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- March 2, 2007 at 2:32 am#43404
ParticipantI promised David that I would share my personal testimony with him and this forum and I thought to share it in depth, but I realized that it would take a book to do this, and so I will try to condense this as much as possible. If any one has any questions of me relative to what I have said feel free to ask.
Before February 1980, I had become skeptical that there was a God although I had been taught that He existed having been raised in the Catholic religion, and having been married in the Assembly of God Church and having been a member of a Southern Baptist Church at this time.
But one day in February 1980, I think the 26th, but not sure of the date, my wife came to me saying, “We have been married for 15 years and all during this time I have been unhappy, and I have made you unhappy, I just want to tell you the I don't love you any more.
My initial reaction was to say, “well if you don't love me any more the only thing left is for us to get a divorce, but then I got to thinking about my son who was eitht years old at time. I thought if my wife remarries, I don't know if any one can love my son as I do. And so I got on my knees and prayed, “Lord if you are there, I would like my wife and I to stay together if it be thy will but nevertheless not my will but yours be done”. He heard me from heaven and baptized me with the Holy Spirit revealing that indeed He is a reality and that His testimony regarding His Only begotten Son is true.
For three days and nights I was on an emotional High, and I remember picking up a bible and turning to the 23rd Psalm and reading, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want…”.
The Lord showed me three visions sometime during these times, the first was a casket and the top half was open so that I could see what looked like my dad in it, and the bottom half was draped with impatien flowers all of them white except for one in the middle which was red. There was a calendar month of June in the vision which indicated this would happen between the 15th and the 16th of that month.
Because I thought that my dad was going to pass away in that month I flew to New Mexico in June to be with him and my family, and I informed my family of what I expected to happen, but it did not happen. Since that time I have learned that the interpretation of this vision is that “my old impatient man would pass away. The white impatien flowers were my sins made white by the red one in the middle which signified the precious blood of my Lord Jesus.
The second vision was a vision of a little gold cross which kept coming and going, appearing and disappearing, and then a Bishops cross. This is my ministry. The little gold cross coming is an evangelist, and I have been in this ministry for the past 10 years using a trac that I prepared to share the gospel with those who will hear. I have shared with people from 54 different countries along with a multitude since I began. The Bishop's cross indicates that God will promote me to a Bishop, which is an overseer in the church at some time in the future.
The Third vision was a vision of my wife and I being married. She was in white, and as we walked down the aisle she was so full of joy that she would jump up into my lap. There was a calendar month of October in this vision. This indcates that my wife will be born again, and as she as she is sanctified, she will become more and more full of joy. This has not yet happened yet. We are one in the flesh but not yet one in the spirit.
God has spoken to me in an audible voice. Because the scriptures said, “husbands love your wives even as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it”, I in prayer told God that I loved my wife with my life. The only love that I knew then was physical love and that is what I was indicating to the Lord. He said, “If you love her, pray for her”. About my son, he said, “that he did not have the change, but that he was one of the twelve”, I understand that he belongs to one of the twelve tribes of Israel and will be saved. He was in the church at one time but because his wife left him and a divorce, and a bad experience with “so called Christians”, it has been painful trying to get back in the church, but I know that he is coming back. I was contending with the Lord, because from the scriptures it looked like very few would be saved. He spoke to me saying, “I gave my life for my people, what will you give me for yours?” In my walk with the Lord over past 26 years plus, I have learned what he meant by this. Man has a free will and salvation is a “free gift” to any one who wants to come to God through him, but God won't force any one to come to him. All that we can do is live our lives as an example for others to follow, teach them if they want to be taught, and pray for them. Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than he should lose his life for his friends”. (John 15:13)
I was a branch bank manager at the time of my born again experience, and I wanted to share my experience with my customers in the privacy of my office. I would tell them that I had an experience with God, and I would ask them if they wanted to hear, and if they said yes, I would share, and if no, I would not. Some after saying that they wanted to hear, complained to by boss, and he came to me asking me to stop sharing my experience while on the job. Since my job was in jeopordy, I did not know what to do, and so I went to God in prayer, and I also asked some Christians friends what I should do. They told me that I should continue to witness, and assured me that if I lost my job God would give me something better. I read the following scriptures by which I thought God was saying that I should continue to witness: Peter & the other Apostles speaking to those who wanted then to stop preaching the gospel said in Acts 5:29, “…We ought to obey God rather than man”. Luke 14:31-33 was the other which states: “Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth and ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace. So likewise, whosoever be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple”. And so, I continued to share my experience with those who wanted to hear in spite of my boss. The bank did every thing they could to keep from terminating me including sending me to a Christian Pschiatrist, but when I shared the above scriptures with him, he said if God told you to share your experience I am not going to tell you not to share it. And so, the bank was forced to terminate me in Jan. 1981. I did have another job with a Life insurance company lined up before they terminated me.
