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    I'm not going to quote any scriptures at this time…I just feel like “Letting it Rip!”

    And, see where is goes from there.

    The only comment that I will make at this time is that …quite frankly, I have to agree to disagree with this belief.

    Now…having said that…where is all of the “Oneness” people at?
    I'm really interested in seeing what you have to say. because I currently attending a “Oneness” church…most commonly known as “Apostolic”. And they are BY FAR the most HARD CORE group of people to try to “Pile-Drive” a belief into your head than any I've seen. I used to think the Baptist were bad…but these people really top the chart.
    To be honest…that don't bother me. What does bother me is the Voice of Truth that keeps ringing in my head that tells me a different story, it tells me this “Behold! I stand at the door and knock.”
    Not “I'm gonna huff and puff and blow your little house down…then I'm gonna grab you and shake you like a earthquake till I'm satisfied all the demons are rung out of you”

    Let me ask you something? How Christian is this behavior? Better yet how GOD like is this behavior? How many people did Jesus have to grab a hold of and shake the demons out of? Better yet how many people did Peter have to Grab a hold of and shake the demons out of? Peter is a really popular guy for the Oneness people, hes going to be the one deciding who gets into heaven…after all he has the keys according to them.

    They take laying on hands to a whole new level! They feel like they have to shake the demons out of you. Jesus said that some tougher demons required fasting and praying…however I can't recall anywhere where he said “Hey man its like this …some of those things are so bad…that you have to actually get a hold of them and shake them out of their host”.

    Ok, maybe I've went a little too far …and I'm truly sorry if I happen to offend anyone. But it will make for some good proof points and study, which is what my intentions are anyway…to get people to back this stuff up that they do with scripture.


    As far as I know all Jesus ever had to do to cast out demons is walk up and say “Hey you …demon whats your name? Ok, get out of here while you still can.” Of course I'm Para-Phrasing…

    But sometimes he didn't even have to say anything… the demons saw him coming and said “Hey man here comes the Son of GOD…that Jesus guy…we better make like a banana and split.”

    And Peter …when he healed that guy did he shake the snot out of him? …no he said “Such as I have give I thee…in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Rise up and Walk!”

    So why all the shaking and snot slanging? Sounds more like a Disturbed mosh pit at an Anthrax concert (which is of the devil by the way) to me then praising the Lord.

    It's coming evident to me that this belief might just run more people away from GOD then it brings to GOD.
    I really don't think that is GOD's plan.



    Appearently, they've read the books of 1 Cor, and 2 Cor.
    Thats where they get the dresses with no splits, the women with long hair and men with short hair. No make up, no TV, no Dairy Queen! I really don't know where they get that from though? Even so…how can you read those books and STILL over look the part where it says women should not speak in the church? Yet they have women pastors…and such? What? you just get the parts you want out and leave the rest of something? Then add stuff to it to build your church by-laws?

    What it looks like to me.

    Hey maybe I'm wrong. But, even worse what if you get to heaven and your wrong and I'm right? what then? I'm not trying to get up in your grill, I'm just trying to point out how silly a lot of people make serving the Lord…reminds me of all those Pharisees in the bible that Jesus had to rebuke…yeah…you know all those that plotted to get him killed…yeah those ones. He rained on their parade.


    You know there are books in the bible other than ACTS.


    Quote (Samuel @ Nov. 10 2007,22:15)
    And Peter …when he healed that guy did he shake the snot out of him? …no  he said “Such as I have give I thee…in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Rise up and Walk!”



    Hi Samuel;
    I enjoyed your message , The demons knew Jesus and spoke to him , not the other way around., He gave them what they wanted , not knowing the day for them had come. I believe in the spoken word to be the most powerful gift that we all obtain but we are still seeking to process. Jesus made it simple for me , He said , ” I am the truth , the life , and the way”, and that's good enough for me , so may I do every in love with the great expectation of sealed salvation. …………………..happyman:D :D


    May I do every thing in Love,


    Hi Samuel;
    I enjoyed your message , The demons knew Jesus and spoke to him , not the other way around., He gave them what they wanted , not knowing the day for them had come. I believe in the spoken word to be the most powerful gift that we all obtain but we are still seeking to process. Jesus made it simple for me , He said , ” I am the truth , the life , and the way”, and that's good enough for me , so may I do every in love with the great expectation of sealed salvation. …………………..happyman:D :D

    Why does someone always have to find something minute to point out. Obviously the demons knew Jesus…thats why they knew they had no power what so ever when he came around. Who don't know this? did you think I did not know this? stuff like this always gets people off the main topic. which is you don't have to go to the church you go to and grab a hold of your brother and/or sister in Christ and start shaking the around like a rag doll to pray for them or what knot. Cause if you have Jesus…there ain't a demon in hell or earth that can stand a chance against that power alone! Do you understand?

