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    Well…scientist can explain that. Something to do with large masses sustaining large amounts of gravity and/or something like that.

    And, I would imagine that if God can breath something into existence and sending it soaring into motion…he most likely has the power to stop all those millions and billions of tiny particles and such from doing what ever, till he gets ready for them too.

    You see with GOD there is no such thing as TIME. We can't understand that, as least not yet anyway.

    I'm sure GOD has probably created things we don't know about. If he were to put everything about his kingdom and himself in a book for us to read it would probably not fit on earth. I believe he chose to give us what we “NEEDED” at the time to live for him and serve him. Not a complete explanation of everything.
    Oh…you think i'm making this up? that God tells everything in complete detail? that there is no mysteries with GOD?

    Revelation 10:4
    And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

    Revelation 10:7
    But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.

    Matthew 13:11
    He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

    Luke 8:10
    And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

    1 Cor 4:1
    Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.

    1 Cor 13:2
    And though I have [the gift of] prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

    1 Cor 14:2
    For he that speaketh in an [unknown] tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth [him]; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.



    My question is…

    When is MAN going to get it through his thick skull, that they don't know everything? Only GOD knows everything.


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 13 2007,10:54)
    You see with GOD there is no such thing

    Just like to demonstrate a favourite trick of creationists!
    Quote mining…



    Ok, I don't really understand.


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 13 2007,10:54)
    And, I would imagine that if God can breath something into existence and sending it soaring into motion…he most likely has the power to stop all those millions and billions of tiny particles and such from doing what ever, till he gets ready for them too.

    You see with GOD there is no such thing as TIME.  We can't understand that, as least not yet anyway.

    Hi Samuel

    I think the point is that kenrch has repeated a statement by a person who was making it up as he went along. The other planets do not have any effect on whether our one stays in orbit around the sun. The most they might do is have a tiny effect on the tides or the oblateness of the earth, that's all. As for god stopping particles in their tracks, well that's where the fairy stories start, isn't it!

    You complain that your imaginary friend in the sky is the only one who knows everything, and then proceed to speculate wildly about what you have already said we don't understand.

    How can you know that “with GOD there is no such thing as TIME”? Isn't that just a load of hot air?



    Well…Obviously we are on a time table here…I mean we are part of the biggest ticking time bomb around.

    However, with references to time such as this:
    2 Peter 3:8
    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    Would lead one to believe that Eternity really has not reference of time.

    You complain that your imaginary friend in the sky is the only one who knows everything

    I'm not complaining…if I gave you that impression I'm truly sorry the last thing I would want to do is upset you in talking about the Lord.
    He (GOD) is not imaginary, and He (GOD) does Know everything.

    If you don't believe in GOD, I will certainly pray that he moves in your life in such a way you will know it is …that you might believe.

    God bless you and take care.


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 18 2007,16:24)
    Well…Obviously we are on a time table here…I mean we are part of the biggest ticking time bomb around.

    Crickey! Are we talking about the eventual heat death of the Sun in 10-20 billion years, or are you warning of something sooner than that?



    He Stu I see you on here. I think you better watch out for 2018 that is the time we think time is up. Time will tell. Since I am 69 years young I don't think I am going to see it. I hope not.
    Good luck to you and God Bless you.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 13 2007,17:34)

    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 13 2007,10:54)
    And, I would imagine that if God can breath something into existence and sending it soaring into motion…he most likely has the power to stop all those millions and billions of tiny particles and such from doing what ever, till he gets ready for them too.

    You see with GOD there is no such thing as TIME.  We can't understand that, as least not yet anyway.

    Hi Samuel

    I think the point is that kenrch has repeated a statement by a person who was making it up as he went along.  The other planets do not have any effect on whether our one stays in orbit around the sun.  The most they might do is have a tiny effect on the tides or the oblateness of the earth, that's all.  As for god stopping particles in their tracks, well that's where the fairy stories start, isn't it!

