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    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 27 2011,04:08)

    I have to ask, and I am  stupid so please make your answer as short as possible, I have a very short attention span, in addition to not knowing how to spell-  

    If you died today, what do you believe would happen to you? Where would you be in your opinion?

    Sincerely= Mark

    Mark: There is spirit and there is Earth/Physicality. When (if) you leave your physical body you are spirit, in spirit, in Heaven, in God, home, with God, mind!

    You may very well be, whatever you think/believe yourself to be! IMO, TK


    Quote (Rena @ June 27 2011,10:22)

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 27 2011,05:08)
    I have to ask, and I am  stupid so please make your answer as short as possible, I have a very short attention span, in addition to not knowing how to spell-  

    Haha Mark, I could say the same about myself!

    Hey shimmer,
    I looked into the wwcog movement and history, because like you I liked most of thier programs and statements. I felt personally that they did get quite judgemental, and like the messionic jewish (jews that believe in jesus) got back into the old laws too much. Also, the elder Armstrong locked horns with the younger Armstrong and the whole church split. (a divided house cannot stand). As a whole though, I do agree with most of thier teaching, but like the rcc, I don't like it when someone says “We are the way to go, and you need to give us money, or you are toast at judgement” IMHO. God will set this straight soon. Hope you are well-Love Mark


    Oops, I ment to say we are humble by those statements and honest. Someday we will #1 be reeel smart. #2 meet in heavan. :)


    Quote (theodorej @ June 27 2011,01:35)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 23 2011,06:43)
    theodore: You say that a large portion of biblical profesy is yet to come! Jesus said (in four different books from four different authors) the law and the prophets(along with prophesy) were until John the Baptist. Who is correct, you or Jesus? TK

    Greetings Tim ….. The issue is what has been written and how it is interpreted…. Jesus came to full fill the law and to give credence (belief ) to the prophets….His ministry was a fullfillment of prophesy…The law has not changed,what has changed is the way man has interpreted it…I do not question the authority of the law nor the teachings of my savior….My effort is to understand and gleen the truth from the written word…My mind is open,My prayer is for wisdom, and I question teachings of men in an effort to prove all things….

    Amen Theo. Give me all the wisdom you can spare God, to deal with this strange life you gave me to live, and not too much or it will blow my mind and make my life impossible to live. God please, like I pray about someone I love with cancer, please either heal, or take us home. Amen.


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 28 2011,00:56)
    Oops, I ment to say we are humble by those statements and honest. Someday we will #1 be reeel smart. #2 meet in heavan. :)

    Amen Mark. Shouldnt be too long now.

    Tim Kraft

    Its only been over two thousand years of the exact same things. Wars, rumors of wars, tribulations etc.! The only difference was in Matt.24, Jesus was talking about the destruction of the Temple/Buildings that was to come in 70ad. Thats why he told some of them that were with him,…..this generation shall not pass away before all these things come to pass…! It all came to pass just exactly as written for anyone who really cares to learn the truth. Those running away from life hoping for some doctrinal lie called “rapture” to happen will have to face the music just as all others have. IMO, TK


    I believe “the rapture” is not what most people think it is. I think it is a mystery that will only be realized after it happens. I don't think it will be like it was presented on the “left behind”series. The wars and rumors of wars and destruction of Jerusalem are also a mystery. I think like other things in the bible that there is a short term fulfillment and a long term one. For instance, am I wrong in wondering- Jesus said that not one stone would be left on another but isn't the wailing wall the West wall of the old temple? Seems like lots of stones on top of each other to me. Also, the whole world has been to War, but not with thousands of nukes pointed at each other. It only took two to end WW2. In Revalations, it talks about a “sea of glass mixed with fire”. The powder keg in the middle east will sooner or later blow, and with Iran stating intentions of “removing Israel from the face of the earth” and lately having the ability to do so, plus the entire region being in turmoil, it seems like things are coming to a dramitic climax to me. IMHO. Love Mark


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 28 2011,21:06)
    Its only been over two thousand years of the exact same things. Wars, rumors of wars, tribulations etc.! The only difference was in Matt.24, Jesus was talking about the destruction of the Temple/Buildings that was to come in 70ad. Thats why he told some of them that were with him,…..this generation shall not pass away before all these things come to pass…! It all came to pass just exactly as written for anyone who really cares to learn the truth. Those running away from life hoping for some doctrinal lie called “rapture” to happen will have to face the music just as all others have. IMO, TK

    Also Tim, when in those 2000 years have there been so much iopen public perversion? On AOL last Sun. I saw men kissing in one photo, and in another 2 more laying in the street making out. You might not care but it makes me sick to see it in public. It has gotten beyond “live and let live”, into “live and live with it in your face, and if you think it's not normal your wrong”. The whole world is getting thrown in the furnace, or you have to just not care. And it is getting worse.


