New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft?

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    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 21 2011,02:17)

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 21 2011,02:09)

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 21 2011,01:22)
    Hi Tim,

    Jesus took away the sins of all repentant believers,
    and that forgiveness is available to the whole world.
    Do you know what “Repentance” means? I think you
    should do a word study, the results may surprise you.


    Repent: To turn from the way you are headed. Change directions.

    Think differently: Transform thinking: Transfigure: Transform your mind: Reform beliefs: Renew you mind, Born again, born anew of mind.

    It has nothing to do with forgiveness!!  TK

    Hi Tim,

    If your actions haven't changed direction,
    then how do you 'think' you have repented?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: The word repent was used by John the Baptist speaking to the peoples going to the temple on the sabbath. He was saying to them repent, (turn around from the way you are headed) and be Baptized for your sin.(wrong thinking)or [“deeds and works”].

    John was introducing the New Way to perfection in God. Basically it was a brain washing to remove the old beliefs of laws and rituals and washings, and sacrifices, and new days and sabbath days and on and on. He was preparing their minds/hearts to receive the spirit truth of God from Jesus. He said, I baptize with water but the greater Baptism that is coming after mine, is spirit truth.

    I have turned away from the works and deeds of the law to the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. No longer a law of sin and death with dead works and deeds.

    Its a picture in the mind of washing out the old traditional ideas of religion and building the Kingdom of God within. Building the house of God from the spirit/truth words of Jesus. The new covenant. End of the old world order. BC now AD! Old temporal way was passing and the new eternal way had arrived.

    In the days of the Roman Empire the great God of Heaven will establish a Kingdom that will never be destroyed. Not an earthly Kingdom. It is a Kingdom in the earth. Earthen bodies growing the Kingdom of God inside. IMO, TK


    Hi All
    Yes, and I haven't been able to achieve the goals set before me. ??? :D


    Quote (thehappyman @ Sep. 21 2011,07:22)
    Hi All
          Yes, and I haven't been able to achieve the goals set before me.    ???    :D

    I agree, to think one doesn't sin in this flesh is deceiving himself….
    and the truth is not in him…. that is what Scripture says…..period….we should however all strife to become like Jesus…..and one day we will, when Satan is put away…. he is the deceiver and has deceived many….

    1Jo 1:5 ¶ This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.  

    1Jo 1:6   If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:  

    1Jo 1:7   But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.  

    1Jo 1:8   If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  

    1Jo 1:9   If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  

    1Jo 1:10   If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.  

    The problem is that Tim believes that he was cleansed for all time, and never sins again…. is that true?  Are we made perfect once and for all times?  
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi All :
            That goes to say once saved always saved. If I have offended one and not repented of it then how can i be saved ? No sin shall enter in; Luke 13:24
    Strive to ENTER IN at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to ENTER in, and SHALL not be able. ; also ; Hebrews 3:19
    So we see that they could not ENTER IN because of unbelief. also
    Revelation 21:27
    And there SHALL IN NO wise ENTER into it any thing that defileth, neither [whatsoever] worketh abomination, or [maketh] a lie: but they which are written IN the Lamb's book of life.
    Revelation 22:14
    Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may ENTER IN through the gates into the city.also ;
    Philippians 2:12
    Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out YOUR own SALVATION WITH FEAR and trembling.

    ???  :D


    Irene: May I ask you how you are saved from sin? Would the answer not be, I am saved by “faith” in the finished work of Jesus.

    Is it by faith that we are righteous unto God? Abraham was counted righteous by faith! Do you believe that we all must submit ourselves to God by faith in what Jesus says to be cleansed from sin? By faith, believing, we are counted righteous. By faith, believing we are counted as worthy? By faith, believing we are purified by the saving words of Jesus that came from God almighty to purify his sons and daughters?

    If all these things are completed or fulfilled in us by “faith, believing” the words of God through Jesus, then what would “works or deeds” that a person “does or doesn't do” have to do with ones salvation that came by “faith”??

    Some say you come to God by faith, believing but then you have to “act” a certain way to retain the salvation. They say there can't be, “once saved always saved” because they believe that what they do or don't do in life might take away their salvation. THAT THEY RECEIVED BY FAITH IN THE FIRST PLACE,…. NOT BY WORKS OR DEEDS!!

