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  • #252137

    Quote (Ed J @ July 13 2011,02:36)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 12 2011,09:53)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 12 2011,04:09)
    Hi Theodore J,

    Perhaps you're forgetting Mark believes in ‘a flesh return image’ (Isaiah 45:20 [] Link) <– Please click on BOTH links!

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Greetings Ed ….. Thanks for the direction,let me ask you this,who is returning in the clouds to be joined by the 144 thousand as set forth in Revelation? Is this confrontation with the earthly forces a myth?? please advise / thanks

    Hi Theodore J,

    What verse are you referring to?

    God bless  
    Ed J

    Greetings Ed …. Iam not a paroter of scripture ,however.Revelation 1, the entire chapter speaks to a physical return of the Christ, the alpha and the Omega…It declares that he will return in the clouds and every eye will see him…. Now… To me that sounds like a physical apperance… what do you think??


    To all: If a man be “born again” to “see” the Kingdom of God he must see through spiritual eyes! Luke 17:21, Jesus himself says…the kingdom of God cometh not with observation….! Why, because its inside of us. It grows like a seed, planted in the garden of our heart. Spirit is the words of God/spirit is Jesus/Jesus is the word of God. Being born again is recreating the mind with spirit words of God. When one says Jesus he has said the wordo of God. When one says spirit he has referred to God, his words, Jesus, the holy spirit, the truth, life, love etc.!

    How can one see Jesus coming physically in a cloud on a horse all at the same time, around the world? The cloud is pneuma/air/spirit/word of God etc.! The word of God along with understanding expands with word transposition. Jesus and the word of God are the same. God and whole/holy spirit/Gods words/Jesus are all one/the same. Spirit permeates all things. Jesus(word of God) returns in the clouds(spirit/air) on a horse(representing power) with a double edged sword from his mouth(spirit words of God to cut asunder the chaff from the wheat or error/sin from the truth in each individual. This word of God comes to each individual mind to express the truth of God/enlighten mankind and remove the darkness, lies, deceptions, sin thoughts, evil from the earth/earthen bodies of humans that will accept and believe his words. This spirit/light that comes from God cast's out devils/lies and leaves the truth. This word of Jesus/spirit of God/Truth of life will purify mankind like fire. The holy spirit/Jesus/words of God will burn up the evil/wrong thinking/sin and leave a perfect man, cleansed unto God!

    We do not fight flesh and blood! Nor does God! The very people that talk about following the law(thou shalt not kill) believe Jesus/God the murderous “tag-team” from heaven is coming to kill and destroy the majority of mankind. So much for peace and joy in the Holy Ghost!!

    Its a truth war we are in. God's truth stands forever and deceptions and lies are being burned away and cast out by the truth.

    Paul said in Heb.9:26….but [now] once, IN THE END OF THE WORLD (2000years ago) he(Jesus) hath appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself….! Did he do that? Yes, to full completion for all time.

    V28:….So, Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for him shall he appear THE SECOND TIME without sin unto salvation. Are you saved? Have you experienced salvation from Jesus? Are you saved from sin? Then Jesus has come and dwells in your heart/mind through the words of God given to him. The Kingdom of God is within each individual to the same degree that the individual has Gods words from Jesus. We must grow up in truth! That is being “born again”! IMO, TK


    Quote (ftk @ July 13 2011,21:30)
    To all: If a man be “born again” to “see” the Kingdom of God he must see through spiritual eyes! Luke 17:21, Jesus himself says…the kingdom of God cometh not with observation….! Why, because its inside of us. It grows like a seed, planted in the garden of our heart. Spirit is the words of God/spirit is Jesus/Jesus is the word of God. Being born again is recreating the mind with spirit words of God. When one says Jesus he has said the wordo of God. When one says spirit he has referred to God, his words, Jesus, the holy spirit, the truth, life, love etc.!                                          

