New Age Philosophy Tim Kraft?

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    A man with a sin consciousness or a mind that believes in sin cannot receive from God.

    LK 18:13 “But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’
    LK 18:14 “I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

    I believe TK you should revise your view on this one



    Pierre: I need not revise a point you completely missed! We were(past tense) all “sinners” or “in sin” or “had sin” or “knew sin” before we accepted the cleansing of Jesus. People are in sin until they accept the sacrifice of Jesus. Then THEY ARE NO LONGER IN SIN!! At that time, if they say to themselves, I think I still have sin or I am in sin or I sin everyday even if I don't know I sin, then they would be saying the sacrifice of Jesus wasn't enough.A sin consciousness after learning of the redemption of Jesus is denying Jesus' work! They would need another sacrifice for cleansing. Paul said the blood of bulls and goats was continuous, daily. But the sacrifice of Jesus was eternal, forever. Forever cleansed. Forever healed. Forever made whole and perfect unto God. His life paid the price forever. NOW, DON'T SAY, I HAVE SIN OR I AM IN SIN OR I SIN EVERYDAY for if you do you are saying the sacrifice failed to due its duty.

    Its like 1John, V7….the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin….V8…If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us…..The one erradicates the other. If his blood cleanseth then we are clean. The next verse says If we confess/acknowledge our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (sounds like we are made perfect unto God) by Jesus.

    If after a person accepts cleansing of sin he then goes backward and begins to believe in his works or deeds or that he hasn't been good enough in any way, he then has no more covering for his error/sin. If he thinks he is in sin then he is. If he thinks his works condemn him they do, if he thinks that Jesus cleansed him once and for all then he is clean and in perfect union with God. THE ONLY WAY TO PEACE WITH GOD IS THROUGH BELIEVING JESUS PAID THE PRICE!! IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ July 15 2011,21:37)
    Pierre: I need not revise a point you completely missed!  We were(past tense) all “sinners” or “in sin” or “had sin” or “knew sin” before we accepted the cleansing of Jesus. People are in sin until they accept the sacrifice of Jesus. Then THEY ARE NO LONGER IN SIN!!  At that time, if they say to themselves, I think I still have sin or I am in sin or I sin everyday even if I don't know I sin, then they would be saying the sacrifice of Jesus wasn't enough.A sin consciousness after learning of the redemption of Jesus is denying Jesus' work! They would need another sacrifice for cleansing. Paul said the blood of bulls and goats was continuous, daily. But the sacrifice of Jesus was eternal, forever. Forever cleansed. Forever healed. Forever made whole and perfect unto God. His life paid the price forever. NOW, DON'T SAY, I HAVE SIN OR I AM IN SIN OR I SIN EVERYDAY for if you do you are saying the sacrifice failed to due its duty.

    Its like 1John, V7….the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin….V8…If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us…..The one erradicates the other. If his blood cleanseth then we are clean. The next verse says If we confess/acknowledge our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (sounds like we are made perfect unto God) by Jesus.

    If after a person accepts cleansing of sin he then goes backward and begins to believe in his works or deeds or that he hasn't been good enough in any way, he then has no more covering for his error/sin. If he thinks he is in sin then he is. If he thinks his works condemn him they do, if he thinks that Jesus cleansed him once and for all then he is clean and in perfect union with God. THE ONLY WAY TO PEACE WITH GOD IS THROUGH BELIEVING JESUS PAID THE PRICE!! IMO, TK

    Greetings Tom ….. I have accepted and fully understand the sacrafice in conjunction with the deity of Jesus and that he is indeed the Christ…. My carnal human existence begs forgiveness on a regular basis and that supports the fact that Iam a sinner…. Where do you stand on this issue in light of your understanding…


    Quote (theodorej @ July 15 2011,23:59)

