Message for the devil

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  • #226715

    Quote (theodorej @ Nov. 27 2010,22:05)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 27 2010,08:47)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 27 2010,03:50)
    So scripture about Jesus being tempted  personally by the devil is a lie? I can do anything I want as long as I don't think it is evil?


    Yes Jesus was tempted by lies from the Jewish heirarchy. The religious people constantly questioned him about his doctrines of freedom from the law. They tried to catch him with wrong words/doctrines.The ask cunning and crafty questions with intention of intrapment by error.
                                                                                   As long as you don't hurt anyone else or trespass into their kingdom you are free in and of yourself to do, be, say, eat, drink anything you please with no condemnation from God.  

    If you attempt to tell others what is right or wrong, to do or not to do, like church people do, you are outside of your rights and the judgment you use will judge you.

    When you make a statement like,….So scripture about Jesus being tempted personally by the devil is a lie…..What you are actually saying is…..So, scripture about Jesus being tempted
    personally by a liar is a lie? When you read scripture about the devil transpose the word “the devil” with its definition,
    ” a liar” and notice the difference if you want to. Bless you, TK

    Greetings Tim…..Wow !!!! That sure is a pretty broard brush your using to paint this picture…..Now help me to understand this reasoning….”as long as you don,t trespass in some one elses kingdom you can do,say and eat anything you want”.and in addition “you are not alowed to hurt anybody”..
    In theory Tim, this could make alot of sense to some people but there are some absoluts that would need to clarified,the first would be who decides length or gerth of your kingdom,and who is to determine whether you have gone out of bounds in your kingdom and the guy whose kingdom is next door to yours has a hobby that involves some absolutely repulsive activity,(I will let your imagination run with that) what would be the outcome…Lies come in all different sizes and of course there is a one size fits all lie….And that is that “man is good”…..Man is hopelessly wicked and at enmity with God…

    I agree with this statement of confusion. Peace


    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 27 2010,22:26)

    Quote (theodorej @ Nov. 27 2010,22:05)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 27 2010,08:47)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 27 2010,03:50)
    So scripture about Jesus being tempted  personally by the devil is a lie? I can do anything I want as long as I don't think it is evil?


    Yes Jesus was tempted by lies from the Jewish heirarchy. The religious people constantly questioned him about his doctrines of freedom from the law. They tried to catch him with wrong words/doctrines.The ask cunning and crafty questions with intention of intrapment by error.
                                                                                   As long as you don't hurt anyone else or trespass into their kingdom you are free in and of yourself to do, be, say, eat, drink anything you please with no condemnation from God.  

    If you attempt to tell others what is right or wrong, to do or not to do, like church people do, you are outside of your rights and the judgment you use will judge you.

    When you make a statement like,….So scripture about Jesus being tempted personally by the devil is a lie…..What you are actually saying is…..So, scripture about Jesus being tempted
    personally by a liar is a lie? When you read scripture about the devil transpose the word “the devil” with its definition,
    ” a liar” and notice the difference if you want to. Bless you, TK

    Greetings Tim…..Wow !!!! That sure is a pretty broard brush your using to paint this picture…..Now help me to understand this reasoning….”as long as you don,t trespass in some one elses kingdom you can do,say and eat anything you want”.and in addition “you are not alowed to hurt anybody”..
    In theory Tim, this could make alot of sense to some people but there are some absoluts that would need to clarified,the first would be who decides length or gerth of your kingdom,and who is to determine whether you have gone out of bounds in your kingdom and the guy whose kingdom is next door to yours has a hobby that involves some absolutely repulsive activity,(I will let your imagination run with that) what would be the outcome…Lies come in all different sizes and of course there is a one size fits all lie….And that is that “man is good”…..Man is hopelessly wicked and at enmity with God…

    I agree with this statement of confusion. Peace

    Greetings Mike…..I like your answer….is that to say you are confused or is to say that both sides of the debate is confusing….after all….we all know who the author of confusion is…