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 28 2011,22:07)
    I believe “the rapture” is not what most people think it is. I think it is a mystery that will only be realized after it happens. I don't think it will be like it was presented on the “left behind”series. The wars and rumors of wars and destruction of Jerusalem are also a mystery. I think like other things in the bible that there is a short term fulfillment and a long term one. For instance, am I wrong in wondering- Jesus said that not one stone would be left on another but isn't the wailing wall the West wall of the old temple? Seems like lots of stones on top of each other to me. Also, the whole world has been to War, but not with thousands of nukes pointed at each other. It only took two to end WW2. In Revalations, it talks about a “sea of glass mixed with fire”. The powder keg in the middle east will sooner or later blow, and with Iran stating intentions of “removing Israel from the face of the earth” and lately having the ability to do so, plus the entire region being in turmoil, it seems like things are coming to a dramitic climax to me. IMHO. Love Mark

    Greetings Mark …. The temple has been sacked several times and subsequently rebuilt….The signs of times speak not only to the Jews but also the remnants of Israel who incidently have not been formerly identified as of yet….Multiple prophesies speak to Israel and Jerusalem specifically…The rapture is just another example of men drawing their own conclusions on the message of scripture…The bible interpets itself and reveals infomation a little here and a little there so as to confound the learned and wise scholors of our time…The time is upon us simply because we have the ability to destroy Gods creation and the sins of the nations are in Gods face and so we will earth quakes in diverse places and we have wars and rumors of wars but this will be just the beginning of our troubles….

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 27 2011,22:09)

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 27 2011,04:08)

    I have to ask, and I am  stupid so please make your answer as short as possible, I have a very short attention span, in addition to not knowing how to spell-  

    If you died today, what do you believe would happen to you? Where would you be in your opinion?

    Sincerely= Mark

    Mark: There is spirit and there is Earth/Physicality. When (if) you leave your physical body you are spirit, in spirit, in Heaven, in God, home, with God, mind!

    You may very well be, whatever you think/believe yourself to be! IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    If a person dies on 'acid'(LSD) believing they are a mushroom, do they become a mushroom?

    God bless  
    Ed J

    Tim Kraft

    In Matt.26:28 Jesus said,….this is my blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for many for THE REMISSION OF SIN. V29….but I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, UNTIL that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingcom….

    Acts 10:41….Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, WHO DID EAT AND DRINK WITH HIM AFTER HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD…

    That means that they were in the Fathers kingdom when he had risen and returned and had food and drink with them!

    V43….to Jesus was given all the prophets witness, that through his name, WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL RECEIVE REMISSION OF SINS….!

    Are our sins removed? Then we are clean, cleansed, whole, perfect unto God through faith in Jesus. We are sin-free. We are spotless. All judgement was given to the word of God, Jesus. He was ordained for that purpose. Does anyone believe? Hello, does anyone hear with hearing ears? Jesus took away our sin. We are free from sin. We are in sin if we deny Jesus the Christ! Do you deny Christ? If not you are free from sin. This is the truth that should burn up all the lies and deceptions of religious doctrines, forever. IMO, TK


    Quote (Ed J @ June 29 2011,08:05)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 27 2011,22:09)

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 27 2011,04:08)

    I have to ask, and I am  stupid so please make your answer as short as possible, I have a very short attention span, in addition to not knowing how to spell-  

    If you died today, what do you believe would happen to you? Where would you be in your opinion?

    Sincerely= Mark

    Mark: There is spirit and there is Earth/Physicality. When (if) you leave your physical body you are spirit, in spirit, in Heaven, in God, home, with God, mind!

    You may very well be, whatever you think/believe yourself to be! IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    If a person dies on 'acid'(LSD) believing they are a mushroom, do they become a mushroom?