    Quote (ftk @ July 15 2011,21:37)
    Pierre: I need not revise a point you completely missed!  We were(past tense) all “sinners” or “in sin” or “had sin” or “knew sin” before we accepted the cleansing of Jesus. People are in sin until they accept the sacrifice of Jesus. Then THEY ARE NO LONGER IN SIN!!  At that time, if they say to themselves, I think I still have sin or I am in sin or I sin everyday even if I don't know I sin, then they would be saying the sacrifice of Jesus wasn't enough.A sin consciousness after learning of the redemption of Jesus is denying Jesus' work! They would need another sacrifice for cleansing. Paul said the blood of bulls and goats was continuous, daily. But the sacrifice of Jesus was eternal, forever. Forever cleansed. Forever healed. Forever made whole and perfect unto God. His life paid the price forever. NOW, DON'T SAY, I HAVE SIN OR I AM IN SIN OR I SIN EVERYDAY for if you do you are saying the sacrifice failed to due its duty.

    Its like 1John, V7….the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin….V8…If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us…..The one erradicates the other. If his blood cleanseth then we are clean. The next verse says If we confess/acknowledge our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (sounds like we are made perfect unto God) by Jesus.

    If after a person accepts cleansing of sin he then goes backward and begins to believe in his works or deeds or that he hasn't been good enough in any way, he then has no more covering for his error/sin. If he thinks he is in sin then he is. If he thinks his works condemn him they do, if he thinks that Jesus cleansed him once and for all then he is clean and in perfect union with God. THE ONLY WAY TO PEACE WITH GOD IS THROUGH BELIEVING JESUS PAID THE PRICE!! IMO, TK

    Greetings Tom ….. I have accepted and fully understand the sacrafice in conjunction with the deity of Jesus and that he is indeed the Christ…. My carnal human existence begs forgiveness on a regular basis and that supports the fact that Iam a sinner…. Where do you stand on this issue in light of your understanding…

    theodore: What was the purpose for Jesus to come to earth? He came to set the captives free. What captives? Free from what? Were not Gods people in darkness and sin?

    Did Jesus prepare a way unto God? Did Jesus light the pathway to God. Did Jesus give us the truth about God? What did Jesus come to do, for mankind, that nobody else could do?

    Jesus came to perfect mankind with the truth from God. He came to enlighten the world to the truth of God. The former law could not make the worshipers perfect. Jesus came to set men free from the bondage of sin. Do you believe he did this? Do you believe that we are saved from sin through his sacrifice? He gave his life to cleanse you and make you whole and perfect unto God.

    If you accept that truth of what Jesus did within you as the final sacrifice, you are cleansed and made perfect for all time.

    Don't listen to religion or doctrines or other forms of media, or preachers or whoever else, just listen to Jesus.

    You are supposed to take your carnal, human existence and trade it in for a new, completely rebuilt model of you. Washed by the water of the word of God. You are a new man created by Gods words(spirit) not human hands. You are no longer a sinner and you are no longer in sin. Sin is thinking you are sinning unto God. This truth from God given to Jesus will create within you grattitude, thanksgiving, peace, love, joy, happiness. These are the fruit produced from that knowledge of God.

    Now there is nothing left to forgive. Your life can go on in peace love and joy in the holy spirit.

    This is the good news(Gospel) of God. You are clean and perfect unto God.

    Jesus came and gave his life as payment for these words to be true. This is what he has done for you. Will you accept his truth? We all (who accept and believe) will rise up together in this truth which will eliminate all darkness and sin(remove the devils/lies) until we all come to the fulness of Christ Jesus in ONENESS with God. No greater love can be shown but that a man lay down his life for another to give them perfect life. IMO, TK


    Tim says he is free fom sin. Ed says “I do not sin”.. Terrica correctly points out that those who exalt themselves will be humbled. I agree. No one is good but God alone. Peace-Mark

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ July 16 2011,05:40)
    Tim says he is free fom sin. Ed says “I do not sin”.. Terrica correctly points out that those who exalt themselves will be humbled. I agree. No one is good but God alone. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Heb 11:40 God having provided some better thing for us,
    that they without us should not be made perfect.
    Is this verse not in your bible, Mark?
    How do you define “perfect”?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (mikeangel @ July 16 2011,05:40)
    Tim says he is free fom sin. Ed says “I do not sin”.. Terrica correctly points out that those who exalt themselves will be humbled. I agree. No one is good but God alone. Peace-Mark

    Mark: An evil heart is a heart filled with sin and destruction. This does not come from God. God has given us life in Christ through Jesus and created us into new beings. The words of God through Jesus have called us perfect, called us clean, called us whole and one in them.

