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  • #250309

    I get to much into it. I still can't judge. It gets very hard sometimes. Pray for me. Going through tough times. Hope you are well. Love Mark


    Mark, I hate tough times, I know, me too. May God give us strength.

    Tim I think you should listen to what Mark says. I think theres a lot of truth in that. As I said its something my Dad would say. But he speaks a lot of truth. Think about it.

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 29 2011,22:34)
    God is not the destroyer of life. Satan is. Man has a choice, and since the world follows Satan, death reigns here, but not for long. Jesus himself aknowledged that the ruler of this world is satan and is in dakness. Jesus was light, but the world perferred darkness, because it's works were evil. Still is the same way today. Not much has changed.

    Also, why haven't things gotten better Tim? According to you this infinate love will multiply up and conquer the world, and God will reign here in this dimention, but LO! Children are being raped, women are being beaten, and people are starving to death in ever increasing numbers, even though we have more than enough resourses to feed every man woman and child on the planet, because of growing power and greed. “due to the increase of evil, the love of most will grow cold”. Your fairy tale hypothesis is without proof, and discredited. Prove to me dude, that anything has improved at all since Jesus. ??????

    Next, if what you said about just believing in God/truth without any action whatsoever on our part, answer this point blank. WHAT ABOUT BAPTISM? No doubt, you will symbolically explain that away too. You have implied here numerous times that one only has to not believe in sin, and they are sinless, esentially implying Christ in yourself. BLASPHEMY! Only Christ was sinless.Only he was one and the same with God, because he came from God literally, through a virgin. Unless yo momma never had sex before she had you, you are not perfect. Also, you say that one is not bound to rules or laws. MORE BLASPHEMY! You advocate the first commandment of satanism, and thier mantra “Do as thou wilst shall be the whole of the law” which is what you imply. The scriptures that contradict you, like Pauls letters, you toss out. How much Blasphemy can the word of God endure? I'm telling you, you are in for a unpleasnt shock my friend, and thier won't be rationalizaton to God. You won't listen to me or Paul, but you will listen to him.

    Mark: Thank you for the degradation and attacks of blasphemy. Jesus said,… you are blessed when men revile you and say all sorts of terrible things to you, rejoice and be glad for they did the same things to the ot prophets and they did the same thing to me….

    Man has a choice, and since the world follows Satan, death reigns here

    This is your truth, not mine!

    Satan is the ruler of darkness(un-truth, no light, error, lack of knowledge). Satan/lies/deceptions against the truth of God can only rule a fool that accepts them as truth from God.

    Infinate love will only “multiply up” and conquer the world if the majority of destructive, evil, wicked spirits/doctrines is burned away.

    What children have you seen raped this year, personally?

    What women are being beaten in your presence? Any?

    What people do you personally see starving to death? Any?

    So you quote me destructive gossip, heresay, third hand news from people who make money telling many lies. From this am I to change my thinking and declare the world evil?

    And you say I have a fariry tale hypothesis without proof.

    Has anything improved in our society since Jesus.
    You mean like women having rights. Colors being accepted of all men. No slavery. No stonings. No beheadings.
    There have been monumental strides in mankind even with warmongers full of anger and hate looking for destruction intead of love. IMO, TK

    Did you stop any of the heinous acts you say are happening every day or pass them by.


    Tim, you are closing your eyes what is going on in this world yet. Even though we don't see ourselves rape and destruction happening, but to say it does not happen is false. Don't you watch the news? You too will die one day. My Mother is dead, my Father ids death, my Aunt is dead. Death is still going on, every day…… Things have improved to some degree, but in many they have increased. When I was a teenager we would not dare speak of sex, or the Gays. They have come out of the closets. Openly practicing it. And it is even excepted in some so called Christians Churches…….
    If we believe we don't sin, the truth is not in us.

    1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

    1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    1Jo 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

    Satan still is the God of this world. He has not been put away yet. When Jesus comes again, then He will smite the nations with the wrath of God.

    Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

    Only when all will be subjected to Him, He will give the Kingdom back to God and only then we will have Paradise here on earth. God will dwell with men.
    Rev. 21-22

    Peace Irene


    Quote (Pastry @ June 30 2011,00:18)
    Tim, you are  closing your eyes what is going on in this world yet.   Even though we don't see ourselves rape and destruction happening, but to say it does not happen is false.  Don't you watch the news? You too will die one day.  My Mother is dead, my Father ids death, my Aunt is dead.  Death is still going on, every day…… Things have improved to some degree, but in many they have increased.  When I was a teenager we would not dare speak of sex, or the Gays.  They have come out of the closets.  Openly practicing it.  And it is even excepted in some so called Christians Churches…….
    If we believe we don't sin, the truth is not in us.  

