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    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 29 2010,14:14)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 29 2010,08:00)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 28 2010,23:05)

    Many on here have their “litmus test” for others. For alot, it is the trinity. for you, as implied here, it is weather God will come in the flesh. I guess for me, this is it. If all you do is critisize others and rail against what they believe, and not do the things above that matter to God, you are one of the “Lord Lord” people spoken of by Jesus.

    Peace- Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Are you now accusing me of:   …'criticizing others and railing against what they believe'?

    Ed J


    From your book:
    A ‘man king’ cannot be ‘the antichrist’ as religion has taught for so long; but it is
    spirit of antichrist ‘to have a man king stand between GOD and His people’. These
    people are in bondage to their antichrist type of (religious leaders) standing between
    GOD and them; they are being taken advantage of. Jesus said in Matthew chapter
    seventeen: Whom do you think religious leaders of the earth take tithes and special
    ‘seed’ $ offerings? (Isaiah 55:1-2) Do they take from their children, or from others?
    Jesus said: He that seeks to be the greatest shall be servant of all, not the taker of all.

    Here, you are professing that a “man king” cannot be the “anti-christ”as religion has taught for so long. You are saying that all religions that believe this are wrong and you know the “correct deal”.You are also saying that people like me who believe this are in bondage to “anti-christ”type religious teachers.

    Opinions are like behinds Ed, everybodys got one, and I am partial to mine. The Anti-christ is a man-king that most of  humanity accepts while rejecting God. “The King” from Memphis is him to me. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Is there any way for me to know what the reader of the book believes?
    You don't hear me railing against the beliefs of others here; do you?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    1) I respond to your Posts the way I do: so others won't be mislead some of the 'false truths' you Post.

    2) Your 'opinions' mean nothing!

    3) Following God's Laws enables others to NOT have anything against you.

    4) You're looking at yourself in the mirror again.

    James 1:23-24 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer,
    he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a [mirror]: For he
    beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

    Psalm 18:25-28 With the merciful thou(YHVH) will show thyself merciful;
    with an upright man thou(YHVH) will show thyself upright; With the pure
    thou(YHVH) will show thyself pure; and with the froward thou(YHVH) will
    show thyself froward. For thou(YHVH) will save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks.

    5) You don't ask questions. And you don't answer my questions.

    6) Mark13:6 For many shall come in my (Christian) name,
                      saying, 'i am' ; and shall deceive many.
    2Tm:3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse
                   and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

    7) Are you trying to exclude me from this statement?

    8) Your 'false truths' could mislead beginner Christians.
    Jer.23:29 Is not my word like as a fire?  saith the LORD;
    and like a hammer that breaketh the (fake) rock in pieces?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
    Back to top


    This is an example of “railing”. TK believes things that I don't, and on occasion I have stated my differances, but I try to do it with Love and understanding. The angry way you respond to people sometimes :angry:  is not becoming of a humble and loving christian. I have tried to be objective with you and state my differances with your “gnosis” of numbers and gemantra, and when I read the book I felt my concience kick in. That is the spirit of God in me guiding me.

    You state that Jesus cannot come because he already came at pentacost. You say it already happened. You are right in a way, because as a three in one believer I think you are one third right. He did tell us he would not leave us orphaned, and it would be better for us to have him go back to the father so he could send the “paraclete” to be with us. Also he said he would be with us until the end. But my friend, in the last paragraph of revelations (which was written definately after penatcost) he said Rev 22:20 “Yes, I am comming soon” and then the writer says “Amen! Come Lord Jesus!.  How could this be if he was already here?  

    Lets look at 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. This is about Jesus' second coming. This was also written after pentacost. How could what you say be true if he was already here? 2 Thess 2:8 “Therupon the lawless on will be revealed, and the Lord Jesus will destroy him with the breath of his mouth(I can't wait)and annihilate him by manifesting his own presance(Yea Baby, bring it on)” (personal commentary in italics). Ed, listen man, this has not happened. If what you are saying is true than this would not make sense.

