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  • #68959

    Hi again Deborah

    You'll forgive me I hope for not having much time for the claim that someone has “proof” that can't be shown. I think if your doctor was prescribing medicine to you on that basis you might understandibly be looking for a second opinion!

    What is interesting to me is the number of supernatural things that you have rejected in your life so far. Have you ever counted them? I realise that scripture has played a part in you accepting the Judeo-Christian mythology over all the others, but what basis do you have for rejecting the existence of the others?



    Hi t8

    ++”Good luck with your mission to disprove God, but you are most likely to not leave this planet for your search, but when you die, you will find the truth one way or another. Hopefully you can know God before this inevitability.

    As I stated in my reply to Samuel, I accept the possibility that there is such a god as you propose. Do you accept the possibility that there is no such god? Do you have all knowledge relevant to the question? I certainly am not on a mission to disprove the existence of something that cannot be proven either way. I am strictly agnostic, as is everyone by definition (otherwise the word faith has no meaning). All I have done thus far is to point out that there are demonstrably correct explanations for the physical and biological worlds that do not require magic, that the likelihood of a god of the Judeo-Christian kind, based on the scientific knowledge that we do have, is much less than the fantasy of pink bananas creating themselves from candy floss in a big celestial fairground, and that the god of the OT is in any case so unpleasant that only those immunised against questioning the basis of what they are told would be likely to worship it. I am confident I will not learn anything after my death, despite your certainty.

    ++”As for me, well your only options for my statements are that I have indeed found God or I am deluded. It's your choice, but if you choose delusion, then you should at least admit that your lack of faith is calling the shots.

    Huh? Please explain? Does your faith make comments on your behalf that otherwise you would not make? How does this work?



    Romans 14 (King James Version)

    10But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

    11For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

    12So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

    13Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

    Hey Stu,
    I realize that you might not be willing to read the bible since you therefore don't believe. However…heres something to think about. What if this day does come for you? What then will you say?
    It will be to late for salvation at that point of judgment day…
    Would it not pay to be ready in advance? If your going to a football game would you not want to get your tickets in advance?

    Please brother…at least in the confines of your own home try it out. Just see if its real or not. Just get down and pray and see if something happens for you. No one has to know about it but you and Jesus and God. You don't have to go to a church.

    You've given everything else in this world a try…Why not Try Jesus?


    Hi Samuel

    ++”I realize that you might not be willing to read the bible since you therefore don't believe.

    Please see my other postings to realise the extent to which I have read the bible. The more I read, the more I see how utterly despicable the Imaginary One is. I wonder how much of the OT some of the contributors to this forum have read, given their seeming devotion to such a brute.

    ++”However…heres something to think about. What if this day does come for you? What then will you say? It will be to late for salvation at that point of judgment day…Would it not pay to be ready in advance?

    You are putting forwards Pascal’s Wager. I personally think this is the most bankrupt philosophy of all history.

    ++”Please brother…at least in the confines of your own home try it out. Just see if its real or not.

    It’s not, I promise you.

    ++”Just get down and pray and see if something happens for you. No one has to know about it but you and Jesus and God. You don't have to go to a church. You've given everything else in this world a try…Why not Try Jesus?

    Because there is a rich history of humanistic endeavour, of finding good and wonder and mystery in the world and the universe that needs to make no reference to unlikely supernatural superheroes. No matter how inspired the writers of the Pentateuch or gospels seem to be, the real world is millions of times more mysterious and interesting. It is invigorating to face the real universe in all its glory and beauty and brutality, far more than having a fairy-tale religious world to hide in. To claim access to a being that knows everything is to hope for the death of human curiosity and endeavour. Happily I am almost certain that no such spoilsport exists.




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