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    Quote (mikeangel @ July 31 2011,20:02)
    This goes around and around. The fact that I have arrived at: Men somtimes try to justify themselves, using even scripture to do it. To believe that we are constantly improving is just simply foolish. It takes a person that can bury thier heads firmly in the sand and believe false teaching. One just has to read the news or have a little contact with the real world to realize we are on a collision course with Justice, and it is coming. “Last days”. God will show the truth, and thier won't be any twisting with him. Open your eyes Tim, if you have any insight. Show me anything indicating things have gotten better since Jesus and John the Baptist, wich would be the case if what you think is true. I can clearly show you the opposite, as I have already done. You also have symbolized the entire bible, rationalizing the literal God and heaven and punishment-Things clearly represented in the most truthful book on the planet. I'm telling you, time is running out. Place you bets my friend, mine is on the literal God, which I pray shows me mercy when he comes. Peace-Mark

    Mark: Wake up! The “men” you refer to that justify themselves is you. You are the one that is saying that how you perform or what you do or don't do effects your salvation or purification from God. That's “self” righteous. “Justification” of self through works and deeds until one thinks he is good enough.

    You can never work your way to God. Therefore you cannot work your way apart from God. Separation from God is impossible unless one truly believes he is separated for some reason.

    Reading the news will never teach you what God has done for you! God has always let mankind do his thing. If mankind chooses to destroy himself, so be it.

    The world in general may never change. Don't be so naive and childish in your doctrines. The word of God is for the individual first. Its you that must change first and then maybe the world will follow. Not the other way around.

    However you see the world around you is how you see and experience the world. You will never change others. That is their choice of life. You are waiting for the impossible to happen even for God. You were given free will choice in life. God will not usurp that truth. Therefore each person must choose. All will not choose God.

    Your idea of a grandiose completed city of believers just like you coming down out of the sky is a lie from darkness!

    If you make peace with God and yourself and see the perfection that God has given you, then it will matter not what the world around you is doing you will be at peace! IMO, TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ July 31 2011,21:17)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 31 2011,11:32)

    Quote (ftk @ July 31 2011,08:37)
    Ed: God does not judge your actions! Maybe I should say God does not judge my actions! I am not judged by God as to what I do or don't do! I am, what I am, by what God has done and given to me or I am nothing!

    You choose to religiously attempt to grab hold of anything I say to try to make it sound like actions or deeds or works of any kind make a difference in my relationship with God. This is not true. I am joined to God by faith in him. I am separated only if in the mind I believe I am separated.  There is nothing one can do to make God happy or sad. There is no sadness in Heaven! You attempt to have something to do with the salvation Jesus provided for us but that is sin! There is nothing you can do but believe, to join with God and there is nothing you can do to separate yourself from God except believe in sin/separation.

    There is nothing to resolve. The truth has always been the same. We have changed nothing. God saved us from sin, cleansed us, made us whole and perfect in his eyes. If you accept and believe you enter into intimate union with God. If you reject and dis-believe you remain in darkness, sin and death! IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    You don't believe if you were to go out on a murderous spree God would be sad?

    Ed: Do you believe there is sadness, pain and suffering in Heaven?

    No, I don't believe you do! God is not trying to control his creation. God is living in his creation and experiencing along with his creation. God sent Jesus to show his creation what he is and how he works. Not tell him how he must live!

    The son of God is like his father/God. His mind is God/Christ mind. He has come to earth to experience physicality through duality, in relativity or extreme experience of both sides of a whole. Not good and evil, just opposing sides of one/whole. Happy/sad, up/down, hot/cold etc.!  Heaven is pure balance of perfection and bliss, no split or sides. All one,equal!

    In the earth experience can be from one extreme to the other. Not good and evil, just experiencing any or all of one side or the other of all dual forces of earth.

