Jesus said

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    Sorry about the four posts, I forgot to say, mainly its a message of hope.

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Wispring @ May 09 2011,17:27)
    Hi Everyone,
      Here are the next scritpures up for sharing our understandings of:

    Matthew 5:1-12 (King James Version)

    Matthew 5
    1And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:

    2And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

    3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    4Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

    5Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

    6Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

    7Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

    8Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

    9Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

    10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

    12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

      Now right before this is where Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow him and be taught by him to make them fishers of men. This scripture is so straight-forward that i decided to simple go forward to the beautitudes.
      I would like for any who are interested in posting their understanding of these scriptures do so in thier own words based on thier relationship with Christ Jesus, God, and the scriptures.

                                                         With Love and Respect,

    Wispring: I would be honored to give my personal spiritual interpretation of the words of Jesus on the mount as I believe he meant them.

    3) blessed are those who do not have much learning or many preconceived ideas from the main Jewish religion of the day! for you will be more able to accept the words I give. Spirit is truth/words from God.

    4) blessed are they that mourn in desire to know the real truth for they are still looking for truth and have not been already duped into darkness.

    5)blessed are the meek who do not see physical wars waging man against man for the spiritual Kingdom of peace within.

    6)blessed are they which do hunger and thirst TO BE RIGHTEOUS. for they will accept the truth, be filled and no longer declare they are unworhy and unrighteous

    7)blessed are those who learn the truth of sowing and reaping for they will be merciful and shall thereby obtain mercy. They will need no laws or rules they will self govern!

    8)Blessed are the pure in heart that can accept the gift of God which is their purification apart from any so called good works or deeds. They shall see/understand their spiritual purity and who they have been made by Gods words

    9)blessed are those that declare peace with God and tell others that they also are perfected sons of God if they will accept the words from Jesus and believe.

    10)blesses are they which are persecuted for the righteous stand they take believing God has done the work and given it as a gift to believers, for theirs is the kingdom of spirit within.

    11)blessed are you when(religious)men shall revile you(your not perfect) and persecute you(you are wrong,and know nothing) and say all manner of evil against you(you are imperfect, unworthy, unrighteous, a sinner, unclean, and unholy) all because you say Jesus has saved me and made me whole and perfect.

    l2)rejoice and be glad for great is the reward of spirit truth/heaven(here on earth) for those who believe and hold fast. The religious world persecuted the prophets before us so it will be the same persecution from the religious people today. They will hate you sometimes violently!

    Thanks for the opportunity to share my faith! Bless you, TK


    I believe that Jesus was 'shinning light' into the darkness of religion, notifying the crowd of the blessings (heavenly favor) to those exhibiting characteristics of genuine love, contrary to the arrogant, self sufficient, self righteous, teachings of the time. This would have brought hope to those who were the true children of their heavenly Father.

    My opinion – Wm

    Tim Kraft

    Wm: You are so full of love and have much kindness, you can't be wrong in this world with that soft heart. But it is possible to miss some of the good news Jesus came to give mankind. We can all have knowledge but we must seek God for understanding.

    It is true at Matt.4:16…the people sat in darkness(which is sin, separation from God) saw a great light(the truth about God from Jesus) Jesus began his ministry saying repent(or turn around from the darkness & head to the light). the kingdom of heaven is at hand(now within reach).

    V:4:23….Jesus went about galilee teaching in the synagogues and preaching the gospel(good news) of the kingdom(the ruling power of God within each believer) AND HEALING ALL MANNER OF SICKNESS AND ALL MANNER OF DISEASE AMONG THE PEOPLE!!

    So the will of God that was being accomplished by Jesus was to show the true way to God, light the path to God, prove to the people that God is life. The way and the truth to the life.

    The way that Jesus taught us to show or evidence love/life was by administering God or life to the people who were sick and diseased. By faith passing the power of God from one believer to another to perfect life and destroy death/sickness.

    That was his mission on earth. Apparantly the so called church world has preached salvation in a way that anything that man can manufacture (acting kindly, being nice, helping old folks, giving alms, on his own is the evidence that he is approved by God. I will say this, the good works and deeds will make you feel good, but they fail to show the power of God that will save the world.

    A man said to Jesus, if you will you can make me whole! Jesus said “I will”! Now we know the will of God/Jesus is always healing to life! IMO, TK


    Thank you for a biblical correction. 2 Timothy 2:24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth.

    Your also correct that understanding comes through a revelation from God, I can know the scriptures front to back but without a God given understanding its just a good book incapable of providing salvation.

