Message for the devil

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  • #206502
    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ July 27 2010,21:27)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 26 2010,00:14)

    Quote (mikeangel @ July 25 2010,00:07)
    Theo,   I agree with every word. I just wish that we christians would set our differances aside and unite with one voice a prayer to God. I think, in my opinion, that one of the thinks God will do on his day is tell all, and I mean all, the churches that we should have put more emphasis on love and charity, instead of building bigger churches and arguing about who has a monopoly on grace, while all this crap took hold to torment everyone.  I wish we could make a huge prayer book, the caption on the top could state “I believe in Jesus,My lord and savior, and pray for his mercy and blessings, and deliver us from evil  ” and have all christians sign it. No arguing faith v. works, trinity, eucharist  etc. etc. Just proclaim Jesus as Lord and ask for mercy. My prayer to God now is really similar to people I know with cancer-” God please heal, but if its not your will  please end the suffering soon “

    Greetings Mikeangel……I would think that, on the last day God will put an end to all the confusion and there will be only his church,just as it exists in the here and now….All true believers do pray in unity regardless of whether they are  in the same place or not…they are of the same mind…

    I wish this were true. Last fall my church wanted to have an ecumenical breakfast involving all the churches in our town. We sent out over 40 invitations to each pastor/priest. We got 3 responses, and only one showed up and the mayor-we had lots of food left over. I wish we could all put aside all our differances and pray togather  as one voice for blessings and protection, that is how I feel we can counter islam, scientology ctc. etc. I also feel that in addition to us not being united, evil is destroying this country through apathy because the churches cannot even agree on what is evil. We will see soon enough. Mark

    Hi MikeAngel,

    Glad to see your back!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Mikeangel, I'll also say that when you face temptations of any sort and you know it's wrong, you know what you have to do, you have to pray, you have to pray from your heart and say “Father, forgive me, please help me, I don't wanna feel like this I know its wrong and I ask you to please help me with this”

    Then say the Our Father, say it from your heart, say it like you really mean it, say it softly slowly silently, “Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done , on Earth, as it is in Heaven, Give us this day our Daily Bread, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory, forever and ever,

    Say it as many times as you want at times like this, sometimes its better than not knowing what to say, God loves our prayers which are personal and the ones which are silent wordless moments from the heart but this is ok sometimes, Jesus wasn't against repetitive prayer if its said from the heart, He was against the vain repetitive prayers of the Heathen who thought they had it made for their use of so many words over and over but it never came from their true heart

    [As an aside, have you ever wondered what it means by Daily Bread ? Is it food or is it Spiritual food]


    Quote (mikeangel @ July 27 2010,21:27)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 26 2010,00:14)

    Quote (mikeangel @ July 25 2010,00:07)
    Theo,   I agree with every word. I just wish that we christians would set our differances aside and unite with one voice a prayer to God. I think, in my opinion, that one of the thinks God will do on his day is tell all, and I mean all, the churches that we should have put more emphasis on love and charity, instead of building bigger churches and arguing about who has a monopoly on grace, while all this crap took hold to torment everyone.  I wish we could make a huge prayer book, the caption on the top could state “I believe in Jesus,My lord and savior, and pray for his mercy and blessings, and deliver us from evil  ” and have all christians sign it. No arguing faith v. works, trinity, eucharist  etc. etc. Just proclaim Jesus as Lord and ask for mercy. My prayer to God now is really similar to people I know with cancer-” God please heal, but if its not your will  please end the suffering soon “

    Greetings Mikeangel……I would think that, on the last day God will put an end to all the confusion and there will be only his church,just as it exists in the here and now….All true believers do pray in unity regardless of whether they are  in the same place or not…they are of the same mind…

    I wish this were true. Last fall my church wanted to have an ecumenical breakfast involving all the churches in our town. We sent out over 40 invitations to each pastor/priest. We got 3 responses, and only one showed up and the mayor-we had lots of food left over. I wish we could all put aside all our differances and pray togather  as one voice for blessings and protection, that is how I feel we can counter islam, scientology ctc. etc. I also feel that in addition to us not being united, evil is destroying this country through apathy because the churches cannot even agree on what is evil. We will see soon enough. Mark

