Mikeangels message

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  • #229790

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 18 2010,09:59)
    There is always hope for you and Keith.  And I won't give up on you.


    Thanks for your concern but please don't pray for me to change my faith in my Lord and my God, for I will not give up the Jesus that I believed in even before I knew about the Trinity 37 years ago for “another Jesus” as some have done.

    They went out from among us because they were not of us!

    My hope for you is that you will see that Jesus is in very nature God, like the Father!



    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 23 2010,09:48)
    3. Am I correct in understanding that you are saying that you are God's special witness, proven by gemantra?


    Ed believes that “his name” is in the Bible or more specifically the Bible speaks of him personally!



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 24 2010,03:28)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 23 2010,09:48)
    3. Am I correct in understanding that you are saying that you are God's special witness, proven by gemantra?


    Ed believes that “his name” is in the Bible or more specifically the Bible speaks of him personally!


    WJ Are you kidding me???? Ed thinks his name is in the Bible??????

    That is righteousness speaking on his part….Irene


    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 23 2010,11:53)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 24 2010,03:28)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 23 2010,09:48)
    3. Am I correct in understanding that you are saying that you are God's special witness, proven by gemantra?


    Ed believes that “his name” is in the Bible or more specifically the Bible speaks of him personally!


    WJ Are you kidding me???? Ed thinks his name is in the Bible??????

    That is righteousness speaking on his part….Irene


    There is a “Hebrew” word “ed” which means “witness” Josh 22:34.

    EdJ believes he is that witness spoken of in scriptures.

    He also post many times claiming the following scriptures are about him…

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    He believes those scriptures are speaking of him. Then he points to his book.

    Read this post “Ed J” 9th post down and see for yourself that he is claiming those scriptures are speaking of him personally.

    Ed believes the Prophets were prophesying about him!


    Ed J

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 24 2010,04:19)

    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 23 2010,11:53)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 24 2010,03:28)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 23 2010,09:48)
    3. Am I correct in understanding that you are saying that you are God's special witness, proven by gemantra?


    Ed believes that “his name” is in the Bible or more specifically the Bible speaks of him personally!


    WJ Are you kidding me???? Ed thinks his name is in the Bible??????

    That is righteousness speaking on his part….Irene


    There is a “Hebrew” word “ed” which means “witness” Josh 22:34.

    EdJ believes he is that witness spoken of in scriptures.

    He also post many times claiming the following scriptures are about him…

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    He believes those scriptures are speaking of him. Then he points to his book.

    Read this post “Ed J” 9th post down and see for yourself that he is claiming those scriptures are speaking of him personally.

    Ed believes the Prophets were prophesying about him!


    Hi WJ,

    They said, He is beside himself. (Mark 3:21)

    Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his Lord.
    If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying,
    they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake,
    because they know not him(117=יהוה האלהים YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm) that sent me(יהשוע). (John 15:20-21)

    And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ;
    if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Rom.8:17)

    God bless
    Ed J (Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Ecl.9:12-16)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 24 2010,01:48)

    A few things that I have run in to in reading your book:

    1. You state that a “man-king” cannot be the anti-christ. I do not agree with this. As you read my post here, I believe that a “man-king” has become the anti-christ, in the form or the spritual “apis bull”, or “sarapis”, Elvis. He hails from Memphis,and has a shrine to him here, and in a Jerusalem susurb, complete with a horrible abomination. He is referred to and thought of by hundreds of millions as “the king”. The author of the most evil-glorifying music of the world has decieved the world.

    2. “I am” is God's name, given to the hebrews in Egypt. I do not see a connection between this and Satan. I think the decieving title is “The King”.

    3. Am I correct in understanding that you are saying that you are God's special witness, proven by gemantra?

    4. I do think that there are connections in numarical things and numbers, especially the number “74”.

    Peace and love-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    1) I do not agree with this.

    2) YHVH is God's Name (יהוה) translated into English; as the Hebrew lacks vowels.

    GOD’s most sacred Holy Name [יהוה] was given to us directly from the Hebrew language.
    Correctly translating Hebrew into other languages can be difficult however. Some basic
    linguistical rules need to be considered when translating Hebrew texts. These include a lack
    of spacing between words, as a general rule has no written vowels and the basic direction
    in which Hebrew is written (opposite: from right to left). Hebrew word spacing is a modern
    advent that distinguishes one word from the next, aiding both translators and multi-linguists
    alike. Unwritten “implied” vowel sounds are a concern because, correct pronunciations of
    Hebrew words are at risk. This point is made because the correct pronunciation was thought
    to be lost, which led only to translators’ interpretations.

