Jesus had gentile blood

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  • #143715

    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?


    Only from Mary's side.


    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    Abraham was the first “Hebrew” which is a word that means
    “He that crossed the river,” first referenced in Gen 14:13.

    Abraham's brother Nahor, provided wives for Abraham's son Isaac, and Nahor was not a Hebrew, for his city was Mesopotamia. So basically all of the descendants of Abraham were descendants of non-hebrews; though it becomes a varied geneological puzzle if you try to work out all the various intricacies of the lineage of the descendants of Abraham.

    There were several incidents of non Hebrew additions to the lineage, Rahab comes to mind for one. Ruth, the grandmother of David was a Moabitess. And from there it gets kinda tricky.


    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception. Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin. His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many). :;):



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (even @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):


    Lev 17:14

    KJV For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever hateth it shall be cut off.

    I'm no scientist, rocket or otherwise, but it sure sounds like you are on to something. There is evidence to suggest that sin entered the world through Adam and not Eve, so this makes sense, since Jesus was sinless from birth.

    Of course, you and I both may have warped innocent minds, or offended beliefs by our answers to this. :laugh:


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.



    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 06 2009,17:53)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.


    That's all very well as far as the popular doctrines go, but not accurate as far as scriptural factoids go.

    For Jesus to be “placed” anywhere, it necessitates his being somewhere, and then being moved some place other. That assumes he was prior to his begettal.

    Can't be done.

    Beget [gennao] MEANS to cause to be.

    And scriptures says he was “genomenon of” a woman, not
    “placed in.”

    Unless you take the position that God placed a woman in Adam's side, then removed the finished product, forgot what he had done, and then told it differently. For God tells us Eve was “made” [oikodomeesen] from Adam's rib.

    Both genomenon and oikodomeesen comprise a process. And neither process is that of moving a fully developed entity from one focus to another.

    oikodomeesen tells us Eve was constructed, built, made from Adam's rib. genomenon tells us Jesus was developed over time of a woman. He was not moved or placed, but was developed on scene from material designed for the purpose.

    I know it is far more popular to state that Jesus always existed, but that is not the case. He was “begotten of the Holy Ghost” in Mary's womb. [Mat 1:20] To be begotten REQUIRES one to not priorly exist. Jesus was only in prophecy until he was begotten of the spirit.


    Good stuff, Pal.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):


    Looks like scripture sees it from a different perspective;
    Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

    “Mother,” not “Father.” Fathers beget, Mothers conceive.


    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 06 2009,21:15)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 06 2009,17:53)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.


    That's all very well as far as the popular doctrines go, but not accurate as far as scriptural factoids go.

    For Jesus to be “placed” anywhere, it necessitates his being somewhere, and then being moved some place other. That assumes he was prior to his begettal.

    Can't be done.

    Beget [gennao] MEANS to cause to be.

    And scriptures says he was “genomenon of” a woman, not
    “placed in.”

    Unless you take the position that God placed a woman in Adam's side, then removed the finished product, forgot what he had done, and then told it differently. For God tells us Eve was “made” [oikodomeesen] from Adam's rib.

    Both genomenon and oikodomeesen comprise a process. And neither process is that of moving a fully developed entity from one focus to another.

    oikodomeesen tells us Eve was constructed, built, made from Adam's rib. genomenon tells us Jesus was developed over time of a woman. He was not moved or placed, but was developed on scene from material designed for the purpose.

    I know it is far more popular to state that Jesus always existed, but that is not the case. He was “begotten of the Holy Ghost” in Mary's womb. [Mat 1:20] To be begotten REQUIRES one to not priorly exist. Jesus was only in prophecy until he was begotten of the spirit.

