Mormons are Christians

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  • #42787

    david, are you saying that Nick says that he wouldn't tell his neigbour the greatest news he could ever hear?

    It is the obvious conclusion to the meaning of your words. Did I hear you correctly?

    It is not the obvious conclusion to my words. Look at our conversation again. Nick was stating that not everyone need preach the good news. 'Some are apostles, some are teachers, etc.'

    I asked the question I did, which the obvious answer to is:”yes,” as you answered.

    So, preaching, which Jesus commisioned his disciples to do does not apply. “preaching” isn't in that scripture Nick quoted.


    T8, you state:

    Vacuum Cleaner salesmen do the same thing. They go from door to door to sell vacuum cleaners and I know that encyclopaedia organisations like Brittanica use to as well.

    But guess what? Even the pharisees went to great measures to gain a convert.

    Right, so you say it proves nothing. But in light of what Jesus said, not being involved in this great preaching work that covers all the nations would seem to prove something, t8. Jesus fortold that in all the nations, the good news of the kingdom would first have to be preached, in our time. And the fact that JW's seem to be the only one's doing this may not prove anything in your mind. But what does it prove that some are not involved in this work, or a part of this prophecy?

    The method doesn't prove your organisation is the body of Christ david. Surely a spiritually minded person wouldn't accept your carnal argument would they? Lets be real here.

    Please don't use the “appeal to fear” or 'scare tactic' fallacy. It is a bad way to think. Only week people will fall for it T8.

    If we look at methods alone, then perhaps we would have concluded that the pharisees were the true organisation. But Jesus knew better than that. HE KNEW THEIR HEARTS.

    What prophecies did the pharisees fulfill that no one else did, that would seem to indicate that they are God's people? I think you're stretching a great deal here to make a point.


    Matthew 23:15
    “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.

    As you said, he knew their hearts. Can you JUDGE HEARTS, T8? I didnt know you had this ability? If you can't, why do you imply that JW's fall into this category?

    Do not the JWs travel over land and sea to win a single convert? Is this not what you keep saying david?

    I've never used those words. What I do keep saying is this. This is what Jesus commanded his followers:

    MATTHEW 28:19-20
    “Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.””

    This is what he fortold for our time:
    MATTHEW 24:14
    “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”

    Question T8: ARe the ones who are fulfilling this prophecy guilty of traversing sea and dry land to make one prosylite? Somewhere, someone must be doing this, or Jesus was wrong. Would you accuse these ones of the same?
    If not, then on what grounds do you accuse JW's?

    Yet what does it prove?

    It is certainly not any reason to make in proving that the JWs are the Body of Christ.

    If there were many groups following Jesus command and fulfilling Mat 24:14, then you may have something. Because there is not, you do not. Once more, while it may not prove anything about us to you, it should prove something about you to yourself.
    Are you part of a group that is doing this preaching work in all the nations?

    Come on. We are not as silly as you may think.

    Again, your false reasoning astounds me. Who exactly is it you are trying to scare? Or intimidate?

    You are fighting in an arena with weapons made of wood and stone. But the weapons that God gives us are much more powerful and can bring down strongholds.

    Your only weapon so far seems to be false reasoning and hot air. You have tried to compare us to vacuum salesmen and pharisees. Neither comparison fits. We are the ones who are involved in the greatest work this side of armageddon, declaring the greatest news anyone could ever hear, and we are doing it “in all the nations,” unitedly.

    Surely others can see right through to your motives david, but I would hope that many here wouldn't be swayed in their faith and understanding and choose to go back to prison once the truth has set them free.

    Again, you try to scare people and also try to make them join your crowd. These are false ways to think, my friend. And they are not honourable.

    I couldn't imagine anyone who is free wanting to join up with a prison. But I do admit that people can be bewitched.

    You also may have been greately confused when people started becoming Christians, following their strange ways, and what seemed to be “new teachings.” It may have felt too restrictive for your free spirit and so you would have missed out on real freedom, had you lived back then. You would never have realized you are envlaved to your wrong ways as a millstone around your foot. I can see you saying the same things to Christians back then.

