is no good news in the phophecies for unbelievers. Its all gloom and doom even Spiritually appraised for the non-believer.Yet for the beleiver the year of Jubilee arrived with Jesus.There is nothing but good news for the believers! If one believes in Jesus and what he says he will find out that when Jesus came to earth it was the fufillment of the prophets.Luke 16:16 says the Law and the prophets were until John the Batist, since then the Kingdom within each individual is preached by Jesus the Christ. Prophecy is fulfilled completely if you believe what Jesus said.(please also see, Matt3:15–5:17—11:13, Luke 18:31–John 5:39–Gal 3:24) Peace,please, TK
April 25, 2009 at 11:27 am#128923NickHassan
ParticipantHi TK,
Where does scripture show 'accepting Jesus in your heart' is the way of salvation.
I know it is a popular teaching in many denominations but is it written?April 25, 2009 at 1:12 pm#128928Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ April 25 2009,22:18) Cindi:I apologize if I seemed to focus on one scripture that wasn't my intention.I do believe scripture is for each individual person but also for every person the same. I have done an extensive study in Bible prophecy and was just trying to share my truth. There is no good news in the phophecies for unbelievers. Its all gloom and doom even Spiritually appraised for the non-believer.Yet for the beleiver the year of Jubilee arrived with Jesus.There is nothing but good news for the believers! If one believes in Jesus and what he says he will find out that when Jesus came to earth it was the fufillment of the prophets.Luke 16:16 says the Law and the prophets were until John the Batist, since then the Kingdom within each individual is preached by Jesus the Christ. Prophecy is fulfilled completely if you believe what Jesus said.(please also see, Matt3:15–5:17—11:13, Luke 18:31–John 5:39–Gal 3:24) Peace,please, TK
TKI have to disagree with you, the good news is, that during the millennium, every one that is now, or was before confused about the truth, or never even heard the name Jesus, will have the opportunity to learn who Jesus is.
Jesus died for all sinners, those that deny him now, and those that never knew him.Georg
April 25, 2009 at 8:40 pm#128968NickHassan
ParticipantHi georg,
This is a pet idea of yours.
But it is not written.All men will not see the millenium as most are raised after the 1000 years.[Rev20]
April 25, 2009 at 10:00 pm#128994Cindy
You say that because you don't understand how those people could be saved.
So I am asking you again, tell me, how are those people saved?Georg
April 25, 2009 at 10:05 pm#128997NickHassan
ParticipantHi Georg,
You somehow believe against scripture that everyone will be raised shoulder to shoulder during the Millenium but not to judgement but a huge reeducation program.It is all of your own mind.
Heb 9.27
But then you have lots of odd ideas.
April 26, 2009 at 1:55 am#129019Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ April 26 2009,10:05) Hi Georg,
You somehow believe against scripture that everyone will be raised shoulder to shoulder during the Millenium but not to judgement but a huge reeducation program.It is all of your own mind.
Heb 9.27
But then you have lots of odd ideas.
That does not answer my question.
In other words, you don't have a clue.
Tell me what this verse means.Jhn 9:39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.
April 26, 2009 at 3:51 am#129025NickHassan
ParticipantHi Georg,
His God given words proved to be the watershed of decision as folk called judgement on themselves
Indeed even as he spoke the truth murderous hatred built up among the religious people.
They thought they could see and were sadly proven utterly blind.April 26, 2009 at 9:40 am#129051Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ April 26 2009,10:05) Hi Georg,
You somehow believe against scripture that everyone will be raised shoulder to shoulder during the Millenium but not to judgement but a huge reeducation program.It is all of your own mind.
Heb 9.27
But then you have lots of odd ideas.
NickNo, I don't believe what you say, but I believe what Paul says.
1Cr 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
1Cr 15:23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.Paul tells us, the dead will not be resurrected all at the same time.
Did Jesus come to judge the world, or to teach the world?
Who do you think is sitting on the white throne?
What does white stand for?
