New World Order

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  • #325847

    I thought it would be good to start a discussion about the New World Order. What is it? Is it part of end time prophecy?


    Here is a video of Kissinger talking about Obama and how he has an opportunity to further the goals of the New World Order.


    Dan 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
    Dan 2:42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

    The ten toes represent all the nations that make up this, mans last attempt to rule the world by a one world government, the United Nation.

    Dan 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

    It too will fail.

    Dan 2:44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

    We have been living in these days since 1946. It wont be long now.


    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)


    For any one man to be considered, ruler of the world, is as old as Nimrod.
    The bible mentions seven world ruling empires, as the beasts with seven heads in Rev. 12, 13, and 17 show us.
    The idea of a one world government did not die with the Roman empire.
    It was revived in 1918 by the “League of Nation” (seventh head), and after its failure and perdition was reborn as the “United Nation” in 1946 (eighth head).
    The United Nation are the ten toes Daniel spoke of in Dan. 2:43,44.
    I believe that the moral decline, the greed and corruption in all levels of leadership, not to mention the hunger for power, and not only in our nation, has made this time ripe for a government takeover.
    I think it is obvious that our representatives no longer represent us.
    The silver lining in all of this is, the stone (God's kingdom) will do away with all of the worldly rulers, and most of us alive today will witness the end of this era.



    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.



    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    If Jesus came back, we would have the start of the Millenium. What does the Bible tell us, what would happen. Only the truth will be taught in that time. That is not happening yet.
    We are in the N. T. Covenant, however. Under the Blood of Jesus. He is our perfect Sacrifice. No other is needed. He also is our Mediator to our Heavenly Father. We now can go directley to the Throne of our Heavenly Father and ask for the forgiveness of our sins.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 10 2009,01:52)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    If Jesus came back, we would have the start of the Millenium.  What does the Bible tell us, what would happen.  Only the truth will be taught in that time.  That is not happening yet.  
    We are in the N. T. Covenant, however.  Under the Blood of Jesus.  He is our perfect Sacrifice.  No other is needed.  He also is our Mediator to our Heavenly Father.  We now can go directley to the Throne of our Heavenly Father and ask for the forgiveness of our sins.
    Peace and Love Irene

    What millennium?  ???



    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??


    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 11 2009,09:24)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??

    I wonder too how He comes to that conclusion. Certainly not in the Biblical Prophecy. We are in the end time, I don't think any of us would disagree with that. My Husband has ask God to give Him wisdom to understand and He always prays first before He begins His studies. So I believe that He has a great understanding on that subject. I have learned some from Georg.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 10 2009,19:11)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 11 2009,09:24)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??

    I wonder too how He comes to that conclusion.  Certainly not in the Biblical Prophecy.  We are in the end time, I don't think any of us would disagree with that.  My Husband has ask God to give Him wisdom to understand and He always prays first before He begins His studies. So I believe that He has a great understanding on that subject.  I have learned some from Georg.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene

    But does't your husband believe Jesus has already returned?



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 11 2009,11:28)

    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 10 2009,19:11)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 11 2009,09:24)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??

    I wonder too how He comes to that conclusion.  Certainly not in the Biblical Prophecy.  We are in the end time, I don't think any of us would disagree with that.  My Husband has ask God to give Him wisdom to understand and He always prays first before He begins His studies. So I believe that He has a great understanding on that subject.  I have learned some from Georg.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene

    But does't your husband believe Jesus has already returned?


    W.J. No my Husband does not think that Jesus returned yet.
    And neither do I.
    What He does understand is that this Generation will not pass away til all is being fulfilled. A Generation is 70 years. The Jewish people became a Nation again in 1948, so from that time on 70 years is 2018. Now of course that could change too, but right at this moment we don't see that happening. It is His understand and knowing my Husband if any of you sees something differently, bring it on, amd He will take that into consideration. It is thethinker that believes Jesus came back already in A.D. 70. Not so. When He does come back only the truth will be taught and do you see that happening? I don't.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 11 2009,11:57)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 11 2009,11:28)

    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 10 2009,19:11)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 11 2009,09:24)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??

