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  • #252984

    Quote (ftk @ July 19 2011,03:37)

    terraricca,July wrote:


    FOR ALL: Faith is not “doing”! Faith is a knowing, so absolutely that something actually is that cannot yet be seen and experienced physically! In other words Faith knows something is, before its actually is manifest. Faith is calling things that be not, as though they already are!

    Jas 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.

    you are in direct opposition to scriptures;from

    Jas 2:14 What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?

    Jas 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.


    Jas 2:20 You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ?

    Jas 2:24 You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone

    no TK you do not telling the truth according to scriptures


    Pierre:  There are two different kinds of “work” and “deeds” in the Bible. The works of the “law” or following orders and rules for a particular end result is one type of “works”. These are works of the “flesh”, “carnal works” physical “works.

    The works of God through Jesus are spiritual works. Jesus disciples came to him after Jesus had healed some sick people and said, ….what shall we “do” to “work” the “works” of God?  Jesus said to them, this is the “work” of God, that you “believe” on him who he sent….! The work is to believe!

    Any common, non believing man can do “physical works” of kindness or what you might call “good deeds” to others but that will not purify the inner man unto God. That only looks good from the outside.

    Saying you are “in Christ” or are “of Jesus” which is the annointing of God and do not do the “annointed power works of Gods healing unto others is what James was talking about.

    Saying you have faith in God and showing no supernatural signature of that truth is worthless. Any man can do kindness as works and deeds. God is not needed in that case because it is within the power of the man to perform the works and deeds.

    The works Jesus did were powered from God and connected to the individual by faith. Those that had weak faith or no faith, even Jesus could not heal. In his home town he could do no mighty works because of their “unbelief”!  IMO, TK


    you are getting so far away of truth in scriptures I can no longuer show you anything that I have not shown you already

    so it is on your head



    Pierre: Thank you, I have accepted the judgment of God for myself. The word of God is the final judgment. Jesus gave us the words of God which are the final judgment from God. Jesus washed us with the spirit of God. Sin was washed away! One who accepts and believes the words of God from Jesus, is saved from sin, cleansed, made whole in Christ, set free from bondage! This is what the word of God came to do. This “spirit” words from God came to judge the dead(those dead inside with unclean thoughts) and make them alive. Love, light, life, peace, joy came within (those who accept) to remove darkness, depression, bad feelings, hate etc.! We must die to ourselves and take on the spirit/words/pure life of God to recognize the gift from God. We were dead (inside) with thinking we were in trespasses and sin but Jesus “resurrected” us to new life in God.
    Now we can walk as though worthy of God being created through Christ Jesus.

    We were separated from God in sin through darkness, but now we are joined as one in Christ unto all good works. The word/Jesus cleans the inside which is reflected in good works of love and kindness on the outside. If one listens only to Jesus and his spirit gift, of Gods words, they would not ever need to feel guilt, worthless, unworthy, unclean, sinful, unrighteous, imperfect or any other feelings apart from love. We each choose our beliefs, which in turn create our inner feelings. If one believes they are in sin they will express sin on the outside. If one believes he is unclean, unworthy etc. that is what he will experience and express in life.

    Everyone should accept the final judgment of Jesus, the word of God for their cleansing. Like Paul said, I died, now it is no longer I that liveth but Christ in me,(the words of God within) the hope and glory! IMO, TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ July 23 2011,21:00)
    Pierre: Thank you, I have accepted the judgment of God for myself. The word of God is the final judgment. Jesus gave us the words of God which are the final judgment from God. Jesus washed us with the spirit of God. Sin was washed away!  One who accepts and believes the words of God from Jesus, is saved from sin, cleansed, made whole in Christ, set free from bondage!  This is what the word of God came to do. This “spirit” words from God came to judge the dead(those dead inside with unclean thoughts) and make them alive. Love, light, life, peace, joy came within (those who accept) to remove darkness, depression, bad feelings, hate etc.!  We must die to ourselves and take on the spirit/words/pure life of God to recognize the gift from God. We were dead (inside) with thinking we were in trespasses and sin but Jesus “resurrected” us to new life in God.
    Now we can walk as though worthy of God being created through Christ Jesus.

