Mans Religion.

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  • #19245

    This nation will soon be judged for its evil!! Come out of the religons of men, repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ!!

    (Edited by mweber at 10:36 pm on May 17, 2003)


    Right on!


    Hhhhmmmm…a bit on the radical side but hey!..who am I to judge!

    Jesus is the only way, yet somehow I don’t think that your way is the best way to lead those on the wrong way to the right way! ??? make sense?

    Ah well, I think you know what I mean.


    Hhhhmmmm…a bit on the radical side but hey!..who am I to judge!

    Too late you judged.


    Scripture tells us that some worship demons and not God. Are they aware this is what they are doing? I would be surprised if they were.

    So when we meet with christians to pray and fellowship what should we do?

    Who should we pray to?

    Do we?

    How serious are these matters in God's eyes?

    What if the assembly we attend has different traditions what should we do?

    Should our assembly follow the pattern of 1 Cor 12-14?


    Him who is weak receive, but not to doubtful disputes. The “true” Christians bear fruit of repentance, abstain from all wickedness and “believe the best”. God is the judege of the heart, we only perceive the fruit and determine if it is of God.

    Remember, the labor (works) we do are not the fruit. The fruit is the character of the individual according to his spiritual nature. Some do works according to the flesh, not following the leading of the Spirit. In other words, out of our zeal we may do more harm than good, rather than doing all works out of humility and the fear of the Lord.

    Look at the Philadelphia church in Rev. 3:7-13. They are weak of themselves and do the “BEST” works.

    We are not to judge another man's servant, to his own master he stands or falls.

    We are to love them the same anyway! If you love those that love you, you have done no more than the world which loves it's own!


    Good stuff,
    But do we serve the same master if his instructions are not respected and obeyed?


    James defined true religion
    ” This is true and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world”

    Certainly the world has a different view.


    having an online conversation with yourself Nick? lol…


    Quote (epistemaniac @ Aug. 02 2005,18:04)
    having an online conversation with yourself Nick? lol…

    Hi Epistemaniac,
    I must admit I hoped you would address the scripture itself rather than divert the stream to a personal attack on me.

    Do you agree that most “human religion” is useless effort by those who do not know the God and have no relationship with him through His Son? Many religions sincerely attempt to worship God. But unwittingly they worship demons rather than God.

    1Cor 10.14f
    ” Therefore ,my beloved,flee from idolatry.I speak as to wise men…No I say that the things which the gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. You cannot the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons;you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Or do we provoke the lord to jealousy? We are not stronger than He are we?”


    Hi E,
    God uses symbolic colours in the bible as you probably know and there are internet sites on this issue. The Colours are well shown in Exodus 24f at God's instructions for building the temple.
    Blue for God
    Red\scarlet for man
    Purple, the mixing of the two, for the interface between God and man, religion.

    The Whore of Babylon in Rev 17-18 is only showing two colours:
    Red and Purple-Man and Religion.
    God is not part of the equation at all.
    That is false religion, the religion of man but it does not involve God.
    That is why the Spirit says:
    “Come out of her my people”



    Imagine what it would be like if all people on earth were united in one religion, in one pure worship of the only true God. Eventually, this will be a reality.

    “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4)

    It is evident that God himself is here speaking to his people. Note that he does not command his people to mix in with the harlot in an ecumenical effort to save her by helping her to adjust to a decent life. No, there is no remedy for her. Therefore, he commands them to get out of and stay away from her in order to avoid being contaminated by her gross sinfulness and to avoid eventually being judged and destroyed together with her.

    When the voice from heaven commands: “Get out of her,” there is somewhere to go. The heavenly command to “get out of her” also helps sincere truth seekers to identify God’s people. They may ask themselves, ‘Which people on earth today have heeded this command by resigning from any religion, organization, or body of worshipers connected with “Babylon the Great”? (Revelation 18:2)

    (I'm writing this mostly because I want to talk about something other than baal gad.)


    Hi david,
    Surprise Surprise it will not be the Jehovahs witnesses.


    Try this one David

    malcolm ferris

    Unless the Lord build the house they labour in vain the build it.
    The early church went wrong when they allowed the ministers and officers of God to be held in esteem above the congregation. This lead to the conquering of the laity and manmade and led religion in the place of God authored religion led by His Spirit.
    Today men just don't seem to want to learn.
    But hey – this is an age old problem take Cain and Abel for example.
    Cain first offered – yet though he righly divided he wrongly offered to God.
    He offered what? the fruits of his hands – gotten by the sweat of his brow.
    What did his offering speak of? Works to pay off the curse.
    Abel offered a little differently – he offered by faith. God accepted his offering.
    What did it speak of? It was a recognition of and following in the example of what God had provided as an offering!
    How so?
    When God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden – they were clothed in sheepskin.
    Where did the skin come from? who offered the lamb? God did.
    God accepted Abels offering because it was his offering – it spoke of the blood of the Lamb to come. A better blood.
    Look again at Cain's offering it mirrors that of Adam and Eve.
    They covered themselves with leaves, the works of their own hands to cover their nakedness.
    So it has always been a contest between works verses faith.
    Cain had to disregard God's words in order to go forth and kill his brother
    And why did he kill Abel his brother?
    1 John tells us it is because his works were evil and his brothers were righteous.
    What was Cain's evil works?
    Not killing his brother – this just followed from them
    It was the incorrect worship of God and refusing to repent of it and this led to murder…

    malcolm ferris

    A little further to that discourse on Cain and Abel
    You will notice that the offering Cain made was a scriptural offering, it was just not in season.
    He offered the firstfruits offering. But you cannot have a firstfruits offering before the blood is offered.
    In effect he was denying the blood and attempting to worship God according to the Word of God, but not all of it.
    This is essentially what many do, they take one truth of God and worship around this.
    But we are told to live by every Word.


    Hi Malcolm,
    Gen 4.2f
    ” And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruits of the ground. And Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard”
    It does not say that both should have brought lambs.
    They brought the fruit of their own work and responsibility.
    It does not say why God had no regard for Cain himself either.
    Surely Abel was killed because of jealousy and anger against him and God?
    Please can you clarify.

    malcolm ferris

    Whatrwas the wicked works of Cain?
    Jealousy held in the heart is not a work.
    An act of offering in worship is.
    True both boys offered in line with their chosen profession.
    Abel chose to be a keeper of herds – to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and be master the creation of God.
    Cain chose to be a keeper of the ground – to labour and toil with the sweat of his brow to gain the fruits of it.
    Why did each choose their respective vocations?
    Abel offered by faith – that doesn't sound like he offered by luck or on account of his chosen profession.
    Just my 2 cents worth…


    Hi Malcolm,
    I always understood that his fruits offered were not of the best quality was the problem but I could be wrong so I will keep working on this one.

    malcolm ferris

    I believe one translation of God's words in response to Cain were:
    “You have rightly offered but wrongly divided”
    which is reminscent of Paul's words
    Study to show yourself a workman approved of God that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
    My understanding is that God has always had one way that allows us to approach him, and that is by a blood offering.

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