    How can one see Jesus coming physically in a cloud on a horse all at the same time, around the world? The cloud is pneuma/air/spirit/word of God etc.! The word of God along with understanding expands with word transposition. Jesus and the word of God are the same. God and whole/holy spirit/Gods words/Jesus are all one/the same. Spirit permeates all things. Jesus(word of God) returns in the clouds(spirit/air) on a horse(representing power) with a double edged sword from his mouth(spirit words of God to cut asunder the chaff from the wheat or error/sin from the truth in each individual. This word of God comes to each individual mind to express the truth of God/enlighten mankind and remove the darkness, lies, deceptions, sin thoughts, evil from the earth/earthen bodies of humans that will accept and believe his words. This spirit/light that comes from God cast's out devils/lies and leaves the truth. This word of Jesus/spirit of God/Truth of life will purify mankind like fire. The holy spirit/Jesus/words of God will burn up the evil/wrong thinking/sin and leave a perfect man, cleansed unto God!

    We do not fight flesh and blood! Nor does God! The very people that talk about following the law(thou shalt not kill) believe Jesus/God the murderous “tag-team” from heaven is coming to kill and destroy the majority of mankind. So much for peace and joy in the Holy Ghost!!

    Its a truth war we are in. God's truth stands forever and deceptions and lies are being burned away and cast out by the truth.

    Paul said in Heb.9:26….but [now] once, IN THE END OF THE WORLD (2000years ago) he(Jesus) hath appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself….! Did he do that? Yes, to full completion for all time.

    V28:….So, Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for him shall he appear THE SECOND TIME without sin unto salvation. Are you saved? Have you experienced salvation from Jesus? Are you saved from sin? Then Jesus has come and dwells in your heart/mind through the words of God given to him. The Kingdom of God is within each individual to the same degree that the individual has Gods words from Jesus. We must grow up in truth! That is being “born again”! IMO, TK

    Greetings TK …. Are those mansions Jesus spoke of make believe or was this just a parable that defies meaning ?? When Revelation speaks of a time when the lamb will lay down with lion is this a spiritual happening or are we just going to see that in our imagination….What has God got in store for mankind after the tribulation and the day of the Lord,is the kingdom/government that will preside over the milenium imaginery where there will be no more pain and suffering….We do not have the capacity to comprehend the kingdom of God let alone contain it in our spirit…It is through the spirit, that God reveals himself and the things that pertain to his will for us….a contrite heart and an open mind is receptive to seeing and understanding truth…


    Theodore: Oh, my! Do we really see/believe there are “mansions” in heaven? Like big houses, big pools, big cars for competition. Greed. Envy. Covetessness. I guess gold streets are in order then. Did you ever think about the fact that if all of our streets were gold, it would have no more value than asphalt! We must see/perceive the truth which is spirit. Please look up that word “mansions” in an exhaustive concordance. It means dwelling places or places of abode. Jesus' words abide/dwell in you and you in them! Jesus said, in my fathers house(Temple) are many dwelling places or places to live. He said I go (die) to prepare a place or position, INSIDE YOU, that where I am THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO!! The father, son and (WHOLE) spirit live in the Kingdom which is us. We each rule our own kingdom of God our own way or with the love of God. If we express love we are administering God into the world. Didn't Jesus say he and the father would come and make their abode in us? Doesn't God live/dwell in his temple/us? Aren't we the body of God/Christ/Jesus? These are pictures creating dreams and perceptions of truth. The religious liars have led the way for 2K years or more. Lets not have earthly, physical perceptions of a ruling government like what we have on earth. How would love rule? Love never commands or tells another what to do. Love accepts the others wishes and desires. What kind of punishment do you think “Gods Kingdom” would have? You can't spank a spirit! You can't imprison a spirit! I hope there are no weapons of destruction in heaven.They would have to be spirit not material.

    In the(religious) world you will have tribulation, persecution, and affliction because of the word, but Jesus overcame the world. The religious world of harsh rules, declaring each person as a sinner and unclean and unfit for God. In John15:24…..Jesus said, if I hadn't done among them(Jews) the works which none other man did, they(Jews) had not had sin! but now have they(Jews) both seen and hated both me and my father….V25…but this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written IN THEIR LAW, they hated me without cause.