    If you go to an Apostolic church they feel that they have to grab a hold of you and shake you all over the place. One of them almost broke my neck one day. Thats the point i'm trying to make.

    By the way …Apostolic is and usually are …at least the ones I know believe in the Oneness belief. Which is the belief i'm talking about. Which is what this thread is about.

    Please try to stay on subject…if you have a small point to make about something i've typed send me a PM. I'd really like this thread to stay talking about the Oneness belief.


    I'm not trying to jump down your throat or be ugly with you…

    I see that it might have seemed that way. I just don't want the conversation to go trailing off into a discussion about “Jesus and Demons”.

    I want it to stay talking about Oneness.

    I'm interested to see if there are some Oneness believers that don't have bad attitudes that wish to support this doctrine in a GODLY manner.


    I have a book on my shelf titled: Oneness Pentecostals & The Trinity by Gregory A. Boyd

    It was written by a world-wide movment assessed by a former Oneness Pentecostal. It's pretty good and gives an overall summary of the beliefs and pitfalls of the religion.


    I'll see about getting that book.

    Thanks. :)

    God bless you.


    You're welcome!


    They always have great prices!


    Samuel I like to ask you a question. You seem to have a lot of conflict with the One-ness belief. I do not even know what it is. But in any event, if you disagree with them that much, why do you still go there? I am surrounded by all kinds of Churches, mainly those that belief in the trinity, but I would not join them for that reason. As much as I miss the fellowship. No offence just a question, Samuel.

    Peace and Love Mrs. :) :) :)


    Thats exactly it…the fellowship.

    I believe that some of the people are very very good people. However they keep trying to push their belief on me. I would that I could believe in what they say but they are just so pressing.

    That goes against everything GOD is …because he is not Pressing.
    He stands at the door and knocks.
    He don't kick the door in and invite himself in…you have to invite him in.

    I'm telling you these things because I'd desperatly like to find a level headed Oneness believer that has the meekness spirit that Jesus or GOD would have. To explain some of his/her beliefs in a rational manor.

    I also believe that GOD sent me to this church for some reason or another. I'm not sure for what as of yet. But he will make that known I'm sure.


    Quote (Samuel @ Nov. 19 2007,17:54)
    Thats exactly it…the fellowship.

    I believe that some of the people are very very good people. However they keep trying to push their belief on me. I would that I could believe in what they say but they are just so pressing.

    That goes against everything GOD is …because he is not Pressing.
    He stands at the door and knocks.
    He don't kick the door in and invite himself in…you have to invite him in.

    Now you know how the Jews feel when approached by Messianics.

    I'm telling you these things because I'd desperatly like to find a level headed Oneness believer that has the meekness spirit that Jesus or GOD would have. To explain some of his/her beliefs in a rational manor.

    I also believe that GOD sent me to this church for some reason or another. I'm not sure for what as of yet. But he will make that known I'm sure.

    Try Amazon for your book. They have many used books through various vendors. Look for a vendor with a high rating and an established record.


    t8  That was very informative and explains the Oneness very well. Thank you so much for given it to us. I have wondered about that belief before. It also explain what God is, which I find interesting. It gives all the important scriptures. The one I like to use to show that oneness is not possible according to scripture is Ephesians 4:4-6
    Much appreciated.
    Peace and Love Mrs. :D :D :D


    I agree with you about the “Oneness” of God, Mrs.; and I also agree that this is a verse that disproves “Trinity” doctrine very well.



    Thanks T8…but I've already studied that page and the trinity page…and actually several others before I ever started posting. Really good stuff…someone put a lot of time into that, and I'd like to thank them for it. :)

    What I'm really trying to do is figure out how they back up some of there other “By-Laws” or “Church Laws”.

    This church I'm going to does a lot of things that make me rather uncomfortable. Like when they grab a hold of me when I'm trying to pray and start shaking me around. It distracts me literally and I can't concentrate on what I was praying about. I have or ADHD, I”m OCD, and some of the stuff they do makes me really nervous at times.

