Nicene Creed

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  • #53950

    Hi not3,
    Or else what?
    Shades of the inquistion!


    Quote (Tim2 @ May 29 2007,18:33)
    The family of YHWH is commanded to purge the evil from its midst (Deuteronomy 17:7) by stoning to death anyone who serves other gods.

    Ouch! OUCH! Ahhhhh! That hurts! OOOOOUCH!

    Acts 7:60

    Who was that women that Tim just stoned to death? Oh, she was a believer in the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom God sent. Tim decided she didn't deserve to live because she wouldn't call Jesus God.


    “Kill them all and let God sort it out” – Yes, Shades of the inquisition! Good one, Nick :)

    Well, on that happy note [which I'm sure Jesus is so proud of his children], I'm going to head to bed.

    Goodnight my brothers!


    Hi not3,
    So did the religious antichrist Saul.
    But Christ met him and turned him around.
    There is hope for a tree..


    Hi Tim2,
    Off come the velvet gloves and the true nature is exposed?


    So it would be better if I said, “It's alright, it doesn't matter whether or not you believe Jesus is God. Why would identity of God be important for your salvation? Just believe what you want to believe and everything will be fine. lala la lala”



    I like the “lala la lala” part :)

    No, it would be better if you had scripture to back up your unkindness; indeed, your murderous spirit towards those who do not believe implicit statements about your God. I would love to see scripture that shows I am not a child of God for believing that the Father alone is God. Good luck!


    Hi Not3in1,

    I've already shown you where Paul rebukes the church for accepting another Jesus. A different jesus means a different father, one whom you believe didn't become his father until the physical birth of jesus. So Paul rebukes you for believing in this different father. And a different jesus and a different father means a different gospel, and Paul says all those who teach a different gospel are anathema. Galatians 1:9.

    But I really can't believe anyone would doubt that whether or not you believe Jesus is God is a matter of salvation. If it were any other man, or an angel, or anything else, and people said, “This or that is God.” You don't think that would affect their salvation?


    But you cannot stand on such a firm foundation because you do not offer the gospel but manmade creeds. And if you meet gentle lambs who do not recognise your voice you bare your fangs. Is this wise for you to stay here mingling among those who honestly seek the truth?


    Quote (Tim2 @ May 30 2007,06:47)
    I've already shown you where Paul rebukes the church for accepting another Jesus. A different jesus means a different father, one whom you believe didn't become his father until the physical birth of jesus. So Paul rebukes you for believing in this different father.

    You really are scrambling, aren't you?

    Paul plainly taught that the FATHER is “God.” I believe in such a Father.

    Paul plainly taught that Jesus is Lord. I believe in such a Jesus.

    What you are saying is nonesense; just read for yourself what you posted. Jibberish or is Gibberish?


    Paul also taught that Jesus is before all things (Colossians 1:17), but you believe He didn't exist until 2000 years ago. You believe in a different Jesus, a different father, and a different gospel. Repent.


    Hi Tim2,
    Different in origins but not in his life on earth. His origins are of interest and important too, but do not change our attitude or relationship with him. He is not our God but our appointed Lord. Emptied of advantage and glory he was among us as an ordinary man made extraordinary by the anointing of God at the Jordan. His work and speech were not from any innate abilities relating to his origins but due to this empowering from above. We follow him.


    Quote (Tim2 @ May 30 2007,08:18)
    Paul also taught that Jesus is before all things (Colossians 1:17), but you believe He didn't exist until 2000 years ago.  You believe in a different Jesus, a different father, and a different gospel.  Repent.

    Here we go again with the repent cry…..

    Do you know for sure in what way Jesus is before all things? Are you sure of the exact meaning that Paul is trying to teach?

    The word “before” (here pro) can refer to time, place or position (i.e.; superiority). This leads me to believe that the whole point of this section is to show that Christ is “before,” i.e.; “superior to” all things, just as the verse says. If someone were to insist that time is involved, it should be pointed out that in the very next verse Christ is the “firstborn” from the dead, and thus “before” his Church in time as well as in position.


    Good points not 3,
    So can protos as in Jn 1.
    29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
    30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before[4413] me.

    But then why say WAS?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 30 2007,10:23)
    Good points not 3,
    So can protos as in Jn 1.
    29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
    30 This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before[4413] me.

    But then why say WAS?

    From the foundations of the world Jesus' position was before John's.


    Hi not3,
    All is prophetic then?


    In relation to who and what Jesus is, I do believe there is a great deal of propheticness (is that a word? ha).






    No creed can form a basis of our faith but we must go deeper till we rest on scripture

    Luke 6:48
    he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.

    Creeds are formed by men to unite them and isolate their denomination from others.

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