Jesus, THE Messiah?

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  • #72236

    Quote (kenrch @ Nov. 18 2007,17:51)
    Whatever and you are wrong. I believe I'm a person of the saints.

    What am I wrong about? I'm wrong because you say I am? Where is your proof of my fallaciousness?

    What makes you think you are among the saints? This sounds very prideful. Who else is numbered among this elite list, those that believe as you do? What makes you right and them wrong?

    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    What makes you think you will be in this group? Are you among YHVH's chosen? YHVH can't even be found in the GT so what makes you think that the Christian bible has anything to do with Jesus? Jesus is not found anywhere in the Tanakh unless you count some prophecies about false prophets.

    But you say you are going to hell and as of right now you are! Unless you have a change of HEART :)

    Thank you. Want me to save you a seat? Or have you sold your possessions and given the money to the poor?

    You are a book Jew. No matter what you do you will always be a book Jew. You have no bloodline. That's why the New covenant is spiritual.

    The new covenant is with the houses of Israel and Judah. Can you trace your lineage back to one of the 12 tribes? Plus part of the new covenant is that all will know G-d. Since that is far from the truth the new covenant has not come.

    You have never accepted the Holy Spirit and are unable to understand that which is of the Spirit.

    And you have? How do you know? Do you drink poison, handle snakes, move mountains, speak in tongues, and cast out demons?

    1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

    Whatever Tow you think you know. Hey there is that rhyme again. Look out charity :laugh:

    Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.


    Quote (Towshab @ Nov. 19 2007,13:09)

    Quote (kenrch @ Nov. 18 2007,17:51)
    Whatever and you are wrong. I believe I'm a person of the saints.

    What am I wrong about? I'm wrong because you say I am? Where is your proof of my fallaciousness?

    What makes you think you are among the saints? This sounds very prideful. Who else is numbered among this elite list, those that believe as you do? What makes you right and them wrong?

    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    What makes you think you will be in this group? Are you among YHVH's chosen? YHVH can't even be found in the GT so what makes you think that the Christian bible has anything to do with Jesus? Jesus is not found anywhere in the Tanakh unless you count some prophecies about false prophets.

    But you say you are going to hell and as of right now you are! Unless you have a change of HEART :)

    Thank you. Want me to save you a seat? Or have you sold your possessions and given the money to the poor?

    You are a book Jew. No matter what you do you will always be a book Jew. You have no bloodline. That's why the New covenant is spiritual.

    The new covenant is with the houses of Israel and Judah. Can you trace your lineage back to one of the 12 tribes? Plus part of the new covenant is that all will know G-d. Since that is far from the truth the new covenant has not come.

    You have never accepted the Holy Spirit and are unable to understand that which is of the Spirit.

    And you have? How do you know? Do you drink poison, handle snakes, move mountains, speak in tongues, and cast out demons?

    1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

    Whatever Tow you think you know. Hey there is that rhyme again. Look out charity :laugh:

    Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.

    Gees did you read what I said? I believe i am one of the “people of the saints”.
    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    You can't handle what I'm telling you can you?

    Whatever Tow you “think” you know BUT you know nothing because you have not the Spirit! But it's still not too late! That's how merciful My God is! You can deny Him to “almost the end” then if you “HEARTLY” confess Him he will forgive you NOT because you keep feasts BUT because you heartly confess!

    Part Two Tow….Part Two! Is God going to save the whole world
    Or just te Jews?


    Quote (kenrch @ Nov. 18 2007,21:37)

    Quote (Towshab @ Nov. 19 2007,13:09)

    Quote (kenrch @ Nov. 18 2007,17:51)
    Whatever and you are wrong. I believe I'm a person of the saints.

    What am I wrong about? I'm wrong because you say I am? Where is your proof of my fallaciousness?

    What makes you think you are among the saints? This sounds very prideful. Who else is numbered among this elite list, those that believe as you do? What makes you right and them wrong?

    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    What makes you think you will be in this group? Are you among YHVH's chosen? YHVH can't even be found in the GT so what makes you think that the Christian bible has anything to do with Jesus? Jesus is not found anywhere in the Tanakh unless you count some prophecies about false prophets.

