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    Shimmer and Ed,

    When I get a day to myself, I will copy the letters I sent to the Diocese of Memphis to the bishop and three other priest. Theres several pages so it will take a while. Also the new one I am composing since I discovered that there is a statue of Serapis in the Vatican Museum. Love to Ya'll-Mark


    Bishop Steib,

    My name is Mark Miller. I was born and reaise in X, Tenn. I feel compelled to write you because I feel the need to express deep concerns that I have. I loved my dad. I also honored him by following the faith he taught me. My Catholic journey has been filled with ups and downs. The most imortant up, second to our eucharist, was Father Francis Crump, who was my priest through high school. I could talk to him about anything, and he made me feel more than comfortable. He guided me through the most difficult time in my life. He really was a spiritual father to me, and I miss him very much. He gave me the strength to make it through the difficultys that wer eto come later in the church.

    I had a very hard and difficult marriage to a manic depressive. After one of my wifes spending sprees and suicide attempts, I “cracked” and ended up in the hospital. I called the church office at X and asked to see a priest. I got no response. I called again and got no response. My family also tried to the same result.I got out a week later emotionally healing but spiritually shipwrecked. I did not go back to church for a year. Feeling very empty I started attending X in X and Met Father X . He and his parish secratary welcomed me and I really enjoyed it. Then, my boss at the time got a job painting classrooms at Catholic High. After we completed the job, we were asked to lower our bill. Me being Catholic Mr. X kidded me about it but I brushed it off. Later we were working at Mr. Y parents house in Germantown painting the interior. Mrs. Y asked me to paint the porch outside. I told her we would give her a price and would be happy to do it. According to (my boss), she called him and said “if you don't paint the porch and not charge me for it you won't get anymore 'Catholic work' “. (My boss) called me and told me about it, and it made me both mad at her and embarrased for my church. I told him not to do it and true to her word we were never called again. I stopped going to church, but this time something wonderful happened. Father X took the time to call me. He noticed I hadn't been to church and was concerned about me. That ment the world to me. I went back to church but I guard what i do as to not get my feelings or Catholic faith hurt. That ws good advice to myself, because the next step in my catholic journey was Father Z. I love him to death, but he was hard to paint for (Two words: Color changes)

    My dad died died 6-13-07. When he died I felt free to find out if there was a 'truer'faith in Christ than ours. I've always read my bible regularly, so I decided to prayerfully examine and research the churches history. I began by reading the bible from the beginning to the end, and this is what I found.(In no way am I trying to preach or teach you anything, I'm merely stating my journey) I found that it all started with God's chosen people. the Jews. God was miraculously with the jews, and introduced himself to Moses, and gave him the law. The jews knew what God wanted, but over and over again turned to idols and false gods. Despit all their sins he promised he would send a messiah through Davids line to save them. The messiah turned out to be God himself. Mystery as it is, if you have one form of God you have all three, the blessed trinity we worship. By Peter the church was founded. The christian church starting at Jerusalem spread out and was one church. Somewhere around the turn of the first millinium the church started to split over religious and political differances. The church split, excommunicating each other. I started seeing the priest at Annunciation Orthodox church on Highland. I attended a few Sundays and was very impressed.It is a very beautiful church (I could not understand the choir, however, It was all greek to me) The service or liturgy is very similar to ours. I found that the orthodox do not believe in the infallibility of one man, and to be honest, nor do I. I do not chose to believe that. It is what the spirit tells me,” As far as the heavans are above the earth, so are my ways above your ways”. Also Paul writes that Jesus is our “High Priest”. Also, I am a member of the Knights of Columbus, and have been for 20+ years a third degree Knight. My Father was a fourth degree. I had paid my dues and was about to go through the degree when I discovered that in the hierarchy there would be an officer whose title would be “Supreme Master”. Why don't they simply add “knight” to that title? There is a huge difference between the title “Supreme Master' and “Supreme Master Knight”. Supreme Master is not as bad as the mason's “Worshipful Master”, but I feel that it still infringes on God's ablolute authority/ Adding that one word would enable me to join. Only God is the Supreme Master. I also believe that referring to the pope as “Holy Father” is contrary to God's teaching. I had decided to become Ortodox, and had one more meeting to go before I was chrismated, but I had one question for the seminarian who was about to be my sponsor. I had learned that in their apostles creed that they say that the sprit ascended from th eFather only, not the father and son. It says in the bible “Jesus breathed on them and said 'recieve the holy spirit' “. Also how can they take the trinity, which is three separate but one God, and say that one part came from one part?