    1Jo 1:8   If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  

    1Jo 1:9   If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  

    1Jo 1:10   If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.  

    Satan still is the God of this world.  He has not been put away yet.  When Jesus comes again, then He will smite the nations with the wrath of God.

    Rev 19:15   And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

    Only when all will be subjected to Him, He will give the Kingdom back to God and only then we will have Paradise here on earth.   God will dwell with men.  
    Rev. 21-22

    Peace Irene

    Right out of the bible! Hey Irene :) Peace Mark


    “Your covenant with death will be canceled,
            And your pact with Sheol will not stand;
            When the overwhelming scourge passes through,
            Then you become its trampling place.

    19“As often as it passes through, it will seize you;
            For morning after morning it will pass through, anytime during the day or night,
            And it will be sheer terror to understand what it means.”

    20The bed is too short on which to stretch out,
            And the blanket is too small to wrap oneself in.

    21For the LORD will rise up as at Mount Perazim,
            He will be stirred up as in the valley of Gibeon,
            To do His task, His unusual task,
            And to work His work, His extraordinary work.

    22And now do not carry on as scoffers,
            Or your fetters will be made stronger;
            For I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts
            Of decisive destruction on all the earth.



    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 29 2011,23:16)

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 29 2011,22:34)
    God is not the destroyer of life. Satan is. Man has a choice, and since the world follows Satan, death reigns here, but not for long. Jesus himself aknowledged that the ruler of this world is satan and is in dakness. Jesus was light, but the world perferred darkness, because it's works were evil. Still is the same way today. Not much has changed.

    Also, why haven't things gotten better Tim? According to you this infinate love will multiply up and conquer the world, and God will reign here in this dimention, but LO! Children are being raped, women are being beaten, and people are starving to death in ever increasing numbers, even though we have more than enough resourses to feed every man woman and child on the planet, because of growing power and greed. “due to the increase of evil, the love of most will grow cold”. Your fairy tale hypothesis is without proof, and discredited. Prove to me dude, that anything has improved at all since Jesus. ??????

    Next, if what you said about just believing in God/truth without any action whatsoever on our part, answer this point blank. WHAT ABOUT BAPTISM? No doubt, you will symbolically explain that away too. You have implied here numerous times that one only has to not believe in sin, and they are sinless, esentially implying Christ in yourself. BLASPHEMY! Only Christ was sinless.Only he was one and the same with God, because he came from God literally, through a virgin. Unless yo momma never had sex before she had you, you are not perfect. Also, you say that one is not bound to rules or laws. MORE BLASPHEMY! You advocate the first commandment of satanism, and thier mantra “Do as thou wilst shall be the whole of the law” which is what you imply. The scriptures that contradict you, like Pauls letters, you toss out. How much Blasphemy can the word of God endure? I'm telling you, you are in for a unpleasnt shock my friend, and thier won't be rationalizaton to God. You won't listen to me or Paul, but you will listen to him.

    Mark: Thank you for the degradation and attacks of blasphemy. Jesus said,… you are blessed when men revile you and say all sorts of terrible things to you, rejoice and be glad for they did the same things to the ot prophets and they did the same thing to me….

    Man has a choice, and since the world follows Satan, death reigns here

    This is your truth, not mine!

    Satan is the ruler of darkness(un-truth, no light, error, lack of knowledge).  Satan/lies/deceptions against the truth of God can only rule a fool that accepts them as truth from God.

    Infinate love will only “multiply up” and conquer the world if the majority of destructive, evil, wicked spirits/doctrines is burned away.

    What children have you seen raped this year, personally?

    What women are being beaten in your presence? Any?

    What people do you personally see starving to death? Any?

    So you quote me destructive gossip, heresay, third hand news from people who make money telling many lies. From this am I to change my thinking and declare the world evil?

    And you say I have a fariry tale hypothesis without proof.

    Has anything improved in our society since Jesus.
    You mean like women having rights. Colors being accepted of all men. No slavery. No stonings. No beheadings.
    There have been monumental strides in mankind even with warmongers full of anger and hate looking for destruction intead of love. IMO, TK

    Did you stop any of the heinous acts you say are happening every day or pass them by.

