New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft?

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    Ed: If the so called churches ever proliferate the truth of the Gospel of Jesus it will overcome all evil thinking in a short amount of time. People with love in their hearts are full of thanksgiving for the gift of righteousness and purification they have been given. When filled with the truth of who and what they actually are they will have nothing to give out to the world but peace, love, long-suffering, meekness, kindness, gentleness etc.. Evil will pass away when nobody thinks about it and energizes it with attention. TK


    I stand on what God and Jesus says in the Bible.

    Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
    Romans 3:31 Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.
    New International Version ©1984 by Biblica

    How do you justify this? Picking and choosing scripture doesn't pass the sniff test with me. You can make scripture say anything with that plus arguing. You have to rip this out of the bible to think God doesn't have a law. You can't, or as it says in Revalations, all the plagues will rest on you for adding or subtracting to God's word. IMO-Mark


    IMO, to say the churches are all wrong, and to say that there is no Law or sin, is one of the reasons why the world is so screwed up right now and getting worse by the second.


    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 23 2011,02:27)
    Ed:  If the so called churches ever proliferate the truth of the Gospel of Jesus it will overcome all evil thinking in a short amount of time. People with love in their hearts are full of thanksgiving for the gift of righteousness and purification they have been given. When filled with the truth of who and what they actually are they will have nothing to give out to the world but peace, love, long-suffering, meekness, kindness, gentleness etc.. Evil will pass away when nobody thinks about it and energizes it with attention. TK

    Evil will pass away when God comes and Judges the world, which is written in the bible many, many times. The rightoius will be in the book of life, and the rest will be destroyed forever. God will get rid of evil, we can't, and haven't, and it is only getting worse. IMHO-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 23 2011,23:05)
    I stand on what God and Jesus says in the Bible.

    Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
    Romans 3:31 Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.
    New International Version ©1984 by Biblica

    How do you justify this? Picking and choosing scripture doesn't pass the sniff test with me. You can make scripture say anything with that plus arguing. You have to rip this out of the bible to think God doesn't have a law. You can't, or as it says in Revalations, all the plagues will rest on you for adding or subtracting to God's word. IMO-Mark

    Mike: Here is just a few scriptures that support the end of the law and the beginning of Spirit truth.

    ..sin shall not have dominion(control, influence)over you for you are not under the law, but under grace…Rom6:14….

    ….know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey…..whether of sin, unto death, or of hearing unto righteousness….Rom6:16….

    ….4:13….that the promise that Abraham would be heir of the world was not to Abraham & seed through the “law” but THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH…for if those who are of the law heirs,(or heirs under the law)…. then faith is made void…where there is no law there is no transgression(sin/wrong/bad/evil)!!

    The promise of Abraham was not through the law but through the righteousness of faith…Rom.4:13

    Rom.3:20….by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified….

    3:21…but now the righteousness of God WITHOUT THE LAW is manifested….

    3:28….we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

    Rom.6:14…ye are not under the law but under grace….

    Rom.8:2….the law of the spirit of life hath made me free from the law of sin and death…..what the law could not do….God did sending his own son…condemning the law …..that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the law/flesh/carnal but after the spirit/words of truth.

    There are many more but I think you get the point. The entire reason for Jesus to come with the truth of God was mankind was lost in sin working laws, rules, rituals, feast days, sabbath days, every kind of work,deed or effort imaginable to please God. Jesus said himself that the law ended at John the Baptist the the introduction to the Kingdom of God/spirit words from God had come to fill each individual with love and perfection unto God.

    The plagues of Revelation will be on anyone who doesn't accept his perfection/salvation by “faith alone” in the words of God through Jesus. IMO, with Much love, TK


    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 23 2011,23:11)

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 23 2011,02:27)
    Ed:  If the so called churches ever proliferate the truth of the Gospel of Jesus it will overcome all evil thinking in a short amount of time. People with love in their hearts are full of thanksgiving for the gift of righteousness and purification they have been given. When filled with the truth of who and what they actually are they will have nothing to give out to the world but peace, love, long-suffering, meekness, kindness, gentleness etc.. Evil will pass away when nobody thinks about it and energizes it with attention. TK

    Evil will pass away when God comes and Judges the world, which is written in the bible many, many times. The rightoius will be in the book of life, and the rest will be destroyed forever.   God will get rid of evil, we can't, and haven't, and it is only getting worse. IMHO-Mark

    Mark: It is the word of God that judges in this last day. Jesus is the words of God. His words are judging or separating the wheat from the chaff. The Holy Spirit of fire is burning away lies and deceptions that have covered and blocked the truth/light and caused darkness and blindness. Here the spirit speaking!!

