Matthew 28:19 authentic or not?

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  • #334294

    Quote (Arnold @ May 24 2010,08:45)
    Don't worry you will never hear from me again, you are the biggest fool that I have come across….we have been around a long time … I do know what you are and what I have never encountered….

    Its not the hearing from you what bothers me. Its more as, seeing your post makeing no sense bothers me.
    for me, you dont have to spell everything correctly, or have perfect grammer, its just the gist, or the overall idea that matters.
    You literally make no sense.
    I think im going to make habit of showing you where you make no sense.

    im the biggest fool? How is it, after so much ethusiam, caring so much to even jump in, to tell me the “truth” in other words your trying to save me, and than turn your back and call me a fool?

    This is a KNIFE COMMENT.

    wow you really convinced me there. Your intent is what i have a problem with.

    You have to assume that i have no idea who WE is. If its you and your husband, idk, i realy dont care, but ya as a couple have no right to judge, because i have not judged you. even though i do believe you are judgemental, and in good intentions try to help and jump in, its still wrong.

    Good intentions can hurt ppl.

    What am i? I am a Man i am not a thing. i am not worthy for the father to look at me. I am imperfect…. Yet Jesus Christ loved me enough to die for me, so that i can eternal life. So that i can change day by day, and grow and become the Man of God that the father wants me to be, not what i want to be, Let the Father have all the glory and honor. Because i am worth nothing, Yet God loves us so much that he sent his Son to die and ressurect for us.

    I dont hate you,

    I love you very much.
    I hope you can love me too.
    Take me for what i am.
    Thats it.

    If we are going to discus bible stick to that, and stop making personal comments. and random debates.
    PAZ con amor


    Quote (Arnold @ May 23 2010,05:32)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 22 2010,18:55)

    Quote (JustAskin @ May 21 2010,21:52)

    Seems like your measured my coat and it fits you too.

    I like your style. I haven't read your post before but I will from now on.

    Psalm 82… Thanks, I was searching for something and found it in there: verse 7:
    Who might the 'Prince' who has fallen be?
    How is He a Prince, Prince to which King?
    The verse say,'fallen like one of the Princes' (plural). Who are the other Princes?

    In Deuteronomy, God calls [Jesus to be named] 'My Angel', 'My Angel will go before you. Do not provoke him for my name[power and authority] is in him'
    Was 'Jesus'… then, also, 'One of the Princes', one of the Chief Princes, like Michael, who all stand in the midst and all around Gods throne?

    Speculative, eh?


    Your a funny one! man i do enjoy reading your post and humor!

    Your creator must be the same as mine, because you and i can relate.


    I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!! naa jk. its all good.
    im just the new guy.

    lol ya i think thats the closest scripture i could find that Jesus was talking about in John 10. after the jews accused him.

    well doesnt scripture also state that Satan is the “prince of the air”  and in this case, a fallen prince?

    since scripture talks about death, and a rolemodel of death, and destruction would be the devil right?

    isnt God the king?  

    and than the last verse states that God will arise and judge.

    Idk, im just saying what im thinking, i could be wrong,
    what do you think?

    Simple Forgiven!              Let me jump in right here.   Jesus is the Son of God.  He also existed before His Birth on earth.
    Col. 1:15-17
    Rev. 3:14
    John 1:1
    Rev. 19:13 tells us this
    “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God.”
    verse 16 And on  His robe and on His thigh a name is written:”
    Now we all should know who that is.
    When He comes as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, only the truth will be taught in the Millenium.  I could have made a long post with all of this, but I want all that read it, to prove to themselves that what it says is so…..
    Math. 28:19 what does it say here.  Jesus is talking to the eleven disciples in what they should do.  To go into all the nations and baptize them in the NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  Some like W,J, and Kangaroo Jack will say that it is prove that we have a trinity.  However there are several Scriptures that will tell us it is not a trinity.
    The Trinity is not a God made doctrine, rather it is a man made doctrine,
    It is Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian who first came up with it.  He was born in A.D. 155 to Pagans Parents.
    It is said that the trinity is His best achievement to Christianty.
    Mainstream Christianity does believe in the trinity….
    I don't.  And there are several Scriptures that tell me otherwise.
    Deut. 4:35 “Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightiest know that the LORD God;there is none beside Him.”
    Deut. 6:4 “Hear O Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD.”
    Don't get confused over LORD and lord.  LORD in capital letters is God the father.  The Translators were so in Aw of the scriptures that they were afraid to use Jehovah God, and used LORD instead…
    1 Corinth. 8:4}And that there is no other God but one.”
    By Jesus own words in
    John 14:28 ….for My Father is greater then I.”
    I also want to give you one more Scripture that will show you that Jesus preexisted in
    John 17:5″And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory which I had with You before the world was.”
    And thin k of this, if like W,J, and Jack think that God is a trinity then the Holy as a Person is Jesus Father.  And we know that that is not so……
    Also it was Constantine who in A.D. 313 after almost three centuries of brutal and bloody persecution issued and edit granting all Christians full freedom to practice their religions.  However it is about that time when so much was changed.  Google Constantine and see what He did….
    If you do not have a Concordance yet, do yourself a favor and get one.  There are many Scriptures about God's Holy Spirit…I gave you what I think are the main ones….
    Peace and Love Irene