    Once saved by believing God, always saved by believing God! Faith in Gods saving words through Jesus takes away all sin(wrong thinking) for all time. Unless one refuses to believe the truth any more. If one fails to believe his salvation he is then “lost” in sin(evil thinking).

    Only Faith connects us to God, so, only unbelief could separate us from God. Unbelief of the truth of God is “sin” which separates a man in his mind from God as having done wrong. Sin is self-condemnation. Choosing something one does as a sin that separates him from God.

    A persons own personal goals and achievements have absolutely nothing to do with acquiring or earning their relationship with God. How they live, what they do, none of it has any relevance to a personal relationship with God which is by faith. IMO, TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 21 2011,06:42)

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 21 2011,02:14)

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 21 2011,02:01)

    If someone believes sin is something you do or don't do or just believes that Jesus didn't really take away sin,
    then their sin remains(in their mind).

    Hi Tim,

    Are your words not FALSE? Your words are in direct contradiction to God's…

    Jer.17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked:
    who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man
    according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

    Please tell me what the word I highlighted says: “thoughts” or “DOINGS”! And according to “your thoughts” or “YOUR WAYS”!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: You have never really told me what you personally think sin is or what action one does that is a sin. I know you put forth the obvious like “adultery” as being a sin but it seems to me what Jesus described to those under the law as being “adultery”,

    would be UN-natural to even attempt to obey. If an (honest) man looks upon a beautiful woman and feels lust for her isn't that a pro-creative natural feeling for a man? Pro-creation depends on lust and desire to work the process. Besides all that what Jesus was also saying is that lust (in the mind/heart) is the same sin under the law as doing the act!

    Lets take a few scriptures and transpose the word “sin” for works and deeds.

    1) Jesus taketh away the “works and deeds” of the world…John1;29.
    2)…being made free from “works and deeds”…Rom6:18
    3)…Jesus manifested to take away “works and deeds”…1John3:5
    4)…anyone that commiteth “works and deeds” is a servant of “works and deeds”..1John8:34
    5)…the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all “works and deeds”….1John3:7

    Those don't sound right…..IF we confess our “works and deeds” he is faithful and just to forgive us our “works and deeds”…My friend confession is from the mind not “works and deeds”!….whosoever is born of God doeth no “works and deeds”…..Once again a mental/heart recreation not physical “works and deeds”!

    Yet if you transpose those scriptures with “wrong thoughts of sin” you will find more logic.

    No, my words are not FALSE. They are intended to form a more accurate perception of religions belief of sin.

    Ed it is very annoying when discussing a point of contention to have one side using scriptures to fire darts at the other person. (:)Don't forget that I feel Jer17:9-10 is more applicable to you than to me. Lets not use what you would call disciplinary scriptures aimed at each other. Just look for truth. TK

    Hi Tim,

    Do you really have that much trouble
    understanding what I have been saying?
    It might be better for you to ask questions
    than attempt to refute what I say, especially
    when you apparently don't know what I mean.

    Sin is rebellion, which is seen in works or deeds;
    works or deeds aren't necessarily acts of sinfulness.

    (:) Please explain exactly what you mean by this sentence?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 21 2011,07:01)

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 21 2011,02:17)

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 21 2011,02:09)

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 21 2011,01:22)
    Hi Tim,

    Jesus took away the sins of all repentant believers,
    and that forgiveness is available to the whole world.
    Do you know what “Repentance” means? I think you
    should do a word study, the results may surprise you.


    Repent: To turn from the way you are headed. Change directions.

    Think differently: Transform thinking: Transfigure: Transform your mind: Reform beliefs: Renew you mind, Born again, born anew of mind.

    It has nothing to do with forgiveness!!  TK

    Hi Tim,

    If your actions haven't changed direction,
    then how do you 'think' you have repented?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed:  (1)The word repent was used by John the Baptist speaking to the peoples going to the temple on the sabbath. He was saying to them repent, (turn around from the way you are headed) (2)and be Baptized for your sin.(wrong thinking)or [“deeds and works”].

    (3)John was introducing the New Way to perfection in God. (4)Basically it was a brain washing to remove the old beliefs of laws and rituals and washings, and sacrifices, and new days and sabbath days and on and on. (5)He was preparing their minds/hearts to receive the  spirit truth of God from Jesus. (6)He said, I baptize with water but the greater Baptism that is coming after mine, is spirit truth.

    (7)I have turned away from the works and deeds of the law (8)to the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. No longer a law of sin and death with dead works and deeds.

