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- November 24, 2011 at 8:41 pm#265220
i have correct you note
November 25, 2011 at 11:07 am#265951ftk
ParticipantPierre: In Matt. at 15:12….the Pharisees (highest leaders of the religious world) were offended when Jesus said to his disciples, V14….let them (church leaders) alone: (they) be blind leaders of the blind. And if (the blind) lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch….V15…Peter said declare unto us this parable…V18…THOSE THINGS(WORDS) WHICH PROCEED….OUT OF THE MOUTH….COME FORTH FROM THE HEART, AND….THEY DEFILE THE MAN….! [Mankind is defiled or made unclean or “sins” by thought]
…..V19….FOR [OUT OF THE HEART]….PROCEED EVIL THOUGHTS….MURDERS, ADULTERIES, FORNICATIONS, THEFTS, FALSE WITNESS, BLASPHEMIES…..THESE THINGS….[OUT OF THE HEART/MIND]….ARE THE THINGS THAT DEFILE A MAN…..!!! Thinking and dwelling on these things is tantamount to performing them as far a ''Sin'' goes! The thoughts of a righteous man dwell on the cleansing power of God through Christ Jesus. We are clean because of the washing and cleansing of the words of God which say…you are clean!!
The mind of Christ is the creative part of man. “Sin” and “evil” thinking is in the mind/heart first. That's where evil is created. Whether it is manifested out in the open or not doesn't matter, the separation from love/God is in the mind/heart first!!
Men can act good and nice yet be defiled on the inside at the mind/heart! Preachers follow cleansing's and washings and make up rules and regulations, rules, laws, etc., supposedly from God, but the heart is where sin is or is not!
There is one law, one rule, one command one way to God, that's accepting the finished work of Jesus that cleanses you completely. His word for today says to love your neighbor as yourself. IMO. TK
November 25, 2011 at 12:58 pm#265954mikeangel
I hope you had a good Thankgiving. Mine was great until my wife hurt me badly and oened up some old wounds I can't seem to heal. Julie was a scociopath and Bi-polar. Every single Holiday for 14 years was trashed somehow or another, from her dealing with her pain by hurting me. Holidays brought it out worst. I remember trying to walk on eggshells and trying to make sure nothing went wrong, and, eventually, something did, and she would get wasted and end up in the hospital from a suicide attempt. I did everything I could. Yesterday, with my second wife (Julie did commit suicide eventually), she had to work during the day. I stayed around the house, did chores, raked the leaves, cleaned the carport, fixed the cable, and forsook even going to see my own family for hers. After a long day, I fell asleep on the couch about 7. She said “go to bed mark” so I got up and stumbled into the br half asleep. I pulled down the covers and got in bed. She then told me to get back up, and complained I didn't make the bed, and I helped and got into bed, but when I reached out for her, she told me to leave her alone, and this morning told me how much I was inconsiderate for being “touchy” about making the bed. I don't care how much you tell me the world is perfect and sinless. No matter what I do or how much I try, it is still not enough. Being there or not and dong my best is never good enough. I wish God would kill me today.
November 25, 2011 at 1:03 pm#265955mikeangel
ParticipantAffliction hurts and life does too.
November 25, 2011 at 2:36 pm#265957ftk
ParticipantMike: My good friend. Thanks for the truth you shared. My heart goes out to you with every ounce of love I can give. I want you to understand something extremely important for me to try to tell you.
In my beliefs there are two worlds at work. There is a relationship with my creator Father in heaven or spiritual father and there is my life on earth. Totally different but somewhat united together.
My relationship with my father in heaven has been mended and made perfect through the acts and efforts of Jesus who came to set things right between God and mankind. Mankind had fallen away from God (in his mind) by believing in sins of all sorts and condemning himself for doing things he himself judged as sin! Lets just say the world was lost in sin and darkness(unaware of the truth of God)!