While I was going through this at the bank, my wife left me, but because of the vision of she and I being married, I was confident that she would return. She returned after 3 months, and as of Jan. 2007, we have been married 42 years.
I thought that the job with the insurance company was the ideal job. I thought, “I can sell life insurance, and let people know about eternal life insurance”. But I wasn't successful in selling life insurance. I tried various things and jobs for the next year and one half approximately, and through a temporary agency I found a job with a company that stored tobacco for R.J. Reynolds. This was a good job which paid about as much as I was making with the bank. They also allowed me to talk about the Lord and about my experience. One day after being employed with them about 3 years, I went through an experience at work I saw a vision of myself and an anointed band being wrapped around my forehead, and I saw a vision of my son being taken captive on a ship bound for Greece. A voice was telling me that I should leave the Job and go preach the gospel. Because the Apostles dropped everything and followed Jesus, I thought God was tel
ling me that I should leave the job and go preach the gospel, and so I left to go preach the gospel without telling my employer.During the time that I was employed with this company, I was full of zeal and I was sharing my testimony from church to church and house to house and I came across a man who was holding church service in a high school adudtorium. I asked him if I could share my testimony, and he said he would arrange it. He never did, but on one Sunday, I visited a church and found that he and his wife were the Pastors. I visited there on several Sundays, He seemed to be highly anointed and the people were very friendly, but I noticed that when someone who in an altar call had confessed Jesus as their Lord, they did not baptize them in water, and this did not seem scriptural to me, and so, I asked the Pastors about this, and they said that they baptized new believers once per year. I did not think that this was scriptural and so I stayed after him about this. The Lord spoke to me in a Sunday service saying, “Why are you persecuting my servant?” And so, after this I joined this Pentacostal oriented church. They were teaching about being led by the Spirit, and I understood that meant that when I had an unction to say something that I should say it and so I was saying what came to mind in the church, and of course, this was wrong (God will lead you by his Word and if it isn't his Word then it isn't God). After I had been a member for a short time, the pastors made me Sunday school superintendent. Their procedure was to collect an offering in Sunday school, and this money was used for various fun outings. I thought that the money could be better spent to help the poor. And so one Sunday morning I announced that I was going to start using the money for this purpose. I had not checked with the Pastor on this, and he called me into his office and told me that I exceeded my authority as superintendent. I believe that all of this led to the experience that I was having at the job that the voice was telling me to leave.
When I left the job without telling my employer, I went through a weird experience about receiving the mark of the beast. I was preaching the gospel on the street in a little town in northern North Carolina. I went to a house because I wanted to ask permission to use their phone, and when I tried to share the gospel with them, they called the Law and charged me with trespassing. The police put me in jail, and there remembering the experience of Paul and Silas while they were in jail, I continued to preach. The Sheriff through my drivers license found my wife, and she, and her sister and my brother in law came and got me. The person who had charged me with trespassing dropped the charges. When my wife was taking me back home, I was still preaching and because of my strange behaviour, they committed me into the Pschiatric ward of the hospital where I was for three miserable months.
When I was released, I appologized to the employer that I left and tried to explain, but they would not take me back, and so I could not find employment except in my current occupation as a security guard.
One evening after this while I was sitting in my easy chair watching a popular evangelist on television, I heard a voice saying to me, “He is a good preacher but anti-christ”. And then, the voice said to me, “prepare to meet your maker”.