    I wonder too how He comes to that conclusion.  Certainly not in the Biblical Prophecy.  We are in the end time, I don't think any of us would disagree with that.  My Husband has ask God to give Him wisdom to understand and He always prays first before He begins His studies. So I believe that He has a great understanding on that subject.  I have learned some from Georg.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene

    But does't your husband believe Jesus has already returned?


    W.J.  No my Husband does not think that Jesus returned yet.  
    And neither do I.
    What He does understand is that this Generation will not pass away til all is being fulfilled.  A Generation is 70 years.  The Jewish people became a Nation again in 1948, so from that time on 70 years is 2018.  Now of course that could change too, but right at this moment we don't see that happening.  It is His understand and knowing my Husband if any of you sees something differently, bring it on, amd He will take that into consideration.  It is thethinker that believes Jesus came back already in A.D. 70.  Not so.  When He does come back only the truth will be taught and do you see that happening?  I don't.
    Peace and Love Irene

    The Jewish people did NOT become a nation again in 1948. They are NOT  Abrahamic Jews. The “Israel” in Palestine today is not Abrahamic. Jesus said that the Abrahamic Jews would be scattered among all nations and that their house would be left “desolate.” The fulfillment of this began in ad70 and has been totally fulfilled. The NWO is the new covenant age inwhich all Jewish things have been done away. We are in the age of the spirit now.

    There is not another NWO to come. We are in  the NWO (new covenant age).


    Tim Kraft

    To WJ and Thinker: On this subject you are both on target in my opinion. Thank God somebody sees the Truth. Bless you, TK


    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 11 2009,11:57)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 11 2009,11:28)

    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 10 2009,19:11)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 11 2009,09:24)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??

    I wonder too how He comes to that conclusion.  Certainly not in the Biblical Prophecy.  We are in the end time, I don't think any of us would disagree with that.  My Husband has ask God to give Him wisdom to understand and He always prays first before He begins His studies. So I believe that He has a great understanding on that subject.  I have learned some from Georg.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene

    But does't your husband believe Jesus has already returned?


    W.J.  No my Husband does not think that Jesus returned yet.  
    And neither do I.
    What He does understand is that this Generation will not pass away til all is being fulfilled.  A Generation is 70 years.  The Jewish people became a Nation again in 1948, so from that time on 70 years is 2018.  Now of course that could change too, but right at this moment we don't see that happening.  It is His understand and knowing my Husband if any of you sees something differently, bring it on, amd He will take that into consideration.  It is thethinker that believes Jesus came back already in A.D. 70.  Not so.  When He does come back only the truth will be taught and do you see that happening?  I don't.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Let me correct my wife; YES I DO BELIEVE JESUS HAS RETURNED, and the saints have been resurrected.


    The Israelites of today ARE the descendants of those that were scattered all over the world in 70 AD.
    They are the once Satan made war with, Rev. 12:13, 17.
    They are the once that had to endure the worst time of their existence during Hitler, Mat. 24:21, 22.
    They are the once God said he would bring back, and place them in their own land after their seven times punishment was served (times of the gentiles).

    Eze 36:17 Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.
    Eze 36:18 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it:
    Eze 36:19 And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.
    Eze 36:21 But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.
    Eze 36:22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
    Eze 36:24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.

    Read verse 24 again, and tell me that did not happen.



    Georg said:

    Let me correct my wife; YES I DO BELIEVE JESUS HAS RETURNED, and the saints have been resurrected.


    The Israelites of today ARE the descendants of those that were scattered all over the world in 70 AD.
    They are the once Satan made war with, Rev. 12:13, 17.
    They are the once that had to endure the worst time of their existence during Hitler, Mat. 24:21, 22.
    They are the once God said he would bring back, and place them in their own land after their seven times punishment was served (times of the gentiles).

    Eze 36:17   Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.  
    Eze 36:18   Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it:  
    Eze 36:19   And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.  
    Eze 36:21   But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.  
    Eze 36:22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.  
    Eze 36:24  For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.  

    Read verse 24 again, and tell me that did not happen.

    Hi Georg,
    It's been a while dude. I am glad to know that you believe Jesus has returned and the saints have been resurrected. Are we in agreement that Jews today are not Abrahamic Jews and have no special promises except the “whosoever believes in Him” promise that all men have?



    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 11 2009,11:11)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 11 2009,09:24)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??

