McCain or Obama

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    Greetings David……Your point is well recieved,however,Jesus also said to render to Caeser and in the process christians are obliged to contribute to the process in the interests of propergation…We are obliged to participate so as to pick rightous leaders…..True christians absence in the process is why we are in the predictament we are in….Iam sure as you study your scriptures you will see that God has a hand in the picking of leadership….sometimes in the form of a blessing and sometimes in the form of judgement….


    Unfortunately I think Obama is going to win, but I am still hoping Mc Cain will. I did my duty as a Citizen of this great Country and send in my Vote. It has been the most interesting election of my Lifetime. Sarah Palin is one fine person, even tho I do not belief a woman should be on top of man. So it is up to God of course, good luck to all. May God bless them.


    It would seem that Obama is going to win. However, it is my wishes that McCain win.

    What I want and what is going to happen may very well be two different things.

    You don't always get what you want…But you do get what you need!


    It has saddened me so teriffically to see what fraud there is in our election. When we believe that over 90% consider to be Christian. Even tho I believe all is going to happen according to God's Plan, it still is somewhat upsetting to me.
    All we can do at this stage is pray. I also believe all things will get worse, before it gets better.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Sarah was a drug addict who stole drugs from her own charity and hid it from her husband.
    McCain cheated on his wife and then married his mistress.
    Obama is the fiercest liberal this country has ever seen and would try to convert the USA to an even
    more socialist country.
    And Biden will probably withdraw towards the end anyway leaving the door open for Hillary to be the running mate
    with Obama.

    Let's face it. We do not get to choose our president from the cream of the crop :(



    Quote (TimothyVI @ Oct. 11 2008,06:54)
    Sarah was a drug addict who stole drugs from her own charity and hid it from her husband.
    McCain cheated on his wife and then married his mistress.
    Obama is the fiercest liberal this country has ever seen and would try to convert the USA to an even
    more socialist country.
    And Biden will probably withdraw towards the end anyway leaving the door open for Hillary to be the running mate
    with Obama.

    Let's face it. We do not get to choose our president from the cream of the crop :(


    Whether Sarah was a Drug Addict in the past, should not make any difference now since She is not now. Are we going to look at every body's past? It seems to make no difference, Obama had a past too and He is winning.
    God's will be done in all.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Iam sure as you study your scriptures you will see that God has a hand in the picking of leadership….sometimes in the form of a blessing and sometimes in the form of judgement….

    So, theo, you're saying you've been in a “form of judgement” from God for the past several years?
    Which president do you think he's picked?

    The truth is, every nation believes they have God behind them. Most every nation that has gone to war has claimed to have God on their side. Unless you think God is only with America, then God fights against himself.
    I wonder, does God also pick sides in football?

    Your point is well recieved,however,Jesus also said to render to Caeser

    No, he said to give to Caesar what's owing to Caesar. The very earliest Christians did this, but they did refused to hold political office, or vote, or become a soldier. We give to Caesar what's owing to Caesar, while at the same time remaining “no part of the world.” Our allegience is to God.

    I think a lot of people on here think it is man that is going to somehow save us. It is not.

    PSALM 146:3-6
    “Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish. Happy is the one who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in Jehovah his God,


    Psalm 146:3-6 exactly, that is what I believe, my hope is in Jehovah God……..
    Peace and Love Irene


    I just somehow get the feeling that we are going to need to brace ourselves for a “Bumpy” ride. Things are going to get rough real soon I believe.


    Quote (Samuel @ Oct. 24 2008,00:58)
    I just somehow get the feeling that we are going to need to brace ourselves for a “Bumpy” ride.  Things are going to get rough real soon I believe.

    Hi Sam! you could be right at that. We need to put our-self into God's Hands. Under Christ's Blood.
    He has promised to take care of us, and I trust in Him.
    Who ever will be our President, I believe that it is in our best interest.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Interesting Results So Far


    If we get the leader we deserve, we will get a pagen president!


    America wants a King

    I found this very interesting and very true


    I did my duty as an American citizen and voted, but I am glad that I already have a king.

    God Bless


    Quote (Laurel @ Oct. 26 2008,16:12)
    If we get the leader we deserve, we will get a pagen president!

    Greetings Laurel…..The American people are a selfish lot who want to hear smooth things from their leaders and expect to much from government….
    God is going to judge this nation and the world will sit in”Shock and Awe”..This nation could be healed if we would only retreat back to traditional values and go before him in repentance….
    For those that want change…the only change your going to get is a change of underware,because,you are going to need it after you see what this messiah of change is going to do…


    That was a very well written article you posted seekingtruth. That makes a lot of “Truthful” points that a lot of people don't want to face.

    But yes… You know…I'd like to be able to say…”After this election, all of this will blow-over. And we can all get back to living our lives normally agian”. But somehow…. I get this feeling way down deep in side that that would be a false statement.

    Actually…on second thought. I'm torn between wanting to say this. Because what I should be saying is “Even so Come Lord Jesus…Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”

    But I know the Former is what everyone “Wants to hear”.

    When the fact is …”What is this [Normal Life] we are talking about?” The whole time we have been alive we have not been livng a [Normal Life]. We were created for so much more than this we have now. The only way we can ever hope to have a [Normal Life] is when Jesus does come back and puts an end to all this madness.