    However you must of misunderstood me I was not referring to trying to mimic the acts of love in an attempt to earn ones way to heaven but to an outward manifestation of the inner love poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

    I believe that we agree that the physical healings that Jesus did were just a foreshadowing of God's intension to bring a complete healing to more than just our health, but to our lives with an eternal purpose.  

    Some of what you wrote I believe is covered further into the chapter to be addressed later. If I misunderstood you please clarify and once again thank you for a loving response.

    My opinion – Wm

    Tim Kraft

    Wispring or Anyone: It is written in the scriptures,…resist the devil and he will flee….but Jesus says at Matt.5:39….I say unto you, that ye resist not evil…..! It is said in this world,….resistence causes the opposite of intention…! Any comments? TK


    I believe this verse is stating not to be provoked by an insult, do not seek personal revenge but leave the retribution to God, and instead learn to love generously (just as our heavenly Father).

    Sorry but I just realized we are premature for this discussion, talk later.

    My opinion – Wm


    Hi Tim,
      Yes. My comment is that Christ Jesus's mission was to accomplish a number of things. He is a prophet as well. He came to update or modify previous teachings your post pertains to one of them. He also had the same message as many previous teachings. This being worship God the father alone. Evidently humanity has difficulty collectively grasping this message because it has been repeated many times in the bible.
      My final comment is one of patience and discipline and not criticism or chastisement. We are “on” Matt 5-12 in our journey through the bible. We will get to Matt 5:39 shortly. Every word written in the bible can be considered nourishing and refreshing to ones soul. I suggest we savor/meditate together each set of scripture as we approach it, read it, and talk about it as it comes, so to speak. Keeping our focus primarily on the scripture at hand. Allowing the gospel to naturally build as we progress forward in our reading of it. Kind of pretending that we have never read any further than we have and we only have the OT to use as a reference tool kind of like how the gospel was revealed to the original disciples.
      I imagine as we progress our posts would get more detailed with respect to the things we have learned in the NT simple because we will have more information to work with because we will have read more and the Spirit of Truth will have revealed more to us.
      To tell the truth, I just thought of this while I was posting. Do you think it is a good learning method idea?

                                                               With Love and Respect,

    Tim Kraft

    Wispring: I respect your patience and admit I need work in that area. I also recognize that Jesus didn't mess around with the milk of the word he laid out the meat and said let those who have ears to hear, hear. No one can be to harsh with me in the scriptures as long as they don't say you are wrong or stupid or need God or whatever. As long as we write what we each believe to be the truth and let the other person also believe his way, knowing that we will never see exactly the same way because we come from different angles. This is not to say the truth is compromised, just seen at different times in different ways.

    Above where my friend Wm has posted a reply pertaining to the resisting of evil. I want him to know what I believe. That whatever we focus on from our minds becomes forefront in our lives as long as we “pay attention” to it. If we pay attention to anything we consider evil and contemplate it and resist it, we are actually giving it power in our life. Whatever we ponder, meditate, think on, resist, fear, or love, dominates our attention and will manifest in our lives. This is an all-inclusive universe where all came from God and is in God.

    There is nothing outside of God. If you believe God is everywhere. Anything you bring into your mind, you must love it and want it or hate it and fear it, to a degree or it would not be present in your mind. If we learn to only dwell on life, peace, joy, goodness, kindness and not dwell or think on what we have labeled bad, evil, wrong, no good, etc., we will increase the abundance of life that Jesus came to teach us. After all Jesus came to establish the kingdom within us and give us life more abundant. These are my opinions, hope I have not strayed to far from what Jesus said, God bless all, TK


    Hi Tim,
      It all good! I am glad you understood my post for what it was/is!

    That whatever we focus on from our minds becomes forefront in our lives as long as we “pay attention” to it. If we pay attention to anything we consider evil and contemplate it and resist it, we are actually giving it power in our life.

      This I don't believe to be a spiritual truth my freind. I know it! If some decide not to become aware of this truth then some false notion is blinding them to the veracity of this truth IMO.
      Unlike some folks who post on this site Tim, I personally think you are a blessing to this site. You keep the gospel of Christ Jesus as your main focus. This is what it means to be a Christian IMO. Say yes to to Christ Jesus. Say yes to God. Amen.

                                                           With Love and Respect,

    Tim Kraft

    Wispring: Your kindness compells me to further attempt to represent the truth of what Jesus really said and did. Sometimes we can learn also from things he didn't teach as well as things he did teach.

