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- February 9, 2007 at 6:30 pm#39622
Recently there has been some posts about Nimrod's trinity and I have pasted here an article I have not read to stimulate discussion.“What came first ?
Almost ten years ago I overheard two men talking to eachother about 'the nonsense of 'believing in a God'. According to this men the trinity-doctrine already existed long before the Christians started to write about the Holy Trinity. And of course 'the Mother-Son-Gods' already existed according to them.Though I had not yet become a Christian by immersion at that moment I considered their remarks a threat and very insulting indeed. With this paper I get a chance of setting the record straight.
Noah and the Flood
Almost everyone knows the Genesis-story in the Bible of Noah and the boat -the arc- which God asked Noah to make. And of course that Noah took at least two specimen of every animal with him in the arc. We also know that God send a flood to wipe out all other human existence, because God was very disappointed in the humans. But God saved the faithful Noah and his family and the animals Noah took with him on the boat.Noah had a number of sons (Genesis 9:18) under which Ham. This Ham became father of a number of sons (Genesis 10:6) and amongst them was Cush. And Cush became father of Nimrod (Genesis 10:8). This Nimrod was an Ethiopian with a black skin; het was also called 'the hunter'. And this Nimrod was the one that drove the people away from God.
This Nimrod -together with his wife Semiramis and child Tammuz- would become models for the pagan three-in-one sungod and the following Holy Trinity of the Christians.
Global paganism with copies of the truth
We also know from Genesis, that Nimrod would get a number of cities under him, like Babel (later: Babylon Empire). And we also know, that it was Nimrod that started building the Tower of Babel, which God prevented (Genesis 10:20) by spreading confusion amongst the buildersStill Nimrod was and is very populair all over the Earth, because we still know Nimrod under several names all over the Earth; names like:
Abir of Aber (=winged God)
Bel, Bal of Belus
Buddh (China)
Cnous (Egypte)
Cronus (de gehoornde)
Janus or Chaos (Rome)
Marduk; the snake-dragon-god
Moloch (God of the Death)
So Nimrod is still very famous and celibrated (!) all over the Earth; although under many different aliasses, but still with the same stories and experiences and family-members; his wife and son. Together always forming the pagan/occult (sungod)trinity.——————————————————————————–
The Wife of Nimrod
Semiramis is also known under various aliasses, like:Allilah or Allah
Cybele; Goddess with the 12 stars (Europe!); celibacy required (Roman Catholic Church)
Ishtar; Babylonian sun-goddess
Isis; Egyptian sun-goddess
Lady Liberty
Rhea; Goddess of the hunt
Sin; the moongod(dess)
Venus; Goddess of Love)
Semiramis was famous for being a beautiful woman and was worshipped as 'the queen of heavens' and 'Goddess of castles'. She was also worshipped as 'Holy Spirit'. And that is because she gave birth to the reincarnation of Nimrod: the son 'Tammuz'. A female god that brings forth a male god.Her son Tammuz is also globally famous under the following names:
Dagon (fish-god)
Ninus (=son)
Re-incarnation of Baal
Son of Aethiops
Uhura Mazda
White Centaur
These three people -Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz- are globally known and worshipped as the 'trinity' or 'three-in-one-sungod'.Later on the Roman Catholic Church would adopt this pagan doctrine and would use these occult gods and their holy days as Christian doctrines, gods and holy days. In this way the Roman Catholic Church adopted paganism in the Christian Churches; still existing in our Christian churches today, known as 'The Holy Trinity'.
How the (pagan!) trinity has been adopted by all Christians
It was Roman Emperor Constantinus that send a platoon of soldiers to fundamental/biblical Christian leaders that didnot want to adopt the trinity. And in this way Constantinus wiped out the Christian resistance and exiled them for a number of years.In that same year 325 Constantinus lead the Council of Nicea in which he introduced the basics of the trinity as a christian fundament.