    As the spirit cuts away the chaff, it is put in a pile to be burned. The wheat is gathered together in Gods barn/temple/storehouse!!

    Evil thinking began the destruction of mankind and now evil thinking must be removed to restore life. If each individual see inside himself what God has done with his spirit/words from Jesus that cleanse, save completely, heal, make whole, wash away all sin/evil thinking. When you see your own perfection created by God you will share the good/gospel fruit with all believers to all those who will accept and believe the truth.

    That is how we change the world letting each one accept the change within to share with others. IMO, TK


    Hey Mark: I didn't know if you read my personal dissertation that I sent to Ed or not. If you did just disregard this. If not here is a brief summation of my life with God. Thanks for your time, TK

    I had the urge to find God in about 1980! I turned my mind and heart intentions to connect with God with a prayer and request for forgiveness of sin. I prayed to Jesus, who paved the way to God with his life, when I was at home alone. I promised that if God were truly there and cared about me I would dedicate my life to know his truths. I disliked what I saw and learned at the Church. At the start I gave up all my “so called bad habits” and vises to pursue this wonderful peace and contentment that had come over me.

    I wanted nothing else but more of that peace. I prayed several times a day read my bible listened to tapes of sermons, listened to KJV Bible tapes on an eight-track player that would play them over and over all night long. I saw fasting and thought we were supposed to fast. I fasted every sunday 24 hours, only water, for a year. I would come home from church and since I had learned nothing much about God there I would make it up by watching six hours of recorded sunday sermons from tv. I would study about 1200 hours a year pretty regular for the next twenty years or so. I was obsessed! As I studied I found some of the things my favorite teachers said did not align

    with other areas. Anyway I ended up after about 5 different churches, a Deacon in one, and a missions president in another on the board in another. What a waste of time! Hours on end and I came back having learned almost nothing about God! I had to much disagreement with what they were saying, I knew it wasn't the truth and they didn't want to discuss it.They were glad to see me go as they did not know the answers to my questions anyway. If one does not have a question he cannot know an answer! That's why indoctrination teaching doesn't work well. To learn, questions must be asked and answers filled in. I broke away from all church associations and have been on my own now for the last fifteen years. The End! TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 23 2011,02:27)
    Ed:  If the so called churches ever proliferate the truth of the Gospel of Jesus it will overcome all evil thinking in a short amount of time. People with love in their hearts are full of thanksgiving for the gift of righteousness and purification they have been given. When filled with the truth of who and what they actually are they will have nothing to give out to the world but peace, love, long-suffering, meekness, kindness, gentleness etc.. Evil will pass away when nobody thinks about it and energizes it with attention. TK

    Hi Tim,

    You say sin no longer exists, but this post seems to indicate
    that you don't believe your own words; You really don't, do you?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 23 2011,23:05)
    I stand on what God and Jesus says in the Bible.

    Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
    Romans 3:31 Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.
    New International Version ©1984 by Biblica

    How do you justify this? Picking and choosing scripture doesn't pass the sniff test with me. You can make scripture say anything with that plus arguing. You have to rip this out of the bible to think God doesn't have a law. You can't, or as it says in Revalations, all the plagues will rest on you for adding or subtracting to God's word. IMO-Mark

    Hi Mark,

                        Tim simply dismisses Scripture that he doesn't agree with.

    Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed: I quoted eight scriptures from just one area of Romans that establish the fact that the law is finished. There are many more. I don't know how many it would take to make you see but I do know that apparently eight is not enough. Would you care to challenge scripture to scripture how many there are in the NT that say the law is ended one way or another, against any scriptures that say we are still under the law.

    Its a waste of time Ed. You don't want to know the real truth, because it might be different than you have been preaching to many people and you cant have that. What would they say? For me, I've got nothing to loose. No preacher license, no denominational obligation, I get paid nothing for my learning. But God has honored by diligent dedication and openness to change. I have given up vises and had them given back by God, I will change in a heartbeat for truth. Whatever anyone else comes up with that aligns with the rest of the scriptures, I am open to learn. It is a pretty sure bet the law ended, especially when Jesus himself in four different places said the law was “until” John and since then the Kingdom of God is preached.