    Its a picture in the mind of washing out the old traditional ideas of religion and building the Kingdom of God within. Building the house of God from the spirit/truth words of Jesus. The new covenant. End of the old world order. BC now AD! Old temporal way was passing and the new eternal way had arrived.            

    In the days of the Roman Empire the great God of Heaven will establish a Kingdom that will never be destroyed. Not an earthly Kingdom. It is a Kingdom in the earth. Earthen bodies growing the Kingdom of God inside. IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    1) Are you saying John was telling people not to go to Jesus' fathers house (the temple)? (John 2:14-16)

    2) Wrong works and deeds, God will also clean up
    our thinking to prevent further sinful works or deeds.

    3) Baptizing in water was a symbol of being baptized in the HolySpirit.

    4) Those symbols are representations of what Jesus did.

    5) He was preparing the way of The LORD.

    6) Who will baptize you with the HolySpirit and fire.

    7) Do you mean you turned away from God's law?  

    8) The spirit of life in Christ follows God's laws!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed: Rebellion against what? If sin is rebellion there must be a law or rule to re-belle against. We know that if there is no law(rule or requirements) there is no sin(error, wrong done)! There is another rebellion (which is not accepting a truth of God). Sin is rejecting or not accepting a truth or truths of God. If God says you are cleansed by his words then you are. If one rejects that truth and says no I am not clean, he is in sin. You can be IN sin by thinking wrong, but not DO a sin. Sin is a mental disunion from God.

    Sin is the mind condemning self for something done or said against God. Rebellion against Gods words is sin. When Gods word is received in mind, contemplated and mulled over for acceptance or to be rejected. If rejected or unaccepted as the truth it will cause certain manifestations of evil which is any form of death or destruction. Changing the action does not change the mind. Changing the mind will change the actions. God judges the heart, not the actions. Cleansing of mind/heart will reflect different actions but If one cleanses, the actions to look good to others he is a liar and hypocrite. Does this make any sense to you at all? IMO, TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,02:54)
    Ed: (1)Rebellion against what? (2)If sin is rebellion there must be a law or rule to re-belle against. (3)We know that if there is no law(rule or requirements) there is no sin(error, wrong done)!  (4)There is another rebellion (which is not accepting a truth of God). Sin is rejecting or not accepting a truth or truths of God. (5)If God says you are cleansed by his words then you are. (6)If one rejects that truth and says no I am not clean, he is in sin. (7)You can be IN sin by thinking wrong, but not DO a sin. (8)Sin is a mental disunion from God.                          
    IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    1) against the LORD.

    2) There is, their called the 10 commandments.
        The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God. (Romans 8:7)

    3) Your fight appears to be against God.
        In the law it is written, With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto
        this people; and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the LORD. (1Cor.14:21)

        What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law:
        For I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. (Romans 7:7)
        For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law. (Rom.2:12)
        The law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. (Rom.7:12)
        The Law was added because of transgressions. (See Galatians 3:19)

    4) That is what I have been trying to tell you!

    5) Jesus said that.

    6) Spin

    7) That is not what Jesus said.

    8) Ever heard the phrase: “it takes one to know one”?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,02:54)

    (1)Sin is the mind condemning self for something done or said against God.  (2)Rebellion against Gods words is sin. (3)When Gods word is received in mind, contemplated and mulled over for acceptance or to be rejected. (4)If rejected or unaccepted as the truth it will cause certain manifestations of evil which is any form of death or destruction. (5)Changing the action does not change the mind. (6)Changing the mind will change the actions. (7)God judges the heart, not the actions. (8)Cleansing of mind/heart will reflect different actions (9)but If one cleanses, the actions to look good to others he is a liar and hypocrite. (10)Does this make any sense to you at all?  IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    1) No, that is Guilt.

    2) Agreed

    3) This is an example of an incomplete sentence.

    4) You have defined sin in this sentence.

    5) That is why it says the law cannot make us perfect.

    6) Agreed

    7) FALSE

    8) YES!   …the definition of “REPENT”!

    9) You need to explain just exactly what you mean?   …because your words here are as clear as mud.

    10) Your point #9 sure doesn't? could you express your thoughts using different words?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed: Even I couldn't understand what I was trying to write in that last post. Sorry, sometimes I get flustered. I will give one more shot at how I see it.