    But seriously david, do you honestly expect everyone or even someone here to say, “oh the Body of Christ is the Jehovah Witnesses and the true prophet is the Watchtower”. “I know this because they go from door to door like vacumm cleaner salesmen trying to gain a convert.

    Come on david, do you really expect that to happen?

    Perhaps you've been paying very little attention to your own website.


    And so, if I am asking you David have you been born again? And David if you were to die today, are you certain that you are saved what is your response?

    94, most people who think they are born again, are not. I say this without the slighest hesitation. i have talken to a lot of people who believed they are born again. They vary greately in beliefs. They are uncertain who God is. They, or most, tend to have no idea what they will be doing in heaven when they get there. They kill one another.

    As for your saying:

    you have not been born again, and if this is true, then you are not Christians, and that is what I am saying to you.

    well, this is not what the scripture says.
    It says that in order to enter the kingdom of the heavens you must be born again.
    Thos who go to heaven will rule with Christ as kings, judges, priests. Who will they rule over? Themselves?
    No, just as in any nation, there are those who make up the government and those who they rule over. I would like to discuss this more, but have no time, at present.


    Quote (david @ Feb. 24 2007,07:09)

    And so, if I am asking you David have you been born again? And David if you were to die today, are you certain that you are saved what is your response?

    94, most people who think they are born again, are not.  I say this without the slighest hesitation.  i have talken to a lot of people who believed they are born again.  They vary greately in beliefs. They are uncertain who God is.  They, or most, tend to have no idea what they will be doing in heaven when they get there.  They kill one another.

    As for your saying:

    you have not been born again, and if this is true, then you are not Christians, and that is what I am saying to you.  

    well, this is not what the scripture says.
    It says that in order to enter the kingdom of the heavens you must be born again.
    Thos who go to heaven will rule with Christ as kings, judges, priests.  Who will they rule over?  Themselves?
    No, just as in any nation, there are those who make up the government and those who they rule over.  I would like to discuss this more, but have no time, at present.

    Hi David:

    I believe that you are evading my questions. I don't know about others but I know that I am born again, but that is not what I asked you? Can you answer what I've asked?

    Thanks & God Bless


    I don't know about others but I know that I am born again

    94, a lot of people “know” they are born again.

    I believe that you are evading my questions.

    I'm sorry if you believe this. I have had this discusion with Nick at least a few times. It can be found in the kingdom of God thread, that I created, as well as at least one of the JW threads (not sure which one.) As I said before, I would like to discuss this more, but have no time, at present. (I needed to be somewhere and I'm sorry if you took that as me “evading” anything.) You should also realize that this thread is about Mormons and a Mormon I am not. JW's were only mentioned because Mormon's are known for their preaching activity, and so are JW's. I was comparing them and asking questions, to any mormon who may have the answers. Now, we're speaking exclusively of me. Tell you what. Re-open the “kingdom of God” thread, (not the kingdom of heavens one) and I will answer your questions in that very appropriate thread.

    Jesus answered: “Most truly I say to you, Unless anyone is born from water and spirit, HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”

    I therefore think the “kingdom of God” thread is a great place to discuss this.


    Quote (dclegg @ Oct. 19 2006,00:17)
    Is the word church an accurate synonym of the Body of Christ?

    Colossians 1:24
    Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.

    Ephesians 5:23
    For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.


    Quote (david @ Feb. 25 2007,02:04)
    And the fact that JW's seem to be the only one's doing this may not prove anything in your mind.

    Are you sure about that david?

    In your eyes maybe because you seem to live and breathe the JW organisation. But I have seen and met Christians preaching the gospel most of my life from the Artic Circle in Norway down to the South of New Zealand. I have also seen JWs preaching to people about as much as I have seen Mormons too. But not that often compared to the amount of Christians I have seen preaching.

    In fact if I was talking to a Mormon right now he could make all kinds of arguments too such as “Where are your apostles”. Or “you only have half a bible”.

    Then there are all the other thousands of other cults, denominations, etc. Once when I was young I was hitchiking around NZ and I got a lift from this guy who belonged to a Christian community called the Cooperites.