    This is the post that you are referring to, to be not understandable to you , is that what you are saying to me in your last post?? I read all again and trying to figure out where it is that you got so upset with me. Tell you the truth I hate it when someone is upset with me and I can't sleep then and I am still sitting here at 4A.M. I much rather write my Songs to God then to argue over something about Scriptures. We my Husband and I have been on Heaven Net for years and I seldom get upset with someone….
    Oh, I disagree with the trinity etc. but seldom get personal with anyone……Irene


    Quote (Arnold @ May 24 2010,19:00)
    This is the post that you are referring to, to be not understandable to you , is that what you are saying to me in your last post??  I read all again and trying to figure out where it is that you got so upset with me.  Tell you the truth I hate it when someone is upset with me and I can't sleep then and I am still sitting here at 4A.M. I much rather write my Songs to God then to argue over something about Scriptures.  We my Husband and I have been on Heaven Net for years and I seldom get upset with someone….
    Oh, I disagree with the trinity etc. but seldom get personal with anyone……Irene

    Dont be upset,

    Be at peace, and Be free from all upsetness that you have.
    Im not upset anymore, My simple point is your INTENT.
    You made many points, and stated stuff about the Trinity, and thats great thats what you believe,
    But it had nothign to do with my orginal post,
    in other words your post is random.
    I would understand if i had mentioned or refered to something that would cause you to connect what you said to what i said, but there isnt anything.

    let me paint a picture for you in other words, Its like if JA and I were talking in person, and we are talking about the Devil, if he exists or not, whatever. and than you jump in out of no where and tell me that the Trinity is a false doctrine.

    In a real situation like that, it just wuold be awkard.
    im not trying to hurt you.

    I just dont understand what was your point, and why did you have to intervene.
    Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”
    Your comment, just wasnt the right time. My advice, either personally take me aside in a debate where we just talk one on one about a topic, or post and connect points to what i have posted up in others, dont be random.

    Dont bring evidence of a murder trial to a lawsuit trial. This has nothign to do with scripture, its about intent. Why did you write this. more than what you said. Who is Seldom?

    I love you very much,
    If you do not understand me, Pray and Ask God for understanding, other than that, just let bygones be bygones.
    I pray that you get some sleep,

    I need sleep too.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 24 2010,19:37)

    Quote (Arnold @ May 24 2010,19:00)
    This is the post that you are referring to, to be not understandable to you , is that what you are saying to me in your last post??  I read all again and trying to figure out where it is that you got so upset with me.  Tell you the truth I hate it when someone is upset with me and I can't sleep then and I am still sitting here at 4A.M. I much rather write my Songs to God then to argue over something about Scriptures.  We my Husband and I have been on Heaven Net for years and I seldom get upset with someone….
    Oh, I disagree with the trinity etc. but seldom get personal with anyone……Irene

    Dont be upset,

    Be at peace, and Be free from all upsetness that you have.
    Im not upset anymore, My simple point is your INTENT.
    You made many points, and stated stuff about the Trinity, and thats great thats what you believe,
    But it had nothign to do with my orginal post,
    in other words your post is random.
    I would understand if i had mentioned or refered to something that would cause you to connect what you said to what i said, but there isnt anything.

    let me paint a picture for you in other words, Its like if JA and I were talking in person, and we are talking about the Devil, if he exists or not, whatever. and than you jump in out of no where and tell me that the Trinity is a false doctrine.

    In a real situation like that, it just wuold be awkard.
    im not trying to hurt you.

    I just dont understand what was your point, and why did you have to intervene.
    Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”
    Your comment, just wasnt the right time.  My advice, either personally take me aside in a debate where we just talk one on one about a topic, or post and connect points to what i have posted up in others, dont be random.