    Yes we do. That is what I am stating pretty much. When someone professes that it is o.k. to do anything you want as long as you do not think you are bound by law, your example of the “King” in his “kingdom” doing some repulsive hobby because he is not bound by law shows how confusing this line of thinking is. I think Jesus and Paul were referring to the laws of the temple and mosaic law after Jesus fulfilled it. On this I am not confused. When you neglect the big picture and spirit of scripture and start “legalizing” salvation it gets confusing to the one who has not the spirit of God in his(or her) heart. For example-Here is one contradiction- Jesus said not to swear at all-“say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no, anything else is from the evil one”. In 2 Corinthians 10 Paul states “I swear by the Christ who is in me that this boast of mine will not cease in the regions of Achaia”…A legalist could say “his testamony is from the evil one, throw it out”. Imo it takes God's spirit to discern the truth of scripture. Imo God is not too fond of lawyers. Peace-Mark

    Ed J

    Hi Mark,

    Were the 10 commandments (the law) done away with? NO WAY! (1John 2:3 / 1John 5:2-3)

    Deut.6:1-2 Now these are the “commandments”,, the “statutes”, and the “judgments”,
    which the LORD(YHVH) your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them
    in the land whither ye go to possess it: That thou mightest fear the LORD thy God,
    to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and
    thy son, and thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged.

    These three are illustrated in the mount of transfiguration.

    Moses: The Commandments; “10” Old & “2” New.
    Elijah: The Judgments; rewards & punishments.
    Jesus: The Statues; Jesus fulfilled the statues
    (contained in ordinances), doing away with.

    Eph.2:15: Having abolished in his flesh the enmity,
    even the law of commandments contained in ordinances;
    for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.

    God bless
    Ed J
    PS. “Fractal” counterpart, the tribes: 10 Northern and 2 Southern

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (theodorej @ Nov. 27 2010,22:05)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 27 2010,08:47)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 27 2010,03:50)
    So scripture about Jesus being tempted  personally by the devil is a lie? I can do anything I want as long as I don't think it is evil?


    Yes Jesus was tempted by lies from the Jewish heirarchy. The religious people constantly questioned him about his doctrines of freedom from the law. They tried to catch him with wrong words/doctrines.The ask cunning and crafty questions with intention of intrapment by error.
                                                                                   As long as you don't hurt anyone else or trespass into their kingdom you are free in and of yourself to do, be, say, eat, drink anything you please with no condemnation from God.  

    If you attempt to tell others what is right or wrong, to do or not to do, like church people do, you are outside of your rights and the judgment you use will judge you.

    When you make a statement like,….So scripture about Jesus being tempted personally by the devil is a lie…..What you are actually saying is…..So, scripture about Jesus being tempted
    personally by a liar is a lie? When you read scripture about the devil transpose the word “the devil” with its definition,
    ” a liar” and notice the difference if you want to. Bless you, TK

    Greetings Tim…..Wow !!!! That sure is a pretty broard brush your using to paint this picture…..Now help me to understand this reasoning….”as long as you don,t trespass in some one elses kingdom you can do,say and eat anything you want”.and in addition “you are not alowed to hurt anybody”..
    In theory Tim, this could make alot of sense to some people but there are some absoluts that would need to clarified,the first would be who decides length or gerth of your kingdom,and who is to determine whether you have gone out of bounds in your kingdom and the guy whose kingdom is next door to yours has a hobby that involves some absolutely repulsive activity,(I will let your imagination run with that) what would be the outcome…Lies come in all different sizes and of course there is a one size fits all lie….And that is that “man is good”…..Man is hopelessly wicked and at enmity with God…

    I can understand your response to the freedom I expressed simply by reading your last line, Man is hopelessly wicked and at enmity with God. I used to think that way but as I began to look at my friends and those that I don't even know I found that just like me they wanted to love and be loved, they were trustworthy when trusted, they were truthful, they were not in actuallity destructive mean people. Most of them not as nasty as the religious folks I have seen from a distance.(Up close religious folks always smile and act good)

    Lets talk about man and his kingdom of God within. The reason Jesus referred to it as a kingdom of God IMO is he made us all Kings of our own kingdoms of God. I am sure you are aware of the nearly unbriddled power of a King on earth. In their kingdoms whatever they say, goes!! The only thing on earth that might control a King is the boundaries of his kingdom. When crossed, war is assured, many will die and the king could loose his kingdom.

    Out in the country there is total freedom for a man and his kingdom. As he moves in closer to others kingdoms he begins to restrict his own boundaries for the sake of peace/love.
    God has so loved us and trusted us and believed in us that he has given this freedom.

