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  • #255538

    The pope is not the antichrist. He is in an office that is overstated, and mistaken, and has errors, but that makes him human and his church too. The antichrist will rule the world. The pope certainly does not. Most of you, and all the other churches, do not agree with him or his doctrine, wich disqualifys him. People have twisted latin, and phrases and tried to connect him because they already believe it. It is screwy what happened then and what is happening now with them. But, I'm screwy and imperfect, and so are you, and so is everybody else on the planet compared to God. You believed in Armstrong at one time didn't you? And his son? Well he was to you then your “pope”. And then what? Didn't the elder call the younger “possesed”? Doesn't it say in the bible to judge a tree by it's fruit? So now what? Where do you go or believe in or worship? Is there a place left on earth for you to worship? If so where? No offence intended. Peace-Mark


    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 11 2011,11:53)
    The pope is not the antichrist. He is in an office that is overstated, and mistaken, and has errors, but that makes him human and his church too. The antichrist will rule the world. The pope certainly does not. Most of you, and all the other churches, do not agree with him or his doctrine, wich disqualifys him. People have twisted latin, and phrases and tried to connect him because they already believe it. It is screwy what happened then and what is happening now with them. But, I'm screwy and imperfect, and so are you, and so is everybody else on the planet compared to God. You believed in Armstrong at one time didn't you? And his son? Well he was to you then your “pope”. And then what? Didn't the elder call the younger “possesed”? Doesn't it say in the bible to judge a tree by it's fruit? So now what? Where do you go or believe in or worship? Is there a place left on earth for you to worship? If so where? No offence intended. Peace-Mark

    Mark! I think you are wrong. There are many Anti-Christs… The Pope uas just one of them…He has on His Ti era in Latin written
    V I C A R I V S – F I L I I – D E I
    5 1 100 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 50 1 1 500 0 1= 666

    Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

    Is this a coincidence that it is the number in Latin?
    And what does Vicar Filii Dei mean? Which means the vicar of the Son of God…. he is also called the Holy Father…. There is a Scripture that says we should not call anyone other then our Father or our Heavenly Father by that name….

    Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

    Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

    And then we have the trinity, that alone should make you think if you want to stay in the Catholic Church or any other Church that teaches the trinity…. look what this Scripture says

    Mat 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men.
    The trinity is a man made doctrine. It was Quintus Septimus FLorence Tertullian who first came up with the trinity in the third century…

    As far as Mr. Armstrong goes, yes we did belong to that Church, but not now. Not His Son….We never read the Bible before then, it never was taught in the Catholic Church then…. We certainly learned it there…. So for that it was good for us…. But now we know better… and they too went back to believing in the trinity…
    We certainly don't need a place to worship God in. We worship in Spirit and in truth…according to scripture…. Not in a Church….
    I also believe if you are a true Catholic you will forever defend that Church… Georg's Mother did, to the point when we told Her that Mary had other Children, She said:” If that what the Bible teaches then trow the thing in the garbage…”
    Mary worship is also a abomination to God…. Only God is to be worshiped. not Mary… And then you have the Mass…Mmmm
    But of course you don't want to hear all of this….
    Do you even know what the Mass stands for???


    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 10 2011,22:10)
    Its all good bro.