    I'm going to post this in sections so I don't accidentally dump alot of typing , also this will give me a source to cut and paste it to print it.


    The other churches were more easy for me to decide. The ones who do not believe in God's body and blood in th eform of bread and wine were out. Also th eones who do not say th eLord's prayer were out. Tele-evangelist were easy. They seem to use the cross like a cash cow. I asked my sponsor if I could belong to both churches, like a kid between two divorced parents. He said no. He also said that would be heresy. That offended me. I kicked the dust off of my shoes and left. I came to believe that we have the best church. I feel that it is imperfect, as anything that is directed by humans is imperfect, but it is decended from Peter. I do not believe that Peter would of concented to being referred to as “Holy Father”. If it were up to me I would announce that Jesus was the “Holy Father”. He said himself in John 14 v 8 “Lord”, Philip said to him,”show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” v9 “Phillip”, Jesus replied,”After all this time, you still do not know me?” The popes title would just be “pope”. I believe this would be a great example to Catholics and non-Catholics alike. It would complement the spiritual advances we have made in the past, such as recognising other faiths baptisms. I would tell people that 1-If they believe what the apostles creed states(ours), and 2- accapt our communion as the transubstantiated body and blood of christ that they are welcome in the church. I would tell them that the things thta are in our cannon that are not in the scriptures(Veronica, Imaculate Conception, Assunption) are our beliefs, given through the spirit through our leaders, but their belief in them or doubt should not keep them from joining us. I believe God would be proud of us, as he is with anyone that humbles theirself to him, and I believe time is of the essance.


    I grew up listening to my favorite music, rock and roll. It was a huge part of my life. I attended several concerts. It was all fun and games until I went to a “Judas Priest” concert.(The name should have been my first clue). The show opened up with a huge demon looking creature on the stage. It had light beams coming out of it's eyes and looking around. It opened its mouth, and out came the lead singer riding a Harley. I was horrified. My concience was screaming “this is not right” but I stayed anyway with my girlfriend. For one of the first times, I paid attention to the lyrics, and they weren't good at all. I was a coward for staying, I should have got up and left, but i didn't want to look prudish or differant, so I stayed. That set the stage for a big internal conflict: Wanting to do and say whats right against what the rest of the world (it seemed) did. I adapted my choice of music groups to those who do not glorify evil. I feel I've done my best. Now. 20+ years later things are getting worse. There is a group, called “AC/DC”, that has a song titled “hell's bell's”. In most of the NFL games, at time outs and other breaks, they sometimes play it. You can notice it because it begins with the slow tolling of a large bell. I heard it in almost every game I watched last year, including the super bowl, also personally at the Titans gome I went to in Nashville. In the refrain, it states “nobodys puttin up a fight, we got the power gonna take you to hell, were gonna get you. Satan get you, Hell's Bell's”. I can't believe noone complains. I do not watch nfl games anymore. I think alot about what has happened in the world sisce Elvis introduced Rock. It appals me that Millions and Millions of people referr to him as “The King”. The bible is saturated with warnings about idol worship. Its the first paragraph of the law he gave us(Exodus 20,2>6). One part of the bible. to me prophecises what would happen concerning him. I discovered it reading the bible last summer. kWisdom 14 starting with v 15,” for a father, afflicted with untimely morning, made an image of the child so quickly taken away from him, and now honored as a god what was formerly a dead man and handed down to his subjects mysterys ans sacrifices. Then, in time, the impious practice gained strength and was observed as law, and graven things were worshiped by princely decrees. Men who lived so far away that they could not honor him i his presence copied the appearance of the distant king, out of zeal to flatter him when absent, as though present. And to promote this observance to whom it was strange, the artisan's ambition provided a stimulus. For he, Mayhap in his determination to please the ruler, labored over the likeness to the best of his skill; and the masses, drawn by charm of the workmanship, soon thought he should be worshiped who shortly before was honored as a man. And this became a snare for mankind, that men enslaved to either grief or tyranny, conferred the incommunicable name on stocks and stones. Then it wasn't enough for them to err in their knowledge of God, but even though they live in a great war of ignorance, they call such evils peace”….. It seemed to be to me exactly what happened. Then, last December,I opened the paper on a Friday and on the front page was the headline “Elvis=Peace in Isreal”. It was an announcement about a article that was coming out the next Sunday. That Sunday I opened the section and it shocked me to no end. On the front page again, in bold letters, was “Isreal honors “The King” “, and beside it was a gold statue of Elvis holding a flag with a star of David on it pointing to heavan! Insid the article the owner attributes miricles to the statue. The place is called a “shrine”. Their is also an impersonator who really believes that he is”the second coming of Elvis”, possed by Elvis' spirit. The owners Daughter jokingly calls Elvis a “holy man”. This is no joke. This is not funny. I cannot believe that I heard not one word of outrage from anyone. I cannot believe that even the ultra-orthodox jews would stand for that kind of Idolatry in a Jerusalem suburb. Indeed, the world is asleep. I told my neighbors and friends and it only convinced them that I am a nut. I have discussed it with a few priest, and they look at me funny and play it down. Father X told me not to obsess over it, and I am trying not to.

