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- August 12, 2007 at 3:17 pm#71914
August 12, 2007 at 4:16 pm#71915kejonn
First, please turn off your caps lock when posting .
Paul's teaching on women was odd at times, I must admit. But I'd like to offer this commentary I pulled from bible.cc pertaining to a similar verse (1 Cor 14:34).
14:34,35 Let your woman keep silence in the churches. This, in view of other portions of the Scriptures, is confessedly a difficult passage. We have the same teaching in 1Ti 2:11,12. On the other hand, Deborah was a judge and a prophetess (Jud 4:4); Huldah was a prophetess (1Ki 22:14); Joel predicted that in the Christian dispensation the sons and 'daughters' should prophesy (Joe 2:28), and Peter declared that this was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost (Ac 2:4). In addition, the daughters of Philip prophesied (Ac 21:9), and Paul gives directions concerning women prophesying in 1Co 11:5. Probably these apparent discrepancies may be reconciled as follows: (1) Paul's prohibition of speaking to the women is in the churches; that is, in the church assemblies when the whole church is come together into one place (1Co 14:23). It is an official meeting of the church. Church in the New Testament always means the ecclesia. It does not apply to such informal meetings as the social or prayer-meetings, but to formal gatherings of the whole body. (2) It may be that even this prohibition was due to the circumstances that existed in Ephesus, where Timothy was, and in Corinth, and would not apply everywhere. If so, it applies wherever similar circumstances exist, but not elsewhere. Both were Greek churches. Among the Greeks public women were disreputable. For a woman to speak in public would cause the remark that she was shameless. Virtuous women were secluded. Hence it would be a shame for women to speak in the church assembly. It is noteworthy that there is no hint of such a prohibition to any churches except Grecian. Wherever it would be shameful, women ought not to speak.
August 12, 2007 at 4:19 pm#71916942767
Hi Elaine:There has been a lot of misunderstanding regarding this topic because of various teachings, but I believe that once you understand God's plan and what is being said relative to men and women, you will see that God is not saying that women are inferior to men in any way.
But the scriptures on this subject are as valid today as they were when they were written. But here I am speaking of the scriptures in the New Testament relative to women.
Let me quote the following scripture and let's see what is being said:
Ephesians 5:22
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one * * flesh.
This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
Nevertheless * * let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.So first of all we see that this scripture is addressing husbands and wives who are Christians, and the charge is that the husband in a marriage relationship is given the responsibility for living his life as an example for his family to follow, and it his responsiblilty to teach his family the Word of God. This wife is to be in submission to her husband, but this means that we are striving to obey the Word of God, and not the husbands own thoughts. Jesus did not teach his own thoughts he taught and obeyed the Word of God. The Word of God comes from God through Jesus to the husband to the wife and from both of them to their children.
The husband and wife are one flesh. They are one body and as Christians were are members of the Lord's body. If we are in submission the God in the manner described above, we are one in the spirit with the Lord. This spirit is one of Love for God and for humanity.
Does this mean that the husband can not make mistakes? Of course not, we can all make mistakes. But if the wife has a different understanding of the scriptures than her husband is teaching and obeying, she should go to her husband and let him know what she understands the scriptures to say, and if they cannot agree after discussing their differences, they should pray asking God for understanding so that they can walk in unity. The woman should not try to usurp authority over her husband. There should be mutual respect for one another.
The marriage relationship is compared to the relationship between Jesus and the church. Jesus gave his life for the church out of her love for her. In my marriage relationship, I have endured many trials and persecutions, and God has corrected many a time so that I can live my life as an example for my family to follow, and so that I can teach my family or any one who wants to be taught. One cannot teach some one if they do not want to be taught.
If a woman is not married, then if she is a Christian her head is Jesus, but if she is a Christian, she will be striving to obey the Word of God, but she may be in submission to God through the Pastor of the Church that she attends.
Can a woman be a Pastor? I believe that she can be if she is qualified. The Word of God is what we are striving to obey.
I am not sure that I have answered all of your questions, and so if there are some that I didn't answer, please ask.
God Bless
August 12, 2007 at 6:37 pm#71917kenrch
ParticipantIf a woman is not married, then if she is a Christian her head is Jesus, but if she is a Christian, she will be striving to obey the Word of God, but she may be in submission to God through the Pastor of the Church that she attends.
Why is it that if a man is married he can be a pastor but a woman can only be a pastor if she is not married.
Is this what you are saying or am I missing it?