    But hey, glad your in the saddle. I thought of you alot yesterday. I was still trying to wrap my mind around your thinking and positions and motives. I thought of something. I do agree with alot of what you have stated, BUT, they apply to Jesus, not us. What you say is right, in the context of Being God's son. I believe the confusion is that you put US in his place. Backing up though, yesterday I was thinking about the statements you said about being perfect, and making the rules, and having your own Kingdom, and thier not being a law after John, and how insane that seemed to be, and the concept hit me of I think you believe we are Jesus, if we believe and defeat sin in our minds, and only turn to the truth. That would work except for one thing-THATS IMPOSSOBLE. Only Jesus was God's ONLY BEGOTTEN son, born of the spirit from God, to a virgin. You can't put yourself in his shoes man. You were born of your parents doing the wild thing like I was. That was also a heresy in the beginning of the church. The “gnostics” thougt that being God's son was a “gnosis” from within you, a “knowledge” you come to to raise you into perfection once you come to it. The far eastern religions are much the same. Budda was suppose to get to “enlightenment” and “nirvana” was the highest I think,through knowledge, or “gnosis”. Look, you never will accept this, but the bible and this do not mix. As it is stated in my Bible, Jesus was God which was the word that became flesh, the alpha and the  omega. It is written he paid for our punishment by sacrificing himself, and those who believe and love him are forgiven of thier sins. You do not reach perfection of knowledge in yourself, but of belief in Jesus. And thats why we will wait to see what he says personally, which you will believe. Peace-Mark

    Hey Mark: The good news is Jesus is the “firstborn” of many bretherin. Jesus prayed that we would recognize our “oneness” with him and his father. A total union together is ONENESS of mind.

    Are we not called by Jesus to a “rebirth” of mind, or to “be born again/anew”? Repent (change you way of thinking or the way you are going)

    Are you not, now “born of the spirit of God”? (Jesus was born of the spirit of God) Isn't Jesus our brother? Same family!

    Would being “born again”(recreating the mind) by the words of God, through Jesus not be the “word” becoming flesh in us?

    Didn't Jesus say we must eat his flesh and drink his blood to have part with him? His “spirit” words are “true food” and “true drink”. If we consume his spirit words from God and let them paint a picture in our hearts of who we really are we recognize that we are ONE with Jesus and God the father.

    I don't make these things up, these are New Testament Truth's from God through Jesus our lord. I do not know how Oprah believes, I wish you wouldn't fire attacks at me like that. If I respect you and don't make fun please respect me the same!

    One last thing, it seems that you are trying to “get somewhere” or “become something” that your not. This is also not true. You are a perfect son of God with the mind of Christ as all humans are. Yet you have lost your way of truth by thinking incorrectly.

    Jesus came to destroy the works of lies and deception. Jesus gave us the truth of who we really are, if we believe.

    If you think you are evil or unclean or that you are a sinner, or that you are not saved, or that you are unclean, unworthy or unrighteous, then you are in the darkness of those lies against the truth. Separated from the truth(in the mind) by veils of lies,deceptions against the truth, sin/error and darkness hindering the ability to see the truth.

    Jesus brought the truth, gave it to us, paid the price, all we have to do is accept the gift and believe its true. That's how we clean up. By faith!

    The very best to you and yours, TK


    Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 11 2011,15:18)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 11 2011,11:53)
    The pope is not the antichrist. He is in an office that is overstated, and mistaken, and has errors, but that makes him human and his church too. The antichrist will rule the world. The pope certainly does not. Most of you, and all the other churches, do not agree with him or his doctrine, wich disqualifys him. People have twisted latin, and phrases and tried to connect him because they already believe it. It is screwy what happened then and what is happening now with them. But, I'm screwy and imperfect, and so are you, and so is everybody else on the planet compared to God. You believed in Armstrong at one time didn't you? And his son? Well he was to you then your “pope”. And then what? Didn't the elder call the younger “possesed”? Doesn't it say in the bible to judge a tree by it's fruit? So now what? Where do you go or believe in or worship? Is there a place left on earth for you to worship? If so where? No offence intended. Peace-Mark

    Mark!  I think you are wrong.  There are many Anti-Christs… The Pope uas just one of them…He has on His Ti era in Latin written
    V  I  C  A  R  I  V  S  –  F  I  L  I  I  –  D  E  I
    5  1 100 0 0 1  5  0     0  1  50 1 1    500 0 1= 666

    Rev 13:18   Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.  

    Is this a coincidence that it is the number in Latin?  
    And what does Vicar Filii Dei mean?  Which means the vicar of the Son of God…. he is also called the Holy Father…. There is a Scripture that says we should not call anyone other then our Father or our Heavenly Father by that name….

