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    Is God the father, and his son Jesus, in heaven? Are you saying that they are in our minds only?


    Hi mikeangel,
      No mike I believe he is saying something more along the lines of:

    2.Matthew 18:18
    Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

    Matthew 6:10 (King James Version)

    10Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

    Matthew 22:37-40 (King James Version)

    37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    38This is the first and great commandment.

    39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    John 14:12-14 (King James Version)

    12Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

    13And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

    14If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

      I believe this is the gist of what he is expressing.

                                                    With Love and Respect,

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ Mar. 31 2011,11:02)
    Is God the father, and his son Jesus, in heaven? Are you saying that they are in our minds only?

    Mike: John14:23…If a man love me, he will keep(hold fast) my words: and my Father will love him, and we(Jesus & the Father,God) will come(manifest to him) and we will make our abode(home,house,temple,church) with(in) him.

    If Jesus and God are not dwelling in the temple(you) or the church, which is his body(you) or in your mind(your mind of Christ) where would they be?

    Heaven is spirit! If you say heaven is up and point up and someone on the other side of the world points up to heaven you are pointing in opposite directions. So, where is heaven?
    Heaven is spirit and it is in the heart/mind of all who accept and believe.

    If you believe the words of Jesus from God then they become flesh of you flesh and bone of your bone! No separation, ONENESS!!

    Bless you, IMO, TK

    Tim Kraft

    To all: Could it be that the “last days” or the “last day” is actually making referrence to the instance just before a person enters into the “circle of life” or the “eternal life of God”? When one accepts the truth from God he accepts eternal life in Christ. Before he accepts the truth he perhaps believe he is going to die completely in his physical body and is not aware of it just being a cessation of life in the physical body and remaining forever as a spirit in a soul body. In eternity there is a beginning but no end. Like moving into a circle and going around forever. Then when Jesus says, I give you life more abundantly he is actually saying I give you a broader awareness of the truth that life is and death is not. God is everywhere, God is truth, God is life, God is good, there is no evil or death for those in God/life. If one does not become aware of eternal life and accept it as truth he may have to experience the eternal death that he believes in. One becomes what he believes to be true in his mind. Whether it is the truth(of God) or an illusion of truth to himself which is outer darkness.

    No matter, accept the words of God through Jesus and you are one with them eternally in the light of God. Why even contemplate death? IMO, TK


    Hi All!  One day this will happen.  All the sign's are here  earthquakes, bad Weather etc.  However only God our Heavenly Father will know…..till then watch out for food prizes going up.  Gas has started to….The Elite want a World Government.  Do yourself a favor and watch Glenn Beck on Fox….

    Mal 4:1 ¶ For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch

    Mal 4:2   But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.  

    Mal 4:3   And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do [this], saith the LORD of hosts.

    Peace and Love Irene

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Baker @ April 12 2011,05:38)
    Hi All!  One day this will happen.  All the sign's are here  earthquakes, bad Weather etc.  However only God our Heavenly Father will know…..till then watch out for food prizes going up.  Gas has started to….The Elite want a World Government.  Do yourself a favor and watch Glenn Beck on Fox….

    Mal 4:1 ¶ For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch

    Mal 4:2   But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.  

    Mal 4:3   And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do [this], saith the LORD of hosts.

    Peace and Love Irene

    Irene: Malachi:5:1 Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet just before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. (Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah who was to come)

    This is the day of the lord as prophesied by God though the prophets of old. The signs came with Jesus.
    Behold a virgin shall give birth. The great sing of the star in the east, the birth of a savior.

    To save us from what? To save us from our own beliefs in sin, to cleanse us, ordaine us for the ministry. Heal the nations a make us whole and perfect grooms for the bride of Christ.

    The word of God/Jesus comes forth in the Holy Ghost and fire. To heal and destroy! To heal mankind and destroy evil.
    The fires that burn and destroy like sicknesses and diseases will take out all that “do”(works) wickedly and are proud of their works. They will be destroyed.

    But the sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings for the believer by faith that accept his perfection to walk with God. IMO, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ April 12 2011,21:38)

    Quote (Baker @ April 12 2011,05:38)
    Hi All!  One day this will happen.  All the sign's are here  earthquakes, bad Weather etc.  However only God our Heavenly Father will know…..till then watch out for food prizes going up.  Gas has started to….The Elite want a World Government.  Do yourself a favor and watch Glenn Beck on Fox….

    Mal 4:1 ¶ For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch

    Mal 4:2   But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.  

    Mal 4:3   And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do [this], saith the LORD of hosts.

    Peace and Love Irene

    Irene: Malachi:5:1 Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet just before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. (Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah who was to come)

    This is the day of the lord as prophesied by God though the prophets of old. The signs came with Jesus.
    Behold a virgin shall give birth. The great sing of the star in the east, the birth of a savior.