    You complain that your imaginary friend in the sky is the only one who knows everything, and then proceed to speculate wildly about what you have already said we don't understand.  

    How can you know that “with GOD there is no such thing as TIME”?  Isn't that just a load of hot air?


    Stu how is it that only the earth has life at least in our solor syatem. If the earth were one mile closer or further from the sun then they would be no life on earth.

    Each Star is a sun and according to your scientist have planets orbiting them. All this with no creator, no designer.

    You are so deep in “your religion” that you have no common sense.

    Foolish man do you think you rule yourself? You believe you have become AS God.

    2Th 2:11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,
    2Th 2:12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    2Co 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
    Stick around Stu you are a reminder how lost the world really is.


    Quote (kenrch @ Oct. 19 2007,01:47)
    Stu how is it that only the earth has life at least in our solor syatem.  If the earth were one mile closer or further from the sun then they would be no life on earth.

    Hi kenrch

    I think probably the orbit of the Earth could be quite a bit closer to or further from the Sun and still allow carbon-based life to exist, but I'll leave it to the late writer Douglas Adams to answer your point about this:

    “Being surprised at the fact that the universe is fine tuned
    for life is akin to a puddle being surprised at how well it
    fits its hole”



    Hi Stu
    What is it in you that decides what is good and what is evil,
    how do you discern right from wrong?


    I didn't know that you did not believe in GOD, I'd seen you on here a time or two I guess that I just haven't read to much of any of your posts up until now that you addressed me directly.

    T8 made a good point one time in a post. That people really can't prove GOD don't exist so they are not actually true atheist or what ever…T8 could you re-instate that point again? I seem to have forgotten where it is and what exactly it said.


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 19 2007,17:14)
    I didn't know that you did not believe in GOD, I'd seen you on here a time or two I guess that I just haven't read to much of any of your posts up until now that you addressed me directly.

    T8 made a good point one time in a post.  That people really can't prove GOD don't exist so they are not actually true atheist or what ever…T8 could you re-instate that point again?  I seem to have forgotten where it is and what exactly it said.

    Hi Samuel

    You can be an atheist by what you choose to believe, but you cannot be sure there is no god, just as you cannot be sure there is one. Hence everyone is actually agnostic.

    We are both non-believers in Baal, Zeus and thousands of other non-existant deities. I reject just one more than you do.



    Quote (Deborah @ Oct. 19 2007,09:31)
    Hi Stu
    What is it in you that decides what is good and what is evil,
    how do you discern right from wrong?

    Hi Deborah

    t8 started a thread on that topic in Creation & Science. I have posted some ideas there.



    I Just have a couple questions for you?

    Why is today Friday, October 19th, 2007?
    What happened 2007 years ago?


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 20 2007,04:46)
    I Just have a couple questions for you?

    Why is today Friday, October 19th, 2007?
    What happened 2007 years ago?

    Hi Samuel

    Yesterday it was not that date in China, the Islamic world or in Judaism.

    It was that date in the countries we inhabit because Western culture has been dominated by Christianity (you can argue whether that has been a good thing or not) and we started counting years (incorrectly) from the alleged birth of Jesus (if he existed, but there are no eyewitness accounts, it could all be hearsay).

    Strictly in the academic world and in other sphere of life we call this year 2007CE (Common Era) having realised, I guess, that Anno Domini is rejected by others forced to follow our system, and is based on the mythology of one culture anyway.

    As to what happened 2007 years ago, I guess it is similar to what happens every day now, but without fridges or Islam.



    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 19 2007,18:43)

    Quote (Deborah @ Oct. 19 2007,09:31)
    Hi Stu
    What is it in you that decides what is good and what is evil,
    how do you discern right from wrong?

    Hi Deborah

    t8 started a thread on that topic in Creation & Science.  I have posted some ideas there.


    Hello Stu
    I read the links you posted and my question was answered thank you.