    Mat 24:4   And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.  

    Mat 24:5   For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.  

    And then we have the trinity, that alone should make you think if you want to stay in the Catholic Church or any other Church that teaches the trinity…. look what this Scripture says

    Mat 15:9   But in vain they do worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men.  
    The trinity is a man made doctrine.  It was Quintus Septimus FLorence Tertullian who first came up with the trinity in the third century…

    As far as Mr. Armstrong goes, yes we did belong to that Church, but not now.  Not His Son….We never read the Bible before then, it never was taught in the Catholic Church then…. We certainly learned it there…. So for that it was good for us…. But now we know better… and they too went back to believing in the trinity…
    We certainly don't need a place to worship God in.  We worship in Spirit and in truth…according to scripture…. Not in a Church….
    I also believe if you are a true Catholic you will forever defend that Church… Georg's Mother did, to the point when we told Her that Mary had other Children, She said:” If that what the Bible teaches then trow the thing in the garbage…”  
    Mary worship is also a abomination to God…. Only God is to be worshiped. not Mary… And then you have the Mass…Mmmm
    But of course you don't want to hear all of this….
    Do you even know what the Mass stands for???  

    Sadly, yes, I do. It stand for a sending out of the eucharist. It os also believed by some that Jesus is symbolicly sacrificed and transubstantiated into literally him. Yes I know that. I have agonized over that. Yes I believe Mary had other kids. James was his brother. Yes they have, like the original temple, erred over time and passed those errors down, which have become magnified, much like King Mannasa? of Juda did. When he did, God passed sentance on them. He said that because of what he did, he would wipe them out. Also it would be so bad, that when you heard of it, your ears would ring. Later, before that happened, King Josiah learned of the law because it was found in the temple. It was read to the people, and it was followed. The high places were destroyed, the altars to other dietys and sacred poles also, and God was revered. God told him that because he followed the law he would be spared, but he was still going to carry out the sentance. Everybody ignored the warnings. In Jesus' day, the pharasees were placing religiousness over mercy and love. But listen Irene. This is all in the OT. Show me one place where Jesus told the deciples to leave. He still went to the temple.He later told them it would be destroyed. He tried to correct it by driving out the traders. He told people to obey the priest, but not to follow thier example. The churches, and this desecrated and defiled world, will be destroyed, and God will set things right and establish his temple here forever. I can't wait for that. So, now we get to me. I do not worship Mary, nor say prayers or petition her. I am not required to. Nor revere anyone but God. I am not required to either. I won't get into the other things I don't agree with. I have expressed this to others in the church and why, and they listen at least because they have known me all my life. It was said to me by a dear friend, and I really needed to hear it, that how could I help them or express my love when I am not there? I chosse to fight, just like Jesus did. In his power he could have led the whole population to abandon the temple under his authority, but he left it.   I AM CHRISTIAN FIRST, but I also stand in a catholic church and raise my hands to God and ask him to fix this, because he is all powerful and can do  it. He can cross 5 universes and 10 galaxys in an instant, or re-arrange them, if he wants to. So if he wants to do something, he will.