    Dont bring evidence of a murder trial to a lawsuit trial. This has nothign to do with scripture, its about intent. Why did you write this. more than what you said. Who is Seldom?

    I love you very much,
    If you do not understand me, Pray and Ask God for understanding, other than that, just let bygones be bygones.
    I pray that you get some sleep,

    I need sleep too.

    Simple Forgiven, thats just fine, however I still don't know what your believes are?????? Irene


    Quote (Arnold @ May 25 2010,06:05)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 24 2010,19:37)

    Quote (Arnold @ May 24 2010,19:00)
    This is the post that you are referring to, to be not understandable to you , is that what you are saying to me in your last post??  I read all again and trying to figure out where it is that you got so upset with me.  Tell you the truth I hate it when someone is upset with me and I can't sleep then and I am still sitting here at 4A.M. I much rather write my Songs to God then to argue over something about Scriptures.  We my Husband and I have been on Heaven Net for years and I seldom get upset with someone….
    Oh, I disagree with the trinity etc. but seldom get personal with anyone……Irene

    Dont be upset,

    Be at peace, and Be free from all upsetness that you have.
    Im not upset anymore, My simple point is your INTENT.
    You made many points, and stated stuff about the Trinity, and thats great thats what you believe,
    But it had nothign to do with my orginal post,
    in other words your post is random.
    I would understand if i had mentioned or refered to something that would cause you to connect what you said to what i said, but there isnt anything.

    let me paint a picture for you in other words, Its like if JA and I were talking in person, and we are talking about the Devil, if he exists or not, whatever. and than you jump in out of no where and tell me that the Trinity is a false doctrine.

    In a real situation like that, it just wuold be awkard.
    im not trying to hurt you.

    I just dont understand what was your point, and why did you have to intervene.
    Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”
    Your comment, just wasnt the right time.  My advice, either personally take me aside in a debate where we just talk one on one about a topic, or post and connect points to what i have posted up in others, dont be random.

    Dont bring evidence of a murder trial to a lawsuit trial. This has nothign to do with scripture, its about intent. Why did you write this. more than what you said. Who is Seldom?

    I love you very much,
    If you do not understand me, Pray and Ask God for understanding, other than that, just let bygones be bygones.
    I pray that you get some sleep,

    I need sleep too.

    Simple Forgiven, thats just fine, however I still don't know what your believes are??????    Irene

    There are many ways to find out.
    Either ask the Holy Spirit to tell you what i believe.
    or study scripture to see if we walk in the same faith.
    Matthew 7: You shall know them by their fruit
    1st John gives cliams to how to know who is your brother or not.
    and Jesus also claims that they shall know you for your love.
    John 13:35
    By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

    To be blunt, We all believe in alot of things, the only way to understand what we believe, is to get to know eachother. and than you will understand because you know me, respect me, and love me for who i am, as i in turn will grow to know you, respect you, and love you for who you are.

    have pactience… Let all men be liars, and let the Word of God be true.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 25 2010,06:24)

    Quote (Arnold @ May 25 2010,06:05)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 24 2010,19:37)

    Quote (Arnold @ May 24 2010,19:00)
    This is the post that you are referring to, to be not understandable to you , is that what you are saying to me in your last post??  I read all again and trying to figure out where it is that you got so upset with me.  Tell you the truth I hate it when someone is upset with me and I can't sleep then and I am still sitting here at 4A.M. I much rather write my Songs to God then to argue over something about Scriptures.  We my Husband and I have been on Heaven Net for years and I seldom get upset with someone….
    Oh, I disagree with the trinity etc. but seldom get personal with anyone……Irene

    Dont be upset,

    Be at peace, and Be free from all upsetness that you have.
    Im not upset anymore, My simple point is your INTENT.
    You made many points, and stated stuff about the Trinity, and thats great thats what you believe,
    But it had nothign to do with my orginal post,
    in other words your post is random.
    I would understand if i had mentioned or refered to something that would cause you to connect what you said to what i said, but there isnt anything.

    let me paint a picture for you in other words, Its like if JA and I were talking in person, and we are talking about the Devil, if he exists or not, whatever. and than you jump in out of no where and tell me that the Trinity is a false doctrine.

    In a real situation like that, it just wuold be awkard.
    im not trying to hurt you.