It was also Constantinus in the same year and Council of Nicea, that erased the biblical Sabbath and changed it into the day of the trinity-sungod (IHS: Isis, Horus and Seth; also known as Baal, Astarte and Tammuz!). Now both the trinity and day of worship were in line with the sungod-worshipping and it still is in most Christian Churches; both Protestant and Catholic!
During the council of Constantinopel (381) all facets of the trinity had been passed…
The so called 'Christian-Trinity'
The Roman Catholics continued the pagan trinity in their churches. And in this church the 'woman-and-child-worshipping' still continues. Also we know the Catholic Trinity, being: The Father God, Mother Mary and the Son; an exact copy of the pagan trinity.And we all know that Mary -the Mother of Jesus- is not a Goddess at all.
The Protestant-churches have continued the pagan work of the Roman Catholic Church and extracted a more biblical 'Trinity' from the pagan Catholic trinity. But still neither our Holy Bible nor the Apostles, nor Jesus speak of 'a trinity'. Still the Protestants make 'a trinity-god-in-one' from God (The Father), The Son (Jesus) and the Spirit of God. In the pagan-trinity the Spirit is 'Semiramis', the Son is 'Tammuz' and the Father is 'Baal'.
From a biblical point of view it is evident, that Jesus and God are not 'one-and-the-same-God'at all ! The Bible speaks of 'the Eternal Father' and the 'only begotten Son' created by the Father. And the Bible goes on by telling, that Jesus was made equal in appearance to God, but Jesus layed down his equality to the Father to go to Earth as 'fruit of the Holy Spirit'(Matthew 1:20) to be born from the human Mary to save the world from Sin.
And the Bible continues in telling us that Jesus sacrificed his life according to the will of God. And because of this sacrifice Jesus would receive the highest honour of God and Jesus was given the title 'Lord' by God. Also Jesus will be sitting at the right site of God on the thrown from that moment on.
God testifies of the Son, the Son testifies of the Father !
God himself testifies in Matthew (after Jesus was baptised) and Mark (on the mountain with the clouth covering them) that 'Jesus is His Son'.Jesus testifies that God is His Father in heaven; that all power was given to him by his Father and that he is our Highpriest in heaven, chosen by God and annointed by God with His Holy Spirit. And that is exactly what 'Messias' or 'Christ' means! God appointing, chosing and annointing a person for a special task: a holy sacrifice. Jesus is the Lamb of God.
Also the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:28, that Jesus will give back his received power from the Father and so God will live in all of us. ('And when all things shall be
subdued unto Him, then shall the Son Himself also be subject unto Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. ')So from the Bible we can be assured, that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not 'one -and-the-same', but that they are in fact seperately existing and working persons. With different tasks.
Jesus left the Holy Spirit behind before He went to Heaven. And the Spirit is our Comforter; advisor en guidesman. Jesus is in Heaven preparing a place for us there and preparing the comming Judgement. After this Judgement Day Jesus will return to Heaven with His People and He will give back His given powers to God; His eternal Father.
The Trinity: a pagan doctrine!
Neither the Bible, nor Jesus or the Apostles talk of a Trinity; and that is easy to explain: because it is not a Christian basis. As you know now: the Trinity came from a pagan-basis.We owe it to the Catholic Church that Christians are in fact celibrating days in honour of pagan gods; these gods were even declared 'saints' by the same Roman Church!
For example:the keeping of Sunday; Sunday is the day in honour of Balder (also known as: the pagan trinity Isis, Horus, Seth).
For example: Christmas. These days are in honour of Baäl; (Winter-Solstice ; again sungod-worshipping.)
For example: 'midsummer-feast' – 14th of June: This is the Summer-Solstice in honour of the pagan God Tammuz. The Son of Baal.
For example: 7th of October; The feast of Saint Dionysses en 'his two Saint-friends', which are in fact not friends, but titles of Dionysses; also known as Baal. het feest ter ere van St. Bacchus of 9 oktober de feestdag ter ere van St. Dionysses en zijn twee “St-vrienden” die overigens geen personen zijn, maar titels van Dionysses.