    GOD’s Name (יהוה) transliterates directly into English as YHVH because the Hebrew alphabet
    lacks vowels. Hebrew has No [W] sound, No [J] sound and the symbol ש is pronounced “Sh”.

    [יהוה] GOD’s Name   [י] Yod [ה] Ha [ו] Vav [ה] Hey     is pronounced  YÄ-hä-vā  &  [יה] YÄ

    The identity of יהוה=26 is “GOD”=26 spoken as YÄ-hä-vā: where ä sounds like
    that of the word “ah” and the other ā sounds like the vowel in the word “hay”.

    3) (Joshua 22:34)
        יִּקְרְאוְּ בְּנֵי־רְאוְּבֵן וְּבְנֵי־גָד לַמִּזְבֵּחַ כִּי עֵד הוְּא בֵּינֹתֵינוְּ כִּי יְהוָה הָאֱלֹהִים Joshua 22:34

    4)                          God's Signature

    יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
    YHVH=63 (God's Name יהוה translated into English)
    Jesus=74 (God's Son's name in English is: “Joshua”)
    HolySpirit=151 (“FATHER: The Word”: in all believers)
    God The Father=117 (Representing “GOD”: יהוה האלהים)

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 24 2010,01:48)

    A few things that I have run in to in reading your book:

    (1)So far, this is a hard read for me. I think it would help to simplify the topics first and then break it down into how you base your conclusions. For instance,section 7,how evil was separated from God, the cross- I don't follow this- Evil was never a part of God. (2)The cross is where God's son sacrificed himself to atone for our sin's, not to separate himself from evil. Evil was never a part of God.  (3)Also, section 8, where do you base these rules from? God is God, He calls the shots, he makes the rules. No one tells God what to do or gives him rules.

    (4)In conclusion, I think this is getting too far away from the “big picture”, (5)and complicates the simple way God has given us. (6)We are sinful, and God came and died for us. (7)Those who love him believe that, (8)and attempt to do what he has asked, (9)to love him and serve fellow man and the less fortunate. (10)I hope you take this for how it is ment, constructive. Peace and love-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    1) Elvis has nothing to do with it.

    2) Do you not understand the connection with us?   …Evil is removed from us!

    3) Read on further, the answers are in the book.

    4) Is that your opinion?

    5) Read Hebrews 5:13-6:3.

    6) We were sinful, and Jesus came and died for us.

    7) What you stared was errant.

    8) He asks of us is to be perfect. (Matt.5:48 / 2Tm.3:5)

    9) The “Two” commandments that sum up the “Ten”!

    10) Dialog should always be constructive.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Pray for me all. Christmas is very bad for me. I feel so alone and isolated from the way the world has become. Last night, Christmas eve, we had the usual things with the kids, and me having to witness them being told thier first lie-Santa claus. I can get past that, my daughters have begged me not to tell the kids, and I will respect their wishes, but I hate it. It is a lie. How can a child later on believe in a God you tell them is real, but can't see? And they find out someone you have told lies about, and have shown them, and even gotten pictures with, is false?

    We went to my brothers house for Christmas breakfast, and after we played a game that I promise I will never play again-Dirty santa. Someone always gets their feelings hurt.

    Anyway, this Christmas has left me numb.  Pray for me that as the week goes by I get back to feeling like myself. May the real meaning of Christmas-The gift of Christ-Be with you all. Godbless-Mark



    it is always hard to work against tradition.

    i told my son all about everything…Christmas and holloween, Trinity, reality, everything…but you know what…His MOTHER allows for all that..Why the women? (Sorry, is that sexist?) wasn't it EVE who sinned although she could have been forgiven because it was ADAM that God gave the command.

    Today, men are afraid of their wives…and the law protects them…yes SATAN knows how to get at the Human race…
    Who are these Powers and authorities who allow wrongs to be seen as credit worthy…theses are the ones Scriptures says Jesus will make a public Spectacle of…when their laws are shown to be worthless.