    ?With a few clicks and some advice from Ed I could post the most vile wretched filth you could stand to watch, besides the raping, beating and starving. Also, if you could comprehend something else, I could find that too, but it would not be very tasteful or appropriate here. Come on man, you can't be that clueless. I thought I had seen it all, that much cluelessness would be a surprise.Love, Mark :)


    P.S. It's not attacks or degredation. It's very definite disagreement with a little emotion, from the spirit in me I believe is God, expressed in words he gave me at the moment. You want me to be honest don't you?


    A Criminal Court jury will begin deliberations this morning in a disturbing case that many courthouse observers have said may never have an equal.

    After six days of testimony about incest, murder and decapitation, jurors will decide whether James Hawkins is guilty of stabbing and strangling the mother of their three children, Charlene Gaither.

    He admitted beheading and dismembering her body, but his lawyers contend his 12-year-old daughter killed her mother with a knife and that he was trying to cover up the crime.

    In closing arguments, state prosecutor Missy Branham repeatedly revved up an electric circular saw like the one Hawkins used in February 2008 in his and Gaither's Raleigh apartment and said Hawkins was thinking only of himself.

    “A 12-year-old girl watched her father do that to her mother. Can you imagine?” Branham said, moving the loud whirring saw back and forth in a cutting motion. “She has to help drag her mother over to a freezer? Twelve years old.

    “This is a nightmare. You're supposed to be able to go home after a horror film. These children lived in a horror film.”

    Gaither, 28, a caregiver at an adult vocational home, was killed Feb. 9, 2008, in their Raleigh apartment. Her dismembered body was found along U.S. 78 in DeSoto County, Miss., but her head, hands and feet were never found.

    The daughter, now 15, testified this week that her father repeatedly had sex with her and that she watched in horror as he stabbed, strangled and dismembered her mother.

    This just happened here recently, no pictures, but this is worse than Casy Anthony, and it happened right here-

    Just the beginning………….Please end it God. Mark

    Ed J

    Hi Tim,

    Mark was referring to my help in helping him to embed videos,
    in case you didn't know what he was referring to, mentioning my name. :)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Mark: You have quoted many things that are the fruit of the god of destruction . There is a god of destruction, hate, mayhem, killing, hurt, disease, sickness, pain and suffering, that is what you seem to be following. The God of Jesus that I serve is a God of love, peace, joy, kindness, hope, reparation, building up, helping, creating, healing, giving life to the world. This is the truth. This is what will last.
    Peace and love can never kill and destroy to create peace and love!

    Following the so called god of destruction, evil thinking, will only end up with death for mankind. You are waiting for a God of love and peace to destroy life. You have it backwards. You want to kill and destroy what you call evil but if you do then what is left is killlers and destroyers. You are taking evil and attempting to destroy evil with evil. Love never dominates anything. A person you call evil must submit himself to love or continue in his evil ways. Evil ways are thinking evil, contemplating evil, meditating on destruction, wanting to kill or force change on another brother to conform to whatever you think is good.

    God gave us love! He made us perfect with the spirit words of Jesus. God holds nothing against us, how can we go to our own brothers and sisters and hate, control, force, make them conform to our wills? It starts with God/love to makind. Each individual that follows Gods will is emanating love and kindness, the fruit of love. What ever force one propagates from his life, influences those around him, whether hate or love. To change the world back to love each individual must accept Gods love and then portray that love to the world around him.

    You appear to be looking for a way out of this world, not a way to help administer the love God has given to you. God gave us the same tools Jesus had to work with to help save the world. All we do is look forward to death and destruction from a God of peace and love.

    The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters, he restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake.
    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me, in the presence of mine enemies. My cup runneth over, (with good) surely(absolutely) goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house(temple/church/body) of the lord, forever! Psalm23

    Its you choice, I find solace in Gods truth. IMO, TK


    I find solice in the fact that the bible fortold all of this, even your philosophy (men will be lovers of self). Thousands of years ago the prophets called all of what's going on. INCREDIBLE! Who but God could do this? He also said that he would come and end all this and would bring justice and peace, in the new Jerusalem, the world he recreates for those who love him. You never answerred me on any of those points I made before. If what you say is true, it would have gotten better. You have no evidence that what you say is true. The world testifies you are mislead. Unless you can show me the world has gotten better and loveing and more moraled since Jesus you are barking up the wrong tree IMHO. That is the truth. Show me something, the world is at your fingertips on the internet. Peace-Mark


    Isaiah 24:19 The earth is broken up, the earth is split asunder, the earth is thoroughly shaken.
    Isaiah 34:4 All the stars of the heavens will be dissolved and the sky rolled up like a scroll; all the starry host will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like shriveled figs from the fig tree.
    Micah 1:4 The mountains melt beneath him and the valleys split apart, like wax before the fire, like water rushing down a slope.
    Matthew 16:27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.
    2 Peter 3 >>
    New American Standard Bible

    12looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! 13But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.