For example: Easter (from Astarte!). As well as the date, 'the eggs' or 'oranges' or 'pine-apples' have nothing to do with the Hebrew 'Pascha' or 'Passover'. Easter comes from the name of Astarte; The Goddess and wife of Baal. The fable of Astarte tells us, 'that the egg was floating on the water'. And Astarte was born from this egg. This 'egg' however is a Chaldean translation of the Hebrew word 'Arc' and is all about the Arc of Noah; not about Astarte! In Chaldean the word 'Arc' means 'Egg'.
And in this way a story was fabricated, that Astarte was born from an egg that floated on the water. And this day is kept holy by our Catholic Church and all Christian followers in other churches… Paganism in action.——————————————————————————–
What came first ?
However many pagan gods were made and whatever names they were given in the numerous parts of the Earth: ONE THING IS CERTAIN. Paganism started with Nimrod. And Nimrod came several generations AFTER Adam and Eve; even after Noah ! So it is easy to conclude from this, that paganism are only copies of what really happened, exists and existed and of the real truth. The real Truth came first !God is the Eternal Original Father in Heaven. God is Creator, Father and Lord of all that exists. He made Himself known to us long before the pagan trinity existed, long before the pagan gods and feasts were adopted by Christians.
His Son Jesus was created from the Holy Spirit, chosen by God for His Plan and Jesus given was given the title 'Lord of God' and He was given the power to rule over all Creation. And Jesus will return His Fathers Power after Judgement day.
Gods Holy Spirit was left behind at the Earth to guide, advice and comfort us till Jesus returns to us. The Spirit is the only and real 'Substitute for God on Earth'; the Spirit is Gods Spirit!
The 10-Commandments and paganism…
God tells us in His Commandments, that He is against any form of paganism. He clearly states in His first Commandments, that He -and only He- is the God you should worship. And carven images are not allowed either.The Trinity is about paganism and worshipping pagan gods. The Trinity is all about 'sungod-worshipping'; also known as IHS (Isis, Horus, Seth) which are very known in the Roman Catholic Church; in image, in rituals, in worshipping. Of course with the sun-day-worship… (instead of keeping the Sabbath-day holy).
Those that worship the three-in-one are in fact satanists, because satan is 'the three-in-one'.
I want to ask you to reconsider what you believe and who you worship. And however difficult it may be to 'get loose or get rid of' pagan traditions: God asks you to worship Him. Worshipping pagan gods is an abominations in the eyes of God and it will lead to eternal death.”
February 9, 2007 at 10:42 pm#39656NickHassan
If Nimrod's trinity is the basis for the doctrines of the Whore of Babylon, and is in essence Sun Worship, is it possible that this relates to the part of tribulation involving the punishment of men by the scorching of God's witness[ps 89], the Sun?Rev 16
7And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.8And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
9And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory”
February 10, 2007 at 12:33 am#39674942767
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 09 2007,18:30) Those that worship the three-in-one are in fact satanists, because satan is 'the three-in-one'. I want to ask you to reconsider what you believe and who you worship. And however difficult it may be to 'get loose or get rid of' pagan traditions: God asks you to worship Him. Worshipping pagan gods is an abominations in the eyes of God and it will lead to eternal death.”
Hi Nick:Although I disagree with those who teach the trinity doctrine, I believe that calling them satanists is not right. God knows the sincerity of each of our hearts, and it is he that is the judge, and not you or I.
I also disagree with many of your teachings, and I have discussed my understanding of the scriptures with you, but that does not necessarily mean that my understanding of the scriptures is correct and you are wrong. I still believe that you are my brother in Christ even though I may disagree with you on occasion.
In my judgement, we need to pray for one another that God will give us revelation knowledge of the truth so that we can walk in unity.
If God confirms your teaching or mine or theirs for that matter, it will be God that is saying that your teaching or mine or theirs is correct, and not simply we stating that we are right.