    How about you explain to me please what the scripture in Romans 3:31 really means in correct context. The way it is written it totally contradicts hundreds of scriptures. Please explain Romans3:31 to me. Thanks for the help! TK


    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 24 2011,04:45)

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 23 2011,02:27)
    Ed:  If the so called churches ever proliferate the truth of the Gospel of Jesus it will overcome all evil thinking in a short amount of time. People with love in their hearts are full of thanksgiving for the gift of righteousness and purification they have been given. When filled with the truth of who and what they actually are they will have nothing to give out to the world but peace, love, long-suffering, meekness, kindness, gentleness etc.. Evil will pass away when nobody thinks about it and energizes it with attention. TK

    Hi Tim,

    You say sin no longer exists, but this post seems to indicate
    that you don't believe your own words; You really don't, do you?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Here's a question for you Ed!

    There are two men standing. One man believes sin exists and that sin separates God from man. He also believes that he sins every day even when he isn't aware that he sinned. He believes that he has sinned and is a sinner but God will save him from sin on the judgment day.

    The other man standing believes Jesus took away sin. He believes sin was nailed to the cross so to speak and now we are sinless. He doesn't believe he sins. He doesn't think he is a sinner. He believes he is sin-free and has no sin for God to judge.

    Of these two men, which one do you believe is still in sin? TK


    Hey Ed, What, no answer? TK


    For All: Hearing Spirit!

    How can one see & hear, with spirit eyes & ears? Seeing and hearing is through “understanding” Gods words given to us through Jesus. As a person is reborn(mentally recreated) of spirit/word truth, they will see(understand) that the judgment of God came exactly as prophesied. Jesus, the word of God, is that judgment! The eternal word of God, Jesus, has judged, is judging and will judge in the last day. The spiritual day(light) of the lord came, as Jesus/the word of God. When the spirit of God/word of God/Jesus came, it was to teach the good news to those poor( those considered as non-chosen of God, outside of God, heathens, gentiles, without much word/spirit/truth) about God. All persons became called of God in the New Testament. No labels, Jew or gentile, or male or female, bond or free all are considered one in Christ that will accept and believe. Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is come and Gods will is to be finally done on earth the same as it is in Heaven. In group discussions Jesus answered questions to those under the law(old covenant) but his teaching consisted of ONE single thread, to lead mankind back to the original truth, of his perfect union with God/his father. The original God/Man in communion together.

    Jesus made the declaration that the law and the prophets were until John the Baptist, since then the Kingdom of God is preached, and men still try to take it by force/war/works/deeds etc.!…Luke 16:16… Actually any efforts or trying by man, of any kind, to “work” his way to Gods good graces is impossible! Only God can cleanse us and make us perfect and he gave it to us as a love gift, to be accepted, and received by faith. We cannot earn it in any way!

    Jesus is the “Day(enlightenment) of the Lord” that was prophesied by all the prophets of old, the law and the psalms. Luke24:44. Jesus is the word/spirit from God that came at the end of the old covenant religious world order, that had failed to produce good fruit. The end of the old world/BC and the beginning of the New Testament of God, AD! The end of physical service with return to the true way to God in SPIRIT! The spirit of God/word/Jesus came to save those lost in sin belief and trying to work their way by rituals, rules and laws unto God !

    This new way created much enmity between the believers of Gods words or those who hold fast to their own physical works and the law. Even to this day those who choose to remain in the law miss having the perfected mind, washed clean by the truth of God. The spirit water of the words of God wash man clean, sin-free, makes him worthy, righteous, and a perfect man unto God if they believe it! Many still believe in their good works for perfection. The law of performance through good works never could make any one perfect. That is part of the judgement of Christ.