    Greeting Mike….There will be NO confusion in Gods goverment /kingdom….We are in a period of judgement and that is why there is so much confusion amongst the so called christian religion…Think about how many different versions of Gospel is preached every Sunday….The sabbath is one of the principle reasons for the confusion…The eternal gave us HIS commandments and Holy Days…( EX:20 Lev:23) and by virtue of a sinod in Nicea in the third century a new Gospel was adopted and preached to this very day….The answer is apostolic christianty which was the Gospel of Jesus,taught to the apostles who were Jews that held to old testament while writing,teaching and living the new….


    Thank you all so much for your support. I hadn't read this in a while because I had lost it when somehow it got moved. I have been blessed with alot of work lately and my daughter has considered keeping the baby. I will keep praying for Gods will to be done and for him to come soon. Again, thank you so much for your prayers, it really helped. Love-Mark


    Quote (theodorej @ July 29 2010,08:48)

    Quote (mikeangel @ July 27 2010,21:27)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 26 2010,00:14)

    Quote (mikeangel @ July 25 2010,00:07)
    Theo,   I agree with every word. I just wish that we christians would set our differances aside and unite with one voice a prayer to God. I think, in my opinion, that one of the thinks God will do on his day is tell all, and I mean all, the churches that we should have put more emphasis on love and charity, instead of building bigger churches and arguing about who has a monopoly on grace, while all this crap took hold to torment everyone.  I wish we could make a huge prayer book, the caption on the top could state “I believe in Jesus,My lord and savior, and pray for his mercy and blessings, and deliver us from evil  ” and have all christians sign it. No arguing faith v. works, trinity, eucharist  etc. etc. Just proclaim Jesus as Lord and ask for mercy. My prayer to God now is really similar to people I know with cancer-” God please heal, but if its not your will  please end the suffering soon “

    Greetings Mikeangel……I would think that, on the last day God will put an end to all the confusion and there will be only his church,just as it exists in the here and now….All true believers do pray in unity regardless of whether they are  in the same place or not…they are of the same mind…

    I wish this were true. Last fall my church wanted to have an ecumenical breakfast involving all the churches in our town. We sent out over 40 invitations to each pastor/priest. We got 3 responses, and only one showed up and the mayor-we had lots of food left over. I wish we could all put aside all our differances and pray togather  as one voice for blessings and protection, that is how I feel we can counter islam, scientology ctc. etc. I also feel that in addition to us not being united, evil is destroying this country through apathy because the churches cannot even agree on what is evil. We will see soon enough. Mark

    Greeting Mike….There will be NO confusion in Gods goverment /kingdom….We are in a period of judgement and that is why there is so much confusion amongst the so called christian religion…Think about how many different versions of Gospel is preached every Sunday….The sabbath is one of the principle reasons for the confusion…The eternal gave us HIS commandments and Holy Days…( EX:20 Lev:23) and by virtue of a sinod in Nicea in the third century a new Gospel was adopted and preached to this very day….The answer is apostolic christianty which was the Gospel of Jesus,taught to the apostles who were Jews that held to old testament while writing,teaching and living the new….

    The apostasy (falling away) must come first.

    The Professor


    Quote (Lightenup @ July 29 2010,00:51)
    Hi Mark,
    Wow, I am so sorry that you are dealing with so many hard things.  You have been wounded by others that have also been wounded by the enemy.  It is not God that is wounding you, it is the enemy.  God has a plan to battle that enemy and in fact, He already has won that battle.  We now wear Jesus as our righteousness and our job is to forgive others, forgive ourselves, bring our wounded hearts to Jesus and ask Him to heal them with His glory light and to remove any oppression that may be tormenting us.  

    Remember this, that God hated what King David did to Uriah but God forgave Him and restored him and blessed him.  Anyone can be restored.  

    As for the lusting…I heard someone say that instead of saying “I'm not going to lust, I'm not going to lust” instead think “I'm going to love them like Christ would.”  That way you focus on what you should do which would dispel what you shouldn't do.  Focus on the positive…keep your eyes locked on Jesus's eyes.

