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  • #263004


    Do you understand this verse?

    That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me,
    and I in thee, that they also may be one in us. (John 17:21)

    God bless

    how is it done ED ???



    Yes Ed, we are one in the spirit when we believe in Jesus and Love him. But, that does not make us him. It would be blasphemous to think we are God now. We would have to also be as screwy as the man on that video you posted IMO to believe we are God.  I see this as 1. You say you didn't say that GOD had evil in him. 2. I show you where you did point blank 3. Your deflecting into blanket   doctrines and scriptures that still cannot show , because it is impossible, that God had evil in him. My point still stands. You should not confuse that basics of the bible with assumptions and opinions stated as biblical fact, or you are just as guilty as the Pope. IMO it's not worth the risk. Why go there? Whats the purpose? How does that promote Gods Kingdom and salvation, which is belief and love for his son and each other? I haven't even scratched on the other things in you book, I don't have time. I'm just sayin'. Love Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 27 2011,06:41)
    Yes Ed, we are one in the spirit when we believe in Jesus and Love him. But, that does not make us him. It would be blasphemous to think we are God now. We would have to also be as screwy as the man on that video you posted IMO to believe we are God.  I see this as 1. You say you didn't say that GOD had evil in him. 2. I show you where you did point blank 3. Your deflecting into blanket   doctrines and scriptures that still cannot show , because it is impossible, that God had evil in him. My point still stands. You should not confuse that basics of the bible with assumptions and opinions stated as biblical fact, or you are just as guilty as the Pope. IMO it's not worth the risk. Why go there? Whats the purpose? How does that promote Gods Kingdom and salvation, which is belief and love for his son and each other? I haven't even scratched on the other things in you book, I don't have time. I'm just sayin'. Love Mark


    I like your late comments ,it shows you are going in the right direction,

    keep going may God bless you ,


    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 23 2011,21:56)
    7) How evil was separated from GOD……………………..……………….…….…….page 11
    † Cross

    Hey Ed,
    This is out of the table of contents from your book. Your book is written like so many other books on religion I read. They don't day “this is what I think and why”, they state the opinions as fact. “This is the way it is”. IMHO like the Catholic church stating assumptions and opinions as fact. To me not worth the risk of recieving the severest sentance or displeasing God. Like on here I believe Mikeboll and T8 have an opinion that Jesus was not God(the Father). Duh as the kids say. But then they separate him from the father and say he is not worthy to be worshipped. Is anything impossible for God? Can he represent himself in human form providing a perfect sacrifice for our salvation? IMHO YES! Anyway, Hope you are well and blessed. Love-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    If you marry a woman who later turns out to be evil
    and you separate her from you, was she in you?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    It means she never was one with me in the first place. True love is forever…….. :)


    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 27 2011,00:51)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 27 2011,06:41)
    Yes Ed, we are one in the spirit when we believe in Jesus and Love him. But, that does not make us him. It would be blasphemous to think we are God now. We would have to also be as screwy as the man on that video you posted IMO to believe we are God.  I see this as 1. You say you didn't say that GOD had evil in him. 2. I show you where you did point blank 3. Your deflecting into blanket   doctrines and scriptures that still cannot show , because it is impossible, that God had evil in him. My point still stands. You should not confuse that basics of the bible with assumptions and opinions stated as biblical fact, or you are just as guilty as the Pope. IMO it's not worth the risk. Why go there? Whats the purpose? How does that promote Gods Kingdom and salvation, which is belief and love for his son and each other? I haven't even scratched on the other things in you book, I don't have time. I'm just sayin'. Love Mark


    I like your late comments ,it shows you are going in the right direction,

    keep going may God bless you ,


    May God bless you too Pierre. May he give you healing and painless journey to him. Love, Mark