Do you think I believe you will answer these questions?Georg
April 26, 2009 at 10:02 am#129056Tim Kraft
ParticipantCindy: If I might comment on John 9:39—-Jesus was the final judgement for the religious world that had been formed in the earth at that time.The New Truth was the end of the old religious world. We are now saved from that sin and sacrifice false worship. Jesus said since John (the introduction of the New Way) the Kingdom of God within each person is preached. No more need to build concrete buildings to Worship God in and no more sacrifices, rituals, new moons, doctrines et.al.! Each person will be his own Temple built without hands. The Church is his body, you & me and whosoever will believe. All that religious mess before was being condemned and changed to the New Way of Jesus. He also took away the sin of the world. We are free from sin!! Thanks, TK
April 26, 2009 at 10:34 am#129063NickHassan
ParticipantHi TK,
And Jesus wants to chase the moneylenders out of all the temples once again.
As is they are not fit for God to abide in or for worship.
You must be born again.April 26, 2009 at 10:35 am#129064Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ April 26 2009,22:02) Cindy: If I might comment on John 9:39—-Jesus was the final judgement for the religious world that had been formed in the earth at that time.The New Truth was the end of the old religious world. We are now saved from that sin and sacrifice false worship. Jesus said since John (the introduction of the New Way) the Kingdom of God within each person is preached. No more need to build concrete buildings to Worship God in and no more sacrifices, rituals, new moons, doctrines et.al.! Each person will be his own Temple built without hands. The Church is his body, you & me and whosoever will believe. All that religious mess before was being condemned and changed to the New Way of Jesus. He also took away the sin of the world. We are free from sin!! Thanks, TK
TKYou too misunderstand judging. Jesus did not come to condemn the world, (people) he came to save them.
All that religious mess was commanded by God, it was designed to lead us to Jesus, who was the perfect and last sacrifice for sins.
God allowed the temple to be build, it was for the Israelites, and not for the world, and is no longer needed.
We are only free from sin if we except Jesus as our Lord and savior, not everybody does, therefore, sin remains in the world.Georg
April 26, 2009 at 12:45 pm#129079theodorej
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ April 26 2009,22:02) Cindy: If I might comment on John 9:39—-Jesus was the final judgement for the religious world that had been formed in the earth at that time.The New Truth was the end of the old religious world. We are now saved from that sin and sacrifice false worship. Jesus said since John (the introduction of the New Way) the Kingdom of God within each person is preached. No more need to build concrete buildings to Worship God in and no more sacrifices, rituals, new moons, doctrines et.al.! Each person will be his own Temple built without hands. The Church is his body, you & me and whosoever will believe. All that religious mess before was being condemned and changed to the New Way of Jesus. He also took away the sin of the world. We are free from sin!! Thanks, TK
Greetings Tim…..your observation is consistent,however,I have a question with respect to fellowship…..If we are all temples unto ourselves….why would we need to be baptized into a church and worship according to the law in the company of others….where ever two or more of you assemble in my name ask as you will and it will be given to you….In addition…I would think that…for as long as we are breathing human beings we are subject to sin and can lose our salvation with out repentance which is Gods gift to us through the blood of Jesus….April 26, 2009 at 2:41 pm#129088Tim Kraft
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ April 26 2009,22:35) Quote (Tim Kraft @ April 26 2009,22:02) Cindy: If I might comment on John 9:39—-Jesus was the final judgement for the religious world that had been formed in the earth at that time.The New Truth was the end of the old religious world. We are now saved from that sin and sacrifice false worship. Jesus said since John (the introduction of the New Way) the Kingdom of God within each person is preached. No more need to build concrete buildings to Worship God in and no more sacrifices, rituals, new moons, doctrines et.al.! Each person will be his own Temple built without hands. The Church is his body, you & me and whosoever will believe. All that religious mess before was being condemned and changed to the New Way of Jesus. He also took away the sin of the world. We are free from sin!! Thanks, TK
TKYou too misunderstand judging. Jesus did not come to condemn the world, (people) he came to save them.
All that religious mess was commanded by God, it was designed to lead us to Jesus, who was the perfect and last sacrifice for sins.
God allowed the temple to be build, it was for the Israelites, and not for the world, and is no longer needed.