    Each opposing side of each dual force of the earth can be experienced in full if desired. Hot cannot be experienced without knowing and experiencing cold. And what is cold? How cold? -200? or how hot +200. Relative experience to learn separation from the whole to whatever extremes you desire are the lesson capabilities of the earth realm.

    You continue to attempt to make God out to be a little old man on a chair with a staff to whack people with. Childish!

    Your old testament god supposedly sent in men to kill men,women, children and animals! If you have ever voted in your heart for any war that was not a defensive war on American soil you also are a part of pre-meditated mass murder of young men you don't even know and have nothing against!!!

    Be intently aware that anything you do is of your choice to do and is ego based and self supporting. It is within your power to perform. What God has done for us is not within our power to perform. That is why God has done it for us. Nothing you do or don't do has any effect on it. God has made us, spiritually what we are. It can only be accepted and believed or rejected and dis-believed apart from anything we can do. IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    So nice of you to answer YOUR own question!
    Now would you mind answering mine?

    Ed J


    Ed: God is! What is the fruit of the spirit of God? Peace, love, joy, meekness, kindness, patience, gentleness,! Do you see “sadness” in the fruit of the spirit? God is ONE, not dualistic! If you see sadness or sorrow in God, you see incorrectly! There is no sadness in God. There is no darkness in God. These man made anti-God spirits are not of God or in God. They are in the man made outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    Since you are not able to answer your question from the truth I have applied I will state more directly, No, God is not sad at anyone's performance. You tend to try to make out a single murderous spree as some how more sad than starving children in foreign countries. We invade other countries under the guise of showing them the better way of life and mass murder hundreds of thousands or people and bankrupt our own country and call it Gods will. We murder in uniforms freely and cheer the boys home. Its still pre-meditated murder. I hold nothing against the military for defensive purposes but invasion I am against.

    The question was is God sad under any conditions. What is life and what is death? God is made up of life. He has no death in him. God is not a mix. Sin/death/darkness/evil/bad/suffering/pain/sorrow/etc. do not exist in God. Apparently to stop someone like you, so concerned about murder, from murdering others remember, what you sow you will reap. It could be you, or a family member or friend. IMO, TK


    I believe there can be deception anywhere you go. And I believe we are in it right now. There will be a three and a half year end time, something that will be really bad. But the actual deception has already happened… is already happening. Do you watch TV? Have you never heard of subliminal messages? Do you listen to Music? Same thing. And don't be fooled if it is newly recorded Christian Music that really gets at your heart. No. because Satan disguises Himself as an Angel of LIGHT. God will show us, if we listen, what we need to change, or avoid., I listened to Music, I never watched much TV, so that was no issue. but Music was. And one day as I was praying, God showed me – remove all my Music. So I did. I was then shown that there would be hidden messages in the Modern Music, or bad spirits behind it. It will get at the Teenagers mainly to begin. then work it's way into other Music such as Christian. Now, if you look at things such as the 'Toronto Blessing' and the similarities in the Kandalini Spirit, then there is apparently this Spirit going through these Churches. So, it's even in there. (Google Toronto Blessing and Kandalini Spirit – there are good videos by Andrew storm – John the Baptist TV, on it – deception in the Church). So no matter where you go you are at risk – of being deceived. Even reading on Internet Forums there is a risk of being deceived by someone.

    We can only sit and watch as things happen, and they will. The Markets falling is just a beginning of something bigger. I said months ago the end is began. This was before I realised animals were dyeing (Birds and Fish) – the proverbial Canaries in the Coal mines. And another thing I've realised is that Christians are feeling tired. Everywhere I go I hear them saying they are feeling tired or depressed. Now, the joy of God does not cause depression. Far from it. The joy of God makes us feel joyful – Gods love makes us feel joyful, and it don't matter what your going through, God strengthens us. So we need to draw close to God, and love Him with all our heart, mind, body and spirit. So we CAN get through whatever is to come.