    I had the urge to find God in about 1980! I turned my mind and heart intentions to connect with God with a prayer and request for forgiveness of sin. I prayed to Jesus, who paved the way to God with his life, when I was at home alone. I promised that if God were truly there and cared about me I would dedicate my life to know his truths. I disliked what I saw and learned at the Church. At the start I gave up all my “so called bad habits” and vises to pursue this wonderful peace and contentment that had come over me. I wanted nothing else but more of that peace. I prayed several times a day read my bible listened to tapes of sermons, listened to KJV Bible tapes on an eight-track player that would play them over and over all night long. I saw fasting and thought we were supposed to fast. I fasted every sunday 24 hours, only water, for a year. I would come home from church and since I had learned nothing much about God there I would make it up by watching six hours of recorded sunday sermons from tv. I would study about 1200 hours a year pretty regular for the next twenty years or so. I was obsessed! As I studied I found some of the things my favorite teachers said did not align with other areas. Anyway I ended up after about 5 different churches, a Deacon in one, and a missions president in another on the board in another. What a waste of time! I had to much disagreement with what they were saying.They were glad to see me go as they did not know the answers to my questions. If one does not have a question he cannot know an answer! I broke away from all church associations and have been on my own now for the last fifteen years. The End!

    Quick summation: Man was lost from God. Moving further into “religion” or his own ideas of how to please or appease the God they had formed in their minds in the old testament. Man was going the way of sin and death through his own mental darkness. He could not hear God anymore. The reason man was moving away from God was through wrong thinking. He was making up religion or rules of what he perceived God would want with pomp and rituals and washings, new moons, Sabbaths, tithing, rules and laws of all sorts.

    Thank God there was always always preserved one or more man like Abraham and all the patriarchs that held fast to God by “faith” just believing. That is the only connection a man can have with God, believing. Man cannot see God. The law was brought in to try to control or guide the people. They actually demanded and begged for a law. Even that was nitpicked altered and manipulated from one end to the other.

    God new that the law of Moses could not cleanse the problem which was in the heart/mind/thinking of mankind. Man had believed evil and was headed toward complete destruction until Jesus came. There are two requirements to find the most high God: One must believe that he is…..and that he is a re-warder of those who diligently seek him. The reason Jesus had to come was mankind in general was lost in sin and darkness. Sin is darkness or the inability to see and understand the truth/light of God.

    In the fulness of time, the end that religious world order, BC, the end of the old testament physical service way to God! Then with AD came the New Testament of God beginning with John preparing the way for Jesus by baptizing with physical water to symbolically wash away the old thinking to make place for the new spirit way. John told the people repent, or turn from the old way and follow the new. The one that comes after will immerse your minds with holy ghost and fire. This is the great and terrible day of the lord.

    A great day for acceptors and followers by faith/believing in their perfection but terrible for those still hanging on to the law and physical works for salvation. Physical works will be burned like with fire! They never did cleanse the worshiper back then, how much less now with the outpouring of Gods words/spirit in truth from Jesus. Now is the time for each individual to build his own temple of God within.

    Each one will learn of himself and build or create his relationship with God personally by faith. The truth of God through Jesus was give to all who would come, in parables and a mystery. A mystery hidden in Christ FOR the righteous to find. Jesus the precious stone of God is to be found by each and every individual to abide in him and he and the father will abide in us, as the truth. Sin is to you what you believe sin is. It is not for me to say what sin is for you. I know the law of Moses is past for me. The new covenant is one of personal choice.

    Accept as much of God as you like and love as you have been loved. Each individual is planting their own seeds of love or whatever they choose to come back as their harvest in life. Judge not or be judged. You are your own law unto your own life to live as you choose to live. You will reap what you sow in life. Sorry so long I get carried away. Hope someone reads it all. God bless, TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,08:54)
    (1)Sin is to you what you believe sin is. (2)It is not for me to say what sin is for you.

    Hi Tim,

    Thanks for the dissertation of what you believe!
    There is a lot we both believe in common. We
    are not here to pat ourselves on the back,
    but to provide an atmosphere of growth.

    That growth is impinged, however, when you propagate lies about what sin is. Sin is Rebellion.
    You can close your eyes and say rebellion doesn't exist, but you would just be fooling yourself.

    1) FALSE!    2) But it is my responsibility to tell you what sin really is! (Gal.6:1)

                        Sin is Rebellion!

