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- December 6, 2008 at 10:11 pm#113164
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 07 2008,08:52) 94,
There is only one community that God upholds and that is the body of Christ.
If you hear in your spirit to come out of her should you listen?
Hi Nick:I have come out of her in that I am teaching the truth, and in the role of Bishop, God will call those who will hear out of Babylonia also. Although many have been perverted through her fornication of the scriptures, it is not God's will to leave them there if they are willing to be corrected.
God Bless
December 6, 2008 at 11:35 pm#113166NickHassan
ParticipantHi 94,
Do you doubt God will lead out his people?
1Cor 10
20But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.21Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
22Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?
December 6, 2008 at 11:47 pm#113168Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantHi all
To teach that Jesus is less than God the Father in nature is to is to teach a false image of who God is and in fact is of the spirit of the anti-christ and is a corruption of the scriptures and therfore is of the harlot.
God the Father has a Son who is also God, one with him in every way.
Jesus said…
Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father (God); and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father (God)? John 14:9
Jesus also said…
that all may “honor the Son just as they honor the Father“. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him. John 5:23
The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophesy. (Rev 19:20)
The witness of the Apostles is that Jesus the “monogenes”, unique one is God.
No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only,who is at the Father's side, (John 1:1) has made him known.John 1:18
Those that are preaching the truth will bear witness of him who is the truth. (John 14:6)
For YHWH only is our hope.
while we wait for the blessed hope–the glorious appearing of “our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,” Titus 2:13
The scriptures clearly teach their is only one Lord, Master and Savior. That is our great God and Savior Jesus.
For certain men whose condemnation was written about* long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality “and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord“ Jude 1:4
I, even I, am the LORD; and “beside me there is no saviour“. Isa 43:11
Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through “the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ” have received a faith as precious as ours: 2 Peter 1:1
Jesus who is our “only” Savour and Sovereign Lord is also our righteousness and is also our God.
Thomas and John bore witness that Jesus was their Lord and their God.
And Thomas answered and said unto him, “My Lord and my God.“ John 20:28
Because of Thomas testimony Jesus says…
Thomas, “because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed“: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. John 20:28
This same John who writes of this wrote…
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jon 1:1
This same Word who is and was God came in the flesh and John writes again…
No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only,who is at the Father's side, (John 1:1) has made him known. John 1:18
To him who has an ear to hear, let him hear.
December 7, 2008 at 12:17 am#113169NickHassan
Jesus is not equal to his God any more than you are.December 7, 2008 at 12:31 am#113170Tiffany
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 07 2008,11:17) WJ,
Jesus is not equal to his God any more than you are.
But one thing that is true that the Father has called Jesus God. Hebrew 1:8 and also did John in John 1:1
Peace and Love IreneDecember 7, 2008 at 1:04 am#113173942767
ParticipantQuote (Tiffany @ Dec. 07 2008,11:31) Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 07 2008,11:17) WJ,
Jesus is not equal to his God any more than you are.
But one thing that is true that the Father has called Jesus God. Hebrew 1:8 and also did John in John 1:1
Peace and Love Irene
And he is God in that he is the “express image of God's person”. And he has taught us when we pray to pray:“Our Father (him inclusive) who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…”
Quote Jhn 17:1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:
Jhn 17:2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.
Jhn 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.Quote 1Ti 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Sorry, WJ there is no trinity. God is a Spirit, and the body of Christ is God's own flesh and blood, the temple of the Living God. In these last days God has spoken to humanity through His Son and His Christ, Our Lord Jesus.
I have told you that the day was coming in which I would be ordained as Bishop over the church but apparently you have not believed, and it has not quite happened as yet, but I know what God has said, and if he said it, it will surely come to pass.
God Bless
December 7, 2008 at 1:09 am#113174942767
ParticipantNevertheless, if God ordains me as a Bishop and confirms what I teach, then it will be Him that is saying that what I teach is the truth and not me simply saying that I am right. God is right and that is what matters.
