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- June 5, 2009 at 8:56 pm#132557
ParticipantLifting up the Son of Man! The time for it, is now!
At Luke 18:7,8 Jesus made this following statement:
7 “Will not God grant justice to His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay [to help] them?
8 I tell you that He will swiftly grant them justice. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find that faith ON EARTH?”
(HCSB) Luke 18:7,8 With this statement, Jesus appeared to be alluding to the fact, that the true faith would not be found on this earth, at all. Why would he set-forth, a doubt, like that?Jesus made another very interesting comment at John 4:23,24 where he said the following:
23 “But the time IS COMING—indeed, IT'S HERE NOW -—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.”
24 “For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23,24 – (NLT) We see from this, we, individually do not decide how to worship the Father! That descision he reserves to himself. He wishes for the ones to worship him, to do that, 'in spirit and in truth.' Those, Jesus said, are the ones God is 'looking for to worship him.' Jesus had told us here, that IT`S HERE NOW! The fact, that Jesus was on the scene, with them at the time, and his first Century followers, was all in direct association with him; and since,`Jesus was the WAY of the truth, he could say, IT`S HERE NOW. Notice too, that, he said, `the time is coming, then the exact same thing, would exist again, at some future time. Is it here, now, at this time? While all his followers was in association with him, it could be said, that they was worshipping 'in spirit and in truth.' Since it was to come again, then reasonably, it must, of necessity, be here, right now; and few, are getting the sense of that fact. The vast majority of this World's Christian's, have their own ways of approach to the Father. They are all in for one major disappointment. There is only one way to approach the Father. His way! Or no way at all!
Well and good! How, though, did his followers receive additional teachings after his ascension to his Fathers right hand? Paul will answer that question for us:
11 “Dear brothers and sisters, I want you to understand that the gospel message I preach is NOT BASED ON MERE HUMAN REASONING.”
12 I received my message FROM NO HUMAN SOURCE, and no one taught me. Instead, I received it BY DIRECT REVELATION from Jesus Christ.” Galatians 1:11,12 — (NLT)
So, now, we must ask ourselves; from what source are we receiving our teachings? Is it from a human source? If it's not from the Christ, by means of revelations from the invisible heavens; then we are being severely misled, not realizing it.
We know, when Jesus ascended to the right hand of his Father, he was put in control of the Holy Spirit. {Acts 2:33} By means of said spirit, Jesus could continue with his teaching from the invisible heavens, as he did with Paul. Since Jesus, was, the Way of the truth, all he taught from that source would know the truth, just as Jesus knew it. All, as a result of the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. They would need, no man on this earth to teach them the Bible! That was all accomplished by means of the Holy Spirit. As John will explain:
27 But you have received the Holy Spirit from God. He continues to live in you. So YOU DON'T NEED ANYONE TO TEACH YOU. GOD'S SPIRIT TEACHES YOU ABOUT EVERYTHING. What he says is true. He doesn't lie. Remain joined to Christ, just as YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT BY THE SPIRIT.” This is how they were able to worship, in Spirit, and in truth; because, 'the Spirit is the truth.' They remained joined only to the Christ, and to no one else. Yesterday! And Today! The reason being, was that Jesus was the only one in possession of the Holy Spirit. {John 16:13} {1 John 5:6} {John 14:26;16:13} 1 John 2:27 (N. I. R. V)
We all know that there are a variety of Religions on this earth, all making claim, that their Religion is the one true faith. Religious Christendom for one, makes that claim. Would the Christ himself, was you able to ask him outright, 'is that true, what they claim?'How, would Jesus himself answer that question, was it put to him? I believe his answer, would tell every Religious Leader on this earth, that they was quite wrong. Why would he tell them, that? I'll go on to explain!
Now, the Apostle John himself, was one of the true anointed class. One of the High-Calling of God. Notice though, that he could have asserted his authoriity, as one of the true faithful slave class, and told everyone, that he was the way to the Christ. He never did that though. Look, though, what he did tell us about that.
6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME.” John 14:6 (N.L.T.}
Now, did Jesus even hint here, that we had to approach the Father through one of the members of the faithful slave class? No! He didn't, did he? He said,that it was only through him we would gain approach to his Father. Don't overlook something else he said about that, in John 6:44.
