Jesus read and reread the book of enoch

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  • #647005

    The main reason people do not believe in God is because they don’t want to . God is not part of their fantasy, so they accept a fable that the prefer.

    Same goes for God’s revelation and word to man. He spoke through the Prophets and then through the son. This does not fit with many fantasies, delusions, and myths of men, so they just choose to not believe and then ridicule and persecute that which they reject as a way to further self-delude or ignore.

    Sadly for those who will find out, no matter how much you ignore truth, reality, revelation, and God, it doesn’t change the truth.

    God gave man free will so man could love God. But those that love God hang on his every word. Those that do not love God will try to create for themselves their own preferable reality. And this is no surprise at all. Is this not what Satan means. Adversary. Like Father like son.

    Our works will be exposed in the light and they will show what manner of man we are. The light will prove where our hearts are. Are we with God or like the angels that rebelled, did we reject the light and try to create our own light, which was really only darkness.

    I surrendered my life to God 29+ years ago. I seek his word (which is living) and do his will which is found by seeking in prayer and in spirit. The problem with bible worshipers is that they have a relationship with a book as a substitute for trusting God.




    Your faith is blind faith.

    Muslems have blind faith and they are fierce and dangerous.

    Your foundation is in your own mind,coming to christ by your own way.

    No one can come to the Father but by Me.

    How do you come to God by Jesus? Is it by your dreams?

    Seek and you shall find: How do you seek? Is it in the space of your mind? 

    Do we not seek God through the Word of God which is Jesus.

    Is His Words not in print so we can seek?

    Can anyone know God without seeking the scriptures?

    Have you known His name by just dreaming,in some cave somewhere?





    Thats just your opinion.

    You speak of being born again, when you dont even know what born again is.

    I am not against the messenger but the message ok.






    How can you find out about God’s will?





    What you are is a religious robot, it bothers you that I haven’t fallen for the Bible cult.

    Because you haven’t been spirit born it must therefore be made into an intellectual exercise of some sort. Nicodemus was just as perplexed as you at first. It’s actually you who don’t know what it is.

    We find Gods will in prayer just as Jesus taught us.


    7. Teachings About Prayer and Worship

    (1616.3) 143:7.1 At the evening conferences on Mount Gerizim, Jesus taught many great truths, and in particular he laid emphasis on the following:

    (1616.4) 143:7.2 True religion is the act of an individual soul in its self-conscious relations with the Creator; organized religion is man’s attempt to socialize the worship of individual religionists.

    (1616.5) 143:7.3 Worship — contemplation of the spiritual — must alternate with service, contact with material reality. Work should alternate with play; religion should be balanced by humor. Profound philosophy should be relieved by rhythmic poetry. The strain of living — the time tension of personality — should be relaxed by the restfulness of worship. The feelings of insecurity arising from the fear of personality isolation in the universe should be antidoted by the faith contemplation of the Father and by the attempted realization of the Supreme.

    (1616.6) 143:7.4 Prayer is designed to make man less thinking but more realizing; it is not designed to increase knowledge but rather to expand insight.

    (1616.7) 143:7.5 Worship is intended to anticipate the better life ahead and then to reflect these new spiritual significances back onto the life which now is. Prayer is spiritually sustaining, but worship is divinely creative.

    (1616.8) 143:7.6 Worship is the technique of looking to the One for the inspiration of service to the many. Worship is the yardstick which measures the extent of the soul’s detachment from the material universe and its simultaneous and secure attachment to the spiritual realities of all creation.

    (1616.9) 143:7.7 Prayer is self-reminding — sublime thinking; worship is self-forgetting — superthinking. Worship is effortless attention, true and ideal soul rest, a form of restful spiritual exertion.

    (1616.10) 143:7.8 Worship is the act of a part identifying itself with the Whole; the finite with the Infinite; the son with the Father; time in the act of striking step with eternity. Worship is the act of the son’s personal communion with the divine Father, the assumption of refreshing, creative, fraternal, and romantic attitudes by the human soul-spirit.

    (1616.11) 143:7.9 Although the apostles grasped only a few of his teachings at the camp, other worlds did, and other generations on earth will.


    I surrendered my life to God 29+ years ago. I seek his word (which is living) and do his will which is found by seeking in prayer and in spirit. The problem with bible worshipers is that they have a relationship with a book as a substitute for trusting God.

    If anything, you have a relationship with a book Colter. Most of us here are not promoting a book like you are. We are discussing a book and its doctrine yes, but not promoting the book to others unless they ask.

    But your comment is certainly valid if the book is Urantia and the person is you.

    The reality is that many of us here do not have a relationship with a book. We have a relationship with God. It would be very difficult for me to keep my faith if it was just based on a book. When times get tough and people try to destroy my faith, I always draw upon the amazing things God has shown me that are without any doubt true. So great are his works that I cannot deny him. Blind faith is based on a book, real faith has evidence of the things not seen. By evidence I mean experiential evidence that is proof enough for the person but not necessarily proof to another if you told it to someone else.

    To know God means that each of us need to have a true relationship with him. This is real faith. Writings from others who know God are extremely helpful, but are not substance of the faith that we proclaim. Your faith seems to be wholly based on a sci-fi book.