    Forgive, forgive, forgive for your own sake as well as others.  

    Hebrews 12:14 NIV
    14Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

    God bless you Mark for being vulnerable here and sharing your heart.  I will pray for your peace to come.


    Hi Kathi & Mark,

    What you said is so true.  Don't focus on what you DON'T want focus on the desires of your heart and God promises to give them to you.

    The more we focus on God's love and be filled with His Spirit the more we will radiate as Christ illuminated.  And God's glory will shine forth from all those that are loving.

    Die to legalism, live to freedom in Christ. Love, and have fun loving others….you will do no wrong.  Smile, and the whole world smiles back.  This is a positive way to channel your frustrations of what you see happening in the world: (Tell others of God's love)

    Pro 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who is wise wins souls.

    Don't worry be happy is a Biblical principle.  Be anxious in nothing.

    Pro 10:24 What the wicked fears will come upon him, But the desire of the righteous will be granted.

    Our battle is to love the enemy…and sometimes the enemy is ourselves. :)

    Be “right” in your words and actions and you will live righteously:

    Pro 10:11 The mouth of the “righteous” is a fountain of life, But the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.
    Pro 10:16 The wages of the “righteous” is life, The income of the wicked, punishment.
    Pro 10:21 The lips of the “righteous” feed many, But fools die for lack of understanding.

    Jesus explained God to others and refused to judge or condemn the sin going on all around him.  He kept a positive attitude but entrusted himself to no man.

    The Professor


    I tried typing something several times,
    I have realized im without words.

    I feel the same way,

    all I know, to live in todays world, only works if you are without God.


    I got to hold my grandson. He is beautiful. The dad is trying to have something to do with his kids now and helping my daughter. Blessed be the name of the Lord and thanks for all the prayers. Godbless-Mark


    Mark! It has been awhile since someone posted here. I hope that you are doing better. Do you ever watch Glenn Beck? What He said on Friday rather scared me. Georg and I do know that a World Government is coming. However I never thought it might happen while I am still alive. I don't think you know that I am 72 years old, but I am… We are from Germany and both my Husband and I lived through the second wold war. After the war, there was no food available. It was the worst time, and if that is going to happen again, I don't want to be alive…. Our Government is broke and the bonds that they got from Europe is running dry, and we are in deep trouble because of it….. I don't quit understand it, but since we don't produce in this country, our money and the stock market is going to crash…That is what happened in Germany after the war….The Elite want this to happen, and are doing everything in their power to make it happen…. I also believe that we go through trials for a reason. God never does anything without it….we learn patience through all of it. And in the end we will survive….God promised us that He will take care of us. And that is what I am counting on…. Your story is also like many other stories….. The Bible says that all have fallen short of the glory of God…We all have faults. We all sin…..John tells us if we believe that we don't sin, the truth is not in us….I have learned to look at things in a positive way. I sing when I feel bad, and that helps a lot…. I don't watch the shows on TV that you mentioned. I like to watch Nick at Night, sit-cons are funny and when I can't sleep, that is what I turn on….I also belong to Face Book and take care of two Farms, a Game….I practice designing. There are a lot of people that used to go to the same Church the W.W. Church of God which we belonged to for 10 years after we left the Catholic Church…..We learned to read the Bible there, and did not understand the New Covenant at the time…. that too is now 16 years ago….God has been good to us and we thank Him for all every day….May God bless you and keep you….Peace and Love Irene

    Tim Kraft

    What I read in both questions and responses is destructive religious lies universally accepted in religious circles and held on too for the pain and suffering they bring. Not one person has posted the truth of Jesus Christ.

    Jesus came for the purpose of presenting the truth of God to a world in darkness, sin, pain and suffering. If you are still in darkness, pain and suffering you have not listened to Jesus and have not accepted what he has done.