John 6:44 (E.S.V.)
44 “No one can come to me UNLESS THE FATHER WHO SENT ME DRAWS HIM. And I will raise him up on the last day.`There we have it! There's only one way, that we can gain access to the Son! That is through the efforts of Jehovah God! Like it, or not, there's no other way to approach the Son, but by Jehovah himself, drawing us to his Son. He does not draw us to any self appointed false prophet professing to be of the anionted remnant. He draws us directly to his Son, and only his Son!
No one can attend any of the Churches of Christendom, and gain access to the Father, through their efforts. That is entirely impossible. If one isn't drawn by Jehovah, to his Son, they will never, in their lifetime, as hard as they may try, be able to approach him, the Father. John 10 will cement my point here. My point is: no one can attend ANY of Christendom's great religous system, and gain access to the Father by those means. If Jehovah doesn't do the drawing to his Son, there's no other way to come to the Father; no way at all! As a matter of fact, that is what the first Century Christian's was referred to. As belonging to, the 'WAY.' Or 'the way of the truth.' The main reason being, Jesus said, about himself; 'I am the way, the truth and the life.' {Acts 22:14; 24:14; 24:22;19:9,23}
Acts 24:14 (New International Version)
14 “However, I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower OF THE WAY, which they call a sect. I believe everything that agrees with the Law and that is written in the Prophets'…Notice what Paul had to say about this WAY that will clearly show us that, there is definitely only one way, to worship the Father. He stated, the following:
4 “There is ONE BODY {of Christians} and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling;
5 one Lord, ONE FAITH ONE BAPTISM, 6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6 (N.A.S.B.) Now, does that harmonize with the vast number of divided Religious bodies, that now encompass our Globe? Could that mass-confusion of Religions constitute the way of the truth? Without hesitation, I reply; Absolutely not! It would be ludicrous to believe otherwise! Completely laughable! What position do they take though in this scenarion? John will point out what that position is:
John 10 (Young's Literal Translation)
John 10
OTH OPEN, AND THE SHEEP HEAR HIS VOICE, and his own sheep he doth call by name, and doth lead them forth;
4 and when his own sheep he may put forth, before them he goeth on, and THE SHEEP FOLLOW HIM, BECAUSE THEY HAVE KNOWN HIS VOICE;
5 and a stranger THEY WILL NOT FOLLOW, but will flee from him, because THEY HAVE NOT KNOWN THE VOICE OF STRANGERS.'
6 This similitude spake Jesus to them, and they knew not what the things were that he was speaking to them;
7 Jesus said therefore again to them, `Verily, verily, I say to you — I AM THE DOOR OF THE SHEEP;
10`The thief doth not come, except that he may steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they may have life, and may have [it] abundantly.
12 and THE HIRELING, {Christendom's Religious leaders} the hireling, and NOT BEING A shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, doth behold the wolf coming, and doth leave the sheep, and doth flee; and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep;
13 and the hireling doth flee because he is an hireling, and is not caring for the sheep.
15 according as the Father doth know me, and I know the Father, and my life I lay down for the sheep,
16 and other sheep I have that are not of this fold, these also it behoveth me to bring, and my voice they will hear, and there shall become one flock — one shepherd.
17` Because of this doth the Father love me, because I lay down my life, that again I may take it;
18 no one doth take it from me, but I lay it down of myself; authority I have to lay it down, and authority I have again to take it; this command I received from my Father.'
19 Therefore, again, there came a division among the Jews, because of these words,
20 and many of them said, `He hath a demon, and is mad, why do ye hear him?'
21 others said, `These sayings are not those of a demoniac; is a demon able blind men's eyes to open?'
22 And the dedication in Jerusalem came, and it was winter,
23 and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the porch of Solomon,
24 the Jews, therefore, came round about him, and said to him, `Till when our soul dost thou hold in suspense? if thou art the Christ, tell us freely.'