    God bless  
    Ed J

    Good point Ed. Also, as I read it, the ones who think of thierselves highly or rightious will be brought low, and humble and lowly will be exalted. One who thinks they are sinless and perfect is asking for SERIOUS trouble. IMHO.


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 29 2011,08:10)
    In Matt.26:28 Jesus said,….this is my blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for many for THE REMISSION OF SIN. V29….but I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, UNTIL that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingcom….

    Acts 10:41….Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, WHO DID EAT AND DRINK WITH HIM AFTER HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD…

    That means that they were in the Fathers kingdom when he had risen and returned and had food and drink with them!

    V43….to Jesus was given all the prophets witness, that through his name, WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL RECEIVE REMISSION OF SINS….!

    Are our sins removed? Then we are clean, cleansed, whole, perfect unto God through faith in Jesus. We are sin-free. We are spotless. All judgement was given to the word of God, Jesus. He was ordained for that purpose. Does anyone believe? Hello, does anyone hear with hearing ears? Jesus took away our sin. We are free from sin. We are in sin if we deny Jesus the Christ! Do you deny Christ? If not you are free from sin. This is the truth that should burn up all the lies and deceptions of religious doctrines, forever. IMO, TK

    But, what determines lies, deceptions and religious doctrines, is people who ignore basic biblical FACTS and the big picture, laid down by Jesus himself, who never ment to do away with the law with one sentence. In fact, he said not one letter would pass away until it all came true, and it hasn't. Open the paper or watch the news, its still a horrificly horrible world and has gotten worse since his time. If what you profess is true it would have gotten better. Gods kingdom will not be this way,  you are here only to prove your citizenship and love for God. It's not here now, or heaven isn't good my friend, but as God lives it is and it will be perfect and incredible.IMHO. Love, Mark

    Tim Kraft

    Mark: I see now what you are saying. We don't live by faith in what God says, we should look around us, see all the death & destruction we can see, believe it is the way the world is going, and look forward to death, destruction and annhilation of the Earth and mankind. You make statements that deny what Jesus said and did.

    …you are here only to prove your citizenship and love for God…

    You do not know enough to determine what we are here to accomplish. You have created and believed very childlike doctrines. You don't answer scriptures that are self interpreted of themselves. You just want to run and hide in your little made up world that has no spiritual insight and will enlighten no one. The lies and deceptions of the old way, is the law of sin and death! The law could not produce human righteousness. If produced sin, death and destruction of life, and those who continue to follow it are continuing to destroy life and call it the way of life/God. My friend, life is life, destruction is destruction. Those of life/love are not of evil/death/destruction. There is nothing more dangerious than a religious man that believes God is a destroyer of life.

    …In fact, he said not one letter would pass away until it all came true…

    Did the sacrifice of animals pass away? Then it all came true, some will recognize the truth and some will run away into religious doctrines and distorted anti-truth! TK


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 29 2011,12:21)
    Good point Ed. Also, as I read it, the ones who think of thierselves highly or rightious will be brought low, and humble and lowly will be exalted. One who thinks they are sinless and perfect is asking for SERIOUS trouble. IMHO.

    “He spoke also this parable to certain people who were convinced of their own righteousness, and who despised all others.  “Two men went up into the temple to pray; one was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector.  The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself like this: 'God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.  I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.'  But the tax collector, standing far away, wouldn't even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!'  I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

    'He who found his life shall lose it, and he who lost his life for my sake shall find it.


    God is not the destroyer of life. Satan is. Man has a choice, and since the world follows Satan, death reigns here, but not for long. Jesus himself aknowledged that the ruler of this world is satan and is in dakness. Jesus was light, but the world perferred darkness, because it's works were evil. Still is the same way today. Not much has changed.

    Also, why haven't things gotten better Tim? According to you this infinate love will multiply up and conquer the world, and God will reign here in this dimention, but LO! Children are being raped, women are being beaten, and people are starving to death in ever increasing numbers, even though we have more than enough resourses to feed every man woman and child on the planet, because of growing power and greed. “due to the increase of evil, the love of most will grow cold”. Your fairy tale hypothesis is without proof, and discredited. Prove to me dude, that anything has improved at all since Jesus. ??????