    Ed J

    Hi Mark,

    Perhaps now you are beginning to grasp what I said, instead
    of not understanding and accusing me of being wrong; aye?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    I'm not accusing you Ed. You are missing my point. Both of us , and the rest on Heaven Net, do not have everything right. I do not claim to be infallible either. God has willed that there is a famine of his direct word through a genuine prophet. HE is there to guide and comfort, but he is not communicating with humanity directly now, because it is an evil time ment to test us like gold in the furnace. He will make everything known and truth will reign, and all the so-called prophets  will feel pretty stupid. My point with you is that I do not see where showing (and in my opinion blaspheming God) where evil was in God and it needed to be separated from him has any Benefit. There are many other things in your book I do not agree with but this is the one thing I disagree with the most.  I can't understandstand where it does any good to risk blaspheming God and confuse his message. This is my frustration with you and the Catholic church and the churches who fight it out to try to get a monopoly on grace, truth, or money , and at the same time, WE ARE ALL WRONG! No one but God knows the whole truth, and when someone you meet claims to, RUN, or ignore it, they are fooling themselves and have fallen into the trap of pride and arrogance. “As far as the heavens are above the earth, so are my ways above your ways”.  That goes for you and me and the churches too. Like in the bible over and over, we always err when we are successful and well fed, and true worship is marginalized, and the rich and powerful take presidence over the meek and humble and poor. But (this is the amazing part to me) In the end at Judgement- “the last will come first and the first will come last”. As the word tells me, “Worship God alone!” Peace Ed, I hope you have a nice day.   :)  Love, Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 27 2011,10:15)
    It means she never was one with me in the first place. True love is forever…….. :)

    True love is for puppies and teenagers.

    Agape love is the puriest of form of love.


    Quote (princess @ Sep. 28 2011,08:01)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 27 2011,10:15)
    It means she never was one with me in the first place. True love is forever…….. :)

    True love is for puppies and teenagers.

    Agape love is the puriest of form of love.


    yes because that love is based on principals not on emotions



    Quote (princess @ Sep. 28 2011,01:01)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 27 2011,10:15)
    It means she never was one with me in the first place. True love is forever…….. :)

    True love is for puppies and teenagers.

    Agape love is the puriest of form of love.

    I comprehend it because I feel it. I'm sorry if you haven't since your teenage days, but it is possible. You have to go back to your youth to comprehend it I guess. Anyway, I hope you experience it or get it from God. Love, Mark :)



    And there will come a time, when you are older, that you will say, oh that is what she meant. Take care Mark.


    Mark: I know we don't always see eye to eye but I have been reading this thread and watching you hold fast to the truth that God has no evil, never did have, and never will have. IMO, you are absolutely correct and have stood your ground. Whoever Lucifer is in Isaiah, some say Satan some say the Devil I say it could be Adam but that aside, Lucifer was the perfect creation of God. A perfect creation of God does not have “evil” which is not of God, in it from the start! Lucifer had freedom of thought and choice in which he did as you said, set his heart above God. He created sin/evil within himself. The scriptures say, iniquity was found in him. Anyway whoever or whatever Lucifer is created evil within himself. God did not!

    God is perfect as you say, and there is no evil, sin, darkness in God. You are correct and have defended the truth accurately IMO, God bless you in all you do or say! TK


    Quote (princess @ Sep. 28 2011,13:43)

    And there will come a time, when you are older, that you will say, oh that is what she meant. Take care Mark.

    First let me say that you are correct in saying that I will know more when I get older. One of that most surprising things to me that I have found is that even at 47, I am still learning and growing. I am not wise yet. Maybe not until I die will I be fully wise. But I feel I do my best.
    Second, you are right. Agape love is the purest. It is the one form of love in the greek language that most resembles the love that Jesus told us to have in our hearts. It is the love for others and the world you have even when you don't know them, or they love you back. You are right, this kind of love makes God very proud and is the purest, imo. Phileo love is brotherly love but you know and love the person out of your heart because you have affection for that person. Like Paul had for Mark, or David had for his assistant (I love him like my very self). this happens even in the worst people. It is not as pure as the first, because to get the first you have to have the holy spirit in you. It has to come from God. YOu cannot naturally love your enemy or people you do not love without God. If you do it means that he is in your heart without you  knowing why IMO.  Heres the point-Both of these can be forever. With certain people I have had this tested a few times, but I feel that I still love others more than myself.  They are both pure and forever, IMO.
    Now eros. Hmmmmmm. eros can get you in trouble. This world and the media have confused the crap out of this one. A supermodel in a nighty is what most men consider this kind of love. A “man of her dreams”, “knight in shining armor” is what most women think is eros. LUST, is not LOVE. This kind of love is possible to be forever, but not the worlds version of this. Unnatural lust, disorder in marriage, shameless, and selfishness (basiclly evil) has turned this love into HATE. My first wife used this love to enslave me and pray every day for years to God that he would kill me. I couldn't leave and it was torture to stay. I wanted to die so bad. I would never leave my kids. When I was at the point of cracking, I filed, and she committed suicide. God delivered me. So far I am good in my second. Cheryl and I have been so tore up and alienated by our x's that we cling to each other for dear life. We have cage matches once in a while, but we are faithful to each other, and come through safe, and can trust each other with this kind of love. Who knows? I may be in denial. Or the world has taken your belief in pure forever love(all three at once) I hope and pray I never find out what you mean. Love, (Agape, Phileo) Mark