    Now, yout title. The only problem with it is that is not the title on the “papal tiera”. It is not nor ever was the title of the pope. You cannot guide me to or show me anything authintic or official that bears that name, but someone thought of it and came up with the sum. That number stands for a certain man, a man who would mislead the ENTIRE world. As far as the trinity, you will have to be corrected by “The King”, Jesus not Elvis, himself. You will never believe me, but you will believe him. You say that Jesus said that the Father was  greater than him, and thats why he is not God. Why did Jesus also say that sins will be Forgiven against him and the Father, but not the spirit? Hmmmmm. Now here is how I see it. God is in three persons. Jesus was with God at the beginning, (Jn 1:1). If each other is three separate but one God, then they would all be separate, but the same. (We all have opinions and numbers to back us up) Each ones numbers would be 333. Now 333+333+333=999, Gods total number. Turn that over and you get evil–666. Evils Prestley is him to me. He led a revolution of immorality that has sent waves around the whold world, no matter what church you go to or not. Evil is glorified and magnified. Here it is evils week. Pilgrims from all over the world will come next week on the anniversary of his death to walk around his grave in a candlelight vigil. Thousands. This is also celebrated in a Jerusalem suburb, the same place that has the Gold statue of him they call “The King”.  Sound far fetched? Let's look further. Back in the Exodus, when Moses was on the Mountain, the Hebrews made a Golden Calf and worshipped it. Do you Know why? Where did they get the Idea? In Memphis Egypt. Look it up. It's true. They got from the Egypti
    ans the practice of worsipping the “Apis bull” from them. It was a bull they  believe was born not of mating, but by a lightning bolt, and was a manifestation of Patah, who they thought was the creator. It was Worshipped an dparaded around in Memphis. Thats why God almost wiped them out. They gave credit to their deliverance to a false God from Egypt. Not much has changed. Society believed Elvis started a revolution that enabled them to shed morality for immorality, and to revel, like the Hebrews. Plain as day to me. Everybody has an Opinion Irene, And God will correct those who are mistaken. we wil see soon enough. In the mean time I will fight. God bless, Peace and love in the meantime-Mark


    Hey Tim. Sorry for the Ophra comment. I have run out of time but will comment later. Peace-Mark


    Evils signature “TCB” with a lightning bolt through it, stood for evil buisness. And Satan sure took care of it. “I saw satan fall from the sky like lightning”-Jesus Hmmmmmmm


    Mark!  By association with the Church you will be made responsible for their wrong doing also… We are to flee from Sin….. The trinity is three persons in one that is not so…. and unfortunately I taught all of our four Children that…. So I am well aware what the trinity stands for…..
    The Holy Spirit is not a person… It is the Spirit of Jehovah God…… Also Jesus taught us that His Father is greater them  He is

    Jhn 14:28   Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come [again] unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.  

    And also this Scripture

    Eph 4:4   [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;  

    Eph 4:5   One Lord, one faith, one baptism,  

    Eph 4:6   One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.  

    Now let me show you that the Spirit is the HHoly Spirit of Jehovah God.

    1Jo 4:1 ¶ Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  

    1Jo 4:2   Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

    Notice the Spirit of God….

    Gen 1:2   And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  

    And again the Spirit of God…

    Gen 6:3   And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.  

    My Spirit….

    Job 33:4   The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.  

    The Spirit of God….

    Not only that what will Jesus say to you…. if you love Mother, Father, Sister, Brother more then Me, you are not worthy of Me…..

    Is that not what you are doing, Mark?  Look I am your Sister in Christ and I have to make you aware of the wrong of the Church, and this will be my last post again to you…my Husband Georg started it up with you again, and He very seldom even posts any longer, so I thought I would do this much for you……

    Why don't you study the trinity… There is tread for that an some real good Scriptures, you might want to look into that,,,
    I wish and pray for wisdom for you and Peace and Love to you, Irene


    Sorry so long to respond. I went to Reelfoot Tenn. for a few days. From the water being so high in the spring,I had heard it had made the crappie bite all summer long, and I just had to go and find out for myself. It was true! I drifted around for 2 days and caught bunches of fish. I feel lots better.

    Now, back to the discussion. First, Thanks for your input and opinion. I also believe God is one. I believe he is manifest in his spirit and his son too. He also says that we are one in him also who believe in him. I don't agree with the people who say it is wrong to worship Jesus. He also said that the Father wanted worshippers to worship him in spirit and in truth. I feel I do.
    Peace- I hope ya'll are well and blessed-Mark


    Mark! Hope you had a good time….. There are several Scriptures that make the trinity wring. I really didn't want to go into it, but….to worship Jesus is as much wrong to me then to worship Maria…. mainly by Jeus own words He said that Hos Father is greater then He is…. Also that the Father is above all and I believe that includes Jesus…. Why would Jesus say even that Hos Father is greater…
    As far as the Holy Spirit goes, it is not a person, but the Spirit of Jehovah God our Heavenly Father..