    Sin is what sin is irregardless of what you believe sin is!
    Sin is rebellion. Go back and insert the word rebellion
    in your five questions on the last post of page 8.
    You will see that rebellion substitutes for sin!

    The law exposes rebellion just like words or deeds expose rebellion.
    Jesus said: “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit(sin), neither
    can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” (Mathew 7:18)

    Do you want to be held accountable for the rebellion of others
    when you are telling them that rebellion(sin) no longer exists?
    <– Think about this!

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed: The problem I have with laws, rules, or rebellion is that there are none! To unite with God is by faith. To be sinless and perfect is by faith. The only way then, to separate from union with God is by unbelief that you are united! The union of man and God is in the mind/heart. The separation of God/man is in the mind/heart. Neither the union with God nor the separation from God are due to works, deeds, or mans efforts in any way shape or form. Faith unites unto life, faith in separation is death. Its so simple its easy to stumble over. Jesus came with the truth of God to recreate mans mind into the truth of what he really is and always has been. The truth is what God sees. God sees his sons and daughters, made perfect without blemish, individually experiencing life in its many forms and its extremes of duality from one side to the extreme of the other side.

    No evil only good. Never was any evil. Man believed a lie in the beginning of evil and passed it down through dying generations. Someone needed to save mankind from THINKING death. Thank you Lord Jesus who brought life through light which exposed all the evil works that were being attempted my mankind to clean himself and make himself worthy of God. Religious lies perpetrated on mankind as requirements of performance to please God. Your performance in this life is your business. The desires of your heart are being drawn through your soul and brought thoughts to your attention to ponder, incubate and give birth to as a manifestation in life.

    Ed I appreciate you even taking the time to read these dissertations of my. I believe they are from God. I find that on the trek back to God a mans mind begins to take on an awareness of the futility of mans works and efforts as some sort of “evidence” or “example” of godliness. With God there is neither plus nor minus based on what we do on earth.

    You quote: Jesus said: “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit(sin), neither
    can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” (Mathew 7:18)….this is a true scripture. This is a fact about a tree that is symbolic of a man. Its doesn't say anything about rebellion or sin. Its a fact of truth. No condemnation. Religion puts in the condemnation. I don't know why!

    Every man has to come to term with his belief in sin. If one believes “sin” to be a wrong or bad thing against God then anyone who has sin or believes he sins cannot unite with God. That's the reason Jesus took away the sin/errant beliefs. So we could unite with God. I will not hang on to sin. Sin is non-existent to me. I am what God says I am, forever!!

    We are making the choices of experience. God recommends love, giving love, sharing love, living love, because we will reap a harvest of whatever seed we sow. Otherwise total freedom in Christ with no condemnation. Where there is no condemnation there cannot possibly be rebellion. Its all choice! We are not accountable for another's choices in life, ever! Not even our children. IMO, TK



    when you are telling them that rebellion(sin) no longer exists? <– Think about this!

    Is that statement any different than, …Jesus took away the sin of the whole world…! or….How shall we, who are dead to sin, live any longer therein…..Jesus manifested to take away our sin….Jesus appeared to put away sin….now being made free from sin….and many more.

    The only rebellion against God is REFUSING TO BELIEVE HIS WORD! Where does the bible say that if we do ….this….we sin? God cannot judge you clean and perfect and then condemn you for an action that you do or don't do! There is no perfect way to act!! If a person believes his actions speak for his cleanliness he is lost in sin/error! IF WE BELIEVE IN OUR WORKS AND ACTIONS AND DEEDS AS HAVING ANYTHING TO DO WITH OUR SALVATION WE DENY THE WORK OF JESUS ON OUR BEHALF. And that is the only way to unite in purity with God.

    You say….

    when you propagate lies about what sin is. Sin is Rebellion.

    The bible says Jesus took sin away. Jesus appeared to put away sin! Sin does not exist! Is it even possible to “sin”? Sin is gone. The only way I can see a person sinning is that they define a work or a deed as a “sin”….then they do the act or work or deed….and believe that because they did the work or deed they have sinned, then, in their heart, they condemn themselves of sin!!