    Quote (ftk @ Sep. 28 2011,21:56)
    Mark: I know we don't always see eye to eye but I have been reading this thread and watching you hold fast to the truth that God has no evil, never did have, and never will have. IMO, you are absolutely correct and have stood your ground. Whoever Lucifer is in Isaiah, some say Satan some say the Devil I say it could be Adam but that aside, Lucifer was the perfect creation of God. A perfect creation of God does not have “evil” which is not of God, in it from the start!  Lucifer had freedom of thought and choice in which he did as you said, set his heart above God. He created sin/evil within himself. The scriptures say,  iniquity was found in him. Anyway whoever or whatever Lucifer is created evil within himself. God did not!

    God is perfect as you say, and there is no evil, sin, darkness in God. You are correct and have defended the truth accurately IMO, God bless you in all you do or say! TK

    Thanks Tim. We have common ground. Happy day! I know you think I don't care for you, but the contrary is true. If you lived here I would invite you to dinner. I read your story, and hadn't had time to respond. Let me say this for now-I am truely sorry for all the wrong things all the people in those churches did to you, and the unchristan things you experienced there. It may not seem possible, but there are a few churches out there (even one in a thousand) that are not like that, and have LOTS of pure love as mentioned above. Please don't think thier all bad. Ther's good in anything God created, you just have to look REALLY deep sometimes. Take care and Godbless my friend. Love, Mark


    By the way Tim, for what it's worth- My opinion is that Isaiah was referring to the anti-christ. It doesn't matter which-the devil or the anti-christ-He is not God. God is perfect. Lucifer is not. :)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 27 2011,22:33)
    I'm not accusing you Ed. You are missing my point. Both of us , and the rest on Heaven Net, do not have everything right. I do not claim to be infallible either. God has willed that there is a famine of his direct word through a genuine prophet. HE is there to guide and comfort, but he is not communicating with humanity directly now, because it is an evil time ment to test us like gold in the furnace. He will make everything known and truth will reign, and all the so-called prophets  will feel pretty stupid. My point with you is that I do not see where showing (and in my opinion blaspheming God) where evil was in God and it needed to be separated from him has any Benefit. There are many other things in your book I do not agree with but this is the one thing I disagree with the most.  I can't understandstand where it does any good to risk blaspheming God and confuse his message. This is my frustration with you and the Catholic church and the churches who fight it out to try to get a monopoly on grace, truth, or money , and at the same time, WE ARE ALL WRONG! No one but God knows the whole truth, and when someone you meet claims to, RUN, or ignore it, they are fooling themselves and have fallen into the trap of pride and arrogance. “As far as the heavens are above the earth, so are my ways above your ways”.  That goes for you and me and the churches too. Like in the bible over and over, we always err when we are successful and well fed, and true worship is marginalized, and the rich and powerful take presidence over the meek and humble and poor. But (this is the amazing part to me) In the end at Judgement- “the last will come first and the first will come last”. As the word tells me, “Worship God alone!” Peace Ed, I hope you have a nice day.   :)  Love, Mark

    Hi Mark,

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 26 2011,23:41)
    Your deflecting into blanket   doctrines and scriptures that still cannot show , because it is impossible, that God had evil in him. My point still stands.

    I have not said what you assert I said.
    Consider carefully what Deut.5:20 says.