God Bless
December 7, 2008 at 3:12 am#113189NickHassan
ParticipantHi 94,
A bishop in the whore would offer few lasting benefits.December 8, 2008 at 1:18 pm#113414theodorej
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Dec. 07 2008,12:09) Nevertheless, if God ordains me as a Bishop and confirms what I teach, then it will be Him that is saying that what I teach is the truth and not me simply saying that I am right. God is right and that is what matters. God Bless
Greetings 942767……You have peeked my curiousity?? When do you figure God is going to ordain you as Bishop and to what church do you belong….If Iam not being rude to ask…
In addition how do you figure God will confirm your teachings… thanks / TJDecember 8, 2008 at 3:11 pm#113418Tiffany
Participant942767 you have spoken of being a Bishop for some time now and nothing has happened. You know what I think? God is giving you every chance to come out of Her my people. But it won't be long and that door will be shut. God does not want any to perish, He send His Son into the world to save the world not to condemn the world. But I also believe that there is a time limit. Our requirements are to be Baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. We are under the Blood of Christ and are save there. We understand the things of God and will do what is expected of us. We worship in Spirit and in truth. So look for that truth, it is not in a Church of this world. I do not want to be critical and judgemental please understand that.
Peace and Love IreneDecember 9, 2008 at 1:37 am#113474942767
ParticipantQuote (theodorej @ Dec. 09 2008,00:18) Quote (942767 @ Dec. 07 2008,12:09) Nevertheless, if God ordains me as a Bishop and confirms what I teach, then it will be Him that is saying that what I teach is the truth and not me simply saying that I am right. God is right and that is what matters. God Bless
Greetings 942767……You have peeked my curiousity?? When do you figure God is going to ordain you as Bishop and to what church do you belong….If Iam not being rude to ask…
In addition how do you figure God will confirm your teachings… thanks / TJ
Hi TJ:I am not a member of any church because of the doctrines that they teach, especially the trinity. I was a member of the church to which I am returning at one time, and when I saw that the pastors were teaching and practicing things which I though were in error, I went to God in prayer, and I asked Him to correct them or me who ever had the misunderstanding. God showed me that sheep do not correct pastors, but to go them telling them that I had a different understanding on some of their doctrines and practices. There were two pastors that time, but the male pastor got sick and died after an extended illness. She the female pastor promised to discuss these differences with me, but she went back on her word, and so, after doing every thing that I could do to reconcile our differences. I left.
God showed me a vision of two children and they were going somewhere and on the way they died. These children did not have and arms or legs, and they were mute. They were lying on the floor having died when the female child opened one of her eyes. They were then brought back to life through me, and they had arms and legs again and they could speak.
The explanation of this vision is that these two pastors started their ministry on the right course but they accepted false doctrines and so they died. The arms and legs that they did not have is that their members left the church. They could not speak or were mute because they could not preach true doctrines. The female pastor opened one of her eyes is her realizing that God was trying to reach her through me. When she does, God will restore their ministry through me by raising her from the dead and their church members will return and they will able to preach the Word of God in truth.
The church is a non-denominational church which is a Pentacostal oriented.
God has prepared me for this posiiton over the past 29 years. I have made man mistakes along the way, and He has corrected me many times. In the job that I have I have had access to the internet and plenty of time to study and get prepared. One cannot teach others until he himself has been taught, and so, am I ready? Only if he says that I am.
He has shown me the end result, but He has not shown me all that is between here and there. He does things in His timing, and so, I do not know exactly when He will use me in the position that I have mentioned. I know what He has said. Of that, there is no doubt.
As for confirming what I teach, He will do so in the same way that he confirmed what the Apostles were teaching. God has shown me through a prophet that I would receive an anointing similar to the Apostle Peter, and that anointing was such then when the Apostle Peter walked the street people would bring their sick so that they could be healed if only Peter's shadow would fall on them. He will confirm His Word with miracles, signs and wonders following.
I hope that I have answered all of your questions.
God Bless
December 9, 2008 at 1:40 am#113475942767
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 07 2008,14:12) Hi 94,
A bishop in the whore would offer few lasting benefits.
Hi Nick:Can God correct someone who was once in error? He has corrected me many a time. If they are ready to listen, God is ready to bless them.