    Persecution and affliction arise because of the word. Blessed are they that are persecuted for their stand of being righteous.Matt.5:10

    If I cast out devils (lies, untruth) by the Spirit(words, truth, doctrines) of God the the kingdom of God is come unto you Matt.12:28! Jesus preache and established the kingdom of God within each person. When he finished his works for God he laid down his life and came in a new form(the spirit of truth) to his temple/house/kingdom/abode/body, to wait until we put his enemies(lies, deceptions, untruth) under his feet/us!

    When Jesus walked the earth it was ….heaven… in an earthen vessel….on earth. Thy Kingdom come as thy will be done on earth as it is done in Spirit/Heaven. Heaven is spirit. God is spirit. Gods words are spirit. The Kingdom comes/grows like a seed in the garden/heart of a man. We have to soften our hearts to accept the seed and water with the water of the word of God and God will make it grow into the largest tree in the garden.

    Wild animals will walk right up to you if you have no fear whatsoever. They react off of your fear. Resistence causes the opposite of intention. To resist, empowers the thing resisted to come into your experience. IMO, With much love, TK


    Quote (ftk @ July 14 2011,09:39)
    Theodore: Oh, my! Do we really see/believe there are “mansions” in heaven? Like big houses, big pools, big cars for competition. Greed. Envy. Covetessness. I guess gold streets are in order then. Did you ever think about the fact that if all of our streets were gold, it would have no more value than asphalt! We must see/perceive the truth which is spirit. Please look up that word “mansions” in an exhaustive concordance. It means dwelling places or places of abode. Jesus' words abide/dwell in you and you in them! Jesus said, in my fathers house(Temple) are many dwelling places or places to live. He said I go (die) to prepare a place or position, INSIDE YOU, that where I am THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO!! The father, son and (WHOLE) spirit live in the Kingdom which is us. We each rule our own kingdom of God our own way or with the love of God. If we express love we are administering God into the world. Didn't Jesus say he and the father would come and make their abode in us? Doesn't God live/dwell in his temple/us? Aren't we the body of God/Christ/Jesus? These are pictures creating dreams and perceptions of truth. The religious liars have led the way for 2K years or more. Lets not have earthly, physical perceptions of a ruling government like what we have on earth. How would love rule? Love never commands or tells another what to do. Love accepts the others wishes and desires. What kind of punishment do you think “Gods Kingdom” would have? You can't spank a spirit! You can't imprison a spirit! I hope there are no weapons of destruction in heaven.They would have to be spirit not material.

    In the(religious) world you will have tribulation, persecution, and affliction because of the word, but Jesus overcame the world. The religious world of harsh rules, declaring each person as a sinner and unclean and unfit for God. In John15:24…..Jesus said, if I hadn't done among them(Jews) the works which none other man did, they(Jews) had not had sin! but now have they(Jews) both seen and hated both me and my father….V25…but this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written IN THEIR LAW, they hated me without cause.

    Persecution and affliction arise because of the word. Blessed are they that are persecuted for their stand of being righteous.Matt.5:10

    If I cast out devils (lies, untruth) by the Spirit(words, truth, doctrines) of God the the kingdom of God is come unto you Matt.12:28! Jesus preache and established the kingdom of God within each person. When he finished his works for God he laid down his life and came in a new form(the spirit of truth) to his temple/house/kingdom/abode/body, to wait until we put his enemies(lies, deceptions, untruth) under his feet/us!

    When Jesus walked the earth it was ….heaven… in an earthen vessel….on earth. Thy Kingdom come as thy will be done on earth as it is done in Spirit/Heaven. Heaven is spirit. God is spirit. Gods words are spirit. The Kingdom comes/grows like a seed in the garden/heart of a man. We have to soften our hearts to accept the seed and water with the water of the word of God and God will make it grow into the largest tree in the garden.