August 12, 2007 at 7:21 pm#71918942767
Participantkenrch,Aug. wrote:Quote If a woman is not married, then if she is a Christian her head is Jesus, but if she is a Christian, she will be striving to obey the Word of God, but she may be in submission to God through the Pastor of the Church that she attends. Why is it that if a man is married he can be a pastor but a woman can only be a pastor if she is not married.
Is this what you are saying or am I missing it?
Hi Ken:A woman can be a pastor if she is qualified whether or not she is married. However, if she is married, she should show that she is subjected to the Lord through her husband by wearing a covering on her head out of respect for her husband.
This is the way that I understand the scriptures.
God Bless
August 12, 2007 at 8:45 pm#71919kenrch
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Aug. 13 2007,07:21) kenrch,Aug. wrote:Quote If a woman is not married, then if she is a Christian her head is Jesus, but if she is a Christian, she will be striving to obey the Word of God, but she may be in submission to God through the Pastor of the Church that she attends. Why is it that if a man is married he can be a pastor but a woman can only be a pastor if she is not married.
Is this what you are saying or am I missing it?
Hi Ken:A woman can be a pastor if she is qualified whether or not she is married. However, if she is married, she should show that she is subjected to the Lord through her husband by wearing a covering on her head out of respect for her husband.
This is the way that I understand the scriptures.
God Bless
94,Do you believe that they were women apostles or pastors or teachers in the first century church?
I know that their was a woman prophet named Anna. Humm mm
August 12, 2007 at 9:08 pm#71920942767
ParticipantQuote (kenrch @ Aug. 13 2007,08:45) 942767,Aug. wrote:[quote=kenrch,Aug. 13 2007,06:37]
Quote If a woman is not married, then if she is a Christian her head is Jesus, but if she is a Christian, she will be striving to obey the Word of God, but she may be in submission to God through the Pastor of the Church that she attends. Quote Why is it that if a man is married he can be a pastor but a woman can only be a pastor if she is not married.
Is this what you are saying or am I missing it?
Hi Ken:A woman can be a pastor if she is qualified whether or not she is married. However, if she is married, she should show that she is subjected to the Lord through her husband by wearing a covering on her head out of respect for her husband.
This is the way that I understand the scriptures.
God Bless
94,Do you believe that they were women apostles or pastors or teachers in the first century church?
I know that their was a woman prophet named Anna. Humm mm
Hi Ken:I don't believe that there were no women Apostles of that I am sure.
However, you mention the prophetess Anna, and I find the following mentioned in Wikpedia:
Quote In Romans 16:1–2, Phoebe is commended as a deacon—not a deaconess—but a deacon in the sense of a preacher, a minister. Paul's word for women's “ministering” is widely used in the New Testament. Its noun cognate, diakonos, is variously translated “minister,” “servant,” and “deacon” (the latter in Romans 16:1 for Phoebe and in the pastoral letters). Paul uses the same word for himself. Paul writes this as a recommendation for Phoebe who is probably the president of the Christian community in Cenchreae and a deacon that is a preacher[22] Quote Gal. 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. God Bless
August 12, 2007 at 10:25 pm#71921charity
ParticipantHi this is my thoughts; from a female veiw; I wish to do the Job God designed for me to Do, And help other females also know “the Glory is in their Man”.Pick well henceforth..A woman’s voice is able to be heard thu the Man; as evidence of his help meet; the man is the Image an glory of God; and the Daughters are to find their glory in the Man; Man is responsible for what God made from him, and will be Judged on his dealings with her; I think Paul is being loving in his warning to the church; that all souls are protected ; yet he sayeth if A man is continuous and dose not understand what he has in a woman; she is free; to speck her words perhaps that at eventide is considered as when they find themselves without the help God has provided and purposed for a Godly God head;??
Jer 31:22 How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? for the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.
:23 ¶ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity; The LORD bless thee, O habitation of justice, [and] mountain of holiness. :24 And there shall dwell in Judah itself, and in all the cities thereof together, husbandmen, and they [that] go forth with flocks.
Its possible for a woman can turn a man to a peace of bread
I think Paul was making us aware and in check of the woman that that hunts for the precious Life of the Man
Pro 6:26
For by means of a whorish woman [a man is brought] to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.