    Eph 4:6 One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.

    Jhn 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come [again] unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

    1Cr 8:4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol [is] nothing in the world, and that [there is] none other God but one.

    1Cr 8:5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)

    1Cr 8:6 But to us [there is but] one God, the Father, of whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.

    Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water

    Notice the Spirit of God….

    Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

    Notice MY Spirit

    Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

    The Spirit of God

    There are more Scriptures that I could give you, but I think you should get the picture from these…. I need to run..

    Peace and Love to you and yours, Irene


    Great scriptures Irene. We just do not discern them the same way. The one above-1Cr 8:4   As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol [is] nothing in the world, and that [there is] none other God but one.  

    1Cr 8:5   For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)  

    1Cr 8:6   But to us [there is but] one God, the Father, of whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.  

    I look at it that he says not to worship any other than the one
    God, and then he says 1. Almighty God, AND (notice the and, not over but and)  one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.  

    notice he describes them both as “one” . You are right, he never put it in the term trinity, but he puts them both into the one God. Great scripture.

    Also another great scripture,Job 33:4   The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.
    They are one, in the spirit, just like we will be one day. Peace-Mark


    The reason for Jesus' worthiness to be worshiped as God, and why that he is worthy  of it, is because he is God, not man. If he were of the stature that so many say he is he wouldn't deserve it, and it would be wrong to worship him. But he is from God himself, of God. Every other man or Woman, Budda, Muhammed, the Pope, Me, You , Etc. Is desended from Adam, and sinful. Death was brought into the world and we are lost to death. But Jesus was from God. The spirit brought him into being. No one knows if it was God seed and her egg or Both or what, but what we know is what the bible tells us, and that is that he was born of GOD. John the Baptist even said he was not worthy to unfasten his sandle, worshipping him. When he says the Faher is greater than him it was to convict all men of pride, that even though he was worthy of authority, he humbled himself, and even humbled himself to wash others feet too. What an infinite God and savior we have! There will be no excuses. The man who NEVER sinned humbled himself to us sinners. When he comes in power and glory like it says in the bible, he will  Sit on the Throne in Judgement, and separate the damned from the saved. And that judgement is forever. I'll say he's worthy.Amen. Peace-Mark


    By the way, Babylon. We both have differant ideas on what this means. You think it means the Catholic church and the Pope is the anti-christ, and gave that number explination. Just out of curiousity, did you ever find anything official or a document or anything with this stated as being an official title of the pope?. Also, this is what i felt this ment- Babylon is the mystery name for a world dominating power in the world, like it was back then. Sargon from the beginning of Babylon was the first to come up with the concept of “empire”. So Babylon in the current world is the United States. We dominate the world. If worst came to worst, and someone wants to, anywhere in the world can be turned into a parking lot in a matter of minutes. The whore riding the beast in revelations is the Statue of Liberty. She is a Roman Goddess originally, “Libertas”. A woman free to do whatever she wants, and make as much money and live however she wants to,  a whore. Our King, in all actuality, according to how much influance and power he yields and exerts on society, is Elvis sadly. There are some great and Godly men here, but by and large we are entrapraneurs on a fleet fortune hunt, and to most the name of the game is to have the most toys at the end of the game, and rocking and rolling all the way. Through the media and satellite this has been spread around the whole world, and materialism and lust instead of love has poisoned it. The world is cursed and going more broke by the minute. Iran wants to wipe out Isreal, and is very close to having nuclear weapons(a fact just search Iranian nuclear weapons) All this is comming to a head, and the world is asleep.  Soon we shall see…….


