Message for the devil

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    Ed J

    Hi Tim,

    Why do you make paragraph breaks in the middle of a sentence?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    How do you explain the scriptures that state that ” the elements will be destroyed by fire” and like the book of enoch I found here” and the mountains will melt like wax before the flame ” ? Also in  Rev. where God says “See I make all things new” and in Isaiah where he days the earth and all it's inhabitants will be destroyed?  What about John the Baptist saying God was coming in Fire and burning the sinners like chaff?  Peace- Mark

    Ed J

    bump for Tim

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 21 2010,05:46)

    How do you explain the scriptures that state that ” the elements will be destroyed by fire” and like the book of enoch I found here” and the mountains will melt like wax before the flame ” ? Also in  Rev. where God says “See I make all things new” and in Isaiah where he days the earth and all it's inhabitants will be destroyed?  What about John the Baptist saying God was coming in Fire and burning the sinners like chaff?  Peace- Mark

    Mark: When a person is born of spirit he becomes a new creation IMO. This new creation is filled with the truth from God through Jesus, the messenger or angel of truth.

    Please read the 15th Chap. of John. Jesus tell us what he is doing and has done for us. He has cleansed us, ordained us and made us whole, righteous, clean, sinless, and perfect before God.

    This work from Jesus is not based on anything we have done or will do in the future. Jesus did this for us IF WE CAN BELIEVE! The key to the Kingdom is faith, believing the truth.

    God never tempts or tests us. Lies and deceptions and untruth come for the testing of our faith. The question is, CAN YOU HOLD FAST & CONTINUE TO BELIEVE what Jesus has already done for us and given to us?

    We don't war against fellow man or flesh and blood. Our war is in the mind against lies, un-truth, and deception. Religious people will tell you do this, do that, you must not do this or that. They will say many things that test your own personal faith in the free gift Jesus gave mankind.

    The fire you refer to is destroying evil. All doctrines that align with Gods words of Jesus are good and will stand. Lies and deception and un-truth will burn away (chaff) leaving the purified wheat (the clean you) in Gods Kingdom.

    If the devil is a lie—then in truth, there is no devil!! TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 23 2010,20:52)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 21 2010,05:46)

    How do you explain the scriptures that state that ” the elements will be destroyed by fire” and like the book of enoch I found here” and the mountains will melt like wax before the flame ” ? Also in  Rev. where God says “See I make all things new” and in Isaiah where he days the earth and all it's inhabitants will be destroyed?  What about John the Baptist saying God was coming in Fire and burning the sinners like chaff?  Peace- Mark

    Mark: When a person is born of spirit he becomes a new creation IMO. This new creation is filled with the truth from God through Jesus, the messenger or angel of truth.

    Please read the 15th Chap. of John. Jesus tell us what he is doing and has done for us. He has cleansed us, ordained us and made us whole, righteous, clean, sinless, and perfect before God.

    This work from Jesus is not based on anything we have done or will do in the future. Jesus did this for us IF WE CAN BELIEVE! The key to the Kingdom is faith, believing the truth.

    God never tempts or tests us. Lies and deceptions and untruth come for the testing of our faith. The question is, CAN YOU HOLD FAST & CONTINUE TO BELIEVE what Jesus has already done for us and given to us?

    We don't war against fellow man or flesh and blood. Our war is in the mind against lies, un-truth, and deception. Religious people will tell you do this, do that, you must not do this or that. They will say many things that test your own personal faith in the free gift Jesus gave mankind.

    The fire you refer to is destroying evil. All doctrines that align with Gods words of Jesus are good and will stand. Lies and deception and un-truth will burn away (chaff) leaving the purified wheat (the clean you) in Gods Kingdom.

    If the devil is a lie—then in truth, there is no devil!! TK

    Greetings Tim…..Is the devil that cute little red guy with horns and a pitch fork/trident that is depicted and appears almost comical….or is the devil a beautifull beguilling being saying and doing things that appear correct and rightous,meanwhile destroying truth….Man is not interested in truth as a rule he wants to hear smooth things….what do you think???