I went through and experience where the Lord marked my heart with 666, and he said that I had sinned wilfully. I had committed a sexual sin, and I don want to be explicit, but I thought that what I had done was OK, but the Lord said that it was he that determined what was wilfull and what was not. And then when I went to the refrigerator door, I heard the voice say, “no more forgiveness”. I learned later that the reason that the Lord allowed me to go through this experience is because I had misinterpreted the scripture that states: “For if you sin wilfully after you have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins”. (Heb.10:26) I thought that this meant that if I sinned wilfully one time that there would be no more forgiveness, and this the Lord allowed to teach me the difference between sinning wilfully and practicing sin wilfully which is what this scripture means. Anyway, for the next 9 years, I lived thinking that I was going to hell since I had been told “no more forgiveness”. And I started committing some the sins that I was doing prior to my conversion experience since I was going to hell anyway. One day I came to my senses, and said to myself, “even if I am going to hell, I do not want to live like this”, and so, I thought that I would ask the Lord to take me back. I was praying for him to do this standing at a sliding glass door at the living room of my house, and a storm came up and “I was praying, “Lord please forgive me and take me back”. There were what looked like sheets of windblown rain and suddenly, there was a bolt of lightning and it struck a pine tree right outside the sliding glass door where I was standing. Lightning ran in on my heat pump and my television. By this I knew that the Lord was saying that there was no way that He could take me back. But I thought even if this is true, I need to appologize to the Pastor of the church where I had made all of these stupid mistakes, and so I went to him, and appologized. I told him sinning wilfully, and about my receiving the mark of the beast experience, and he told me that he thought that the Lord would take me back. And so, I visited a Sunday service, and in the altar call, I indicated that I wanted to commit myself to the Lord, and the pastor had someone take me into a room and pray for me. Later, not that Sunday, I received the Holy Ghost again. God had taken me back, and so I have met my maker and I have found that he is extremely merciful. I also know that I do not want him angry with me, oh No!I don't know how long I had been reinstated to the church when I saw some things that I thought that the pastors were teaching were not scriptual, but I was scared to go to the pastor to discuss this with him because of what I had been trhough, and so I went to the Lord in prayer, and I prayed, “Lord I see these teachings and I don't understand the scriptures this way, please correct them if they are wrong”. I received a vision in response to my prayer. I saw two little children. They were going somewhere, and on the way there they died. They did not have any arms or legs and they were mute. They were laying on the floor in a room, and they were going to be buried when the little girl opened one of her eyes. I interepreted the vision to mean that the pastors started out right but along the way, they accepted false doctrine, they lost their church members and could not teach the word of God in truth. When the little girl opened one of her eyes, she was realizing that God was trying to correct them through me.
I was trying to correct them by stating my understanding of the scriptures in question in Sunday school, but the Lord spoke to me through a prophet, and told me that “sheep do not correct pastors”, but at the same time he told me that the way to approach them was to go to them not with the attitude that they were wrong, but saying, “Pastor, I heard you preach or teach this, and I don't understand it that way. I am not saying that I am right, and I want to be corrected if I am wrong, and so, I'd like to give you my understanding of the scriptures in question”. And so, I wrote to the pastors and gave them my understanding of the sciptures in question. They only got back to me on one scripture and accused me of serving the devil. The male pastor was had kidney failure and had been going to dialasis and eventually, he got to where he could not share the pulpit and finally, he had to go into assisted care living. I wanted him to be corrected so that the Lord could heal him and so that he could return to the pulpit. He finally died, and the female pasto
r continued to pastor the church.I wrote a letter to her after he died indicating that I thought that she was wrong in not discussing with me the scriptures where we differed. It had been two or three years since I had written to them, and they had promised to get with me to discuss them with me. She met with me and two elders in her office and appologized to me for not discussing them with me and thanked me for my patience, and indicating that she had been busy with trying to take care of a sick husband and also the church, and she promised to meet with me to discuss our differences, but she went back on her word, and so after I went through the procedure given us by the Lord when someone sins against us, Matt. 18-15-17, I wrote to one of the elders and told him that I was leaving the church because she had gone back on her word.
Before I left, I had a prophet speak from the pulpit to me telling me that I would go through a year of purification, and that I would receive an anointing similar to the Apostle Peter.
That anointing was such that when Peter walked the street people would bring their sick so that even if Peter's shadow would fall on them they would be healed. It has been two years since I left the church, and I have not yet received the anointing promised. I believe that I will be going back to that church to be ordained as the Bishop over the church based to the vision of the crosses and the vision of the children. When the little girl opened one of her eyes, the the Lord brought them (their ministry) back to life, and their arms and legs were restored (their church members) and the could speak again (their error in doctrine was corrected by the Lord through me)When the Lord showed me to approach someone with whom I had diffenences in the understanding of scriptures with that attitude that it could be me that could possibly be wrong, I thought this would be a wonderful way of reaching those with whom I had differences, and so, I wrote to the Jehovah Witness, the Church of Latter Day Saints, the Catholic Bishops, the Jewish Rabbis in New York and W. Deen Muhammad of the American Muslims using this approach. None answered me except for the Jehovah Witness, but they wrote to me trying to convert me.
