Marriage definition

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    For all who desire the Truth of God: JESUS SAID IN THE NEW TESTAMENT….GOD IS LOVE…! Many man made doctrines must fall if love is understood.

    In the mind of man, which is the mind of Christ/God, all thought should be: perfection, good, love and life, peace, harmony, happiness, meekness, kindness, gentleness all the fruit of pure, creative life and love that are ''God'', are in God and are from God……any or all other thought constructions or beliefs of the mind that contain evil, bad, sin, not good, negative as to life, or death in any way shape or form, not in alignment with God/Truth are outside of God! Jesus called it outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    Outside of God…… or outer darkness there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is where pain and suffering are allowed. Outside of God is where there is sickness and disease and multiple forms of death and destruction! We, as sons of God, just sit and cry about our pains and sufferings instead of aligning our minds with the truth of God, disallow the sickness in Gods house and transform it back to life and love. The pureness of Gods truth or words from Jesus, cannot be tainted with dark creations of man…”illusions of truth”… that are not from God. Whether man created evil thinking or it was always a choice for man to either believe in evil and ''live a dying life'' or choose ''pure life'' in pure truth of God, which is not tainted, blocked or controlled by dark, death choices.

    When reading the Bible there are many Gods revealed by man. (called gods by man)! And mankind and the Bible authors and the Bible interpreters have painted a picture of a God that has indignation, jealousy, hatred of evil, good feelings and bad feelings, kindness and wrath etc.! Isn't that a bit more like a picture of a regular man than God? Oddly enough the picture painted by man in the Bible appears to have the same feelings and common desires, much like a regular man! THAT'S BECAUSE MAN CANNOT SEE BEYOND HIMSELF!!

    Here is the truth: JESUS SAYS… ''GOD IS LOVE''….! For me, since Jesus is my lord and savior, that I consider the absolute truth from God, this fact is now unchangeable!! All aspect of God are summed up in the word, LOVE! Every doctrine and belief of the New Testament must now be built up on the foundation truth of God as Love! So, when we find what love truly is, that is what God is! Only one problem right up front. There is no hate or wrath in love! There is no jealously in pure love. There is no revenge in love. Without going through all the “mental aspects” or ''traits'' of love……many of our doctrines must cease to exist at the out-set! God is not going to war and is not in a war with anyone, anywhere!! God is the truth in love and that is it, final, no change, no move to or from. What you think or believe might make it seem like God is closer or farther away but in truth God is everywhere and moves not. Only in your mind. Only in your thoughts can God come to or go away! Same with Jesus.

    Recommendation: Check all beliefs and doctrines against the fact that God is Love! This is the Truth we can count on from Jesus. IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ Dec. 29 2011,05:14)
    For all who desire the Truth of God: JESUS SAID IN THE NEW TESTAMENT….GOD IS LOVE…! Many man made doctrines must fall if love is understood.

    In the mind of man, which is the mind of Christ/God, all thought should be: perfection, good, love and life, peace, harmony, happiness, meekness, kindness, gentleness all the fruit of pure, creative life and love that are ''God'', are in God and are from God……any or all other thought constructions or beliefs of the mind that contain evil, bad, sin, not good, negative as to life, or death in any way shape or form, not in alignment with God/Truth are outside of God! Jesus called it outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    Outside of God…… or outer darkness there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is where pain and suffering are allowed. Outside of God is where there is sickness and disease and multiple forms of death and destruction! We, as sons of God, just sit and cry about our pains and sufferings instead of aligning our minds with the truth of God, disallow the sickness in Gods house and transform it back to life and love.  The pureness of Gods truth or words from Jesus, cannot be tainted with dark creations of man…”illusions of truth”… that are not from God. Whether man created evil thinking or it was always a choice for man to either believe in evil and ''live a dying life'' or choose ''pure life'' in pure truth of God, which is not tainted, blocked or controlled by dark, death choices.