    We were separated from God in sin through darkness, but now we are joined as one in Christ unto all good works. The word/Jesus cleans the inside which is reflected in good works of love and kindness on the outside. If one listens only to Jesus and his spirit gift, of Gods words, they would not ever need to feel guilt, worthless, unworthy, unclean, sinful, unrighteous, imperfect or any other feelings apart from love. We each choose our beliefs, which in turn create our inner feelings. If one believes they are in sin they will express sin on the outside. If one believes he is unclean, unworthy etc. that is what he will experience and express in life.

    Everyone should accept the final judgment of Jesus, the word of God for their cleansing. Like Paul said, I died, now it is no longer I that liveth but Christ in me,(the words of God within) the hope and glory!  IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    DEAD TO SIN. (Rom.6:2)  …may help to better understand what is being said.

    Your friend
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 27 2011,17:24)

    Quote (ftk @ July 23 2011,21:00)
    Pierre: Thank you, I have accepted the judgment of God for myself. The word of God is the final judgment. Jesus gave us the words of God which are the final judgment from God. Jesus washed us with the spirit of God. Sin was washed away!  One who accepts and believes the words of God from Jesus, is saved from sin, cleansed, made whole in Christ, set free from bondage!  This is what the word of God came to do. This “spirit” words from God came to judge the dead(those dead inside with unclean thoughts) and make them alive. Love, light, life, peace, joy came within (those who accept) to remove darkness, depression, bad feelings, hate etc.!  We must die to ourselves and take on the spirit/words/pure life of God to recognize the gift from God. We were dead (inside) with thinking we were in trespasses and sin but Jesus “resurrected” us to new life in God.
    Now we can walk as though worthy of God being created through Christ Jesus.

    We were separated from God in sin through darkness, but now we are joined as one in Christ unto all good works. The word/Jesus cleans the inside which is reflected in good works of love and kindness on the outside. If one listens only to Jesus and his spirit gift, of Gods words, they would not ever need to feel guilt, worthless, unworthy, unclean, sinful, unrighteous, imperfect or any other feelings apart from love. We each choose our beliefs, which in turn create our inner feelings. If one believes they are in sin they will express sin on the outside. If one believes he is unclean, unworthy etc. that is what he will experience and express in life.

    Everyone should accept the final judgment of Jesus, the word of God for their cleansing. Like Paul said, I died, now it is no longer I that liveth but Christ in me,(the words of God within) the hope and glory!  IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    DEAD TO SIN. (Rom.6:2)  …may help to better understand what is being said.

    Your friend
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: Hey Ed, if sin is “doing” or “not doing” good or evil how is it that Paul in Rom.6:6…refers to the “body of sin” might be destroyed and henceforth not serve sin. And later at v12….let not sin reign in(inside) your mortal(physical) body!

    The only thing that “reigns” or rules from within a human body is the mind. Sin is self-condemnation. Thinking one is sinful, defiles the body and also produces evil fruit of destruction.

    Being “dead to sin” means sin thoughts are not alive in the mind! One cleansed from “sin” does not think of sin anymore! Sin is then “dead” to that persons mind/heart! What difference is “saved from sin”? If one thinks he is in sin, he is a sinner and also will bear fruit of sin.

    Works and deeds reflect what is inside the cup, inside the heart and mind of the man. Evil works and deeds are the effect of sin not the cause! As love and kindness are the effect of the cause being a purified mind of Christ! IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ July 28 2011,04:20)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 27 2011,17:24)

    Quote (ftk @ July 23 2011,21:00)
    Pierre: Thank you, I have accepted the judgment of God for myself. The word of God is the final judgment. Jesus gave us the words of God which are the final judgment from God. Jesus washed us with the spirit of God. Sin was washed away!  One who accepts and believes the words of God from Jesus, is saved from sin, cleansed, made whole in Christ, set free from bondage!  This is what the word of God came to do. This “spirit” words from God came to judge the dead(those dead inside with unclean thoughts) and make them alive. Love, light, life, peace, joy came within (those who accept) to remove darkness, depression, bad feelings, hate etc.!  We must die to ourselves and take on the spirit/words/pure life of God to recognize the gift from God. We were dead (inside) with thinking we were in trespasses and sin but Jesus “resurrected” us to new life in God.
    Now we can walk as though worthy of God being created through Christ Jesus.