    There is one thing I think all will agree with me on. NO HUMAN BEING LIKES TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO! The same request from one to another, could you please help me is totally different that do this or I will make you pay! Our freedoms are constantly being altered and changed in different surroundings with different people.

    Verbal contracts and written contracts wave certain freedoms or cause certain restrictions, yet when agreed upon they are law by honesty and integrity. Not worthless paper.

    If we will ever actually see the love that God has bestowed upon us along with the trust, we will bestow that same love to all Gods children.

    Religion has taught us things like, those out there, outside of our church, they are bad, heathens, no good. They need to come in here and be like us. They need to become sons of God like us. God love them the same as he loves you.

    If someone is doing a repulsive activity(nothing offends me) in front of others that are affected by it, I would ask him nicely to cease doing what he is doing in that place and time. If he refuses to stop you can only bring in the laws of the land. If he strikes out at me, we will go to physical war instantly. If that makes me ungodly, so be it! Bless you, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 27 2010,03:50)
    So scripture about Jesus being tempted  personally by the devil is a lie? I can do anything I want as long as I don't think it is evil?


    Mark: Please be more accurate, I did not say the scriptures were a lie. What was being said to Jesus to temp him was lies and deceptions. I believe it was the Jewish hierarchy saying the temple and all the religious world order was theirs to give. The devil doesn't own anything. Deception doesn't rule the kingdoms of the world. Unless foolish people accept deception as truth.

    Another note, the only temptation to Jesus was, If thou be the son of God—-do this or that. The temptation was whether he was the son of God. TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 28 2010,21:46)

    Quote (theodorej @ Nov. 27 2010,22:05)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 27 2010,08:47)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 27 2010,03:50)
    So scripture about Jesus being tempted  personally by the devil is a lie? I can do anything I want as long as I don't think it is evil?


    Yes Jesus was tempted by lies from the Jewish heirarchy. The religious people constantly questioned him about his doctrines of freedom from the law. They tried to catch him with wrong words/doctrines.The ask cunning and crafty questions with intention of intrapment by error.
                                                                                   As long as you don't hurt anyone else or trespass into their kingdom you are free in and of yourself to do, be, say, eat, drink anything you please with no condemnation from God.  

    If you attempt to tell others what is right or wrong, to do or not to do, like church people do, you are outside of your rights and the judgment you use will judge you.

    When you make a statement like,….So scripture about Jesus being tempted personally by the devil is a lie…..What you are actually saying is…..So, scripture about Jesus being tempted
    personally by a liar is a lie? When you read scripture about the devil transpose the word “the devil” with its definition,
    ” a liar” and notice the difference if you want to. Bless you, TK

    Greetings Tim…..Wow !!!! That sure is a pretty broard brush your using to paint this picture…..Now help me to understand this reasoning….”as long as you don,t trespass in some one elses kingdom you can do,say and eat anything you want”.and in addition “you are not alowed to hurt anybody”..
    In theory Tim, this could make alot of sense to some people but there are some absoluts that would need to clarified,the first would be who decides length or gerth of your kingdom,and who is to determine whether you have gone out of bounds in your kingdom and the guy whose kingdom is next door to yours has a hobby that involves some absolutely repulsive activity,(I will let your imagination run with that) what would be the outcome…Lies come in all different sizes and of course there is a one size fits all lie….And that is that “man is good”…..Man is hopelessly wicked and at enmity with God…

    I can understand your response to the freedom I expressed simply by reading your last line, Man is hopelessly wicked and at enmity with God. I used to think that way but as I began to look at my friends and those that I don't even know I found that just like me they wanted to love and be loved, they were trustworthy when trusted, they were truthful, they were not in actuallity destructive mean people. Most of them not as nasty as the religious folks I have seen from a distance.(Up close religious folks always smile and act good)

    Lets talk about man and his kingdom of God within. The reason Jesus referred to it as a kingdom of God IMO is he made us all Kings of our own kingdoms of God. I am sure you are aware of the nearly unbriddled power of a King on earth. In their kingdoms whatever they say, goes!! The only thing on earth that might control a King is the boundaries of his kingdom. When crossed, war is assured, many will die and the king could loose his kingdom.

