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  • #12354

    What interest does this site have in the Book 0f Enoch?


    I love it. Do you?


    Yes, I do.
    And one other reason
    is because it was read by the (real) Jewish Zadokite Priests in Qumran.
    At the time of Jesus and John the Baptist.
    The Priesthood, Jesus and John the Baptist did not rebuke
    which was out in the wilderness of Judean hills at The Dead Sea.
    These Priests left the Temple.
    And wrote of “The Teacher 0f Righteousness”!
    They were baptizing each other!


    What do you know about Qumran? I'd be very interested.


    So glad you are.
    As I've been waiting for God to show me
    where He wanted me to lay this foundation.
    And He led me to this web site.

    – So, there is alot of things to consider.
    And the time of their considerations has come.

    Knowing that the Zadokite Priests at Qumran;
    as did the other Priests in the the Temple of Jerusalem.
    Who were the apostate Zadokite Priests
    along with the false Priests of the Hasmoneans.

    Knowing that none had the Prophecy of The Revelation 0f Jesus Christ.
    But they did all have The Book 0f Enoch.

    By the Scripture written by the Zadokite Priesthood at Qumran it seems that they believed and had an understand of Who their Messiah really was. And what He was coming to do.

    But the very fact that these Priests had left the Temple of Jerusalem and were in the Judean wilderness;
    at the same time of John & Jesus' ministry?
    Has been the struggle of some to uncover
    because of those who have covered the truth of it!
    So who & why would do such a thing?

    The Jews & the Catholics.
    I've never been against either group.
    So this is not a part of an on going compain by me.
    I have loved both groups over the years.
    But I'm not blind either.

    – The true Zadokite Priesthood which God ordained for Himself?
    He in fact never commanded the end of!

    To this day we read that Peter was to feed Jesus' sheep.
    And what did Peter (made the 1st. Priest of the Catholic Church)
    feed His sheep?

    – That Christ body is of The Royal Holy Priesthood!-

    And the only Royal Holy Priesthood comes from the one that God had for Himself. Who also anointed the kings of God, for His people.

    Jesus is of course our High Priest in Heaven. And King.
    But Christ's body on Earth is God's Priesthood to Himself.
    To offer up Spiritual Sacrifices through Jesus Christ.

    And God told me that..
    “A Priesthood Without A Name”?
    “Is A Priesthood with A Claim”!


    I heard that Qumran was fabricated by the Vatican, in other words they dug into their archives and placed them in Qumran, because the validity of the scriptures, was being questioned. They provided for those scriptures which were already commomplace.


    Quote (Pandora @ April 05 2006,15:46)
    So glad you are.
    As I've been waiting for God to show me
    where He wanted me to lay this foundation.
    And He led me to this web site.

    – So, there is alot of things to consider.
    And the time of their considerations has come.

    Knowing that the Zadokite Priests at Qumran;
    as did the other Priests in the the Temple of Jerusalem.
    Who were the apostate Zadokite Priests
    along with the false Priests of the Hasmoneans.

    Knowing that none had the Prophecy of The Revelation 0f Jesus Christ.
    But they did all have The Book 0f Enoch.

    By the Scripture written by the Zadokite Priesthood at Qumran it seems that they believed and had an understand of Who their Messiah really was. And what He was coming to do.

    But the very fact that these Priests had left the Temple of Jerusalem and were in the Judean wilderness;
    at the same time of John & Jesus' ministry?
    Has been the struggle of some to uncover
    because of those who have covered the truth of it!
    So who & why would do such a thing?

    The Jews & the Catholics.
    I've never been against either group.
    So this is not a part of an on going compain by me.
    I have loved both groups over the years.
    But I'm not blind either.

    – The true Zadokite Priesthood which God ordained for Himself?
    He in fact never commanded the end of!

    To this day we read that Peter was to feed Jesus' sheep.
    And what did Peter (made the 1st. Priest of the Catholic Church)
    feed His sheep?

    – That Christ body is of The Royal Holy Priesthood!-

    And the only Royal Holy Priesthood comes from the one that God had for Himself. Who also anointed the kings of God, for His people.

    Jesus is of course our High Priest in Heaven. And King.
    But Christ's body on Earth is God's Priesthood to Himself.
    To offer up Spiritual Sacrifices through Jesus Christ.

    And God told me that..
    “A Priesthood Without A Name”?
    “Is A Priesthood with A Claim”!

    Hi pandora,
    The “Scriptures” of the Zadokite priests surely do not stand equal in validity with the scriptures of the canon?They would be useful adjunctive material though.


