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    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 16 2011,03:57)
    There are so many people out in the world , preaching thier “opinions” as fact, that I might as well say what I think. It is what I feel when I read the Bible and compare what I read to what is going on. The whore like I said is “Libertas”, the Roman goddess represented in the Statue of Liberty.The masons who made it represent Egyptian dietys glorified, and our capitol was founded in a Masonic ceremony. The beast is the United States, the modern day World dominationg Babylon empire. The ten Kings are ten rulers, which I don't know which ones, obviouly ones who had the most influance in world matters and society. The three that were torn out to make way for the horn that spoke arrogantly(Daniel 7 v8 “and three of the prievious horns were torn out to make room for it.” was Jimmi Hendrix, Brian Johnson and Jim Morrison. All dead in the beginning of a 42 year period of the evil reign of Rock and Roll. Also all dead at the age of 27, Gods number. 999. Also 27 books in the New testament to God. Also the three shepards from Zechariah 11, v8,”In a single month I did away with the shepards. I wearied of them, and they behaved badly towards me”.  Elvis is “The King” now. the Antichrist. The false prophet is the pope. He is false because he is referred to as the “Holy Father”, and in the situation of speaking “ex cathadra?”, falsely is claimed to be infallible. The church is the firey furnace, and the Pope is also Nebucanezzer.The crucifix is the statue they had to fall and worship when they heard music. The second beast is the media, also the birds to gourge themselves on the slain, from feeding of the sin of humanity and promoting Elvis and rock and roll and luxury and unfaithful sexuality as a way of life. Every warning and correction by scripture I feel has been given to my church through my Bishop, I even told him they needed to get rid of the statue of the antichrist, Serapis, from the Vatican Museum, and that a huge change is coming.  I am just holding my head high and watching our deliverance unfold before my eyes. I feel guilty sometimes, because when I see things come to pass I feel horrible for the victims, but encouraged by the fulfillment of scripture. I am tormented by witnessing the murder and shedding of millions of innocent people and babys, and the worship of all of societys demons and “stars” in the media, and the masses being taken advantage by the “illumanati” and ruling classes, but am glad God has sent me his message in the Bible that it won't be long before he comes to rule the world and make things right again. Glory to Jesus-Amen

    Since I wrote this, I have felt sometning wasn't quite right.
    at least I don't say “This is what it means”, because only
    God knows absolutely. I say “This is what I think”. The second beast and the false prophet could be the same . It could be the unholy trinity, Satan, the beast, and the false prophet. The false prophet- the media and the second beast- could be the same,  making the world worship the beast out of love for money and greed. Rupert Murdoch is one of them for sure.

    The pope,the preachers, and the churches, and even some on here, could be the rest of humanity mislead and decieved. But Jesus will explain everything, and make things right, and rule.


    Hey Mark.

    The book of Revelations is quite hard to understand. I think I remember the Eastern Orthodox say that it was not included in their cannon OR they didnt read it out loud in Church, as they believed it could be easily misunderstood and,  that only some should attempt it.

    One thing I know is, these days love has grown quite cold. I dont know what its like in Churches – what is it like from your point of view?


    Mark! Shimmer is right Revelation is hard to understand. If you watch Ancient History or read up on it, it explains it easier…. Georg is pretty good at it….You also have to have a good memory, which I lack…When we just read the Book of Revelation there is a blessing attached…. So read it often…… and I should follow my own advice….Peace and Love to you and yours Irene.


    Hey Ya'll!

    From where I'm at, outside of church it is mostly ice cold. I wore a button for three months that simply said “I love you”. It was really strange what reactions I got. I did get a few really nice ones. Once a girl at a convienience store said “I love you too”, and I thought that was really cool. A few said “I like your button”. Mostly I got strange looks. A black man walked up to me and said “you don't love me”. I tried to tell him otherwise and he just looked at me frustrated and walked away.

    Leading me up to this- I also wore it to church, where you would think it would be a huge hit. NOT! I only got one “I love you too”. and it went mostly ignored. I don't wear it now. It's too confrontational believe it or not. I guess that is what I say-you are right. God will come and love will rule again. Real love. Not like “lets go jump in the sack” or “If I let you love me then you will hurt me” love, but good, pure, trusting, warm, all-healing love.  Like this expression. It's feels funny to write it, but it is what Jesus told us to do and how we differ from the rest of the world- I LOVE YOU!! :) :) :)  Peace girl-Mark


    Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 20 2011,01:46)
    Mark!  Shimmer is right Revelation is hard to understand.  If you watch Ancient History or read up on it, it explains it easier…. Georg is pretty good at it….You also have to have a good memory, which I lack…When we just read the Book of Revelation there is a blessing attached…. So read it often…… and I should follow my own advice….Peace and Love to you and yours Irene.