    Jesus came to end the old religious way of sin and darkness to give us the truth in light. Jesus cleansed us with the words from God and made us whole/one. Jesus took away our sin and the sin of the whole world. If you say you still have sin or do sin you have denied Jesus and his truth. Jesus washed away our sin through the water of the word of God. Eph5:26—Jesus ordained each of us.John 15:16—-Jesus sanctified each of us. John 17:17—We are clean through the words of Jesus.John15:2—We are free from sin.Rom6:18—Jesus was manifested to put away sin Heb9:26—Jesus manifested to take away our sin.1John3:5— There are two many more to list here!!

    If anyone reads these scriptures and accepts them as truth from God, and holds fast to them for life they are purified sons of God, sinless, righteous, perfect, whole, no deception or darkness blameless human beings. The test is who will believe? Who will hold fast when everybody else says we are worms and dogs, unworthy, im-perfect, sinners every day etc.!! Those are the lies and deceptions we must overcome.
    To all who will listen, Jesus the lord has done it all and handed it to us on a platter. Receive it with thankgiving and walk and talk it.
    Anything you put on yourself pertaining to God, other than perfection in Christ is a lie. You do not sin or live in sin. If you think you do you may have no part with God. There is no sin in God.

    If you believe lust from a man to a woman is sin you have believed a lie. If a man doesn't lust after a woman, procreation ceases to function. These are the little destructive lies that religion has produced. Its your choice to believe the good in you or you can believe the bad and feel depressed, sick, angry, belittled, low, inferior, less than etc.. Also everything Jesus did for us is avaliable now. Stop believing lies about waiting for Jesus to do something else. Now, this is the day of the lord. Now is the judgment. Do you judge youself as an evil sinner or do you accept the cleansing Jesus has done for you and judge yourself as saved from sin by grace through Jesus? God has set before us life or death. You choose!! Believe Jesus and walk in the light as he is in the light. TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 08 2010,21:34)
    What I read in both questions and responses is destructive religious lies universally accepted in religious circles and held on too for the pain and suffering they bring. Not one person has posted the truth of Jesus Christ.

    Jesus came for the purpose of presenting the truth of God to a world in darkness, sin, pain and suffering. If you are still in darkness, pain and suffering you have not listened to Jesus and have not accepted what he has done.

    Jesus came to end the old religious way of sin and darkness to give us the truth in light. Jesus cleansed us with the words from God and made us whole/one. Jesus took away our sin and the sin of the whole world. If you say you still have sin or do sin you have denied Jesus and his truth. Jesus washed away our sin through the water of the word of God. Eph5:26—Jesus ordained each of us.John 15:16—-Jesus sanctified each of us. John 17:17—We are clean through the words of Jesus.John15:2—We are free from sin.Rom6:18—Jesus was manifested to put away sin Heb9:26—Jesus manifested to take away our sin.1John3:5— There are two many more to list here!!

    If anyone reads these scriptures and accepts them as truth from God, and holds fast to them for life they are purified sons of God, sinless, righteous, perfect, whole, no deception or darkness blameless human beings. The test is who will believe? Who will hold fast when everybody else says we are worms and dogs, unworthy, im-perfect, sinners every day etc.!! Those are the lies and deceptions we must overcome.
    To all who will listen, Jesus the lord has done it all and handed it to us on a platter. Receive it with thankgiving and walk and talk it.
    Anything you put on yourself pertaining to God, other than perfection in Christ is a lie. You do not sin or live in sin. If you think you do you may have no part with God. There is no sin in God.

    If you believe lust from a man to a woman is sin you have believed a lie. If a man doesn't lust after a woman, procreation ceases to function. These are the little destructive lies that religion has produced. Its your choice to believe the good in you or you can believe the bad and feel depressed, sick, angry, belittled, low, inferior, less than etc.. Also everything Jesus did for us is avaliable now. Stop believing lies about waiting for Jesus to do something else. Now, this is the day of the lord. Now is the judgment. Do you judge youself as an evil sinner or do you accept the cleansing Jesus has done for you and judge yourself as saved from sin by grace through Jesus? God has set before us life or death. You choose!!     Believe Jesus and walk in the light as he is in the light. TK

    what!!!! it is our fault that we are still sick?  Is that what you are saying?  You are not living in the real world are you?  In this flesh we will suffer.  The Diseases that people have is most of the time brought on by either Family History or Pollution…..Against that only Medication will help.  I consider myself very lucky to still be alive….In reality I should be dead…..So take you comments and walk….. You do no one any good by judging them…..Maybe one day you too will have a Disease and then we'll see…..We all will die of something….and John tells us if you say you don't sin, the truth is not in you…

    1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. taken out of the Blue Letter Bible.