    But you say you are going to hell and as of right now you are! Unless you have a change of HEART :)

    Thank you. Want me to save you a seat? Or have you sold your possessions and given the money to the poor?

    You are a book Jew. No matter what you do you will always be a book Jew. You have no bloodline. That's why the New covenant is spiritual.

    The new covenant is with the houses of Israel and Judah. Can you trace your lineage back to one of the 12 tribes? Plus part of the new covenant is that all will know G-d. Since that is far from the truth the new covenant has not come.

    You have never accepted the Holy Spirit and are unable to understand that which is of the Spirit.

    And you have? How do you know? Do you drink poison, handle snakes, move mountains, speak in tongues, and cast out demons?

    1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

    Whatever Tow you think you know. Hey there is that rhyme again. Look out charity :laugh:

    Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.

    Gees did you read what I said? I believe i am one of the “people of the saints”.
    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    You can't handle what I'm telling you can you?

    What's to handle? That you are perhaps delusional? What gives you the idea that Daniel 7:27 is about you? What are your qualifications?

    Whatever Tow you “think” you know BUT you know nothing because you have not the Spirit! But it's still not too late! That's how merciful My God is! You can deny Him to “almost the end” then if you “HEARTLY” confess Him he will forgive you NOT because you keep feasts BUT because you heartly confess!

    You're right I don't have the 'spirit' because that is a Christian notion. It is patterned after pagan mythologies. Dionysus was supposed to have been 'felt' in his followers. The Christian religion is just a mish-mash hodgepodge of many different beliefs mixed in with a Judaic base.

    Part Two Tow….Part Two! Is God going to save the whole world
    Or just te Jews?

    The whole world but not through a false messiah.


    The “whole” of the creation has been created with a disire to seek and return.


    1Ti 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

    ??? ???

    Rom 8:22  For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.   And not only [they], but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body.



    Quote (Towshab @ Nov. 19 2007,13:09)

    Quote (kenrch @ Nov. 18 2007,17:51)
    Whatever and you are wrong. I believe I'm a person of the saints.

    Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    But you say you are going to hell and as of right now you are! Unless you have a change of HEART :)

    Thank you. Want me to save you a seat? Or have you sold your possessions and given the money to the poor?

    You are a book Jew. No matter what you do you will always be a book Jew. You have no bloodline. That's why the New covenant is spiritual.

    You have never accepted the Holy Spirit and are unable to understand that which is of the Spirit.

    1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

    Whatever Tow you think you know. Hey there is that rhyme again. Look out charity :laugh:

    What am I wrong about? I'm wrong because you say I am? Where is your proof of my fallaciousness?

    No! You are wrong because of the lamb! You have no deceptiveness that can get past the Spirit unless one results to the flesh.

    What makes you think you are among the saints? This sounds very prideful. Who else is numbered among this elite list, those that believe as you do? What makes you right and them wrong?

    Had you had read my Post you would know that i believe I'And you have? How do you know? Do you drink poison, handle snakes, move mountains, speak in tongues, and cast out demons?m a “people of the saints Dan 7:27.

    What makes you think you will be in this group? Are you among YHVH's chosen? YHVH can't even be found in the GT so what makes you think that the Christian bible has anything to do with Jesus? Jesus is not found anywhere in the Tanakh unless you count some prophecies about false prophets.

    The chosen are the 144 thousand and we are their people. This is VERY deep and I doubt that you understand this.

    Thank you. Want me to save you a seat? Or have you sold your possessions and given the money to the poor?

    And you have? How do you know? Do you drink poison, handle snakes, move mountains, speak in tongues, and cast out demons?
    I'm not perfect! The young rich ruler asked HOW to get to heaven. Jesus replied keep the Commandments. But IF you wanted to be perfect, that is “PURE IN HEART” then sell all your possessions and follow him. Only the “CALLED” will be able to do that.

    The new covenant is with the houses of Israel and Judah. Can you trace your lineage back to one of the 12 tribes? Plus part of the new covenant is that all will know G-d. Since that is far from the truth the new covenant has not come.

    That's physical If you go by that then only the jews will be save “which you are not a part of” ~get it. God is saving the world not just Jews!Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.