December 9, 2008 at 2:16 am#113483942767
ParticipantQuote (Tiffany @ Dec. 09 2008,02:11) 942767 you have spoken of being a Bishop for some time now and nothing has happened. You know what I think? God is giving you every chance to come out of Her my people. But it won't be long and that door will be shut. God does not want any to perish, He send His Son into the world to save the world not to condemn the world. But I also believe that there is a time limit. Our requirements are to be Baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. We are under the Blood of Christ and are save there. We understand the things of God and will do what is expected of us. We worship in Spirit and in truth. So look for that truth, it is not in a Church of this world. I do not want to be critical and judgemental please understand that.
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs:Abraham was 75 when God called him and promised him an heir, and he changed his name to Abraham which means father of a multitude, and people may have looked at Abraham kinda funny with a name that meant that since he didn't have any children all those years, but when God has promised, something he will surely bring it to pass, and so, at the age of 100 Abraham and Sarah had Isaac the promised heir.
Moses was 40 years old when he felt God's call, and God did not send him to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage until he was 80 years old.
And the there was Joseph, who was sold into slavery when he was but a teenager, and God exalted him to a position at the right hand of Pharoah.
I know I have been prohesying that God was going to use me as a Bishop over a long period of time and nothing has happened, but whether it happens tomorrow or the next day, if God said it, and I know that HE did, it will come to pass in His timing.
Joseph went from the prison to the casltle in one day. God has called me as a nobody and is going to give me a name because I have waited faithfully on His promise.
“The Proof is in the pudding”.
God Bless
December 9, 2008 at 3:21 pm#113505Tiffany
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Dec. 09 2008,13:16) Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 09 2008,02:11) 942767 you have spoken of being a Bishop for some time now and nothing has happened. You know what I think? God is giving you every chance to come out of Her my people. But it won't be long and that door will be shut. God does not want any to perish, He send His Son into the world to save the world not to condemn the world. But I also believe that there is a time limit. Our requirements are to be Baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. We are under the Blood of Christ and are save there. We understand the things of God and will do what is expected of us. We worship in Spirit and in truth. So look for that truth, it is not in a Church of this world. I do not want to be critical and judgemental please understand that.
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs:Abraham was 75 when God called him and promised him an heir, and he changed his name to Abraham which means father of a multitude, and people may have looked at Abraham kinda funny with a name that meant that since he didn't have any children all those years, but when God has promised, something he will surely bring it to pass, and so, at the age of 100 Abraham and Sarah had Isaac the promised heir.
Moses was 40 years old when he felt God's call, and God did not send him to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage until he was 80 years old.
And the there was Joseph, who was sold into slavery when he was but a teenager, and God exalted him to a position at the right hand of Pharoah.
I know I have been prohesying that God was going to use me as a Bishop over a long period of time and nothing has happened, but whether it happens tomorrow or the next day, if God said it, and I know that HE did, it will come to pass in His timing.
Joseph went from the prison to the casltle in one day. God has called me as a nobody and is going to give me a name because I have waited faithfully on His promise.
“The Proof is in the pudding”.
God Bless
942767 Just one more question. What Church do you belong to? I trhink Nick asked that too. Are you willing to answer that?
Peace and Love IreneDecember 12, 2008 at 11:35 pm#113870942767
ParticipantQuote (Tiffany @ Dec. 10 2008,02:21) Quote (942767 @ Dec. 09 2008,13:16) Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 09 2008,02:11) 942767 you have spoken of being a Bishop for some time now and nothing has happened. You know what I think? God is giving you every chance to come out of Her my people. But it won't be long and that door will be shut. God does not want any to perish, He send His Son into the world to save the world not to condemn the world. But I also believe that there is a time limit. Our requirements are to be Baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. We are under the Blood of Christ and are save there. We understand the things of God and will do what is expected of us. We worship in Spirit and in truth. So look for that truth, it is not in a Church of this world. I do not want to be critical and judgemental please understand that.
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs:Abraham was 75 when God called him and promised him an heir, and he changed his name to Abraham which means father of a multitude, and people may have looked at Abraham kinda funny with a name that meant that since he didn't have any children all those years, but when God has promised, something he will surely bring it to pass, and so, at the age of 100 Abraham and Sarah had Isaac the promised heir.