    Religion has stifled the awareness that sin is taken away and keeps men in condemnation. IMO, TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,21:15)
    Ed:  The problem I have with laws, rules, or rebellion is that there are none! To unite with God is by faith. To be sinless and perfect is by faith. The only way then, to separate from union with God is by unbelief that you are united! The union of man and God is in the mind/heart. The separation of God/man is in the mind/heart. Neither the union with God nor the separation from God are due to works, deeds, or mans efforts in any way shape or form. Faith unites unto life, faith in separation is death. Its so simple its easy to stumble over. Jesus came with the truth of God to recreate mans mind into the truth of what he really is and always has been. The truth is what God sees. God sees his sons and daughters, made perfect without blemish, individually experiencing life in its many forms and its extremes of duality from one side to the extreme of the other side.        

    No evil only good. Never was any evil. Man believed a lie in the beginning of evil and passed it down through dying generations. Someone needed to save mankind from THINKING death. Thank you Lord Jesus who brought life through light which exposed all the evil works that were being attempted my mankind to clean himself and make himself worthy of God. Religious lies perpetrated on mankind as requirements of performance to please God. Your performance in this life is your business. The desires of your heart are being drawn through your soul and brought thoughts to your attention to ponder, incubate and give birth to as a manifestation in life.

    Ed I appreciate you even taking the time to read these dissertations of my. I believe they are from God. I find that on the trek back to God a mans mind begins to take on an awareness of the futility of mans works and efforts as some sort of “evidence” or “example” of godliness. With God there is neither plus nor minus based on what we do on earth.

    You quote:  Jesus said: “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit(sin), neither
    can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” (Mathew 7:18)….this is a true scripture. This is a fact about a tree that is symbolic of a man. Its doesn't say anything about rebellion or sin. Its a fact of truth. No condemnation. Religion puts in the condemnation. I don't know why!

    Every man has to come to term with his belief in sin. If one believes “sin” to be a wrong or bad thing against God then anyone who has sin or believes he sins cannot unite with God. That's the reason Jesus took away the sin/errant beliefs. So we could unite with God. I will not hang on to sin. Sin is non-existent to me. I am what God says I am, forever!!
    We are making the choices of experience. God recommends love, giving love, sharing love, living love, because we will reap a harvest of whatever seed we sow. Otherwise total freedom in Christ  with no condemnation. Where there is no condemnation there cannot possibly be rebellion. Its all choice! We are not accountable for another's choices in life, ever! Not even our children.   IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    Is this your message then, for all to disregard God's laws?
    Because that's what it seems you are teaching; are you?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,21:15)
    …this is a true scripture.

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,21:46)
    Where does the bible say that if we do ….this….we sin?

    Hi Tim,

    Too bad you Judge Scripture rather than letting Scripture Judge you.
    Sin is the transgression of the law. (1John 4:3)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 22 2011,23:35)

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,21:15)
    …this is a true scripture.

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,21:46)
    Where does the bible say that if we do ….this….we sin?

    Hi Tim,

    Too bad you Judge Scripture rather than letting Scripture Judge you.
    Sin is the transgression of the law. (1John 4:3)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: If there were still a law then sin would remain. Since the law was fulfilled in Jesus there is no sin in truth from God. There is only mans sinful illusions of things he identifies as “sin against God.

    ..sin shall not have dominion(control, influence)over you for you are not under the law, but under grace…Rom6:14….

    ….know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey…..whether of sin, unto death, or of hearing unto righteousness….Rom6:16….

    ….4:13….that the promise that Abraham would be heir of the world was not to Abraham & seed through the “law” but THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH…for those who are of the law heirs,(or heirs under the law)…. then faith is made void…where there is no law there is no transgression(sin/wrong/bad/evil)!!

    There are so many scriptures that tell us the law is done away that I can hardly believe people who know scriptures well must be blinded to not see.

    To follow the so called ten commandments or “precepts” of God is a good thing for outlaws and thieves. It help to guide those who need guidance to control themselves from destructive deeds. But as to perfection unto God it has no effect. Unto Gods perfection of the heart/mind the law never did work, at all. TK


    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 22 2011,23:35)

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,21:15)
    …this is a true scripture.

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 22 2011,21:46)
    Where does the bible say that if we do ….this….we sin?

    Hi Tim,

    Too bad you Judge Scripture rather than letting Scripture Judge you.
    Sin is the transgression of the law. (1John 4:3)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Sin is the transgression of the law. (1John 4:3)


    Thank God we no longer are under the law. That's why sin is gone! TK

    Ed J

    Hi Tim,

    Why do you attempt to take the tutoring of the law away from those who need it? (See Gal.3:24)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed: I didn't take it away. God took it away. I just read and report. Everyone must stand on their own. TK

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