    I accepted his lift and then I accepted an invitation to stay with them for a while. I was available to God to be used so why not. Anyway these guys were convinced because the world was evil that we should all live in self-sufficient communities away from the world. These guys were so self-sufficent that they even had their own plane and airstrip. They made their own bio-fuel and grew and farmed everything they needed to consume. They quoted “Be ye seperate” and said that if we are to fulfill the NT we need to live like this. The guys all wore the same clothes and likewise the girls.

    So david, these guys made arguments from the bible too, in order to justify that they were the correct example of a Christian group.

    David in the end it is all vanity. JWs, Mormons, Copperites, Catholics, Christadelphians, Pentecostals, Quakers. They are all weird. They all think they are right, yet even logic dictates that they cannot be.

    So why perpetuate this madness. Why be drunk on the wine that these groups offer? Once again I remind you of Jesus heart for his people.

    John 17:21
    that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

    Can you hear the desire of Yeshua's heart? Can you hear his cry and prayer? Guess what he prayed before he died? He wants all his people to be one.

    david how are you helping the Lord by perpetuating the division that the devil wants people to continue with? Are all these denominations the will of God and his son? Or are they the work of the enemy? I think deep down you know the answer.


    It seems there are about 50,000 “missionaries” in this church.

    If I remember correctly, there are about 12 million Mormons in the world.

    Does this mean that at any given time, only 1 in about 240 think that their message is important enough to take to others?

    Or am I misunderstaning this?

    Also, 'Single men serve missions for two years and single women serve missions for 18 months.'
    And then what? Why 2 years? Is their message not important enough to preach always? I don't understand this.

    This is also interesting:
    “Missionaries receive their assignment from Church headquarters and are sent only to countries where governments allow the Church to operate.”

    JW's for example, are obeying Jesus command to preach in about 25 countries right now, where the law of the land does not allow it. We feel that everyone needs a chance to hear this most wonderful news, regardless of what happens to us. We feel it's better to “obey God as ruler, rather than men” where one conflicts the other.

    “In some parts of the world, missionaries are sent only to serve humanitarian or other specialized missions. Those missionaries do not proselytize.”
    Ok, that 50,000 number seems to be dropping.


    But I have seen and met Christians preaching the gospel most of my life from the Artic Circle in Norway down to the South of New Zealand.

    Was the one teaching in the arctic circle teaching anything similar to the one teaching in New Zealand? Were they “one” as you kept emphasizing before? “One” in belief, in love, in their message? Or rather, do you think they may have taught conflicting messages? The body of Christ, is not divided.

    I have also seen JWs preaching to people about as much as I have seen Mormons too.

    I have too. I've met them while we were doing a similar work. Yet, if you look above, don't you find it odd that they only do this for 2 years, and that only 1 out of a couple hundred are doing this? I don't remember Jesus putting any time limit on this message. I remember him stressing the great importance of it. I wonder what the other 99% are thinking. Do they really not share this most important message on the planet with their neighbors?

    In fact if I was talking to a Mormon right now he could make all kinds of arguments too such as “Where are your apostles”.

    I used to study with a Mormon. Or maybe he thought he was studying with me. Anyway, in regards to that question: Been there, done that.

    Then there are all the other thousands of other cults, denominations, etc. Once when I was young I was hitchiking around NZ and I got a lift from this guy who belonged to a Christian community called the Cooperites.

    There is no question that Satan is good at what he does. He has infiltrated the wheat with weeds. Listen, if he couldn't physically destroy christianity, why not try to hide it? Why not create a thousand other doors, false doors, so that you can't just stumble into the right one. Fortunately, you don't have to knock on any of these doors. We will come to you. (Mat 24:14)

    I accepted his lift and then I accepted an invitation to stay with them for a while. I was available to God to be used so why not. Anyway these guys were convinced because the world was evil that we should all live in self-sufficient communities away from the world. These guys were so self-sufficent that they even had their own plane and airstrip. They made their own bio-fuel and grew and farmed everything they needed to consume. They quoted “Be ye seperate” and said that if we are to fulfill the NT we need to live like this. The guys all wore the same clothes and likewise the girls.

    JW's undertand the importance of keeping separate from the world and it's ways, but balance is needed. We are not monks. Jesus commissioned his disciples to preach to everyone. So, balance is needed. We cannot get out of the world. We are in the world, but no part of it.