    Jesus preexisted His Birth as a man, so yes, He was placed in the womb of Mary. He was not conceived like us Humans are.
    Col. 1:15-17
    Rev. 3:14
    John 1:1

    all show that Jesus was with the Father before the world was.
    And by Jesus own words He says this in

    John 17:5 ” And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory I had with You before the World was.
    Jesus emptied Himself and became a Human being by the Father putting Him in Mary b6 His Holy Spirit. That is why God the Father is Jesus Father. Jesus did not sin because He knew what was at stake. When you say that it can't be done, don't you limit God? And He did. His Bloodline is not only from God, BUT also a Jew, and kept the Law.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 07 2009,12:45)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 06 2009,21:15)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 06 2009,17:53)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception. Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin. His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many). :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.


    That's all very well as far as the popular doctrines go, but not accurate as far as scriptural factoids go.

    For Jesus to be “placed” anywhere, it necessitates his being somewhere, and then being moved some place other. That assumes he was prior to his begettal.

    Can't be done.

    Beget [gennao] MEANS to cause to be.

    And scriptures says he was “genomenon of” a woman, not
    “placed in.”

    Unless you take the position that God placed a woman in Adam's side, then removed the finished product, forgot what he had done, and then told it differently. For God tells us Eve was “made” [oikodomeesen] from Adam's rib.

    Both genomenon and oikodomeesen comprise a process. And neither process is that of moving a fully developed entity from one focus to another.

    oikodomeesen tells us Eve was constructed, built, made from Adam's rib. genomenon tells us Jesus was developed over time of a woman. He was not moved or placed, but was developed on scene from material designed for the purpose.

    I know it is far more popular to state that Jesus always existed, but that is not the case. He was “begotten of the Holy Ghost” in Mary's womb. [Mat 1:20] To be begotten REQUIRES one to not priorly exist. Jesus was only in prophecy until he was begotten of the spirit.



    Jesus preexisted His Birth as a man, so yes, He was placed in the womb of Mary.

    Jesus cannot have pre-existed his own begettal. Do you really know what “begot” means? It means to cause to be, to bring into existence. The only “existence” Jesus had prior to being begotten of the Holy SPirit, was in prophecy.


    He was not conceived like us Humans are.
    Col. 1:15-17

    Col 1:15-18 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

    You are taking the events that began with his resurrection, and replacing them at the beginning of creation. “Firstborn of every creature” is a reference to his being raised from the dead to initiate a new kind of creature; i.e., resurrected beings. These differ from those who were raised from the dead to die again. He will not die again; therefore a new kind of being.

    As for “by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” This is a reference to his entry into heaven's domain, when all thrones and dominions and principalities and powers had to move down one position to accomodate his new position as second in the kingdom of God. Paul says Jesus created all things WHETHER THEY BE thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers.

    “Whether they be” is a limiting parameter that shows what “all things” includes. If you will look at all the instances that the term “all things' is used, you will see that it is never a reference to all things without exception, but always has parameters to limit its scope and meaning.

    Rev. 3:14 “… the beginning of the creation of God;” is a reference to the start of the new type of creation,
    “resurrected ones.” That is why he is also called “firstborn from the dead. Or do you consider dying to be a “conception” and death to be a father?

    John 1:1 says nothing about Jesus whatsoever.


    And by Jesus own words He says this in

    John 17:5 ” And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory I had with You before the World was.

    Repeating doctrine will not make it true. There are many things that can be said to “be before the world was.”
    Jesus references one of several things that were prepared before the world was created:
    1 Cor 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained BEFORE THE WORLD unto our glory:

    Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

    Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath BEFORE ORDAINED that we should walk in them.

    2 Tim 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN,

    Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN;

    1 Pet 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 20 Who verily was foreordaine
    d BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, but was manifest in these last times for you,

    AS EXPRESSED IN ISAIAH 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.

    AND FULFILLED IN John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee BEFORE THE WORLD WAS. And John 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.

    WHICH SERVED AS INCENTIVE FOR JESUS TO FULFILL HIS MISSION: Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who FOR THE JOY that was SET BEFORE HIM endured the cross, DESPISING the SHAME, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


    Jesus emptied Himself and became a Human being by the Father putting Him in Mary by His Holy Spirit.