Now when the Lord exalts me to the position of a Bishop in the church and anoints me as I have said, obviously it is not because I have never made a mistake, but because I have endured correction. I have learned to say, “I am sorry, please forgive me”. It does not matter to me how the Lord uses me. My concern is the salvation of God's people.
God Bless
March 2, 2007 at 3:31 am#43411NickHassan
April 6, 2007 at 3:28 am#47717Not3in1
ParticipantWow, 94, this is some testimony. Thank you for sharing your life with us, here, on this board. One thought (and concern, really, for a fellow brother), be careful about hearing voices…….sometimes we may think they are from the Lord, but they are not. Test them with the Word. Test all things.
April 6, 2007 at 4:09 am#47721942767
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ April 06 2007,04:28) Wow, 94, this is some testimony. Thank you for sharing your life with us, here, on this board. One thought (and concern, really, for a fellow brother), be careful about hearing voices…….sometimes we may think they are from the Lord, but they are not. Test them with the Word. Test all things.
Hi Not3in1:Thanks for the advice regarding testing the voices that I may hear to make sure that they are coming from God. Obviously, some of them were not coming from God, and I have learned through this experience that unless what I am hearing lines up with the Word of God. It isn't God. God will not speak any thing that is contrary to His Word.
I have made many foolish mistakes in my life, but really I wasn't thinking of myself but was zealous that people would know the truth and be saved. Also, I was trying to go teach others before I was ready and so God had to slow me down just a bit. One cannot teach others unless one is first taught hisself. Obviously, there were some consequences to my actions that hurt both me an my family, but through all of this God has formed my character, and has always provided for me and my family. I know what I was and I know what God has made of me. But he is still working on me to make me what I ought to be. I am not there yet.
And I am content to know that my sins are forgiven, and to be the person God wants me to be.
Any way thanks for the advice. It is good advice for me and for any one who may read this testimony. These things happened for the most part 22 to 26 years ago. I am happy to share my life with all if it will help someone to be saved even though as I have stated some of these mistakes were quite foolish.
God Bless
September 19, 2007 at 1:25 am#66340942767
ParticipantHi All:
Through all of my zeal to share the gospel with whomever would hear from the time I was born again in February 1980, there have only been two people saved of which I have knowledge by virture of my ministry.
One of these, is a young Chinese man, about the age of my son. When the company for which he worked stopped doing business at the location where I am assigned as a security guard, he moved away, but recently he has returned to the area where I am located, and he has been to see me several times since then.
At the same time that this was happening, I heard a tele-evangelist preach a sermon in which he indicated that although Jesus died for the church as a whole, he died for each person individually. And so, if I were the only person that would have been saved because of Jesus sacrifice, he would have suffered all that he suffered just for me.
And so, in the same way, this individual who was saved through my ministry is worth all of the suffering that I have been through. Some of the suffering that I have been through obviously was because of my mistakes especially losing my job as a branch bank manager. But if I had not lost the job, I would have never had to settle for the security job where I was able to witness to him, and he may not have been saved. What I have been through is but a small price to pay, and is an encouragement to continue to share the gospel with whomever will hear.
God Bless
September 19, 2007 at 7:27 am#66372Not3in1
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Sep. 19 2007,13:25) Some of the suffering that I have been through obviously was because of my mistakes especially losing my job as a branch bank manager. But if I had not lost the job, I would have never had to settle for the security job where I was able to witness to him, and he may not have been saved. What I have been through is but a small price to pay, and is an encouragement to continue to share the gospel with whomever will hear.
James 1:9 and 12The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position.
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will recieve the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
May you be encouraged tonight by these words of scripture. I believe there is nothing more important in this life than sharing the saving grace of Christ; whether by word or deed. You have a great heart for the Lord – it comes through loud and clear. Bless you brother! Big hug to you tonight. Keep sharing at every opportunity. You are at the post that God has assigned you to. You are not alone for the Lord is with you!September 19, 2007 at 2:50 pm#66386IM4Truth
ParticipantHello to all! Something has been on my mind for more then a few years, that I have not been able to explain. I would like some input on this if you would, Please.