    Lastly, I apologise if you took what I said in the wrong way. I wasn't calling you David Koresh, Jim Jones etc. I was trying to tell you that the same defense mechanism that keeps me from these false phrophets is kicking in. Maybe wrong, maybe right, but something I do not disbelieve. I feel that you, like others, are taking something very simple and making it very complicated and confusing,IMO. Peace Ed, hope you are well-Love, Mark

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 30 2010,03:40)
    4) You're looking at yourself in the mirror again.

    Hi Mark,

    Are you calling me Agnostic?

    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 30 2010,03:40)
    5) You don't ask questions. And you don't answer my questions.

    Peace Ed, hope you are well-Love, Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Sorry, but I don't Post personal information on the Internet.
    I don't mind your questions, and sometimes I ask them too.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 30 2010,03:40)
    7) Are you trying to exclude me from this statement?

    Peace Ed, hope you are well-Love, Mark

    Hi Mark,

    You mean this?   …Better read your bible a little more.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Ed, This is toooo funny. That is a posting that you made. You just critiqued yourself. It comes from another thread, this is from you to TK. :p :;):

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 30 2010,03:40)

    (A)This is an example of “railing”. TK believes things that I don't, and on occasion I have stated my differances, but I try to do it with Love and understanding. The angry way you respond to people sometimes :angry:  is not becoming of a humble and loving christian. (B)I have tried to be objective with you and state my differances with your “gnosis” of numbers and gemantra, and when I read the book I felt my concience kick in. That is the spirit of God in me guiding me.

    C) You state that Jesus cannot come because he already came at pentacost. You say it already happened. You are right in a way, because as a three in one believer I think you are one third right. He did tell us he would not leave us orphaned, and it would be better for us to have him go back to the father so he could send the “paraclete” to be with us. Also he said he would be with us until the end. (D)But my friend, in the last paragraph of revelations (which was written definately after penatcost) he said Rev 22:20 “Yes, I am comming soon” and then the writer says “Amen! Come Lord Jesus!.  How could this be if he was already here?  

    (E) Lets look at 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. This is about Jesus' second coming. This was also written after pentacost. (F) How could what you say be true if he was already here? (G) 2 Thess 2:8 “Therupon the lawless on will be revealed, and the Lord Jesus will destroy him with the breath of his mouth(I can't wait)and annihilate him by manifesting his own presance(Yea Baby, bring it on)” (personal commentary in italics). (H) Ed, listen man, this has not happened. (I) If what you are saying is true than this would not make sense.

    (J) Lastly, I apologise if you took what I said in the wrong way. I wasn't calling you David Koresh, Jim Jones etc. I was trying to tell you that the same defense mechanism that keeps me from these false phrophets is kicking in. Maybe wrong, maybe right, but something I do not disbelieve. I feel that you, like others, are taking something very simple and making it very complicated and confusing,IMO. Peace Ed, hope you are well-Love, Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Oh, that wasn't your response to me; Sorry. :(

    What do you think about this…

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 29 2010,21:13)
    To all:

    There are no commandments or laws or obedience unto God in the New Covenant.


    A) It is merely a tactic, not anger I assure you.
        I eliminated Anger out of my life years ago. (Col.3:8 / James 1:20)

    B) Did you finish Chapters 9 and 10?

    C) Are you saying only a third of Jesus came on “Pentecost”

    D) Non-believers first have to believe in “The Passover”,
        Then that verse would apply to them having the own personal “Pentecost”!
        Hebrews 7:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many(The Passover); and unto them that look for him shall he appear
        the second time without sin unto salvation(Pentecost).

    E) No, that's about “the day of the LORD”, the third feast: “Feast of Booths”.
        That is what Rev.21:2-3 and 1Thess.4:16-17 are talking about.

    F) See point E.

    G) That is Lucifer(74) the not so 'great i am'(74) and
        The LORD(HolySpirit) does destroy him with the sward that comes out of his mouth! (Rev.19:15 / 2Thess 2:8)

    H) Some day you will celebrate the “Feast of Booths” with me my friend!