    The last thing that I would like to express is that I know that something huge is about to hapen in Isreal. I don't know if it's the end, but it's going to be bad. I'm not going to be one of the nuts that tries to predict the end of the world, because only God the Father knows, but I know that every word that comes from God is true. He told the Jews to love him alone, and what he would do if they turned to idols. He said “but if you forget the Lord your God, and follow other Gods, serving and worshiping them, I forewarn you this day that you will perish utterly”. Being that there is a shrine to Elvis, with a horrible abomination in front of it, who is idolized to the nth degree, who is referred to by most of the world as “The King”, who hails from a town whos namesake is a capitol of Egypt; God will not let this go. The only was for Isreal to aviod whats comming(besides believing in Jesus) is to realize how horrible this is and correct it. They need to read Ezekiel and realize that it pertains to them now as much as it did in 597 b.c., especially chapters 8 and 9.

    I feel that as a member of the Roman Catholic church, I am writing you, my bishop, to convey to you what the holy sprit says to me. I am releasing myself from having to carry the burden of this. If I am not personally asked by God to do something, then I will only try to love as many people as I can, and get myself ready for what's comming. I hereby let it go, from my hands to yours.

    Very Humbly and most sincerely in Christ,
    Mark M.


    Whew! thats alot of typing. What led up to that letter was like I wrote, My dad had died 6/07. That summer was really a huge change in my life. After dad died, I read the bible from the beginning to the end. Then the man (my boss in the beginning) who mentored me and put me in buisness, wanted to use my company to do a job he had arranged to get, 12 storys in the air, and I discovered wanted to   use illeagal aliens to do it(I found out after the fact). When I complained at the legalities, he threw me off of it, over money(3000.00). Since it was arranged under the table, I could not do anything. The man who was a second father to be betrayed me. At the same time, My stepdaughter was rebelling at her mother and I , and told her g-pa, my father in law, alot of lies on how she was treated, He disowned both my wife and I,and moved her in with him(he promptly recieved poetic justice, and threw her out for not following the rules. Three weeks later my daughter attempted suicide. I couldn't understand why all this was happening. Then it happened. All of a sudden, in my big nice house in the burbs, I went on a spiritual journey that lasted for three days. One night sitting on the back of my truck 8/07 I had a conversation with God. He wasn't in body form, but he spoke to me from inside me, during an incredibly beautiful meteor shower. It was incredible. he warned me “things are about to get bad, you need to get ready”. It took me 6 months to talk the wife into selling the house, which we did, and moved into a small house we bought on the courthouse steps. At the same time buisness stopped, I don't mean slow down, I mean stopped. Anyway, I had completed reading the bible before that article came up in the paper, and I composed that letter during that spring and sent it 7-17-08. Since then I have watched as every feeling I had then has come to pass. I believe it. I don't know what we are in for, but there is one big change comming. Believe it or not, this is the truth.