    The uRANTia ramblings we get from yourself better fits your quoted comment don’t you think? It is amazing how blind we can all be to ourselves, but can see clearly the faults of others. Not directing this solely at you. This is part of the human condition. Because I am aware of this, I do try to judge myself more strictly than anyone else. When we look in the mirror we see a man. But others often see a different man as they have the perspective of viewing us from a view that we do not have of ourselves. An unfiltered view. We see ourselves through our own prejudices. This is why I like Paul’s teachings. He judged himself not from the perspective of his fantasy, but reality.

    What I see as a separate person from you Colter is a man who loves a book (not really God) and hates the Bible and the truth written within that. Logic would dictate that if God inspired scripture, then that hate would really be a hatred of the author. Because the substance of your posts reveal your heart which is a hate for scripture and a love for another book. God doesn’t really factor into your posts much at all. You love a book more than God himself perhaps?

    Testimony to this is after I made the post above this sentence, I looked at the name of the topic and it is clear that that your heart cannot stay on topic but will stray toward that which your heart is, i.e., a hate for scripture. You do this with nearly all the topics you engage in. This is the man that we see Colter. What you see of yourself is the fantasy of a man. But reality is that you are just like that which you hate which is often case of man.


    If anything, you have a relationship with a book Colter. Most of us here are not promoting a book like you are. We are discussing a book and its doctrine yes, but not promoting the book to others unless they ask.

    But your comment is certainly valid if the book is Urantia and the person is you.

    The reality is that many of us here do not have a relationship with a book. We have a relationship with God. It would be very difficult for me to keep my faith if it was just based on a book. When times get tough and people try to destroy my faith, I always draw upon the amazing things God has shown me that are without any doubt true. So great are his works that I cannot deny him. Blind faith is based on a book, real faith has evidence of the things not seen. By evidence I mean experiential evidence that is proof enough for the person but not necessarily proof to another if you told it to someone else.

    To know God means that each of us need to have a true relationship with him. This is real faith. Writings from others who know God are extremely helpful, but are not substance of the faith that we proclaim. Your faith seems to be wholly based on a sci-fi book.

    The uRANTia ramblings we get from yourself better fits your quoted comment don’t you think? It is amazing how blind we can all be to ourselves, but can see clearly the faults of others. Not directing this solely at you. This is part of the human condition. Because I am aware of this, I do try to judge myself more strictly than anyone else. When we look in the mirror we see a man. But others often see a different man as they have the perspective of viewing us from a view that we do not have of ourselves. An unfiltered view. We see ourselves through our own prejudices. This is why I like Paul’s teachings. He judged himself not from the perspective of his fantasy, but reality.

    What I see as a separate person from you Colter is a man who loves a book (not really God) and hates the Bible and the truth written within that. Logic would dictate that if God inspired scripture, then that hate would really be a hatred of the author. Because the substance of your posts reveal your heart which is a hate for scripture and a love for another book. God doesn’t really factor into your posts much at all. You love a book more than God himself perhaps?

    Testimony to this is after I made the post above this sentence, I looked at the name of the topic and it is clear that that your heart cannot stay on topic but will stray toward that which your heart is, i.e., a hate for scripture. You do this with nearly all the topics you engage in. This is the man that we see Colter. What you see of yourself is the fantasy of a man. But reality is that you are just like that which you hate which is often case of man.

    T8, nice attempt at manipulation and the dishonest characterization of my beliefs.

    1) I don’t hate the bible, but I don’t like it’s petrification, false sacredness and the false claim that God wrote it as well as the human accusations against God made in parts of it. You see t8′ I think you are a moral coward when you claim God lead people into child rape or genocide. I don’t think you have a spine or a conscience, rather it’s like defending an abusive drunk Father, hiding the family secrets to protect something so outrageously awful that you prefer belligerent denial rather than the pain of the truth.

    2) Much of the Old Testament was compiled in Babylon by the Jews who still deny Christ today, but again the pain for the contaminated religion of Christianity is just to great to face the truth that the gospel was compromised; the new wine was put into the old corrupt wine skins. A Paganized version of the gospel resulted in today’s Christians actually needing Jesus to be a sick sacrifice to their erroneous hateful OT God concept.

    3) I respond to your “baiting” as well as Wakeups, so spare me the sanctimonious pity party from up their on your high horse. You just are not honest with yourself t8, I am over here in the section that you want me.

    4) God didn’t inspire the redactions of scripture, so your premise is false, a fetish, an idol. The bible books and the bible itself is the result of MEN of church government deciding what they wanted to keep and what they wanted reject Again, to painful for your pride to face. The problem for mankind is that the real gems of the bible weren’t kept anywhere else during the ages of scribes, so we don’t have a choice but to take the good with the fables and exaggerations. And, the Hebrew priest destroyed the more or less accurate books of their true secular history that are referenced in their redactions!

    5) I make no apologies for defending Gods integrity and character where the devil smeared it.




    You are worshipping a helpless god,that has lost control of his word

    and can not do anything about it.