    When reading the Bible there are many Gods revealed by man. (called gods by man)! And mankind and the Bible authors and the Bible interpreters have painted a picture of a God that has indignation, jealousy, hatred of evil, good feelings and bad feelings, kindness and wrath etc.!    Isn't that a bit more like a picture of a regular man than God? Oddly enough the picture painted by man in the Bible appears to have the same feelings and common desires, much like a regular man!  THAT'S BECAUSE MAN CANNOT SEE BEYOND HIMSELF!!

    Here is the truth: JESUS SAYS… ''GOD IS LOVE''….!   For me, since Jesus is my lord and savior, that I consider the absolute truth from God, this fact is now unchangeable!! All aspect of God are summed up in the word, LOVE!  Every doctrine and belief of the New Testament must now be built up on the foundation truth of God as Love!  So, when we find what love truly is, that is what God is! Only one problem right up front.  There is no hate or wrath in love! There is no jealously in pure love. There is no revenge in love. Without going through all the “mental aspects” or ''traits'' of love……many of our doctrines must cease to exist at the out-set!  God is not going to war and is not in a war with anyone, anywhere!! God is the truth in love and that is it, final, no change, no move to or from. What you think or believe might make it seem like God is closer or farther away but in truth God is everywhere and moves not. Only in your mind. Only in your thoughts can God come to or go away! Same with Jesus.

    Recommendation: Check all beliefs and doctrines against the fact that God is Love!  This is the Truth we can count on from Jesus.  IMO, TK

    Ps 103:11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who fear him;

    Ps 104:34 May my meditation be pleasing to him,
    as I rejoice in the LORD.
    Ps 104:35 But may sinners vanish from the earth
    and the wicked be no more.


    Pierre: I agree with all my heart! TK


    Quote (ftk @ Dec. 29 2011,05:36)
    Pierre:  I agree with all my heart!  TK


    so God LOVES those who love him ,right ?



    Pierre: Jesus said if you love me, you will keep my words (in heart) and my Father(which is the words/spirit) will love you and I and the father will make our “abode”(house of God) with you! One who loveth not the words of the Father keepeth them not!

    Interestingly this thread on “Marriage” should show that the marriage referred to in the scriptures is speaking in reference to the ''union'' or marriage supper between Jesus the bridegroom and the pure Holy Spirit of God joined in true Holy Matrimony, never to be separated with sin thinking again. Since that union was made complete it is an example of the union of Man with God. He who is joined/married to God, let not (any lying, deceiving man) put asunder! (or separate with sin thinking). A man taking on God in marriage and then turning away as a harlot to other gods like the works and deeds he performs, could be divorced from God forever! IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ Jan. 24 2012,04:11)
    Pierre:  Jesus said if you love me, you will keep my words (in heart) and my Father(which is the words/spirit) will love you and I and the father will make our “abode”(house of God) with you! One who loveth not the words of the Father keepeth them not!

    Interestingly this thread on “Marriage” should show that the marriage referred to in the scriptures is speaking in reference to the ''union'' or marriage supper between Jesus the bridegroom and the pure Holy Spirit of God joined in true Holy Matrimony, never to be separated with sin thinking again. Since that union was made complete it is an example of the union of Man with God. He who is joined/married to God, let not (any lying, deceiving man) put asunder! (or separate with sin thinking). A man taking on God in marriage and then turning away as a harlot to other gods like the works and deeds he performs, could be divorced from God forever!  IMO, TK


    yes ,all is true



    It is now legal for same sex marriage in New Zealand. It was voted on about 2 days ago. Here is what one New Zealand politician said and this video went viral. Evidently he has become a rock star politican after that speech. But as it is written: “the whole world is under the sway of the evil one”.


    If homosexuality is genetic, how did the genetics get passed on? I have never heard the answer and only ever heard one person ask that question.