Jesus came to completely repair the separation of God and man. Jesus as the truth of God taught of a new temple(us)a new place of abode for him and the father(in us) created a new church or body of Christ(us) and set up his Kingdom within each person also. He made us sovereign Kings of our kingdom of God and Priests of our Temple of God, we are master of our house of God and teachers in our church of God his body. Jesus took away all sin or errant beliefs by telling us the truth. His words cleansed us, ordained us for his work, sanctified us, made us whole, righteous and perfect unto God. Jesus completed that work for God and gave it to mankind free of charge. The only way mankind can walk in perfect pureness unto God is by believing that apart from anything you can do, it is yours by believing.
The end. God made us perfect through Christ Jesus. No works, no efforts, so sin, no pain, no suffering, no sorrow, all good and perfect.
Now this life on earth. Jesus told us that we would reap here on earth whatever we sow! Jesus gave us clean, powerful, minds of Christ.
He washed us with his words to make us clean so we could live life in union with God/love/Jesus!! If we begin to believe lies of darkness about sin and separation from God we push ourselves away from God and believe we are separated from him. The further into untruth or darkness we feel we have gone the further away from God we believe we are.
If Jesus says we are clean then we are clean. If Jesus says I have taken away sin then sin is taken away. If the Bible say there is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus then how dare we do something, judge ourselves and guilty and condemn ourselves to separation from God?
The suggestion Jesus gave was to abide in his word and let his word abide in us which is love unconditional. Love everyone at all times. Forgive, live and let live and to whatever degree you sow this love is the degree you will reap love on earth and in heaven.
When dealing with other people they have their own way of life and sometime it directly affects our lives, some times indirectly. Don't let your wars or dealings on earth or with a spouse or with an enemy or in any way shape or form let them separate you from God. God gives you love that no one else can give. Just always know, his arms to you are open…..NO MATTER WHAT….!! NEVER FEEL WRONG UNTO GOD AGAIN AND GIVE ALL THE THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE TO JESUS WHO MADE IT SO!! IMO, TK
November 25, 2011 at 8:04 pm#265987terraricca
ParticipantQuote (mikeangel @ Nov. 26 2011,06:03) Affliction hurts and life does too.
Hi MarkJust thinking ,we have very similar live, but think that we sufer from our wants and needs, but more from our wants than from our needs,
I hope you understand what I am talking about ?
Less wants = les pains
Love you brother
November 26, 2011 at 12:03 am#266009mikeangel
Participantthanks Pierre, I needed that. I love you too. me
November 26, 2011 at 12:05 am#266010mikeangel
ParticipantThose who love much, hurt much, but it's worth it, by far…..
November 26, 2011 at 12:18 am#266011mikeangel
ParticipantQuote In my beliefs there are two worlds at work. There is a relationship with my creator Father in heaven or spiritual father and there is my life on earth. Totally different but somewhat united together. My relationship with my father in heaven has been mended and made perfect through the acts and efforts of Jesus who came to set things right between God and mankind. Mankind had fallen away from God (in his mind) by believing in sins of all sorts and condemning himself for doing things he himself judged as sin! Lets just say the world was lost in sin and darkness(unaware of the truth of God)!
Jesus came to completely repair the separation of God and man. Jesus as the truth of God taught of a new temple(us)a new place of abode for him and the father(in us) created a new church or body of Christ(us) and set up his Kingdom within each person also. He made us sovereign Kings of our kingdom of God and Priests of our Temple of God, we are master of our house of God and teachers in our church of God his body. Jesus took away all sin or errant beliefs by telling us the truth. His words cleansed us, ordained us for his work, sanctified us, made us whole, righteous and perfect unto God. Jesus completed that work for God and gave it to mankind free of charge. The only way mankind can walk in perfect pureness unto God is by believing that apart from anything you can do, it is yours by believing.