    To save us from what? To save us from our own beliefs in sin, to cleanse us, ordaine us for the ministry. Heal the nations a make us whole and perfect grooms for the bride of Christ.

    The word of God/Jesus comes forth in the Holy Ghost and fire. To heal and destroy! To heal mankind and destroy evil.
    The fires that burn and destroy like sicknesses and diseases will take out all that “do”(works) wickedly and are proud of their works. They will be destroyed.

    But the sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings for the believer by faith that accept his perfection to walk with God. IMO, TK

    Tim! What you are doing is adding to Scripture to make it look like you want it to say. That my friend will get you in deep trouble one day. If I were you, I would stop that practice. Malachi, is prophecy taken place. It descripts what will happened, and then it shows that the Saints will walk on the ashes of the wicked. I know you don't believe in the Lake of Fire. But tell me what Rev. is talking about. And how will God get rid of Antichrist and Satan and His Demons. Or are you like Gene and don't believe there is a Satan and Demons???? Also there is a Scripture that tells us this Earth is kept for the destruction of the wicked. I have to hunt that Scripture up, of hand I don't remember where it is…..
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi All
             Jesus spoke of hell over 70 times in his ministry on earth. 162 references are in the New Testiment. Jesus decended to free the captives,  before He ascended to heaven. the center of the earth is hotter than the sun at it's core sciencentist say. Make sence to me how God shall try the world by fire. The Hebrew three was tried and our Lord saved them. If anyone doesn't belive that their is a Satan than they are lacking biblical knowledge of the power of Christ and the Holy Ghost.  He told Peter : Satan is trying to sift you out. ect ect. I agree with Irene somewhat. Saint John is the last prophet that recorded the future called Revelations. Many spoken words from the major and minor prohets have not been fulfilled as of yet. There shall be a new earth and a new heaven according to his prophecy. However God chooses to do His will is fine with me. what is most important is to get into the gates of the righteous called heaven , some call it paradise. But where our mansions are in that great city. Oh by the way Hebrews tell us that ” if we speak evily of the brethern we just committed murder. So please let your light so shine on here ………
    …………………                  :D

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (thehappyman @ April 14 2011,12:48)
    Hi All
             Jesus spoke of hell over 70 times in his ministry on earth. 162 references are in the New Testiment. Jesus decended to free the captives,  before He ascended to heaven. the center of the earth is hotter than the sun at it's core sciencentist say. Make sence to me how God shall try the world by fire. The Hebrew three was tried and our Lord saved them. If anyone doesn't belive that their is a Satan than they are lacking biblical knowledge of the power of Christ and the Holy Ghost.  He told Peter : Satan is trying to sift you out. ect ect. I agree with Irene somewhat. Saint John is the last prophet that recorded the future called Revelations. Many spoken words from the major and minor prohets have not been fulfilled as of yet. There shall be a new earth and a new heaven according to his prophecy. However God chooses to do His will is fine with me. what is most important is to get into the gates of the righteous called heaven , some call it paradise. But where our mansions are in that great city. Oh by the way Hebrews tell us that ” if we speak evily of the brethern we just committed murder. So please let your light so shine on here ………
    …………………                  :D

    thehappyman: Bless you sir, I don't know where you got those numbers but according to my exhaustive concordance of KJV the old test. word hell:sheol: a graveyard, was used 30 times.

    The new test. word hell:hades: the burning dump outside Jerusalem. It was used 22 times.

    Satan is a deceiver/deceiving thought. Devils are lies! The war in your mind is for truth of God of who you truly are or there are lies and deceptions that you can choose that degrade and separate you from God in your mind.

    Revelation is an overview prophecy of Jesus.

    The law and the prophets were “until” John(the baptist), since then, the Kingdom of God is preached….Luke 16:16

    The prophets and the law were “until” John, Matt.11:13

    All things written in the law, the prophets and the Psalms were fulfilled in Christ…Luke24:44

    There are more but from these scriptures spoken by Jesus we can know that the end of the old religious world was when Jesus came to his ministry. The new Jerusalem has come down out of the sky(Jesus the word of God) for all those who will accept and believe. The spirit of God, Jesus, brought the words/spirit to us. We must be born again. We must recreate our minds/thinking to the truth/words/spirit of God through Jesus.

    You might say Jesus decended from heaven with a shout/loud voice of an Archangel, bringing forth the truth/spirit of God for mankind. Its a new heaven and a new earth created in truth from God through the works of Jesus, NOW!

    Each individual is this New Heaven come unto the New Earth (earthen vessel, you) where truth will prevail. The truth unites mankind with God in oneness(Physical & Spirit of God like Adam originally). God/man returns. No more tears or crying out to God. God will dwell within each believer. No more works for perfection or acceptence to God for Jesus did the work. We rest in his finished work. All who accept the washing of the word of God are clean, white, purified, whole and ordained to proliferate the the word to all.