    As Jesus taught the true way to God he used parables, symbolism and metaphor's to create pictures,dreams, visions etc. to exercise and train the spirit within mankind unto understanding. To give us ears to hear! Eyes that see and understanding in the heart so as to turn our thinking around(repent from dead works) and be saved from sin and evil thinking through faith in what God has done for us. They were looking for the Kingdom of God to come down from Heaven. Part of the mission of Jesus was to finally make it clear to the people. Jesus preached and told them clearly, Luke17:20…the Kingdom of God does not come with observation(you won't see it with physical eyes) neither shall they say(and don't say this) lo(look) here or lo there,(or look up) it is not a material Kingdom it is spirit,

    for behold the Kingdom of God is within you!! That was lord and master Jesus speaking. If one is born again (of spirit) let him hear and see spiritually, all truth! As lightning instantly lighteth the sky from one end to the other so is the (light, understanding, day of the lord) coming of Jesus. Jesus the eternal word of God is coming, the word came, the word is here and the word will come!! When you understand anything being told to you, instantly you say, Oh, I see! This is what happens as you “see” the enlightened word of God. Revelations come as quick as the twinkling of an eye. A flash of truth! Hear with spirit ears!

    Jesus told us the truth, where God is, (within). The way to God, is a revelation of the truth of God, that flashes within the mind and heart. Take in the words of Jesus/God and build his spiritual Kingdom inside you. Jesus is the foundation rock of your Temple, within. Jesus is the cornerstone of your house of God, Jesus is the capstone of the abode of God inside of you, where God and Jesus dwell. You are the storehouse of Gods words. Jesus is the entry door to God. Jesus has the keys to the Kingdom within. We must fill our Temple(within) with Gods spirit. As the Kingdom is filling we will release Gods love and truth to all mankind. Every person is included, no one is singled out. Whosoever will accept and believe. We are his voice, hands, and feet in the earth. As the words of Jesus are accepted and consumed they become your body of Christ. The Temple of God. The Church which is his body. And everything needed to be in union with God/Jesus/the Spirit! He made us a Kingdom of Priests unto God. Priests in our Temple of God, Kings of our Kingdom of God and Pastors of our Church which is his body. We are made complete through Jesus words of God.

    If we love Jesus we love God & his words and they(God,Jesus,words,spirit) will come and make their abode/home/house/temple/dwelling place/ IN US! John14:23

    Jesus gave himself to sanctify the Church (mankind, believers) and cleanse us as the body of Christ Eph.5:26 by the washing of the water of the word of God.

    We are chosen of Jesus, and ordained for the faith work of God John15:16. Jesus sanctified us through the truth John17:17!

    He who heareth the words of Jesus and believeth they are from God who sent him, hath everlasting life NOW, and shall NOT COME INTO JUDGMENT/CONDEMNATION: but is passed(back from Adams choice) from death(evil) to life(good). NOW! John5:24

    The works of today are to belive the truth of Jesus. John6:29

    The time if fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is at hand (within reach). Mark 1:15…..repent(turn from the way you were going, OT,) and believe the gospel (good news from Jesus)

    Now the righteousness of God, without the law, is manifested Rom3:21…man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law Rom3:28….the promise to Abraham & seed was not through the law but through the righteousness which is by faith Rom4:13

    …..the law worketh wrath: where there is no law there is no transgression Rom4:15

    ….we are dead to the law by the body of Christ..Rom7:4…the law brought death Rom7:6


    With the heart man BELIEVETH unto righteousness!! Rom10:10

    The law of the spirit of life (Jesus words) hath made us FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH! Rom8:4

    The old testament was distorted and altered by religious men, greedy for money and control of the people. In the final days it produce nothing but sin and death through darkness or lack of knowing the truth about God. Sin is the error of thinking that was destroying mankind and keeping him separated from God. Sin from misunderstanding, distort and twist the truth by blocking or covering the light/life from it and leaving nothing but darkness,sin and death. If you choose to believe the old testament you have chosen the way of sin and death.

    If you accept the New Testament truthes of Jesus and believe you have eternal life, you reverse the original choice of Adam to believe in evil and have abundant life and freedom from sickness or death! As it was in the Garden of Eden, its your choice what
    to believe.IMO, TK



    Here's a question for you Ed!

    There are two men standing. One man believes sin exists and that sin separates God from man. He also believes that he sins every day even when he isn't aware that he sinned. He believes that he has sinned and is a sinner but God will save him from sin on the judgment day.

    is this possible to think like that and be sane and sound in mind ????