25 Jesus answered them, `I told you, and ye do not believe; the works that I do in the name of my Father, these testify concerning me;
26 but ye do not believe, for ye are not of my sheep,
27 according as I said to you: My sheep MY VOICE DO HEAR, AND I KNOW THEM, and THEY FOLLOW ME,
28 and life age-during I give to them, and they shall not perish — to the age, and no one shall pluck them out of my hand;
29 my Father, who hath given to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to pluck out of the hand of my Father;
30 I and the Father are one.'
31Therefore, again, did the Jews take up stones that they may stone him;
32 Jesus answered them, `Many good works did I shew you from my Father; because of which work of them do ye stone me?'
33 The Jews answered him, saying, `For a good work we do not stone thee, but for evil speaking, and because thou, being a man, dost make thyself God.'
34 Jesus answered them, `Is it not having been written in your law: I said, ye are gods?
35 if them he did call gods unto whom the word of God came, (and the Writing is not able to be broken,)
36 of him whom the Father did sanctify, and send to the world, do ye say — Thou speakest evil, because I said, Son of God I am?
37 if I do not the works of my Father, do not believe me;
38 and if I do, even if me ye may not believe, the works believe, that ye may know and may believe that in me [is] the Father, and I in Him.'
39 Therefore were they seeking again to seize him, and he went forth out of their hand,
40 and went away again to the other side of the Jordan, to the place where John was at first baptizing, and remained there,
41 and many came unto him, and said — `John, indeed, did no sign, and all things, as many as John said about this one were true;'
42 and many did believe in him there.”Something else we learn from this, is, the following:
Revelation 14:4 (New American Standard Bible)
4 “These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste. These are the ones who FOLLOW THE LAMB WHEREVER HE GOES.These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb.” That is the only way to learn the truth of the Bible today. We must follow the lamb right into the heavenly realm where he now resides. That is the only way to receive our spiritual feeding, at this date. There is no other way! Absolutely and positively none! What else have we learned from this writing?We have learned, that, being able to approach Jesus, is the only way of approach to the Father. We have learned, that we cannot even approach the Christ, unless the Father is willing to draw us to him. Two major things, to begin with. There's more! We have learned, that individuals today, are required to worship the Father in spirit and in truth. That they are the only ones the Father is interested in. Is looking for!
We have learned that Jesus was the way of the truth. That he was the only way to obtain everlasting life. We have learned that all of his first Century followers was viewed as the 'way of the truth.' We have learned that he alone is in possession of the Holy Spirit. We have learned, that, that Holy Spirit, resting on us, is the only way to learn the Bible. That it, is the true, principle teaching instrument. That there's no other way to gain the truth of the Bible, aside from having the guidance and direction of that Holy Spirit. Without it, we would be eternally lost.
We now know, that Jesus was the 'door to the sheep-fold.' That he was the 'good shepherd.' We have learned that the entire realm of religious Christendom, are the 'thieves and robbers, trying to climb up, some other way,' that Jesus spoke about; trying to climb up their own way! We have learned, that because of all the aforesaid, we are to follow ONLY HIM. We have also learned, that Jesus sheep do not listen to Christendom's Religious teachers! That we are to flee from them.
How many times in the Bible do we find Jesus calling to us and telling us, to Follow him? Many times! Why would we, after reading all of this wish to follow anyone else?
Remember, there was two roads to travel! One was 'broad and spacious, leading off into destruction, and many was on that road,' while the other 'cramped and narrow, leading off into life, and few was on that road.' Which road, do you choose to walk now? {Matthew 7:13,14} {Luke 13:24-27}
Where is the true faith now? Why, in heaven seated at his Father's right hand, doing his shepherding work, right now, putting the sheep on his right hand,{favored} but the goats on his left. [No favor}
Why is it now time, for the lifting up of the Son of Man?
95 years have passed, and gone, since the year 1914 when the composite sign of the Christ, first became evident, indicating the presence of Christ; it is now, about time, to lift up the Son of Man, which, as I intended, this writing has most, certainly done. If all eyes now turn to him, and only him, then the opportunity for endless life on this earth will be theirs. Those who refuse to fix their gaze on him, will lose their lives at Armageddon.
We notice in verse 42 of this scripture, in John 12, it tells us, that many of the rulers who had put faith in him; because of the Religious Pharisees, they was afraid to
confess him; for fear of 'removal from the synagogue.' Their reason, Jesus said, they 'loved the glory of men, more than even the glory of God.' May it not turn out, it will be the same today, with those so firmly planted, and rooted, and seated, in the Churches of Christendom.