p. I am with you so far here. Basic close spirituality with God so far. But, after that we part understanding. The reason for my pain, and much suffering and confusion and pain that i witness, experience, and see on the media, is SATAN, who rules this condemned and cursed world. The end plainly stated in the bible is comming when God calls it, and all this will be gone. Life will be perfect, but now, SATAN is “the God of the air” (here). If you have the blessing of isolation to not percieve or have your face rubbed in it, lucky you. Ignore the reality you hear from me. And pray I get to your “nirvana” and my do-do is just a memory. Till then-I say- Satan, Kiss my backside, You better hope I don't die soon……You got it comming a–hole…
November 26, 2011 at 11:15 am#266021ftk
ParticipantMark: My friend, please dream with me for a minute. What if the New Testament of Bible and scriptures from God are attempting to tell a story in allegory form of the life and times of a human being. If that human being hears only the truth from God he actually becomes what he believes. Jesus came to tell mankind the truth about themselves, how they operate, what they can do, how to administer good and positive flow into their lives. It would be a simple, 1,2,3, type, mind/heart teaching except for one problem. There exists in the energy ether, religion or mans former ideas about God, created by mankind! His own lies and deceptions about what God is and wants from mankind. Some call this thought/energy field, Satan, which means,”deceiver” and “lies” against the truth of God!
Religion has become this man made distorted, illusion of Gods truth! Thought/doctrines that twist and alter God/truth to look like God is a force of evil, death & destruction instead of love. Mans powerful, mind of Christ/God, controls the situations, circumstances, and event of a mans life through contemplation, meditation, pondering,& setting intention to match desires of the heart! These formed powerful beliefs of empowered energy from within a man are then released from his lips/mouth in words. Encapsulated energy packets or thought. James called it the work of the tongue. Like a small rudder on a large ship. Small but it can guide and control a great ship to wherever it wishes the ship to go. Jame says, if the power or control of the rudder is evil (destructive) it can set on course the fires of hell. It also will set on course a life of love, peace and joy.
First off, we can't change or effect other people who have the same power of life or death as we. We can change ourselves. We must learn to change our perception of others to find our own peace. Then what ever others do has no direct relations to us. You can look at a glass as half full of water or half empty. Its your choice to “look at” and “perceive” other people as good or evil, that is your choice. However, in the way you..look…or ….see…them is how you see yourself. If you believe you are in sin and sin everyday and God is angry with you and will punish you in your life on earth and in the recurrent, post existence, that continues, for eternity, that will be the same as or because of the way you judge yourself. If you condemn your self for “ANYTHING'' you set yourself apart from God. Its important to know that Jesus made us perfect, sinless, spotless, righteous sons of God. When we accept that and believe that for ourselves and all others then the love of God is manifest in our lives.
Then you can Love your neighbor….as you love yourself! No condemnation for them, no condemnation for you. There is therefore now, no condemnation in Christ Jesus! You say you love God and I know you do…but God is in you….and your neighbor…you must love all! There is no must love I'm saying that the same love you have for yourself is the love you have for God and neighbor.
We can't change the world but we can totally change the way we think about the world. We can meditate and ponder on the perfection Christ has given us with no effort, no trying, no works, deeds, efforts etc.!
Just some thoughts to ponder and if they come alive in your heart you will find peace and solace! Much love and peace to you. IMO, TK
November 26, 2011 at 12:58 pm#266027mikeangel
ParticipantHey Tim,
I do somehow fidn peace here and there. Like I said, I am with you up to a point. But we understand and experience scripture differantly. I am better today, I understand where all this pain came from, I had to just stop and think for a minute. I wish it was the way you believe, but it is not. If you are always open and giving and loving to the world, the world will use you like a piece of toilet paper, wipe it's butt with you, and you are left with do-do all over you. That comes from my church, Family, and this week my wife. I just have to remember to keep carrying my cross and know things will be better on the other side. If I honestly put myself last, and humbl myself, and serve others, I will make it to the place you envision. But you say, “Mark! It can be right here, right now! Just believe in perfection! You are a King”. Naw man. If this place was perfect then love wouldn't hurt so bad. I don't have the time to explain, but one day you will understand the things I experience. I have met the devil. He exist. He was created to test us, to see if we are actually worthy of the eternal promise. God is a literal all-powerful creator. He exist too. He has protected me from the devils plots and ruses and leads me to truth, which is his word.