    It seems to me that Jesus taught the kingdom of God to the newcomers but made examples to the religious hierarchy of the impossibility of the law creating anything spiritually perfect. It seems to me he took some of their main religious laws like “killing” and showed that just doing the act is no more destructive to the persons relations with God, inside, than thinking and contemplating the act. To be clean one must see everyone clean. Jesus said don't hold anything against another (to have aught against). First reconcile with the aught. Holding something against someone is a judgement that they are wrong and your condemnation of that wrong. While a person holds that condemnation he is unclean like his condemnation. The importance of cleansing that “aught” or anger against another person is that while it is alive in your heart, it blocks or alters the flow of love/life. When love is blocked, even partially, destructive energies can enter and cause sickness and disease are byproducts or fruit of evil. But not eating with unwashened hands. Jesus did not do ceremonal washings of hands like the pharisees.

    The same with “adultery”. Jesus was saying, under your law of adultery if a man so much as “looks on” a woman to lust after her he has committed adultery with her in his heart.

    God/Jesus/the kingdom, its all in the mind/thoughts/heart of man where cleansing takes place or the creation of unclean, sinful, inadequit, un-worthy beliefs take place, causing blockages of love flow and destruction takes place. Blockages of distruction take their toll of life/God from the body leaving sickness and disease to eventually destroy the life left.

    In our world of physicality we are taught by the medical profession how to be well. The medical profession makes a fortune if you are sick! It is definetly a contradiction they have to help and heal and loose billions or just prescribe medications(potions) to mask the symptoms of sickness until the body does the healing. If we truly find Jesus we will experience pure life! No sickness or disease!!

    Jesus said it is not what goes into the mouth, that difiles(makes unclean) the man. It is what comes out of the mans mouth that comes from his heart, that, defiles the man. Maybe since the master has said this, we might believe that food and drugs are not what makes us unclean. It is the thoughts causing feelings in the mind and from the heart of a man against another man that defiles the human body.

    Jesus taught the way to healing of the body. Jesus taught the way to life in God. Jesus came to show and teach us abundant life. It seems to me we have made religion out of the truth. This is for someday, that was for then, this doesn't work now all kinds of lies and distortions as we let mankind in general die of horrific diseases. No wonder the masses don't pay much attention to Jesus we have diluted what he did to the point of getting nothing but maybe a lucky parking space that the Walmart.

    Lets talk more about Jesus than anyone else. Lets actually take him at his words. Jesus is lord of my life. What Jesus says about my life is the truth from God. Lets look at “salvation” and see the truth. It means life, health, and healing complete. I only accept life! IMO, TK


    Tim! Reading your posts makes me look at Jesus again, and again. Jesus life here on earth was a great example to follow. To be full of wisdom and grace lets us see what a Christian should be doing. Jesus was only mad one time, when He trow the money makers out of the Temple. To come from Heaven to do the will of His father is another great example to follow. Then to die for us, so we can live…..
    What I also believe when some will not listen to truths or can't understand it, it is God who blinds their minds. To know that makes it easier for me to debate a truth.
    I also wonder is Jehovah God calling us to teach? That has been a question lately in my mind…. I always rather be a Student to learn, rather then to teach….
    There are members here that fit that position so much more. I am thinking of Mikeboll 64. I have not seen Mike get angry, in spite of all He has been dished out.
    The Sermon on the Mount, has great words of wisdom thought by Jesus. Waiting for God to open our minds to know Him better is hard to do…. Every day is a new created one. I see God in every flower. How He must like the color green…. And all the colors of the rainbow. Being home bound so much, I have learned to look at the little things in life. And God has blessed us with a lovely place, with so much to look at. We have so many beautiful birds. From the Cardinals to the blue Jays, to the bright Yellow Finks to the Humming Birds. I thank God for them all. And then come the Deers, going through our yard to the Lake not to far away….
    But the most important in our lives, are our Children. We have 4 grown children, and 7 grandchildren. We have family day every Saturday. Thank you God for them…. And thank you for putting this tread up, were we can fellowship…. to learn from others how they perceive about Jesus….
    Peace and Love Irene