    I) What?

    J) It shouldn't be confusing? You know that you can always ask me questions, you know?

    Click on the bible reference link and see what it says; OK?

    Your brother in
    Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    Like I said, I feel you take something very simple, and make it very complicated. I love you man. Peace-Mark


    Bumpity bump bump bump. :)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 30 2010,07:01)

    Like I said, I feel you take something very simple, and make it very complicated. I love you man. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Love you too!  …Say hi to the wife and kids for me too!

    Your brother in
    Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hey Rd,

    Before, when I was talking about building an altar and having communion on a mountain, I wasn't talking about the holy land. I was talking about a mountain somewhere around you up there.I know there's lots, and you being from there- I figured you could find one. Peace-Mark


    I ment Ed.


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 29 2010,01:05)

    We just believe differantly.  You are basing your conclusions on your interpretations. Like I said before, I have the truth of “the big picture” that God has shown me through reading his word. I do not claim to be wise, but I am a slave of Christ, living for him. Look at what you have written:

    Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

    Isn't that what you are doing and claiming? All the while railing against people who might be misunderstood as far as your “philosophy” goes?  This is the very reason I stopped reading your book. When I listen to someone witness about God or religion, My concience picks up on inconsistancies, and a red flag raises in my mind. I don't stop listening to them, as to hear what truth I may glean from them, for there is not a perfect man anywhere except Jesus. But when I hear something like “I am Gods witness, spoken of in the bible”, that is a black flag. Kinda like when I was reading Rom Winlands “2008-Gods final witness”, alot of the things were true, and I was interested, but then I read “I am one of the two witnesses spoken of in Revalation”. The next sound that was heard in the room was “thunk” (that was the book hitting the trashcan). A true phrophet or witness does not claim special status. So many people are misled this way. David Koresh, Jim Jones and the like are good examples. When someone here on earth claims special authority throughh them personally, they are the misled. Like right now, the scriptures that are comming to mind are #1 the above scripture. #2-Zechariah 13:4 “every prophet shall be ashamed to phrophesy his vision, neither shall he assume the hairy mantle to mislead” and #3 Matthew 24:11 “false prophets will rise in great numbers to mislead many”.

    We had a conversation before on here, and I asked you a key question that I have asked others. To me, it is very simple to find out how close to God someone elas is-what they do for God. It is all over the bible. A godly person will be kind and humble, and do the things that God asked us to do:

    3 'Why have we fasted,' they say, 'and You have not seen? Why have we afflicted our souls, and You take no notice?' In fact, in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure, And exploit all your laborers.

    4 Indeed you fast for strife and debate, And to strike with the fist of wickedness. You will not fast as you do this day, in order to make your voice heard on high.

    5 Is it a fast that I have chosen, A day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush, And to spread out sackcloth and ashes? Will you call this a fast, And an acceptable day to the LORD?

    6 Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke?

    7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh?

    8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.

    Many on here have their “litmus test” for others. For alot, it is the trinity. for you, as implied here, it is weather God will come in the flesh. I guess for me, this is it. If all you do is critisize others and rail against what they believe, and not do the things above that matter to God, you are one of the “Lord Lord” people spoken of by Jesus.

    Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

    This is the point. This is point blank what God asks of us first. If you do not do any or all of these, you are sorely mistaken.

    Lastly, in response to the “flesh” return you are saying is the anti-christ, you are like many others are  claiming to fully comprehend and understand God, which is impossible. It doesn't make any sense or have any use or serve any purpose to divide understanding like this. It is irrelevant. The day of the lord is comming. He will be on a cloud, and “all the clans of the earth will strike their breast, and mourn for him as for an only son”  What does it matter if what form he will be in? Isn't what matters is the fact that he will manifest himself? In whatever form he wants to?

    since indeed God deems it just to repay [or to recompense] with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant rest with us to you who are afflicted, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance upon those who do not know God and upon those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They shall suffer the punishment of eternal destruction and exclusion from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints, and to be marveled at in all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed. {2 Th 1:5-10 RSV}

    He is comming, that is the point. He will destroy death and evil. He will be looking for goodness and faith, and if we have done the things stated above. No matter how many tranlations you memorize, no matter how much you think you “know”, if you are not doing God's will as outlined above you are wasting your time and inflating your own ego. We will see very soon how god will deal with you. I hope for your sake you are a sheep and not a goat. Peace- Mark

    Mark, Amen to that. That was so well spoken.