{John 12:32–42} {John 3:14,15} {Numbers 21:5-9} Texas!June 5, 2009 at 9:12 pm#132559NickHassan
ParticipantHi Texas,
1914 has a distinct JW ring to it.June 6, 2009 at 12:55 am#132581ArcAngel
ParticipantQuote (Texas @ June 06 2009,14:56) We now know, that Jesus was the 'door to the sheep-fold.' That he was the 'good shepherd.' We have learned that the entire realm of religious Christendom, are the 'thieves and robbers, trying to climb up, some other way,' that Jesus spoke about; trying to climb up their own way! We have learned, that because of all the aforesaid, we are to follow ONLY HIM. We have also learned, that Jesus sheep do not listen to Christendom's Religious teachers! That we are to flee from them.
7 So Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, I am the door for the sheep. 8 All the people who came before me were thieves and robbers. The sheep did not listen to them.9 I am the door, and the person who enters through me will be saved and will be able to come in and go out and find pasture. 10 A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness.11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. 12 The worker who is paid to keep the sheep is different from the shepherd who owns them. When the worker sees a wolf coming, he runs away and leaves the sheep alone. Then the wolf attacks the sheep and scatters them. 13 The man runs away because he is only a paid worker and does not really care about the sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and my sheep know me, 15 just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I give my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not in this flock, and I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd.17 The Father loves me because I give my life so that I can take it back again. 18 No one takes it away from me; I give my own life freely. I have the right to give my life, and I have the right to take it back. This is what my Father commanded me to do.”
If you look It said THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE ME are robbers and thieves. I dont know what you have against other churches, or what church you belong to, But If an individual can help bring someone TO the door then its up to them to open it and ask God to forgive them for their sins. Your whole thing about Christendom,,,What the heck is that. I'm a pretty intelligent person, but you just brought a new one on me. You also seem to be quite judgmental whats up with that. Do it the way you see it or go to Hell? Buddy I've been saved for quite a few years and I can tell you, whenever I heard someone talking like you, I wouldnt listen to them. If your trying to bring people to God, the way your attempting will turn more off than draw them in. Far be it for me to really criticize since I am a mere man and in NO WAY perfect. but its just an observation.
June 6, 2009 at 2:12 am#132587Cindy
The time to worship God in spirit and in truth, has been since Jesus ascended back to heaven and send us the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit that we understand truth.
The Father gives his spirit to any one that ask; Jesus is not in control of the Fathers mind.You are right when you say, our “Christian” churches are not followers of Christ, the reason, they are mainly interested in a following for them self; that's how they make a living. But as Paul said in Phil. 1:18, it doesn't matter for what reason the gospel is preached, what matters is that the gospel is preached; and that it has.
One important fact people don't seem to realise is this; this is not the time for the world to be saved, this was the time for the gospel to go into all the world so that those who were predestined to be called could answer the call.
Rom 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Rom 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.For all others who never heard, or ignore, or reject the message now, there is the millennium when Jesus will teach the whole world the truth.
June 6, 2009 at 4:32 am#132602NickHassan
ParticipantHi Georg,
All men will not be in the millenium to be taught if that is the plan of God.
Only the sons of the resurrection and those who survive the time of great tribulation.believe scripture when it says.
“..once to die and then the judgement..”
No second chance.
June 6, 2009 at 6:03 am#132611Cindy
ParticipantNick If they that have never heard of Jesus in the Old Testament times, and all those Babies that were aborted, what about them? They will not have a chance? I do not believe that God is merciless, and will let them stay dead. Anybody else have any idea about this subject?
Peace and Love IreneJune 6, 2009 at 6:59 am#132617Lightenup
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ June 06 2009,02:03) Nick If they that have never heard of Jesus in the Old Testament times, and all those Babies that were aborted, what about them? They will not have a chance? I do not believe that God is merciless, and will let them stay dead. Anybody else have any idea about this subject?