    Of course The Priesthood had to be changed.
    But not done away with.
    Nor high jacked.

    – Three years ago the Holy Spirit led me
    into studing the true Zadokite Priesthood.
    I had never heard of any one else doing this for today.
    – Then He led me to many others that had not only been studing about it. But Teaching it and Worshiping God by it.

    Some of them are: Jim Goll, Bob Connor, Chip Brogden.
    Here I thought I was the only one.
    Until the Lord revealed that in fact for about 30 years now He has been raising up His Zadokite Priesthood again!

    Which only makes sense because every King 0f God
    has His own Priesthood to the Royal Throne.
    And the return of King Jesus is near!

    It's not new.
    But what seems to news again is the connection of the true Zadokite Priesthood was still alive and well when Jesus and John the baptist were Teaching and rebuking in the Temple & Jerusalem.

    There seems to be connections to what points to John coming from this wilderness!
    Jerusalem was only 13 miles from the Dead Sea.
    In the hills of Judea “Lion 0f The Tribe 0f Judah”?

    – I've not the only one who has been amazed
    at how the Holy Spirit has led me to teach over the years.
    And now I know why.

    The Priesthood is “as a gift for service” – Num.18:7
    The Priests were to teach the Law.- Mal.2:7 – Deut.31:9-13
    The Priests by example also taught God's people how to distinguish between holy & unholy-between clean & unclean. The Priests were also to act as judges.
    Lev.10:10 – Deut.17:8-13

    anyway got to run…


    Hi Pandora

    What interest does this site have in the Book 0f Enoch?

    It was a part of the doctrine Jesus taught
    It was important enough to have been kept by Abrahams decedents
    until the shame of what was done to Christ and his followers and
    the lust for earthly power caused the followers of the Satans to realize a need
    to cover it up so that people might forget that they wronged GOD.


    Quote (TJStarfire @ April 08 2006,20:34)
    Hi Pandora

    What interest does this site have in the Book 0f Enoch?

    It was a part of the doctrine Jesus taught
    It was important enough to have been kept by Abrahams decedents
    until the shame of what was done to Christ and his followers and
    the lust for earthly power caused the followers of the Satans to realize a need
    to cover it up so that people might forget that they wronged GOD.

    Yes TJS,
    It is mentioned and quoted in Jude, who as an apostle in Christ has his words kept as precious as if they came from Christ himself, which raises serious questions why it is not in the accepted canon.


    Christians believe that
    God's Zadokite Priesthood on earth was changed by Him.
    When Jesus became 0ur High Priest In Heaven;
    after [The Kingly Order 0f Melchizedk].

    But the truth, of God's Priesthood To Himself 0n Earth?
    Was changed by mere men alone, first!
    Because of corruption.

    His Priest's were to maintain His Holy Fire
    within His governing of the people.

    But Israel wanted to govern themselves.
    With their own kings.
    Which led to their own priests
    to anoint who they wanted as their kings.

    Through history to Antiouchus “the illustrious”, had taken possession of the Israeli kingdom. Jason the brother of Onias ambitiously sought the priesthood and bribed Antiouchus for the position! – 2 Machabees 4

    – Is it any wonder that Jews to this day will not except nor teach these facts of how their forfather allowed this coruption of God's Priesthood to HimSelf on earth?
    And lost it!

    But even Jesus' disciples (and John) understood
    that “The Kingdom 0f God” had been taken from Israel.
    Because they ask Jesus
    when The Kingdom 0f God would be restored again to Israel.

    Now I ask you, when did it happen?

    It didn't.
    So are we to allow Israel to teach us that they still hold the The Holy Fire 0f God's Priestly Altars on earth in their Temples!

    No wonder Jesus called them “Blind Guides”, “Den 0f Vipers”.

    – Now I don't want anyone to think I am against the Jews.
    I'm not. God gave them the land to keep. And I believe we as Americans should stand behind them.

    But not for the Spiritual reasons
    as they teach for them holding The Kingdom 0f God
    on earth through their continued corrputed priesthood!

    They now hold the Dead Sea Scrolls of the Priesthood that were in the desert hills of Judea. When Jesus and John was rebuking their priests in their JerusalemTemple.

    But they have refused to allow all the truth to be published.
    By the other half of these Zadokite Priests.
    Without legal arm twisting! But why?
    And the proof is now melting away from age!
    And they know it!