    Hey Irene,
    One day we will know what the mysterys mean completely, and understand them all. You have said it many times, and I have too, and we ore one in this- we both love Jesus very much and are eagerly awaiting the day he will come and rule the world, and end all the confusion. Love ya'll-Mark :) :) :)


    One more thing,
    What makes me curious, is the things in Revalations that I do think are mirrored in whats going on in society. When I search the internet, many also see these similarities. For instance,Chapter 9, the fifth trumpet. He saw a star fall from the sky to the earth. In on of the Gospels, Jesus says “I saw Satan fall from the sky like lightning”. I think this is the same event Jesus was forseeing. He was given the key to the shaft of the abyss. And evil is unleashed on the world. “the smoke poured out of the shaft like an enormous furnace”. I think this is Elvis, and him taking the blues and gospel mixed together with bad lyrics, have spread the bad spirit onto mankind. Opposite is David, whose God inspired music is recorded in the book of Psalms. “The locust were not allowed to kill thembut only to torture them for five months. The pain they inflicted was that of a scorpoin's sting.” What comes to my mind is someone injecting heroine or meth or other drugs into themselves. Also ,”thier faces were like mens faces but they had hair like womens hair”. I really think of the metal and hair bands of the 70's and 80's, and alot of those now.”thier chest were like iron breasplates”. Electric guitars with their strings would be across their chest. “Acting as their King was the angel in charge of the abyss”. That would fit perfectly with Elvis, as he is hailed as the King of Rock and Roll.  Also, Elvis' TCB signature symbol, has the letters TCB over, guess what, a lightning bolt. Now, it says that they will have the sound of many horses charging into battle.  Have you ever heard a drummer with two double bass pedals? When they alternate between them real fast, it sounds just like horses. Also, if you live around locust, in the evening when they are screaming, it sounds just like an electric guitar.

    Now the first beast.chapter 13. He is evil itself. It describes him as evil , because the dragon gives it its authority. One of it's heads is mortally wounded, but it is healed, and the whole world follows it in amazement. That really seems like Elvis to me. He is deader than a doornail, and now he is more well known and makes more money than he ever did alive. The world over. “every race and people, language and nation.” He will be worshiped by anyoine who is not in the book of the living. Think about it. People who are good natured and God loving will not be taken in by this evil and the spirit of R-N-R, which is rebellion, because they love god and are obedient to him. They are protected by Gods spirit.  “but the authority it recieved was to last only 42 months”. Elvis was 42 when he died. Also he was a Scorpio (scorpion) “He began to hurl blasphemys against God “. In the end, he would stand up onstage and read from the occultist Madame Blavatskys books, which were new age crap. ( As long as a man has the strength to dream, YOU can redeem yourself and fly). Blasphemy to the masses.  The media has taken his his image and ran with it. The cool and tatooed and rough and rock and rollers are held up as heros, ones to be imitated and admired. The meek and humble are made sport of and ridiculed. Anyway, I'm just pointing out how I see some things that mirror Revalations, and wonder how the rest fits in. Peace-Mark


    Also, in Las Vegas (translated-the vallley, in Enoch a place of evil) people go there to get married by, guess who-ELVIS!. They actually take God's representitive out, and put the devils in, and allow him to officiate thier wedding. Las Vegas is also known as “Sin City”. Hmmmmm.


    I searched Elvis weddings and I cannot believe how many items popped up. This is what the one I chose said-

    Elvis Is In the Building yes it's true he at the Elvis Wedding Chapel!

    To make your day both memorable and unique, you may choose from a variety of Elvis weddings, each starring The King himself. Elvis will perform your Las Vegas wedding ceremony and sing a selection of his greatest hits! From the Elvis Blue Hawaii wedding package, featuring lush tropical sets, smoke effects and theatrical lighting (included are one hula girls dancing to The Hawaiian Wedding Song! Or you can even substitute a Priscilla impersonator to appear as your Matron of Honor instead!) to the Viva Las Vegas Elvis wedding package, with The King in all his glory (flanked by Las Vegas showgirls in a thrilling Las Vegas wedding setting), you will find it difficult to choose!

    “The King” my behind. I can't stand this. God's not going to put up with this crap too much longer.


    Mark, I like the way you say “I love you” to people, even if they really annoy you. I guess we could learn alot from you! And I love you too Mark and your loved ones.

    Something just isnt right and hasnt been for so long. I remember when I used to wake up every morning and thats when I would get all my answers, like sleeping on it. I would fall asleep thinking about something to do with the Bible and God, and wake up, and there it was, just what I was wanting to know – the answers.

    Now though I wake up and my thoughts are on other things and it isnt right. People or Internet Forums.

    See I believe we can make a god of anything that takes the place of the true God. And in these last days it is critical to focus!