    Tim Kraft

    Wispring: I am so sorry! My intention would never be to hijack your thread or anyone elses. My out of control zeal mixed with blind ignorance of the desired intent of the thread is the culpret. Sometimes my fingers just write and my brain gets out of the way. Please forgive me. I have far to much respect for you and your wisdom in Christ to intentionally cause you or the site problems of any kind. I believe you to be forgiving and thank you. I will back down. I truly love and respect you all. Is it hard to be the starter of a thread. I would like maybe to start one. Bless your patience and forgiveness, TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Pastry @ May 17 2011,01:36)
    Tim!  Reading your posts makes me look at Jesus again, and again.  Jesus life here on earth was a great example to follow.  To be full of wisdom and grace lets us see what a Christian should be doing.  Jesus was only mad one time, when He trow the money makers out of the Temple.  To come from Heaven to do the will of His father is another great example to follow.  Then to die for us, so we can live…..
    What I also believe when some will not listen to truths or can't understand it, it is God who  blinds their minds.  To know that makes it easier for me to debate a truth.  
    I also wonder is Jehovah God calling us to teach?  That has been a question lately in my mind…. I always rather be a Student to learn, rather then to teach….
    There are members here that fit that position so much more.  I am thinking of Mikeboll 64.  I have not seen Mike get angry, in spite of all He has been dished out.  
    The Sermon on the Mount, has great words of wisdom thought by Jesus.  Waiting for God to open our minds to know Him better is hard to do…. Every day is a new created one.  I see God in every flower.  How He must like the color green…. And all the colors of the rainbow.  Being home bound so much, I have learned to look at the little things in life.  And God has blessed us with a lovely place, with so much to look at.  We have so many beautiful birds. From the Cardinals to the blue Jays, to the bright Yellow Finks to the Humming Birds.  I thank God for them all.  And then come the Deers, going through our yard to the Lake not to far away….
    But the most important in our lives, are our Children.  We have 4 grown children, and 7 grandchildren. We have family day every Saturday.  Thank you God for them…. And thank you for putting this tread up, were we can fellowship…. to learn from others how they perceive about Jesus….
    Peace and Love Irene

    Irene: What a beautiful post! It flowed with calmness and love. That is from a heart filled with God. There was a wonderful feeling of peace, contentment and joy that you portrayed. All from love.The God in you administering or ruling his Kingdom through you as you gave that love to all who read that post. In my zeal to share what I believe God has shown me in the scriptures I sometimes fall short of the most important thing to share which is love with peace, joy and contentment.
    May your heart continue to be filled to overflowing with peace, love and joy in the Holy Spirit in every moment of every day. TK


    Hi Tim! thank you for those kind words. I have been wanting tio share with others what our 19 year old Granddaughter said and did…” The Senior Class of Her School held a Dinneer for them. They could take one special person i their lives, to bring to that Dinner and honor them. At that Dinneer each Senior wrote a small letter of how they perceived their special person. This is what she read of me before Her Classmates.

    Grandma you have always been there the very first person I run to when I am upset, depressed
    heartbroken over a guy or have a big problem. It doesn't matter what the situatuion has been you've
    always been there to help me and support me. You never judge me or made me feel terrible when I was in the wrong. You always hold me and bring a smile to my face and remind me that everything will
    turn out right. Even when you don't have an answer or solution for the problem, you still make me feel so much better. You give me a shoulder to cry on and always remind me thatone day everything will be so much better.

    You are such a strong and faithful woman, you've been stuck inside for years now due to your illnesses
    and yet every time I come to see you, you always have a smile on your face. The happiness you have each and every day, that reminds me that life isn't terrible if you just remind yourself of the people
    you have around you.

    You have always been faithful and honest and lend a helping hand. We have so many issues and fights in our Family, but yet you still no matter what love each and every one of us, and tread us with respect.
    You give so much and don't ask for anything in return. and that is what I wish everyone could have.

    I found this poem, and when I read it, it makes me think of the Grandmother you are.

    The poem says

    A Grandmother is a remarkable woman. She is a wonderful combination of warmth and kindness, laughter and love. She overlooks our faults, encourages our dreams, and praises our every success.
    a Grandmother has the wisdom of a teacher, the sincerity of a true friend, and the tenderness of a Mother. She is someone we we admire, respect and love very much. A Grandmother will always have a cherished place in our memories and in our hearts. She is someone for whom we want every happiness in return for the joy she always brings. A Grandmother is all the dear and precious things in life.
    I hope and pray, that one day, when I am older and become a Grandmother, that I can be just like you. And be able to give my grandchildren the same warmth, love and comfort you have given me…..

    If you have a Grandmother I hope you will honor Her in your life, like our Granddaughter did Me. She too is all I hoped for in a Granddaughter. She is also the only Granddaughter….Peace irene

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