He also shows me things about myself that I couldn't know. Like the last few days. He showed me that I was so hurt because Cheryl did some thoughtless acts twice in one week to me, and mentally I was transported to being married to Julie again, and I felt forsaken again. The first time was early in the week she was comming to bed and told me to pock out something on the TV for us to watch. She came to bed and didn't say anything. The next morning she told me I was inconsiderate for picking out something only I would like. How was I suppose to know she didn't want to learn about ancient egypt on the History channel. Besides that , all she had to do was ask me to watch something else. But women are funny. They want you to know without being told.Thanksgiving day I already said what happened, and I once again find myself walking on eggshells. I am so sick of this mess. Confusion reigns, and disorder in marriage and others failing to stand up and be good Fathers are the rule, not the exception. It will not change untill God comes and re-creates this. Like I have said to you before, #1-If what you say is true then it would have been getting better since Jesus' time, but the contrary is true, just watch the news or look around you. And #2-God said this would end.
I talked to Cheryl this morning and told her how I felt and why. She said she was sorry and kissed me goodbye. Now, I know its going to rain today, but like when I was married to Julie, when things got deep I went fishing and found some peace. I don't even want to catch fish mecessarily, I just want to chill out with God. I'm going to get the biggest rod I own (8 ft. with a huge spinning reel loaded with weed-eater line), and drive to Pickwick damn, and see if I do by chance catch something. If I do, I'll tell it to go get it's momma. Then, If I get that huge tap-tap, I'll make the shape of a 7 ft question mark when I set the hook on something huge, slimy, and smelly. Either way, I'll enjoy it. Have a good week-end Tim. Love-Mark
November 26, 2011 at 1:08 pm#266030mikeangel
ParticipantBy the way Tim, we are being graded. Every move you make will be plain to see to humanity at Judgement, even your secrets. We will be rewarded according to our conduct, and “The last will come first and the first will come last”. Believing in Jesus and having faith will get you there. Putting yourself last and humbling yourself and treating others as you want to be treated will get you higher.
November 27, 2011 at 10:45 am#266129ftk
ParticipantQuote (mikeangel @ Nov. 26 2011,23:08) By the way Tim, we are being graded. Every move you make will be plain to see to humanity at Judgement, even your secrets. We will be rewarded according to our conduct, and “The last will come first and the first will come last”. Believing in Jesus and having faith will get you there. Putting yourself last and humbling yourself and treating others as you want to be treated will get you higher.
Mike: For all who have come to Jesus and accepted his gift of salvation by faith they have been judged, perfect in Christ. There is no further judgment for those alive in Christ.The ''dead” will be judged. Those ''dead'' in their trespasses and sin which keeps them apart from life/God. If you believe you have sin in you, God cannot abide in sin. This is the separation from life that is death.
In Revelation there are two sets of books….”the book of life''(those in Christ) and “the books”! When “the books” are opened, the “dead” (those still believing in trespasses and sin) will be judged by their works and deeds that they believed in…..those in the “book of life” are already judged as perfect in Christ Jesus. There is no further judgment for those alive in Christ! They are alive and joined with God/life/love!
