New World Order?

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    Thoughts please…


    Quote (acertainchap @ July 08 2007,09:07)
    Thoughts please…

    one world one religion one Pope.


    Quote (acertainchap @ July 08 2007,09:07)
    Thoughts please…


    My understanding is that this refers to the Sharia Law that will be imposed on the whole world in the last 3 1/2 years of the world prior to Jesus coming for the church.


    Sharia law?


    Quote (acertainchap @ July 09 2007,02:59)
    Sharia law?

    Hi chap:

    Sharia is the body of Islamic Law as defined by the Muslim's Holy Book the Qur'an.  The following website might interest you:


    no it's fine.


    Hi Chap
    May I suggest you read my topic on “Head number seven”?

    As for Antichrist I suggest reading, “The image of the beast”
    Bless you


    Blessings. :;):


    Hello acertainchap
    This video might be of interest to you
    Blessings. Deb


    Debra First of all, Chap is in College right now, and He does not post's at all, I do not even think He even looks at anything either.
    But where did you get those tapes from? Some are really scary.


    Hello IM4Truth
    Google youtube and search New World Order.
    You will have to signup, but it's a simple process.
    There is some really scary stuff there, but some of it is good some rubbish.
    So are you saying it's a waste of time posting to acertainchap?
    Have a nice day.


    Debora Yes Chap is gone for awhile, He would not answer you, if you would post to Him. Thank you for the Website. I don't know if I want to watch it. I have Children and Grandchildren like you do, and I am to sensitive, I would really worry about them. I already do it enough. It is a sad world we live in, and I really cant wait till Christ's return.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D :D


    Hello IM4Truth
    Don't be afraid,the Victory is already won..this video isn't scary my hope is posting it to you is to give you courage and strength in knowing this.
    Yes the World is horrible and a dangerous place for those us who believe in Yeshua Messiah, but for those who don't, they love the World and will welcome the NWO. with open arms. I think it's important to speak out about satans plan,tell as many as possible .My grandsons have not been spared from being shown some information of this nature, I worry too, but worrying won't change anything, we need to stay close to Jesus and encourage each other in the Word.
    Blessings to you sister.


    NWO to me just means the word, (which is our enemy), except that there is all this technology and surveillance. One thing that might help make it more acceptable is terrorism.

    People tend to give up freedoms in the name of protecting people from terrorism.

    The Antichrist will have power of sort, over all people.


    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 16 2007,15:44)
    NWO to me just means the word, (which is our enemy), except that there is all this technology and surveillance. One thing that might help make it more acceptable is terrorism.

    People tend to give up freedoms in the name of protecting people from terrorism.

    The Antichrist will have power of sort, over all people.

    You want to control people? Take away their food!

    Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


    Quote (kenrch @ Oct. 23 2007,02:14)

    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 16 2007,15:44)
    NWO to me just means the word, (which is our enemy), except that there is all this technology and surveillance. One thing that might help make it more acceptable is terrorism.

    People tend to give up freedoms in the name of protecting people from terrorism.

    The Antichrist will have power of sort, over all people.

    You want to control people?  Take away their food!

    Rev 13:17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Check it out!


    At least this video had better music!  :;):

    I agree with Ken that when the NWO is brought in there will be a control on food so that everyone will cooperate.  I believe that we are moving to a “cashless” society and world.  There is even a new Monopoly game out that uses a debit card instead of the play money.  The ad says for the new “cashless world.”  Scary stuff, indeed.

    My grandmother used cash. My mother wrote checks.  I use an ATM Debit card.  What will my daughter use?  Her forehead?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 23 2007,04:24)
    At least this video had better music!  :;):

    I agree with Ken that when the NWO is brought in there will be a control on food so that everyone will cooperate.  I believe that we are moving to a “cashless” society and world.  There is even a new Monopoly game out that uses a debit card instead of the play money.  The ad says for the new “cashless world.”  Scary stuff, indeed.

    My grandmother used cash.  My mother wrote checks.  I use an ATM Debit card.  What will my daughter use?  Her forehead?

    There is even a new Monopoly game out that uses a debit card instead of the play money. The ad says for the new “cashless world.” Scary stuff, indeed.

    Wow! A Monopoly game without money. What fun would that be? But you are so right Mandy like the frog in warm water that gradually gets hotter and hotter untill the frog is boiling but doesn't realize it.

    You heard Bush senior “and it will”! What do you think George W is up too? And the next puppet?


    To all I just watched a program tonight from National Geographics about Anti-Christ. According to that we are already into the tribulation time and Anti-Christ is already among us. Just watch when He will attach Israel then the time is up. All we hear lately is about one World Order. And the United Nation is the Head Quarter right now. But the last 3 years He will say I am bringing peace and will make a Treaty with Israel and will claim to be Jesus. What do you think?

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Will there be a Rapture like the Baptists Belief? My Husband does not belief in that, I do not know. What do you think?

    Peace and Love Mrs.

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