    We were separated from God in sin through darkness, but now we are joined as one in Christ unto all good works. The word/Jesus cleans the inside which is reflected in good works of love and kindness on the outside. If one listens only to Jesus and his spirit gift, of Gods words, they would not ever need to feel guilt, worthless, unworthy, unclean, sinful, unrighteous, imperfect or any other feelings apart from love. We each choose our beliefs, which in turn create our inner feelings. If one believes they are in sin they will express sin on the outside. If one believes he is unclean, unworthy etc. that is what he will experience and express in life.

    Everyone should accept the final judgment of Jesus, the word of God for their cleansing. Like Paul said, I died, now it is no longer I that liveth but Christ in me,(the words of God within) the hope and glory!  IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    DEAD TO SIN. (Rom.6:2)  …may help to better understand what is being said.

    Your friend
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: Hey Ed, if sin is “doing” or “not doing” good or evil how is it that Paul in Rom.6:6…refers to the “body of sin” might be destroyed and henceforth not serve sin. And later at v12….let not sin reign in(inside) your mortal(physical) body!

    The only thing that “reigns” or rules from within a human body is the mind. Sin is self-condemnation. Thinking one is sinful, defiles the body and also produces evil fruit of destruction.

    Being “dead to sin” means sin thoughts are not alive in the mind! One cleansed from “sin” does not think of sin anymore! Sin is then “dead” to that persons mind/heart! What difference is “saved from sin”? If one thinks he is in sin, he is a sinner and also will bear fruit of sin.                                                    

    Works and deeds reflect what is inside the cup, inside the heart and mind of the man. Evil works and deeds are the effect of sin not the cause! As love and kindness are the effect of the cause being a purified mind of Christ!  IMO, TK


    is it our mind that will be judge in the day of judgement ?

    or do we still have a soul ?



    Pierre: Your mind is the mind of Christ/God, when it is aligned in agreement with God! There is only one mind/God. You mind is choosing what to believe as God/truth. Judgment by what it accept and believes or rejects as untruth! Jesus/the word of God, is the judgement of God. Jesus presents the truth, which is Gods words, to us, and we accept the words of God, as verified truth for our life, which thereby enacts and imparts that truth to our life! You are what God says you are!! ……If one rejects the truth by not accepting or refusing the gift of life for himself, he has thereby condemned himself to be apart from God/life/truth!!

    John15:2….Now ye are clean, through the word which I have spoken unto you….Abide in those words and those words(Jesus/spirit) will abide in you. Become ONE with the words of truth/God through Jesus. The word is the vine, we are the branches. Abide or graft into the vine and draw from the life source of all.

    The judgment is actually, …how clean and pure and perfect will you allow you mind to be by the washing of the water of the word of God! When there is self-judgment, apart from what God says, there is condemnation and death apart from God. When there is a sin-free, clear, clean, perfected mind of Christ, a pure heart, in you, then there is agreement and union with God in Gods original perfection. Glory to God forever!!! IMO, TK



    Jn 5:24 “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.

    The judgment is actually, …how clean and pure and perfect will you allow you mind to be by the washing(practice) of the water(knowledge) of the word of God



    Pierre: Yes, Yes, Yes! You have heard that truth(John5:24) for YOU! I believe it became personal to YOU! It is the truth from God to you, it applies to you, as you accept it. Now it is you. You are it, if you agree. As you let each truth from Jesus, work its work in you, then you become that work of God! As we wash with the word of God we become ONE with it/God/Jesus/the spirit/truth! The word is the judgment of God, it is not condemning, it is delivering perfection and freedom to the recipient. Only the dead are judged. We are alive in Christ Jesus. We died and it is now no longer us that lives but Christ “in us”! IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ July 30 2011,03:33)
    Pierre: Yes, Yes, Yes! You have heard that truth(John5:24) for YOU! I believe it became personal to YOU! It is the truth from God to you, it applies to you, as you accept it. Now it is you. You are it, if you agree. As you let each truth from Jesus, work its work in you, then you become that work of God! As we wash with the word of God we become ONE with it/God/Jesus/the spirit/truth! The word is the judgment of God, it is not condemning, it is delivering perfection and freedom to the recipient. Only the dead are judged. We are alive in Christ Jesus. We died and it is now no longer us that lives but Christ “in us”! IMO, TK

    :) :) :)

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ July 27 2011,21:20)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 27 2011,17:24)