    Next, if what you said about just believing in God/truth without any action whatsoever on our part, answer this point blank. WHAT ABOUT BAPTISM? No doubt, you will symbolically explain that away too. You have implied here numerous times that one only has to not believe in sin, and they are sinless, esentially implying Christ in yourself. BLASPHEMY! Only Christ was sinless.Only he was one and the same with God, because he came from God literally, through a virgin. Unless yo momma never had sex before she had you, you are not perfect. Also, you say that one is not bound to rules or laws. MORE BLASPHEMY! You advocate the first commandment of satanism, and thier mantra “Do as thou wilst shall be the whole of the law” which is what you imply. The scriptures that contradict you, like Pauls letters, you toss out. How much Blasphemy can the word of God endure? I'm telling you, you are in for a unpleasnt shock my friend, and thier won't be rationalizaton to God. You won't listen to me or Paul, but you will listen to him.

    Tim Kraft

    If a person thinks of himself a certain way he has opinion of himself. If a person is told by God the truth, of who and what he has been made, by God, then he is what God says he is. Only a fool would deny what God says he is. TK


    I still love you Tim. God will set this straight.


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 29 2011,23:34)
    God is not the destroyer of life. Satan is. Man has a choice, and since the world follows Satan, death reigns here, but not for long. Jesus himself aknowledged that the ruler of this world is satan and is in dakness. Jesus was light, but the world perferred darkness, because it's works were evil. Still is the same way today. Not much has changed.

    Also, why haven't things gotten better Tim? According to you this infinate love will multiply up and conquer the world, and God will reign here in this dimention, but LO! Children are being raped, women are being beaten, and people are starving to death in ever increasing numbers, even though we have more than enough resourses to feed every man woman and child on the planet, because of growing power and greed. “due to the increase of evil, the love of most will grow cold”. Your fairy tale hypothesis is without proof, and discredited. Prove to me dude, that anything has improved at all since Jesus. ??????

    Next, if what you said about just believing in God/truth without any action whatsoever on our part, answer this point blank. WHAT ABOUT BAPTISM? No doubt, you will symbolically explain that away too. You have implied here numerous times that one only has to not believe in sin, and they are sinless, esentially implying Christ in yourself. BLASPHEMY! Only Christ was sinless.Only he was one and the same with God, because he came from God literally, through a virgin. Unless yo momma never had sex before she had you, you are not perfect. Also, you say that one is not bound to rules or laws. MORE BLASPHEMY! You advocate the first commandment of satanism, and thier mantra “Do as thou wilst shall be the whole of the law” which is what you imply. The scriptures that contradict you, like Pauls letters, you toss out. How much Blasphemy can the word of God endure? I'm telling you, you are in for a unpleasnt shock my friend, and thier won't be rationalizaton to God. You won't listen to me or Paul, but you will listen to him.

    Mark, you sound just like my father there, that's something he would say! Really, you did.


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 29 2011,20:42)
    Mark: I see now what you are saying. We don't live by faith in what God says, we should look around us, see all the death & destruction we can see, believe it is the way the world is going, and look forward to death, destruction and annhilation of the Earth and mankind. You make statements that deny what Jesus said and did.

    …you are here only to prove your citizenship and love for God…

    You do not know enough to determine what we are here to accomplish. You have created and believed very childlike doctrines. You don't answer scriptures that are self interpreted of themselves. You just want to run and hide in your little made up world that has no spiritual insight and will enlighten no one. The lies and deceptions of the old way, is the law of sin and death!  The law could not produce human righteousness. If produced sin, death and destruction of life, and those who continue to follow it are continuing to destroy life and call it the way of life/God. My friend, life is life, destruction is destruction. Those of life/love are not of evil/death/destruction.  There is nothing more dangerious than a religious man that believes God is a destroyer of life.

    …In fact, he said not one letter would pass away until it all came true…

    Did the sacrifice of animals pass away? Then it all came true, some will recognize the truth and some will run away into religious doctrines and distorted anti-truth! TK

    Also, Your “enlightenment” is in line with Thomas Jefferson's, and the “age of enlightenment”. He also altered the Bible, removing anything that had to do with miracles, believing everthing to be symbolic. The builders of the statue of Liberty were also “enlightened” in thier construction of a Roman Godess, and it is known that it is considered “light bearer”, or “lucifer”. I steer clear of this.

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