    In my workplace the women do as they please..no one can tell them to do work, if someone does they go 'sick' and so they still not doing work, so the managers leave them to their deVICES: Chatting, gossiping, shopping, more chatting,, making tea every twentyfive minutes, go to lunch but then bring lunch back to their desk to eat during work time (Double lunch break). And when they do dane to work they have to work in groups because no one of them knows fully what they are supposed to do and each always need several others to help them achieve even the most menial of tasks…of course, it means a good old natter in between.
    I asked a 'friendly' one why they do it hoping to get a sensible answer..she said “Because we like to talk…, we like to know what's going on, we want to know who's getting off with who, who's birthday it is, who moved from which post to where. We like going shopping for birthday cards and leaving cards, and we like to know who's children are doing what, who's ill, sick, ailing, with what and how and how long…so we chat about it…so we chat a lot about it…and if one buys a blouse, we all gotta say 'That's nice!!' otherwise the others will frown on us and we won't be part of the Clique…There's always a clique…and always an Alpha-Female leading us…and it's bad not to be part of the clique…see what happened to terry…she went home in tears…'

    Yes MA, you gotta be part of the Social Clique…society is becoming feminised…join now!!!

    Ed J

    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 26 2010,10:48)

    it is always hard to work against tradition.

    Hi JustAskin,

    Yes; you taking such a stand, is the very cause of
    what has gotten you in trouble on this Forum!
    You are correct in “taking a stand against”
    false truths, however you failed in your
    delivery against these 'false truths'.

    Instead of separating the 'false truth'
    from the person delivering it, your failure
    is directly caused by “Lambasting” the person
    delivering such 'false truths'(protected by satan!).

    I personally have taken many stands “HERE” against 'false truths'! The only reason
    I have never gotten kicked off of h-net., or even received 'one warning block'
    is because I fight in the “Spiritual realm” and LOVE in the “Physical realm”.  
    Otherwise I would have gotten kicked off of this site a long time ago!


    Jesus will make a public Spectacle of…when their laws are shown to be worthless.

    I have also taken this type of stand against Kathi, (her 'false truth') regarding my ethics in Posting.
    At first you, having backed her up, were playing the roll of 'ACCUSER'(satan) against me.

    But now that you understand my intentions are pure;
    you (as a site Monitor) have backed me up
    on several occasions here a h-net.

    Both Mike and Shimmer have done to my Posts,
    what Kathi accused me of doing to her Posts.
    But the difference was: I did not accuse,
    I instead dealt with 'the problem'!

    Your “Spiritual” brother
    in Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 26 2010,12:18)
    Pray for me all. Christmas is very bad for me. I feel so alone and isolated from the way the world has become. Last night, Christmas eve, we had the usual things with the kids, and me having to witness them being told thier first lie-Santa claus. I can get past that, my daughters have begged me not to tell the kids, and I will respect their wishes, but I hate it. It is a lie. How can a child later on believe in a God you tell them is real, but can't see? And they find out someone you have told lies about, and have shown them, and even gotten pictures with, is false?

    We went to my brothers house for Christmas breakfast, and after we played a game that I promise I will never play again-Dirty santa. Someone always gets their feelings hurt.

    Anyway, this Christmas has left me numb.  Pray for me that as the week goes by I get back to feeling like myself. May the real meaning of Christmas-The gift of Christ-Be with you all. Godbless-Mark

    Mark, Don't worry. We have Christmas's like that, bad one's, but we can also have good ones. Peacefull ones. Christmas can be a lonely time, a sad time, a stressfull time, a horrible time, a good time, a loving time, every one can be different for every different person, I assure you Mark there will be so many others who feel like you today, don't worry, it will be over.

    Santa is evil. You see it just as I do.

    I told all my kids from the beginning that santa isnt real. I told them people make it up, I explained how it's just the parents who give the presents, so they – none of them – have ever believed in santa. One got in trouble at school when he told the teacher and other kids that santa wasnt real. He made one of them cry and the teacher had to assure the crying one that santa was real and my son was the liar?

    Sorry to hear your day was like it was though. Don't worry Mark, it will be over soon.



    I don't follow anyone here.

