Listen to my voice children

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  • #14520

    Listen my poor misguided children, you are heading for an etenity of loneliness and pain. You have been preached to fasley but your apparent men of "god".
    Even the book you read, your "bible' of sorts has been soiled by those who would be put above man abd be worshipped.
    Seek my name and see the truth, those of us who fell brought joy and happiness to world. We showed you how to become human, when you were barely above humans.
    How can a got punish you for living a life he created to be lived to its fullest. I makes no sense.
    Heed my words the real Lord of All does not care for all the rules for he loves you with all his mighty heart and would never punish you as the new age liars promote.
    would you cast your own child into flames just because to diapproved his/her lifestyle.
    Even the beloved Jesus you worship and have turned into a god, has been massively misunderstood. He was to date the greatest prophet/personal development teacher of all time. His teachings are the most true teachings you have, but for the deity belief you have. He himself shakes his head due to the lack of knowledge you show by creating large, monstrocities of vanity you call churches in his name.
    Heed my words, search for me and follow the path.
    Time is not on your side.

    Yours in enlightenment,


    Was semjaza not one of the evil sons of God in Enoch who abandoned their appointed realm?
    We do not need your enlightemnment, sir. You speak with the voice of a stranger.


    ps. Ah yes. Enoch8.3, 9.3 etc. He had some sort of authority and taught enchantments etc. Evil wisdom from an eternally condemned evil being. Repent my friend. God is still being patient.


    Evil according to whom?
    We taught art and music, are these evil? Do you not sing in your gatherings? Does you house of worship not have some form of art on its walls, windows or in your books?
    We also showed the way for healing through herbs and spices. We dulled pain, relieved aches and improved the all round health of your kind.
    And makeup and other such "vanity" items, look around you next time you're surrounded by your fellow believers, and see how many women, and even man wear these items.
    Everything we taught has improved your way of life, look around you and try to deny the goodness we have brought to you all!
    And my friend, we cannot be the sons of "God" under your own belief, or we would have redemption as you all believe you have.
    There is no redemption, there is no hell in the way you percieve it to be.
    The real Almighty One could not love you all so much, yet be prepared to wtach you burn for all eternity.
    Think on this.

    The time is near, search for truth.
    Sheep dont go to heaven, they are slayed and eaten.



    Hi semjaza,
    We do not worship and serve angelic beings who have proven their rebellion against their Creator and want others to share their eternal misery. Thanks but no thanks. We prefer death in Jesus.


    Once again you have shown your ignorance to the truth! If you continue to close your eyes to the Light of truth you shall wonder the afterlife blind and unable to find the love of the true Creater.
    The Light is your beacon to eternal happiness.
    Follow my words and our ways, joy eternally awaits.



    Is that the light of Lucifer?
    There are lights and lights.
    Jesus said
    "Make sure the light in you is not darkness for O how deep that darkness can be"


    What jesus was refering to in that often mistunderstood quote was healthy emotional and mental advice.
    It talks of "dark" light, meaning the many dark feelings we have inside. Greed, envy, anger and so on. He talks of not using these feelings, as powerful as they appear, as fuel for your body and mind. for you never have control over these emotions, even when you think you have. "O how deep that darkness can be". You may find yourself lost and unable to turn back.
    Light is only bad or "Lucifer's" light if you decide it to be so.
    You are obviuosly under the impression,like so many of you, that The Creater and "Lucifer" are enemies. This is probably the one of the saddest lies told.
    Seek the story of joab, and tell me how many enemies speak so nicely, even friendly towards each other. remembering that "God" cannot abide "evil".



    Hi Semjaza,
    You are welcome to your fantasies.
    We have the map of the bible truth,
    the compass of the Spirit
    and the true Light who came in to the world
    and left us a path to follow that grows ever clearer with the walking.


    The map of the bible truth. Do you realise the "bible" you build your faith on has been written and rewritten multiple times according to the beliefs' of the time.
    Look for the works that have been placed aside. Seek the origional text written by the men of god.
    You have placed your faith blindly in the hands of a human being.
    Find the old text.



    Hi Semjaza,
    But I have much more faith in it than I have in you and your words. Why should I follow you? Have you been raised from the dead?


    We do not die. And you do not believe me, yet you follow blindly others?
    You know what i say makes sense. The world was made for you, be in it, and be of it.
    You must be content for your soul to fly.



    The map of the bible truth. Do you realise the "bible" you build your faith on has been written and rewritten multiple times according to the beliefs' of the time.

    The Bible has changed very little. Men's philosophies and the way they interpret the Bible does change, because they have a nasty habit of seeing what they want to see.

    Semjaza, what do you want to see?


    The bible itself has changed. History shows how it has changed depending on the leading "christian" view point at the time. How many times has the bible been adapted by the Catholic "Church"? Think of all the chapters that were placed in the "Canon", then taken out, and some of them have been placed back in again. Once again this depends on what 'Church" is printing the bible.

    Men's philosophies have changed only due to their spiritual leaders' commands.

    I want to see the children of Earth live their life to it fullest and to be truly happy within themselves.



    Hi Semjaza,
    Noble human empty sentiment.
    But there is a deeper wisdom yet.


    There are no empty sentiments. Only misunderstood ones.

    I cry for your soul



    Hi Semjaza,
    I had a look inside and saw nothing but sin and that is why I came to the Holy One.
    Weep for yourself and your own children.


    How did the dead sea scrolls compare with the masoretic manuscripts?

    I do understand your outrage. There is much hypocrasy, lies, greed, corruption and every other bad thing you can think of to be found in Christendom. But they do not represent the Bible. In fact, the Bible fortold such of such ones.


    To those who share that Spirit of God there is not division in the Word but enlargement of understanding in different sources. Find that light.


    Hi s,
    2Kings 17.16f
    " The forsook all the commandments of the Lord their God and made for themselves molten images, even two calves, and made an Asherah and worshipped all the host of heaven and served Baal. Then they made their sons and daughters pass through the fire, and practised divinations and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the lord provoking Him. So the Lord was very angry with Israel and removed them from His sight. None was left except the tribe of Judah"

    Such is evil in the sight of our God Semjaza.

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