    All you need is a scripture reference that says “That which was in her was put there by the Father” instead of “that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” [Mat 1:20]

    Jesus was not “in eternity” when he “emptied himself,” he was born to be a king, could have commanded angels, AS A MAN; but emptied himself of all that pomnp and glory when he took the form of a servant, and washed the disciples feet to give them an example.

    Look at the verb forms in Phil 2. “Have this mind in you” is an imperative which is never accomplished except in one tense, and that is always future. You cannot obey an imperative in the present or past. “Being in a form of God” is in the present tense, WHILE HE WAS A MAN. It has NOTHING to do with being pre-existent.


    Jesus did not sin because He knew what was at stake.

    So do we, but that doesn't change anything does it? Jesus didn't sin because he spent all his waking hours in his ministry, or in prayer and meditation. We don't.


    When you say that it can't be done, don't you limit God?

    Absolutely NOT! There are things God cannot do. He cannot lie, or break his oath, or his promises. He cannot be less than God. He cannot cease to be. And whenever one says something did not happen, it has nothing to do with “limiting God,” it has to do with whether or not things happened, and how things happened.


    His Bloodline is not only from God, BUT also a Jew, and kept the Law.

    Total nonsense. God has no blood. He is a spirit. He has neither bones, flesh, nor blood. There is no “God blood line.”

    If you really want to trace Jesus' ancestry through the scriptures, look for the word “loins” and you will see he is from “David's loins.” Does God come from a man's loins? Is God a woman's seed?

    Put away those doctrines of denominationalsim and begin to read the bible for what it says instead of looking to prove what you already believe.


    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 07 2009,23:58)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 07 2009,12:45)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 06 2009,21:15)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 06 2009,17:53)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    eveh,Sep. wrote:

    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.


    That's all very well as far as the popular doctrines go, but not accurate as far as scriptural factoids go.

    For Jesus to be “placed” anywhere, it necessitates his being somewhere, and then being moved some place other. That assumes he was prior to his begettal.

    Can't be done.

    Beget [gennao] MEANS to cause to be.

    And scriptures says he was “genomenon of” a woman, not
    “placed in.”

    Unless you take the position that God placed a woman in Adam's side, then removed the finished product, forgot what he had done, and then told it differently. For God tells us Eve was “made” [oikodomeesen] from Adam's rib.

    Both genomenon and oikodomeesen comprise a process. And neither process is that of moving a fully developed entity from one focus to another.

    oikodomeesen tells us Eve was constructed, built, made from Adam's rib. genomenon tells us Jesus was developed over time of a woman. He was not moved or placed, but was developed on scene from material designed for the purpose.

    I know it is far more popular to state that Jesus always existed, but that is not the case. He was “begotten of the Holy Ghost” in Mary's womb. [Mat 1:20] To be begotten REQUIRES one to not priorly exist. Jesus was only in prophecy until he was begotten of the spirit.



    Jesus preexisted His Birth as a man, so yes, He was placed in the womb of Mary.

    Jesus cannot have pre-existed his own begettal. Do you really know what “begot” means? It means to cause to be, to bring into existence. The only “existence” Jesus had prior to being begotten of the Holy SPirit, was in prophecy.


    He was not conceived like us Humans are.  
    Col. 1:15-17

    Col 1:15-18 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

    You are taking the events that began with his resurrection, and replacing them at the beginning of creation. “Firstborn of every creature” is a reference to his being raised from the dead to initiate a new kind of creature; i.e., resurrected beings. These differ from those who were raised from the dead to die again. He will not die again; therefore a new kind of being.

    As for “by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” This is a reference to his entry into heaven's domain, when all thrones and dominions and principalities and powers had to move down one position to accomodate his new position as second in the kingdom of God. Paul says Jesus created all things WHETHER THEY BE thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers.

    “Whether they be” is a limiting parameter that shows what “all things” includes. If you will look at all the instances that the term “all things' is used, you will see that it is never a reference to all things without exception, but always has parameters to limit its scope and meaning.