    Then they like to put people up on a pedastool for getting filled with the Holy Ghost, Which makes me uncomfortable…I mean yes it truly is a joyful thing. But they get you up on the pulpit and point you out and put you on a spot light…I think GOD should get all the Glory on all things…not men. Men are worthy of no glory…the sooner we all get that through our thick skulls the better off we will all be.

    Thats the biggest thing that really bothers me about that church at the moment. Now…the first night I went there and I went down to the alter to pray and repent of my sins and rededicate my life to GOD. There was this one man…that prayed with me and did not do any of that…he was just there for me…I think thats how it should be done. It's like they are trying to SHAKE the Holy Ghost into you or something. I don't know. But you can shake someone all night long and if they won't yield to the Holy Ghost…he still will not be able to come in. I'll say it again…”Behold! I stand at the door and knock” does this statement sound familiar. This is the way anything that comes from GOD is. It stands at the door and knocks. I don't come barging in and take over…you have to let him in.
    You can shake the door all you want too…but if its still locked and shut nothing is coming in.

    Another thing that really upset me about this church was that they had a dinner one night. And I had 5 dollars left…period…to my name. I went to the fellowship hall after service and was going to put that in their offering pot for the meal…they told me…”Its gonna be 6 dollars” Can you believe that? Now how GODLY is that? That really put a lot of discredit in a lot of things they say. Then another night they went to a church out of town…and I asked how much the food was going to be…they said 5 bucks…so I thought they were planning on stopping at McDonald's or something…and I had 5 dollars left that day too…Ironically enough…seems to be a trend with my…I've always just got 5 dollars…lol. Anyway…they stopped at Cracker Barrel. You can't buy anything at Cracker Barrel for 5 dollars. Well…the pastor from the church did buy my meal that night because I was headed back to the Van just to sit and wait till they got through….and he told me that he would get it…which still made me feel bad cause now here I am looking like a beggar or something.

    Then…almost every oneness person I talk to they are so worried that your going to talk to some other person from some other religion and start believing another way…they are always like “Be careful about getting on the internet and talking to those people” “Be careful about talking to those Baptist, or Trinities…or whom ever” Uhm…Hello! I already have the belief thats gonna get me to heaven down…weather they want to believe it or not. I believer that Jesus has come and Risen…and have confessed with my mouth…and believe on that rock and put my Faith in it. And I'm earnestly seeking GOD's truth…which I believe that I will find…because you receive what you ask for.

    Where in the bible does it say to wear longsleeve shirts all the time? or Skirts with no splits…or even that women can't wear pants? I mean does it say that? I remember the thing about cutting hair but…wear does it say to wear it in a bun on you head. Does it say that you should wear your hair up? This is the closest thing I can find:

    1 Timothy 2

    1I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

    2For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

    3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

    4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

    5For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

    6Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

    7Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.

    8I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

    9In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

    10But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

    11Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

    12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

    13For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

    14And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

    15Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

    and this:

    1 Corinthians 11
    14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

    15But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

    It says nothing about having to wear your hair in a bun.

    And how come they follow the bible about the cutting of hair…but not about that women should keep silent?
    “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” …hmm?

    How can you say “We will do this but not that?” I mean we are talking about something that is just like one scripture down from the part where they back up the hair thing.

    Seriously…there are some misconceptions here. How do you expect someone to believe that you stand for the truth…and then you reject parts of the word? What would you try to do? Explain it off? “Oh…that was just back in that time.” Well…then so should the same be true for the cutting of the hair and such.
    There is no wiggle room here…but I'm quite sure a high paid preacher could pull it off…lol


    Brother Samuel:

    I am going to give you my advice based on what God directed me to do when I was a member of the Pentecostal church where I expect to be ordained as a Bishop when through a vision God has shown me the Pastor of the church with whom I shared my differences comes to a realization that God was trying to reach her through me.

    First, go to God in prayer asking Him to correct them if they are wrong, and wait to see if God answers you in some way to go to the Pastor indicating to him that you enjoy the fellowship with him and the people of the church but that you understand some of the things that are being practiced and taught by the church differently and ask him if you can share your understanding and your concerns.  It is important not to tell him that he is wrong but only that you have a different understanding.  After you share your understanding ask him if you and him can go into prayer asking Him to bring you and he into unity by correcting either you if your are wrong or him if he is wrong so that you can walk in unity.  Things won't get corrected unless you take the initiative, and obviously, those things that are being done, like shaking and individual trying to get him to receive the Holy Ghost is obviously not of God.  It would make me uncomfortable enough to want to leave the church, but I would want to try to do what I have said first.

    I hope this helps.

    God Bless

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