    Sure it is spiritual. But I don't claim to be an Elect! I' am a People of the saints. Not all Jews are Jews.

    Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    This means you provided you will ACCEPT YOU ARE WRONG AND ACCEPT JESUS. Otherwise you will be burned up!

    Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.

    Thank you for you have NO Power over me:

    1Co 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
    1Co 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
    1Co 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.




    One shepherd…one devider of the flock?

    Ecc 12:11 The words of the wise [are] as goads, and as nails fastened [by] the masters of assemblies, [which] are given from one shepherd.
     (YES..HE had to report that the serpents seed will not receive the kingdom come)

    Eze 34:23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, [even] my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.  
    Eze 37:24 And David my servant [shall be] king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them.  

    The shepherd that shall not visit those that are cut OFF..CRUSHing THE SERPENTS SEED..some one has to rebuke ordained from the beginning? he can not heal the seed he must crush, carring the sins to the cross.
    ?Zec 11:16 For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, [which] shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.  

    And before him shall be gathered the Nations…he will divide them…As a good servent ordained from the beginning.
    Mat 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats:  

    devider of the flock has a Misson also to establish the kingdom of his father David.
    2Sa 7:12 ¶ And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.

    Misson of the servent son Jesus sent….God likens Christ to be subject to Sauls chastening? with the rod of men.. But also promises that Jesus will receive davids sure mercy. as

    2Sa 7:13  He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.  I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:  But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took [it] from Saul, whom I put away before thee.
    And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.

    The final Kingdom of God and Davids throne
    ??? Hsa 3:5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.


    Hum It's a little messed up but I think you can catch the drift. :)

    This guy is nothing to those who are guided by the Spirit. He is pure flesh WE on the other hand are Spirit. Romans 8



    To be honest, I've had it with what Stu is saying. I think it is down-right raw. I cannot stand back and continue to say nothing when he calls my Father – Nasty! Can you? For the sake of good entertainment, will you continue to engage someone who says this about your God? I cannot!

    So to answer your question (what am I doing?), I'm standing up.

    No, I meant about carrying on a conversation with towshab. It's just that after what you said about us doing this….


    Quote (david @ Nov. 19 2007,16:24)


    To be honest, I've had it with what Stu is saying.  I think it is down-right raw.  I cannot stand back and continue to say nothing when he calls my Father – Nasty!  Can you?  For the sake of good entertainment, will you continue to engage someone who says this about your God?  I cannot!

    So to answer your question (what am I doing?), I'm standing up.

    No, I meant about carrying on a conversation with towshab.  It's just that after what you said about us doing this….

    You must not have caught a more recent post of mine regarding Tow. I'm not sure where it is now. I had received many PM's from folks wanting me to basically “do” something about Tow. Well, of course I cannot. I don't even think I should if I could. I believe the warning given to me about this stranger was for ME. Other's should use their own good judgement when conversing with this one, just as I will.

    But thanks for looking out for me. I appreciate the warning.


    Ok, but if the warning was given to you, why are you not listening to it?


    I am listening to it. What makes you think I am not?

    The warning was that Tow was never known to the Lord. That he is a stranger among us. I believe this, and I am fully aware.


    Quote (kenrch @ Nov. 18 2007,23:07)

    What am I wrong about? I'm wrong because you say I am? Where is your proof of my fallaciousness?

    No! You are wrong because of the lamb! You have no deceptiveness that can get past the Spirit unless one results to the flesh.

    No deception. Just Tanakh and pointing out conflicts in the GT.


    What makes you think you are among the saints? This sounds very prideful. Who else is numbered among this elite list, those that believe as you do? What makes you right and them wrong?

    Had you had read my Post you would know that i believe I'And you have? How do you know? Do you drink poison, handle snakes, move mountains, speak in tongues, and cast out demons?m a “people of the saints Dan 7:27.

    What in the world?


    What makes you think you will be in this group? Are you among YHVH's chosen? YHVH can't even be found in the GT so what makes you think that the Christian bible has anything to do with Jesus? Jesus is not found anywhere in the Tanakh unless you count some prophecies about false prophets.