The first time I heard a voice from a friend that had just died. It is not a direct voice, it is like outside my mind, I just cant explain it any other way.
I understand when the Holy Spirit lets you know when others that are alive are at one with us, But the dead?
The most amazing experience was when my best friend died. I was by myself in my room with the door closed, when I was thinking of Her, it was like the whole room was filled with Her Love. I had known Her and she had been a special friend to me. So was that Her Spirit or a demon in disguise?
I had 4 experience similar to that.
One Day I guess I will know, but I thought maybe one of you has some input on this. Thank youPeace and Love Mrs.
September 19, 2007 at 4:28 pm#66391Not3in1
ParticipantQuote (IM4Truth @ Sep. 20 2007,02:50) Hello to all! Something has been on my mind for more then a few years, that I have not been able to explain. I would like some input on this if you would, Please. The first time I heard a voice from a friend that had just died. It is not a direct voice, it is like outside my mind, I just cant explain it any other way.
I understand when the Holy Spirit lets you know when others that are alive are at one with us, But the dead?
The most amazing experience was when my best friend died. I was by myself in my room with the door closed, when I was thinking of Her, it was like the whole room was filled with Her Love. I had known Her and she had been a special friend to me. So was that Her Spirit or a demon in disguise?
I had 4 experience similar to that.
One Day I guess I will know, but I thought maybe one of you has some input on this. Thank youPeace and Love Mrs.
Good morning, Mrs.,I've had a similar experience.
My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1995 and I quit my nursing job to take care of her. I never left her side (I'm like a loyal dog that way). When we were in the hospital and she lay on her death bed, I was still caring for her (admistering her pain medication by an automatic pump that I controlled). Anyway, we arrived at the hospital very early in the morning and by the time she was ready to pass, it was very late in the evening. Well, I hadn't left her side – even to use the restroom! My bladder was ready to break!
There seemed to be a perfect opportunity for me to leave the room for 3 minutes to go to the bathroom – someone else took over for me and I ran to the bathroom. As I sat there, all of a sudden, I knew my mother was gone. I had sensations run through my body and a very warm, peaceful feeling like I had never experienced before, and I seemed to be aware of a light (although I cannot describe it). Just then, my husband knocked on the door, and I knew. He said, “Manny, you better come now….” and she was gone.
But the neat part of this story was that I prayed and prayed for God to let me be by my mother's side when she died. I wanted to be there when she breathed her last. After all, I had been so faithful at her side, I wanted this honor. Well, my ways are not the Lord's ways, and he saw fit to have me leave the room. But not before her spirit was able to say a sweet goodbye to her loving daughter (and in the bathroom of all places! ha!). But it happened nonetheless. And I treasure that gift God gave me of my mother's spirit. She wasn't in pain and there was nothing but joy. That moment kept me together as I dealt with her estate for years after that. My father had passed only 2 years before her…..
September 19, 2007 at 5:22 pm#66393IM4Truth
ParticipantMandy What an amazing event in your Life. Those things we will never forget. Since I am so sick and really don't know when God is calling me Home, those testimonies really help keep my spirits up.
Thank you for sharing it with us.Peace and Love Mrs.:D
September 19, 2007 at 6:39 pm#66399Not3in1
You know, we never know when the Father will call us home. I'm fairly young (although approaching the moment of realizing that I have lived more years than I have a head of me probably), but I was in a car accident back in 2005 that aidworker's and firemen called a “fatality accident scene”. In other words, I should be died right now. But I called on the LORD to save me, and here I am to tell. The truth is, we never know (sick or otherwise) when we will be called home. Each day is a gift. But I can tell you one thing, having witnessed a couple people die on their death beds —- it's peaceful.
September 19, 2007 at 9:16 pm#66413IM4Truth
ParticipantThank you again Mandy. Why God is keeping me alive like this, is a wonder. Each day I keep thinking how will this all end. 2 years ago I was in critical Condition and spend 4 Days in I.C.U. My Blood pressure had gone down to 30 over 50 something like that,. I had 105 temp. My Doctor called in a Surgeon and He scared our Family half to death. He said that He thought my Intestines were deteriorated that He did not know if He could save me. I had been on a lot of steroids and He thought that that had eaten up my intestines. My Husband was crying , I had no Idea what was happening I was so out of it. I tried to comfort my Family and told them that everything was going to be O.K. And I did. My Intestines were just fine. just totally dehydrated and I had a pneumonia.