    Quote (ftk @ July 23 2011,21:00)
    Pierre: Thank you, I have accepted the judgment of God for myself. The word of God is the final judgment. Jesus gave us the words of God which are the final judgment from God. Jesus washed us with the spirit of God. Sin was washed away!  One who accepts and believes the words of God from Jesus, is saved from sin, cleansed, made whole in Christ, set free from bondage!  This is what the word of God came to do. This “spirit” words from God came to judge the dead(those dead inside with unclean thoughts) and make them alive. Love, light, life, peace, joy came within (those who accept) to remove darkness, depression, bad feelings, hate etc.!  We must die to ourselves and take on the spirit/words/pure life of God to recognize the gift from God. We were dead (inside) with thinking we were in trespasses and sin but Jesus “resurrected” us to new life in God.
    Now we can walk as though worthy of God being created through Christ Jesus.

    We were separated from God in sin through darkness, but now we are joined as one in Christ unto all good works. The word/Jesus cleans the inside which is reflected in good works of love and kindness on the outside. If one listens only to Jesus and his spirit gift, of Gods words, they would not ever need to feel guilt, worthless, unworthy, unclean, sinful, unrighteous, imperfect or any other feelings apart from love. We each choose our beliefs, which in turn create our inner feelings. If one believes they are in sin they will express sin on the outside. If one believes he is unclean, unworthy etc. that is what he will experience and express in life.

    Everyone should accept the final judgment of Jesus, the word of God for their cleansing. Like Paul said, I died, now it is no longer I that liveth but Christ in me,(the words of God within) the hope and glory!  IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    DEAD TO SIN. (Rom.6:2)  …may help to better understand what is being said.

    Your friend
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: Hey Ed, if sin is “doing” or “not doing” good or evil how is it that Paul in Rom.6:6…refers to the “body of sin” might be destroyed and henceforth not serve sin. And later at v12….let not sin reign in(inside) your mortal(physical) body!

    The only thing that “reigns” or rules from within a human body is the mind. Sin is self-condemnation. Thinking one is sinful, defiles the body and also produces evil fruit of destruction.

    Being “dead to sin” means sin thoughts are not alive in the mind! One cleansed from “sin” does not think of sin anymore! Sin is then “dead” to that persons mind/heart! What difference is “saved from sin”? If one thinks he is in sin, he is a sinner and also will bear fruit of sin.                                                    

    Works and deeds reflect what is inside the cup, inside the heart and mind of the man. Evil works and deeds are the effect of sin not the cause! As love and kindness are the effect of the cause being a purified mind of Christ!  IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    How do you serve sin?  …only in your mind?
    How would anyone know if ‘you are’ serving sin?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed and All: For me serving sin is believing and expressing any form of evil, including but not limited to, fear, pain, suffering, anguish, sickness, disease, failure,! Accepting and expressing any thoughts/words/beliefs contrary to the truth of God. Sin is error of thought or thinking. Thinking and expressing apart from the truth especially “self condemnation”! Jesus said speak to the mountain and it will obey. If you say I am…sick, it will agree with you. If you say, I am…poor…it will certainly agree with you. When do we start taking responsibility for what is happening to us.

    We try to eat “health foods” like the heathens that don't even know God do, when God is health and life and has given it to us! We are to busy arguing the names of God, and bodies in heaven, and how many resurrections a person can or must have!

    To hear God through Jesus words and accept what he says unto oneself as absolute truth, is serving God. The opposite would be to serve sin! One can always know when he is serving God by the fruit that is produced. If there is judgment and condemnation inside it will be expressed outside! Whatever one serves in his mind he will serve or bring forth into his life. What is believed inside will be expressed outside. If there is darkness inside it will come to light. There is nothing hidden that will not come to the light.

    When the mind/heart is clean by God, the whole vessel is clean along with the fruit that will be produced.

    The recognition of sin is by the fruit being produced. When one speaks from the root of evil the words destroy, degrade, tear down, hurt, lack love, create pain, cause suffering, grief, accept sickness, accept lack, accept all kinds of destruction and all forms of anti-life. This is not the salvation God has provided for believers. The true believers are rising up now! Those who won't lay down to evil, sickness and death. Its time to rise up in faith together that only accepts life with no death. That is abundant life! IMO, TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ July 30 2011,20:50)
    Ed and All: For me serving sin is believing and expressing any form of evil, including but not limited to, fear, pain, suffering, anguish, sickness, disease, failure,! Accepting and expressing any thoughts/words/beliefs contrary to the truth of God. Sin is error of thought or thinking. Thinking and expressing apart from the truth especially “self condemnation”! Jesus said speak to the mountain and it will obey. If you say I am…sick, it will agree with you. If you say, I am…poor…it will certainly agree with you. When do we start taking responsibility for what is happening to us.