    There are so many people out in the world , preaching thier “opinions” as fact, that I might as well say what I think. It is what I feel when I read the Bible and compare what I read to what is going on. The whore like I said is “Libertas”, the Roman goddess represented in the Statue of Liberty.The masons who made it represent Egyptian dietys glorified, and our capitol was founded in a Masonic ceremony. The beast is the United States, the modern day World dominationg Babylon empire. The ten Kings are ten rulers, which I don't know which ones, obviouly ones who had the most influance in world matters and society. The three that were torn out to make way for the horn that spoke arrogantly(Daniel 7 v8 “and three of the prievious horns were torn out to make room for it.” was Jimmi Hendrix, Brian Johnson and Jim Morrison. All dead in the beginning of a 42 year period of the evil reign of Rock and Roll. Also all dead at the age of 27, Gods number. 999. Also 27 books in the New testament to God. Also the three shepards from Zechariah 11, v8,”In a single month I did away with the shepards. I wearied of them, and they behaved badly towards me”.  Elvis is “The King” now. the Antichrist. The false prophet is the pope. He is false because he is referred to as the “Holy Father”, and in the situation of speaking “ex cathadra?”, falsely is claimed to be infallible. The church is the firey furnace, and the Pope is also Nebucanezzer.The crucifix is the statue they had to fall and worship when they heard music. The second beast is the media, also the birds to gourge themselves on the slain, from feeding of the sin of humanity and promoting Elvis and rock and roll and luxury and unfaithful sexuality as a way of life. Every warning and correction by scripture I feel has been given to my church through my Bishop, I even told him they needed to get rid of the statue of the antichrist, Serapis, from the Vatican Museum, and that a huge change is coming.  I am just holding my head high and watching our deliverance unfold before my eyes. I feel guilty sometimes, because when I see things come to pass I feel horrible for the victims, but encouraged by the fulfillment of scripture. I am tormented by witnessing the murder and shedding of millions of innocent people and babys, and the worship of all of societys demons and “stars” in the media, and the masses being taken advantage by the “illumanati” and ruling classes, but am glad God has sent me his message in the Bible that it won't be long before he comes to rule the world and make things right again. Glory to Jesus-Amen


    Also, this is the prophecy of the popes, which started on 1147. It has listed things for each and every pope since then. Lo and behold it ends with the death of this pope-

    265 109 From the midst of the moon John Paul I (1978) Albino Luciani His month-long reign began with the moon half-full. See below  
    De labore ſolis.  
    266 110 From a solar eclipse Bl. John Paul II (1978–2005) Karol Wojtyła Born on the day of a solar eclipse. See below  
    Gloria oliuæ.  
    267 111 Glory of the olive. Benedict XVI (2005–present) Joseph Ratzinger See below  
      In ꝑsecutione extrema S.R.E. ſedebit.
    He will reign during the ultimate persecution of the Holy Roman Church.[65]
      Petrus Romanus, qui paſcet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus tranſactis ciuitas ſepticollis diruetur, & Iudex tremẽdus iudicabit populum ſuum.[66] Finis.
    268 112 Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the fearsome Judge will judge His people. The End. Unknown Unknown

    This pope is listed right before Peter. He will be the last pope, nobody knows for how long, and then Rome will be destroyed. All churches will, because Jesus will be the head of the church. The true church. Can't wait….. clocks ticking…..


    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 15 2011,05:10)
    Great scriptures Irene. We just do not discern them the same way. The one above-1Cr 8:4   As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol [is] nothing in the world, and that [there is] none other God but one.  

    1Cr 8:5   For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)  

    1Cr 8:6   But to us [there is but] one God, the Father, of whom [are] all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.  

    I look at it that he says not to worship any other than the one
    God, and then he says 1. Almighty God, AND (notice the and, not over but and)  one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom [are] all things, and we by him.  

    notice he describes them both as “one” . You are right, he never put it in the term trinity, but he puts them both into the one God. Great scripture.