God has saved me out of such situation 2 times now. I have to much to learn yet. Praise God on High and Our Lord and King Jesus Christ.Peace and Love Mrs.
September 19, 2007 at 9:42 pm#66415Not3in1
ParticipantHi again Mrs.,
Wow. Thanks for sharing your personal life with us. It is amazing how God has provided for you. Yes, praise him!
I know this may sound a bit morbid, but I was thinking about our post to one another earlier, and so I went to the graveyard. I'm a grave visitor. I know that probably will strike a chord in some, but rest assured that I realize they are not “there” but sleeping in the LORD. I don't know, somehow it comforts me to visit every now and then…….call it morbid, or just plain weird, but it is a blessing to me.
I realized something as I was walking to my car, all the graves have something in common – they read: BORN and they give the date, and DIED and give the date. As assuredly as we live today, we all will die. I passed one grave and it said, “Aged 43 years.” I sort of took a deep breath on that one as I am approaching my 40th birthday…..
My reason for posting this is that we are alive today. While it is still today, let us encourage one another to know our Creator better. Let's love one another more deeply, and forgive one another more readily. When we die, we may be remembered for a while, but surely our graves will be covered in moss as some of the long-forgotten graves were that I saw today. Today is our time to be in the sun, and to breathe in the sweet soon-to-be Autum air.
Praise the Lord for today! Praise the Lord because I feel the warmth of the sun on my face! Praise the Lord because I await my children coming home from school and they are healthy! Praise the Lord for every one of you! Praise him!
September 19, 2007 at 11:33 pm#66420942767
ParticipantQuote (IM4Truth @ Sep. 20 2007,09:16) Thank you again Mandy. Why God is keeping me alive like this, is a wonder. Each day I keep thinking how will this all end. 2 years ago I was in critical Condition and spend 4 Days in I.C.U. My Blood pressure had gone down to 30 over 50 something like that,. I had 105 temp. My Doctor called in a Surgeon and He scared our Family half to death. He said that He thought my Intestines were deteriorated that He did not know if He could save me. I had been on a lot of steroids and He thought that that had eaten up my intestines. My Husband was crying , I had no Idea what was happening I was so out of it. I tried to comfort my Family and told them that everything was going to be O.K. And I did. My Intestines were just fine. just totally dehydrated and I had a pneumonia.
God has saved me out of such situation 2 times now. I have to much to learn yet. Praise God on High and Our Lord and King Jesus Christ.Peace and Love Mrs.
Hi Mrs.I am sorry to hear that you have been suffering like this.
God's Word states:Quote James 5:14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: 15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. 16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. If you excercise faith in God's Word, I believe that he will heal you. God is certainly able to heal your mortal body. He raised Lazarus from the dead even after four days. But we are not expected to live in this body forever, but as Christians we are promised a spiritual body when the Lord comes for the church. Part of the scripture above relative to healing states that “if we have any sins, they shall be forgiven”, and so the scripture covers both the physical healing of the body and the healing of the soul.
I believe that you exercise your faith calling for prayer, God will heal you whether healing your body to relieve you from the suffering and allowing you to continue for a time in this world or he will call you, as you say, home. Either way you will be healed.
I hope this helps. God Bless.
September 20, 2007 at 12:50 am#66424IM4Truth
ParticipantThank you Mandy and Thank you 942767
There are other people that are physically suffering much more then I do and so I am thankful for everything that God has given us. Every Day that I can see another day to learn to be more Christ like. This Website has been very good for me. Even with some of the arguments, I have learned from that too. I appreciate some of you so very much. With all of my Love Mrs.Peace and Love Mrs.:D
September 20, 2007 at 7:56 pm#66486Not3in1
Participant94 and Mrs.,
You two have blessed my heart tremendously and I wanted to thank you both. I will be thinking of each of you during my break! I have agreed with nearly everything you both have shared – it is always so nice to have confirmation of beliefs. Please pray for me during my time away – that God will reveal himself to me in a mighty way.
I miss you already, too, Mrs.!
Take care and much love to you both,
MandySeptember 20, 2007 at 10:03 pm#66496942767
ParticipantQuote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 21 2007,07:56) 94 and Mrs., You two have blessed my heart tremendously and I wanted to thank you both. I will be thinking of each of you during my break! I have agreed with nearly everything you both have shared – it is always so nice to have confirmation of beliefs. Please pray for me during my time away – that God will reveal himself to me in a mighty way.