God Bless
February 10, 2007 at 12:45 am#39675NickHassan
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Feb. 10 2007,00:33) Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 09 2007,18:30) Those that worship the three-in-one are in fact satanists, because satan is 'the three-in-one'. I want to ask you to reconsider what you believe and who you worship. And however difficult it may be to 'get loose or get rid of' pagan traditions: God asks you to worship Him. Worshipping pagan gods is an abominations in the eyes of God and it will lead to eternal death.”
Hi Nick:Although I disagree with those who teach the trinity doctrine, I believe that calling them satanists is not right. God knows the sincerity of each of our hearts, and it is he that is the judge, and not you or I.
I also disagree with many of your teachings, and I have discussed my understanding of the scriptures with you, but that does not necessarily mean that my understanding of the scriptures is correct and you are wrong. I still believe that you are my brother in Christ even though I may disagree with you on occasion.
In my judgement, we need to pray for one another that God will give us revelation knowledge of the truth so that we can walk in unity.
If God confirms your teaching or mine or theirs for that matter, it will be God that is saying that your teaching or mine or theirs is correct, and not simply we stating that we are right.
God Bless
Hi 94,
The statement you quote is not mine and I do not agree with it.
Please note that I have not even read the article but posted it to stimulate discussion.
Blessings broFebruary 10, 2007 at 12:48 am#39676quitarguingoverstupidstuff
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 09 2007,18:30) Hi,
Recently there has been some posts about Nimrod's trinity and I have pasted here an article I have not read to stimulate discussion.“What came first ?
Almost ten years ago I overheard two men talking to eachother about 'the nonsense of 'believing in a God'. According to this men the trinity-doctrine already existed long before the Christians started to write about the Holy Trinity. And of course 'the Mother-Son-Gods' already existed according to them.Though I had not yet become a Christian by immersion at that moment I considered their remarks a threat and very insulting indeed. With this paper I get a chance of setting the record straight.
Noah and the Flood
Almost everyone knows the Genesis-story in the Bible of Noah and the boat -the arc- which God asked Noah to make. And of course that Noah took at least two specimen of every animal with him in the arc. We also know that God send a flood to wipe out all other human existence, because God was very disappointed in the humans. But God saved the faithful Noah and his family and the animals Noah took with him on the boat.Noah had a number of sons (Genesis 9:18) under which Ham. This Ham became father of a number of sons (Genesis 10:6) and amongst them was Cush. And Cush became father of Nimrod (Genesis 10:8). This Nimrod was an Ethiopian with a black skin; het was also called 'the hunter'. And this Nimrod was the one that drove the people away from God.
This Nimrod -together with his wife Semiramis and child Tammuz- would become models for the pagan three-in-one sungod and the following Holy Trinity of the Christians.
Global paganism with copies of the truth
We also know from Genesis, that Nimrod would get a number of cities under him, like Babel (later: Babylon Empire). And we also know, that it was Nimrod that started building the Tower of Babel, which God prevented (Genesis 10:20) by spreading confusion amongst the buildersStill Nimrod was and is very populair all over the Earth, because we still know Nimrod under several names all over the Earth; names like:
Abir of Aber (=winged God)
Bel, Bal of Belus
Buddh (China)
Cnous (Egypte)
Cronus (de gehoornde)
Janus or Chaos (Rome)
Marduk; the snake-dragon-god
Moloch (God of the Death)
So Nimrod is still very famous and celibrated (!) all over the Earth; although under many different aliasses, but still with the same stories and experiences and family-members; his wife and son. Together always forming the pagan/occult (sungod)trinity.——————————————————————————–
The Wife of Nimrod
Semiramis is also known under various aliasses, like:Allilah or Allah
Cybele; Goddess with the 12 stars (Europe!); celibacy required (Roman Catholic Church)
Ishtar; Babylonian sun-goddess
Isis; Egyptian sun-goddess
Lady Liberty
Rhea; Goddess of the hunt
Sin; the moongod(dess)
Venus; Goddess of Love)
Semiramis was famous for being a beautiful woman and was worshipped as 'the queen of heavens' and 'Goddess of castles'. She was also worshipped as 'Holy Spirit'. And that is because she gave birth to the reincarnation of Nimrod: the son 'Tammuz'. A female god that brings forth a male god.Her son Tammuz is also globally famous under the following names:
Dagon (fish-god)
Ninus (=son)
Re-incarnation of Baal
Son of Aethiops
Uhura Mazda
White Centaur
These three people -Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz- are globally known and worshipped as the 'trinity' or 'three-in-one-sungod'.Later on the Roman Catholic Church would adopt this pagan doctrine and would use these occult gods and their holy days as Christian doctrines, gods and holy days. In this way the Roman Catholic Church adopted paganism in the Christian Churches; still existing in our Christian churches today, known as 'The Holy Trinity'.