    Its like having the radio on but its a really bad reception.


    I remember once God showed me a picture in my mind of a man, a homeless person in a park, and he was trying to get peoples attenton. He was trying to talk but people werent listening, there was too much noise, too much interferance. I think thats how its become. If its not the noise of life in general with TVs and radios and traffic etc, then its the niose of our own minds even if we are sitting in silence.


    Shimmer, visions of such can be seen completely different by others, why were you the only chosen to see this man, why did the noise not take you away from what you were being shown.

    Anointing are a great thing Shimmer, at times we may not recognize them, others do. Do not let anyone block your blessings, everyone falls short, it is just wonderful to know that mercy and grace have been given to us.

    I can empathize with you though, it is hard to clear the sounds of life at times.


    Princess, you are one of the most spiritual people I have seen on this forum. i have always taken your messages when you are spiritual carefully as in payed attention to what you are saying. You have often woken me up to some things, thank you. And the same goes to you. Dont let anyone block what gifts you have been given. Love you Princess.


    Truly woman, you give too much to me, tis not mine. However, when my sister tells me that I am a blessed and highly favoured woman, I always have to say, I am in good company.

    Just goes to show, even teachers can be students, and students can be teachers, for you have brought a few things into the light also.

    Love you much Princess Shimmer.


    Princess :)


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 20 2011,08:29)
    Mark, I like the way you say “I love you” to people, even if they really annoy you. I guess we could learn alot from you! And I love you too Mark and your loved ones.

    Something just isnt right and hasnt been for so long. I remember when I used to wake up every morning and thats when I would get all my answers, like sleeping on it. I would fall asleep thinking about something to do with the Bible and God, and wake up, and there it was, just what I was wanting to know – the answers.

    Now though I wake up and my thoughts are on other things and it isnt right. People or Internet Forums.

    See I believe we can make a god of anything that takes the place of the true God. And in these last days it is critical to focus!

    Its like having the radio on but its a really bad reception.

    I really fall short though. If I wore that button everyday, I would be doing better. To say I love you, and I really do mean it, on here wherre I don't see you or live around you is good, but not as effective as telling everyone you know or wearing that button all the time. That really bothered me, in that I felt I wasn't being a true light for Jesus. Like you said, after a while, I was led to realise what paul said-something about that the only way to be separate from evil, is to leave the world completely, and he said he wasn't saying to do that. We must deal with what we havea and do our best. Mine is not very good, but it's what I got.

    Also I thought about your question about love in the church, and saying how bad the reception to me button was. I must say, that the people I have known all my life, really do love me, and express it in a warm smile, or a handshake. I do have that alot.
    What you were alluding too about the love of most growing cold, is shown in the new people or strangers. There are some people that are downright evil, and the devil is focusing on the people in church and christians. think about it. The ones who are already evil he doesn't have to do anything to. They are already his, or are blind. It would only take one demon or so to keep them in check. The good ones, he problbly appoints legions to. He can reach many if he can get these. The really sound ones have nothing to worry about. God protects the ones he loves, and it only takes a molicule of true love to make the demons run for cover. They can't handle love.  The churches, when they see a stranger, welcome them because they want the money, and want them to be involved, but out of fear of evil hold them at arms reach to protect themselves. Now you need to have background checks done on anyone who is involved with kids. So sad. My neigghbor had to take custody of her grandaughter because the mom is on drugs and is screwed up, living a bad life. The granddaughter just hangs out bored. Grandma is just doing good to keep it between the ditches. I would love to take her to one of the neighmorhood lakes and fish, or we have a public water park. Sadly, I would NEVER do that because I do not want to get involved in a scandle. I found out from G-ma the other day, the mom missed an apointment for th elittle girl to see her vor a rare visit. She stood her up. To guess what-GO TO THE LAKE WITH HER NEW BOYFRIEND AND NEW BABY!  Thats right. She had another baby. AAARAHHHHH! Lord please help us make it. “Due to the increase of evil, the love of most will grow cold. The one who makes it to the end, however, will see salvation. ”  Love you-Me


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 20 2011,08:29)
    Mark, I like the way you say “I love you” to people, even if they really annoy you. I guess we could learn alot from you! And I love you too Mark and your loved ones.

    Something just isnt right and hasnt been for so long. I remember when I used to wake up every morning and thats when I would get all my answers, like sleeping on it. I would fall asleep thinking about something to do with the Bible and God, and wake up, and there it was, just what I was wanting to know – the answers.

    Now though I wake up and my thoughts are on other things and it isnt right. People or Internet Forums.

    See I believe we can make a god of anything that takes the place of the true God. And in these last days it is critical to focus!

    Its like having the radio on but its a really bad reception.