    Wild animals will walk right up to you if you have no fear whatsoever. They react off of your fear. Resistence causes the opposite of intention. To resist, empowers the thing resisted to come into your experience. IMO, With much love, TK

    Greetings Tim …. It is very easy to take a statement out of context and at the same time distort and add to it….The point being is there is overwelming proof of a physical return and a subsequent government/kingdom will exist here on earth…. Your concept of a spiritual kingdom in each and every one of us is an interesting one in as much as there is no living proof that this kingdom is infact here and has been here since pentecost…

    Ed J

    Quote (theodorej @ July 15 2011,01:20)
    Greetings Tim …. It is very easy to take a statement out of context and at the same time distort and add to it….(1)The point being is there is overwelming proof of a physical return and a subsequent government/kingdom will exist here on earth…. (2)Your concept  of a spiritual kingdom in each and every one of us is an interesting one in as much as there is no living proof that this kingdom is infact here and has been here since pentecost

    Hi Theodore J,

    1) Well then, produce it! (1Thess.5:21)

    2) John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
        Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (theodorej @ July 15 2011,01:20)

    Quote (ftk @ July 14 2011,09:39)
    Theodore: Oh, my! Do we really see/believe there are “mansions” in heaven? Like big houses, big pools, big cars for competition. Greed. Envy. Covetessness. I guess gold streets are in order then. Did you ever think about the fact that if all of our streets were gold, it would have no more value than asphalt! We must see/perceive the truth which is spirit. Please look up that word “mansions” in an exhaustive concordance. It means dwelling places or places of abode. Jesus' words abide/dwell in you and you in them! Jesus said, in my fathers house(Temple) are many dwelling places or places to live. He said I go (die) to prepare a place or position, INSIDE YOU, that where I am THERE YOU MAY BE ALSO!! The father, son and (WHOLE) spirit live in the Kingdom which is us. We each rule our own kingdom of God our own way or with the love of God. If we express love we are administering God into the world. Didn't Jesus say he and the father would come and make their abode in us? Doesn't God live/dwell in his temple/us? Aren't we the body of God/Christ/Jesus? These are pictures creating dreams and perceptions of truth. The religious liars have led the way for 2K years or more. Lets not have earthly, physical perceptions of a ruling government like what we have on earth. How would love rule? Love never commands or tells another what to do. Love accepts the others wishes and desires. What kind of punishment do you think “Gods Kingdom” would have? You can't spank a spirit! You can't imprison a spirit! I hope there are no weapons of destruction in heaven.They would have to be spirit not material.

    In the(religious) world you will have tribulation, persecution, and affliction because of the word, but Jesus overcame the world. The religious world of harsh rules, declaring each person as a sinner and unclean and unfit for God. In John15:24…..Jesus said, if I hadn't done among them(Jews) the works which none other man did, they(Jews) had not had sin! but now have they(Jews) both seen and hated both me and my father….V25…but this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written IN THEIR LAW, they hated me without cause.

    Persecution and affliction arise because of the word. Blessed are they that are persecuted for their stand of being righteous.Matt.5:10

    If I cast out devils (lies, untruth) by the Spirit(words, truth, doctrines) of God the the kingdom of God is come unto you Matt.12:28! Jesus preache and established the kingdom of God within each person. When he finished his works for God he laid down his life and came in a new form(the spirit of truth) to his temple/house/kingdom/abode/body, to wait until we put his enemies(lies, deceptions, untruth) under his feet/us!

    When Jesus walked the earth it was ….heaven… in an earthen vessel….on earth. Thy Kingdom come as thy will be done on earth as it is done in Spirit/Heaven. Heaven is spirit. God is spirit. Gods words are spirit. The Kingdom comes/grows like a seed in the garden/heart of a man. We have to soften our hearts to accept the seed and water with the water of the word of God and God will make it grow into the largest tree in the garden.

    Wild animals will walk right up to you if you have no fear whatsoever. They react off of your fear. Resistence causes the opposite of intention. To resist, empowers the thing resisted to come into your experience. IMO, With much love, TK

    Greetings Tim …. It is very easy to take a statement out of context and at the same time distort and add to it….The point being is there is overwelming proof of a physical return and a subsequent government/kingdom will exist here on earth…. Your concept  of a spiritual kingdom in each and every one of us is an interesting one in as much as there is no living proof that this kingdom is infact here and has been here since pentecost…

    Theodore: In what way did I take any scripture out of its context? …..In my fathers house…a spiritual God with spiritual words who lives in spirit…there are many…mansions. So where God lives there are lots of big houses? Maybe God lives in a place like Hollywood? Out of context? You must be kidding. Its a stretch to think Gods house has a bunch of big houses in it! Like you would need a house in heaven. There is no sun no rain no hot no cold no “duality” that we have here.