    Out in the country there is total freedom for a man and his kingdom. As he moves in closer to others kingdoms he begins to restrict his own boundaries for the sake of peace/love.
    God has so loved us and trusted us and believed in us that he has given this freedom.

    There is one thing I think all will agree with me on. NO HUMAN BEING LIKES TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO! The same request from one to another, could you please help me is totally different that do this or I will make you pay! Our freedoms are constantly being altered and changed in different surroundings with different people.  

    Verbal contracts and written contracts wave certain freedoms or cause certain restrictions, yet when agreed upon they are law by honesty and integrity. Not worthless paper.

    If we will ever actually see the love that God has bestowed upon us along with the trust, we will bestow that same love to all Gods children.

    Religion has taught us things like, those out there, outside of our church, they are bad, heathens, no good. They need to come in here and be like us. They need to become sons of God like us. God love them the same as he loves you.

    If someone is doing a repulsive activity(nothing offends me) in front of others that are affected by it, I would ask him nicely to cease doing what he is doing in that place and time. If he refuses to stop you can only bring in the laws of the land. If he strikes out at me, we will go to physical war instantly. If that makes me ungodly, so be it! Bless you, TK

    Greetings Tim….. So, to sum it up we are all blessed with this kingdom within us in conjuction with the God given right to do as we please….Iam indeed master of of my own destiny and I have the freedom to choose between good and evil…For those who choose to do good we have guidelines (eg.The Scripture,The Law)and for those who choose evil we have the freedom to carry on as we please…..sounds pretty dangerous to me,however,given the condition of this world it somewhat resembles the behavior of today and indeed a reality…

    Tim Kraft

    Blessings…because of lack of space we pretty much have to use broad summations of this material. In the beginning was God. Only God, all God, all good, NO EVIL! God made man and they walked as one, God in man. God gave man a physical companion, the union of which created offspring. Now many God/Men & Women would be reproduced in this manner. Man was informed by God in his mind of the information avenues (trees) of the garden, (the tree of life and the tree of death) be sure not to partake of the tree of evil/death or you will surely die. All the other trees were literally fruit trees IMO! Man told woman of the evil and the warning. Sometime later, woman was contemplating in her mind, thoughts which she wondered about evil in her mind. She thought that if they accepted evil they would be higher than God, knowing not only good but good and evil. She sold Adam on the idea and they partook of evil along with good. Judgment came, sin came with wrong thinking and they first time ever felt fear. This new feeling made Adam feel separation from God/love. God didn't go anywhere, Adam began to fall away from God. God is everywhere there is no place for Adam to go in truth so Adams first lie was sin. There was only truth, sin didn't exist, so even the lie was an illusion of his mind. In other words, there was no sin or lie really, but if Adam believed there was a sin, then to him there was a sin. Now there was truth/God/good and an illusion of truth/Adam/evil! The beginning of the fall of man away from God by man creating sin.

    Mankind continued to pass down good/ and the illusions being created by man of sin/evil. All information about God was mans ideas I call religion. Religion progressed and grew larger and further from the actual truth. More and more greed and control came with more and more religious ideas. Tents, buildings, temples, sacrifices, tithes, rituals, and on and on. They were in darkness and sin and progressing toward total death. Who could bring the light to this dark world of God creations that were programming one another as worms, dogs, unrighteous, unfit, unclean, sinful, unworthy, unwhole, sick, diseased etc.!

    Jesus comes to fulfill the previous laws and prophets and complete the old testament. Cousin John came preaching “repent” or turn from the way you are going(temple worship) to the new way of worship God, for the new way of the Kingdom of God is at hand. John offered a Baptism with water for the remission of sin (a metaphoric picture of brain washing away the old teachings of sin) and said the one following him would Baptize with spirit and the Holy Ghost and fire, which was Jesus, 6months after John started.

    Jesus came to fulfill to completion the old testament, religious world order and introduce the new spirit way of Christ, through Jesus words from God.
    You might spiritually say, in the last day, the word of God, Jesus, came down from Heaven with a shout, the voice of the archangel. The words of Jesus from God like a blazing fire came forth to destroy the evil and protect the good. The good is gathered together and kept safe. The saving words of Jesus will be like a lightning flash, in the twinkling of the eye, from east to west. The chaff is burned away by this fire and the wheat is saved by Jesus. Does anyone hear the spirit? Is anyone born again or born of a new way of life? Behold are old things (ot) done away and new things being created in Christ.

