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  • #235557

    I don't ask for forgiveness, I accept the forgiveness that Jesus gave to all who will believe.
    I don't ask for mercy from God I accept the mercy God has shown in the work of his son. Why would I ask for something that is given freely?

    -Quote from Tim



    You have to ask. You have to carry your cross every day. You need to be like the repentant man in the temple. Otherwise the rest of the NT was a waste to write, but I know it wasn't. Peace-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 07 2011,23:05)
    I don't ask for forgiveness, I accept the forgiveness that Jesus gave to all who will believe.
    I don't ask for mercy from God I accept the mercy God has shown in the work of his son. Why would I ask for something that is given freely?

    -Quote from Tim


    Also explain how I Lie? you say that once you believe in Jesus you don't have to ever ask for mercy or forgiveness. You do not get a blanket go-ahead to do whatever or sin Tim. And when you do, because you are human and make mistakes, you need mercy and forgiveness, and ask for it Peace-Mark

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 07 2011,23:42)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 07 2011,23:05)
    I don't ask for forgiveness, I accept the forgiveness that Jesus gave to all who will believe.
    I don't ask for mercy from God I accept the mercy God has shown in the work of his son. Why would I ask for something that is given freely?

    -Quote from Tim


    Also explain how I Lie? you say that once you believe in Jesus you don't have to ever ask for mercy or forgiveness. You do not get a blanket go-ahead to do whatever or sin Tim. And when you do, because you are human and make mistakes, you need mercy and forgiveness, and ask for it Peace-Mark

    Mark: So now have you taken the position of King and Lord to teach me Jesus and his saving grace?

    If one ask's forgiveness once, and accepts his forgiveness from his Lord and saviour then is he forgiven? Yes! Now you attempt to take over from that point and tell me…You do not get a blanked go-ahead….! You made that up, it is your personal law you created and commanded!! Once again you lay upon me another of your created laws, ….when you do sin, because you are human and make mistakes, you need (apparantly more) mercy and forgiveness…!

    How dare you judge me according to your Biblical beliefs.

    To ones own master he stands or falls. I do not serve you. Those declarations are your beliefs under your own personal laws for mercy and forgiveness the way you believe and see your truth. You are now under those laws unto yourself. You have no right to judge me according to your beliefs.

    You apparantly believe that day in and day out you must keep asking forgiveness and mercy for certain things you do or don't do that you call sin! When I was a child in Christ I spoke as a child in Christ but when I became a man I put away childish beliefs. IMO, TK


    The New Covenant way to God as taught by Jesus is completely accomplished through Jesus and given to mankind by faith! Religion and works for purification are gone forever. Following laws or rules is gone forever.Tim

    This is what you posted bro. The last sentance is wrong man. You also said many times that one is thier own king in their own kingdom, even though I know that everything belongs to GOD, including you. You aren't the king bro.You aren't a king either. You are supposed to be a slave of Christ, following him, he's the king. You speak on both sides, mega confusing the already mega-confusing philosophy you propose-

    Quote from Tim-  
    You are King of your own Kingdom of God. LEAVE OTHERS ALONE unless they need help. The kingdom of God is peace, love and joy in the Holy Ghost. Lets live it in freedom. Eat what you want. Drink what you want.-TK

    Which, as I stated before that you never refuted, echoes the philosophy stated by that video, except you have put Jesus on it. New Age Jesus at it were. To this very day you don't deny that, and have even defended Hitler. I just can't keep my fingers still, this is wrong thinking. It aligns with other thinking such as Aliester Crowley, who said “if you want to do something, for God's sake just do it”, and then you plug it into christianity, and as a Christian it offends me.To do that you have negated many, many passages in the bible, and even lately stated that even James book in the bible was flawed because it contradicted you.Again, quote from Tim-

    Some follow James some follow Jesus! Its each individual's choice! TK



    Tim! Once your forgiven always forgiven, is that what you teach? I find it rather amazing that when Jesus is the one who first gave us the New Covenant and the great Commandments, then later Jesus said no more laws????? Not only did Jesus give us the great commandments, but He also magnified the Law, on the Sermon on the Mount ….Now when you hate your Brother, you have committed Murder in your Heart. When you lust after a woman, you have committed Adultery in your Heart….