    So david, these guys made arguments from the bible too, in order to justify that they were the correct example of a Christian group.

    hmmm. Maybe you should have quoted him this:
    1 CORINTHIANS 5:10
    “not [meaning] entirely with the fornicators of this world or the greedy persons and extortioners or idolaters. Otherwise, YOU would actually have to get out of the world.”

    And then, asked him how he planned on accomplishing this:
    MATTHEW 24:14
    “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”

    David in the end it is all vanity. JWs, Mormons, Copperites, Catholics, Christadelphians, Pentecostals, Quakers. They are all weird.

    What you perhaps fail to realize is that the early Christians were without question 'wierd' when compared with everyone around them. They were very different.

    They all think they are right, yet even logic dictates that they cannot be.

    I have never suggested that all these groups are “right.” As you say, logically, when one disagrees so with the other, they cannot be.

    John 17:21
    that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

    Jehovah's people are one. True enough.

    Can you hear the desire of Yeshua's heart? Can you hear his cry an prayer? Guess what he prayed before he died? He wants all his people to be one.

    All his people are one, T8.

    david how are you helping the Lord by perpetuating the division that the devil wants people to continue with?

    Jesus came to bring division T8. The truth of the Bible divides people. But it also brings people together. The problem is, you keep wanting the people that Jesus is dividing to come together. Seems you are following the false belief that “it's all good,” “do your own thing” “let's just all be friends regardless of what satanic drivel we believe” philosophies.

    MATTHEW 10:34-35
    “Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword. For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law.”

    Who exactly is it that you want to be united T8? Who are you trying to pull together? The body of Christ is not divided. The religions of the world are. It seems you are trying to unite the pharisees and the buddhists. Perhaps, it would be better if people came into the body of Christ and left behind false beliefs. The “let's just all get along” and turn blind eyes to wrong things is a bad way to go.


    Reading this post I'm reminded of a Gospel tune.

    That says: “Old Buddah was a man that I'm sure that he ment well but I pray for his deciples lest they wind up in hell. And I'm sure that Mohammed thought he new the way, but it won't be Hare Chrisner (probably mispelled) that blows that trumpet tune and we are going to see the Son not reverend Moon”

    Latter in the song he says: It won't be a Baptist sitten on the thrown, a Methodist or a Catholic that's calling us home, and it won't be a JW that blows that trumpet tune so lets just live for Jesus cause He's coming home real soon. (Note I replaced some of the denominations but you get the message)




    Quote (david @ Feb. 27 2007,05:24)
    Was the one teaching in the arctic circle teaching anything similar to the one teaching in New Zealand? Were they “one” as you kept emphasizing before? “One” in belief, in love, in their message? Or rather, do you think they may have taught conflicting messages? The body of Christ, is not divided.

    To david.

    Yes it was and it wasn't one occasion. I have also observed Christians preaching the same gospel in countries between those polar extremes.
    Yet I have only ever observed JWs maybe 5 times max in my life and the Mormons perhaps 20 times. So thank God that the JWs or the Mormons are not God's exclusive club or Christ's body.

    BTW: The gospel was the same david.

    But again you appear to say that it is a requirement that the true organisation will be in complete unity. I again remind you that this is an incorrect assumption. It is God's will that his people be in unity of mind and purpose and united in love, but God has given his people the ability to choose that. It is by no means a guarantee that his people will always be in his will to that degree. We see the same thing with Israel. God's people at certain times were completely enslaved by Babylon, Egypt, etc, and other times they did great exploits in his name. So today we only observe history repeating itself.

    Perhaps there was a group of religious people back in the days when Israel was enslaved, then that denied that the Jews were God's chosen because of the state of their faith in God or the fact that they chased after other gods. But they were still his people david. God didn't give up on them.

    david rather than writing off God's people or joining an exclusive club, would it not be more noble to help God's people. Of course before you personally could do that, you would need to change yourself.


    I have also observed christians preaching the same gospel in countries between those polar extremes.

    English scholar John Selden, 300 years ago said: “If the matter were well examined, you would scarce find three [persons] anywhere of the same religion in all points.”

    It took me about 7 months to figure out that Nick believes God tortures people for all eternity for the sins of a few years, while you don't.