    The chosen are the 144 thousand and we are their people. This is VERY deep and I doubt that you understand this.

    Another Christian lie but you've got the hook in already.


    Thank you. Want me to save you a seat? Or have you sold your possessions and given the money to the poor?

    And you have? How do you know? Do you drink poison, handle snakes, move mountains, speak in tongues, and cast out demons?
    I'm not perfect! The young rich ruler asked HOW to get to heaven. Jesus replied keep the Commandments. But IF you wanted to be perfect, that is “PURE IN HEART” then sell all your possessions and follow him. Only the “CALLED” will be able to do that.

    The man asked how to inherit eternal life and Jesus answered him.

    Mat 19:20 The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?”

    He said he kept all the commandments but he still felt it was not adequate. Jesus then told to sell all he had and give the money to the poor. Jesus didn't say “keeping the commandments will give you eternal life but this extra will make you perfect” It was all part of one initial question. But are you a disciple of Jesus?

    Luk 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

    Your Jesus demanded utmost obedience. Do you hate your family to follow Jesus?


    The new covenant is with the houses of Israel and Judah. Can you trace your lineage back to one of the 12 tribes? Plus part of the new covenant is that all will know G-d. Since that is far from the truth the new covenant has not come.

    That's physical If you go by that then only the jews will be save “which you are not a part of” ~get it. God is saving the world not just Jews!Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.


    Sure it is spiritual. But I don't claim to be an Elect! I' am a People of the saints. Not all Jews are Jews.

    Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    This means you provided you will ACCEPT YOU ARE WRONG AND ACCEPT JESUS. Otherwise you will be burned up!

    I knew someone would be telling me I'd burn soon. Christians like fire. That's why so many used to burn people at the stake. That is why the Jews were burned in ovens in Germany.


    Your new avatar is fitting. Rest in peace.

    Thank you for you have NO Power over me:

    1Co 15:55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
    1Co 15:56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
    1Co 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


    Another rip-off of the Tanakh.

    Hos 13:14 [ESV] Shall I ransom them from the power of Sheol? Shall I redeem them from Death? O Death, where are your plagues? O Sheol, where is your sting? Compassion is hidden from my eyes.


    I'm curious Tow – chat with Kejonn much lately?

    It's interesting how he left the scene and you appear on the scene? Hmmmm……. It's also interesting how Kejonn has two different computer locations……. It's also interesting that Kejonn was investigating what you seem so convinced of……… It's also interesting that you both are never online at the same time…… And that you conversed all the time supposedly on this other website, and yet you have not had one conversation with one another here? Very curious, indeed……



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Nov. 18 2007,23:59)
    I'm curious Tow – chat with Kejonn much lately?

    It's interesting how he left the scene and you appear on the scene? Hmmmm……. It's also interesting how Kejonn has two different computer locations……. It's also interesting that Kejonn was investigating what you seem so convinced of……… It's also interesting that you both are never online at the same time…… And that you conversed all the time supposedly on this other website, and yet you have not had one conversation with one another here? Very curious, indeed……


    No I have not. He said he was tired of alot of things going one here but that I was kinda the 'icing on the cake'. I only emailed him a few times. He even asked me to stop because of a few people on here had health issues and they use this place as a refuge of sorts. I was willing to stop but other people encouraged me to continue.

    He contacted first because he saw some of my posts on a Torah board. There is a section for Noachides and he was curious about some of what I had written. I think kejonn still believes in Jesus though but I see he is not sure what roles Jesus played. I think he desperately wants to find Jesus in the Tanakh but he won't have any luck I'm afraid. I noticed he started a thread about Jesus fulfilling feasts but it doesn't appear that Jesus did that either because no one has really given anything of worth.


    Forgive me, but I am suspicious of you Tow.


    I am listening to it. What makes you think I am not?

    The warning was that Tow was never known to the Lord. That he is a stranger among us. I believe this, and I am fully aware.

    Actually, I think I confused you with IM4truth.