    Shimmer, by the way, I have been getting too much into it lately. I always feel drawn to it, because this is the only place I feel like I can express what I really think without people looking at me funny or talking about me. Sometimes, when I get involved in something I feel very strongly about, I think about it most of the day. I have tried to moderate this. I come and go. When I feel like I'm getting too far I let it go for a while. I'll pray for you. Please pray for me.


    Hi Mark.

    Also I thought about your question about love in the church, and saying how bad the reception to me button was. I must say, that the people I have known all my life, really do love me, and express it in a warm smile, or a handshake. I do have that alot.

    What you were alluding too about the love of most growing cold, is shown in the new people or strangers.

    Mark, I find the people I know are always the same, friendly etc, and strangers are also nice, but thats just probably where I live. I can walk down the road here, and have not had 'the evils' or anything done, people are nice and smile and say hello, and strangers talk to you. Its NZ though, I dont know what its like overseas. Whenever I joined up with a Church, which wasnt much, only the Adventists, they were alright. The church was only small, probably 20 members, ha. There were a couple who took us under their wing and went out of their way to make us feel welcome, and visited us alot. And another kind lady who did the same. The others were nice and friendly but sort of… I dont know, cant my finger on it. As a kid growing up, I went to the Baptist Church. They did a lot of yakking, and things like family picnics, etc. Then as you know, my Family are Catholic. They are really involved in it.

    So sad. My neigghbor had to take custody of her grandaughter because the mom is on drugs and is screwed up, living a bad life. The granddaughter just hangs out bored. Grandma is just doing good to keep it between the ditches. I would love to take her to one of the neighmorhood lakes and fish, or we have a public water park. Sadly, I would NEVER do that because I do not want to get involved in a scandle. I found out from G-ma the other day, the mom missed an apointment for th elittle girl to see her vor a rare visit. She stood her up. To guess what-GO TO THE LAKE WITH HER NEW BOYFRIEND AND NEW BABY!  Thats right. She had another baby. AAARAHHHHH! Lord please help us make it. “Due to the increase of evil, the love of most will grow cold. The one who makes it to the end, however, will see salvation. ”  Love you-

    The saddest thing is when you hear about Elderly people who died in their own homes and were there dead for months and no-one noticed they were missing. Thats lonliness, thats people completly alone, and I find that sad.

    Shimmer, by the way, I have been getting too much into it lately. I always feel drawn to it, because this is the only place I feel like I can express what I really think without people looking at me funny or talking about me. Sometimes, when I get involved in something I feel very strongly about, I think about it most of the day. I have tried to moderate this. I come and go. When I feel like I'm getting too far I let it go for a while. I'll pray for you. Please pray for me.

    When I used to talk with the Muslim here Bod, I found it really positive, because I was learning a lot and felt God was with me, and I enjoyed trying to help someone. When it comes to debate over what things mean up here in believers, I dont feel right. I try to stay away, but I always do another post, then another, and I really need to stop, because I feel it takes over my life quite a bit – I mean ANY forums on the Internet. Im on more than this.

    Its good you have somewhere you can come and express yourself though Mark. :)


    Mark, Iv found the love growing cold is more between people I know. I dont know if its me or them, they are all believers.

    From memory, Jesus said that in the latter days the love between believers will grow cold and Paul said there will be critical times hard to deal with, men will be lovers of themselves more than lovers of God. Are we all falling into a trap of some kind?


    Jesus said 4 times to keep watch in Matthew 24:4-24:

    Watch out that no one deceives you”  

    (“See, I have told you ahead of time”)

    As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left….. (Taken where? If it is – as the days of Noah – then those who were taken – were taken away with the water and perished)….. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.

    “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.  

    So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food….. (spiritual food?)….. at the proper time?…..(The time when we really need it- the last days)….. (Matthew 24:35-45).

    Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour (Matthew 25:13).

    Keep watch for what though?

    For war? invasion? earthquakes? or something else maybe….

    Jesus said 4 times the word 'decieve' in the same chapter on the last days in Matthew; 24:4-24:

    “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Watch out that no one deceives you“.

    “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many“.

    “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many“.

    “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect“.


    Mark, you got me thinking again (Princess, Mark can do this).

    I was just out shopping. Theres this man where I live, and he plays Guitar (In town). Everyone knows him, as in the man who plays the guitar though they probably dont even know his name, hes really cool. Hes a big man. Everyone who walks past him, he greets, and he stops playing the Guitar every few minutes to shake peoples hand or give them a Maori Hongi or talks. I don't know if he has any beliefs but he used to go to Church. I think hes a good example of how we all should be. The difference with him is, he treats everyone (strangers or not) the same. There is no black and no white, no rich and no poor, its just something about him, he looks at you as if he cares. And he does this with everyone.

    Ok Iv said enough. I dont know if Ill have a computer this week, had to say it while I could :)

    Love to you all.

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