    He depends on man’s wisdom to figure things out and  make it right.

    Our God is in control of all things.He has kept His Word pure.

    He brings up out of the dunghill kings, and brings down kings.

    He shakes mountains and melt the hills,He divides the sea.

    He has his whole creation in His hands.

    The god you worship is not our God.

    We are not discussing the same God.








    You are infatuated with your dreaming time as the aborigines say it here.

    Their god they call the woggle,your god is some being from space,with a name

    illegally borrowed from the bible. He does not punish, he does not chastise his children,

    He does not kill,he does not have a plan He lets it all hang out. He loves evil and good doers ,he is like putty in mans hands. 

    He raps his children in cotton wool. He can not do anything else but love.

    We should not fear him for he will not kill nor punish.He is all forgiving,so dont worry about sinning.

    He can not see blood,or he will be in tears.He is there just to plead to us; be good my children and love one another.

    Dont make war my children for it breaks my heart. I can not punish because I am good and holy.

    That is how I see your god as.




    1) I don’t hate the bible, but I don’t like it’s petrification, false sacredness and the false claim that God wrote it as well as the human accusations against God made in parts of it.

    You don’t hate the bible BUT…

    Enough said.



    Anyone that hates the bible also hates Jesus.

    Because the words are spirit, and can not be broken and mixed with some strange flesh.

    Many dont understand;that the spirit in those words is the flesh of Christ.

    His flesh can not be corrupted nor watered down,without getting confused,and snared.

    The sciptures can not be broken.




    You are infatuated with your dreaming time as the aborigines say it here.

    Their god they call the woggle,your god is some being from space,with a name

    illegally borrowed from the bible. He does not punish, he does not chastise his children,

    He does not kill,he does not have a plan He lets it all hang out. He loves evil and good doers ,he is like putty in mans hands.

    He raps his children in cotton wool. He can not do anything else but love.

    We should not fear him for he will not kill nor punish.He is all forgiving,so dont worry about sinning.

    He can not see blood,or he will be in tears.He is there just to plead to us; be good my children and love one another.

    Dont make war my children for it breaks my heart. I can not punish because I am good and holy.

    That is how I see your god as.

    All lies from a liar who can’t defend the genocidal God of the Jews, it’s you and your stubbornness who rejected God in Christ because he didn’t kill off the enemies of the Jews like their Messiah was supposed to. I can see why you wait in vain for the monster God to return to kill your enmities off.


    Anyone that hates the bible also hates Jesus.

    Because the words are spirit, and can not be broken and mixed with some strange flesh.

    Many dont understand;that the spirit in those words is the flesh of Christ.

    His flesh can not be corrupted nor watered down,without getting confused,and snared.

    The sciptures can not be broken.

    By the same token, anyone who rationalizes a child rape God has no moral credibility, you are a coward. Paul’s pagan religion is dying for that very reason, the world doesn’t want your conflicted presentation of a confused God, repeated failed predictions of end times torture and destruction. The Aborigines God is probably more consultant than that.

    ……and the man made scripture didn’t exist before Moses and the Hebrew language came 1,000 years later.

    You trust something that the Hebrew priest cooked up after they suffered national ego deflation.


    You don’t hate the bible BUT…

    Enough said.

    Maybe you are uncomfortable with the UB because there is no child rape, human incineration, drowning babies and pregnant mothers and grand mothers, stoning, plagues, lakes of fire, curses, magic witches, unicorns, talking donkeys, fire from heaven and Jewish genocide?


    Is this true? Is it only true if it were in the Bible?

    (1930.6) 178:1.9 So long as the rulers of earthly governments seek to exercise the authority of religious dictators, you who believe this gospel can expect only trouble, persecution, and even death. But the very light which you bear to the world, and even the very manner in which you will suffer and die for this gospel of the kingdom, will, in themselves, eventually enlighten the whole world and result in the gradual divorcement of politics and religion. The persistent preaching of this gospel of the kingdom will some day bring to all nations a new and unbelievable liberation, intellectual freedom, and religious liberty.


    Colter why are you bothered seeking anything.

    Your god will not, and can not kill nor punish anyone.

    Live your life to the full Colter. Be merry and go for it.






    You have read the bible but just for one reason.

    The reason is to critcise,and judge,using your wisdom.

    Therefore you are blinded.

    Every word you speak about the bible or anyone will be on record.

    You will be judged by your words.

    Start seeking Colter, and you shall be filled,with treasures in heaven.

    If you seek the prophesies you can see the furure to come.

    The falling away of the church is here as prophesied in 2 thes.2.

    It will only get worse.

    Next;  the son of perdition will be revealed; he will rule the world for only 3/half years,then destroyed.

    Time is very short Colter. Seek now and you will be accepted.






    Forget,forget,forget Leaders and a scribes, Men are corrupt.

    Believe that God is in charge also of His Word, He has kept his Word For us to seek.

    The Holy bible is His Word ;there are all the treasurse hidden,and we seekers must find it through seeking.



    Ed J

    “The Scriptures are faulty and altogether human in origin” (UB 1767.5)

    If you believe this, you are rightfully judged a “Skeptic” by T8.

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