    If by “same gospel,” you mean the very generic: “Be born again. Find Christ, God is love” message that everyone preaches, sure….

    I would think that Christians wouldn't believe Greek philosophies and traditions of men. But some do. Some teach these very things. Are they teaching the same gospel as you?

    But again you appear to say that it is a requirement that the true organisation will be in complete unity.

    I think that when two people can't even assess whether the God of love and justice would torture people for all time–that isn't anywhere close to unity to me. You two are worshipping two very different Gods.

    Your “unity” isn't unity at all. At least, not to me. I have seen true unity. It looks nothing like what you protest.

    Unless we are discussing the differences or similarities between Mormons and JW's, as I began doing, this discussion seems like it should be in one of the several threads that people have created about JW's.



    Quote (david @ Feb. 27 2007,16:36)
    English scholar John Selden, 300 years ago said: “If the matter were well examined, you would scarce find three [persons] anywhere of the same religion in all points.”

    It took me about 7 months to figure out that Nick believes God tortures people for all eternity for the sins of a few years, while you don't.

    If by “same gospel,” you mean the very generic: “Be born again. Find Christ, God is love” message that everyone preaches, sure….

    I would think that Christians wouldn't believe Greek philosophies and traditions of men. But some do. Some teach these very things. Are they teaching the same gospel as you?

    I will say it again david.

    Christians have many differing opinions and this is understandable considering that most are caught up or under some kind of Babylonian influence and denominational thinking. But if they preach a false gospel then that is no gospel at all.

    But your answer to captivity appears to be to remain captive but to the captives with the most unity in your opinion, (the JWs).

    Well david that is not a good reason nor a wise thing to do.

    It is better to come out of these divisions altogether, and then perhaps God can use you to bring unity by setting the captives free with the truth.

    But if you choose to be a JW or a Mormon, then God will let you do that. It doesn't mean that he wants you to though.

    But by all means work against Yeshua who said “I pray that they will be one as you and I are one”.

    It's your choice.


    Quote (david @ Feb. 27 2007,16:36)
    Your “unity” isn't unity at all. At least, not to me. I have seen true unity. It looks nothing like what you protest.

    It is unity based on truth david.

    If it is true then we should build on top of that.

    The point with this board is to search for truth and share what we have learned. But the devil gets very mad when people try to do that, and all manner of opposition comes with all manner of reasons and accusations as to why we should stop and become Mormons, JWs, Trinitarians, or whatever. So it appears from the opposition that we receive that he wants us to become captive to one of his divisions/cults/denominations.

    You appear to be one of them david, but we say NO.

    But I fully commend and support those who come here with an open heart and who love the truth to the degree that they will humble themselves and let truth change them.

    Let those who belong to God come together in the name of Yeshua and in truth and let us learn and share together.



    Christians have many differing opinions and this is understandable considering that most are caught up or under some kind of Babylonian influence

    Perhaps you or the ones you are united with should come out of this “Babylonian influence.” It's a terrible place to be.

    It is better to come out of these divisions altogether,

    YOu realize I could just as easily say you are part of the divisions. If you are only wrongly looking to create less division, then you should join a religion and try to make the others go away. That would solve your “divisions” problem. You are a religion of one. There is exactly one person who believes exactly as you do. You are a part of this division. The idea of interfaith or embracing people who teach false things is not Biblical in the least.

    But by all means work against Yeshua who said “I pray that they will be one as you and I are one”.

    It's your choice.

    Here's what you JUST FAIL TO UNDERSTAND. God's people are one. They are one. They're one. You keep trying to say they are divided and let's all unite and be one happy family. NO. God's people already are one. There is no division as you keep suggesting!
    Do you really think God's people would be divided over important matters? Does the christ exist divided?

    The early Christians were further criticized because they claimed to possess the truth of the one true God. They were not open to ecumenism, or interfaith.
    Historian Kenneth Scott Latourette wrote: “Unlike most of the faiths of the time, they [the Christians] were hostile to other religions. . . . In contrast with the fairly broad tolerance which characterized other cults, they declared that they had final truth.”–A History of the Expansion of Christianity, Volume 1, page 131

    Let those who belong to God come together in the name of Yeshua and in truth and let us learn and share together.