Peace and Love Irene
I think that those who never heard about God can be known by God unto their salvation when they care for “the least of these.”25:31 “When 32 the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 25:32 All 33 the nations will be assembled before him, and he will separate people one from another like a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 25:33 He 34 will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 25:34 Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 25:36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ 25:37 Then the righteous will answer him, 35 ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 25:38 When 36 did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or naked and clothe you? 25:39 When 37 did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 25:40 And the king will answer them, 38 ‘I tell you the truth, 39 just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters 40 of mine, you did it for me.’
25:41 “Then he will say 41 to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire that has been prepared for the devil and his angels! 25:42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. 25:43 I was a stranger and you did not receive me as a guest, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 25:44 Then they too will answer, 42 ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not give you whatever you needed?’ 25:45 Then he will answer them, 43 ‘I tell you the truth, 44 just as you did not do it for one of the least of these, you did not do it for me.’ 25:46 And these will depart into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”As for the unborn, a thought that I have is this, when is the “inner man” given to the child? It is the inner man that continues on after death to partake of a spiritual body. It is not the “outer man” that continues on after death. Could the “inner man” be given while in the womb or at the first breath? Maybe those aborted babies were yet to receive their inner man when they died and therefore their bodies just were empty and perished-returned to dust.
Regarding those children who have died after birth, those children that belong to believing parents are considered holy to the Lord. I would certainly think that they would go to be with the Lord. I know that David's first son from Bathsheba that died as a baby will be seen by David again. As for the children of unbelieving parents, I know that God is merciful and loving and kind. That is true.
KathiJune 6, 2009 at 7:29 am#132620Cindy
ParticipantKathi! There is no clear Scripture that say”s anything about the one's I mentioned in my previous post.
There has to be a time, that all will come to the whole truth. Those that are being judged
now will not have another chance, but those that have not been called, they have never
known the truth. You really believe that our Family members that have not been called are
going into the lake of fire, and are the goat's? I do not think that my God will let that
happen. Everybody will know the truth in the Millennium. If then they will not follow Christ,
they will be destroyed. That is my and my Husband's opinion.
Peace and Love IreneJune 6, 2009 at 7:29 am#132621NickHassan
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ June 06 2009,18:03) Nick If they that have never heard of Jesus in the Old Testament times, and all those Babies that were aborted, what about them? They will not have a chance? I do not believe that God is merciless, and will let them stay dead. Anybody else have any idea about this subject?
Peace and Love Irene
Hi Irene,
Failing to understand the ways of God does not give us an excuse to write a script for Him.June 6, 2009 at 7:33 am#132622NickHassan
ParticipantHi Irene,
Have faith in the loving justice of our God.
Check the description of those destined for the fire and expect mercy where God can grant it for the rest.The sin that condemns is rejection of the message.
June 6, 2009 at 7:34 am#132623Cindy
ParticipantNick I am not writing script for God, I believe in a merciful God, IMO He will show all the truth, not just us that have been called. You have a Family, are they all being called? Irene
June 6, 2009 at 8:42 am#132631Cindy
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ June 06 2009,16:32) Hi Georg,
All men will not be in the millenium to be taught if that is the plan of God.
Only the sons of the resurrection and those who survive the time of great tribulation.believe scripture when it says.
“..once to die and then the judgement..”
No second chance.
NickWe already danced to this tune, haven't we?
June 6, 2009 at 10:27 am#132635Texas
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ June 06 2009,09:12) Hi Texas,
1914 has a distinct JW ring to it.
When did World War one, break out? What about World War Two? Those was the principle part of the composite sign of the presence of Christ, was they not?. Never mind what the Watchtower has to say about that. The Bible itself, tells you that, because the year 1914 was the year, these massive blood-spilling Wars, began. We don't need the Watchtower to tell us that. The dullest person would be able to figure that out ALL BY HIMSELF WITHOUT THE AID OF THE WATCHTOWER MAGAZINES. So, the real ring of those statements, is the loud ring the Bible gives you on that year. Dump your ideas about the Watchtower Nick. Get rid of them. You only make yourself look foolish by coming off the way you do, every time you hear scripture the Watchtower has used. The Bible doesn't belong to them Nick, it belongs to Jehovah God. He's the one telling you, the year 1914 was the year to look to. When you are reading the Bible Nick, try opening wide your eyes, and look at what the Bible is saying, because it takes precedence over what the Watchtower Society says, any day. TexasJune 6, 2009 at 10:34 am#132636NickHassan
ParticipantHi texas,
There will be wars and rumours of wars…So what evidence do you have?