    I just dont understand what was your point, and why did you have to intervene.
    Read Ecclesiastes 3:1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”
    Your comment, just wasnt the right time.  My advice, either personally take me aside in a debate where we just talk one on one about a topic, or post and connect points to what i have posted up in others, dont be random.

    Dont bring evidence of a murder trial to a lawsuit trial. This has nothign to do with scripture, its about intent. Why did you write this. more than what you said. Who is Seldom?

    I love you very much,
    If you do not understand me, Pray and Ask God for understanding, other than that, just let bygones be bygones.
    I pray that you get some sleep,

    I need sleep too.

    Simple Forgiven, thats just fine, however I still don't know what your believes are??????    Irene

    There are many ways to find out.
    Either ask the Holy Spirit to tell you what i believe.
    or study scripture to see if we walk in the same faith.
    Matthew 7: You shall know them by their fruit
    1st John gives cliams to how to know who is your brother or not.  
    and Jesus also claims that they shall know you for your love.
    John 13:35
    By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

    To be blunt, We all believe in alot of things, the only way to understand what we believe, is to get to know eachother. and than you will understand because you know me, respect me, and love me for who i am, as i in turn will grow to know you, respect you, and love you for who you are.

    have pactience… Let all men be liars, and let the Word of God be true.

    We all proclaim that we Love God with all of our Hearts, most of our members here on H.N. do. And our neighbors, that is the great commandments. Yet their believes of what Scriptures is teaching us, differs. If I would live with you on a daily basis then I could see your fruits… we debate Scriptures and some believe one way and others believe another way……. that my friend you have not revealed to any of us. If I asked you do you believe in a trinity would you answer me? Or do you believe that Jesus existed before His birth as a man? Will you answer me? You see the Bible tells us in 1 Thees 5:21 to prove all things in what we believe, like the Bereans did, they searched the Scriptures daily, and so should we….besides this tread is on that subject whether Math. 28:19 proves the trinity……..Irene


    Hey, SF, you living to your name…

    have you just simply been forgiven….don't mean nuffin'
    – Just Askin?


    Irene, I can't make anything out of your name – not even arnold. Now 'ChoseOne' I could do sammat wiv dat wun.


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 25 2010,07:22)
    Hey, SF, you living to your name…

    have you just simply been forgiven….don't mean nuffin'
    – Just Askin?


    JA… your something else…

    Most of your post literaly tickle me.



    Quote (Arnold @ May 25 2010,07:12)
    We all proclaim that we Love God with all of our Hearts, most of our members here on H.N. do.  And our neighbors, that is the great commandments.   Yet their believes of what Scriptures is teaching us, differs.  If I would live with you on a daily basis then I could see your fruits… we debate Scriptures and some believe one way and others believe another way……. that my friend you have not revealed to any of us.  If I asked you do you believe in a trinity would you answer me?  Or do you believe that Jesus existed before His birth as a man?  Will you answer me?  You see the Bible tells  us in 1 Thees 5:21 to prove all things in what we believe, like the Bereans did, they searched the Scriptures daily, and so should we….besides this tread is on  that subject whether Math. 28:19 proves the trinity……..Irene

    To be honest. I dont believe its proper unless t8 were to open thread that pertains to that. There is a poll going on based on that idea, that i kindof started. check it out.
    I dont have to prove to you what i believe, Its abuot what God believes, period. all honor and glory belongs to him.
    im trying to get you focused more on scripture, and the Holy Spirit, than this man who is not worthy.
    Those questions you have asked right there, i already answered them in other threads (Davids).
    This is the thread that WJ wrote, i havent really made any observations on this one. The only comments i think i made were reffering to JA query abuot the fallen prince. I say more in davids thread.



    They are meant to – WJ taught me to have fun as well as tell truth – I mean I used to be more aggressive than you see me now but then there was a moment with WJ when we actually laughed together.

    And i'm a bit of a [t]wit anyway so I said ' you know what – combine Wit wit Wisdom – and it worked – and “Here I am”.

    Not everyone sees the underlying bits – but you figured it – There is alot more to what I write than the surface words that are read.
    Do you know what Chiasms are, for instance, look it up and look out for then in my posts – there are the duoble entendres,the [re]quoting of scripture as if it's a normal sentence – did you see the “Here I am” where is that from? delieberatley misspelling words – match Wit wit Wit – ha ha – Yeah I can laugh … but there is a serious line in there, too so don't anyone think that being 'a [t]wit' means I'm ignorant – some have learnt the hard way…

    But in all – I never forget to Praise God Almighty and ask Jesus for the holy Spirit. To accept being wrong – but better – not to be wrong in the first place – I feel sick if I write something that isn't true because if the Holy Spirit is in you and you write incorrectly you are profaning the Spirit of God – and that is unforgiveable.