    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 24 2011,07:30)

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 24 2011,04:45)

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 23 2011,02:27)
    Ed:  If the so called churches ever proliferate the truth of the Gospel of Jesus it will overcome all evil thinking in a short amount of time. People with love in their hearts are full of thanksgiving for the gift of righteousness and purification they have been given. When filled with the truth of who and what they actually are they will have nothing to give out to the world but peace, love, long-suffering, meekness, kindness, gentleness etc.. Evil will pass away when nobody thinks about it and energizes it with attention. TK

    Hi Tim,

    You say sin no longer exists, but this post seems to indicate
    that you don't believe your own words; You really don't, do you?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Here's a question for you Ed!

    There are two men standing. One man believes sin exists and that sin separates God from man. He also believes that he sins every day even when he isn't aware that he sinned. He believes that he has sinned and is a sinner but God will save him from sin on the judgment day.

    The other man standing believes Jesus took away sin. He believes sin was nailed to the cross so to speak and now we are sinless. He doesn't believe he sins. He doesn't think he is a sinner. He believes he is sin-free and has no sin for God to judge.

    Of these two men, which one do you believe is still in sin? TK

    Hi Tim

    Isaiah 30:8-11 Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever:
    That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear The Law of the LORD: Which say to the seers,
    See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits:
    Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 24 2011,07:09)
    Ed: I quoted eight scriptures from just one area of Romans that establish the fact that the law is finished. There are many more. I don't know how many it would take to make you see but I do know that apparently eight is not enough. Would you care to challenge scripture to scripture how many there are in the NT that say the law is ended one way or another, against any scriptures that say we are still under the law.

    Its a waste of time Ed. You don't want to know the real truth, because it might be different than you have been preaching to many people and you cant have that. What would they say?  For me, I've got nothing to loose. No preacher license, no denominational obligation, I get paid nothing for my learning. But God has honored by diligent dedication and openness to change.  I have given up vises and had them given back by God, I will change in a heartbeat for truth.  Whatever anyone else comes up with that aligns with the rest of the scriptures, I am open to learn. It is a pretty sure bet the law ended, especially when Jesus himself in four different places said the law was “until” John and since then the Kingdom of God is preached.

    How about you explain to me please what the scripture in  Romans 3:31 really means in correct context. The way it is written it totally contradicts hundreds of scriptures. Please explain Romans3:31 to me. Thanks for the help! TK

    Hi Tim,

    You say you are open to learn, but you will not believe
    what “The Word” of God says; why lie to yourself?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 24 2011,21:59)

      If you choose to believe the old testament you have chosen the way of sin and death.

    Hi Tim,

    Your own words speak out against you!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH! (Psalm 45:17)
    יהוה האלהים=117  (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34)   …(Eccl.9:12-16)


    The old testament was distorted and altered by religious men, greedy for money and control of the people

    If you accept the New Testament truthes

    So TK, the new testament has not been distored or altered by religious men, greedy for money and control of the people? Double standards at its best, without the old you cannot have the new.


    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 25 2011,01:56)

    Here's a question for you Ed!

    There are two men standing. One man believes sin exists and that sin separates God from man. He also believes that he sins every day even when he isn't aware that he sinned. He believes that he has sinned and is a sinner but God will save him from sin on the judgment day.

    is this possible to think like that and be sane and sound in mind ????


    Pierre: You answered with a question. Let me ask again.

    Do you believe you have sin in you?

    Do you believe you sin every day on purpose or by accident?

    Do you ask forgiveness each day for sins you might have committed?



    Quote (princess @ Sep. 25 2011,08:24)

    The old testament was distorted and altered by religious men, greedy for money and control of the people

    If you accept the New Testament truthes

    So TK, the new testament has not been distored or altered by religious men, greedy for money and control of the people? Double standards at its best, without the old you cannot have the new.

    Princess: You are correct that both have been distorted and altered by religious men. But the old testament had produced darkness and sin. Jesus came to a darkened world to give the truth back to mankind. Jesus the great light to enlighten the pathway back to the truth in God.

    You most certainly can have the New Testament of God without ever opening one single page of the old testament. That's like saying one can't know a new and current will that somebody left them without knowing an older will that was before it.

    When Jesus revealed the truth that God is LOVE was a major revelation in the NT. Let anybody young or old without any preconceived ideas, read the old testament and see if they come away with a pure revelation of the most high God being LOVE! The old way failed to produce the fruit of love. They were lost in sin and darkness. IMO,TK

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