Women are capable of destroying or saving the Mans soul, as joins to become one flesh; she must be completely dedicated to his Soul holding up firm; a willful woman makes for a brawling House; unhappy she will despise her circumstances within; and raise the children in resentment; wipe her mouth, and say she has done no Wrong seeing she is abiding in her oaths
While the Man is dishonored he feels this hopelessness within; Job 19:17 My breath is strange to my wife, though I intreated for the children's [sake] of mine own body. :18 Yea, young children despised me; I arose, and they spake against me. 19 All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me. :20 My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.
Satan’s biggest Goal of destruction is on the God head; the same division in Man and woman; as it was from the beginning; least Paul awaken us to the knowledgeAugust 13, 2007 at 12:00 pm#71922acertainchap
ParticipantAugust 13, 2007 at 4:05 pm#71923elaine1809
ParticipantThank you all for your responses: I am not questioning God, I question man. even Paul, he admits he is far from perfect. in TIMOTHY 2:11-15 it talks about women keeping in silence… etc. Is it because of man's pride? or, because of the angels? Did Jesus ever say anything to that effect? If Jesus said it, I will not question it, if only the apostoles did, I would, just because they are imperfect humans. Acertainchap, that was a very interesting article, but she forgot to mention what it says in timothy 2: 11. I understand and agree that there should be a head of the household and it should be the man. I have no problem with that. I wont question our GOD,ever. there has to be a chain of command, but Paul went a little bit far with: I Timothy 12 to 15. “I do not permit”… Is that not a little arrogant? Did GOD permit it?
Kejohn thank you I agree with you, 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 is a little prejudiced. I think it just reflects how women were viewed in those times. 942 I am glad you mentioned the head covering issue. Was not those customs only relevant in those times? how do we know if it is relevant in our times an country? Why Paul says it is because of the ANGELS? Do we have to take every word the apostoles said as the complete thrut without giving margin for errors since they were also imperfect humans? I strive to follow everything JESUS said for us to do , but I question a few things the Apostoles said. Am I being revelious?
August 13, 2007 at 5:41 pm#71924elaine1809
ParticipantKejohn I did not mean to imply or say that you thought it was prejudice. that was my opinion. ''I agree with you that it was a little odd'' is what I meant also, I thought that it soinded prejudiced. sorry about my grammar
August 14, 2007 at 1:37 am#71925942767
ParticipantHi Elaine:
You say:
Quote 942 I am glad you mentioned the head covering issue. Was not those customs only relevant in those times? how do we know if it is relevant in our times an country? Why Paul says it is because of the ANGELS? Do we have to take every word the apostoles said as the complete thrut without giving margin for errors since they were also imperfect humans? I strive to follow everything JESUS said for us to do , but I question a few things the Apostoles said. Am I being revelious? No church that I know of today is asking a Christian married woman to wear a covering to show subjection to her husband, but the church has gotten away from many things that God intended for the church to be. This is something that the married woman should do to show respect for her husband. He has been given the responsibility for his family. He is the pastor in his household, and he is responsible for living his life as an example for his family to follow by obeying the Word of God and he is responsible for teaching the Word of God to his wife. Again, the woman is not inferior to the man, but God has given the man the responsibility and he will hold him responsible if he does not obey. If you are not being submissive, yes, you are being rebellious.
The Word of God says this:
Quote 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.My understanding of this scripture is that if a Christian husband and wife are in church where an angel (a messenger of God, be it an Apostle, a Pastor, a teacher, an evanegelist or a prophet) is teaching the Word of God in a setting that people can ask questions about what is being taught, if the married woman has a question about what is being taught, she should not ask the question of the teacher, but she should wait and ask her husband the question at home afterwards, and then if he cannot answer the question, he can go to the teacher of the Word of God with the question. Again, this is to show respect for your husband. The Apsotle Paul says that you should wear a covering in this kind of setting also so that the person teaching the Word of God will be able to distinguish between a married woman and one who is not. If a woman is not married, she can ask the question.
If your husband is teaching one thing that he understands God to be saying in the Word, and you want to go your separate way, then there are two separate spirits coming out of the household. This is the chain of command that God has set up so that there can be unity. Again, it is the Word of God that we are striving to obey. Jesus did not teach his own thoughts, but he taught and obeyed God's Word. The husband in the household is in this same position. A position of love and not a dictatorship.
Quote 1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, F32 as I delivered them to you. 3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. There should be unity in the household and unity in the church. We are striving to obey God's Word. You are not inferior to any one, but if you are a married Christian, these are the commandments of God, and are meant for good so that mankind may see that there is a God and want to be reconciled to him and be saved from destruction. All members of the body of Christ are important, and you will be rewarded according to your works of obedience to God's Word.