    God has cleanse us from sin and given all these things to us as a gift. No payment, a free gift of God through his son Jesus. This is the truth. This is what you are, IF YOU BELIEVE! This is the truth, for all who will accept and believe. It has nothing to do with how hard you try or how good you think you do, it is by faith, alone!

    It appears that some dark powers or religious rulers of this world have lied to you and cheated you from the truth of who and what you are. Someone has whispered in your ear that you are a sinner and trying to be good for God. That is a lie straight from deception and darkness. Anti-God and Anti-Christ! Untruth.

    We need not exalt ourselves when God has done it for us!!!!

    A hard stand with one believing he is in sin is not easy to break down. Only you can soften your heart to accept the seeds of truth from God and walk as the upright, perfected son of God that you are. IMO, TK


    For All: [Quote Theo….. I have accepted and fully understand the sacrafice in conjunction with the deity of Jesus and that he is indeed the Christ…. My carnal human existence begs forgiveness on a regular basis and that supports the fact that Iam a sinner…. Where do you stand on this issue in light of your understanding…]

    Sin is one of the most misunderstood term in the entire Bible. In our world today we have the understanding that “sin” is something you either do or don't do! This is not true. In the begining is the truth/God! Truth was all there was. For the sake of argument lets just say anti-truth arose or was created. It was not the truth or light it was darkness, misunderstanding, misconception, altered truth, distorted truth, lies and deceptions away from truth.

    So mankind could hear two voices within, the voice of God/light or the voice of lies/deceptions against the truth. Truth is God and stands forever. Lies and deceptions that create darkness and illusions of truth will only last until man is fully enlightened. Light casts out darkness. Truth casts out lies. Jesus came to tell us the truth, of God, which is eternal. The spirit words that Jesus spoke from God are light and they cast out devils/lies/darkness.

    There is a war in the minds of human beings. A war of life and death, good and evil, light and dark! Humanity is the sons of God with the life force of God, the annointing of God, the spirit of God within. The mind is the connector between man and God through awareness. You can be in great danger and not know it or not be aware of the danger and it passes you by, un-noticed. We pick and choose information from birth that create who we believe we are. In this way you are the creator of your awareness. You create “yourself” by the information you hear, see, make-up, experience etc.! What you believe also alters and taints what you “think” you see around you.

    From Theo's quote at the begining my heart feels some pain and sorrow. We are not “carnal” beings. We are spirit beings in a carnal body. We must each separate our bodies from our own minds which is the mind of Christ! ….Let this same mind that was in Christ Jesus be also in you…! The part about “begging forgiveness” affected me. If Theo or anyone else on this site actually could comprehend fully who they really are in God and what they can do, they would be astounded! We are limitless sons of God that have bound ourselves believing our own limitations. We say, I am a ……whatever billions of labels we wish to apply. Each label fences us in, blocks a pathway and limits who we are or what we can do. We have much negative influence around us daily but so did Jesus and look what he did.

    Sin is an errant belief that something one did has blocked or separated us from God.

    Sin is a self judgment against oneself, that the person believes separates them from a perfect union with God. All in the mind. If we let the word of God (Jesus) judge us, as is what should be happening, then we are judged perfect, clean, whole, sinless full of light, etc.!

    Jesus gave his life to take away our sin. Jesus washed away our sin. The new man, the new testiment creation of God/Man is made free from sin. No longer shall sin(errant thinking) have dominion. Sin is darkness and must be overtaken by light. Sin is an error of thinking bad about self. That error of thinking is, “that there is sin”! See no more sin, think no more sin. Just some powerful thoughts to ponder and pray about. IMO, TK



    Sin is a self judgment against oneself, that the person believes separates them from a perfect union with God. All in the mind. If we let the word of God (Jesus) judge us, as is what should be happening, then we are judged perfect, clean, whole, sinless full of light, etc.!

