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    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 13 2011,02:01)

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 09 2011,11:33)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 08 2011,21:30)
    But  Ed,
    Like I said, get the point. Show me anything scriptural where evil was ever a part of God. That frankly blows my mind. God is perfect. God was perfect. All-powerful, All-knowing, pure and undefiled, from forever to forever. You got the stage. Show me anything. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Since you reject what I, we will instead focus on what you say…

    “Jesus”(74) is called the the branch in Zech.6:12 and in Isaiah 14:19  
    Lucifer(74) is refereed to as an abominable branch. At Jesus decease,
    Jesus was thrust through with a 'spear' and Isaiah 14:19 says Lucifer
    was thrust through with a sword. Jesus body wasn't found in the grave,
    and in Isaiah 14:19 it says about Lucifer: thou art cast out of the grave;

    Isa.14:19: But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch,
    and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword,
    that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.
    20: Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed
    thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

    In light of these facts, can you explain Isaiah 14:19-20 to us? (Eph.5:13)

    Hi Mark,

    You still have offered “NO” alternative explanation for Isaiah 14:19-20,
    other than you disagree with mine? Please try to give us an alternative?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    I did.


    But in addition. Evils thought he was some kind of God in the end. His interpretations of far eastern religions, and Madame Blavatski?'s (an occultist, he read her works and promoted her)works, gave hin the impression that he was a power enabled superhuman. With the fame and fortune that the world was giving him it just fit him oh too well. But in the end, he was struck down and went to the pavement of the pit, disgraced , fat, addicted, nuts, and quite evil. “The King” of babylon.Peace-Mark


    His apparel is stained with blood, because all who honor him more than God, are slain by God's two edged sword, for fornication with an idol, which he is the cause. All evil authority on earth was passed to him, and his”sons' and “princes” carry out what he began really well. Think of Gene Simmons, breathing fire, and dripping blood out of his mouth. Don't tell me it's entertainment. I'm SICK of hearing that. It's evil. Read the lyrics of any mainstream rock band. Here and abroad. So is saying that the world needs to remove religion for peace. “No peace for the wicked” says my God. I wish someone who has the discernment and communication skills that I don't have would wake this country up, before it's too late, but either way, God is going to handle it.


    Also, Evils was cast out of his grave, shortly after his burial, because someone as nuts as he was tried to remove him. He was moved to “Graceland” ??? , where every year on the anniversary of his death, thousands of (pilgrims as the news calls them) from all over the world come to do him homage in a candle light vigil, passing in front of his grave. Who else besides him and Jesus has their death anniversary celebrated every year besides Jesus and Evils?


    What pilate wrote above Jesus' head was true,”This is Jesus the king of the Jews”. But the pharasees protested it, and wanted him to change it to “He claimed he was the king of the Jews”. Now, in 2011, their is a huge gold Statue by his shrine next to Jerusalem, a graven image if their ever was one, in contradiction to the very first commandment, that they say NOTHING about. How long do you think Israel will be? Not very long. They are asking for it, and are going to get it, and with them the rest of the world. Come Lord Jesus!!!


    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 07 2010,00:20)

    I believe this is the horrible abomination, of “The King” of Babylon, next to God's city, “standing on holy ground”. This is what Isaiah 14:19-20 is referring to, the man behind this abommination, who slays millions of souls without a fight. Not even the churches will say much anymore, knowing how blasphemy is being hurled at God. I won't print any more Garbage from them, but look up lyrics from “Greatful Dead” , Guns and Roses, Ozzy osborne, Scorpions, Metallica, Rush, or any of those mainstream bands. Popular music isn't that much better now, with infidelity and unatural vices glorified and made common.


    And that ^^&%$$*&^*^&% sung Gospel Music. And nobody cares…………………….He was the “star” of Isaiah Ed.


    How will one feel, when they stand in front of God with Dragons, and fire, and flaming skulls tattooed all over themselves. Won't God start by saying ” do you have any idea whatsoever, that you got marked by the obvious signs of death, all over yourself? don't you feel stupid? Also at judgement, I wonder if ol Gene Simmons will be in costume?

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 13 2011,04:47)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 07 2010,00:20)

    I believe this is the horrible abomination, of “The King” of Babylon, next to God's city, “standing on holy ground”. This is what Isaiah 14:19-20 is referring to, the man behind this abommination, who slays millions of souls without a fight. Not even the churches will say much anymore, knowing how blasphemy is being hurled at God. I won't print any more Garbage from them, but look up lyrics from “Greatful Dead”   , Guns and Roses, Ozzy osborne, Scorpions, Metallica, Rush, or any of those mainstream bands. Popular music isn't that much better now, with infidelity and unatural vices glorified and made common.