How the (pagan!) trinity has been adopted by all Christians
It was Roman Emperor Constantinus that send a platoon of soldiers to fundamental/biblical Christian leaders that didnot want to adopt the trinity. And in this way Constantinus wiped out the Christian resistance and exiled them for a number of years.In that same year 325 Constantinus lead the Council of Nicea in which he introduced the basics of the trinity as a christian fundament.
It was also Constantinus in the same year and Council of Nicea, that erased the biblical Sabbath and changed it into the day of the trinity-sungod (IHS: Isis, Horus and Seth; also known as Baal, Astarte and Tammuz!). Now both the trinity and day of worship were in line with the sungod-worshipping and it still is in most Christian Churches; both Protestant and Catholic!
During the council of Constantinopel (381) all facets of the trinity had been passed…
The so called 'Christian-Trinity'
The Roman Catholics continued the pagan trinity in their churches. And in this church the 'woman-and-child-worshipping' still continues. Also we know the Catholic Trinity, being: The Father God, Mother Mary and the Son; an exact copy of the pagan trinity.And we all know that Mary -the Mother of Jesus- is not a Goddess at all.
The Protestant-churches have continued the pagan work of the Roman Catholic Church and extracted a more biblical 'Trinity' from the pagan Catholic trinity. But still neither our Holy Bible nor the Apostles, nor Jesus speak of 'a trinity'. Still the Protestants make 'a trinity-god-in-one' from God (The Father), The Son (Jesus) and the Spirit of God. In the pagan-trinity the Spirit is 'Semiramis', the Son is 'Tammuz' and the Father is 'Baal'.
From a biblical point of view it is evident, that Jesus and God are not 'one-and-the-same-God'at all ! The Bible speaks of 'the Eternal Father' and the 'only begotten Son' created by the Father. And the Bible goes on by telling, that Jesus was made equal in appearance to God, but Jesus layed down his equality to the Father to go to Earth as 'fruit of the Holy Spirit'(Matthew 1:20) to be born from the human Mary to save the world from Sin.
And the Bible continues in telling us that Jesus sacrificed his life according to the will of God. And because of this sacrifice Jesus would receive the highest honour of God and Jesus was given the title 'Lord' by God. Also Jesus will be sitting at the right site of God on the thrown from that moment on.
God testifies of the Son, the Son testifies of the Father !
God himself testifies in Matthew (after Jesus was baptised) and Mark (on the mountain with the clouth covering them) that 'Jesus is His Son'.Jesus testifies that God is His Father in heaven; that all power was given to him by his Father and that he is our Highpriest in heaven, chosen by God and annointed by God with His Holy Spirit. And that is exactly what 'Messias' or 'Christ' means! God appointing, chosing and annointing a person for a special task
: a holy sacrifice. Jesus is the Lamb of God.Also the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:28, that Jesus will give back his received power from the Father and so God will live in all of us. ('And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son Himself also be subject unto Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. ')
So from the Bible we can be assured, that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not 'one -and-the-same', but that they are in fact seperately existing and working persons. With different tasks.
Jesus left the Holy Spirit behind before He went to Heaven. And the Spirit is our Comforter; advisor en guidesman. Jesus is in Heaven preparing a place for us there and preparing the comming Judgement. After this Judgement Day Jesus will return to Heaven with His People and He will give back His given powers to God; His eternal Father.
The Trinity: a pagan doctrine!