    Can a humble believer be separated from God ?

    can a arrogant be separated from God ?



    Pierre: It seems you misunderstand “true humility”! True humility agrees with God no matter how it really feels. You may feel unclean or sinful or self condemning in a variety of ways but not matter how you feel about yourself, what ever God says about you is what you accept as truth. The highest respect one can give to God/Jesus is accepting his words as his life blood. The lowest non-respectful thing a person can do, is refuse what God/Jesus says about them and attempt to clean himself up by his own methods or works or deeds, and then call himself clean. God has made you and called you perfect through Jesus, now rest in the fihished works of Jesus, with thanksgiving!

    Doing things or works or deeds for perfection IS SEPARATION FROM GOD!! Working out your own perfection is arrogance! Self created perfection by deeds rejects Christ. Union with God is by faith, separation from God is through works, like the law, man made performance.

    IMO, TK

    Ed J


    Hey Tim, tell us how your views differ from  ‘this guy's’  views; OK?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed: I couldn't get any audio. But he sure dresses nice! TK

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ July 05 2011,13:38)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 04 2011,18:26)

    Hi Tim,

    You still haven't told us how your views differ from 'New Age Philosophy';
    could you please tell us the differences, so we all here at H-net will know?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Bump for Tim


    Quote (mikeangel @ July 04 2011,04:35)
    From posting and answering post from Tim Kraft, I became very interested in the New Age Movement, also known as “The Secret” in some circles. I have done some research, and would like to ask Tim some questions, without having to interrupt someone elses topic discussion. In no way whatsoever am I attacking Tim or degradeing him or calling him out. I just want to understand what exactly he is trying to get across and comunicate as his philosophy on God. So Tim, please help me understand your position and reasoning.

    Let me say what I believe you are trying to say. I'm not putting words into your mouth, this is what I understand you to profess. Just correct me where I am mistaken please-

    1. You can change your reality by your will and willing it, not by praying to a God separate from you who will help you with his Power.
    2.The only message of the crucifixion is that you yourself can overcome the cross(trials and suffering) by remembering that there is no sin.
    3.The man on the cross was a archetypal image, not literally God's only son whose death and sacrifice saved us and redeemed us as his believers.
    4.Your holiness is your salvation.
    5. Your holiness comes from within you yourself.
    6.Your mind is part of God's, and that is where God is and where he comes from, so you yourself are very holy if you disbelieve evil.
    7. Heaven is not a location or place, but it is in your mind.

    I mean to understand so that I will not waste any more of your time on me and I understand where you are coming from. Was I right in these statements? If not which ones?  Respectfully and sincerely, Mark

    Mark: God bless you for such a kind, loving and respectful query into the truths of God as I believe them to be…(at this time, my faith and understanding is continuing to evolve…)!

    1. You can change your reality by your will and willing it, not by praying to a God separate from you who will help you with his Power.[/Quote

    Your mind is your reality whether it be of God/truth or man created illusions/his truth. Throughout our lives we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch for our personal first-hand experiences. The things we experience are real to us and create a firm belief. All other information comes via newspaper, internet, tv, radio, billboards, and here is the tricky one: Here-say, conjecture, slanted truths, books, magazines, outright lies, embellishments of gossip, and just plain outright mistakes in communication. I would say 90% of the information we have accepted in our minds has no truth validity whatsoever. Just stories passed from one to another. What we have decided to accept as truth for ourselves is predominately what we are. We are what we believe we are! We create that reality of what we believe, whether it is real truth or not real (made up)truth. It is “your” reality!

    2)[Quote]The only message of the crucifixion is that you yourself can overcome the cross(trials and suffering) by remembering that there is no sin.