    I agree that how we are conditioned to think from birth comes first from our parents understanding and beliefs and secondly from interacting in society starting with our educators in school and so on. But in my case I didn't have parents who were believers in the existance of God so wasn't conditioned to believe anything pertaining to a God or gods, but still I had this question ..Why am I here, what's this all about.I remember at 13 going to a Greek Orthodox church for a wedding and observing the ritual and thinking then “who is this God”? My journey began, my family used to joke about my desire to learn more, my Great Grandmother was a Christian but she never told me about the love of God she told me to fear Him I didn't want to be a Christian. My mother began holding gatherings with her friends around a ouji board at our house once a week, I became interested and sat in a few times, when she stopped I continued on from ouji boards to more occultic activities right into my 40s, I had turned away from the idea of there being one God and thought Christianity was a myth, I wouldn't have called myself an Atheiest because I believed in a higher power operating through many gods.Evolution made perfect sense to me, it was taught in school and I believed we came from monkeys, everybody did, but the question was still burning “what's the purpose of life?” This still wasn't answered. I decided to read the Bible, a book I had avoided, because I was frustrated and increasingly unhappy with all I was doing to find the answer in the occult, and I found a Male God who punished you if you disobeyed any of His laws , my great grandmothers words came back to me time and time again, so I put the book down and continued worshipping other gods male and female. Years later still not believing I challenged the God of the Bible,”If you do exist then you are going to have to prove it to me somehow and if what the Christians say is true that I have to get Baptized and except Jesus to know the Truth, then I do, now you do your job.”
    Scriptures I was led to read were…He has set Eternity in the hearts of all… Ecclesiastes..3:11. That explained the Why part of my question.
    Ephesians 1:18..I pray also that the eyes of your heart be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints. This led me to an understanding of who God is. I 'm a believer because I do have proof He exists, I cannot supply you with my proof other than show you the Scriptures that helped me to understand and believe. For you to have visited this website in the first place is amazing to me, I know you answered that question in the PM, but I wouldn't have thought a Christian website would be somewhere an Atheist would visit unless they had the same questions not being answered.
    Blessings to you Stu.


    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 19 2007,18:41)

    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 19 2007,17:14)
    I didn't know that you did not believe in GOD, I'd seen you on here a time or two I guess that I just haven't read to much of any of your posts up until now that you addressed me directly.

    T8 made a good point one time in a post. That people really can't prove GOD don't exist so they are not actually true atheist or what ever…T8 could you re-instate that point again? I seem to have forgotten where it is and what exactly it said.

    Hi Samuel

    You can be an atheist by what you choose to believe, but you cannot be sure there is no god, just as you cannot be sure there is one. Hence everyone is actually agnostic.

    We are both non-believers in Baal, Zeus and thousands of other non-existant deities. I reject just one more than you do.


    Stu, if you said that there was no such thing as a pink banana, then in order to be sure of this statement, you would have to search every atom in every galaxy in every universe, and anything else that exists. That also includes dimensions including time.

    But if you saw a pink banana when you went to the supermarket, then you could say, “yes, they do exist”. You wouldn't then need to waste your time to build a vehicle for exploring the universe.

    Likewise it is the same with God.

    People who don't believe are really just saying that they cannot grasp this in their small and limited existence. They don't even possess .000005% of all knowledge and they say with pride that God doesn't exist. But I know God and he knows me. I don't need to look further. He lives in me.

    Good luck with your mission to disprove God, but you are most likely to not leave this planet for your search, but when you die, you will find the truth one way or another. Hopefully you can know God before this inevitability.

    As for me, well your only options for my statements are that I have indeed found God or I am deluded. It's your choice, but if you choose delusion, then you should at least admit that your lack of faith is calling the shots.


    I prayed for you tonight really hard. Hopefully, sometime in your life before you die GOD will make himself known to you so that you might be saved, and will not perish.


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 20 2007,18:53)
    I prayed for you tonight really hard.  Hopefully, sometime in your life before you die GOD will make himself known to you so that you might be saved, and will not perish.

    Hi Samuel

    Sorry, It hasn't worked yet.


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