    1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

    No my friend you are so wrong…

    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 06 2011,13:03)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 06 2011,12:19)
    Evil was NEVER a part of God. Show me one sylable in scripture where evil is a part of God. :p

    One syllable isn't enough to tell you anything about anything?

    Gretings EDj….. Not withstanding scripture we have technology today whereby from one octave of your voice I can recreate your voice….

    Ed J

    Quote (theodorej @ Feb. 08 2011,12:07)

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 06 2011,13:03)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 06 2011,12:19)
    Evil was NEVER a part of God. Show me one sylable in scripture where evil is a part of God. :p

    One syllable isn't enough to tell you anything about anything?

    Gretings EDj….. Not withstanding scripture we have technology today whereby from one octave of your voice I can recreate your voice….

    Hi Theodore J,

    Can you understand what I try to tell you by only one word?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Irene: Remember, If you choose to believe what you write, that the Law of Moses is now magnified and more severe than it was, you are in sin. Righteousness could not come to man by the law. Righteousness, without the law is manifested now…Rom.3:21
    I guess you believe you are in sin anyway?

    Man is only justified by faith, WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW…Rom.3:28

    Sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are NOT UNDER THE LAW, but under grace…Rom6:14

    The law of the spirit of life in Christ hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Rom8:2 (If you follow the law you would be following sin and death according to Paul)

    Just one more thing for the record, if a man doesn't lust after a woman there can be no procreation!! IMO, TK


    But Ed,
    Like I said, get the point. Show me anything scriptural where evil was ever a part of God. That frankly blows my mind. God is perfect. God was perfect. All-powerful, All-knowing, pure and undefiled, from forever to forever. You got the stage. Show me anything. Peace-Mark




    Just one more thing for the record, if a man doesn't lust after a woman there can be no procreation!! IMO, TK
    Back to top

    Nope-lust is wrong. Loving sex is good. Rightious sex is Rightious. God is pro-sex, as long as it is within the bounds of a marriage between a man and a woman that he has brought together.Then, I might add, it's FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!! And guilt free.Good griefus.
    Lust leads to unfaithfulness, which destroys familys and breaks kids hearts and leaves a wake of destruction. Get a clue bro.Peace-Mark



    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Feb. 08 2011,21:27)
    Irene: Remember, If you choose to believe what you write, that the Law of Moses is now magnified and more severe than it was, you are in sin. Righteousness could not come to man by the law. Righteousness, without the law is manifested now…Rom.3:21
    I guess you believe you are in sin anyway?

    Man is only justified by faith, WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW…Rom.3:28

    Sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are NOT UNDER THE LAW, but under grace…Rom6:14

    The law of the spirit of life in Christ hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Rom8:2  (If you follow the law you would be following sin and death according to Paul)

    Just one more thing for the record, if a man doesn't lust after a woman there can be no procreation!! IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    Romans 8:4-7 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh,
    but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are
    after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded
    is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God,
    neither indeed can be.

    Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin (sin is the transgression of the law),
    that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 08 2011,21:30)
    But  Ed,
    Like I said, get the point. Show me anything scriptural where evil was ever a part of God. That frankly blows my mind. God is perfect. God was perfect. All-powerful, All-knowing, pure and undefiled, from forever to forever. You got the stage. Show me anything. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Since you reject what I, we will instead focus on what you say…

    “Jesus”(74) is called the the branch in Zech.6:12 and in Isaiah 14:19  
    Lucifer(74) is refereed to as an abominable branch. At Jesus decease,
    Jesus was thrust through with a 'spear' and Isaiah 14:19 says Lucifer
    was thrust through with a sword. Jesus body wasn't found in the grave,
    and in Isaiah 14:19 it says about Lucifer: thou art cast out of the grave;

    Isa.14:19: But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch,
    and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword,
    that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.
    20: Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed
    thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