Believers have already been resurrected to “new life” in Jesus. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. No one comes to God any other way but through the salvation knowledge of Jesus. Jesus is the word of God that will judge in the last day. The last day for each individual is when they “die” to self and put on Christ Jesus so to resurrect to new life. They die to be born again! IMO, TK
November 28, 2011 at 12:29 pm#266186mikeangel
ParticipantBut Tim my friend, what you say cannot make sense to me. Paul writes that we are saved by grace, but we still sin. Not deadly sin, but human weakness sin. We are forgiven of weakness if we believe in Jesus, and are saved by it by the authority of Jesus given to him by God, that whosoever believes in him will enherit everlasting life, and have his name inscribed in the book of life. But Tim, that makes no sense in relation to what you say IMO, because what you say is confused by this statement of yours-
Quote !) There is no God separate from me or you. TK
That means there was no miraculous birth of our savior. That means there is no heaven. That means no personal resurrection. That means that the athiest are right-The Bible is a fairy tale, just like Satan Claus. I cannot reconcile what you say about God and quoting the bible it nullifys. I cannot reconcile that against the fact that prophets who served God and were talked to personally by God proclaimed future events that have been fulfilled down the line exactly like was fortold, which couldn't be possible without an all-powerful and all knowing entity creator God that rules the universe, with his son born to a virgin and the spirit they have. It makes me nervious of you because it seems to transgress what I feel is deadly sin-denying that God exist, and making yourself God instead. It doesn't add up. To summerize, how can you read from and quote the Bible, which is the inspired word of God, if you also believe he doesn't exist? Is the bible from men, or God? No offense, just my thoughts. Peace and love Tim-Mark
November 28, 2011 at 12:35 pm#266187mikeangel
Participantpart 2 of deadly sin-believing in God but becoming his enemy or telling him that you refuse to obey him. BTW
November 28, 2011 at 12:45 pm#266188mikeangel
ParticipantAlso by the way, it's funny- You hav ecommunicated with me for a few years now, and you call me Mike. It's cool, everybody does. Even people that have known me my whole life. Sometimes they say,”I have no idea why I called you Mike, I know your name is Mark”. I don't know for sure, but I would like to think the angel I have heard a few times in my life is Mike. Thats why my screenname is “Mikeangel”. Yes, I believe in angels and guardian angels too. Mine have been busy lately…..
November 28, 2011 at 12:54 pm#266189mikeangel
ParticipantFor example. This is an amazing thing to me. The book of wisdom was written a hundred years before the coming of Christ, and this was written-
2:10 Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.
2:11 Let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth.
2:12 Therefore let us lie in wait for the righteous; because he is not for our turn, and he is clean contrary to our doings: he upbraideth us with our offending the law, and objecteth to our infamy the transgressings of our education.
2:13 He professeth to have the knowledge of God: and he calleth himself the child of the Lord.
2:14 He was made to reprove our thoughts.
2:15 He is grievous unto us even to behold: for his life is not like other men’s, his ways are of another fashion.
2:16 We are esteemed of him as counterfeits: he abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness: he pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed, and maketh his boast that God is his father.
2:17 Let us see if his words be true: and let us prove what shall happen in the end of him.
2:18 For if the just man be the son of God, he will help him, and deliver him from the hand of his enemies.
2:19 Let us examine him with despitefulness and torture, that we may know his meekness, and prove his patience.
2:20 Let us condemn him with a shameful death: for by his own saying he shall be respected.
2:21 Such things they did imagine, and were deceived: for their own wickedness hath blinded them.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!! There is no coincidence here. This is exactly wha the pharasees thought of Jesus and the way they put him to death. How is this possible if not by a separate God who inspired this, because he knows everything, even the future, which is NOT possible for us?
November 28, 2011 at 4:27 pm#266194ftk
ParticipantHey Mark: Sorry I've been to stupid to not get your name right. But I always did think of Michael the great angel when I saw mikeangel! That's my only excuse.(except stupidity)
So, Mark lets look at these scriptures and pick them apart a bit with closer scrutiny.
2:10 Let us[unrighteous] oppress the poor {righteous man}Jesus{and all his followers after him}, let us [not] spare the widow, [nor] reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged…..[the unrighteous will do this, individually and corporately]
2:11 Let [our] {the unrighteous} strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth.
2:12 Therefore let [us]{unrighteous} lie in wait for the righteous; because {he} is not for [our turn], and {he} is clean contrary to [our] doings: {he} upbraideth [us} with our offending the law, and objecteth to our infamy the transgressings of our education.