    “All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever.”—Micah 4:5.


    Hi david,
    What you see as blessed unity in the JWs is men shackled together in their delusions. Too timid and unwilling to test their doctrines they are fed from above they obey their every demand in the sad hope that their zealous efforts will win them a place in a future kingdom, when joining it is necessary now.


    Nick, didn't you once start a JW thread?


    Quote (david @ Feb. 28 2007,02:07)
    YOu realize I could just as easily say you are part of the divisions. If you are only wrongly looking to create less division, then you should join a religion and try to make the others go away. That would solve your “divisions” problem. You are a religion of one. There is exactly one person who believes exactly as you do. You are a part of this division. The idea of interfaith or embracing people who teach false things is not Biblical in the least.

    No you cannot david. I am not trying to setup a separate group with it's own government and name. In addition to that, I am not asking for money and I am not trying to sell you something. What God has given me I give it away freely and do not use it to profit for myself. I am serving people.

    Rather than setting up a new exclusive group, I am saying look at the children of God now. Look how they are scattered among the nations and how they are held captive. I am saying to such people that you can be free, you can be one with one another, and you can be led by God's spirit in all truth.

    I am not so proud and blind to say “they are all wrong and I am right”. I am only ENCOURAGING people to seek the truth. It is that simple david. So all your negative comments really amount to persecution if I am truly serving God in such manner.

    So if what I say is true, then you cannot accuse me of starting a new denomination. There is a difference between a man's mission to bring unity in truth to God's people and a man who draws men to himself.

    A man who serves people is a servant and he doesn't draw people to himself, rather to Christ who will deliver them to YHWH. A man who serves himself can setup an organisation in his own image and extract adoration, money, and servitude from his followers.

    So you are free to judge, but I answer to God's son, not you, the Mormons, or any man.


    I also get the feeling david that had you lived in the time of Moses, that you may have been against Moses for setting his people free. Your doctrine may have dictated that they were not God's people by reason of their divisions and fallen state.

    But Moses had a heart for his people and God used Moses to set his people free. They were completely captivated by Egypt.

    Now if Moses came in these days to set God's children free, then would you treat him as you treat me? Would you say that he is trying to unite harlot beliefs?

    Far from it. If we want to be free, then it is the truth that sets a free david.

    The truth. That is what I seek and it is what this board is about.

    So ask yourself why you appose this work?


    No you cannot david. I am not trying to setup a separate group with it's own government and name.

    Didn't say you are. I said you are a religion of one, with your very own set of beliefs, etc. And you endorse apparently that everyone should do their own thing. This causes division on an unparalleled level.

    In addition to that, I am not asking for money and I am not trying to sell you something.

    Nor am I. I fail to see your point.

    What God has given me I give it away freely and do not use it to profit for myself. I am serving people.

    I have never accused you of charging for anything. Rightly, you do not use religion for profit. That's commendable.

    I am only ENCOURAGING people to seek the truth. It is that simple david.

    Again, commendable, but I'm not certain that this thing you are teaching is the truth. And neither are you:

    I am not so proud and blind to say “they are all wrong and I am right”.

    So all your negative comments really amount to persecution if I am truly serving God in such manner.

    I guess I could say the same. But this isn't much, as far as persecution goes.

    So if what I say is true, then you cannot accuse me of starting a new denomination.

    I'm not accusing you of neither telling the truth or of starting a new denomination. I accuse you of telling me that I cause division when I am in no way divided with my brothers, while on the other hand, you are trying to bring people together by, in essense, dividing them. You bring them together or unite them only in their rejection of organisation.

    There is a difference between a man's mission to bring unity in truth to God's people and a man who draws men to himself.

    I know you are not drawing men to yourself. You are telling them to be themselves and to draw away to themselves.

    A man who serves people is a servant and he doesn't draw people to himself, rather to Christ who will deliver them to YHWH. A man who serves himself can setup an organisation in his own image and extract adoration, money, and servitude from his followers.

    ANd this would obviously be wrong.

    So you are free to judge, but I answer to God's son, not you, the Mormons, or any man.

    Yes, you will have to answer for your actions. We all will.

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