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 25 2010,08:22)

    They are meant to – WJ taught me to have fun as well as tell truth – I mean I used to be more aggressive than you see me now but then there was a moment with WJ when we actually laughed together.

    And i'm a bit of a [t]wit anyway so I said ' you know what – combine Wit wit Wisdom – and it worked – and “Here I am”.

    Not everyone sees the underlying bits – but you figured it – There is alot more to what I write than the surface words that are read.
    Do you know what Chiasms are, for instance, look it up and look out for then in my posts – there are the duoble entendres,the [re]quoting of scripture as if it's a normal sentence – did you see the “Here I am” where is that from? delieberatley misspelling words – match Wit wit Wit – ha ha – Yeah I can laugh … but there is a serious line in there, too so don't anyone think that being 'a [t]wit' means I'm ignorant – some have learnt the hard way…

    But in  mine


    I saw you from a distance, and understood that behind the youthful mask there was a very old man.
    I have seen your rewording of scripture often, I have done the same but less frequent.
    I will qoute my old Highschool teacher who was once asked how to describe me, concerning my personality. “In the outside its all fun and games, but this person is deeply deeply Dead serious.”

    I understand you,
    Sometimes humor, brings the most truth. Becuase what your willing to say while claiming to be humourous is more likely true, than what your willing to say while claiming to be Honest is less likely to be true.

    I seriousily see your seriousness in between your fun and games, that make me laugh and smile.



    I just made myself laugh – I accidentally misspelt “delieberatley”… that WAS an accident.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 25 2010,08:11)

    Quote (Arnold @ May 25 2010,07:12)
    We all proclaim that we Love God with all of our Hearts, most of our members here on H.N. do.  And our neighbors, that is the great commandments.   Yet their believes of what Scriptures is teaching us, differs.  If I would live with you on a daily basis then I could see your fruits… we debate Scriptures and some believe one way and others believe another way……. that my friend you have not revealed to any of us.  If I asked you do you believe in a trinity would you answer me?  Or do you believe that Jesus existed before His birth as a man?  Will you answer me?  You see the Bible tells  us in 1 Thees 5:21 to prove all things in what we believe, like the Bereans did, they searched the Scriptures daily, and so should we….besides this tread is on  that subject whether Math. 28:19 proves the trinity……..Irene

    To be honest. I dont believe its proper unless t8 were to open thread that pertains to that.  There is a poll going on based on that idea, that i kindof started.  check it out.
    I dont have to prove to you what i believe, Its abuot what God believes, period. all honor and glory belongs to him.  
    im trying to get you focused more on scripture, and the Holy Spirit, than this man who is not worthy.  
    Those questions you have asked right there, i already answered them in other threads (Davids).
    This is the thread that WJ wrote, i havent really made any observations on this one. The only comments i think i made were reffering to JA query abuot the fallen prince.  I say more in davids thread.

    Tell me something are you afraid to tell me?  That almost sounds like that.  Is there a tread for the trinity, yes…..but you see it is Math. 28;19 that those who believe in  the trinity take that Scripture as prove.  So I am not at all out of the tread at all.  Yet you just can't tell us what you believe that is ironic to say the least….You know I have never come across someone like you before not to answer Questions except Nick. But over the years I have to respect Nick and know why He is doing so….You are new and it is not unusual that some will want to know what they believe.  I am not here to just chat, I have Face Book for that……And also I can open a new tread of any subject if I want to, t8 has nothing against that…..but I will not, especially not about the trinity, since there is already two….One closed  because there where 1000 posts….and as far as you telling David already I would have to hunt for it.  I believe it is only polite on your part to tell me…..Irene


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 25 2010,07:24)
    Irene, I can't make anything out of your name – not even arnold. Now 'ChoseOne' I could do sammat wiv dat wun.

    Are you blind? When someone signed their name to it, most are sincere and use their name and not their users name…. Arnold is my users name… Is that O.K. with you??????and Arnold is a very nice name, don't you know or were you born in England???? Having fun yet………


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 01 2010,16:54)
    Hi all!

    Why all the accusations and condemnation?

    Why are you not addressing the fact that Matthew 28:19 speaks of a “Trinity”?



    Is this the verse that you hang your trinity doctrine from?