    Many believe in a rapture. they think they won't have to go through anything. I am sorry, but, what happens to them, when they feel 'let down?' Our belief has to be REAL. Even if we go through hard times.

    Forget being NICE anymore. Now is not the time to be nice. We are not in a popularity contest. We are in the last days. This is no time to be weak. Just as in the Days of Noah so it shall be.


    Let me just explain what I meant by the last two lines, because it's playing on my mind. I didn't mean 'don't be nice'. Being 'nice' is being humble and being meek, and always putting the other person as higher than yourself. However there are times when you need seek higher guidance such as when faced with a spiritual battle. And there is often another side to you then. In these last days there will be deception around everywhere. I post on another forum which is filled with teenagers. So with teenagers, it pays to be gentler than you would say with adults. But still, being nice all the time, and getting a good reputation, can also make you weaker, because you are too 'scared' to show another side to you, and speak what you do know. That's all I meant. It was more personal and I shouldn't really have posted those last two lines, in case someone take it the wrong way.


    I'm with you shimmer. Now is the time to be cautious, deception is everywhere. There are even people who say “Do as thou wilst shall be the whole of the law”, and believe it. My thought is with yours- diligent vigilance mingled with heartfelt compassion- And God to guide you on how much of each. :cool:  Peace sister-Mark


    God bless you Mark.


    Shimmer: God bless you and your warm heart of love. I usually don't write as harshly as the post I made to Mark. If you will look back over our posts you will find a very aggressive spirit from Mark to me. I tend to react to that action. Jesus looked Peter in the eyes and said, get behind me satan. Being harsh is what it is.

    I want to remind you that those who believe in an ending of some sort for the world and that bad is getting worse and deception is getting stronger, evil is getting more evil, are the very ones that would be prophesying the opposite to the essence of the Spirit of God/Christ. Please observe in all your ideas, doctrines, and beliefs that the Spirit of God, that was in Jesus and given to all mankind is the spirit of love. The fruit of God, that should be looked for, prophesied to be, expected and anticipated by those of the truth, is peace, love, joy, happiness, goodness, kindness, and enlightenment of these truths. The fruit of God.

    The meek(lit: those who will open their hearts to God only) will inherit the earth. As God manifests in earth(inside earthen vessels, us) in fullness there will not be the skeptics looking for destruction, deception, Satan to rise up and become stronger, and predictions of death, sin and hell fires burning. The spirit of God and the fruit it produces is what will come to manifestation.

    Deception for future: Destruction of life. Truth of God for future: Abundant life with no death/destruction!! Our choice to believe. As in the days of Noah and in every parable of Jesus, one will be taken and one will remain. Those saved by Gods words remain and are gathered together in his barn. The word of God, when rejected, removes the evil from the earth like fire, cancer, disease, death!! IMO,TK


    I just strongly disagree with you. I don't dislike you or have anything against you. I just know in my heart that the things that I have known and learned from the bible, you seem to rationalize away by symbolizing the word of God. You do not believe in a literal God. You do not believe in a literal heavan separate from here. Or this place being re-created and made new again. Your hope is your philosophy, which is growing more and more far-fetched by the minute. You refuse to believe that this world is in the grip of the devil, and all the evidence to support it.  You even go farther and say that you are entitled to do whatever you want without any respect to laws or rules, because according to you they were all tossed out after John the Baptist, totaly ignoring his announcement to REPENT. Forgive me for my strong feelings. I cant seem to figure out how severe your spiritual rectal-crainial inversion is. I keep asking myself,”Is he for real?”, “is he a satanist using shreds of scripture to mislead people into doing whatever they want, transfering “Thy will be done”, into “MY will be done”?.  I am sorry if I seem agressive but this is just too plain to see and I feel very strongly when God is marginalized, which is one main reason we are in this mess. NO RULES? Ok, the father of my stepdaughters doesn't have to feel bad for deserting them as teenagers, screwing thier lives up with issues, or the 200,000 he owes us for raising his kids because he believes in Jesus. ARE YOU KIDDING? Sadly you are not. Soon and very soon, you will learn the truth, and from what I can tell, you are in for a heck of a SHOCK. :blues:


    I did forget to mention. We do have a common ground. You state-

    The word of God, when rejected, removes the evil from the earth like fire, cancer, disease, death!! IMO,TK

    You are so right here. Evil will be erradicated. Peace-Mark


    The thing I have come to hate the most is hypocites. (I'm not calling you a hypocrite TK, I hardly know you!). I have met some though, and hearing them harp on about God and Jesus sort of puts me off anything. Though my faith is stronger than that, it could with others, which is why I hate it so much.

    Proverbs 11:9 – “With his mouth, the hypocrite destroys his neighbor, but with knowledge the righteous shall be delivered”…. Matthew 6:5 – “And when you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners, in order to be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.”

    Jesus called the hypocrites Sons of Hell, shut off from the Kingdom of Heaven. Blind Fools, Blind Guides, Serpents, Offspring of vipers, Whited Sepulchres, appearring beautifully on the outside, but inwardly full of dead men's bones, and uncleanness. Appearing righteous unto men, but full of hypocrisy and iniquity.


    Yup. The ones who do good when someone else is looking, or when they are operating when they are in front of someone they know, present a kind, loving appearance. In Private, they do as they wish. In severe cases, they express thier pain or shortcomings  by hurting you or someone else close to them.  The Judges will have an easy dicision when they are presented the absolute truth of your life, which God who sees every moment of will show it to, which the believer with a mustard seed's worth of faith knows is coming……….The wise will have wisdom enough to ask God for forgiveness. The foolish will not think they have anything to be sorry about. Tomorrow could not be soon enough…..Peace


    I agree Mark.


    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 08 2011,23:50)
    I just strongly disagree with you. I don't dislike you or have anything against you. I just know in my heart that the things that I have known and learned from the bible, you seem to rationalize away by symbolizing the word of God. You do not believe in a literal God. You do not believe in a literal heavan separate from here. Or this place being re-created and made new again. Your hope is your philosophy, which is growing more and more far-fetched by the minute. You refuse to believe that this world is in the grip of the devil, and all the evidence to support it.  You even go farther and say that you are entitled to do whatever you want without any respect to laws or rules, because according to you they were all tossed out after John the Baptist, totaly ignoring his announcement to REPENT. Forgive me for my strong feelings. I cant seem to figure out how severe your spiritual rectal-crainial inversion is. I keep asking myself,”Is he for real?”, “is he a satanist using shreds of scripture to mislead people into doing whatever they want, transfering “Thy will be done”, into “MY will be done”?.  I am sorry if I seem agressive but this is just too plain to see and I feel very strongly when God is marginalized, which is one main reason we are in this mess. NO RULES? Ok, the father of my stepdaughters doesn't have to feel bad for deserting them as teenagers, screwing thier lives up with issues, or the 200,000 he owes us for raising his kids because he believes in Jesus. ARE YOU KIDDING? Sadly you are not. Soon and very soon, you will learn the truth, and from what I can tell, you are in for a heck of a SHOCK. :blues:

    Mike: It may be that you cannot hear the truth because you are looking for a God of retribution against “sinners” or those you think are “bad” people. No human is “bad”. They can be programed wrong, and think and ponder destructive ideas against fellow humans but only the programing is incorrect.

    Jesus came to re-program mankind with the truth. This shows that the religious ones prior to Jesus were incorrect and in darkness and sin. Look real close at what the Jewish religion consisted of, before Jesus came, and see what they believed. Its a copy of what many believe today, laws, rules, uncleanliness, un-worthyness, unrighteousness, sinners lost in error etc.! Now see if your beliefs don't align with that old test. way!