Neither the Bible, nor Jesus or the Apostles talk of a Trinity; and that is easy to explain: because it is not a Christian basis. As you know now: the Trinity came from a pagan-basis.We owe it to the Catholic Church that Christians are in fact celibrating days in honour of pagan gods; these gods were even declared 'saints' by the same Roman Church!
For example:the keeping of Sunday; Sunday is the day in honour of Balder (also known as: the pagan trinity Isis, Horus, Seth).
For example: Christmas. These days are in honour of Baäl; (Winter-Solstice ; again sungod-worshipping.)
For example: 'midsummer-feast' – 14th of June: This is the Summer-Solstice in honour of the pagan God Tammuz. The Son of Baal.
For example: 7th of October; The feast of Saint Dionysses en 'his two Saint-friends', which are in fact not friends, but titles of Dionysses; also known as Baal. het feest ter ere van St. Bacchus of 9 oktober de feestdag ter ere van St. Dionysses en zijn twee “St-vrienden” die overigens geen personen zijn, maar titels van Dionysses.
For example: Easter (from Astarte!). As well as the date, 'the eggs' or 'oranges' or 'pine-apples' have nothing to do with the Hebrew 'Pascha' or 'Passover'. Easter comes from the name of Astarte; The Goddess and wife of Baal. The fable of Astarte tells us, 'that the egg was floating on the water'. And Astarte was born from this egg. This 'egg' however is a Chaldean translation of the Hebrew word 'Arc' and is all about the Arc of Noah; not about Astarte! In Chaldean the word 'Arc' means 'Egg'.
And in this way a story was fabricated, that Astarte was born from an egg that floated on the water. And this day is kept holy by our Catholic Church and all Christian followers in other churches… Paganism in action.——————————————————————————–
What came first ?
However many pagan gods were made and whatever names they were given in the numerous parts of the Earth: ONE THING IS CERTAIN. Paganism started with Nimrod. And Nimrod came several generations AFTER Adam and Eve; even after Noah ! So it is easy to conclude from this, that paganism are only copies of what really happened, exists and existed and of the real truth. The real Truth came first !God is the Eternal Original Father in Heaven. God is Creator, Father and Lord of all that exists. He made Himself known to us long before the pagan trinity existed, long before the pagan gods and feasts were adopted by Christians.
His Son Jesus was created from the Holy Spirit, chosen by God for His Plan and Jesus given was given the title 'Lord of God' and He was given the power to rule over all Creation. And Jesus will return His Fathers Power after Judgement day.
Gods Holy Spirit was left behind at the Earth to guide, advice and comfort us till Jesus returns to us. The Spirit is the only and real 'Substitute for God on Earth'; the Spirit is Gods Spirit!
The 10-Commandments and paganism…
God tells us in His Commandments, that He is against any form of paganism. He clearly states in His first Commandments, that He -and only He- is the God you should worship. And carven images are not allowed either.The Trinity is about paganism and worshipping pagan gods. The Trinity is all about 'sungod-worshipping'; also known as IHS (Isis, Horus, Seth) which are very known in the Roman Catholic Church; in image, in rituals, in worshipping. Of course with the sun-day-worship… (instead of keeping the Sabbath-day holy).
Those that worship the three-in-one are in fact satanists, because satan is 'the three-in-one'.
I want to ask you to reconsider what you believe and who you worship. And however difficult it may be to 'get loose or get rid of' pagan traditions: God asks you to worship Him. Worshipping pagan gods is an abominations in the eyes of God and it will lead to eternal death.”
I've seen you've done your research……..good job!Your writing was very informative and more importantly not based on opinion. I appreciate finally seeing some “fact” backed beliefs being discussed in here.
Keep it up my friend!
February 10, 2007 at 1:07 am#39683942767
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 10 2007,00:45) Quote (942767 @ Feb. 10 2007,00:33) Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 09 2007,18:30) Those that worship the three-in-one are in fact satanists, because satan is 'the three-in-one'. I want to ask you to reconsider what you believe and who you worship. And however difficult it may be to 'get loose or get rid of' pagan traditions: God asks you to worship Him. Worshipping pagan gods is an abominations in the eyes of God and it will lead to eternal death.”