    But you did say this, which made me think you weren't going to talk with him.
    I have been praying for some confirmation regarding what, I believe, the Lord told me concerning Tow. The Lord told me he never knew him, and that he was a “stranger”. . . .
    In listening to this stranger, I nearly was deceived! Yes! The one who warned other's was nearly taken in by the words of the one who has “never knew him”.
    Again, I caution those who feed this fire. You avail nothing, but to only further puts his words of falsehood out there for more to stumble on. OUCH! I know I stumbled……
    –Nov 7


    Yes, thank you for reminding me. I stand by what I have said. If caution is not observed, one could stumble. Investigating the truth is not for the faint of heart.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Nov. 19 2007,00:09)
    Forgive me, but I am suspicious of you Tow.

    That's OK I know I'm not loved here. As I used to hear when I used to go to church, people don't really like to hear the truth.


    People who went to church said that people don't really like to hear the truth? Well, there is some truth in that! Ha!

    I grew up with a “version” of the truth. As I'm sure most folks have if they were raised in the church.

    Listening to, researching, or pondering other teachings is not easy. Fear is a good glue to keep you stuck where you are. It takes courage to lift away from the “truth” you have known all your life and go with what God is telling you (provided it is different than what you were raised with – as is the case with me).


    It is patterned after pagan mythologies

    I can tell you brother the spirit that gets a hold of me and that is in me is not a Myth. What ever it is that you don't believe for whatever reason…I can be a living testament that the spirit of GOD the HOLY GHOST is not a myth…it is very much REAL. And it lives in me and sups with me.

    I would like to know one thing though…I think I already know…but I'd like you to confirm it. Are you trying to say that the messiah has not yet come at all? Or, are you just trying to say that the Christian of Jesus…the all famous catholic version of the English translation of the Messiah, in other words the image they made is not the real messiah. You do believe that there is a messiah that has come don't you? I mean you may not want to actually call him Jesus…but you do call him yeshua or Iesous?

    The following is copied from this site although it has a Oneness bias it is the quickest closest thing I could find to come close to describing why you believe the way you do:

    Why do you say Yeshua?

    Why Do You Say Yeshua?

    by leader in the Messianic Jewish movement

    Several years ago, a meeting took place between Jewish and Evangelical theologians to address common concerns and discuss similarities and differences. At one point in the meetings, in the midst of all the dialogue, one Evangelical posed this question point blank: “Why don't you Jews just accept Jesus as your savior.” At this question, the Jewish leaders picked up and left without further discussion.

    This is a question that Messianic Jewish people know as our everyday reality. “Why don't the Jewish People accept Yeshua?” Before I attempt to answer this question, it is important to make two observations: First, that all Jewish people have not rejected the Gospel. In the early church, there were many Jewish believers. Acts records that thousands came to the Lord at Shavout (Pentecost). The mother church in Jerusalem was made up of Jewish people. The book of Hebrews was addressed to Jewish believers.

    Throughout the post New Testament era, there has been a small but steady stream of Jewish people who have come to the Lord. Neander, the father of church history was a Jewish believer.

    A second observation, is that not all gentiles have accepted Jesus. True believers are indeed a minority in the world, even in our own cities. The best we can say, is that some Jews, and some Gentiles have accepted Yeshua, but most people, both Jews and Gentiles have not accepted him.

    There are two categories of reasons why Jewish people reject the Gospel. The first are theological reasons. Jewish people have a hard time accepting the idea of God existing in human form. This objection is based on the notion that we believe that Yeshua was a man who became God. There are cults today that believe that, but it is not what the Bible teaches. The task of the believer who shares with his Jewish friend, is to explain that we do not believe that any man can become a god. We do believe that God, who is all powerful, can do whatever He chooses, including taking on the form of a man. We do not believe that Yeshua was a man who became God, but God eternally existing, became man, that He might redeem us.

    A second theological objection Jewish people hold to the gospel, is the concept of the Trinity. The Jewish definition of monotheism seeks to leave no room for a plurality in the Godhead. Many Jewish people mistakenly believe the Christians worship three Gods. It is important for a believer to point out to his Jewish friend that the Jewish Bible uses a word for ONE to describe God that allows for a plurality. The great confession, “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One,” uses the word ECHAD to describe the oneness of God. Had a different word been used, they could claim the oneness of God was absolute, but the word ECHAD allows for a composite unity. It is the word used in Genesis 2:24 when the man and woman marry, “…and the two become one flesh.” The scripture speaks of a oneness of plurality. Like one wall made up of many bricks. The Trinity does not mean three gods, but rather ONE God in three persons; a Tri-unity, a oneness of three. As New Covenant believers we affirm the monotheism of scripture.