June 6, 2009 at 10:41 am#132637Texas
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ June 06 2009,18:03) Nick If they that have never heard of Jesus in the Old Testament times, and all those Babies that were aborted, what about them? They will not have a chance? I do not believe that God is merciless, and will let them stay dead. Anybody else have any idea about this subject?
Peace and Love Irene
How many Babies, and Children, do you think was swept away in the flood-period? How many when ancient Sodom and Gomorra got blasted from heaven, with fire and sulpher? These was periods of Judgment Irene, and Jehovah was sick to death of their conduct and actions back in those days. Only eight survived the Flood! Only three made it out alive from Sodom and Gomorra! The conduct and actions of people today is exactly the same as it was in those days; in fact probably much worse. Jehovah's intention now, during this judgment period, is to “make an extermination, indeed a terrible one of ALL THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH.” So, said Zephaniah the Prophet. So take your complaint to Jehovah, about that! {Zephaniah 1:14-18} Texas!June 6, 2009 at 2:15 pm#132641Cindy
ParticipantTexas I am not talking about Homo's or Sex-Offenders, I am talking about People that go to Churches that believe in the trinity and do not know any better. They are not being called right now. What does judgement mean. Judgement is now on the House of God, it says. I an talking about all those Babies that were aborted. They are so innocent, God will through them in the Lake of Fire? Is that what you and Nick believe? If our God is merciful which Scripture claims IMO He will give them a chance. Even those that died in the Old Testament time. It says that those in Sodom and Gomorrah, will have an easier time, then those of the end times, which I belief we are in. Look around you, in Hollywood and those in other big Cities. I will not judge them, I will leave that to God and Christ.
Peace and Love IreneJune 6, 2009 at 11:01 pm#132682Texas
ParticipantQuote (ArcAngel @ June 06 2009,12:55) Quote (Texas @ June 06 2009,14:56) We now know, that Jesus was the 'door to the sheep-fold.' That he was the 'good shepherd.' We have learned that the entire realm of religious Christendom, are the 'thieves and robbers, trying to climb up, some other way,' that Jesus spoke about; trying to climb up their own way! We have learned, that because of all the aforesaid, we are to follow ONLY HIM. We have also learned, that Jesus sheep do not listen to Christendom's Religious teachers! That we are to flee from them.
7 So Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, I am the door for the sheep. 8 All the people who came before me were thieves and robbers. The sheep did not listen to them.9 I am the door, and the person who enters through me will be saved and will be able to come in and go out and find pasture. 10 A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness.11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. 12 The worker who is paid to keep the sheep is different from the shepherd who owns them. When the worker sees a wolf coming, he runs away and leaves the sheep alone. Then the wolf attacks the sheep and scatters them. 13 The man runs away because he is only a paid worker and does not really care about the sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and my sheep know me, 15 just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I give my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not in this flock, and I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd.17 The Father loves me because I give my life so that I can take it back again. 18 No one takes it away from me; I give my own life freely. I have the right to give my life, and I have the right to take it back. This is what my Father commanded me to do.”
If you look It said THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE ME are robbers and thieves. I dont know what you have against other churches, or what church you belong to, But If an individual can help bring someone TO the door then its up to them to open it and ask God to forgive them for their sins. Your whole thing about Christendom,,,What the heck is that. I'm a pretty intelligent person, but you just brought a new one on me. You also seem to be quite judgmental whats up with that. Do it the way you see it or go to Hell? Buddy I've been saved for quite a few years and I can tell you, whenever I heard someone talking like you, I wouldnt listen to them. If your trying to bring people to God, the way your attempting will turn more off than draw them in. Far be it for me to really criticize since I am a mere man and in NO WAY perfect. but its just an observation.