I miss you already, too, Mrs.!
Take care and much love to you both,
Hi Mandy:I will miss you while you are away. I am praying that God will bless you and your family in every way.
Love, your brother in Christ
October 17, 2007 at 5:56 am#68627IM4Truth
ParticipantHi 942767 I sah you on hear today, but you have not posted in a long time. Can I do something for you? Do you need our prayer or whatever I can do for you, please let me know, if it is in my power I will do it. I have missed you.
Peaceand Love Mrs.:D
June 17, 2008 at 8:29 am#93123gollamudi
ParticipantHi brother 942767,
I read your testimony fully today it is wonderful with frankness and no concealing whatsoever may be. May God continue to bless you with more and more revelations. Do share more on that great history of your life.
AdamJune 17, 2008 at 2:25 pm#93135942767
ParticipantQuote (gollamudi @ June 17 2008,20:29) Hi brother 942767,
I read your testimony fully today it is wonderful with frankness and no concealing whatsoever may be. May God continue to bless you with more and more revelations. Do share more on that great history of your life.
Hi Adam:Yes, I could have just shared the good parts and not shared the “stupid mistakes” that I made, but I shared my experience as it happened.
And although I did make some stupid mistakes, God causes all things to work together for the good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
At this point in time, my wife has made a turn for the good and my marriage relationship is getting better every day.
I am also hearing the following from God. “For your shame you shall have double”, and I am hearing “a new beginning”.
I was full of zeal and wanted to share the gospel with whomever would listen including in the work place, but when we work for someone we need to obey their policies and most companies do not want someone to talk “religion” on the job because of the arguments that may occur. On the job that I have currently have my boss who is also a Christian protected me or else I would have lost my job again. I have found that the best way to share the gospel is to live your life as an example so that people will see the love of God manifest through your life.
I don't know exactly what God will do to give me a new beginning. I have sent a resume to a company that is located in the building where I work and something may develop there. Also, I am drawing Social Security and my full retirement was to be in October. At that point, I would not be restricted as to how much income I could earn. But the Social security department has written to me telling me that as of August I will not have to tell them how much I will earn and also that they will be increasing my monthly benefit. August is the 8th month and the number 8 signifies a new beginning as in Noah and his family, eight people were saved in the Ark. If I am employed with the comany I mentioned, it also probably will be in August because I will be going to New Mexico for a family reunion on 7/26 and returning to work on 8/4. We will see what develops.
Although the job that I currently have is not that great in terms of the income that I earn, it has been good for me in many ways especially because I have the time and freedom to study the scriptures and get prepared for the minstry that God has for me.
God is going to use me as a Bishop in the church not because I have never made a mistake but because I am willing to accept correction and He has corrected me many a time. I know that my Father loves me because He corrects me. He has said, “if you endure correction, God deals with you as with sons”. How can I teach others until I am first taught myself?
I may be visiting you in India sometime. I have someone from Kerla working for me at this time.
God Bless you and your family
June 17, 2008 at 3:26 pm#93140gollamudi
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ June 18 2008,02:25) And although I did make some stupid mistakes, God causes all things to work together for the good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
I have found that the best way to share the gospel is to live your life as an example so that people will see the love of God manifest through your life.
God is going to use me as a Bishop in the church not because I have never made a mistake but because I am willing to accept correction and He has corrected me many a time. I know that my Father loves me because He corrects me. He has said, “if you endure correction, God deals with you as with sons”. How can I teach others until I am first taught myself?
I may be visiting you in India sometime. I have someone from Kerla working for me at this time.
God Bless you and your family
Hi brother,
Thanks for your quick response. I have filtered the best parts of your sharing for my benefit. The best way to preach the Gospel is through our example as you rightly told. I also follow the same here in India because for us it is still difficult to preach Gospel publically.I feel shame for argueing with you such a senior brother on some topics like “free will”. I'm sorry for that if caused inconvenience to you.
Please mention your name so far I don't know your name.
You are most welcome to India, we stay in Chennai it is the capital of Tamilnadu an adjecent state to Kerala. I live with my wife Anuradha and two children Ankith Adam and Preethi Nissy of 12 and 9 years. I work in a Government Telecom Organisation as DGM(Dy General Manager).May God give a new beginning and fulfill all your heart desires in the comong days.
Peace to you
Adam - AuthorPosts
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