    We try to eat “health foods” like the heathens that don't even know God do, when God is health and life and has given it to us! We are to busy arguing the names of God, and bodies in heaven, and how many resurrections a person can or must have!

    To hear God through Jesus words and accept what he says unto oneself as absolute truth, is serving God. The opposite would be to serve sin! One can always know when he is serving God by the fruit that is produced. If there is judgment and condemnation inside it will be expressed outside! Whatever one serves in his mind he will serve or bring forth into his life. What is believed inside will be expressed outside. If there is darkness inside it will come to light. There is nothing hidden that will not come to the light.

    When the mind/heart is clean by God, the whole vessel is clean along with the fruit that will be produced.

    The recognition of sin is by the fruit being produced. When one speaks from the root of evil the words destroy, degrade, tear down, hurt, lack love, create pain, cause suffering, grief, accept sickness, accept lack, accept all kinds of destruction and all forms of anti-life. This is not the salvation God has provided for believers. The true believers are rising up now! Those who won't lay down to evil, sickness and death. Its time to rise up in faith together that only accepts life with no death. That is abundant life! IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    So then you agree, that our actions “WILL” come into play; right?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Yes Ed, actions are the “effect” not the “cause”. Actions will not effect your relationship with God. Good actions won't get you to God and bad won't take you away from God. But your actions sown here,on earth, will reap a reciprocal action unto yourself. IMO, TK

    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ July 30 2011,21:22)
    Yes Ed, actions are the “effect” not the “cause”. Actions will not effect your relationship with God. Good actions won't get you to God and bad won't take you away from God. But your actions sown here,on earth, will reap a reciprocal action unto yourself. IMO,  TK

    Hi Tim,

          Looks like we finally got this resolved then!

    One's actions are the problem!   …not how they think!
    Their thoughts can always change, the results of
    their actions THEY ARE STUCK WITH! :)

    Your friend
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 31 2011,07:07)

    Quote (ftk @ July 30 2011,21:22)
    Yes Ed, actions are the “effect” not the “cause”. Actions will not effect your relationship with God. Good actions won't get you to God and bad won't take you away from God. But your actions sown here,on earth, will reap a reciprocal action unto yourself. IMO,  TK

    Hi Tim,

          Looks like we finally got this resolved then!

    One's actions are the problem!   …not how they think!
    Their thoughts can always change, the results of
    their actions THEY ARE STUCK WITH! :)

    Your friend
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    edj and tk

    ?????????? ???


    Ed: God does not judge your actions! Maybe I should say God does not judge my actions! I am not judged by God as to what I do or don't do! I am, what I am, by what God has done and given to me or I am nothing!

    You choose to religiously attempt to grab hold of anything I say to try to make it sound like actions or deeds or works of any kind make a difference in my relationship with God. This is not true. I am joined to God by faith in him. I am separated only if in the mind I believe I am separated. There is nothing one can do to make God happy or sad. There is no sadness in Heaven! You attempt to have something to do with the salvation Jesus provided for us but that is sin! There is nothing you can do but believe, to join with God and there is nothing you can do to separate yourself from God except believe in sin/separation.

    There is nothing to resolve. The truth has always been the same. We have changed nothing. God saved us from sin, cleansed us, made us whole and perfect in his eyes. If you accept and believe you enter into intimate union with God. If you reject and dis-believe you remain in darkness, sin and death! IMO, TK



    There is nothing to resolve. The truth has always been the same. We have changed nothing. God saved us from sin, cleansed us, made us whole and perfect in his eyes. If you accept and believe you enter into intimate union with God. If you reject and dis-believe you remain in darkness, sin and death! IMO, TK

    what is there to accept as you say ?

    what is there to believe as you say ?


    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ July 31 2011,08:37)
    Ed: God does not judge your actions! Maybe I should say God does not judge my actions! I am not judged by God as to what I do or don't do! I am, what I am, by what God has done and given to me or I am nothing!