    Tim Kraft

    theodore: Excellent question! The most incredible thing to me is that people know that a/the devil is understood by most all to be a lie/liar. The/a devil is understood to be a deceiver. The/a devil is understood to speak or say nothing but lies because he/it is from the father (or creator) of lies and has no truth in him/it.

    Yet well intentioned people give allegiance to lies and deception to the point of calling him/it the prince or god of this world. When they say, the devil is the god of this world they are saying, lies and deception are the god of this world. I would hardly call a lie or liar a god! If one actually wants to find the truth in the new testament, as they read, transpose the word devil with liar and see what a difference is created in the understanding of the reader.

    God is good. God is truth. God is everywhere. Truth is everywhere. Evil is an illusion created in mans mind. Evil is a lie. Evil is untruth. God is life. Evil is an illusion creating death. Evil exists in the accepting mind of a man. If a man refuses to accept evil as truth then evil does not exist to that man. Evils only power is the recognition it is given by mankind.

    If mankind refuses to acknowledge evil then it does not exist to him. Untruth does not exist in truth. If a man gives lies/untruth, attention, only then does it exist to him and its recognized existence is only illusion. Whatever a man pays attention to becomes alive or apart of that mans experience.

    If there is a snake under your bed and you never pay attention to it, or become aware that it is there, you will not experience the snake. It seem that mankind is pacified by his belief in evil and his supposed victory over evils temptations. Man(judges) sets up a wrong thing for himself or others to do and then attempts to not do what he had determined was wrong to do and then pride's himself if he doesn't do it or condemn's himself if he does do it!

    The devil is a religious creation by man. All evil came after man chose to believe in evil. In the begining was God. God is good. All is good.
    Evil is not. Evil is a lie. Man took his creative mental power and created his own enemy. Not really, because evil is a lie! Just some thought provoking ideas. God bless. TK

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 24 2010,08:50)

    Evil is an illusion creating death. Evil exists in the accepting mind of a man. If a man refuses to accept evil as truth then evil does not exist to that man. Evils only power is the recognition it is given by mankind.

    If mankind refuses to acknowledge evil then it does not exist to him.


    Hi Tim,

    Nice to 'you' engaging again!
    However, I have a question for you.
    How does what you 'think' square with ?  

    Eph.6:11-12 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
    the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Please address this question; OK?
    Are you implying that those high places are
    merely in ones own mind, not existing in the real world?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 24 2010,08:50)
    theodore: Excellent question! The most incredible thing to me is that people know that a/the devil is understood by most all to be a lie/liar. The/a devil is understood to be a deceiver. The/a devil is understood to speak or say nothing but lies because he/it is from the father (or creator) of lies and has no truth in him/it.

    Yet well intentioned people give allegiance to lies and deception to the point of calling him/it the prince or god of this world. When they say, the devil is the god of this world they are saying, lies and deception are the god of this world. I would hardly call a lie or liar a god! If one actually wants to find the truth in the new testament, as they read, transpose the word devil with liar and see what a difference is created in the understanding of the reader.

    God is good. God is truth. God is everywhere. Truth is everywhere. Evil is an illusion created in mans mind. Evil is a lie. Evil is untruth. God is life. Evil is an illusion creating death. Evil exists in the accepting mind of a man. If a man refuses to accept evil as truth then evil does not exist to that man. Evils only power is the recognition it is given by mankind.

    If mankind refuses to acknowledge evil then it does not exist to him. Untruth does not exist in truth. If a man gives lies/untruth, attention, only then does it exist to him and its recognized existence is only illusion. Whatever a man pays attention to becomes alive or apart of that mans experience.