    They don't want anyone to understand that there was a divided Priesthood at that time. So they try to discredit who they even were. But the Zadokite Fragments in the caves of The Dead Sea have told more truth about that time than they can bear! These Zadokite Priests were Baptising each other and spoke of their “Teacher 0f Righteousness” coming to set everything straight.

    But today many Christians are turning to “Their Jewish Roots”!
    Obeying these Jewish rabbis
    as if they are the holders of God's Kingdom!

    – “Salvation Is From The Jews.”?

    – Salvation Went Forth From The Jews.
    It didn't stay there! –

    – Jesus is the Root of David.
    – David is not the root of Jesus!

    I become ill when “Jewish/Christians” try to make others believe that we should say Jesus' name in Hebrew or we are not really Jewish/Christians!

    I'm not a Jewish Christian!

    And they want to know Jesus
    after the flesh of His Jewishness!
    Because they are Jewish. That fine for them.
    but they need not forget
    “God So Loved The World,
    that He gave His Son
    that who ever believed in Him might be saved”

    I don't boast against the Jews.
    I boast in Christ that because I'm a Gentile Christian I can stand with Jewish Christains to worship Jesus.
    If they will let me.
    If not then I guess they will only know Jesus
    as a God of Jewishness.

    Remember this,
    Jews will never allow you to serve God among them
    unless you do it through them.

    If Israel can prove to me
    when it was that God gave them back His Kingdom?
    Then I will serve Him as a Jew!


    Further more,
    Jesus not only rebuked the Priests in the Temple.

    He called them sons of their father the devil!

    There is much talk about Israel setting up another Temple with Priests as they had in their Law 0f Moses.

    Priests 0f God are suppose to anoint God's King
    for the Kingdom 0f God.

    Will Israel be ready then
    to anoint Jesus with their praises
    as God's King of His Kingdom?

    No friends.
    The 144,000 of ALL the tribes of Israel – Rev.14
    will except Jesus as King of His kingdom.
    But it will cost them their lives.
    Their spirits will then be with Jesus.
    For “as many as do not worship the beast will be killed” Rev.13

    “The kingdoms of this world” will not become
    “the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ”
    Until the 7th trumpet angels sounds.- Rev.11:15

    So don't let anyone bequile you into believing that Christians are suppose to take over the earth for Christ!

    Remember, “the meek shall inherit the earth”.
    Not conquer it for Christ!

    So what of God's Priests to offer up Spiritual Sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ? – 1Pet.2

    We are as Christ, living stone rejected by men but precious to God. We are being built up a Spiritual House.

    We are not to look to Israel for His Royal Priesthood.
    For their sacrifices are not acceptable to God
    through Jesus Christ.

    “The Stone which the builder rejected
    has become the Chief Counerstone.”

    Israel builds the old spiritual house.
    One which you will not be permitted in
    little lone Priests of !

    Jews will never build us up as a Spiritual House of a
    Royal Holy Priesthood of God.

    But our Spiritual sacrifices
    that we offer up to God
    are acceptable to God through Jesus, The Christ.
    Not Jesus the Jew!

    Of course in the New Jerusalem
    the Jews will have their place.
    As 12 tribes of Israel.
    And the 12 disciples will sit on 12 thrones as their judges.

    But the Priests are of 24 divisions
    as divided by King David and Zadok. “24 Elders”?

    We will all be a “Kingdom 0f Priests” unto God
    through Jesus Christ then. On the New Earth.


    Hi Pandora,
    Some interesting insights thank you. But can all you say be proven? Does God accept both priesthoods equally and at the same time?
    Jesus said in Mt 23.2
    “the Scribes and Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses, therefore all that they tell you,do..”
    indicating he accepted they had authority.

    What of your Zadokite priests?

    If the 24 elders of Revelation are two sets of 12 tribes why are the only men seen in Heaven?


    Oh yes my friend. It's already been proven.
    I'm just repeating what others have found.
    From research years ago.
    That has been established in many documents.
    In many instutions.
    By Jewish and non-Jewish Scholars and non-religious Scholars.
    It's not new. But it is suppressed.
    Which many of these Scholars proclaimed years ago!
    But with interests in the old writtings of books like Enoch.
    The origanls are being traced back
    to the people who used them in Jesus day!
    And now people are asking who were these people?!!!

    Once the non-Jewish Scholar starts reporting The Truth years ago?
    None of them were allowed to view The Dead Sea Scrolls again!
    And were taken off the investigations!