Listen “Buddy!” For a guy that doesn't listen to ones like me, you do pretty damn good at trying to begin a conversation, with me, by even replying to my post. You're supposed to flee from me, don't you remember? My idea of you, is, you're nothing more than a hypocrit! You show that you are by replying to my post.By the way, Jesus meant, when he said, 'all those who came before me,' he meant, all of those false prophets that was on the scene prior to his coming into kingdom power. He foretold all of those guys in Matthew 24-Mark 13-Luke 21 that they would be on the earth BEFORE he came into kingdom power. You want an example of those false prophets? Check out the Churchs of Christendom. They are loaded with them! Now, you do as you told me! Go to HELL Pal! Never mind you'll end up in the lake of fire anyway! You'll get there soon enough! Texas
June 7, 2009 at 2:19 pm#132728ArcAngel
ParticipantQuote (Texas @ June 07 2009,17:01) Quote (ArcAngel @ June 06 2009,12:55) Quote (Texas @ June 06 2009,14:56) We now know, that Jesus was the 'door to the sheep-fold.' That he was the 'good shepherd.' We have learned that the entire realm of religious Christendom, are the 'thieves and robbers, trying to climb up, some other way,' that Jesus spoke about; trying to climb up their own way! We have learned, that because of all the aforesaid, we are to follow ONLY HIM. We have also learned, that Jesus sheep do not listen to Christendom's Religious teachers! That we are to flee from them.
7 So Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, I am the door for the sheep. 8 All the people who came before me were thieves and robbers. The sheep did not listen to them.9 I am the door, and the person who enters through me will be saved and will be able to come in and go out and find pasture. 10 A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness.11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. 12 The worker who is paid to keep the sheep is different from the shepherd who owns them. When the worker sees a wolf coming, he runs away and leaves the sheep alone. Then the wolf attacks the sheep and scatters them. 13 The man runs away because he is only a paid worker and does not really care about the sheep.
14 “I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and my sheep know me, 15 just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I give my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not in this flock, and I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd.17 The Father loves me because I give my life so that I can take it back again. 18 No one takes it away from me; I give my own life freely. I have the right to give my life, and I have the right to take it back. This is what my Father commanded me to do.”
If you look It said THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE ME are robbers and thieves. I dont know what you have against other churches, or what church you belong to, But If an individual can help bring someone TO the door then its up to them to open it and ask God to forgive them for their sins. Your whole thing about Christendom,,,What the heck is that. I'm a pretty intelligent person, but you just brought a new one on me. You also seem to be quite judgmental whats up with that. Do it the way you see it or go to Hell? Buddy I've been saved for quite a few years and I can tell you, whenever I heard someone talking like you, I wouldnt listen to them. If your trying to bring people to God, the way your attempting will turn more off than draw them in. Far be it for me to really criticize since I am a mere man and in NO WAY perfect. but its just an observation.
Listen “Buddy!” For a guy that doesn't listen to ones like me, you do pretty damn good at trying to begin a conversation, with me, by even replying to my post. You're supposed to flee from me, don't you remember? My idea of you, is, you're nothing more than a hypocrit! You show that you are by replying to my post.By the way, Jesus meant, when he said, 'all those who came before me,' he meant, all of those false prophets that was on the scene prior to his coming into kingdom power. He foretold all of those guys in Matthew 24-Mark 13-Luke 21 that they would be on the earth BEFORE he came into kingdom power. You want an example of those false prophets? Check out the Churchs of Christendom. They are loaded with them! Now, you do as you told me! Go to HELL Pal! Never mind you'll end up in the lake of fire anyway! You'll get there soon enough! Texas
No where with in my post did I tell you to goto hell my friend, all I did is point out a discrepency in your thinking. Oh and I dont flee from people like you. I take a stand against false doctrine. evidently you dont like a good debate (or cant handle one) on what ever judgmental doctrine you have been exposed to. As I said before, if your trying to get people to see YOUR way of thinking, you technique is horrid.As far as false prophets, EVERY religion has its fasle prophets of are you SO in the tank for whatever one your in you dont see that. I also said, I am in NOWAY perfect, so where do you get being a hypocrite. I was very respectful in my post, even though I disagreed with what you said.
Can you do the same?
Take the plank from your OWN eye before trying to remove the splinter from mine.
June 7, 2009 at 10:36 pm#132765Cindy
ParticipantArcAngel As you can see Texas has 5 tiles now, I think that He will be gone now, if I am not mistaken.
He has been that way from the very beginning, since He joined here.
Peace and Love Irene - AuthorPosts
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