    I wonder too how He comes to that conclusion.  Certainly not in the Biblical Prophecy.  We are in the end time, I don't think any of us would disagree with that.  My Husband has ask God to give Him wisdom to understand and He always prays first before He begins His studies. So I believe that He has a great understanding on that subject.  I have learned some from Georg.
    Peace and Love Irene

    We are NOT in the end time. The apostolic church was in the end time. We are in the new covenant age. The “end time” was the last days of the old covenant age. The new covenant age is eternal and has no end.



    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 12 2009,01:54)

    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 11 2009,11:11)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 11 2009,09:24)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??

    I wonder too how He comes to that conclusion.  Certainly not in the Biblical Prophecy.  We are in the end time, I don't think any of us would disagree with that.  My Husband has ask God to give Him wisdom to understand and He always prays first before He begins His studies. So I believe that He has a great understanding on that subject.  I have learned some from Georg.
    Peace and Love Irene

    We are NOT in the end time. The apostolic church was in the end time. We are in the new covenant age. The “end time” was the last days of the old covenant age. The new covenant age is eternal and has no end.


    I don't believe in you, and I do not see that Jesus has returned here on earth. Maybe somewhere in the Air with His elect. That is what Georg believes. I don't, and the reason for that is because after He comes back the Millenium starts and only the truth will be taught, and that is not happening right now. As far as the Nation Israel is concerned, those a the true Jewish People. And if you would ever have known one, you would know. I have worked for one and our Son bought their Bakery. They are obsessed with all of the Law. Never have they excepted Christ. Some have in the first Century. What we are we are in the New Testament Covenant and that is under the Blood of Christ.
    Luke 22:20 ……” This cup is the NEW COMENANT, in MY BLOOD WHICH IS SHED FOR YOU.”

    After that the Millenium, no more rears, no more sorrow, and only truths will be taught. To that time I am forever looking forward to.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (t8 @ May 06 2009,00:00)
    I thought it would be good to start a discussion about the New World Order. What is it? Is it part of end time prophecy?

    Civilisations rise and civilisations fall.

    As surely as the Egyptians, Romans, Babylonians, Greeks, Persians and countless other empires and civilisations rose and fell, so this one shall.

    So when is it really the end? Do your end times refer to when the majority of people will die – probably through either violence or starvation? Or the very end which is still in the dim and distant future?

    Does the next civilisation count as your new world order?


    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 10 2009,19:57)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 11 2009,11:28)

    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 10 2009,19:11)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 11 2009,09:24)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 10 2009,00:28)

    Quote (savannah1207 @ Aug. 06 2009,20:31)
    Yes,we are so close to Jesus coming back.Our time is very very very short now.The NWO is very close.Every time I turn on CNN they're talking about it.Actually during the G8 Summit confrence a few months back the Russian president pulls out the new world currency money from his pocket.It is very interesting for our generation to be so so so so so close to the End Times.:)

    Jesus came back in AD70. We are in the eternal new covenant age now.


    Well …. Looks like I missed the second coming….by at least 1939 years….Is there going to be a third coming for those that just do not know ??

    I wonder too how He comes to that conclusion.  Certainly not in the Biblical Prophecy.  We are in the end time, I don't think any of us would disagree with that.  My Husband has ask God to give Him wisdom to understand and He always prays first before He begins His studies. So I believe that He has a great understanding on that subject.  I have learned some from Georg.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene

    But does't your husband believe Jesus has already returned?


    W.J.  No my Husband does not think that Jesus returned yet.  
    And neither do I.
    What He does understand is that this Generation will not pass away til all is being fulfilled.  A Generation is 70 years.  The Jewish people became a Nation again in 1948, so from that time on 70 years is 2018.  Now of course that could change too, but right at this moment we don't see that happening.  It is His understand and knowing my Husband if any of you sees something differently, bring it on, amd He will take that into consideration.  It is thethinker that believes Jesus came back already in A.D. 70.  Not so.  When He does come back only the truth will be taught and do you see that happening?  I don't.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene

    Unless I was dreaming, I remember a conversation on this board about your husband George believing Jesus had returned in 70 AD, and you commenting that you were praying for him because you did not believe that way!

    If that is not true, then I oppologise for my assumption!


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