    Quote (Arnold @ May 25 2010,09:28)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 25 2010,08:11)

    Quote (Arnold @ May 25 2010,07:12)
    We all proclaim that we Love God with all of our Hearts, most of our members here on H.N. do.  And our neighbors, that is the great commandments.   Yet their believes of what Scriptures is teaching us, differs.  If I would live with you on a daily basis then I could see your fruits… we debate Scriptures and some believe one way and others believe another way……. that my friend you have not revealed to any of us.  If I asked you do you believe in a trinity would you answer me?  Or do you believe that Jesus existed before His birth as a man?  Will you answer me?  You see the Bible tells  us in 1 Thees 5:21 to prove all things in what we believe, like the Bereans did, they searched the Scriptures daily, and so should we….besides this tread is on  that subject whether Math. 28:19 proves the trinity……..Irene

    To be honest. I dont believe its proper unless t8 were to open thread that pertains to that.  There is a poll going on based on that idea, that i kindof started.  check it out.
    I dont have to prove to you what i believe, Its abuot what God believes, period. all honor and glory belongs to him.  
    im trying to get you focused more on scripture, and the Holy Spirit, than this man who is not worthy.  
    Those questions you have asked right there, i already answered them in other threads (Davids).
    This is the thread that WJ wrote, i havent really made any observations on this one. The only comments i think i made were reffering to JA query abuot the fallen prince.  I say more in davids thread.

    Tell me something are you afraid to tell me?  That almost sounds like that.  Is there a tread for the trinity, yes…..but you see it is Math. 28;19 that those who believe in  the trinity take that Scripture as prove.  So I am not at all out of the tread at all.  Yet you just can't tell us what you believe that is ironic to say the least….You know I have never come across someone like you before not to answer Questions except Nick. But over the years I have to respect Nick and know why He is doing so….You are new and it is not unusual that some will want to know what they believe.  I am not here to just chat, I have Face Book for that……And also I can open a new tread of any subject if I want to, t8 has nothing against that…..but I will not, especially not about the trinity, since there is already two….One closed  because there where 1000 posts….and as far as you telling David already I would have to hunt for it.  I believe it is only polite on your part to tell me…..Irene

    Afriad….? lol me. I believe not
    I am not afriad. lol.
    I have already expressed myself, its unneeded now because im not realy participating in this thread.
    lol I can tell…. Our Great Father has given us that liberty to choose whether to answer or to be silent.
    If i had made a conlusion or observation, that i would have to answer for it.
    But i havent in this thread.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
    There is a time and place for everything. just wait. Consider points before becoming biased on what i believe. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit.
    Davids thread is based on the same scripture on this one.
    I Believe one can always politly say no as well.


    Quote (t8 @ May 24 2010,17:48)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ May 01 2010,16:54)
    Hi all!

    Why all the accusations and condemnation?

    Why are you not addressing the fact that Matthew 28:19 speaks of a “Trinity”?



    Is this the verse that you hang your trinity doctrine from?


    Why, do you not think Jesus speaks of “a trinity” here?

    No we do not hang our doctrine on one verse, but for Jesus to speak of the three the way he did is a good start.

    Why do you think he mentions the three with a singular name and all having the definite article?

    I haven't seen any valid explanation that deny he at least is speaking of three distinct identities who share the same name.

    What say you?




    I was born in Jamaica… Doesn't mean anything.

    I make relationships between things like numbers. I remember sequences of numbers through their relationship.
    I make relationship between words … Just Askin … Simply forgiven…I saw that you had 'forgiven' him, simply so, need you ask more.

    I ask, why you get angry about such a simple thing if I try to connect your name, real, imagined or contrived. I'm just having a laugh… So touchy…chill Winstan!


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 25 2010,10:46)

    I was born in Jamaica… Doesn't mean anything.

    I make relationships between things like numbers. I remember sequences of numbers through their relationship.
    I make relationship between words … Just Askin … Simply forgiven…I saw that you had 'forgiven' him, simply so, need you ask more.

    I ask, why you get angry about such a simple thing if I try to connect your name, real, imagined or contrived. I'm just having a laugh… So touchy…chill Winstan!

    Winstan???Who is that…..I don;t know anybody by that name……am I touchy, maybe…I was born in Germany, so was my Husband like that has anything to do with this tread….none…. I like to talk to people but in the right place…. I brought up a tread I started 2 years ago…It is called “Getting to know you.”.look for it, nice pictures from t8

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