2:13 {He professeth to have the knowledge of God:} and {he calleth himself the child of the Lord.} {the righteous man, then and now}
2:14 He was made to reprove our thoughts.
2:15 He is grievous unto us even to behold: for {his life is not like other men’s, his ways are of another fashion}.
2:16 We are esteemed of him as counterfeits:[hypocrites], he abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness:{ritual washings and outward cleansing instead of cleansing the inside/heart} he pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed, and maketh his boast that God is his father. {these are the beliefs and works of a righteous man, starting with Jesus and then all who believe with/in him}
2:17 Let us see if his words be true: and let us prove what shall happen in the end of him.[they desired to kill him/wipe him out]
2:18 For if the {just man be the son of God,} he will help him, and deliver him from the hand of his enemies.[the unrighteous, evil men were going to test God to see if he would save Jesus from horrible death]
2:19 Let us examine him with despitefulness and torture,{they lashed him} that we may know his meekness, and prove his patience.
2:20 Let [us] {condemn him with a shameful death:} for by his own saying he shall be respected.
2:21 Such things [they] [the unrighteous men] did imagine, and were [deceived:] for their own wickedness hath blinded them.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!! There is no coincidence here. This is exactly wha the pharasees thought of Jesus and the way they put him to death. How is this possible if not by a separate God who inspired this, because he knows everything, even the future, which is NOT possible for us?{ THE WAR CONTINUES….BETWEEN THE JUST AND UNJUST….RIGHTEOUS AND UNRIGHTEOUS….GOOD AND EVIL…! BELIEFS, NOT PEOPLE. PEOPLE ARE LIKE COMPUTERS…..THEY ARE WHAT THEY ARE PROGRAMED TO BE….WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN THEIR HEARTS IS WHAT THEY ARE!………IF WE CHANGE THE PROGRAMING THE COMPUTER IS FINE. THE COMPUTER IS ONLY AS GOOD AS ITS PROGRAMING. WHY THROW AWAY A GOOD COMPUTER….JUST PROGRAM IT PROPERLY!
John17:21….that they all may be one, as thou, father art in me, and I in thee. that they also may be one in us:…read 21 &22. Oneness was important to Jesus so that…V23…they may be made perfect in one.
Great scriptures you had. I really couldn't see much where we differ. As I read the first time through I knew they were talking about Jesus. Millions of scriptures are out there that talk allegorically about Jesus, many don't understand them and pass them by. Most all say the same things though, just one way and then another way….so we won't miss it! Wow have we missed it. Much love, IMO, TK
November 28, 2011 at 7:34 pm#266199terraricca
2CH 20:33 The high places, however, were not removed; the people had not yet directed their hearts to the God of their fathers.
JOB 1:5 When the days of feasting had completed their cycle, Job would send and consecrate them, rising up early in the morning and offering burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, “ Perhaps my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” Thus Job did continually.
PS 28:3 Do not drag me away with the wicked
And with those who work iniquity,
Who speak peace with their neighbors,
While evil is in their hearts.
PS 125:4
Do good, O LORD, to those who are good
And to those who are upright in their hearts.
PS 140:2 Who devise evil things in their hearts;
They continually stir up wars.
ECC 9:3 This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that there is one fate for all men. Furthermore, the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives. Afterwards they go to the dead.
ISA 6:10 “ Render the hearts of this people insensitive,
Their ears dull,
And their eyes dim,
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,IF YOU DO NOT LOVE GOD YOU HAVE NOT COME TO LOVE NEITHER GOD OR LIVE ,
PS 140:2 Who devise evil things in their hearts;
They continually stir up wars.Pierre
November 29, 2011 at 11:10 am#266282mikeangel
ParticipantOne of the gifts of the holy spirit is fear of the Lord, but you serve him out of love. Fear is a form of worship. If you do not fear something, you don't believe in it. If you fear something, you believe it and think it will affect you and obey out of obedience.
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