    You say there is no living proof that the kingdom has been here since pentecost….first of all everything about God has to be accepted by “faith”! No one can even prove God exists. Everything we know about God is by faith. It is by faith apart from works that we connect to God. Just believing!! It is not my “concept” that the Kingdom is within us or spiritual.

    Jesus said so…..The Kingdom does not come with “observation” or you won't see the kingdom with your physical eyes. You will see the Kingdom throught spiritual eyes of understanding. Jesus came to give us the “keys” of the kingdom. “UNDERSTANDING” is the key that unlocks the kingdom of God.

    Jesus came to bring, ….thy Kingdom come, thy will be done…! The kingdom of God was the mission of Jesus. If it is not here then Jesus failed his mission. HE DID NOT FAIL!

    If you change the way you look at things….the things you look at change…! Unto us is given to know the “mystery” of the kingdom of heaven(Mrk.4:11).

    ….there are some standing here that won't taste of death till they see kingdom of God….Luke9:27

    John14:22…Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? Jesus answered and said unto him, if a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our “abode” with him…..”abode”Grk.word: 'mone'…residence, abode, mansion!!!! Same greek word translated once as “mansion” and all other times as “abode” or “residence”!

    I have much respect for you Theodore. You do know and will know the deeper truth of God. You are a man of God. God bless you, IMO, TK



    To all: If a man be “born again” to “see” the Kingdom of God he must see through spiritual eyes! Luke 17:21, Jesus himself says…the kingdom of God come not with observation….! Why, because its inside of us. It grows like a seed, planted in the garden of our heart. Spirit is the words of God/spirit is Jesus/Jesus is the word of God. Being born again is recreating the mind with spirit words of God. When one says Jesus he has said the wordo of God. When one says spirit he has referred to God, his words, Jesus, the holy spirit, the truth, life, love etc.!

    it is not that the kingdom comes to you but we have to go to the kingdom,how by changing our lives from darkness to the light of Christ and will of God , then and only then would we have reach the kingdom of God ,

    if anyone can understand this let him speak the truth,

    holiness and righteousness are qualities to conquer they are not given only the help to over come the obstacles and succeed in this goal ,


    Ed J

    Quote (ftk @ July 15 2011,07:51)

    No one can even prove God exists.

    IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    Speak for yourself!
    Did you even read the thread
    that documents the “Proof of God”? (Link)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 15 2011,20:00)

    Quote (ftk @ July 15 2011,07:51)

    No one can even prove God exists.

    IMO, TK

    Hi Tim,

    Speak for yourself!
    Did you even read the thread
    that documents the “Proof of God”? (Link)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    TK , is right no one can prove physically that God exit,

    this is why it is by faith that you believe ,and also by reasoning and understanding



    Jesus said so…..The Kingdom does not come with “observation” or you won't see the kingdom with your physical eyes. You will see the Kingdom throught spiritual eyes of understanding


    Only Jesus' followers watched or noticed him leave. The Bible says he will return in the same manner. And his presence would be easily discernible by them.

    However, I disagree about the kingdom being something inside people. Jesus was speaking to his enemies when he said the kingdom of God is in your midst (or “in” you, according to some bad translations)

    Kingdom is a government run by a king. It's made up of jesus and the holy ones. Just as any government is made up of people, so is gods kingdom. The bible portrays it as a real government made up of people.

    I also think it doesn't make sense to believe that god has physical eyes that need light to see or physicl ears that need sound waves to hear, or a physical arm or hand or finger that he needs to make things happen. These and other physical things are all symbols for understanding.