    I say try the new way of Jesus, the Christ from God. Jesus tells us to believe what he says. Believe on him. Believe to be saved from all the sin and darkness. Jesus says we are made clean unto God. Jesus made us perfect unto God apart from works or deeds of any kind, lest one (?) might boast at how good he is by his record of deeds.

    One teaching is to work hard to be good and try to please God.

    The new way is to believe what God has done for you/us and thereby become what God says about you, apart from any efforts, works or deeds.

    I didn't make it this way but I will not deny what the scriptures say to me. I do know that if one doesn't believe Jesus words he can have no part with God.

    One thing that might help is to separate this earthly world from your relationship with God. If you build a perfect relationship with God by faith, all things will change for you in this world. If you look to what is going on in this world to build your relationship with God, there is no relationship.

    The place being re-created is the mind of man first. If the mind is not re-created in God and his spirit, then the earth is doomed. If mans mind is re-created to the spirit of God, peace, love, joy, etc., then that will be expressed and created in the earth.

    Instead of looking for a general “end of the world” try hearing your personal God within say, ….”today is the end of that world for you”, now you take on the spirit/truth of God which will change your world from inside, individually first, then collectively!

    When John said “repent” that word means to “turn from the way you were going” or go in another direction! In other words, turn from the ot way to the nt way of Jesus, which is by FAITH!! God bless your dedicated intentions. IMO, TK (BTW: they said Jesus was of the devil too)


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 09 2011,10:42)
    The thing I have come to hate the most is hypocites. (I'm not calling you a hypocrite TK, I hardly know you!). I have met some though, and hearing them harp on about God and Jesus sort of puts me off anything. Though my faith is stronger than that, it could with others, which is why I hate it so much.

    Proverbs 11:9 – “With his mouth, the hypocrite destroys his neighbor, but with knowledge the righteous shall be delivered”…. Matthew 6:5 – “And when you pray, you are not to be as the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners, in order to be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.”

    Jesus called the hypocrites Sons of Hell, shut off from the Kingdom of Heaven. Blind Fools, Blind Guides, Serpents, Offspring of vipers, Whited Sepulchres, appearring beautifully on the outside, but inwardly full of dead men's bones, and uncleanness. Appearing righteous unto men, but full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

    Mark: If you will look, the “hypocrite's” your scriptures referred to were the persons in the highest positions of the old testament church. The temple hierarchy and leaders of the Jews that Jesus said had the poison of asps in their mouths.(words that destroy life)

    If I have said things that hurt anyone or tear down anything, or attack or death in any form, then please show me where! But if my doctrine gives life, love, goodness, words of encouragement, freedom and sinless perfection from God, then I have spoken correctly. I never say I have done anything that makes me what I am, only God can make us perfect. I have always been insistent that its not due to anything I do but what God has done for me/us all.

    The religious hierarchy of today's so called “churches” is exactly like the old church. They believe in their performance as to how good or (bad) they are unto God. Jesus said to draw away from them, take no part in what they say or do. Come ye apart from the wicked. The only thing that can make a human evil or wicked is the programing in their heart. Their doctrines and beliefs.

    If you are looking for a God of vengeance to administer your idea of justice and judgment on people you have had problems with, my God is not the right God for that purpose. My God is the God of peace and love. IMO, TK


    I'm confused, I think my last post should have been written to “shimmer” and not “Mark”. The quote was from shimmer. Sorry Mark, but I think you agree with shimmer. TK


    Its all good bro.