Moses was 40 years old when he felt God's call, and God did not send him to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage until he was 80 years old.
And the there was Joseph, who was sold into slavery when he was but a teenager, and God exalted him to a position at the right hand of Pharoah.
I know I have been prohesying that God was going to use me as a Bishop over a long period of time and nothing has happened, but whether it happens tomorrow or the next day, if God said it, and I know that HE did, it will come to pass in His timing.
Joseph went from the prison to the casltle in one day. God has called me as a nobody and is going to give me a name because I have waited faithfully on His promise.
“The Proof is in the pudding”.
God Bless
942767 Just one more question. What Church do you belong to? I trhink Nick asked that too. Are you willing to answer that?
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs.I am not a member of any church. I am a member of the body of Christ, a Christian.
God Bless
October 5, 2009 at 11:15 pm#148819georg
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Dec. 13 2008,10:35) Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 10 2008,02:21) Quote (942767 @ Dec. 09 2008,13:16) Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 09 2008,02:11) 942767 you have spoken of being a Bishop for some time now and nothing has happened. You know what I think? God is giving you every chance to come out of Her my people. But it won't be long and that door will be shut. God does not want any to perish, He send His Son into the world to save the world not to condemn the world. But I also believe that there is a time limit. Our requirements are to be Baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. We are under the Blood of Christ and are save there. We understand the things of God and will do what is expected of us. We worship in Spirit and in truth. So look for that truth, it is not in a Church of this world. I do not want to be critical and judgemental please understand that.
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs:Abraham was 75 when God called him and promised him an heir, and he changed his name to Abraham which means father of a multitude, and people may have looked at Abraham kinda funny with a name that meant that since he didn't have any children all those years, but when God has promised, something he will surely bring it to pass, and so, at the age of 100 Abraham and Sarah had Isaac the promised heir.
Moses was 40 years old when he felt God's call, and God did not send him to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage until he was 80 years old.
And the there was Joseph, who was sold into slavery when he was but a teenager, and God exalted him to a position at the right hand of Pharoah.
I know I have been prohesying that God was going to use me as a Bishop over a long period of time and nothing has happened, but whether it happens tomorrow or the next day, if God said it, and I know that HE did, it will come to pass in His timing.
Joseph went from the prison to the casltle in one day. God has called me as a nobody and is going to give me a name because I have waited faithfully on His promise.
“The Proof is in the pudding”.
God Bless
942767 Just one more question. What Church do you belong to? I trhink Nick asked that too. Are you willing to answer that?
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs.I am not a member of any church. I am a member of the body of Christ, a Christian.
God Bless
Yes, I am really happy to hear that. One day we all will be together and worship our Heavenly Father. To that time I am forever looking forward to.
Also to finally meet my earthly Father. He died in the War, and so did my Husbands Father.
I also want to share that our second Grandson is getting Married on Oct. 17. and on Oct. 18 one of my former Friends are celebrating their big 50th Wedding Anniversary. Looking forward to all.
Peace and Love IreneOctober 6, 2009 at 12:36 am#148836942767
ParticipantQuote (georg @ Oct. 06 2009,11:15) Quote (942767 @ Dec. 13 2008,10:35) Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 10 2008,02:21) Quote (942767 @ Dec. 09 2008,13:16) Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 09 2008,02:11) 942767 you have spoken of being a Bishop for some time now and nothing has happened. You know what I think? God is giving you every chance to come out of Her my people. But it won't be long and that door will be shut. God does not want any to perish, He send His Son into the world to save the world not to condemn the world. But I also believe that there is a time limit. Our requirements are to be Baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. We are under the Blood of Christ and are save there. We understand the things of God and will do what is expected of us. We worship in Spirit and in truth. So look for that truth, it is not in a Church of this world. I do not want to be critical and judgemental please understand that.
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs:Abraham was 75 when God called him and promised him an heir, and he changed his name to Abraham which means father of a multitude, and people may have looked at Abraham kinda funny with a name that meant that since he didn't have any children all those years, but when God has promised, something he will surely bring it to pass, and so, at the age of 100 Abraham and Sarah had Isaac the promised heir.
