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  • #233321

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 15 2011,03:48)
    Hi Mark and Irene:

    Thanks for sharing your testimonies.  My testimony continues with a recent dream in which God has shown me who will lay hands on me and ordain me for the ministry.

    My testimony can be read at:


    Love in Christ,

    I read your testimony, Thanks for sharing. What was your dream? Are you still at the church with the lady pastor you were at odds with? Did you retire? Peace-Mark.


    Also, when I read Martys testimony, I saw a you tube thing t8 posted about a man that had a NDE, after being stung by a jellyfish. It really struck a chord with me. I have been wondering about something ever since my dad died and I think I have a answer–  My dad had a lung condition from being exposed to chemicals in the navy. He breathed hard alot but was ok with oxygen, until it became chronic, 2 months before he died. Hospice came in 4 weeks before he died. He wasted down to nothing, and then couldn't eat. In the last 2 weeks my siblings and I took turns spending the night to help my mom out. It was really hard. Anyway, this particular night was my turn, and it had really gotten down to the nitty gritty, so my daughter came over to be with me and help me. He had no strength left and was in and out of conciousness, barely breathing. About 2 or 3 in the morning, while I was dosing, I heard a booming SON OF A BI–H! I sat straight up in shock. He sounded just like the old days when I would make him mad. I looked at Jess and said “I hope he doesn't mean me”, and then he did it again-SON OF A BI–H! You MOther! (He didn't finish that) I lept to his side confused, and asked him if he was in any pain, and he untensed up and looked at me like I distracted him, and said “what?” I said are you in pain?, he said yea.  Jess told me he had the max for drugs he could have that day, and we called the hospice office. They said to crush up half a zanax and put it in water and give it to him, to relieve the anxiety. He died 6 hours later, as my daughter was reading the 23 psalm, exactly when she said “and though I walk through the vally of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil” and my mom said that that's when he breathed his last breath.

    I always wondered what that was about, and I had always postulated that he saw the devil on his way out, and maybe the devil taunted him about tormenting me and everyone else, and dad told him what he thought. I still can't get over how loud it was, being as he did not hardly have the strength to breath, Jessica as my witness. I was reminded of that today when that man on you tube  was first surrounded in darkness and could only make out evil eyes, and felt the horror of hell, and then the light opened up above the darkness and the warmth of God drew him in. I believe that happened to dad too, and my dad let him know what he thought of him. Peace-Mark


    P.S. Marty,
    You have alot of faith, great faith. Weather in this world or the next, you will be a bishop. :)


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 15 2011,21:16)
    To all: It seems that maybe this thread should remain for miracle reports. They are so warm and loving and edifying. They seem to increase your faith in Gods protection and they make me feel closer to all believers. God's ever abundant blessing of love to each person that reads this post. May the almighty force of love flow in each one, protecting, healing, and bringing us all together as one. The power of love and kindness can drop a big strong man to his knees in tears of submission. I love that feeling! Blessings of peace to all. TK

    Tim, thank you for those kind words.  Yesterday was one of those special days that only comes once in a lifetime.  It was our 50th Wedding Anniversary. We have one Daughter, 3 Son's, three Grandson's and one Granddaughter.  Our oldest Son took us out for Dinner at Olive Garden an Italian Restaurant.  In the mean time the rest prepared a Party for us, with gifts.  The main thing was all the love they pored out to us was outstanding.  We are so blessed to have Children and Grandchildren like ours…..God Bless you and yours, plus all that read the Miracles Tread….
    Peace and Love to all ,Irene


    A late but very, very heartfelt congradulations on you and George's 50th. May God bless your lives with more miracles and blessings-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Jan. 17 2011,11:35)
    A late but very, very heartfelt congradulations on you and George's 50th. May God bless your lives with more miracles and blessings-Mark

    Thank you Mark, we did have a great day, we appreciate your wishes…..Peace and Love Irene

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