    The eternal kingdom of God came, the eternal kingdom of God is hear, the eternal kingdom of God is comming and the eternal kingdom of God will come! Lets stop putting dates on eternal truths. Eternity is a ring, you enter in and its forever. In Gods kingdom there is no sin, there is no darkness, all are worthy, all are trustworthy, all are clean, cleansed, all are righteous, all are ordained to the work of God, all are at peace, in love, all joy, all are perfect unto God. If you believe it you become one with it. If you reject it and say I am only as good as I act like I am, I believe you must do something to get be good, then those are burned away as the chaff. This is the great and terrible day of the lord. Its great for believers/acceptors and its terrible for unbelievers trying to work out their salvation. God Bless all, TK



    According to you, I am so screwed, because I know how weak and sinful I am. I know what is right and I fall short anyway,everyday. Scripture tells me to follow the commandments “Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life? He said “you know the commandments”, not “forget about evil”. I will ask for his mercy, and according to scripture if I believe in him I will be forgiven. Like Paul said “does that mean I can do as I want? Of course not!” Take it easy Tim. Hope you are well. Peace-Mark



    Can men be thrusted ??Jn 2:23 Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name.
    Jn 2:24 But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men.
    Jn 2:25 He did not need man’s testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man.


    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 30 2010,09:46)

    According to you, I am so screwed, because I know how weak and sinful I am. I know what is right and I fall short anyway,everyday. Scripture tells me to follow the commandments “Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life? He said “you know the commandments”, not “forget about evil”. I will ask for his mercy, and according to scripture if I believe in him I will be forgiven. Like Paul said “does that mean I can do as I want? Of course not!”  Take it easy Tim. Hope you are well. Peace-Mark

    mikeangel: There is good news for you! Jesus made you perfect, no matter what you do! Jesus cleansed you inside and out, total perfection by his words John15:2—

    You need only to BELIEVE what he did for you. By faith you are either justified perfect or condemned(in this case by your own judgment).

    Jesus ordained you(us all)John 15:16! Jesus sanctified us through his words. John 17:17

    …the work of God (today) is to believe what Jesus said. John6:29

    When Jesus answered a question about the law that doesn't mean we are under the law. Jesus fulfilled the law. The law ended at John the Baptist. You are free from the law of sin and death.

    You are justified by faith without the deeds of the law..Rom.3:28

    …now the righteousness of God…without the law…is manifested…Rom3:21

    You are not under law but under grace…Rom6:14

    …the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus HATH MADE YOU FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH…Rom8:2

    Please be at peace with your perfection in Christ. Love Jesus who did it all for you that if you believe you are perfect in the eyes of God.

    There is no perfect in this world. Tell me the definition!
    Thats chasing a carrot that you will never catch. Love others as Jesus has shown his love to you and enjoy life.TK
    STOP SELF CONDEMNATION it will make you sick! Live in peace and contentment, you owe nobody anything but love!!



    There is wisdom in that, I know. Sin and confusion will reign in this world until God manifest himself and transforms it, and the believers should have the confidence and understanding to forgive themselves and change, with the power of God, because he forgave them through the power of his perfect sacrifice on the cross. I agree with what your saying for the most part, and I know how the devil works, and tries to covince God's children that they are bad and do not deserve redemption, and separate them from God. But, imo, in order to recieve that you need to repent. You do not mention repentance in anything I have read from you. Where is repentance in all of that? Johns baptism was one of repentance, and thats why the parasees couldn't do it, because they felt they did not need to reform, as John preached. I feel that the world would be stuck in the muuck of sin if we could all do as we want, because as it states “as far as the heavans are from the earth, so are my ways above your ways”. In the end our ways will be his ways, but not yet, all things are not made new yet. I know you believe they have, at the death of Jesus, but that is where we differ. For example, is a  homosexual free to be that way and not to be bound by the law? Is a pothead free to smoke himself into being stupid as a cow and it be not a sin? Is a parent free to have sex with their partners family? Is a pastor free to preach intrepretations that don't pass the sniff test to God? etc. etc. etc. Peace-Mark


    Don't worry about satan. Trust God. Jesus said that you would suffer. (He also said that with Him you will overcome). You will either suffer for your own choices or for righteoussness. It's normal and common. We've all made bad choices and we all deserve hell. Thank YHWH that we do not get what we deserve. He is with you and He loves you. He is for you, not against you. Don't focus on your enemy. Focus on Him. There are no victims in the Kingdom.