I have given you my understanding, and I hope this helps you.
God Bless
August 14, 2007 at 3:34 am#71913kenrch
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Aug. 14 2007,13:37) Hi Elaine: You say:
Quote 942 I am glad you mentioned the head covering issue. Was not those customs only relevant in those times? how do we know if it is relevant in our times an country? Why Paul says it is because of the ANGELS? Do we have to take every word the apostoles said as the complete thrut without giving margin for errors since they were also imperfect humans? I strive to follow everything JESUS said for us to do , but I question a few things the Apostoles said. Am I being revelious? No church that I know of today is asking a Christian married woman to wear a covering to show subjection to her husband, but the church has gotten away from many things that God intended for the church to be. This is something that the married woman should do to show respect for her husband. He has been given the responsibility for his family. He is the pastor in his household, and he is responsible for living his life as an example for his family to follow by obeying the Word of God and he is responsible for teaching the Word of God to his wife. Again, the woman is not inferior to the man, but God has given the man the responsibility and he will hold him responsible if he does not obey. If you are not being submissive, yes, you are being rebellious.
The Word of God says this:
Quote 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.My understanding of this scripture is that if a Christian husband and wife are in church where an angel (a messenger of God, be it an Apostle, a Pastor, a teacher, an evanegelist or a prophet) is teaching the Word of God in a setting that people can ask questions about what is being taught, if the married woman has a question about what is being taught, she should not ask the question of the teacher, but she should wait and ask her husband the question at home afterwards, and then if he cannot answer the question, he can go to the teacher of the Word of God with the question. Again, this is to show respect for your husband. The Apsotle Paul says that you should wear a covering in this kind of setting also so that the person teaching the Word of God will be able to distinguish between a married woman and one who is not. If a woman is not married, she can ask the question.
If your husband is teaching one thing that he understands God to be saying in the Word, and you want to go your separate way, then there are two separate spirits coming out of the household. This is the chain of command that God has set up so that there can be unity. Again, it is the Word of God that we are striving to obey. Jesus did not teach his own thoughts, but he taught and obeyed God's Word. The husband in the household is in this same position. A position of love and not a dictatorship.
Quote 1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, F32 as I delivered them to you. 3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. There should be unity in the household and unity in the church. We are striving to obey God's Word. You are not inferior to any one, but if you are a married Christian, these are the commandments of God, and are meant for good so that mankind may see that there is a God and want to be reconciled to him and be saved from destruction. All members of the body of Christ are important, and you will be rewarded according to your works of obedience to God's Word.
I have given you my understanding, and I hope this helps you.
God Bless
Quote No church that I know of today is asking a Christian married woman to wear a covering to show subjection to her husband, but the church has gotten away from many things that God intended for the church to be. This is something that the married woman should do to show respect for her husband. He has been given the responsibility for his family. He is the pastor in his household, and he is responsible for living his life as an example for his family to follow by obeying the Word of God and he is responsible for teaching the Word of God to his wife. Again, the woman is not inferior to the man, but God has given the man the responsibility and he will hold him responsible if he does not obey. If you are not being submissive, yes, you are being rebellious. 94, I've always wondered why this was not in the churches. Do you think may be it's because they don't want any one to ask questions in the service? The scripyure “seems” to be plain. the catholic use to have women wear something on their head while the man was NOT to wear anything on their head.
August 14, 2007 at 11:53 am#71926acertainchap
ParticipantQuote (elaine1809 @ Aug. 14 2007,04:05) Thank you all for your responses: I am not questioning God, I question man. even Paul, he admits he is far from perfect. in TIMOTHY 2:11-15 it talks about women keeping in silence… etc. Is it because of man's pride? or, because of the angels? Did Jesus ever say anything to that effect? If Jesus said it, I will not question it, if only the apostoles did, I would, just because they are imperfect humans. Acertainchap, that was a very interesting article, but she forgot to mention what it says in timothy 2: 11. I understand and agree that there should be a head of the household and it should be the man. I have no problem with that. I wont question our GOD,ever. there has to be a chain of command, but Paul went a little bit far with: I Timothy 12 to 15. “I do not permit”… Is that not a little arrogant? Did GOD permit it?
