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  • #10594

    Has any one looked into christian science? No, I'm not one of those. I'm just a son of God trying to grow.
    Anyway, It is my understanding that Mary Baker Eddy (the founder) taught that God is mind. Your mind precieves everything. So if you want to walk through a wall, like Jesus, Then you have to convence your mind that the wall doesn't exist. I believe the movie “Matrix” was built upon this belief.
    A lot of “movie stars” believe in Christian Science.

    So if you get sick it's only because your mind is telling you “your sick”. Convince your mind that you not sick and you won't be. Also the flesh doesn't exist. The belief in material things is just Satan's idea after the fall of Adam.

    I don't want to bash anyone's beliefs. I just thought it was interesting. To sum up Christian Science believe that we are already spirit beings and everything else is just a lie of Satan.

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