    I post what i believe is true….and if I see false I say so…and when i see good i say so…

    so you saying I backed you or I posted against you is just so: you posted good, so I said so – you posted bad, so I said so.

    have i not said “Post for against the content…for even the liar can accidentally tell the truth..and if you post against the liar who is posting truth then it is YOU who is posting false…not the 'liar'”

    This is what Mikeboll missed against KJ. He was so used to just saying “KJ you are wrong” that when KJ said “begoten was when jesus was raised from the dead” he just said “You lie”.

    I told him in many pm's when we spoke…I told him how to use it against KJ because it meant KJ was speaking against Trinity…I pleaded with him…I eventually asked his permission for me to post my views because they would be against him and he said “Go ahead, nothing you (or was it anyone) say can hurt me”.

    What you see is personal vendetta from Mike…he is just scared of the truth so his smashed out claiming I 'hurt his feelings'.

    He has lost the debate on:
    1) When was Jesus Begotten
    2) Was Jesus ALWAYS Superior
    3) Do Spirits have bodies

    these three to my knowledge…and he is feeling very tender…t8 should take away his 'gun' …anyone who is as slap-happy as Mike should not be given a gun to be a Marshaller.

    moreover, what Mod work…has Mike done…? deleted Spam Posts…Maybe…
    Has he posted, unlike me.. a [moderator] says post.

    How effective was that – more so than was believed… but has mike done that —no…!!!

    And maybe your intentions are pure – to you…
    if so continue your stance…

    Just remember, I post against the corrupt post
    and I support the truth in a post


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 25 2010,18:18)
    Pray for me all. Christmas is very bad for me. I feel so alone and isolated from the way the world has become. Last night, Christmas eve, we had the usual things with the kids, and me having to witness them being told thier first lie-Santa claus. I can get past that, my daughters have begged me not to tell the kids, and I will respect their wishes, but I hate it. It is a lie. How can a child later on believe in a God you tell them is real, but can't see? And they find out someone you have told lies about, and have shown them, and even gotten pictures with, is false?

    We went to my brothers house for Christmas breakfast, and after we played a game that I promise I will never play again-Dirty santa. Someone always gets their feelings hurt.

    Anyway, this Christmas has left me numb.  Pray for me that as the week goes by I get back to feeling like myself. May the real meaning of Christmas-The gift of Christ-Be with you all. Godbless-Mark

    Hi Mark,
    I will pray for you. Many have been told that Santa was real and many have recovered and are strong believers in Christ. I hope you will feel better. How about that snowfall today…wasn't that pretty!

    God bless,

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 26 2010,10:18)
    Pray for me all. Christmas is very bad for me. I feel so alone and isolated from the way the world has become. Last night, Christmas eve, we had the usual things with the kids, and me having to witness them being told thier first lie-Santa claus. I can get past that, my daughters have begged me not to tell the kids, and I will respect their wishes, but I hate it. It is a lie. How can a child later on believe in a God you tell them is real, but can't see? And they find out someone you have told lies about, and have shown them, and even gotten pictures with, is false?

    We went to my brothers house for Christmas breakfast, and after we played a game that I promise I will never play again-Dirty santa. Someone always gets their feelings hurt.

    Anyway, this Christmas has left me numb.  Pray for me that as the week goes by I get back to feeling like myself. May the real meaning of Christmas-The gift of Christ-Be with you all. Godbless-Mark

    To All,

    See the prayer requests thread.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 26 2010,12:24)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 26 2010,12:18)
    Pray for me all. Christmas is very bad for me. I feel so alone and isolated from the way the world has become. Last night, Christmas eve, we had the usual things with the kids, and me having to witness them being told thier first lie-Santa claus. I can get past that, my daughters have begged me not to tell the kids, and I will respect their wishes, but I hate it. It is a lie. How can a child later on believe in a God you tell them is real, but can't see? And they find out someone you have told lies about, and have shown them, and even gotten pictures with, is false?

    We went to my brothers house for Christmas breakfast, and after we played a game that I promise I will never play again-Dirty santa. Someone always gets their feelings hurt.

    Anyway, this Christmas has left me numb.  Pray for me that as the week goes by I get back to feeling like myself. May the real meaning of Christmas-The gift of Christ-Be with you all. Godbless-Mark

    Mark, Don't worry. We have Christmas's like that, bad one's, but we can also have good ones. Peacefull ones. Christmas can be a lonely time, a sad time, a stressfull time, a horrible time, a good time, a loving time, every one can be different for every different person, I assure you Mark there will be so many others who feel like you today, don't worry, it will be over.