    Interestingly last night
    I caught just a part of this Catholic program on TV.
    Which was titled “Tracing The Footsteps 0f Jesus”.

    They showed the caves of Qumran at The Dead Sea.
    And said, by the evidence I read also that: it's believe John the Baptist
    very well could have come out of the 'wilderness' from these people!
    As they were the only ones who called themselves “The Sons 0f Light”
    who “the sons of darkness” were against!

    And remember John the Baptist was a miracle child from
    the line of Priests of the Temple also.
    His father Zacharias was told of his miracle son
    and even he even prophecied about his son John!-Luke 1

    The Dead Sea Scrolls themselves
    are a part of letters from Jerusalem's Temple Priests who left the Temple.
    And were still corisponding with the priests that did not leave the Temple. And in fact the letters of the Priests have been dated in the time of John & Jesus!

    – “Does God except both Priesthoods at the same time”? –

    I can't find anywhere that Jesus excepted:
    “the priesthood of the Hosmoneans family of ordinary priests
    that took control in 152 B.C.” [Nelson's New Bible Dictionary] –

    – The Seat 0f Moses is the chair of The Law Giver.
    In which Jesus Himself was accused by these
    Scribes & Pharisees, as breaking The Laws 0f Moses!

    Arron, the brother of Moses was from where
    the line of the Priesthood was called.

    The 24 Elders of The Revelation 0f Jesus Christ?
    I just wanted to make the point in the Old Testiment times
    King David & Zadok divided the Priesthood into 24 divisions.
    Yes, they were all men.

    Everything I've repeated is found
    by documented Scholars at the site I gave.

    I pray you all find this as compelling as I do.
    Seeing the time of the end at hand!


    Hi Pandora,
    So far not so. Scholars have led many astray by their errant conclusions and I fear this may be yet another side alley off the path of truth. But more evidence may help.


    Yes, go to the site http://www.deadseascrolls.com
    and exuast every link

    You have no idea of all the research and instutions
    that have been involved with The Dead Sea Scrolls.
    Most Christians don't know!

    Do you think Israel would want you to know this?

    Does not God's people suffer from lack of knowledge?
    God has not given you a spirit of fear.
    So why fear this? When you don't even know about it.

    But there is one thing you do know.
    And that is the fact that Jewish Christians are teaching that Gentiles have to worship “G – d” the way they say.

    And gentile Christian are believing that the Jewish Christians are the only ones who have the Priestly Authority to do so in Jewish Temples for Christ.

    On the net right now there are over 80 some
    “RIM” “Restoration Of Israel Ministries”.

    Which have nothing to do with Restoring Israel.
    Which is already Restored.

    But has everything to do with
    Restoring The Church To Jewsness!

    Who claim that only they have the right to worship “G – d”
    as His Priests in His Temples!

    If you are not willing to be a Christian 0f The Jews?
    Then you have no claim to worship Christ in the right Priestly way they do because they are Christian Jews!

    And Churches are buying it!
    Because they want to be Priests To God.

    But we were not given
    a Ministry To Restore The Church To Israel nor to the Jews!

    We were given “The Ministry 0f Reconciliation” – 2Cor.5:18
    “CHRIST Reconciling The World To Himself” – 2Cor.5:18

    But the Jewish Christian Priests
    are reconciling His Church to themsleves!

    Of course if you know (End Time) Prophetic Scriptures there is not going to be a Jewish Christian Temple in Israel.
    As they say.
    But there sure are in the USA!

    And the reason Israel loves this is because Jewish believing Christians support Old Covenant Jewish Temple worship with their money and votes. Even tho they would not even allow them to come in and worship Jesus there!

    Which Priesthood do you support?
    You better know there was, and is again more than one!

    – New Covenant Priesthood –


    Hi Pandors,
    You must show scripture correctly if you want open ears.
    2 Cor 18 -19 does not read as you say but
    “Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was IN Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation”

    Christ was not reconciling the world to himself.
    Careless scriptural use can suggest false doctrine.


    I meant God.

    It still does not change the meaning of the message.
    And you know it.

    If this is all it takes for you to think I present a false doctrine?
    Then I'm at the wrong place.

    Peter tells us that we are a Royal Holy Priesthood.

    – The Jews say they are of it.
    – The Catholics say their are of it.
    – The Jewish/Christians say they are of it.

    You Choose. bye…


    Hi Pandora,
    Peter is right.
    We are a royal priesthood in Christ.
    Royal because we are of the company of the King and a priesthood because we offer the sacrifice of praise to God our Father.

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