Kejohn thank you I agree with you, 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 is a little prejudiced. I think it just reflects how women were viewed in those times. 942 I am glad you mentioned the head covering issue. Was not those customs only relevant in those times? how do we know if it is relevant in our times an country? Why Paul says it is because of the ANGELS? Do we have to take every word the apostoles said as the complete thrut without giving margin for errors since they were also imperfect humans? I strive to follow everything JESUS said for us to do , but I question a few things the Apostoles said. Am I being revelious?
Agreed.August 14, 2007 at 11:55 am#71927acertainchap
ParticipantQuote (elaine1809 @ Aug. 14 2007,04:05) I think it just reflects how women were viewed in those times.
WAIT I made a mistake this is what I agree with so far…
August 14, 2007 at 1:41 pm#71928942767
ParticipantQuote (kenrch @ Aug. 14 2007,15:34) Quote (942767 @ Aug. 14 2007,13:37) Hi Elaine: You say:
Quote 942 I am glad you mentioned the head covering issue. Was not those customs only relevant in those times? how do we know if it is relevant in our times an country? Why Paul says it is because of the ANGELS? Do we have to take every word the apostoles said as the complete thrut without giving margin for errors since they were also imperfect humans? I strive to follow everything JESUS said for us to do , but I question a few things the Apostoles said. Am I being revelious? No church that I know of today is asking a Christian married woman to wear a covering to show subjection to her husband, but the church has gotten away from many things that God intended for the church to be. This is something that the married woman should do to show respect for her husband. He has been given the responsibility for his family. He is the pastor in his household, and he is responsible for living his life as an example for his family to follow by obeying the Word of God and he is responsible for teaching the Word of God to his wife. Again, the woman is not inferior to the man, but God has given the man the responsibility and he will hold him responsible if he does not obey. If you are not being submissive, yes, you are being rebellious.
The Word of God says this:
Quote 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.My understanding of this scripture is that if a Christian husband and wife are in church where an angel (a messenger of God, be it an Apostle, a Pastor, a teacher, an evanegelist or a prophet) is teaching the Word of God in a setting that people can ask questions about what is being taught, if the married woman has a question about what is being taught, she should not ask the question of the teacher, but she should wait and ask her husband the question at home afterwards, and then if he cannot answer the question, he can go to the teacher of the Word of God with the question. Again, this is to show respect for your husband. The Apsotle Paul says that you should wear a covering in this kind of setting also so that the person teaching the Word of God will be able to distinguish between a married woman and one who is not. If a woman is not married, she can ask the question.
If your husband is teaching one thing that he understands God to be saying in the Word, and you want to go your separate way, then there are two separate spirits coming out of the household. This is the chain of command that God has set up so that there can be unity. Again, it is the Word of God that we are striving to obey. Jesus did not teach his own thoughts, but he taught and obeyed God's Word. The husband in the household is in this same position. A position of love and not a dictatorship.
Quote 1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, F32 as I delivered them to you. 3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. There should be unity in the household and unity in the church. We are striving to obey God's Word. You are not inferior to any one, but if you are a married Christian, these are the commandments of God, and are meant for good so that mankind may see that there is a God and want to be reconciled to him and be saved from destruction. All members of the body of Christ are important, and you will be rewarded according to your works of obedience to God's Word.
I have given you my understanding, and I hope this helps you.
God Bless
Quote No church that I know of today is asking a Christian married woman to wear a covering to show subjection to her husband, but the church has gotten away from many things that God intended for the church to be. This is something that the married woman should do to show respect for her husband. He has been given the responsibility for his family. He is the pastor in his household, and he is responsible for living his life as an example for his family to follow by obeying the Word of God and he is responsible for teaching the Word of God to his wife. Again, the woman is not inferior to the man, but God has given the man the responsibility and he will hold him responsible if he does not obey. If you are not being submissive, yes, you are being rebellious. 94, I've always wondered why this was not in the churches. Do you think may be it's because they don't want any one to ask questions in the service? The scripyure “seems” to be plain. the catholic use to have women wear something on their head while the man was NOT to wear anything on their head.
Hi Ken:It is not in the churches today because they are more than likely the pastors are not ordained by God.
We, as the church, need to get back to the church as it was in the days of the Apostles.
God Bless
August 14, 2007 at 1:55 pm#71929942767
ParticipantHi Elaine:
When God created Adam, he gave him the Word of God before Eve was formed to be his help mete.
Apparently, he told her what God said, but as the story goes, she was tempted by the serpent to disobey the Word of God. She went her own way instead of obeying the Word of God that came through her husband, and because of her disobedience, Adam also disobeyed and they suffered the consequence of disobedience.I would say that we should always try to do things the way God says that we should to avoid the consequences of disobedience.