    Hi Mark,

    Now you have at least given a alternative explanation of Isaiah 14:19-20.
    Can't say that I agree with you, because many pieces don't line up that way.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Its as plain as the nose on my face imo.


    What pieces? And how is this suggesting God had evil in him and it needed to be separated from him?

    I think what I think is a LOT more possible than saying God had evil in him. Peace-Mark


    Did you know that Evils was obsessed with death, and would take the “Memphis mafia” with him to a friend of his mortuary in the middle of the night to stare at the corpses? He told his stepbrother once “I know what Jesus was, but what am I?”, and same bro-in-law said that once during a horrible thunderstorm , Evils split the sky in half and claimed the power to do so? Its on You tube for the watching, see it yourself. How does” the king of babylon” make Jesus evil Ed? Peace-Mark



    Besides who I think “the King” of Babylon is, you have not shown me anything that shows that that scripture, the taunt song of the King of Babylon, is about or includes Jesus. I gave you the commentary on the translation of “star”, which I agree with. You didn't refute it or show where  that hebrew word ment “morning star” or anything to do with Jesus.Watch “Elvis & the devil “, both parts, and tell me if Jesus fits this more than Elvis.

    I will give you examples of where the masons use that interpretation and say God is Lucifer. On Youtube it is “Mason-Shriner claims to be lucifer”,, Also i found it quite interesting the series “Lucifer rising part 1/10 The satanic Illuminati Conspiracy”. This is how your false connection of Evil and Jesus is shared with the masons. That is as crazy as Tim saying we have no rules or commands to follow. You might not agree with me on who “the king ” of babylon is, but you have not shown scripturally at all where God ever had any evil in him, besides “facts” based on misinterpretations, as I have shown. I have also shown where Elvis fits Isaiahs scripture way more than Jesus . Also, are you saying by that that Jesus fits into” Isa.14:19: But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch,
    and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword,
    that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.”?” JESUS ROSE IN GLORY! He was not cast out like a bad branch. He didn't slay his people, the people slay themselves. “He wants none to perish” How do you attempt to reconcile yourself to saying Jesus had evil in him? Peace-Mark
     Got anything else? Peace-Mark


    One thing for anybody who reads this. I thought I was the only one who had a clue about this. In looking for those videos on youtube, I found a series called “They sold their souls for rock and roll”, and watched 12 parts. It shows everything, in great detail,except the gold Idol of Elvis by Jerusalem. I couldn't have made something better myself, except adding that this is a result of the modern “apis bull” from Memphis. I'm even surprised at how much controll this music has on kids, and adults. I think it's too late for change. God is going to have to shock the world. Ed, could you do me a favor and put the first part here? The man stated he was just like me, until he realized what was happening. anyway, peace-goodnight-Mark


    Also Ed, In part 7, he goes into how Isaiah 14 described these events, better than I did.


    I'm not being impatient, or arrogant Ed, but I am wondering, are you still there? Did you look at those videos?


    Is “the king” of babylon Jesus Ed? Is that taunt song about him? Have you finished showing me all you know about evil needing to be separated from God by the cross as you stated in your book? Peace-Mark

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 15 2011,15:29)
    I'm not being impatient, or arrogant Ed, but I am wondering, are you still there? Did you look at those videos?

    Hi Mark,

    I watched Parts 0-8, most of what they say is true,
    but they intermingle 'a lie' within their message.
    The lie is: 'a false flesh return'. (Click Here)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 15 2011,15:33)
    Is “the king” of babylon Jesus Ed? Is that taunt song about him? Have you finished showing me all you know about evil needing to be separated from God by the cross as you stated in your book? Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    They quoted Ezekiel 28:16 in reference to Lucifer
    I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God:
    and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub. (Ezekiel 28:16)
    This reference is to Lucifer being removed from “The Godhead”.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 14 2011,01:13)

    You might not agree with me on who “the king ” of babylon is, but you have not shown scripturally at all where God ever had any evil in him, besides “facts” based on misinterpretations, as I have shown.

     Got anything else? Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Clearly you don't understand what I have been trying to tell you.
    If you did read Chapters 7, 8, 9 & 10, you wouldn't be having this confusion.
    But you refused to read the in-depth explanation, and instead try to take 'pot-shots'
    against solid “Biblical Doctrine”. (Deut.32:1-2 / Nahum 1:14 / Isaiah 14:19-20 / Galatians 2:20)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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