    I do not know what day or year or even hour that Jesus is comeing back. But I can tell you this. I honestly feel like it is going to be very soon. Very soon does not mean 100 years from now.

    Very soon means “Even at the Doors” …now I know that its been said that “Our Time” is not reletive to “GODS TIME”. Which I do believe as well. But I also Belive that GOD is ver “Aware” of “Our Time” And that things are set to take place in a “Time” that is “Our Time” because when we are taking about “Time” it was something that was created for “Us”. With GOD there is no “Time”. The “Time” is for Our Benifit. To help us “Understand” things better.

    And the thing to understand is that “Time” is for “Us” so yes things are going to be happening on this Earth in a “Time” that is Reletive to “Us” because if it was not for us there probably would not even be no “Time”.

    Its spoken of in the Bible as a ratio of Infinite Usage because there is not any time with GOD. He always has been and is and always will be. Folks “Time” can't explain that. Thats why its so confusing to us. Because we think that everything has to be explained by “Time”. When GOD actually gets rid of “Time” everything will become so much more clearer I do believe.

    Ok I'm probably boring you by now but I'm trying to explain something that really can't be explalined.

    The Fact of the matter is GOD has a “Time” set when he is comeing back. Yes he sure does! Its in the Bible when Jesus said that “No man knows, no angles know, the Son don't know…Only the Father Knows”


    If the Father knew then at that time when Jesus made that statement. That means there was a “Time” already set. When GOD does something he already knows how it needs to be done and every possible action that could take place before it even happens. And thus makes a perfect Plan for everything he does.

    That “Time” that the Father Knows is approaching…it has been approaching every since that day GOD said let there be…

    I believe that “Time” is just about here. For a number of different reasons.

    Just like the Spinning of the Earth governs the “Time” what we call a Day, and the orbit of the moon governs the “Time” what we call a Month, and the orbit of the Earth around the sun governs what we call a year. You better beleive that every other body in the heavens governs a “Time” as well.
    Such as the Galaxy, and other Galaxies, and Planets, and Bodies in the Heavens….with in which all things represent a “Time”. The Heavens is in my opinion is a Giant …infinite even… “Clock”….you might say the Largest Clock ever.

    The Universe is the Largest Clock Ever Made! And GOD made it.

    That Clock is also a “Timer” And when it goes “DING!” Thats when Jesus' Church is going to be “Ready”

    I think its about ready to go “Ding!”


    Peter, Paul and John thought the clock was going to go, “Ding!”.

    What does that tell you?


    It tells me that I'm not so sure that what we think they thought is what they actually thought.

    Them being men of GOD spoken to by angels and the very spirit of GOD. And Paul for one having the Understanding of “All” mysteries. I am inclined that they knew that what Jesus spoke of was not meant to take place in their time. Maybe I'm dead wrong. But if we take a closer look at what they were actually saying…even in the …well we really need to pay more attention to the Old Testament here as well.

    Because all of this is in the Old Testament as well. It says that these things would come to pass in a future generation. I may actually be recalling something that I read in the Book of Enoch as well. However, there is a time set.

    And, I think that what a lot of people think is going to happen and in what manner and time it will happen is not going to happen the way they expect it at all.

    This stuff is going to happen so fast it will make your head spin. Its already starting to spirial out of our control. As if we had control over anything anyway.

    At this time we are servents, sheep.
    The things that I've become aware of in the past year are very appaling. I've had my insight totally turned around over a great many things. Since I started asking GOD a lot of questions.

    I wish that I were better than I am…I wish we all had peace. It would be wondeful if we could all come under the same mind and spirit.

    I know that I am a wretched man. The only hope that I have is that Jesus Has mercy on me. And overlooks the bad things that i've done. That it has never been my intention to hurt anyone. I only wish to help everyone. I wish to forgive everyone of things that I think they have done to me. I wish not that anyone perish. Everyone needs Jesus just as much as I. I'm not selfish enough to think that only I have found GODS grace, or that only I know something that other people don't. I wish that everyone knew what was ratteling around in my mind. I wish that I could speak freely, and say things that would help people. If only I could open my mouth and say what GOD wants me to say. Yea, if only when I did such a thing people would hear it. If we could turn from our wicked ways. If we desired and hungred for rightousness. If we could all humble ourselves to the point that we were the servent and the least of all as Paul did.

    My GOD, My GOD, have mercy on us, this clay being, that is in great need of your life, mercy and grace. In this day of yours that is soon to come. This world shall pass away, your will…will be done. We are your creation…that needs your water of life. Without it we shall perish. We need your love and grace an mercy, your peace is the only peace that we need. I know that I've made lots of bad choices and mistakes. I've done things that I'm not proud of. I'm like a dog going back to its own puke. I know that am a sinner. I know that i'm probably not even worthy to ask of anything, but your word says to ask, and humble ourselves…I am doing my best to humble myself right now. I know that I'm what I am. And if you were through with me I'd understand. But if you can pick me up out of this death that i've made for myself, if you could carry me since I can't seem to carry myself. Where I could do your will. So that I might be able to let what light you give me shine into the world for all to see. I would not be able to be thankful enough. And if I were to serve you for ever, I would not be able to repay the grace and mercy that you've given me. This wonderful gift of life that you've given us all. Even so come Lord Jesus, Father let your will be done. And have mercy on us all. Amen.

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