    Rev. 3:14 “… the beginning of the creation of God;” is a reference to the start of the new type of creation,
    “resurrected ones.” That is why he is also called “firstborn from the dead. Or do you consider dying to be a “conception” and death to be a father?

    John 1:1 says nothing about Jesus whatsoever.


    And by Jesus own words He says this in

    John 17:5 ”  And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory I had with You before the World was.

    Repeating doctrine will not make it true. There are many things that can be said to “be before the world was.”
    Jesus references one of several things that were prepared before the world was created:
    1 Cor 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained BEFORE THE WORLD unto our glory:

    Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

    Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath BEFORE ORDAINED that we should walk in them.

    2 Tim 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN,

    Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN;

    1 Pet 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 20 Who verily was foreordain
    ed BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, but was manifest in these last times for you,

    AS EXPRESSED IN ISAIAH 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.

    AND FULFILLED IN John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee BEFORE THE WORLD WAS. And John 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.

    WHICH SERVED AS INCENTIVE FOR JESUS TO FULFILL HIS MISSION: Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who FOR THE JOY that was SET BEFORE HIM endured the cross, DESPISING the SHAME, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


    Jesus emptied Himself and became a Human being by the Father putting Him in Mary by His Holy Spirit.

    All you need is a scripture reference that says “That which was in her was put there by the Father” instead of “that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” [Mat 1:20]

    Jesus was not “in eternity” when he “emptied himself,” he was born to be a king, could have commanded angels, AS A MAN; but emptied himself of all that pomnp and glory when he took the form of a servant, and washed the disciples feet to give them an example.

    Look at the verb forms in Phil 2. “Have this mind in you” is an imperative which is never accomplished except in one tense, and that is always future. You cannot obey an imperative in the present or past. “Being in a form of God” is in the present tense, WHILE HE WAS A MAN. It has NOTHING to do with being pre-existent.


    Jesus did not sin because He knew what was at stake.

    So do we, but that doesn't change anything does it? Jesus didn't sin because he spent all his waking hours in his ministry, or in prayer and meditation. We don't.


     When you say that it can't be done, don't you limit God?

    Absolutely NOT! There are things God cannot do. He cannot lie, or break his oath, or his promises. He cannot be less than God. He cannot cease to be. And whenever one says something did not happen, it has nothing to do with “limiting God,” it has to do with whether or not things happened, and how things happened.


    His Bloodline is not only from God, BUT  also a Jew, and kept the Law.

    Total nonsense. God has no blood. He is a spirit. He has neither bones, flesh, nor blood. There is no “God blood line.”

    If you really want to trace Jesus' ancestry through the scriptures, look for the word “loins” and you will see he is from “David's loins.” Does God come from a man's loins? Is God a woman's seed?

    Put away those doctrines of denominationalsim and begin to read the bible for what it says instead of looking to prove what you already believe.

    Greetings Paladin….I have a question regarding the Holy Ghost? Who is he the Ghost of ? My question is based on my limited knowledge of the metaphysical phenenomen…


    Quote (theodorej @ Sep. 10 2009,00:29)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 07 2009,23:58)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 07 2009,12:45)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 06 2009,21:15)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 06 2009,17:53)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    eveh,Sep. wrote:

    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.


    That's all very well as far as the popular doctrines go, but not accurate as far as scriptural factoids go.

    For Jesus to be “placed” anywhere, it necessitates his being somewhere, and then being moved some place other. That assumes he was prior to his begettal.

    Can't be done.

    Beget [gennao] MEANS to cause to be.

    And scriptures says he was “genomenon of” a woman, not
    “placed in.”

    Unless you take the position that God placed a woman in Adam's side, then removed the finished product, forgot what he had done, and then told it differently. For God tells us Eve was “made” [oikodomeesen] from Adam's rib.