    Quote (Shania @ Dec. 01 2010,14:28)
    Don't worry about satan.  Trust God.  Jesus said that you would suffer.  (He also said that with Him you will overcome). You will either suffer for your own choices or for righteoussness.   It's normal and common. We've all made bad choices and we all deserve hell.  Thank YHWH that we do not get what we deserve.  He is with you and He loves you.  He is for you, not against you.  Don't focus on your enemy.  Focus on Him.  There are no victims in the Kingdom.

    Hello! Welcome, I see you are an old member. I like what you said, not to think about Satan. We are under grace by faith in Christ Jesus ou Savior….
    Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:

    Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

    Peace Irene

    Tim Kraft

    Irene: That was an uplifting and positive post. Excellent scriptural quotes, to the point, thank you and God bless you, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 30 2010,21:40)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 30 2010,09:46)

    According to you, I am so screwed, because I know how weak and sinful I am. I know what is right and I fall short anyway,everyday. Scripture tells me to follow the commandments “Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life? He said “you know the commandments”, not “forget about evil”. I will ask for his mercy, and according to scripture if I believe in him I will be forgiven. Like Paul said “does that mean I can do as I want? Of course not!”  Take it easy Tim. Hope you are well. Peace-Mark

    mikeangel: There is good news for you! Jesus made you perfect, no matter what you do! Jesus cleansed you inside and out, total perfection by his words John15:2—

    You need only to BELIEVE what he did for you. By faith you are either justified perfect or condemned(in this case by your own judgment).

    Jesus ordained you(us all)John 15:16! Jesus sanctified us through his words. John 17:17

    …the work of God (today) is to believe what Jesus said. John6:29

    When Jesus answered a question about the law that doesn't mean we are under the law. Jesus fulfilled the law. The law ended at John the Baptist. You are free from the law of sin and death.

    You are justified by faith without the deeds of the law..Rom.3:28

    …now the righteousness of God…without the law…is manifested…Rom3:21

    You are not under law but under grace…Rom6:14

    …the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus HATH MADE YOU FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH…Rom8:2

    Please be at peace with your perfection in Christ. Love Jesus who did it all for you that if you believe you are perfect in the eyes of God.

    There is no perfect in this world. Tell me the definition!
    Thats chasing a carrot that you will never catch. Love others as Jesus has shown his love to you and enjoy life.TK
    STOP SELF CONDEMNATION it will make you sick! Live in peace and contentment, you owe nobody anything but love!!

    Greetings Tim….. If all this true….than why do we need a resurection and a glorified spirit existance…

    Ed J

    Quote (Shania @ Dec. 01 2010,14:28)
    Don't worry about satan.  Trust God.  Jesus said that you would suffer.  (He also said that with Him you will overcome). You will either suffer for your own choices or for righteoussness.   It's normal and common. We've all made bad choices and we all deserve hell.  Thank YHWH that we do not get what we deserve.  He is with you and He loves you.  He is for you, not against you.  Don't focus on your enemy.  Focus on Him.  There are no victims in the Kingdom.

    Hi Shania,

    Welcome back! I hope you will stay
    a while with us. Again welcome!

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Shania @ Dec. 01 2010,16:28)
    Don't worry about satan.  Trust God.  Jesus said that you would suffer.  (He also said that with Him you will overcome). You will either suffer for your own choices or for righteoussness.   It's normal and common. We've all made bad choices and we all deserve hell.  Thank YHWH that we do not get what we deserve.  He is with you and He loves you.  He is for you, not against you.  Don't focus on your enemy.  Focus on Him.  There are no victims in the Kingdom.

    Shania, I like how you said that.


    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 01 2010,21:44)

    Quote (Shania @ Dec. 01 2010,14:28)
    Don't worry about satan.  Trust God.  Jesus said that you would suffer.  (He also said that with Him you will overcome). You will either suffer for your own choices or for righteoussness.   It's normal and common. We've all made bad choices and we all deserve hell.  Thank YHWH that we do not get what we deserve.  He is with you and He loves you.  He is for you, not against you.  Don't focus on your enemy.  Focus on Him.  There are no victims in the Kingdom.