    A third theological objection, is that we need a mediator to go to God, while they feel they need no mediator. I would point out that yes, we go through Yeshua as our mediator, but because He is God, we are going directly to God. Secondly, I would point out that in Biblical times, Jewish people did not go directly to God. They had to go through a Cohain, a priest, who would bring their offerings before the Lord. It was the high priest, who could enter the Most Holy Place only once a year, and even then, only with the blood of atonement.

    These are major theological objections Jewish people have to the Gospel. But they are secondary. The most common reasons Jewish people reject the Gospel are historical. I am referring to persecution in the name of Jesus. In the fourth century, the emperor Constantine supposedly converted to Christianity, and he forcibly converted his empire, demanding baptism or death. Some Jewish people were baptized and later recanted, others chose death. All in the name of Jesus.

    In the ninth through the thirteenth centuries, the crusaders marched against the Moslem infidels to recapture the holy land. On the way, they slaughtered Jewish people by the thousands, in some cases herding them into the synagogues and burning them to the ground while singing hymns of praise to Jesus. In the middle ages, Jews were herded into 'ghettos' to separate them from the 'good Christians.' They had curfews and chained them into the ghettos at night. When waves of persecution or anti-Semitism reached their peaks, they had the Jews chained in, and killed and maimed their Jewish victims. All in the name of Jesus.

    During the Spanish inquisition, many Jews were deported, many others were tortured and killed. Lands and property were confiscated, and may have been used to finance Columbus' voyage. All in the name of Jesus. In Russia, thousands of Jewish people were massacred in pogroms by so called Christians. The Russian peasants would put crosses on their doors so the murderers would know to leave them alone. All in the name of Jesus. Jewish people have a very long history of persecution in the name of Jesus. Most of the people who did these things were probably not true believers in Jesus, but some were. As a result, Jewish people have a view of Christians as being anti- Semitic. They say, “How can I accept a religion which has shed so much Jewish blood? I would be a traitor to my fathers who died not to submit to the coercion to accept Jesus.”

    But Jewish people need the Gospel … just like everyone else. Yeshua said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father, except by me.” It is important that we help our Jewish friends and neighbors see that the people who did these atrocities were not following Yeshua. They went against every teaching and denied Him when they lifted their hands against the Jews. Because of this profanation of the Lord's Name by the anti-Semitic, Jewish people need to be told that a person should believe in Yeshua is because He is the Messiah, not because Christians are such nice people. They need to see that Yeshua is not just a god for the Gentiles, and the Jews have their own, but that because God is One, He is the God of the whole earth, of both Jews and Gentiles. They need to be shown Messianic prophecy (i.e., Isaiah 53; Psalm 22; Zechariah 12:10; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:11; Daniel 9:26.) They need to see the Jewishness of The Messiah, and of th
    e apostles, of the early church, and of the New Testament. They need to realized that when a Jewish person accepts the Messiah He is still a Jew.

    This is where terminology comes in. Messianic Believers use a different terminology than most other believers to express our faith. For example, We say YESHUA instead of JESUS. We call ourselves BELIEVERS instead of CHRISTIANS. We refer to our places of worship as CONGREGATIONS instead of CHURCHES. The reason for this is the anti-Semitic history of the Church. We say MESSIAH instead of CHRIST. We use YESHUA, the Hebrew name of Jesus, to express ourselves as Jewish believers, and to help our Jewish brethren to see that not only is the Messiah Jewish, but believing in Him does not make us non-Jewish, and is a fulfillment of God's promises to our People. The Jewish people feel Yeshua is not applicable to them, so they never really have considered His claims. This contextualization of the Gospel, a becoming all things to all men, as Paul taught, and endorsed my most Evangelical seminary Mission departments), is a means to help Jewish people see that Yeshua is really applicable for them, as well as being the original culture in which the New Covenant faith was founded. It is my hope that more and more Jewish people will come to faith in Yeshua the Messiah. This is why I express myself in these terms. I don't ask you to the reader to do so, but I hope you will understand where I am coming from. SHALOM.