    Santa is evil. You see it just as I do.

    I told all my kids from the beginning that santa isnt real. I told them people make it up, I explained how it's just the parents who give the presents, so they – none of them – have ever believed in santa. One got in trouble at school when he told the teacher and other kids that santa wasnt real. He made one of them cry and the teacher had to assure the crying one that santa was real and my son was the liar?

    Sorry to hear your day was like it was though. Don't worry Mark, it will be over soon.

    Hey Shimmer,

    Thanks for the encoragement. I knew it was going to be like this. It goes back to when my bi-polar wife would lavish my kids with ten times the stuff they needed. Now, with her gone, they are always trashed by Christmas. I yearn to understand how I can accept the past and help them, and try to help them cope with that without offending them about saying anything negative about their mom. Add to all that the insane way Christmas is celebrated, and I would rather skip it. I am begging God to come and straighten this mess out. Again, thanks and Godbless-Mark


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 26 2010,12:42)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 25 2010,18:18)
    Pray for me all. Christmas is very bad for me. I feel so alone and isolated from the way the world has become. Last night, Christmas eve, we had the usual things with the kids, and me having to witness them being told thier first lie-Santa claus. I can get past that, my daughters have begged me not to tell the kids, and I will respect their wishes, but I hate it. It is a lie. How can a child later on believe in a God you tell them is real, but can't see? And they find out someone you have told lies about, and have shown them, and even gotten pictures with, is false?

    We went to my brothers house for Christmas breakfast, and after we played a game that I promise I will never play again-Dirty santa. Someone always gets their feelings hurt.

    Anyway, this Christmas has left me numb.  Pray for me that as the week goes by I get back to feeling like myself. May the real meaning of Christmas-The gift of Christ-Be with you all. Godbless-Mark

    Hi Mark,
    I will pray for you.  Many have been told that Santa was real and many have recovered and are strong believers in Christ.  I hope you will feel better.  How about that snowfall today…wasn't that pretty!

    God bless,

    Thanks! It was pretty yesterday, and it didn't stick but the snow was a nice site. Today, I got up to go downtown to do the homeless breakfast, and the interstate is closed because of ice onthe bridges, so I came back and got on here at 5 am. I do love the encouragement and prayers, it makes things much better. Hope you are well-Godbless- Mark


    I know I am a pessimest, and I am offended easily by the way society is treating God, but last night was the begining of new outrages for me. I was watching a little tv, and the add for the new “American Idol” came on. This chick was in front of Steven Tyler from Aerosmith, and said he was a “God” Arrrragh! A few moments later this other chick was in front of the panel and said”I am nervious about being in front of three of my “Idols”!!!!!! Can anyone see how horrible this is? Does anyone care? When the season goes on I will hear so many people talk about this crap so much, my wife and step-daughter watch it and follow it. Also, being in Memphis, I am so sick of Christmas carols from Elvis I could puke. Thank God this is almost over. Churches decorated with “Christmas trees”, with hollys etc. Visits from “satan Claus” (that crap was started in USA I found out last night, based on a bishop with a heart for kids, and morphed into a huge lie) Lord God please call it soon. Please come and deliver us. Amen


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 26 2010,23:52)

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 26 2010,12:24)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 26 2010,12:18)
    Pray for me all. Christmas is very bad for me. I feel so alone and isolated from the way the world has become. Last night, Christmas eve, we had the usual things with the kids, and me having to witness them being told thier first lie-Santa claus. I can get past that, my daughters have begged me not to tell the kids, and I will respect their wishes, but I hate it. It is a lie. How can a child later on believe in a God you tell them is real, but can't see? And they find out someone you have told lies about, and have shown them, and even gotten pictures with, is false?

    We went to my brothers house for Christmas breakfast, and after we played a game that I promise I will never play again-Dirty santa. Someone always gets their feelings hurt.

    Anyway, this Christmas has left me numb.  Pray for me that as the week goes by I get back to feeling like myself. May the real meaning of Christmas-The gift of Christ-Be with you all. Godbless-Mark

    Mark, Don't worry. We have Christmas's like that, bad one's, but we can also have good ones. Peacefull ones. Christmas can be a lonely time, a sad time, a stressfull time, a horrible time, a good time, a loving time, every one can be different for every different person, I assure you Mark there will be so many others who feel like you today, don't worry, it will be over.