    .To us that walk in the light sin is not imputed to us.  We are under Christs Blood the New Covenant….

    Luk 22:20   Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup [is] the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you.  

    Also if we don't pick up your cross like Christ did, we are not  worthy of Him.  Also how do you know if all that answered here belong to any Organized Religion.  We don't.  The Church right now is Spiritual, until Christ returns….

    And what about Job???  God tested Him a lot.  And God will bring on a test for us to strengthen us. …..most learn patience through all…..  and endurance….. Irene


    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 07 2010,13:39)
    Mark!  It has been awhile since someone posted here.  I hope that you are doing better.  Do you ever watch Glenn Beck?  What He said on Friday rather scared me.  Georg and I do know that a World Government is coming.  However I never thought it might happen while I am still alive.  I don't think you know that I am 72 years old, but I am… We are from Germany and both my Husband and I lived through the second wold war.  After the war, there was no food available.  It was the worst time, and if that is going to happen again, I don't want to be alive…. Our Government is broke and the bonds that they got from Europe is running dry, and we are in deep trouble because of it….. I don't quit understand it, but since we don't produce in this country, our money and the stock market is going to crash…That is what happened in Germany after the war….The Elite want this to happen, and are doing everything in their power to make it happen…. I also believe that we go through trials for a reason.  God never does anything without it….we learn patience through all of it.  And in the end we will survive….God promised us that He will take care of us.  And that is what I am counting on…. Your story is also like many other stories….. The Bible says that all have fallen short of the glory of God…We all have faults. We all sin…..John tells us if we believe that we don't sin, the truth is not in us….I have learned to look at things in a positive way.  I sing when I feel bad, and that helps a lot…. I don't watch the shows on TV that you mentioned.  I like to watch Nick at Night, sit-cons are funny and when I can't sleep, that is what I turn on….I also belong to Face Book and take care of two Farms, a Game….I practice designing.   There are a lot of people that used to go to the same Church the W.W. Church of God which we belonged to for 10 years after we left the Catholic Church…..We learned to read the Bible there, and did not understand the New Covenant at the time…. that too is now 16 years ago….God has been good to us and we thank Him for all every day….May God bless you and keep you….Peace and Love Irene

    Hey Irene,

    Thank you very much. I haven't been on very much. God has blessed me with work, and I know winter is coming, so I got to get ready in case things are slow after new years. Thank you for commenting, Love to you and george- Mark P.S, My wife is a huge GB fan, and I hear these things from her too. I trust in God and pray he brings us home before things get that bad, but his will be done. Marana Tha!


    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 09 2010,21:25)

    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 07 2010,13:39)
    Mark!  It has been awhile since someone posted here.  I hope that you are doing better.  Do you ever watch Glenn Beck?  What He said on Friday rather scared me.  Georg and I do know that a World Government is coming.  However I never thought it might happen while I am still alive.  I don't think you know that I am 72 years old, but I am… We are from Germany and both my Husband and I lived through the second wold war.  After the war, there was no food available.  It was the worst time, and if that is going to happen again, I don't want to be alive…. Our Government is broke and the bonds that they got from Europe is running dry, and we are in deep trouble because of it….. I don't quit understand it, but since we don't produce in this country, our money and the stock market is going to crash…That is what happened in Germany after the war….The Elite want this to happen, and are doing everything in their power to make it happen…. I also believe that we go through trials for a reason.  God never does anything without it….we learn patience through all of it.  And in the end we will survive….God promised us that He will take care of us.  And that is what I am counting on…. Your story is also like many other stories….. The Bible says that all have fallen short of the glory of God…We all have faults. We all sin…..John tells us if we believe that we don't sin, the truth is not in us….I have learned to look at things in a positive way.  I sing when I feel bad, and that helps a lot…. I don't watch the shows on TV that you mentioned.  I like to watch Nick at Night, sit-cons are funny and when I can't sleep, that is what I turn on….I also belong to Face Book and take care of two Farms, a Game….I practice designing.   There are a lot of people that used to go to the same Church the W.W. Church of God which we belonged to for 10 years after we left the Catholic Church…..We learned to read the Bible there, and did not understand the New Covenant at the time…. that too is now 16 years ago….God has been good to us and we thank Him for all every day….May God bless you and keep you….Peace and Love Irene