    Bishop Steib,

    I don't know if you remember me, I wrote you 7-17-08, and stated my concerns about a number of things. I do not mean to waste your time, but I feel like if I do not state things that are black and white wrong to me in our church, then when I get to God he will say something like “Why didn't you say anything”.  I recently discovered that in the Vatican museum, their is a statue of “serapis”, who was the God that the hellenist had morphed from  the “apis bulls”. There is a very strong possibility that this is the diety that the hebrews made to worship while Moses was getting the ten commandments, because the custom came from Memphis Egypt which was the cult canter for the “apis bulls”, who the egyptians considered the manifestation of “Patah”, the creator. I do not think it is very wise for us to be in possession of this. Also at the site I also found a bronze idol of hercules, guilded in gold, in the museum. I cannot stress enough how much I feel this is horribly wrong, especially given the dire condition of the world today. I think If the end came today, you and all the leaders would have a very hard time explaining this to God. Thank you for taking the time to read this.  Very humbly and most sincerely in Christ- Mark


    14 “Proclaim it in the towns of Egypt, in Migdol, Memphis, and Tahpanhes: “Get ready to defend yourselves; all you have will be destroyed in war! 15 Why has your mighty god Apis fallen? The Lord has struck him down!' 16 Your soldiers have stumbled and fallen; each one says to the other, “Hurry! Let's go home to our people and escape the enemy's sword!' 17 “Give the king of Egypt a new name – “Noisy Braggart Who Missed His Chance.' 18 I, the Lord Almighty, am king. I am the living God.


    Mark……….I haven't this yet I will later ok.


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 08 2010,06:04)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 07 2010,06:39)
    Hi Mark,

    I hope you would reconsider leaving.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    I had to get on to see what, if anything was said. Much of it was exactly as I thought it would be. I was most pleasantly suprised by  your comment. Thank you and God bless you. I will check from time to time, but I have got to let go of most of it. It is causing me to have judgemental/bad feelings which can't be good. Godbless-Mark

    Hi Mike

    Keep the faith Brother. You are strong. Don't ever throw away the Jesus you first believed in for “another Jesus”. You know the truth brother because God has shown it to you. You are right about most you have said here. This sight is not for everyone.

    I wish you the very best and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your input. I also had hoped you would stay but I have seen so many leave since I have been here and it is mostly as you say, the critical, condemning spirits that come here only to attack others.

    I hope you drop in from time to time. I left once for a season but came back. Sometimes you need a break from the condemning spirits.

    Blessings and in his love


    Ed J

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for sharing your autobiography with us here at h-net.

    Are you still painting?
    I hope no-one in your family
    has anymore thoughts of suicide?
    I also wish your family a Merry Christmas!

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Mark.

    (I'm using my old username for edit reasons)

    Thanks for sharing that. It must have taken awhile to type out !
    If you don't come back I wish you the best, and God's love and peace.

    Thing's can get confusing. I think we go through stages. I think in these days things are even harder. We fight many things. The only real strength we can find is in God and in prayer and also in one another.

    I have no problem with anyone who goes to church, my parents do they are Catholic and so is all my Family….well nearly all. (My Father is a 'Eucharist Minister'…my Mother plays the music)

    I think we all find our own way whatever is shown to us and whatever life has turned us into sort of.

    But Mark we may see you here time to time…..maybe ? God bless you and your loved ones.


    OK sorry now I'm using my old username, I logged in with the wrong one. (Habit.


    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 10 2010,19:23)
    Hi Mark.

    (I'm using my old username for edit reasons)

    Thanks for sharing that. It must have taken awhile to type out !
    If you don't come back I wish you the best, and God's love and peace.

    Thing's can get confusing. I think we go through stages. I think in these days things are even harder. We fight many things. The only real strength we can find is in God and in prayer and also in one another.

    I have no problem with anyone who goes to church, my parents do they are Catholic and so is all my Family….well nearly all. (My Father is a 'Eucharist Minister'…my Mother plays the music)

    I think we all find our own way whatever is shown to us and whatever life has turned us into sort of.

    But Mark we may see you here time to time…..maybe ? God bless you and your loved ones.