    Both genomenon and oikodomeesen comprise a process. And neither process is that of moving a fully developed entity from one focus to another.

    oikodomeesen tells us Eve was constructed, built, made from Adam's rib. genomenon tells us Jesus was developed over time of a woman. He was not moved or placed, but was developed on scene from material designed for the purpose.

    I know it is far more popular to state that Jesus always existed, but that is not the case. He was “begotten of the Holy Ghost” in Mary's womb. [Mat 1:20] To be begotten REQUIRES one to not priorly exist. Jesus was only in prophecy until he was begotten of the spirit.



    Jesus preexisted His Birth as a man, so yes, He was placed in the womb of Mary.

    Jesus cannot have pre-existed his own begettal. Do you really know what “begot” means? It means to cause to be, to bring into existence. The only “existence” Jesus had prior to being begotten of the Holy SPirit, was in prophecy.


    He was not conceived like us Humans are.  
    Col. 1:15-17

    Col 1:15-18 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

    You are taking the events that began with his resurrection, and replacing them at the beginning of creation. “Firstborn of every creature” is a reference to his being raised from the dead to initiate a new kind of creature; i.e., resurrected beings. These differ from those who were raised from the dead to die again. He will not die again; therefore a new kind of being.

    As for “by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” This is a reference to his entry into heaven's domain, when all thrones and dominions and principalities and powers had to move down one position to accomodate his new position as second in the kingdom of God. Paul says Jesus created all things WHETHER THEY BE thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers.

    “Whether they be” is a limiting parameter that shows what “all things” includes. If you will look at all the instances that the term “all things' is used, you will see that it is never a reference to all things without exception, but always has parameters to limit its scope and meaning.

    Rev. 3:14 “… the beginning of the creation of God;” is a reference to the start of the new type of creation,
    “resurrected ones.” That is why he is also called “firstborn from the dead. Or do you consider dying to be a “conception” and death to be a father?

    John 1:1 says nothing about Jesus whatsoever.


    And by Jesus own words He says this in

    John 17:5 ”  And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory I had with You before the World was.

    Repeating doctrine will not make it true. There are many things that can be said to “be before the world was.”
    Jesus references one of several things that were prepared before the world was created:
    1 Cor 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained BEFORE THE WORLD unto our glory:

    Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

    Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath BEFORE ORDAINED that we should walk in them.

    2 Tim 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his
    own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN,

    Titus 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN;

    1 Pet 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 20 Who verily was foreordained BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, but was manifest in these last times for you,

    AS EXPRESSED IN ISAIAH 52:13 Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.

    AND FULFILLED IN John 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee BEFORE THE WORLD WAS. And John 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.

    WHICH SERVED AS INCENTIVE FOR JESUS TO FULFILL HIS MISSION: Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who FOR THE JOY that was SET BEFORE HIM endured the cross, DESPISING the SHAME, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.


    Jesus emptied Himself and became a Human being by the Father putting Him in Mary by His Holy Spirit.

    All you need is a scripture reference that says “That which was in her was put there by the Father” instead of “that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” [Mat 1:20]

    Jesus was not “in eternity” when he “emptied himself,” he was born to be a king, could have commanded angels, AS A MAN; but emptied himself of all that pomnp and glory when he took the form of a servant, and washed the disciples feet to give them an example.

    Look at the verb forms in Phil 2. “Have this mind in you” is an imperative which is never accomplished except in one tense, and that is always future. You cannot obey an imperative in the present or past. “Being in a form of God” is in the present tense, WHILE HE WAS A MAN. It has NOTHING to do with being pre-existent.


    Jesus did not sin because He knew what was at stake.

    So do we, but that doesn't change anything does it? Jesus didn't sin because he spent all his waking hours in his ministry, or in prayer and meditation. We don't.


     When you say that it can't be done, don't you limit God?

    Absolutely NOT! There are things God cannot do. He cannot lie, or break his oath, or his promises. He cannot be less than God. He cannot cease to be. And whenever one says something did not happen, it has nothing to do with “limiting God,” it has to do with whether or not things happened, and how things happened.