    Hey Irene,

    Thank you very much. I haven't been on very much. God has blessed me with work, and I know winter is coming, so I got to get ready in case things are slow after new years. Thank you for commenting, Love to you and george- Mark  P.S, My wife is a huge GB fan, and I hear these things from her too. I trust in God and pray he brings us home before things get that bad, but his will be done. Marana Tha!

    Hi! Now you got me baffled, you signed Marana Thai. Are you Japanese? I am happy for you that you can work still. There are lots of people here who don't have a job….Do you work outside? That is what our third Son is doing. He drives a Truck that fixes the yellow lines on the roads…. He loves Trucks. Always has, from a little boy on…..We have three Son's and one Daughter. Two of our Sons gave us 5 Grandsons. And our only Daughter gave us our only Granddaughter…and another Son. Our Tiffany is already 18 years old, while Her Brother is 9 years old. The rest of them are all grown up, and two are married already. I love to be Grandma, its so much fun….Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 08 2010,21:34)
    What I read in both questions and responses is destructive religious lies universally accepted in religious circles and held on too for the pain and suffering they bring. Not one person has posted the truth of Jesus Christ.

    Jesus came for the purpose of presenting the truth of God to a world in darkness, sin, pain and suffering. If you are still in darkness, pain and suffering you have not listened to Jesus and have not accepted what he has done.

    Jesus came to end the old religious way of sin and darkness to give us the truth in light. Jesus cleansed us with the words from God and made us whole/one. Jesus took away our sin and the sin of the whole world. If you say you still have sin or do sin you have denied Jesus and his truth. Jesus washed away our sin through the water of the word of God. Eph5:26—Jesus ordained each of us.John 15:16—-Jesus sanctified each of us. John 17:17—We are clean through the words of Jesus.John15:2—We are free from sin.Rom6:18—Jesus was manifested to put away sin Heb9:26—Jesus manifested to take away our sin.1John3:5— There are two many more to list here!!

    If anyone reads these scriptures and accepts them as truth from God, and holds fast to them for life they are purified sons of God, sinless, righteous, perfect, whole, no deception or darkness blameless human beings. The test is who will believe? Who will hold fast when everybody else says we are worms and dogs, unworthy, im-perfect, sinners every day etc.!! Those are the lies and deceptions we must overcome.
    To all who will listen, Jesus the lord has done it all and handed it to us on a platter. Receive it with thankgiving and walk and talk it.
    Anything you put on yourself pertaining to God, other than perfection in Christ is a lie. You do not sin or live in sin. If you think you do you may have no part with God. There is no sin in God.

    If you believe lust from a man to a woman is sin you have believed a lie. If a man doesn't lust after a woman, procreation ceases to function. These are the little destructive lies that religion has produced. Its your choice to believe the good in you or you can believe the bad and feel depressed, sick, angry, belittled, low, inferior, less than etc.. Also everything Jesus did for us is avaliable now. Stop believing lies about waiting for Jesus to do something else. Now, this is the day of the lord. Now is the judgment. Do you judge youself as an evil sinner or do you accept the cleansing Jesus has done for you and judge yourself as saved from sin by grace through Jesus? God has set before us life or death. You choose!!     Believe Jesus and walk in the light as he is in the light. TK