    My truth at this point on the crucifixion is that Jesus laid down his life, on his own accord, to seal the covenant between God and Man. He said his life was his to pick up or lay down, no one takes it from him. On earth a will is in testate until the testator of the will dies. Jesus was attempting to establish and effectuate the New Will of God. God/love/life, did not sentence Jesus to die, IMO, and that act did not (IMO) reverse anything Adam did originally. It was the ultimate show of love ever.


    3.The man on the cross was a archetypal image, not literally God's only son whose death and sacrifice saved us and redeemed us as his believers.

    Jesus literally transcended his physical body on the cross. There is no death as in cessation of life. We shed our coat/body and stand in spirit. Eternal life never dies. It changes but never dies.
    There is only God/life. God is absolute life. There is no opposite to absolute. So there is no opposite to life. Death is an illusion accepted by man, throughout time. When we accept eternal life time ceases to exist.


    Your holiness is your salvation.

    For me, salvation (grk.wds: sozo and soteria) is all inclusive of the work of Jesus. Blessing, forgiveness, healing, spiritual and physical and purified perfection so made within as a dwelling place for the holy or holy's!


    Your holiness comes from within you yourself.

    Most emphatically NO! Our holiness is made, completed, and finished by Jesus from God. We have nothing to do with it. It is a gift of God received by faith.


    …6.Your mind is part of God's, and that is where God is and where he comes from, so you yourself are very holy if you disbelieve evil.

    I do agree that our mind is part of God's. The scriptures say we have the mind of Christ. That is the anointed mind of God.
    You are of God and are very Holy because that is what and how God made you. If you believe Gods words of truth, and wash away all unbelief, do it yourself type religious ideas and let the spiritual water of the words of God cleanse away all dark, destructive, evil, thoughts then you become aware of who you really are, a Holy Son of God!





    Quote (terraricca @ July 15 2011,15:16)

    A man with a sin consciousness or a mind that believes in sin cannot receive from God.

    LK 18:13 “But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’
    LK 18:14 “I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

    I believe TK you should revise your view on this one


    Pierre: Very simple.

    The tax collector new he needed God in which God will never turn anyone away.

    You forgot to add the rich man. That the most important part. A rich man thinks he has no need for anything. The rich man was saying in his heart, look at me and all the great works I've done and all the money I have given etc. He felt he deserved Gods forgiveness when in fact his works then separated him from God.

    Anything earned by works or deeds is the payment for those works and deeds. Works and deeds exalt a persons perception of themselves because they earned it themselves. Paul called it boasting. Boasting to God, look at all my good works, shouldn't I be cleansed and forgiven?

    All who work to exalt themselves unto God will be humbled. Those that humble themselves by saying, I didn't deserve this great gift, I didn't earn this great gift but since you gave it to me I thank you for it.

    God bless, TK


    Quote (Ed J @ July 17 2011,22:07)

    Hey Tim, tell us how your views differ from  ‘this guy's’  views; OK?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    I haven't the time for you, Ed!! TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 19 2011,01:00)
    I haven't the time for you, Ed!!   TK

    Hi Tim,

    No, why not?
    I have time for you.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed: Where did the Q&A post from Mark go? If I forgot to press post, I understand why my long answer isn't there but I don't even find Mark earnest questions post. Please let me know whats going on. Did they go to another place? TK

    Ed J

    Hi Tim,

    It might be in another thread; did you check?   …there are two other threads that might be in.

    This one: Forum » BELIEVERS PLACE » Scripture & Biblical Doctrine » Emmanuel

    Or this one: Forum » BELIEVERS PLACE » Biblical Prophecy » Mass animal deaths

    Let the readers of this thread know where they are; OK?

    Your friend
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Tim! You are not perfect, what you claim…All have fallen short of the glory of God…. You seem to forget that…. And why do we have Moderator for, if we are always freed from sins…. ???? We still have to go to the throne of God and ask for the forgiveness of those sins…. Only Jesus was sinless…. and our perfect sacrifices….

    1Jo 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

    You should take these words to heart…

    1Jo 2:1 ¶ My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

    1Jo 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for [the sins of] the whole world.

    1Jo 2:3 ¶ And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

    1Jo 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.


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