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  • #256515

    Hi Mark…. Happy Birthday….Peace and Love Irene


    Thank you so much. Prayers ya'll are well. Love, Mark :)


    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 22 2011,03:26)
    Thank you so much. Prayers ya'll are well. Love, Mark :)

    Mark thanks all is well…..have nice day… Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 21 2011,11:42)
    Mark, you got me thinking again (Princess, Mark can do this).

    I was just out shopping. Theres this man where I live, and he plays Guitar (In town). Everyone knows him, as in the man who plays the guitar though they probably dont even know his name, hes really cool. Hes a big man. Everyone who walks past him, he greets, and he stops playing the Guitar every few minutes to shake peoples hand or give them a Maori Hongi or talks. I don't know if he has any beliefs but he used to go to Church. I think hes a good example of how we all should be. The difference with him is, he treats everyone (strangers or not) the same. There is no black and no white, no rich and no poor, its just something about him, he looks at you as if he cares. And he does this with everyone.

    Ok Iv said enough. I dont know if Ill have a computer this week, had to say it while I could :)

    Love to you all.

    If everyone were like this, It would be really close to heaven. I look forward to it. I was watching a program about NZ. and I saw where there were underwater volcanos, and how you live right over to plates meeting, and the landscape showing history. Is there anything like this around you? Do you feel earthquakes? Its a miracle more hasn't happened. Its good that there is so much love there. It problibly is what protects you from horrible disasters. Peace girl-Mark


    happy birthday, Mark


    Thank you Happyman! :) Peace and love-Me


    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 22 2011,04:32)
    If everyone were like this, It would be really close to heaven. I look forward to it. I was watching a program about NZ. and I saw where there were underwater volcanos, and how you live right over to plates meeting, and the landscape showing history. Is there anything like this around you? Do you feel earthquakes? Its a miracle more hasn't happened. Its good that there is so much love there. It problibly is what protects you from horrible disasters. Peace girl-Mark

    Hi Mark. No I dont feel many Earthquakes. Happy Birthday too. catch up some other time ok.


    Right after I posted this Shimmer, there was a earthquake in the eastern United States, centered in Virgina. Those are rare. Our fault line is much worse than thiers. It closed the capitol for a while and cracked the Washington monument. A jewish rabbi was reported to say that this is the result of Gay marriage being approved. I say no telling. It's getting crazy over here.People are so asleep spiritually. Take care. Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 25 2011,20:33)
    Right after I posted this Shimmer, there was a earthquake in the eastern United States, centered in Virgina. Those are rare. Our fault line is much worse than thiers. It closed the capitol for a while and cracked the Washington monument. A jewish rabbi was reported to say that this is the result of Gay marriage being approved. I say no telling. It's getting crazy over here.People are so asleep spiritually. Take care. Mark

    Mark! You got to be kidding me. A Rabbi? We are defiantly in the Last days…. And now the Hurricane…. of all names… named Irene…
    I am peaceful and loving….peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 26 2011,18:20)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 25 2011,20:33)
    Right after I posted this Shimmer, there was a earthquake in the eastern United States, centered in Virgina. Those are rare. Our fault line is much worse than thiers. It closed the capitol for a while and cracked the Washington monument. A jewish rabbi was reported to say that this is the result of Gay marriage being approved. I say no telling. It's getting crazy over here.People are so asleep spiritually. Take care. Mark

    Mark!  You got to be kidding me.  A Rabbi?  We are defiantly in the Last days…. And now the Hurricane…. of all names… named Irene…
    I am peaceful and loving….peace and Love Irene

    Irene is a awesome name. rabbi's have their day too.


    For all: Anyone who comes preaching that Jesus Christ must come back to Earth and set up a physical government to rule the world from a temple reconstructed in Jerusalem is a deceiver and the truth is not in them!

    Why would God remove the old physical, man made temple in order to dwell, spiritually, in the new Temple made without hands, or the human body, so that he could dwell, intimately, world wide, everywhere at once, in each and every person, at the same time, AND THEN RETURN BACK TO THE OLD WAY? After the perfection of this new plan, would God then return to physical Jerusalem to a physical building made with hands, by man, with bricks and mortar being limited to all physical aspects once again and then rule the world?

    How could being subject to physical limitations be better than existing everywhere at all times within each individual heart/mind, by faith?

    Foolish religious doctrines!!

    If a person does not believe that Jesus Christ is here on earth today, everyday, everywhere, at all times, then what good is prayer? Who hears? Does anyone hear? If you can talk to Jesus right now, within you, and he hears you, where is he? If he returns to physical Jerusalem you will have to go there to talk to him. Or by TV he could talk to all people but they could not talk to him. Could this be better than now? Do you really think this is the better way to come or the plan of God. Does it make any sense at all?

    Jesus said….it is better if I go….for I will come again…IN A NEW FORM…[SPIRIT]…THAT WHERE I AM, YOU WILL BE ALSO….!

    Why would going back to the old way, be something good to look forward too? Your personal communication with Jesus would be cut off. Your relationship hindered greatly.