    Thanks Shimmer. Hope you are well and have a happy New Year! Love to you-Mark

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 30 2010,22:19)
    Hey Ed,

    Before, when I was talking about building an altar and having communion on a mountain, I wasn't talking about the holy land. I was talking about a mountain somewhere around you up there.I know there's lots, and you being from there- I figured you could find one. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    I grew up in middle U.S.A., and never been out of the states.

    God bless  
    Ed J


    Ed, I said

    A better experience for me would be for you and I to go up onto a mountain up there, make an altar out of uncut stones or earth, and celebrate communion, praying for Wisdom by the spirit.Also we could pray for God to deliver this country from all the ancient evil dietys that our founding fathers made alliances with such as Isis,and Horus, from ancient Egypt. IMO, that would do much more good that to try to convince a unbeliever God exist with numbers.

    You replied

    Taking a trip o the holy land is better than trying to convince Atheists and Agnostics that God exists?

    And I was saying, I wasn't talking about the holy land. I was talking about you picking out a mountain around you somewhere, and we could go up, bless the immediate surrounding area “the mountain top”, build an altar out of earth or uncut stone, and offer unleavened bread and either grape juice or wine(you pick), and have communion. “Where two or more are gathered on my name, there I am in thier midst” I would pray that God would give you the feeling he gave me 3 years ago, but I warn you, Its great but kinda scary. I would have no reservations whatsoever. If you turned out to be a real freak and murdered me on that altar you would be doing me a favor. Have a good day. Think about it. I could be there Saturday. Mark

    Ed J

    Hi Mark,

    Oh, OK, I didn't understand what you meant at first.
    Do murderers Post on Christian internet Forums?

    God bless
    Ed J


    One never knows. But I don't think you are. How about it?



    I want to let you know a few things. I know that my proposal seemed out of the blue, but there is something you didn't know about. You know I told you my first wife committed suicide 11 years ago. My 2 nd daughter was 9 at the time. Well , of course, even with counceling and prayer she had issues from it. She is also very close to my mom, who is like her mom after Julie died. Well, my mom is in washington ST. attending to a family friend with alshimers, and wasn't here for Christmas. Sarah has attempted a few times in high school. Anyway, last Mon I got a call from my sister, and she told me that Sarah's boss had called and said that she didn't show up for work. The last time I saw her was on Chrismas day when she was almost out of gas and had lost her debit card, and she was frazzled. I called around and nobody had heard from her since. I freaked out. I knew she was dead. As I screamed dowm 55 beside myself I was planning her funeral. When I got off the exit by her house, my phone rang, and it was her. I pulled over and fell apart. From the crazy christmas,and then that, I just melted. I went to her appt. and got one of the best hugs I will ever get. She is a knucklehead. She didn't think she had to be at work and had losr her cell. Anyway, then my wife decided to go visit a friend of hers I am not crazy about (she lives on wine and zanax, with constant drama) for three days. Even before we talked about this here I had already called my friend and arranged to come up for a few days, I just got to get away for a bit.

    This is the funny part. My friend up there had sold his house and has moved- Guess where- in the very same town you live in. I'm loading my smoker and bringing some ribsa(mine are the best). Sat. if you smell hickory smoke, look for the source, and you will meet me. Godbless- Mark


    Mark Can I come too……Just kidding..I read your story, sorry to hear all the drama that is in your life……One day soon we don't have to worry about that ever again, to that day I am foever looking forward to……..Peace Irene

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