    If there is a snake under your bed and you never pay attention to it, or become aware that it is there, you will not experience the snake. It seem that mankind is pacified by his belief in evil and his supposed victory over evils temptations. Man(judges) sets up a wrong thing for himself or others to do and then attempts to not do what he had determined was wrong to do and then pride's himself if he doesn't do it or condemn's himself if he does do it!

    The devil is a religious creation by man. All evil came after man chose to believe in evil. In the begining was God. God is good. All is good.
    Evil is not. Evil is a lie. Man took his creative mental power and created his own enemy. Not really, because evil is a lie! Just some thought provoking ideas. God bless. TK

    Greetings Tim……The Devil aka Satan is a crafty,cunning adversary of the truth.and above all he is the author of confusion….This couldn't be more evident than, when you examine the level of confusion among the so called christian churchs….Many christian denominations reject the doctrine of the Catholic church yet they adhere to the doctrines of sunday worship,the celebration of christsmass,the reveling of the new year and the celebration of easter…God is not the author of confusion he is the establishment of order…Satan is the God of this earth and his time is getting very short,so be advised he is at the peak of his interlectual prowise with a level of charm and compatability that will fool and beguile even the elect if they are not vigilent…Yes he is the quintessential Liar !!!

    Tim Kraft

    I believe mankind has created his own devil. In the Garden the names/words, devil and satan are not used. The translators translated the words that mean, “a hissing sound or wisper” as the serpent. I think that is a stretch personally. No matter, the thoughts that came to the woman, in her mind, were questions against the truth. “God surely didn't say that” or “surely didn't mean that”. There was no evil yet in the world.
    God is good and God is everywhere. This woman pondered her thoughts against Gods truth and believed them. Remember that she is dealing with thoughts in her mind, questions that she is creating, they are not from God, they are against or opposite Gods truth.She was challenging what God had said to man. Which is against life, which is evil, death thoughts or anti-life.

    Iniquity was found in her,as she was attempting to place herself above God through the knowledge of both good and evil. She sold the man on the idea and instantly they were split in their minds between thoughts of good and thoughts of evil.Mans pure God/mind was now split. Judgment entered now to choose whatever they deemed good or evil. Fear came, and mankind began to separate himself from life/God, IN HIS MIND!

    God didn't go anywhere, he was already there. The only place God was not was in the errant beliefs of his man. Man began to follow his own created lies against the truth of God but they were a very real illusion to the man. Man didn't ask forgiveness or say he was sorry. He began to pick and choose what he graded as good or evil and condemn the evil. The more man conedmned evil the more evil became alive to man. Mans judgement of what is evil or good created sin in the heart of mankind.

    Now man creates sin which is an error of thinking condemnation toward yourself or another.
    Sin is mans condemning judgment from his heart toward himself or another of wrong! God did not create evil nor does he dwell in evil. Evil is wrong thinking apart from God. Sin is actually thinking something is evil when there is in truth only God.

    Thoughts are forever in the ether of the universe. They are energy which can be moulded and altered but never destroyed. Our mission now IMO is to mould and recreate the evil thoughts mankind has created back to love in God. The total healing of our world will happen if each individual refuses to partake of evil/death/destructive/diseased/ thinking and begin to administer the love of God into every situation of life. Literally, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil! Jesus set it all up and put it into motion. He has done his work. Its up to us to carry on introducing and re-creating love/light to a dark world.
    Remember we do not fight flesh and blood! We do not fight one another!We fight errant doctrines from religious heirarchy. Any doctrine against the truth of God must be converted to align with love. We must allow each other total space to do and be what they have chosen for their pathway to God. We fight destructive knowledge. Destructive thoughts and knowledge against the truth of God.

    Stop judging others. You are King of your own Kingdom of God. LEAVE OTHERS ALONE unless they need help. The kingdom of God is peace, love and joy in the Holy Ghost. Lets live it in freedom. Eat what you want. Drink what you want. Know this, if you find the truth of God it will MAKE YOU FREE. Live and let live. Love freely you do not have to control or warn ANYBODY. As long as deception can keep people looking for somebody else to come and do it for them they will surely die in this hell we have created. God bless all. TK


    Isaiah 45:7
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Nov. 24 2010,22:19)
    Isaiah 45:7
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    Hi SF,

    Glad to see you're back!