Hi Nick:Although I disagree with those who teach the trinity doctrine, I believe that calling them satanists is not right. God knows the sincerity of each of our hearts, and it is he that is the judge, and not you or I.
I also disagree with many of your teachings, and I have discussed my understanding of the scriptures with you, but that does not necessarily mean that my understanding of the scriptures is correct and you are wrong. I still believe that you are my brother in Christ even though I may disagree with you on occasion.
In my judgement, we need to pray for one another that God will give us revelation knowledge of the truth so that we can walk in unity.
If God confirms your teaching or mine or theirs for that matter, it will be God that is saying that your teaching or mine or theirs is correct, and not simply we stating that we are right.
God Bless
Hi 94,
The statement you quote is not mine and I do not agree with it.
Please note that I have not even read the article but posted it to stimulate discussion.
Blessings bro
Ok. Nick:Sorry for the misunderstanding.
God Bless
February 22, 2007 at 7:49 am#42661NickHassan
The real basis of trinitarianism.April 20, 2007 at 4:33 am#49799NickHassan
Trinity ideas are not new.
Now men search the bible for support for their idea our God is a trinity.God is one.
April 20, 2007 at 5:18 am#49820Tim2
ParticipantThe Father and the Son are one. John 10:30.
April 20, 2007 at 5:38 am#49825NickHassan
ParticipantHi Tim2,
So two are now one.
OkApril 22, 2007 at 6:59 am#50106david
ParticipantQuote The Father and the Son are one. John 10:30. Yes, and at John 17:21, 22, Jesus prayed regarding his followers: “That they may all be one,” and he added, “that they may be one even as we are one.” He used the same Greek word (hen) for “one” in all these instances.
Obviously, Jesus’ disciples do not all become part of the Trinity. But they do come to share a oneness of purpose with the Father and the Son, the same sort of oneness that unites God and Christ.
Tim 2, now that you know this can you please stop using it as any kind of 'proof' of the trinity. If it is 'proof' that Jesus and Jehovah are one, then it must also be proof that Jesus and his followers are one “even as” Jehovah and Jesus are.
Tim 2 Can you please acknowledge that you understand at least that this in no way constitutes proof, because if it did, then it would also have to prove the same regarding jesus and his followers.
I know you, more than anyone like to use this scripture. I consider it to be extremely deceptive to use this without explaining what Jesus also said in John 17 about he and his followers being one “even as” those two are one.
April 25, 2007 at 3:33 am#50447Cult Buster
ParticipantNick Hassen You quoted in your article.
Quote Those that worship the three-in-one are in fact satanists, because satan is 'the three-in-one'. I want to ask you to reconsider what you believe and who you worship. And however difficult it may be to 'get loose or get rid of' pagan traditions: God asks you to worship Him. Worshipping pagan gods is an abominations in the eyes of God and it will lead to eternal death.”
Nick. By posting these sort of comments, you are sinking to new depths. I don't believe that anyone on this forum is a satanist.
Do you believe that Christ and The Holy Spirit are pagan gods?
Quote Hi 94,
The statement you quote is not mine and I do not agree with it.
Please note that I have not even read the article but posted it to stimulate discussion.
Blessings broIf you do not agree with it, then why did you post it? Was it to have a cheap shot at those who believe in the Godhead?
Then you say that you did not even read it yourself.
April 25, 2007 at 5:10 am#50476NickHassan
ParticipantHi CB,
Read again and ponder.
I wrote;
'Recently there has been some posts about Nimrod's trinity and I have pasted here an article I have not read to stimulate discussion.'
I take no responsibility for what others wrote.