We are only free from sin if we except Jesus as our Lord and savior, not everybody does, therefore, sin remains in the world.Georg
Cindi:Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. If he said they were lost or wayward is that not a judgment? If the church of that time wasn't apart from God and lost in sin then why did Jesus have to come?I don't believe God commanded a religious mess to lead us to Jesus so Jesus could come and save it. That seems contradictory to me
Also you can believe in Jesus and say Lord, Lord, all you want and that will not save you from sin. If you believe that Jesus cleansed you from sin, then you are clean. Sin is not an action or something you do, it is what you believe. Sin for all time is a mistaken thought that you have done something that separated you from God. Peace to you, TKApril 26, 2009 at 2:58 pm#129092Tim Kraft
ParticipantQuote (theodorej @ April 27 2009,00:45) Quote (Tim Kraft @ April 26 2009,22:02) Cindy: If I might comment on John 9:39—-Jesus was the final judgement for the religious world that had been formed in the earth at that time.The New Truth was the end of the old religious world. We are now saved from that sin and sacrifice false worship. Jesus said since John (the introduction of the New Way) the Kingdom of God within each person is preached. No more need to build concrete buildings to Worship God in and no more sacrifices, rituals, new moons, doctrines et.al.! Each person will be his own Temple built without hands. The Church is his body, you & me and whosoever will believe. All that religious mess before was being condemned and changed to the New Way of Jesus. He also took away the sin of the world. We are free from sin!! Thanks, TK Greetings Tim…..your observation is consistent,however,I have a question with respect to fellowship…..If we are all temples unto ourselves….why would we need to be baptized into a church and worship according to the law in the company of others….where ever two or more of you assemble in my name ask as you will and it will be given to you….In addition…I would think that…for as long as we are breathing human beings we are subject to sin and can lose our salvation with out repentance which is Gods gift to us through the blood of Jesus….
There is no requirement of Baptism by physical water in the new testament. John came Baptizing with water (there was no baptism in the old testament) as a picture of washing the old religious beliefs out of their minds to prepare for the New Way comming or Spirit Baptism by washing of the water of the Word of God. If the word says you are clean and you believe it then you are washed clean by the word. Luke 16:16 Jesus said the law and the prophets were UNTIL John, SINCE THEN is the Gospel or good news of the Kingdom of God being within each person.You are the Kingdom of God, you are the Priest of your Kingdom, you are the King of your Kingdom, you are the physical body of Christ which is his Church, theres more but little room here. We all assemble with one another all the time.Its not a requirement.There also is no command to tithe in the NT!Love to all, TKApril 26, 2009 at 5:12 pm#129097Cindy
ParticipantTK I wish you would pay attebtion who sign's the post's, Cindy is our users name, our name is Georg and Irene.
IreneApril 26, 2009 at 8:46 pm#129127NickHassan
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ April 26 2009,22:35) Quote (Tim Kraft @ April 26 2009,22:02) Cindy: If I might comment on John 9:39—-Jesus was the final judgement for the religious world that had been formed in the earth at that time.The New Truth was the end of the old religious world. We are now saved from that sin and sacrifice false worship. Jesus said since John (the introduction of the New Way) the Kingdom of God within each person is preached. No more need to build concrete buildings to Worship God in and no more sacrifices, rituals, new moons, doctrines et.al.! Each person will be his own Temple built without hands. The Church is his body, you & me and whosoever will believe. All that religious mess before was being condemned and changed to the New Way of Jesus. He also took away the sin of the world. We are free from sin!! Thanks, TK
TKYou too misunderstand judging. Jesus did not come to condemn the world, (people) he came to save them.
All that religious mess was commanded by God, it was designed to lead us to Jesus, who was the perfect and last sacrifice for sins.
God allowed the temple to be build, it was for the Israelites, and not for the world, and is no longer needed.
We are only free from sin if we except Jesus as our Lord and savior, not everybody does, therefore, sin remains in the world.Georg
Hi georg,
Where does scripture say we are free from sin if we accept Jesus?? - AuthorPosts
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