    God bless
    Ed J

    Tim Kraft

    Many of the so called Lords of the old testament were warlords and warriors they were obviously not the Love God of Peace and harmony that Jesus revealed as his father. We have religiously followed the destructive ways of the old testament which is how we got into the mess we have created. Follow what you will, I will only follow Jesus and his father/God!

    The new testament God and father of all, revealed by Jesus as Love, IS LIGHT and in him is no darkness at all. Light is, darkness is not. Darkness is a blockage of light. Darkness is a cover up of light. When light comes, darkness leaves, it has no choice/power to stand in light. In a dark room when one turns on the light, darkness leaves. Darkness can never overtake light. When light is removed, darkness may return. Darkness is death/evil/a void! Light is life and peace. Jesus came to bring light/life back to mankind. Hopefully we are all attempting to be in-lightened, not in-darkened! Blessings, TK


    So scripture about Jesus being tempted personally by the devil is a lie? I can do anything I want as long as I don't think it is evil?



    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 25 2010,08:00)
    Many of the so called Lords of the old testament were warlords and warriors they were obviously not the Love God of Peace and harmony that Jesus revealed as his father. We have religiously followed the destructive ways of the old testament which is how we got into the mess we have created. Follow what you will, I will only follow Jesus and his father/God!

    The new testament God and father of all, revealed by Jesus as Love, IS LIGHT and in him is no darkness at all. Light is, darkness is not. Darkness is a blockage of light. Darkness is a cover up of light. When light comes, darkness leaves, it has no choice/power to stand in light. In a dark room when one turns on the light, darkness leaves. Darkness can never overtake light. When light is removed, darkness may return. Darkness is death/evil/a void! Light is life and peace. Jesus came to bring light/life back to mankind. Hopefully we are all attempting to be in-lightened, not in-darkened! Blessings, TK


    this is an allegory you are telling ,so what is it in reality??


    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 27 2010,03:50)
    So scripture about Jesus being tempted  personally by the devil is a lie? I can do anything I want as long as I don't think it is evil?


    Yes Jesus was tempted by lies from the Jewish heirarchy. The religious people constantly questioned him about his doctrines of freedom from the law. They tried to catch him with wrong words/doctrines.The ask cunning and crafty questions with intention of intrapment by error.
    As long as you don't hurt anyone else or trespass into their kingdom you are free in and of yourself to do, be, say, eat, drink anything you please with no condemnation from God.

    If you attempt to tell others what is right or wrong, to do or not to do, like church people do, you are outside of your rights and the judgment you use will judge you.

    When you make a statement like,….So scripture about Jesus being tempted personally by the devil is a lie…..What you are actually saying is…..So, scripture about Jesus being tempted
    personally by a liar is a lie? When you read scripture about the devil transpose the word “the devil” with its definition,
    ” a liar” and notice the difference if you want to. Bless you, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 27 2010,04:34)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 25 2010,08:00)
    Many of the so called Lords of the old testament were warlords and warriors they were obviously not the Love God of Peace and harmony that Jesus revealed as his father. We have religiously followed the destructive ways of the old testament which is how we got into the mess we have created. Follow what you will, I will only follow Jesus and his father/God!

    The new testament God and father of all, revealed by Jesus as Love, IS LIGHT and in him is no darkness at all. Light is, darkness is not. Darkness is a blockage of light. Darkness is a cover up of light. When light comes, darkness leaves, it has no choice/power to stand in light. In a dark room when one turns on the light, darkness leaves. Darkness can never overtake light. When light is removed, darkness may return. Darkness is death/evil/a void! Light is life and peace. Jesus came to bring light/life back to mankind. Hopefully we are all attempting to be in-lightened, not in-darkened! Blessings, TK


    this is an allegory you are telling ,so what is it in reality??