    You choose to religiously attempt to grab hold of anything I say to try to make it sound like actions or deeds or works of any kind make a difference in my relationship with God. This is not true. I am joined to God by faith in him. I am separated only if in the mind I believe I am separated.  There is nothing one can do to make God happy or sad. There is no sadness in Heaven! You attempt to have something to do with the salvation Jesus provided for us but that is sin! There is nothing you can do but believe, to join with God and there is nothing you can do to separate yourself from God except believe in sin/separation.

    There is nothing to resolve. The truth has always been the same. We have changed nothing. God saved us from sin, cleansed us, made us whole and perfect in his eyes. If you accept and believe you enter into intimate union with God. If you reject and dis-believe you remain in darkness, sin and death! IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    You don't believe if you were to go out on a murderous spree God would be sad?

    Ed J


    This goes around and around. The fact that I have arrived at: Men somtimes try to justify themselves, using even scripture to do it. To believe that we are constantly improving is just simply foolish. It takes a person that can bury thier heads firmly in the sand and believe false teaching. One just has to read the news or have a little contact with the real world to realize we are on a collision course with Justice, and it is coming. “Last days”. God will show the truth, and thier won't be any twisting with him. Open your eyes Tim, if you have any insight. Show me anything indicating things have gotten better since Jesus and John the Baptist, wich would be the case if what you think is true. I can clearly show you the opposite, as I have already done. You also have symbolized the entire bible, rationalizing the literal God and heaven and punishment-Things clearly represented in the most truthful book on the planet. I'm telling you, time is running out. Place you bets my friend, mine is on the literal God, which I pray shows me mercy when he comes. Peace-Mark


    Quote (Ed J @ July 31 2011,11:32)

    Quote (ftk @ July 31 2011,08:37)
    Ed: God does not judge your actions! Maybe I should say God does not judge my actions! I am not judged by God as to what I do or don't do! I am, what I am, by what God has done and given to me or I am nothing!

    You choose to religiously attempt to grab hold of anything I say to try to make it sound like actions or deeds or works of any kind make a difference in my relationship with God. This is not true. I am joined to God by faith in him. I am separated only if in the mind I believe I am separated.  There is nothing one can do to make God happy or sad. There is no sadness in Heaven! You attempt to have something to do with the salvation Jesus provided for us but that is sin! There is nothing you can do but believe, to join with God and there is nothing you can do to separate yourself from God except believe in sin/separation.

    There is nothing to resolve. The truth has always been the same. We have changed nothing. God saved us from sin, cleansed us, made us whole and perfect in his eyes. If you accept and believe you enter into intimate union with God. If you reject and dis-believe you remain in darkness, sin and death! IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    You don't believe if you were to go out on a murderous spree God would be sad?

    Ed J

    Ed: Do you believe there is sadness, pain and suffering in Heaven?

    No, I don't believe you do! God is not trying to control his creation. God is living in his creation and experiencing along with his creation. God sent Jesus to show his creation what he is and how he works. Not tell him how he must live!

    The son of God is like his father/God. His mind is God/Christ mind. He has come to earth to experience physicality through duality, in relativity or extreme experience of both sides of a whole. Not good and evil, just opposing sides of one/whole. Happy/sad, up/down, hot/cold etc.! Heaven is pure balance of perfection and bliss, no split or sides. All one,equal!

    In the earth experience can be from one extreme to the other. Not good and evil, just experiencing any or all of one side or the other of all dual forces of earth.

    Each opposing side of each dual force of the earth can be experienced in full if desired. Hot cannot be experienced without knowing and experiencing cold. And what is cold? How cold? -200? or how hot +200. Relative experience to learn separation from the whole to whatever extremes you desire are the lesson capabilities of the earth realm.

    You continue to attempt to make God out to be a little old man on a chair with a staff to whack people with. Childish!

    Your old testament god supposedly sent in men to kill men,women, children and animals! If you have ever voted in your heart for any war that was not a defensive war on American soil you also are a part of pre-meditated mass murder of young men you don't even know and have nothing against!!!

    Be intently aware that anything you do is of your choice to do and is ego based and self supporting. It is within your power to perform. What God has done for us is not within our power to perform. That is why God has done it for us. Nothing you do or don't do has any effect on it. God has made us, spiritually what we are. It can only be accepted and believed or rejected and dis-believed apart from anything we can do. IMO, TK

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