    Quote (t8 @ April 22 2013,18:48)
    If homosexuality is genetic, how did the genetics get passed on? I have never heard the answer and only ever heard one person ask that question.


    Its speculation it is genetic. It would have to be recessive. There is probably some truth to it as alcoholism and other things can have have genetic aspects. That just makes it more opportune for Satan to temp you in that way. Humans were not created to be beasts.


    Quote (t8 @ April 22 2013,18:48)
    If homosexuality is genetic, how did the genetics get passed on? I have never heard the answer and only ever heard one person ask that question.


    their is no genetics transmission in wickedness and corruption ,only the love of it and the rejection of truth and godly things

    but as perversion will grow and grow we will see more of it ,and those that not pay attention to protect themselves from it could easy fall into it .Christ says to constant praying for our own protection,so true .


    Quote (terraricca @ May 11 2013,02:14)

    their is no genetics transmission in wickedness and corruption ,only the love of it and the rejection of truth and godly things

    but as perversion will grow and grow we will see more of it ,and those that not pay attention to protect themselves from it could easy fall into it .Christ says to constant praying for our own protection,so true .

    I agree. I was asking the question as if to those who think this to be the case.
    I think Kerwin could be right, that because man is corrupt, our genetic code may have all kinds of shortfalls and deficiencies, we have weaknesses and vulnerabilities. I come from a family of alcoholics for example, so it seems genetic, but I fortunately missed out because I can go years without a drink and it concerns me not. That said, in younger days I definitely had other weaknesses that could have destroyed me. But I overcame when I turned my life toward God. So I am thinking that a weakness is not a sentence. And so when we are weak we have to let him be strong.


    Quote (t8 @ May 10 2013,20:21)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 11 2013,02:14)

    their is no genetics transmission in wickedness and corruption ,only the love of it and the rejection of truth and godly things

    but as perversion will grow and grow we will see more of it ,and those that not pay attention to protect themselves from it could easy fall into it .Christ says to constant praying for our own protection,so true .

    I agree. I was asking the question as if to those who think this to be the case.
    I think Kerwin could be right, that because man is corrupt, our genetic code may have all kinds of shortfalls and deficiencies, we have weaknesses and vulnerabilities. I come from a family of alcoholics for example, so it seems genetic, but I fortunately missed out because I can go years without a drink and it concerns me not. That said, in younger days I definitely had other weaknesses that could have destroyed me. But I overcame when I turned my life toward God. So I am thinking that a weakness is not a sentence. And so when we are weak we have to let him be strong.


    is it not what parents believe and drive in some cases to there own children ,like hatred, abusing of women, animals and the love of corruption and also sexual corruption with their own or other wife or women or same sex and drugs, and so defile there own flesh ,and collect the fruits of their own depravation ,and transmitting it to their offspring ,

    it is true that we all have weaknesses but the fight we do against it is in itself ,beneficial to us because the results will be by God's help rewarded in time ,it is not take action to neutralize it that will destroy us in time ,this is the way to righteousness ,overcoming our flesh and fulfill God's commandments by obeying his words.


    Quote (t8 @ May 10 2013,20:21)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 11 2013,02:14)

    their is no genetics transmission in wickedness and corruption ,only the love of it and the rejection of truth and godly things

    but as perversion will grow and grow we will see more of it ,and those that not pay attention to protect themselves from it could easy fall into it .Christ says to constant praying for our own protection,so true .

    I agree. I was asking the question as if to those who think this to be the case.
    I think Kerwin could be right, that because man is corrupt, our genetic code may have all kinds of shortfalls and deficiencies, we have weaknesses and vulnerabilities. I come from a family of alcoholics for example, so it seems genetic, but I fortunately missed out because I can go years without a drink and it concerns me not. That said, in younger days I definitely had other weaknesses that could have destroyed me. But I overcame when I turned my life toward God. So I am thinking that a weakness is not a sentence. And so when we are weak we have to let him be strong.

    T8, and all,

    A good way to put it.

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