    To those who do not rip passages out of the bible, this is truth.


    I am not looking for a way out, I just want God's Kingdom to come, and like Peter said, I am suppose to be trying to hasten it.


    One more thing Tim, you never answered me about Baptism.


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 30 2011,14:45)
    A Criminal Court jury will begin deliberations this morning in a disturbing case that many courthouse observers have said may never have an equal.

    After six days of testimony about incest, murder and decapitation, jurors will decide whether James Hawkins is guilty of stabbing and strangling the mother of their three children, Charlene Gaither.

    He admitted beheading and dismembering her body, but his lawyers contend his 12-year-old daughter killed her mother with a knife and that he was trying to cover up the crime.

    In closing arguments, state prosecutor Missy Branham repeatedly revved up an electric circular saw like the one Hawkins used in February 2008 in his and Gaither's Raleigh apartment and said Hawkins was thinking only of himself.

    “A 12-year-old girl watched her father do that to her mother. Can you imagine?” Branham said, moving the loud whirring saw back and forth in a cutting motion. “She has to help drag her mother over to a freezer? Twelve years old.

    “This is a nightmare. You're supposed to be able to go home after a horror film. These children lived in a horror film.”

    Gaither, 28, a caregiver at an adult vocational home, was killed Feb. 9, 2008, in their Raleigh apartment. Her dismembered body was found along U.S. 78 in DeSoto County, Miss., but her head, hands and feet were never found.

    The daughter, now 15, testified this week that her father repeatedly had sex with her and that she watched in horror as he stabbed, strangled and dismembered her mother.

    This just happened here recently, no pictures, but this is worse than Casy Anthony, and it happened right here-

    Just the beginning………….Please end it God. Mark

    By the way, the paper (Memphis Commercial Appeal) this morning has set up a trust fund for these kids, three teenagers. Pray for them.

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 30 2011,22:19)
    I find solice in the fact that the bible fortold all of this, even your philosophy (men will be lovers of self). Thousands of years ago the prophets called all of what's going on. INCREDIBLE! Who but God could do this? He also said that he would come and end all this and would bring justice and peace, in the new Jerusalem, the world he recreates for those who love him. You never answerred me on any of those points I made before. If what you say is true, it would have gotten better. You have no evidence that what you say is true. The world testifies you are mislead. Unless you can show me the world has gotten better and loveing and more moraled since Jesus you are barking up the wrong tree IMHO. That is the truth. Show me something, the world is at your fingertips on the internet. Peace-Mark

    Mark: Don't you understand, the reason its not getting any better is because of people believing like you!

    Show me, show me, show me then I will believe. Jesus said a wicked and evil generation seek after a sign. Yes in truth he was referring to the religious Jews standing there but faith is the only way to God. You won't believe signs either. Because you have chosen your way to beleve.

    Ask yourself one question! Is the world better off with what I believe? Or would it be better to attempt to spread peace and love to the world?

    If you will look back at some of your earlier posts you were spreading love and kindness. Now you are spreading the bad news of all the evil and crime etc. The most high God creates warriors of peace and love. You have been deceived with lies against the truth or maybe you just are angry at me. IMO, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (mikeangel @ June 30 2011,22:30)
    One more thing Tim, you never answered me about Baptism.

    I don't remember the question but the Baptism of John was a metaphoric picture of washing out of the mind the sin and darkness created under the old testament.

    The greater baptism was just coming in Jesus. This was a Baptism to clean the inside of the man. The spirit words of God through Jesus are the spirit come to cleans, perfect, make whole, make righteous unto God all of mankind that would accept and believe that they were perfected.

    Its obvious many do not believe in their perfection as a gift from God through Jesus. The truth way is narrow and few there are that find it. Wide is the gate to religion and works of laws for perfection. Thats not the truth.

    Eph.5:26 says we are sanctified and cleansed by the washing of the water of the word of God. Thats spirit/word Baptism. IMO, TK


    Quote (mikeangel @ June 30 2011,22:29)
    I am not looking for a way out, I just want God's Kingdom to come, and like Peter said, I am suppose to be trying to hasten it.

    Mark, I am with you an that.   No more pain, no more tears, no more sorrow.   All evil will get the wrath of God by Jesus coming again…..Then after all; have been subjected to Him, we will finally have peace and only love.  To that day I am forever looking forward to…….
    Peace and love Irene


    Me too. :)

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