    And YOU saying I'm wrong doesn't make it so,
    but it is merely your “unproven” accusation.
    Do you know what accusation means?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Sep. 27 2011,05:32)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 23 2011,21:56)
    7) How evil was separated from GOD……………………..……………….…….…….page 11
    † Cross

    Hey Ed,
    This is out of the table of contents from your book. Your book is written like so many other books on religion I read. They don't day “this is what I think and why”, they state the opinions as fact. “This is the way it is”. IMHO like the Catholic church stating assumptions and opinions as fact. To me not worth the risk of recieving the severest sentance or displeasing God. Like on here I believe Mikeboll and T8 have an opinion that Jesus was not God(the Father). Duh as the kids say. But then they separate him from the father and say he is not worthy to be worshipped. Is anything impossible for God? Can he represent himself in human form providing a perfect sacrifice for our salvation? IMHO YES! Anyway, Hope you are well and blessed. Love-Mark

    Hi Mark,

    If you marry a woman who later turns out to be evil
    and you separate her from you, was she in you?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Mark,

    You haven't answered my question; will you please do so?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed, so, is that what your saying? (I can't even bring myself to say it – it is blasphemy to me).

    Ed Ed,

    WHY are you saying things like this? What makes a person 'discover' such things?
    What on earth made you come up with such an idea? Your numbers? Reading something? What?

    If you're talking about the crucifixion, this is what I wrote on another site: the way I see it:

    The way I see it, is similar to the Eastern Orthodox Church. They are different in their view of atonement compared to the Western mainstream view.

    It was to change us & not God.

    The following was writen by an Orthodox Roland Croucher:

    “In Western theology, especially since Anselm, the juridical understanding of the atonement had been based on the idea of sin and evil as being primarily something that God punishes us *for* (Rodger 1989:28). In the Orthodox view, however, sin and evil are primarily something that God rescues us *from*. Salvation begins with being released from the bondage of the enemy. Salvation is in the first place a liberation from bondage (Hayes 1993:168).

    Original sin, in the Orthodox view, is therefore not a kind of genetic inheritance, something carried with us, that we are born with, inherited from our ancestors, as Western theology tends to assert (Cross & Livingstone 1983:1010). It is better to picture original sin as something external, something environmental, not something that we are born with, but rather that we are born into (Cronk 1982:45; Hopko 1983:30; Davies 1971:205-205). We are born into a world that has been stolen from God, and has become a prison. We are born into a world that lies in the power of the evil one. We are citizens of the kingdom of Satan by birth. We are among the goods that the strong man holds in his palace. We are born literally possessed by the strong man (Lk 11:21)”.

    And from Wikipedia:

    “The earliest explanation for how the atonement works is nowadays often called the moral influence theory. In this view the core of Christianity is positive moral change, and the purpose of everything Jesus did was to lead humans toward that moral change. He is understood to have accomplished this variously through his teachings, example, founding of the Church, and the inspiring power of his martyrdom and resurrection. This view was universally taught by the Church Fathers in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD”.

    “Chronologically, the second explanation, first clearly enunciated by Irenaeus, 2nd century, is the “ransom” or “Christus Victor” theory. “Christus victor” and “ransom” are slightly different from each other:
    In the ransom metaphor Jesus liberates mankind from slavery to Satan and thus death by giving his own life as a ransom…
    The “Christus Victor” theory sees Jesus not used as a ransom but rather defeating Satan in a spiritual battle and thus freeing enslaved mankind by defeating the captor. This theory 'continued for a thousand years to influence Christian theology, till it was finally shifted and discarded by Anselm…”

    This is when it all changed:

    Wikipedia contiunued:

    “The third metaphor, used by the 11th century theologian Anselm, is called the “satisfaction” theory.
    In this picture mankind owes a debt not to Satan, but to sovereign God himself. A sovereign may well be able to forgive an insult or an injury in his private capacity, but because he is a sovereign he cannot if the state has been dishonoured. Anselm argued that the insult given to God is so great that only a perfect sacrifice could satisfy and Jesus, being both God and man, was this perfect sacrifice”.

    So, Ed, please forget whatever you were shown, or at least tell me where you got the idea from.

    Ed J

    Quote (shimmer @ Sep. 29 2011,18:38)
    Ed, please forget whatever you were shown, or at least tell me where you got the idea from.

    Hi Shimmer,

    “The Bible”!   …where do you get your ideas from? (See Mark 13:21-23)

    Mark 13:21-23 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ;
    or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise,
    and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But
    take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things. (where do you get your ideas from?)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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