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  • #31938



    The decision by the Son of God to empty himself of his glory and powers and to be born as a man that we can follow.




    Some claim Jesus brought supernatural powers with him from heaven but put them aside till they were revealed after the Jordan.
    I believe he emptied himself and without the anointing of God's Spirit would have lived his life out unnoticed and as ordinarily as any one of us.
    His glorious unseen inner vessel, his inner man, as the monogenes son gave him no advantages though those with spiritual eyes recognised his status.




    The emptying of the Word to become man does not ever seem to be able to be grasped by some, who for theoretical theological reasons, cannot accept that it is possible for a godly being to do this. However believing what is written is the safest path.


    I'll bite… knew I would :)

    OK, what did he empty himself of?


    Hi Not3,
    Good question.
    Little detail is shown I would have to say.
    To be emptied one must be a vessel so he was like us in that way.
    He remained a glorious vessel for anyone with spiritual eyes to recognise.
    But we know he left behind his glory and wanted to have it restored after death.
    Any powers that were his that would make him greater than us could not have been brought.
    A man.
    Now a man from heaven.


    But we know he left behind his glory and wanted to have it restored after death.

    We don't know that he left behind his glory. We are deducing that information based on other belief systems. The glory he wants that he “had” with the Father can also be deduced to mean it was a physical glory. But in John we hear what kind of glory Jesus has, and it's the glory of the one and only Son of God. Jesus became the “Son” of God when he was born. Otherwise, we are talking about another “type” of “son” that scripture is extremely sketchy about.

    Any powers that were his that would make him greater than us could not have been brought.
    “Brought” – makes it sound like Jesus was packing for camp or something? Ha! Sorry, I'm not making fun, I just couldn't resist that one :)

    Again, deducing that Jesus had “powers” comes from your belief that he existed before his birth. I can't think of any scriptures that talk about the pre-existent Jesus having powers, can you?

    As the Son of God, Jesus had certain privileges and honor – I believe it was this that he laid down and “emptied” himself of. He could have called on legions of angels to rescue him, and he didn't.


    Hi not3,
    God created all things through him and that does not seem like a human thing does it?
    John and Peter said they saw his glory-on the mountain. [Jn1. 2Peter]
    No sketchiness about the sons of God present before earth was created is there?[Jb38]


    No sketchiness about the sons of God present before earth was created is there?[Jb38]
    If you think one of these sons is Jesus – then yes there is some sketchiness.

    I will check out 2 Peter in the morning. I'm assuming they saw the glory of the Son of God?



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 24 2007,18:28)
    Hi not3,
    God created all things through him and that does not seem like a human thing does it?
    John and Peter said they saw his glory-on the mountain. [Jn1. 2Peter]
    No sketchiness about the sons of God present before earth was created is there?[Jb38]


    There you go again, making inferrence!

    How do you know Jesus was present with the Angels as a Son of God?

    He was not a Son yet, because he had not taken on the likeness of sinful flesh yet!



    It would a contradiction ..Matthew does give account when Jesus was Born..Why do you go beyon that? Why do you say Jesus was born before hand?

    God knew you before you were born where were you?

    And God knew his Son before he was Born. Before the world was.Were was he? Was he talking to his daddy? Or was he in the Mind thought plan of God? Like John 1:1…


    Or was he in the Mind thought plan of God? Like John 1:1…
    In my *sometimes* humble opinion: Yes!


    No sketchiness about the sons of God present before earth was created is there?[Jb38]
    Nick, these are the angels. Angels are also called the “sons of God” but I don't see how that can affirm your thoughts on a pre-existent spirit son of God (who becomes Jesus) unless you think Jesus was an angel prior to his birth/half-re-incarnation?
    By the way – Job 38 is AWESOME! I loved it. “Have you ever given orders to the morning….” We serve a Holy God! :)

    John and Peter said they saw his glory-on the mountain. [Jn1. 2Peter]
    I read 2 Peter but I'm uncertain what point you were trying to make? Other than God affirmed his pleasure in his Son?


    Hi W,
    You say
    “There you go again, making inferrence!

    How do you know Jesus was present with the Angels as a Son of God?

    He was not a Son yet, because he had not taken on the likeness of sinful flesh yet!”

    Where did I say this?

    The monogenes son is the firstborn[col1.5].
    The Monogenes Son was sent into the world[1jn4]
    The Son of God is begotten of God alone[ps2], son of man is of Mary.


    Many would prefer Paul not to have written Phil 2. It speaks of a being who had the form of God but emptied himself to become as man. I believe it and that God anointed him with His own powers and grace by His Spirit to do His works on earth. We follow him.


    Quote (david @ Mar. 07 2006,16:48)
    Interesting question.

    Is the answer: His previous spiritual existence?
    Some say glory, others power.

    “Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God’s form, . . . emptied himself and took a slave’s form and came to be in the likeness of men.” (Philippians 2:5-7) So this heavenly Son of God divested himself completely of “God’s form” to take on human nature.

    It is an interesting question.

    I'm going to have to say glory and power. This is my opinion.


    Nick I doubt you are going to convince anybody what you believe about the preexisting of Jesus before He became a Man. I find it interesting that God gave me the understanding about this subject before my Husband joined this Website. The Holy Spirit of our Father is at work indeed.
    Peace Mrs.IM4truth



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