Moses was 40 years old when he felt God's call, and God did not send him to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage until he was 80 years old.
And the there was Joseph, who was sold into slavery when he was but a teenager, and God exalted him to a position at the right hand of Pharoah.
I know I have been prohesying that God was going to use me as a Bishop over a long period of time and nothing has happened, but whether it happens tomorrow or the next day, if God said it, and I know that HE did, it will come to pass in His timing.
Joseph went from the prison to the casltle in one day. God has called me as a nobody and is going to give me a name because I have waited faithfully on His promise.
“The Proof is in the pudding”.
God Bless
942767 Just one more question. What Church do you belong to? I trhink Nick asked that too. Are you willing to answer that?
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs.I am not a member of any church. I am a member of the body of Christ, a Christian.
God Bless
Yes, I am really happy to hear that. One day we all will be together and worship our Heavenly Father. To that time I am forever looking forward to.
Also to finally meet my earthly Father. He died in the War, and so did my Husbands Father.
I also want to share that our second Grandson is getting Married on Oct. 17. and on Oct. 18 one of my former Friends are celebrating their big 50th Wedding Anniversary. Looking forward to all.
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Mrs:I am looking forward to that day also, but for now, there is much work that needs to be done.
Love in Christ,
MartyJanuary 8, 2010 at 11:11 pm#169287942767
After Sunday school this past Sunday, the pastor of the church speaking to the congregation from her Sunday school seat said something on the following order: “I am going to get that person who is trying to teach you contrary to the 'trinity'”. She was speaking about me because although I have not said anything to the congregation or even mentioned it in Sunday school, I have shared my understanding with her, and she has indicated that she will never accept anything different than the “trinity” because the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost each have their role.
This Sunday was communion Sunday, and prior to partaking of communion, the pastor read the following scripture:
Quote 1Cr 11:23 For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the [same] night in which He was betrayed took bread;
1Cr 11:24 and when He had given thanks, He broke [it] and said, “Take, eat; [fn] this is My body which is broken [fn] for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”
1Cr 11:25 In the same manner [He] also [took] the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink [it], in remembrance of Me.”
1Cr 11:26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes.
1Cr 11:27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks [this] cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood [fn] of the Lord.
1Cr 11:28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup.
1Cr 11:29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner [fn] eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's [fn] body.
1Cr 11:30 For this reason many [are] weak and sick among you, and many sleep.
1Cr 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged.In essence, what she was saying “that she was going to get me” is that if I did not repent I would be partaking of communion unworthily, and would be judged of the Lord. The scripture states if we judge ourselves we will not be judged, but if we are judged of the Lord, some are sickly and some sleep because of partaking of communion unworthily.
I did not repent because my conscience is clear, and I cannot tell someone that I agree with the “trinity doctrine” if I do not, never, never, never.
This is the spirit of Saul that God has shown me would try to prevent Him from exalting me to the position of Bishop over that congregation, but remembering that Saul fell on his own sword, I hope that when she is judged of the Lord, she will not get sick. God is not a respector of persons.
God has shown me in a vision that she will realize that He is trying to reach her through me.
The pastors husband passed away 8 years ago and she has recently remarried and will be going to another city with her new husband and she plans to start another church there. She has indicated that she plans to come to the current church on Sundays until she gets that church established.
God has shown me that everything He promised me will come to pass, and so, I know that what He has promised that He will do.
Love in Christ,
MartyJanuary 15, 2010 at 2:47 am#170198NickHassan
ParticipantHi 94,
You have great faith in your interpretation of what you think is personal inspiration yet all of the things that have gone wrong have been because of reliance on such things.Are you sure the bishop idea was also not another bum steer?
January 15, 2010 at 3:40 am#170205942767
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 15 2010,13:47) Hi 94,
You have great faith in your interpretation of what you think is personal inspiration yet all of the things that have gone wrong have been because of reliance on such things.Are you sure the bishop idea was also not another bum steer?
Hi Nick:No, not a bum steer. I have simply stated what God has shown me that He would do, and yes, I believe that he is able to perform that which He has said.
Love in Christ,
Marty - AuthorPosts
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