    It is not that I believe in sin, or darkness, that I am down about the world. The reason is that I believe what Jesus said, that this worlds prince and leader is the devil, and it tries us God loving people like gold in the furnace. You cannot see starving children who are in that position because of politics, or abused and exploited children from sick b—-rds, who are innocent and don't deserve what they get, to a defenseless old person in a nursing home that has the s–t beat out them from someone for the heck of it because they can, etc.etc.etc. etc. , and not be brought down about it unless you are uncaring and unsensitive. /God will make this right, and the guilty will be punished, but in the mean time if I am indignated at the evil it is because it makes me sick. You don't know it, but your pride in your so called 'knowledge' is imo your biggest sin. You try to be God. You actually say a man can be Jesus with “gnosis”, without taking into account the virgin birth or the divine identity of Jesus. I pray for you Tim, you need to open your mind and read the Bible again and pray for truth, God's truth and not Tim's truth, which by the way is not the ability to ignore that sin exist. This is the believers place, where by and large the participants believe in Jesus as savior and lord, not fellow diety. You can make the Bible say anything you want by selected scriptures, but the truth and big picture are just that, the truth. There is a scripture about “why risk your soul on a married woman when a loose one is the price of a loaf of bread”………… OH HAPPY DAY, I CAN GO OUT TODAY AND HAVE CRAZY FUN WITH ALL THE WHORES I FIND AS LONG AS THEY'RE NOT MARRIED!!! The devil is real my friend, and closer than you think. Godbless- Mark


    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 09 2010,21:46)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 09 2010,21:25)

    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 07 2010,13:39)
    Mark!  It has been awhile since someone posted here.  I hope that you are doing better.  Do you ever watch Glenn Beck?  What He said on Friday rather scared me.  Georg and I do know that a World Government is coming.  However I never thought it might happen while I am still alive.  I don't think you know that I am 72 years old, but I am… We are from Germany and both my Husband and I lived through the second wold war.  After the war, there was no food available.  It was the worst time, and if that is going to happen again, I don't want to be alive…. Our Government is broke and the bonds that they got from Europe is running dry, and we are in deep trouble because of it….. I don't quit understand it, but since we don't produce in this country, our money and the stock market is going to crash…That is what happened in Germany after the war….The Elite want this to happen, and are doing everything in their power to make it happen…. I also believe that we go through trials for a reason.  God never does anything without it….we learn patience through all of it.  And in the end we will survive….God promised us that He will take care of us.  And that is what I am counting on…. Your story is also like many other stories….. The Bible says that all have fallen short of the glory of God…We all have faults. We all sin…..John tells us if we believe that we don't sin, the truth is not in us….I have learned to look at things in a positive way.  I sing when I feel bad, and that helps a lot…. I don't watch the shows on TV that you mentioned.  I like to watch Nick at Night, sit-cons are funny and when I can't sleep, that is what I turn on….I also belong to Face Book and take care of two Farms, a Game….I practice designing.   There are a lot of people that used to go to the same Church the W.W. Church of God which we belonged to for 10 years after we left the Catholic Church…..We learned to read the Bible there, and did not understand the New Covenant at the time…. that too is now 16 years ago….God has been good to us and we thank Him for all every day….May God bless you and keep you….Peace and Love Irene

    Hey Irene,

    Thank you very much. I haven't been on very much. God has blessed me with work, and I know winter is coming, so I got to get ready in case things are slow after new years. Thank you for commenting, Love to you and george- Mark  P.S, My wife is a huge GB fan, and I hear these things from her too. I trust in God and pray he brings us home before things get that bad, but his will be done. Marana Tha!

    Hi!  Now you got me baffled, you signed Marana Thai.  Are you Japanese?  I am happy for you that you can work still.  There are lots of people here who don't have a job….Do you work outside?  That is what our third Son is doing.  He drives a Truck that fixes the yellow lines on the roads…. He loves Trucks.  Always has, from a little boy on…..We have three Son's and one Daughter.  Two of our Sons gave us 5 Grandsons.  And our only Daughter gave us our only Granddaughter…and another Son.  Our Tiffany is already 18 years old, while Her Brother is 9 years old.  The rest of them are all grown up, and two are married already. I love to be Grandma, its so much fun….Peace and Love Irene