    According to religious beliefs, when the Prince of Peace, Jesus, comes to physical earth, according to religious doctrine, he be on a horse! He will war with a sword, with two edges (to cut flesh both directions?)…. He will ride through the streets of Jerusalem and the round about areas lopping off the heads of ''evil'' people he doesn't even know? How will he know they are evil? Men women and children with an inborn sin nature! Never having done “sin” just supposedly born with a sin nature because someone else supposedly sinned! All who haven't confessed Jesus as lord? Hopefully they will cry out….oh, lord Jesus in time to not be killed!

    Will Jesus then fly on his horse, across the oceans, stopping at each island to kill all the wicked people and move on? Will he finally arrive in the United States and ride his white horse from sea to shining sea, killing all evil, bad, sinful people and their families, pets, babies (born with a sin nature, I guess all babies are born with a sin nature according to religion). Talk about abortion killing babies, this will make that look like a walk in the park. Millions and millions of babies killed (because religion says they are born in sin, with sin nature….guess they gotta die…!) bodies stacked everywhere.

    I guess nobody will shoot back while our Lord and Savior performs this great destruction of all evil in the world!

    Then after the Prince of Peace has massacred millions upon millions of people we will be forced by love to bow to God or Jesus and follow their laws, especially “thou shalt not kill”…. because there will not be many left on earth. Actually no laws will be needed, sin will be removed, taken away (like now) there will be no more sin, no laws, just love your neighbor as yourself,….kinda like now!

    Has anyone ever really thought how ridiculous those end time doctrines are? Do religious people ever use their own common sense to see the error of the doctrines or do they just swallow whole whatever the preacher says. These same fools get on TV or news clips and talk about their followers falling away by being deceived and falling away from the truth. Nobody falls away from the truth. The truth resonates within the person. They should know when they hear truth.

    The whole doctrine above is the most anti-christ doctrine there could be. You don't have to wait for anti-christ to arrive. They are all over your TV tube. Nonsensical, anti-love, barbaric doctrines of death and destruction from a God of pure love and his son of peace.

    Shame to all who believe this trash! Shame to you for believing our loving God and his Christ would die for us only to kill us later. God is not a life taker. God is a life giver. All death and destruction is intended for evil beliefs. Evil, destruction doctrines like the one above. Destroy evil thinking and love is all there is!! Wake up to truth in love! IMO, TK



    good post

    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    Then you now realize that Jesus returned (in spirit form) on Pentecost; right? (Link)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 08 2011,14:53)
    Hi Pierre,

    Then you now realize that Jesus returned (in spirit form) on Pentecost; right? (Link)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    no, Christ return was NOT at the Pentecost


    Pierre: John14:16….and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever….the Spirit of Truth (Jesus the truth) whom the world (Jewish religious order)…cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him:….FOR HE DWELLETH..WITH..YOU AND SHALL BE….IN….YOU!

    John16:5…but now I go my way to him that sent me (the Father)….V7….nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is expedient fo you that i go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come….but if I depart, I will send him unto you…..!

    As long as Jesus was physically on the planet they looked only to what they could see and hear physically. Jesus had to go away for his words of truth to come forth within each person to teach. Jesus is the truth of God, God is spirit, The comforter is the spirit of truth…their all ONE! Different aspects of ONE! Water, steam, vapor, all ONE!…John17:23….I in them, and thou in me, that they be made perfect in ONE! (Oneness)

    Acts1:8….ye shall receive power,….AFTER….that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: [then] ye shall be witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth…! There is no difference between God(Spirit)words..spirit…Jesus words….spirit…Holy spirit….the comforter….the spirit of truth…..Holy Ghost/spirit!!! If you have seen one you have heard the other!

    The outpouring of the Spirit of truth, upon some, but available then to all mankind, was at Pentecost as near as I can tell! IMO, TK



    Acts1:8….ye shall receive power,….AFTER….that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: [then] ye shall be witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth…! There is no difference between God(Spirit)words..spirit…Jesus words….spirit…Holy spirit….the comforter….the spirit of truth…..Holy Ghost/spirit!!! If you have seen one you have heard the other!

    The outpouring of the Spirit of truth, upon some, but available then to all mankind, was at Pentecost as near as I can tell! IMO, TK

    this is gibberish, i do not understand to half words ,pieces ,it is made up story ,looks like a Greek salad, please detail and with scriptures

    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    Jesus second coming was at Pentecost;
    if you want to discuss this further,
    go to the appropriate thread…….09;st=0

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 09 2011,12:05)
    Hi Pierre,

    Jesus second coming was at Pentecost;
    if you want to discuss this further,
    go to the appropriate thread…….09;st=0

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    ok ,your on


    Ed: How could a thread called….”last days”….not be the appropriate thread for the “coming of Christ”! That was the last days of his earthly trek. He proved himself alive to those chosen and many others and his work was finished, over and complete!! IMO, TK

    Ed J

    Hi Tim,

    Yea, I thought about that after I posted too.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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