God Bless
August 14, 2007 at 3:59 pm#71930kenrch
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Aug. 15 2007,01:41) Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 14 2007,15:34) Quote (942767 @ Aug. 14 2007,13:37) Hi Elaine: You say:
Quote 942 I am glad you mentioned the head covering issue. Was not those customs only relevant in those times? how do we know if it is relevant in our times an country? Why Paul says it is because of the ANGELS? Do we have to take every word the apostoles said as the complete thrut without giving margin for errors since they were also imperfect humans? I strive to follow everything JESUS said for us to do , but I question a few things the Apostoles said. Am I being revelious? No church that I know of today is asking a Christian married woman to wear a covering to show subjection to her husband, but the church has gotten away from many things that God intended for the church to be. This is something that the married woman should do to show respect for her husband. He has been given the responsibility for his family. He is the pastor in his household, and he is responsible for living his life as an example for his family to follow by obeying the Word of God and he is responsible for teaching the Word of God to his wife. Again, the woman is not inferior to the man, but God has given the man the responsibility and he will hold him responsible if he does not obey. If you are not being submissive, yes, you are being rebellious.
The Word of God says this:
Quote 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.My understanding of this scripture is that if a Christian husband and wife are in church where an angel (a messenger of God, be it an Apostle, a Pastor, a teacher, an evanegelist or a prophet) is teaching the Word of God in a setting that people can ask questions about what is being taught, if the married woman has a question about what is being taught, she should not ask the question of the teacher, but she should wait and ask her husband the question at home afterwards, and then if he cannot answer the question, he can go to the teacher of the Word of God with the question. Again, this is to show respect for your husband. The Apsotle Paul says that you should wear a covering in this kind of setting also so that the person teaching the Word of God will be able to distinguish between a married woman and one who is not. If a woman is not married, she can ask the question.
If your husband is teaching one thing that he understands God to be saying in the Word, and you want to go your separate way, then there are two separate spirits coming out of the household. This is the chain of command that God has set up so that there can be unity. Again, it is the Word of God that we are striving to obey. Jesus did not teach his own thoughts, but he taught and obeyed God's Word. The husband in the household is in this same position. A position of love and not a dictatorship.
Quote 1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, F32 as I delivered them to you. 3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. There should be unity in the household and unity in the church. We are striving to obey God's Word. You are not inferior to any one, but if you are a married Christian, these are the commandments of God, and are meant for good so that mankind may see that there is a God and want to be reconciled to him and be saved from destruction. All members of the body of Christ are important, and you will be rewarded according to your works of obedience to God's Word.
I have given you my understanding, and I hope this helps you.
God Bless
Quote No church that I know of today is asking a Christian married woman to wear a covering to show subjection to her husband, but the church has gotten away from many things that God intended for the church to be. This is something that the married woman should do to show respect for her husband. He has been given the responsibility for his family. He is the pastor in his household, and he is responsible for living his life as an example for his family to follow by obeying the Word of God and he is responsible for teaching the Word of God to his wife. Again, the woman is not inferior to the man, but God has given the man the responsibility and he will hold him responsible if he does not obey. If you are not being submissive, yes, you are being rebellious. 94, I've always wondered why this was not in the churches. Do you think may be it's because they don't want any one to ask questions in the service? The scripyure “seems” to be plain. the catholic use to have women wear something on their head while the man was NOT to wear anything on their head.
Hi Ken:It is not in the churches today because they are more than likely the pastors are not ordained by God.
We, as the church, need to get back to the church as it was in the days of the Apostles.
God Bless
If you go back to the way the church was in the first century then they won't be any women Pastors. And everyone will keep the Sabbath day.August 14, 2007 at 9:04 pm#71931942767
ParticipantQuote 1 Co 13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth F47 not itself, is not puffed up, 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; F48 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. August 14, 2007 at 11:38 pm#71932kenrch
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Aug. 15 2007,09:04) Quote 1 Co 13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth F47 not itself, is not puffed up, 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; F48 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Quote We, as the church, need to get back to the church as it was in the days of the Apostles. If you go back to the way the church was in the first century then they won't be any women Pastors. And everyone will keep the Sabbath day.
I love truth and the truth is if we go back to the ways of the first century church as you suggest then they would be NO women pastors, you disagree 94?
If we go back to the first century church then everyone would be keeping the seventh day Sabbath, you disagree 94?
Have I become your enemy because I speak the truth?
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