    Hello!  Welcome, I see you are an old member.  I like what you said, not to think about Satan.  We are under grace by faith in Christ Jesus ou Savior….
    Eph 2:8   For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:  

    Eph 2:9   Not of works, lest any man should boast.  

    Eph 2:10   For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.  

    Peace Irene


    Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:

    lets not be ignorant; the grace is of God without we could not be saved;

    but we have to believed it,this is what faith means,right??

    the Grace of God is a gift that we do not deserve,because of our sins,but if we do not believe that this exist then how can we possibly be saved by that Grace??


    Tim Kraft

    Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 02 2010,00:47)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 30 2010,21:40)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 30 2010,09:46)

    According to you, I am so screwed, because I know how weak and sinful I am. I know what is right and I fall short anyway,everyday. Scripture tells me to follow the commandments “Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life? He said “you know the commandments”, not “forget about evil”. I will ask for his mercy, and according to scripture if I believe in him I will be forgiven. Like Paul said “does that mean I can do as I want? Of course not!”  Take it easy Tim. Hope you are well. Peace-Mark

    mikeangel: There is good news for you! Jesus made you perfect, no matter what you do! Jesus cleansed you inside and out, total perfection by his words John15:2—

    You need only to BELIEVE what he did for you. By faith you are either justified perfect or condemned(in this case by your own judgment).

    Jesus ordained you(us all)John 15:16! Jesus sanctified us through his words. John 17:17

    …the work of God (today) is to believe what Jesus said. John6:29

    When Jesus answered a question about the law that doesn't mean we are under the law. Jesus fulfilled the law. The law ended at John the Baptist. You are free from the law of sin and death.

    You are justified by faith without the deeds of the law..Rom.3:28

    …now the righteousness of God…without the law…is manifested…Rom3:21

    You are not under law but under grace…Rom6:14

    …the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus HATH MADE YOU FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH…Rom8:2

    Please be at peace with your perfection in Christ. Love Jesus who did it all for you that if you believe you are perfect in the eyes of God.

    There is no perfect in this world. Tell me the definition!
    Thats chasing a carrot that you will never catch. Love others as Jesus has shown his love to you and enjoy life.TK
    STOP SELF CONDEMNATION it will make you sick! Live in peace and contentment, you owe nobody anything but love!!

    Greetings Tim….. If all this true….than why do we need a resurection and a glorified spirit existance…

    theodore: Because we were made as glorified spirit's for a glorified spiritual experience. We are sons of God gone south! We are created from all purified white light, the source of all existence. We have come to know darkness/evil/death/ and destruction by our own choice.

    We had come to master the material world from a standpoint of being just a human being. Our minds were veiled from understanding who we truly were or we would have just changed each situaltion to what we wanted. To know happy and sad exist is one thing. To experience the difference between the two opposing forces is another.

    The physical world teaches us through feelings created from our senses.

    Where we come from is all one, perfect balance. Not hot or cold but perfect blend. You couldn't know what hot is without the experience of cold.

    And so it is in all aspects of duality on earth. Ebb & flow, up & down, yin & yang, better & worse. All elemental forces are split in the earth realm for the purpose of experiencing every aspect of every force to its extreme one way or the other.

    We have chosen with our annointed minds (we have the mind of Christ) to accept evil as a part of the pure life of God that was intended originally. Thus the “fall” away from the pure love force we came from. All duality would now be judged as good or evil thereby condemning half of life.

    We have fallen from a very high position as sons or offspring of God or universal life substance. Hence the necesity of a form of resurrection from a death position. We had chosen evil/death as a viable aspect of our lives.

    Actually the death side is an illusion that is not truth.There is no death or evil in God. There is no darkness in God/light. We have created it and believed it and have so far come close to destroying ourselves from it.

    Jesus was the resurrection of the truth, that came to give back the life we had covered over with lies. Jesus came to teach us who we really are and how to return to the light from where we came.

    It starts and ends with believing. Deep rooted lies of darkness from religion are hard to remove. It takes time and effort to work the works of God, which is to believe. IMO, TK

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