    Are you a Jew? Is this why you feel this way? I'm just asking because I really don't know anything about you. You seem to have some bottled up anger though. Which can not be good for any kind of believer. Unless of course you worship Satan…then I can see where a Satan worshiper would be angry, I'd probably be angry too…lol

    Anyway…I'm not 100% sold on the “Oneness” belief yet myself…but I'm also not sold on a Three GOD GODHEAD either.
    This might sound confusing to some people…but I do believe there is only one GOD…the Almighty…the Alpha and Omega…the I AM THAT I AM GOD…and Jesus is not that GOD. Jesus is that GODs Son. Jesus or what ever language you use to pronounce his name…has indeed come in the flesh and died for our sins…and his Father which is the GOD hath raised him from the dead and made him Lord and Christ. That still does not make him THE GOD. He even says in the Bible the new testament that you hate so dearly…that we should not worship him…that we should worship GOD. Jesus is actually our fellow servant. He is a Son of GOD just as we are Sons of GOD. We are certainly not GOD…so why should Jesus be considered GOD then?
    Does this make any sense yet?
    Now…the Holy Ghost is another creation of GOD…actually it is the very spirit of GOD…from the best I can understand. And it was given to Jesus which in turn gave it to us. This is the way i understand things as of right now. This is what the spirit has revealed unto me.

    There is not Three GODS. Thats is the most ridiculous assumption that I've heard ever. There is one GOD. There is his Son Jesus…we are even the Sons of GOD. And there is the Holy Ghost which is the way GOD fellowships directly with us to this day.

    Are you saying that the new testament is not real? If you are trying to say that then you are trying to say that the prophesies in the Old Testament of a Saviour have not yet come to pass.

    Brother, I really feel that you need to let go of some of your anger. Really. It is a poison that will consume you if you let it. I have to fight with my temper and aggression everyday. This is a day to day walk.

    I do agree with you that the Catholic church…which is what this Constantine appointed the church of Christianity did some of the very things that Jesus said that people would do. You see there is a prophesy of the New Testament that has already came to pass. Jesus said that man would do these things this very man did…all in his name.
    John 16

    1These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.

    2They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
    I had to look a little bit to find this scripture…lol. But it proves that the prophesy in the New testament is true…because if you look and the copied information that I pasted and all the killing that went on in the name of GOD, you can see that thats at least one thing that has been proven true thus far from the new Testament. And what of all the Wars and Rumors of wars that are going on even now. Men are crying for peace…but there is none. I'm gonna pull a Dr. Phil here…”Get Real” brother.
    The New Testament is True.
    Yes…there is some small misconceptions due to the translation of it from Greek to Hebrew. The same is with any other book there is or Man made translation that has brought about misconceptions. But that does not mean the word of GOD if False… Just misconceived in mens hearts.

    I'm not asking you to call him Jesus…if you don't want to..there is a Hebrew name you can call him if you like…which is Yeshua, then there is this Greek name…Iesous. I'm sure that there is other names in other languages that refer to this messiah as well.
    But rest assured my good brother he has come. And he does love you.

    I'm not asking you to believe in Three GODs either. I'm just asking you to believe in the messiah that the one and only true GOD sent and raised from the dead for our sins.
    The reason this had to be done is because GOD can not fellowship with sin, and Man was in Sin. Therefore there had to be a price paid for that sin…which is DEATH…the wages of Sin is DEATH. Therefore, Jesus' Death has paid for our sin. He has defeated DEATH and SIN.

    I know you don't believe me probably…and I really had not wanted to talk with you about this…but in church tonight the service was about “GOD has chosen you because you have something to Tell”.
    So, I feel that I should tell you these things…once again. If GOD does not want to give up on you, we should not either. Because we are of GOD.

    GOD bless you brother…I pray that you find your answers…and that GOD blesses you life in a great way.

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