    Quote (terraricca @ July 15 2011,11:57)

    To all: If a man be “born again” to “see” the Kingdom of God he must see through spiritual eyes! Luke 17:21, Jesus himself says…the kingdom of God come not with observation….! Why, because its inside of us. It grows like a seed, planted in the garden of our heart. Spirit is the words of God/spirit is Jesus/Jesus is the word of God. Being born again is recreating the mind with spirit words of God. When one says Jesus he has said the wordo of God. When one says spirit he has referred to God, his words, Jesus, the holy spirit, the truth, life, love etc.!                                          

    it is not that the kingdom comes to you but we have to go to the kingdom,how by changing our lives from darkness to the light of Christ and will of God , then and only then would we have reach the kingdom of God ,

    if anyone can understand this let him speak the truth,

    holiness and righteousness are qualities to conquer they are not given only the help to over come the obstacles  and succeed in this goal ,


    Pierre: Your statement is apart from the truth. Nothing you can do can earn your way to God or Jesus or the Kingdom or anything God has to offer. You only have one shot at connecting with God. FAITH! Faith was the only connection to God since the beginning. You must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

    Changing your life from what you classify as “bad” to “good” has no effect on your relationship with God. If you believe there is any way that your efforts or works in life please or effect God one way or the other is a lie from hell.

    Holiness and righteousness are a gift from God that you cannot earn ever in any way shape or form. You don't earn salvation. Perfection and connection to God is by faith, NOT WORKS OF ANY KIND, lest one would boast he did it himself. If you believe you are living in a way that is good enough to cleanse you for God then Jesus wasted his life. NO, No, NO!!!

    You are unto God, whatever you are, by faith in what Jesus did for us. It is the free gift of God THAT CANNOT BE EARNED!!

    That one must live a certain way to connect with God is the greatest lie ever sold on man from religion. Please don't buy it. You fill your heart with the love of God and live your life as you desire. Its never the opposite way. IMO,TK


    Quote (Ed J @ July 15 2011,04:32)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 15 2011,01:20)
    Greetings Tim …. It is very easy to take a statement out of context and at the same time distort and add to it….(1)The point being is there is overwelming proof of a physical return and a subsequent government/kingdom will exist here on earth…. (2)Your concept  of a spiritual kingdom in each and every one of us is an interesting one in as much as there is no living proof that this kingdom is infact here and has been here since pentecost

    Hi Theodore J,

    1) Well then, produce it! (1Thess.5:21)

    2) John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
        Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Greetings Ed …. as I have previously stated Iam not a paroter of anactdotal phrases or statements taken out of context ….. The proof of a physical return that satisfies me is in 3 chapters of Revelation,and you must read the entire chapter not an isolated statement or line…these are chapters 20,21 and 22


    Quote (david @ July 15 2011,17:12)

    Jesus said so…..The Kingdom does not come with “observation” or you won't see the kingdom with your physical eyes. You will see the Kingdom throught spiritual eyes of understanding


    Only Jesus' followers watched or noticed him leave.  The Bible says he will return in the same manner.   And his presence would be easily discernible by them.  

    However, I disagree about the kingdom being something inside people.   Jesus was speaking to his enemies when he said the kingdom of God is in your midst (or “in” you, according to some bad translations)

    Kingdom is a government run by a king.  It's made up of jesus and the holy ones.  Just as any government is made up of people, so is gods kingdom.   The bible portrays it as a real government made up of people.  

    I also think it doesn't make sense to believe that god has physical eyes that need light to see or physicl ears that need sound waves to hear, or a physical arm or hand or finger that he needs to make things happen.  These and other physical things are all symbols for understanding.

    Yesir! :)


    Quote (theodorej @ July 15 2011,22:34)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 15 2011,04:32)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 15 2011,01:20)
    Greetings Tim …. It is very easy to take a statement out of context and at the same time distort and add to it….(1)The point being is there is overwelming proof of a physical return and a subsequent government/kingdom will exist here on earth…. (2)Your concept  of a spiritual kingdom in each and every one of us is an interesting one in as much as there is no living proof that this kingdom is infact here and has been here since pentecost

    Hi Theodore J,

    1) Well then, produce it! (1Thess.5:21)

    2) John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
        Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Greetings Ed …. as I have previously stated Iam not a paroter of anactdotal phrases or statements taken out of context ….. The proof of a physical return that satisfies me is in 3 chapters of Revelation,and you must read the entire chapter not an isolated statement or line…these are chapters 20,21 and 22

    Yessir! :)



    You are unto God, whatever you are, by faith in what Jesus did for us. It is the free gift of God THAT CANNOT BE EARNED!!

    so if i follow the will of God and Christ and stop doing the thing of the nature of the flesh and pursue righteousness and holiness,I WILL NOT BE SAVED ?