    What I would hope to get across to everyone is that it is very much our individual choices of what scriptures and attitudes we glean from the old testament writings. Reading much of the old testament or at least the destructive parts of the old testament is just as damning to the world today as it was back then. Religion of old was in darkness and sin.

    They purported to be of the truth of God but in fact were far from God. They were leading the world into further destruction. If we follow their ways we will destroy ourselves.

    Jesus came to give us light. Understanding of God. Truth of what God is actually. God is love without condition. If we set our hearts to follow after Jesus we will heal the nations and manifest heaven on earth.
    If we continue following the law of sin and death, we will create our own demise. We are getting closer right now. Most of the destruction of our world is from either the old testament of the Bible or misunderstood scriptures in the revelation of John.

    Jesus preached the gospel or good news of God/Man together again. Bless all, TK

    Ed J

    If we continue following the law of sin

    Hi Tim,

    I never heard of 'the law of sin', what is it?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Rom.8:2…for God hath made us free from the law of sin and death….!

    Rom.10:4…Christ is the end of the law for righteousness….!

    Gal.2:16…a man is not justified by the works of the law….but by faith in Jesus Christ!

    Gal.3:2….receive ye the spirit of God by the works of the law?….or hearing by faith….!

    Gal.3:10…for as many as are of the work of the law ARE UNDER A CURSE!!!

    V11….no man is justified by the law in the sight of God!


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 27 2010,08:47)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 27 2010,03:50)
    So scripture about Jesus being tempted  personally by the devil is a lie? I can do anything I want as long as I don't think it is evil?


    Yes Jesus was tempted by lies from the Jewish heirarchy. The religious people constantly questioned him about his doctrines of freedom from the law. They tried to catch him with wrong words/doctrines.The ask cunning and crafty questions with intention of intrapment by error.
                                                                                   As long as you don't hurt anyone else or trespass into their kingdom you are free in and of yourself to do, be, say, eat, drink anything you please with no condemnation from God.  

    If you attempt to tell others what is right or wrong, to do or not to do, like church people do, you are outside of your rights and the judgment you use will judge you.

    When you make a statement like,….So scripture about Jesus being tempted personally by the devil is a lie…..What you are actually saying is…..So, scripture about Jesus being tempted
    personally by a liar is a lie? When you read scripture about the devil transpose the word “the devil” with its definition,
    ” a liar” and notice the difference if you want to. Bless you, TK

    Greetings Tim…..Wow !!!! That sure is a pretty broard brush your using to paint this picture…..Now help me to understand this reasoning….”as long as you don,t trespass in some one elses kingdom you can do,say and eat anything you want”.and in addition “you are not alowed to hurt anybody”..
    In theory Tim, this could make alot of sense to some people but there are some absoluts that would need to clarified,the first would be who decides length or gerth of your kingdom,and who is to determine whether you have gone out of bounds in your kingdom and the guy whose kingdom is next door to yours has a hobby that involves some absolutely repulsive activity,(I will let your imagination run with that) what would be the outcome…Lies come in all different sizes and of course there is a one size fits all lie….And that is that “man is good”…..Man is hopelessly wicked and at enmity with God…


    But Tim, My question was – was Jesus PERSONALLY tempted by the devil as scripture states. No allegory, fact of history stated in the bible. Was that a Lie? Peace-Mark

    Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, [2] where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.

    [3] The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”

    [4] Jesus answered, “It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone.'”

    [5] The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. [6] And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. [7] So if you worship me, it will all be yours.”

    [8] Jesus answered, “It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'”

    [9] The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here. [10] For it is written:

    ” 'He will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you carefully;
    [11] they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.' ”

    [12] Jesus answered, “It says: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'”

    [13] When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.

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