    Also another great scripture,Job 33:4   The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.
    They are one, in the spirit, just like we will be one day. Peace-Mark

    Mark! What can I say…. Those Scriptures I gave you show at least many Brethren here how wrong the trinity is…If you see it any other way, well I can't help that…. So good luck to you and I do agree that I too can't wait until Christ will come back soon and will straighten all out…

    Rev 19:13 And he [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

    Rev 19:14 And the armies [which were] in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

    Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

    Rev 19:16 And he hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

    Peace and Christian Love Irene


    Thank you Irene. Peace and Christian love to you too. I say what I believe, and you do too. Hope ya'll are well. :) Mark



    Every other man or Woman, Budda, Muhammed, the Pope, Me, You , Etc. Is desended from Adam, and sinful.

    I thought there was a flood that happened where all evil was washed away and only righteous Noah and his family were left to replenish the world of humans?

    what we know is what the bible tells us, and that is that he was born of GOD.

    Do you not believe that the Bible tell you that you are now born of the incorruptible word of God through Jesus! But you must believe it!

    The man who NEVER sinned humbled himself to us sinners.

    What was written is,… “he who had no sin”…. that's very different from “never sinned”. Never sinned makes sin a wrong action….he who had no sin…means no error of thought, wrong thinking of being separated from God, wrong doctrine or belief that man could be separated from God for any deed. Sin is of mind/thoughts/thinking. Not works, deeds, actions. Thoughts to ponder! TK


    Allow me to elaborate something-

    The church is the firey furnace, and the Pope is also Nebucanezzer.

    What I mean is in Daniel, the people were told to worship the gold statue or be instantly thrown into the firey furnace. In the Catholic church, you are taught to worship the cross to be Catholic. Some even believe that you have to be Catholic to go to heaven, especially in the old days. The big threat back in the day was to be refused Catholic burial. Thrown in the firey furnace if you didn't follow what the church said. Hopefully I am the one represented by the son of God, walking in the furnace with my three companions,(Father, son, and holy spirit) and soon I will be brought of the furnace, after I am refined and purified,. Peace


    Quote (ftk @ Aug. 16 2011,21:23)

    Every other man or Woman, Budda, Muhammed, the Pope, Me, You , Etc. Is desended from Adam, and sinful.

    I thought there was a flood that happened where all evil was washed away and only righteous Noah and his family were left to replenish the world of humans?

    what we know is what the bible tells us, and that is that he was born of GOD.

    Do you not believe that the Bible tell you that you are now born of the incorruptible word of God through Jesus! But you must believe it!

    The man who NEVER sinned humbled himself to us sinners.

    What was written is,… “he who had no sin”…. that's very different from “never sinned”. Never sinned makes sin a wrong action….he who had no sin…means no error of thought, wrong thinking of being separated from God, wrong doctrine or belief that man could be separated from God for any deed. Sin is of mind/thoughts/thinking. Not works, deeds, actions.  Thoughts to ponder! TK

    Hey Tim, great to see you up this morning!

    It never said Noah was perfect or sinnless. One of the  first things he did was plant a garden, make wine, and get wasted. Ham made fun of him being drunk and naked, but his other brothers covered him up. I wish I had brothers like that . They were not perfect. Also Ham father of Canaan, is thought to be the first black man in many circles, or at least the father of all Muslim/ Hagar people. I'm not sure, but I know they sure weren't perfect. Rightious and God fearing Noah didn't make him savior or Gods ONLY son.

    Now, strange you brought Noah up. He was one precurser to salvation. They were saved in an ark, much like the Hebrews and us are saved by God's law and his covenant. they were also triumphant over thier enemys by water. It saved them but destroyed thier enemys. Much like the Hebrews after leaving Egypt, and Pharoh tried to kill them. Next is ours. We are saved by the waters of Baptism, through the covanant God has with us, and in the end we will be saved and our enemys will be destroyed, and we will enter the promised land.   :) Peace Tim


    This should tell you who is without sin.

    Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    All you have to do is figure out who is meant by “ALL”.

    What you fail to understand is, is what God meant when he said this.

    Gen 6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

    What do you think is meant by, “ALL FLESH HAD CORRUPTED HIS WAY”?


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