    Holiness and righteousness are a gift from God that you cannot earn ever in any way shape or form. You don't earn salvation. Perfection and connection to God is by faith, NOT WORKS OF ANY KIND, lest one would boast he did it himself. If you believe you are living in a way that is good enough to cleanse you for God then Jesus wasted his life. NO, No, NO!!!

    is this your understanding ?or the scriptures as a whole ?



    Quote (terraricca @ July 16 2011,09:29)

    You are unto God, whatever you are, by faith in what Jesus did for us. It is the free gift of God THAT CANNOT BE EARNED!!

    so if i follow the will of God and Christ and stop doing the thing of the nature of the flesh and pursue righteousness and holiness,I WILL NOT BE SAVED ?

    Holiness and righteousness are a gift from God that you cannot earn ever in any way shape or form. You don't earn salvation. Perfection and connection to God is by faith, NOT WORKS OF ANY KIND, lest one would boast he did it himself. If you believe you are living in a way that is good enough to cleanse you for God then Jesus wasted his life. NO, No, NO!!!

    is this your understanding ?or the scriptures as a whole ?


    Pierre: It is my understanding along with scripture.

    Paul said in Eph.2:8…by grace ye are saved, through FAITH:(only) and not of yourselves: IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD: NOT OF WORKS(or anything you can do or not do)lest any man should boast(like, oh look how good I am and how perfect I am, don't you see my good deeds)!….V10…we are his workmanship…created in Christ Jesus(or created by the words that Jesus gave us from God)!!

    There are no commands(aside from love) or demands from God on how to live your life. There are warnings such as….know this…whatsoever you sow that also will you reap. You are growing a garden of life(or death) Sow good and good will grow, sow evil and bad will come!

    Its all a mind cleansing. Jesus said clean the inside of the cup first and the outside will reflect. God has made us what we are. We didn't do it ourselves and how dare we think we did!!

    Jesus came and did it for us. Now is the time for peace, no striving for God, love, because he first loved us. Kindness in that what he has done for us makes us want to do the same for our brothers and sisters.

    When we think “sin free” we are in union with God! When we think “we are in sin or are sinners” we are separated from God in the mind! IMO, TK


    There are some religions that believe like that too. I think that the dividing line is the judgement. For instance, their is a denomination I attended for a while. (no names)(not the rcc). They called themselves “saints” and the senior group :senior saints”. They say exactly like you do, with a few quotes from the bible about being washed clean by believing in Jesus and being made perfect. I believe the differance in opinion is the timing. In Revalations, you read about the world and existance giving up the dead, and the scrolls being opened, and them being judged ACCORDING TO THIER CONDUCT. Belief in Jesus and loving him and attempting to follow his commands will win you aqquital. Denial will leave you at the hands of God, however he calls it. Some already claim the title, but show thier vanity and pride. They think exactly like Tim in that they think they are already perfect., Well, I know one of them for a fact, for a LONG time in my life. She gets out of that church on Sunday and goes home and will tell you that the nigg–s are wasting our tax money and need birth control and drinking in any form is wrong and it's not forbidden to be a mason etc. etc. See what I mean?

    You can't claim that yet. IMO you are judgeing yourself too soon. What matters is what will happen at the Judgement. I throw myself on God's mercy. I'm not perfect but I did my best.


    10: And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
    11: And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
    12: And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
    13: And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.


    You are saved by faith, without it you won't make it. That gives you aqqital. But, what you do shows your heart, and what you really thought. Only God knows that. It will be presented to humanity at the judgement. You will be exposed with all your deeds before man and God. The Path will be easy for God to judge. Wicked people have no fear of God and don't worry about it. They think God doesn't see them and they can appear rightious and do what they want as long as no one knows. The rightious have a mustard seed of faith and fear God and live like someones watching them, because they believe it and know it for a fact. They do good things even when nobodys watching or knows. They do good things out of thier goodness. But even then we are human and have weaknesses, and rely on God on a daily basis, but sometimes fail or fall. It will be plain to see when you are naked in front of humanity. Peace

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