    You must see the truth through understanding. You must hear the truth through understanding. Understanding is enlightenment. Jesus is the light of the new temple made without hands or those who believe. We are the body of Christ, his new church, if we believe.

    Now we should be telling the truth and healing the nations.

    In my fathers house there are many “places of abode”…I go(die) to prepare a position in you. Are you not the Temple of God? Does God dwell in you? Jesus said,…that where you are I might be also. And I will pray the father and we will come and make our abode in you. God bless you, IMO, TK


    Hey Tim,
    I've been busy finally at work, and got a surprise from our greedy Uncle Sam, so I been kinda scarce, also working on my tan working outside. I have from time to time thought about you and your seemingly “new age” philosophys, like god and heaven are in us and not literal places. But even if that is not exactly your position, answer this please. I was reading a while back on “the age of enlightenment” that started in the 1700's, that seemed to follow what I heard from you. It also mentioned Thomas Jefferson and his connection to it, etc. and that God is up to us personally and sin was a misconception. Where do you stand here? Are you “Enlightened”? This seemed to describe you exactly. Thoughts? Peace-Mark

    Tim Kraft

    Bless you Mark: We are all enlightened as we find the “true” light of God through Jesus. But there is a false light or un-truth or anti-christ darkness we must step out of. We must first see that our war is between truth of God and un-truth, lies, deceptions by any name you wish to use. Our temptation is not what to do or not do it is what to believe or not believe!! Our focus absolutely must adhere to Jesus who spoke the very words of God to us. I call this making Jesus lord of my life. You see it is “my life” or “your life” to do with as you will. If you take on Jesus, by accepting his words from God and letting them create your life, then you become enlightened. IMO, enlightenment is an individual belief in progress!

    What I wanted you to know most importantly about me, is that, at the start, pertaining to God I considered myself a nothing, and a nobody. I laid down my life and took on the words of God through Jesus and became ONE with their words. What they say I am, is what I am, whether I feel like it or not and no matter who else agrees. It has been the best choice of my life so far!!

    If Jesus says you are clean through his words that is the truth. If one chooses to read other scriptures by fellow men that they believe contadicts that truth then they get what the choose to believe. One is truth/life and one is lies/death. We are allowed to create ourselves any way we choose to believe. We also reap whatever we decide to sow in life. So, SOW LOVE and reap a crop of love in life.

    Please see my post to Gene on truth or tradition/”Common to man” There may be some light for you there.

    You are so full of vibrant love energy you scarcly know what to do. Don't let religious lies dampen that fire of love you have.

    Words that lift up give life, energy, action. Words that are evil,destructive,hurtful etc., are depressing, degrading, absorb energy etc.!

    But you must, first accept what God has done for you through Jesus words. Not based on anything you do, have done, or will do as in actions, works or deeds. God has done this perfect work for you. It is done. It has been given through Jesus. It is time for acceptance. Know you are made a perfect through Gods words from Jesus. As you take into yourself the words of God and accept them and believe them you become them. If you eat the flesh of Jesus(his words are truth food) and drink his blood(truth drink) you become ONE/SPIRIT/TRUTH together with God,the Father,Jesus the son, and the whole spirit.

    Please read John14&15 and let the words that Jesus, the master of the world says, that came from God, sink deep inside you!
    That is what you are, by God, if you accept the free gift. Peace and Joy of truth to you, these are my opinions, TK


    Hey Tim,
    sorry it's been so long to respond. I'm still working alot thank God. I feel very blessed because alot of people are still slow in my profession, but I am not. anyway, you are right. I feel so much love that I want to pop sometimes. I fo not agree with alot of what you have said, but I do not judge you and still love you. god will return again personally, and he will erase all the misconceptions and “dis-ease” as you put it. My main disagreement with you is that you have said that one is free to do as one wishes, and are totally free from law or rules. I will never, ever believe that. IMHO that is the same as agreeing with the satanist first commandment “Do as thou wilst shall be the whole of the law”. Anyway again sorry it took so long to respond. May God come soon and end this and all differences. Peace-Mark


    Mark, good to see you.

    I was praying a few weeks back and God showed me to get rid of all my music. So I did. Then God showed me that the modern music today will be a tool used by Satan to decieve the whole world. It doesn't matter how good it may seem. It may be Godley and have good words and even christian. Or for teenagers it might not be. But no music is safe. Have you ever heard of 'subliminal messages? Well this is what I was shown would happen. When you are being decieved you don't know your being decieved. It took weeks for me to get the music out of my system but now I feel so good. I don't trust anything anymore even Satan can appear as an angel of light. The most important thing is not to sin. I had things in my life that were sinfull and I had to stop them.