    Hey Girl,

    Thanks. You were my first friend on here, and i have enjoyed your fellowship very much. I wish you the very best. I will come on from time to time but I have to get out of most of it. About being catholic, I really wish they took what I wrote them to heart. I know there is much more wrong then that, but those things in my letter are painfully obvious to me, and I just wish for their sake they would humble theirselves to God and make Jesus the head of the church, seeing that the world is getting so bad. I still go because I am not perfect either, and I think nothing is impossible for God and nothing can separate you from God.  Do you ever go with them, and not participate but sit with your folks? A short while back I joined the choir, and were practicing for christmas. I bet your mom is too. I will check this thread from time to time and stay out of the do-do flying around elsewhere . Love-Mark


    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 10 2010,09:48)
    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for sharing your autobiography with us here at h-net.

    Are you still painting?
    I hope no-one in your family
    has anymore thoughts of suicide?
    I also wish your family a Merry Christmas!

    God bless
    Ed J

    I still paint, and remodel kitchens and baths. I've done this since I was 14, and still love it. It's slow now, with everyone getting ready for christmas, and we'll just have to see what the New Year brings. I have one exterior job to do that would last a few weeks, but I am too old to work out in this cold. there is more cold coming next week to,in the teens, so I'm considering going to Pickwick Dam and fishing for sauger. they bite when it's real cold.

    By the way, one of the best experiences I have had on here is when you and someone else was talking about how the many names for God added up to 74 using gemantra? , and I got out paper and added it up, and found it to be true. My wife came home a day or two later with a hooded jacket off of the bargin rack, and on the front- 74. I still have it, it's in my truck and I keep it with me. To me it was God telling me he is close to me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your brother in Christ-Mark


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 10 2010,09:30)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 08 2010,06:04)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 07 2010,06:39)
    Hi Mark,

    I hope you would reconsider leaving.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    I had to get on to see what, if anything was said. Much of it was exactly as I thought it would be. I was most pleasantly suprised by  your comment. Thank you and God bless you. I will check from time to time, but I have got to let go of most of it. It is causing me to have judgemental/bad feelings which can't be good. Godbless-Mark

    Hi Mike

    Keep the faith Brother. You are strong. Don't ever throw away the Jesus you first believed in for “another Jesus”. You know the truth brother because God has shown it to you. You are right about most you have said here. This sight is not for everyone.

    I wish you the very best and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your input. I also had hoped you would stay but I have seen so many leave since I have been here and it is mostly as you say, the critical, condemning spirits that come here only to attack others.

    I hope you drop in from time to time. I left once for a season but came back. Sometimes you need a break from the condemning spirits.

    Blessings and in his love


    Thanks Kieth,

    I never realized how appropriate your avatar name was until we both ended up in a discussion about worshiping Jesus. You keep the faith too, and I will be on from time to time ,but, I am sick of being judged by some. I have had enough crap in my life and paid my dues and really want a peaceful  existance, and lately on here it has been anything but peace and love from some, and like life, you can either keep banging your head against the wall or change, and I'm trying to do the latter. Peace and God's love and my love to you brother-Your brother in christ- Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 11 2010,00:47)
    Hey Girl,

    Thanks. You were my first friend on here, and i have enjoyed your fellowship very much. I wish you the very best. I will come on from time to time but I have to get out of most of it. About being catholic, I really wish they took what I wrote them to heart. I know there is much more wrong then that, but those things in my letter are painfully obvious to me, and I just wish for their sake they would humble theirselves to God and make Jesus the head of the church, seeing that the world is getting so bad. I still go because I am not perfect either, and I think nothing is impossible for God and nothing can separate you from God.  Do you ever go with them, and not participate but sit with your folks? A short while back I joined the choir, and were practicing for christmas. I bet your mom is too. I will check this thread from time to time and stay out of the do-do flying around elsewhere . Love-Mark

    Hi Mark.

    I have gone to Church with them occasionally…. not much though. I have thought of going again now and then but never do. My Mother disagrees with alot in the Church but remains there because she say's Jesus said…. in Revelations… to one of the Churches… to stay put untill He returns. She believes the letters to the churches in Asia were letters to actual churches in different locations but she also believes there is a type of parable there. That the different churches today with all of their different way's of worship etc, are just as the seven churches in Revelations which she say's also had different ways…. and things right or wrong about them.

    We were talking about that today.