    Santa is evil. You see it just as I do.

    I told all my kids from the beginning that santa isnt real. I told them people make it up, I explained how it's just the parents who give the presents, so they – none of them – have ever believed in santa. One got in trouble at school when he told the teacher and other kids that santa wasnt real. He made one of them cry and the teacher had to assure the crying one that santa was real and my son was the liar?

    Sorry to hear your day was like it was though. Don't worry Mark, it will be over soon.

    Hey Shimmer,

    Thanks for the encoragement. I knew it was going to be like this. It goes back to when my bi-polar wife would lavish my kids with ten times the stuff they needed. Now, with her gone, they are always trashed by Christmas. I yearn to understand how I can accept the past and help them, and try to help them cope with that without offending them about saying anything negative about their mom. Add to all that the insane way Christmas is celebrated, and I would rather skip it. I am begging God to come and straighten this mess out. Again, thanks and Godbless-Mark

    I know Mark. I hated Christmas, but I have had two good ones, one was this year. But I know how you feel. I pray that you be OK Mark, that you be strenghened, and that God's love be on you, and guidance. And comfort.

    I would say more but I have to go now. See ya.



    Here is how I see it.The way you see it, you comprehend God's existance by number connection. I see it in what has transspired in the last 42 years or so, and back to Egypt. I believe all those ancient dietys back before God appeared, in opposition to him, have spiritually trancended time and are present here today. In the movie “the ten commandments” and in historical record, the symbols to these are obvious, the eye of horus, the cobra wrapped around the head of Ramsess. He thought he was a God, like many these days :from wikkipedia-

    As the Uraeus was seen as a royal symbol, Horus and Set also were depicted wearing one. In early mythology, Horus would have been the name given to any king as part of the many titles taken, being identified as the son of the goddess. According to the later mythology of Re, the first uraeus was said to have been created by the goddess Isis who formed it from the dust of the earth and the spittle of the then current sun deity. In this version of the mythology, the uraeus was the instrument with which Isis gained the throne of Egypt for Osiris. Isis is associated with, and may be considered an aspect of Wadjet.

    These dietys are present an worshiped by the masons, like I said before, look up”Jim Shaw-Deadly Deception”, about the exemplifacation of the 33 mason degree at the  National Shrine in Washington, D.C.It is covered by snakes on the wall inside, and Egyptian Dietys outside. Also, alot of the founding Fathers, including Washington, were masons. Then, as a subtle deception, “The King”, from Memphis (even though it is in Tennessee, it is spiritually the same, it even is complete with the 5th largest pyrimid in the world, with a Idol of Ramsess in fron of it facing East) has become the Apis bull capitol of the world. Evils is, no doubt, the most infamous horrible Idol in existance. It just ties right on in. You said you spent 3 years studing your truth, I have spent the last 42 years studying this. I watched it happen, and then read about it in the bible. It was and is much easier,imo, to percieve, than to calculate.Now, hundreds of millions of people are flashing the sign of the “devils horns” to each other, originating from r-n-r. All the while the churches say nothing and argue on who has a monopoly on Grace.


    Now, at the brink of history changing as we know it, signs are so painfully obvious it's insane. Isreal has a population that the majority doesn't practice anything. Also abortion is readily available (how would Jesus feel to watch an abortion in the Holy Land?) Openly Gay Bishops have been ordained, and gay lay are accepted as normal. Iran is conspireing with N. Korea to build a nuclear bomb. Hollywood commands the conciences of more hundreds of millions complete with-o crap-annother large Idol-called Oscar. The richest and best looking are idolized and the poor and common are victimized and exploited. The state governments are way in debt and unless we bail them out again they will go broke.

    God is about to make himself known, in some kind of way. Either with 144,000 people dieing, or meteors crashing(huge hailstones will crash upon the earth), plague, fire(men will be burned from the sun), or all of it. You can feel the suspense. No one can say for sure exactly how what and when, because God enclosed it in mystery, but it is comming.

    But, as it is written, it will all start in Isreal, and be unleashed upon the whole earth. Then my friend, God will sit on his judgement seat, and will separate the sheeps from the goats. I just pray we are both sheep. Then all that needs straightened out will be straightened, but until then I am going to fight Sarapis as hard as I can, and get ready for whats comming. Peace Brother-Mark

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