But you should believe in God
and His Son.Jn14
” 1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. “July 9, 2007 at 7:06 pm#58934NickHassan
July 10, 2007 at 4:04 am#59035IM4Truth
ParticipantTo all! To straighten out the beliefs and unbelief's about Nimrod, I suggest you go to your Bible Store and purchase a Book called “THE TWO BABYLONS” by Rev. Alexander Hislop. I hope it is still available
Peace and Love Mrs.IM4Truth
July 10, 2007 at 5:08 am#59040Laurel
The article you posted is well known to people in the east. Even the Jewish claendar has the fourth month named Tammuz, maybe it was a memorioal to Tammuz or maybe YHWH Himself put it there so the Jews wouldn't forget that they also worshipped the Sun. It is a child sacrificial religion.
The last Feast was Feast of Weeks, You could say, “I was in the Spirit” on the Lord's day.” Something was revealed to me. That something was Tammuz. He is the image of the beast. Generally speaking, all man-made doctrine and laws come from Satan. Whether we know it or not. If we celebrate the Sun-god holy days (holidays) we are guilty of worshipping other gods.
Somewhere in Scripture it tells us to be like Abraham, who was living in Babylon when YHWH called him out. We too need to “come out of her My people”. We need to, “worship Him who made the heavens and the earth.”
I have just completed a huge study on this and if anyone wants a copy I can email it. Also in there is how I figured out who the anti-messiah is.
REPENT REPENT REPENT!!! We will be forgiven.July 10, 2007 at 5:14 am#59041Laurel
ParticipantMost importantly, Jews do not believe in Jesus. For one thing Jesus is not a Jewish name and the Messiah had to be Jewish to be real. Also if Jesus was the Messiah then why do all the people who worship Jesus, celebrate Easter, lent and Christmas. These Festivals are pagen to the core. It is evident that they are on the calander according to the solstices and exuinoxes of the Sun and have nothing to do with the Feast proclaimed by YHWH Himself.
Now we have a connection, and a light that makes things appear in the dark, that we couldn't see without the light of His devine law.July 11, 2007 at 6:34 pm#59226IM4Truth
ParticipantLaurel! You are absolutely right about these Holidays, they are all Pagan. Do you know who started all of this? The Babylonian had existed before Christ, that is were all these Holidays originated. Also Child sacrifice. Sun worship etc. Jews used Lambs for their Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Even tho Nimrod was a Jew. There were good and bad Kings all during Bible History. I don't remember all, would have to read up in “THE TWO BABYLONS AGAIN”
It was Constantine who put a stop to all torture of the Christians and they came out of hiding and compromised with the Pagans and called them Christian Holidays. So was the Universal Church started, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. All other Churches came out of Her in time.
Are you not glad that God called you out of that system? I am and give God thanks for that often.
In Christian Love Mrs.IM4Truth
July 11, 2007 at 8:13 pm#59234kejonn
ParticipantSpeaking of sun worship — which I'll admit I know nothing about — I saw this footnote in my Ryrie Study Bible in relation to Matthew 28:19
Here is evidence for the trinity of God: one God (the name) who subsists in three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Each of the three is distinguisehed from the others; each possesses all the divine attributes; yet the three are one. This is a mystery that no anology can illustrate satisfactorily. The sun, sunlight, and the power of the sun may come close to a suitable illustration.
Kinda spooky, huh?
On another note, I have been upfront with my pastor on where I am with the Trinity. He has asked that I stop teaching my class, which I expected and was considering doing out of respect for the church anyway. When I was asked by a class member why I was stepping down, I told her that I was having difficulty with accepting that the Trinity doctrine was valid. Her answer was “I am lost about the Trinity statement.” In other words, she has no idea what I'm talking about.
So much for “foundational teaching”, eh?
July 11, 2007 at 8:33 pm#59236IM4Truth
ParticipantHi Kejonn! In a way you should be glad that you lost your class, it is very hard to come out of that system. We lost a lot of so called friends because we left the Cath. Church in 1984. And again when the W.W.C. of God split. Now we don't attend no church. I do miss the fellowship, but I will always follow the truth and in a way it has set me free. I am so much at Peace with God and that is what counts in my Book. Keep up studying the word Kejonn and God Bless you.
Peace Mrs.IM4Truth - AuthorPosts
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