    Enjoy the choir… Love to you and your loved ones Mark.


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 10 2010,06:16)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 10 2010,09:30)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 08 2010,06:04)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 07 2010,06:39)
    Hi Mark,

    I hope you would reconsider leaving.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    I had to get on to see what, if anything was said. Much of it was exactly as I thought it would be. I was most pleasantly suprised by  your comment. Thank you and God bless you. I will check from time to time, but I have got to let go of most of it. It is causing me to have judgemental/bad feelings which can't be good. Godbless-Mark

    Hi Mike

    Keep the faith Brother. You are strong. Don't ever throw away the Jesus you first believed in for “another Jesus”. You know the truth brother because God has shown it to you. You are right about most you have said here. This sight is not for everyone.

    I wish you the very best and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your input. I also had hoped you would stay but I have seen so many leave since I have been here and it is mostly as you say, the critical, condemning spirits that come here only to attack others.

    I hope you drop in from time to time. I left once for a season but came back. Sometimes you need a break from the condemning spirits.

    Blessings and in his love


    Thanks Kieth,

    I never realized how appropriate your avatar name was until we both ended up in a discussion about worshiping Jesus. You keep the faith too, and I will be on from time to time ,but, I am sick of being judged by some. I have had enough crap in my life and paid my dues and really want a peaceful  existance, and lately on here it has been anything but peace and love from some, and like life, you can either keep banging your head against the wall or change, and I'm trying to do the latter. Peace and God's love and my love to you brother-Your brother in christ- Mark

    Thanks Mark

    I just realized I called you “Mike”. It is because I mostly am responding to “Mikeball” on this sight.

    Blessings and Love to you brother.


    Mark! Even tho we had our differences I wish you all the best that life can give you. I enjoyed your Autobiography lots. Hope you can change the Catholic Church, good luck…..I really mean that….We have relatives in Germany that belong to the Catholic Church and for you and them I am hopeful………
    Peace and Love Irene

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 10 2010,22:05)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 10 2010,09:48)
    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for sharing your autobiography with us here at h-net.

    Are you still painting?
    I hope no-one in your family
    has anymore thoughts of suicide?
    I also wish your family a Merry Christmas!

    God bless
    Ed J

    I still paint, and remodel kitchens and baths. I've done this since I was 14, and still love it. It's slow now, with everyone getting ready for christmas, and we'll just have to see what the New Year brings. I have one exterior job to do that would last a few weeks, but I am too old to work out in this cold. there is more cold coming next week to,in the teens, so I'm considering going to Pickwick Dam and fishing for sauger. they bite when it's real cold.

    By the way, one of the best experiences I have had on here is when you and someone else was talking about how the many names for God added up to 74 using gemantra? , and I got out paper and added it up, and found it to be true. My wife came home a day or two later with a hooded jacket off of the bargin rack, and on the front- 74. I still have it, it's in my truck and I keep it with me. To me it was God telling me he is close to me. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your brother in Christ-Mark

    Hi  Mark,

                            God's Signature

    יהוה=26 (God's Name: YHVH pronounced YÄ-hä-vā)
    YHVH=63 (God's Name יהוה translated into English)
    Jesus=74 (God's Son's name in English is: “Joshua”)
    HolySpirit=151 (“FATHER: The Word”: in all believers)
    God The Father=117 (Representing “GOD”: יהוה האלהים)

    Isaiah 44:26 That confirmeth the word of his servant,
    and performeth the counsel of his messengers;

    Many are now using “data” from my research in Sunday school!
    The number 74 and it's association to Jesus using “Gematria”(74)

    In English, the significant number (74) is attributed to “JOSHUA”(74) and “Messiah”(74);
    also the following: “JESUS”(74), “Cross”(74), “Gospel”(74), and “English”(74).

    “Jesus Christ”=74(x32) factors 74 in Greek Theomatically:
    (Jesus) Ιησους=74(x12), (Christ) Χριστоς=74(x20).
    (Son of Man) υιος τον ανθρωπου=74(x40).

    This most popular phrase curiously adds up to the 74th prime number: 373.
    Furthermore: “The King” equals 74 as well, which is at the center of this phrase.
    My research suggests, based on the large timescales, that God orchestrated it's use!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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