    But hey, glad your in the saddle. I thought of you alot yesterday. I was still trying to wrap my mind around your thinking and positions and motives. I thought of something. I do agree with alot of what you have stated, BUT, they apply to Jesus, not us. What you say is right, in the context of Being God's son. I believe the confusion is that you put US in his place. Backing up though, yesterday I was thinking about the statements you said about being perfect, and making the rules, and having your own Kingdom, and thier not being a law after John, and how insane that seemed to be, and the concept hit me of I think you believe we are Jesus, if we believe and defeat sin in our minds, and only turn to the truth. That would work except for one thing-THATS IMPOSSOBLE. Only Jesus was God's ONLY BEGOTTEN son, born of the spirit from God, to a virgin. You can't put yourself in his shoes man. You were born of your parents doing the wild thing like I was. That was also a heresy in the beginning of the church. The “gnostics” thougt that being God's son was a “gnosis” from within you, a “knowledge” you come to to raise you into perfection once you come to it. The far eastern religions are much the same. Budda was suppose to get to “enlightenment” and “nirvana” was the highest I think,through knowledge, or “gnosis”. Look, you never will accept this, but the bible and this do not mix. As it is stated in my Bible, Jesus was God which was the word that became flesh, the alpha and the  omega. It is written he paid for our punishment by sacrificing himself, and those who believe and love him are forgiven of thier sins. You do not reach perfection of knowledge in yourself, but of belief in Jesus. And thats why we will wait to see what he says personally, which you will believe. Peace-Mark


    As Jesus said “Only God is good”, and we are not God. Peace-Mark


    I love my kids. I am a person of peace and love. But my kids, as all kids do sometimes, got selfish and fought incessantly. I took Gods lead when I had had enough. My daughters still qoute me to this day-“Peace and love, or I'ma hurt ya”. There are consequences to lawbreaking Tim, and thier is a law. Are those Kids in London now ok man? Why are they being arrested in droves? Is is because they RUINED alot of peoples peace and livelihoods? According to you they are fine and ok, thier are no rules or laws. I'm telling you man, you don't have much longer to wake up. Stop watching Ophra, your fellow new ager, and read a paper and read the Bible without blinders on (the ones you have set up in your head). You are not God, and I do not like you telling people they are. That is blasphemy to the real one.


    Quote (so-journ @ Mar. 16 2011,08:59)
    Greetings to all.

    I was wondering with the recent events in Japan….I have had friends approach me who are non Christians who are asking questions on what the bible says about these things….also I have heard through other friends who do believe…. that the holy spirit will be removed….though not from TRUE believers….any opinions here?



    What you are referring to is

    2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth (restrains) will let (will restrain), until he (the restrainer) be taken out of the way.

    This has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit; let me explain.

    In 313 AD, Constantine stopped the persecution, and gave Christians the freedom to practice their religion. In 321 AD, he made a new law; worship service was to be held on Sunday and no work on that day. Then in 324 AD, he declared Christianity the universal religion of his empire. This was the beginning of the Roman Catholic church. In 325 AD, he, Constantine, presided over the “first Council of Nicea”; over three hundred Bishops attended; among other things, it was decided what a Christian was and what he should believe, also that God was a trinity, that the commemoration of Christ’s death no longer be kept, enforced by death, instead the resurrection be celebrated on Sunday.
    The emperor made many changes in support of the church even build some Churches and that was not unusual or surprising because he was after all the Pontifex Maximus, “Chief religious ruler.” Roman emperors ruled not only over the State, they ruled over all religions too. And that was what was restraining Antichrist, holding him back, the emperor; no one dared to claim that title as long as there was an emperor around, he, the Antichrist, the Pope, would show his respect and made sure every one else did too.
    The church had grown much since Constantine made Christianity the universal religion in 324 AD. The Church grew in numbers and so did the overseers, the Bishops; some were also called Pope, Father. In 533 AD, the emperor Justinian decided that only the bishop of Rome should hold the title “Pope-Father”, and, that he should be the head over all the clergy.
    The year 565 AD marked the end of waiting; Justinian died; he was the last emperor to rule the East and the West because no other emperor of the East was able to maintain control over the West. Now his reign of terror would begin; the restrainer was taken out of the way.

    This was the “restrainer”, the emperor, that was taken out of the way.
    By the way, there is no such thing as a rapture.


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