    In light of these facts, can you explain Isaiah 14:19-20 to us? (Eph.5:13)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 09 2011,07:44)



    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 09 2011,11:33)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 08 2011,21:30)
    But  Ed,
    Like I said, get the point. Show me anything scriptural where evil was ever a part of God. That frankly blows my mind. God is perfect. God was perfect. All-powerful, All-knowing, pure and undefiled, from forever to forever. You got the stage. Show me anything. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Since you reject what I, we will instead focus on what you say…

    “Jesus”(74) is called the the branch in Zech.6:12 and in Isaiah 14:19  
    Lucifer(74) is refereed to as an abominable branch. At Jesus decease,
    Jesus was thrust through with a 'spear' and Isaiah 14:19 says Lucifer
    was thrust through with a sword. Jesus body wasn't found in the grave,
    and in Isaiah 14:19 it says about Lucifer: thou art cast out of the grave;

    Isa.14:19: But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch,
    and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword,
    that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.
    20: Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed
    thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

    In light of these facts, can you explain Isaiah 14:19-20 to us? (Eph.5:13)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    First I will apologise for the impatience, and the “Ed?” comment. I have been asking you to show where evil was a part of God for a long time now, since I attempted to fellowship with you personally weeks ago. You never did, and I thought that you were avoiding the question, but that doesn't justify me being a smart (donkey) in a comment, so- I'm sorry.

    Second, in your explination, and the scripture you quoted, you quote a small portion of the “taunt-song” directed at the king of babylon. If I understand you correctly, you are implying that it implicates Jesus, and state your question at me using your assumption as “facts”.

    No no no my friend. This is not Jesus. This is about “the King” of babylon. Not Jesus. To try to drag Jesus into evil through misintrepretation is your blasphemy, not “fact”.
    I agree with this commentary on the translation problem, although I know I am wasting my time because I am aware that you have stated your proof that KJ  is the true bible and you use numbers to prove it. But for the heck of it anyway-

    I do not understand the reason of the mistranslation of a very simple word; that is “Star” from the Hebrew to English.

    The eminent Biblical scholars who translate 20 different English Bible's Versions from Hebrew to English could not translate the Hebrew word הֵילֵ֣ל to star.

    The Hebrew word הֵילֵ֣ל, that is pronounced as ” hei·lel” means “STAR”. Period

    However, the famous Biblical scholars who edit 20 different Bible's Versions translate this simple word, star, to Morning star, Day Star, Bright morning star, shining morning star, Shining star, Light-bringer etc.

    Not only is that but the strangest thing they have done the translation of star to Lucifer in four different versions of the Bible! (Lucifer = the nick name of Satan)

    Nevertheless, the funniest thing they have done is the translation of star to the king of Babylon or to Babylon itself.

    I am really very astonished to find out that.

    I was studying Isaiah 14 in four different Bible's version, one of them was KJV, when I found out that KJV translates star to Lucifer. Upon studying 20 different Bible's version I have got more different meanings some of them have to relation to the original translated word, the star.

    O eminent Biblical scholars! Is star = Lucifer = Satan = King of Babylon = Babylon?

    Conclusion: How “Star” is translated in 20 different Bible's versions

    Morning star in five out of 20 Biblical versions.
    Lucifer in four out of 20 Biblical versions.
    Day Star in two out of 20 Biblical versions.
    Star of the morning in one version.
    Bright morning star in one version.
    Shining morning star in one version.
    Shining star in one version.
    Shining one in one version.
    Light-bringer and daystar in one version.
    Babylon! Daystar! In one version.
    King of Babylon, morning star in one version.
    King of Babylonia, you thought you were the bright morning star in one version.

    In addition, 11 distinguished Biblical scholars who translate 20 different Bible's Versions failed to translate the original Hebrew word “Son of Dawn” nine scholars translated translate it correctly.  Seven Biblical versions translate “Son of Dawn” to “son of the morning”. Do not the famous Biblical scholars know that “Morning” is the part of the day usually reckoned from dawn to noon?

    Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/christi….SxasZSQ
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

    You have not proved anything by this to say that evil is or was a part of God, and IMO, you Blaspheme god by implying it. Good thing is is that the bible says that Blasphemy against him or the father will be forgiven, at least you aren't calling the spirit evil. I wouldn't do that if I were you.

    This is the same thing that the masons use to imply the same thing you do. They use this to say that God is Lucifer. Don't even get me started on that.

    You haven't shown where evil is a part of God. This is about “the King” of Babylon, not God. Try again. Peace-Mark


    Also, you asked me to explain it. In my explination, like anyone else, I can give you my interpretation, but I will only state it as that. I am often bewildered when people take thier own ideas, and state them as fact.

    As I have already stated, I believe that the statue in Daniel with for parts represented the four world dominating powers on the earth. Sargon from Babylon was the first to introduce the idea of “empire”. The first was them. The second was the Romans. The third was the british, and as it stated would “control the whole world”. The forth was the US. Who after the British has been in control up to now. It then said that in the lifetime of those kings, a great mountain would strike the statue, and all would fall, fine as dust on the threshing floor. I believe pretty soon. George had said before that it was five, but as I read it the legs, feet, and toes are included in the fourth,and it doesn't mention a fifth.
        Now, to me, “The King” of babylon is Elvis, the spirit that was born when he died. His musical influance has generated the most decrepid pile of crap ever known to mankind. Music is more incredibly powerful that I think people realize. You can do three things- 1-Glorify God  2-express the human condition, and 3-Glorify evil and satan and all that is bad and against God's law. It then rolls around in your head and does remain in your mind.  Along with the materialism, and “star” idolization, and evicting God out of our Government and public life, we have become Babylon, and have our “king”. I try to disprove this, and the more I look into it the more I am convinced its true. I think the 42 months in Rev. corresponded to Evils being 42 when he died. Also, as collateral damage, another rock star ,Robbin Crosby, was given the nickname “the King”. Bad deal. He was the only other rock star with that attached to him. He died at 42, another victim of addiction. Anyway, we will find out soon enough straight from Jesus' mouth what happened and why. In the mean time I will do as he said and pray I have enought strength to escape whatever else is in Prospect. Peace-Mark

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 09 2011,11:33)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 08 2011,21:30)
    But  Ed,
    Like I said, get the point. Show me anything scriptural where evil was ever a part of God. That frankly blows my mind. God is perfect. God was perfect. All-powerful, All-knowing, pure and undefiled, from forever to forever. You got the stage. Show me anything. Peace-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Since you reject what I, we will instead focus on what you say…

    “Jesus”(74) is called the the branch in Zech.6:12 and in Isaiah 14:19  
    Lucifer(74) is refereed to as an abominable branch. At Jesus decease,
    Jesus was thrust through with a 'spear' and Isaiah 14:19 says Lucifer
    was thrust through with a sword. Jesus body wasn't found in the grave,
    and in Isaiah 14:19 it says about Lucifer: thou art cast out of the grave;

    Isa.14:19: But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch,
    and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword,
    that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet.
    20: Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed
    thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned.

    In light of these facts, can you explain Isaiah 14:19-20 to us? (Eph.5:13)

    Hi Mark,

    You still have offered “NO” alternative explanation for Isaiah 14:19-20,
    other than you disagree with mine? Please try to give us an alternative?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 08 2011,12:22)

    Quote (theodorej @ Feb. 08 2011,12:07)

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 06 2011,13:03)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Feb. 06 2011,12:19)
    Evil was NEVER a part of God. Show me one sylable in scripture where evil is a part of God. :p

    One syllable isn't enough to tell you anything about anything?

    Gretings EDj….. Not withstanding scripture we have technology today whereby from one octave of your voice I can recreate your voice….

    Hi Theodore J,

    Can you understand what I try to tell you by only one word?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Greetings Ed….. it is difficult to decypher from a sylable,however,there are times when tone and context can reveal alot about the demeanor and stature of the author…

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