    I was listening to all types of music. The danger is in what is now though. One song I couldn't get out of my head for days after I got rid of all my music was the latest one by 'Katy Perry – Alien. I believe that is the start of the 'subliminal messages. I loved music. But when I first got close to God I had no sound system. Apart from my teenagers music in the background. Music was always my weak point. So now I listen to nothing.

    By the way I had to change my username again because I had a security problem on my email or something so I also changed my passwords here and then forgot them. I couldnt reset them because the emails had been closed.


    Hey Girl! I still will call you Shimmer though, right? Anyway, Me tool. I don't listen to much at all these days. I ride around in silence mostly. My favorite was “Rush” and when I realized what the music really was saying, it threw me for a loop for a while. I then went through my music and read the lyrics without the distraction of the music. I was really suprised what I found out. I still listen to only a few bands once and again, like I don't mind the Eagles. “Hotel California” to me was a warning of evil and not a promotion., During the very brief time I was ruled by and enslaved to cocaine, it gave me something to focus on to pray for “God, please let me kick the night mans butt and get back to the place I was before”. Many other groups were point blank evil, and I didn't just throw the disc away, I destroyed them. That series “They sold their souls…..” really opened my eyes further. I find that when I am riding around listening to nothing, I pray alot more. Anyway, Peace girl. Nice to hear from you-Mark


    Hey Mark!

    How did you know it was me? I forgot to put my name.

    Iv been busy doing other things so I don't post here much like I used to now.

    I hear what your saying and I'm glad you are doing well.

    Peace to you Mark and love to your family.


    I'm curious as to how many people on here live in the US and how bad things actually are there on the whole.


    Quote (Rena @ June 12 2011,23:37)
    Hey Mark!

    How did you know it was me? I forgot to put my name.

    Iv been busy doing other things so I don't post here much like I used to now.

    I hear what your saying and I'm glad you are doing well.

    Peace to you Mark and love to your family.

     After communicating with you over the past year or so, even if you had no name or picure, I think I could know you. You have a wonderful spirit, and it is easy to feel. We don't agree with each other about everything, but have common ground on the important stuff, and most of all we feel the “Christ” in each other. You are my best experience on here. I wish it was contagous to  others (that we communicate in a mutually respectful loving way).You can tell that I don't get on much anymore and I am very busy too. Peace girl-MarK


    Quote (david @ June 13 2011,05:02)
    I'm curious as to how many people on here live in the US and how bad things actually are there on the whole.

    Hey David,

    I live in Memphis Tenn. and I'll tell you how it is where I am. The things right now are really funny. There are people working now but alot of unemployment. We have a housing market that has been turned upside down from the wave of foreclosures that happened, and it doea not look like the end is in sight. All of the state and local governments are in the hole, and are cutting services. The prices on food and gas are up, and the forcast isn't good.  The politicians here are mostly crooked (look at Mr. Weiner, or not) because between 335 representatives and 104 some odd senators, they split 48 million dollars in lobby noney from lobbyest.   The policy is- We pay an entire class of people not to work, and provide them food stamps and welfare (white and black), and they are so used to it they won't work if you gave them a job. No kidding. I put a help wanted sign in a shirwin williams for a painters helper and the only serious response I got was from a guy that wanted 17/hour, and he didn't know how to patch sheetrock. We pay spanish people to do the things the lazy ones won't do, and they don't pay a penny in taxes most of the time, but we still pay thier police, fire, defense, and schooling expenses, because the aformentioned politicians won't agree on how to handle them.They then send BILLIONS back into Mexico tax-free. We based this country on freedom and democracy, but it has been changed into the freedom to do whatever sick things you can think of, and let openly gay people serve in the military and the clergy, and outlawed God Almighty and his commandments from being publicly mentioned. We are a ship that has a gaping hole in it and everyone just argues of who is going to stop the leak. There are some great people here, but they are the exception and not the rule. I beg God to come or let me die before the inevitable happens, and I trust he will. We are Babylon and will fulfill the prophecy in Revalation soon. Peace-Mark


    Quote (david @ June 13 2011,06:02)
    I'm curious as to how many people on here live in the US and how bad things actually are there on the whole.

    Are you a NZer?


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 13 2011,07:33)

    Quote (Rena @ June 12 2011,23:37)
    Hey Mark!

    How did you know it was me? I forgot to put my name.

    Iv been busy doing other things so I don't post here much like I used to now.

    I hear what your saying and I'm glad you are doing well.

    Peace to you Mark and love to your family.

     After communicating with you over the past year or so, even if you had no name or picure, I think I could know you. You have a wonderful spirit, and it is easy to feel. We don't agree with each other about everything, but have common ground on the important stuff, and most of all we feel the “Christ” in each other. You are my best experience on here. I wish it was contagous to  others (that we communicate in a mutually respectful loving way).You can tell that I don't get on much anymore and I am very busy too. Peace girl-MarK

    Same to you Mark.

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