    Hey Irene,

    Marana tha was the aramaic term from 1 corinthians 16 and Rev 22? that means “Come Lord Jesus” , a prayer asking God to come back in the parousia, destroying death. Not unlike the sentance in the lord;s prayer “thy kingdom come”. I beg God everyday. Peace and Love- Mark


    OK Mark! I learned something today….. I like Rev. 19:13-16

    Rev 19:13 And he [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

    Rev 19:14 And the armies [which were] in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

    Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

    Rev 19:16 And he hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

    That is telling us what Jesus will do when He comes back. Finally after all is
    done, we will have peace.
    And then we will have no more death. Death is the last to be destroyed in the Lake of Fire….Along with Satan and Anti-Christ…and all those that worship with Him….
    You have a nice Day……..Peace Irene


    Mark this one….

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 08 2010,21:34)
    Not one person has posted the truth of Jesus Christ.


    Hi Tim,

    So now your everybody's judge here? (Matt.7:1)

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 14 2010,06:12)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 08 2010,21:34)
    Not one person has posted the truth of Jesus Christ.


    Hi Tim,

    So now your everybody's judge here? (Matt.7:1)

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    The truth of Jesus Christ as I believe it.

    This world was made without sin. God created it perfect. God told Adam and Eve “do not do this or you will die”, and they did it anyway. Sin and death entered the world. He gave commandments and rules to Moses for God's people to follow, which he knew they would not be able to be justified by following the law. He saved the world by being incarnated into Jesus, the perfect one prophesied by the prophets as the one who would come into the world for our redemption. Although we deserved to die, he took all our sins on himself, and offered himself on the cross in place of us. All that believe this are saved by that sacrifice. He will come again and we will be with him  in the new world he will make for us, and there will be again a world without sin, forever.

    Tim Kraft

    Mikeangel; Thank you for your response. I agree with you on many levels of Biblical truth. Yet the largest difference I see is you seem to think that someday in the future Jesus will come again and create a new world. Jesus came and set up the Kingdom of God within each person to personally walk and talk with God/Jesus/the holy Spirit and live in their fullness forever. There is no way Jesus or God could get closer to you than they

    are right now. They are your breath, your life, inside of you and outside of you. If they were in Jerusalem or somewhere else it would be much harder to commune and live in their love. Jesus came, as you said, to set up this new world you speak of, which he did, and finished all that was necessary for mankind to go forward and make it all happen. He sent out two by two's he sent out disciples and he told them to do the same things he did. Go into the towns or cities and heal the sick that are there. Healing has always been the signature of God. Raise the dead, those dead in their belief of tresspasses and sin, preach the good news to all creation and there will be sign that follow. Actually

    the word translated in the new testament as “saved” is “sozo” which includes spiritual healing,and physical healing. Jesus healed all who came to him believing. God is life so it seems that if life is administered to a person all forms of death, disease, sickness, evil must leave.
    Jesus performed everthing necessary to effectuate the new world order. The new spirit age of life for all. The age of the removal of death. Jesus defeated death and gave us his resurrection from the dead. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. We are the

    new world laborers. We are responsible to bring in the new world in its fulness. We have been given the same tools Jesus had. If we believe. Do we have faith or shall we sit around and wait for Jesus to come back and do the work for us?He clearly said his work for God was finished. He is at rest. It is up to us to usher in the new world of God. We do the work, God provides the power. If you think you are still in sin until Jesus returns then you are. The love power of God cannot work in an unclean mind that believes in sin. If you don't believe

    that Jesus took away your sin you have an unclean spirit/belief. IMO sickness and disease will eventually clear out of this world all who have sin by resisting their salvation from Jesus. If you think you have to be sick and diseased until Jesus returns then you will. If you think you have to wait until something else happens before you can merge into the new world order then just keep waiting, forever. Those who know are

    busy healing sick folk based on the sick persons faith. The greatest deception darkness could use to deceive the world is to have them believe it will come sometime in the future. This is the day of the lord. The light is come. The power is present. Who can believe what great things the lord hath done. It takes faith to accept healing. It takes faith to be saved. Its the same thing. Bless you, TK

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