    His Bloodline is not only from God, BUT  also a Jew, and kept the Law.

    Total nonsense. God has no blood. He is a spirit. He has neither bones, flesh, nor blood. There is no “God blood line.”

    If you really want to trace Jesus' ancestry through the scriptures, look for the word “loins” and you will see he is from “David's loins.” Does God come from a man's loins? Is God a woman's seed?

    Put away those doctrines of denominationalsim and begin to read the bible for what it says instead of looking to prove what you already believe.

    Greetings Paladin….I have a question regarding the Holy Ghost? Who is he the Ghost of ? My question is based on my limited knowledge of the metaphysical phenenomen…

    “Ghost” is an archaic form of old English dating from before the King James era. It is from the Greek “pneuma” which modernly translates to “Spirit” or “wind.”

    The transition took place in the KJV as it is translated both “Ghost” and “Spirit” and “wind.” The traditions of the Catholic church prevailed when the translation was made. And the Protestants did not change it when they broke away for the Catholic teaching.

    As for more modern translations, no one took the time to examine it as a problem because they just “grew up” knowing it, and didn't see the need for a change.

    I usually put “Spirit” whenever I see “Holy Ghost” as a matter of personal preference.


    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 06 2009,05:15)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 06 2009,17:53)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.


    That's all very well as far as the popular doctrines go, but not accurate as far as scriptural factoids go.

    For Jesus to be “placed” anywhere, it necessitates his being somewhere, and then being moved some place other. That assumes he was prior to his begettal.

    Can't be done.

    Beget [gennao] MEANS to cause to be.

    And scriptures says he was “genomenon of” a woman, not
    “placed in.”

    Unless you take the position that God placed a woman in Adam's side, then removed the finished product, forgot what he had done, and then told it differently. For God tells us Eve was “made” [oikodomeesen] from Adam's rib.

    Both genomenon and oikodomeesen comprise a process. And neither process is that of moving a fully developed entity from one focus to another.

    oikodomeesen tells us Eve was constructed, built, made from Adam's rib. genomenon tells us Jesus was developed over time of a woman. He was not moved or placed, but was developed on scene from material designed for the purpose.

    I know it is far more popular to state that Jesus always existed, but that is not the case. He was “begotten of the Holy Ghost” in Mary's womb. [Mat 1:20] To be begotten REQUIRES one to not priorly exist. Jesus was only in prophecy until he was begotten of the spirit.


    That is of course if you believe that Jesus is just flesh!

    Truth is Jesus like the Father is Spirit!



    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 07 2009,10:23)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):


    Looks like scripture sees it from a different perspective;
    Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

    “Mother,” not “Father.” Fathers beget, Mothers conceive.


    This is of no consequence to my theory – study conception and you will see.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 10 2009,03:51)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 06 2009,05:15)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 06 2009,17:53)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.


    That's all very well as far as the popular doctrines go, but not accurate as far as scriptural factoids go.

    For Jesus to be “placed” anywhere, it necessitates his being somewhere, and then being moved some place other. That assumes he was prior to his begettal.

    Can't be done.

    Beget [gennao] MEANS to cause to be.

    And scriptures says he was “genomenon of” a woman, not
    “placed in.”

    Unless you take the position that God placed a woman in Adam's side, then removed the finished product, forgot what he had done, and then told it differently. For God tells us Eve was “made” [oikodomeesen] from Adam's rib.

    Both genomenon and oikodomeesen comprise a process. And neither process is that of moving a fully developed entity from one focus to another.

    oikodomeesen tells us Eve was constructed, built, made from Adam's rib. genomenon tells us Jesus was developed over time of a woman. He was not moved or placed, but was developed on scene from material designed for the purpose.

    I know it is far more popular to state that Jesus always existed, but that is not the case. He was “begotten of the Holy Ghost” in Mary's womb. [Mat 1:20] To be begotten REQUIRES one to not priorly exist. Jesus was only in prophecy until he was begotten of the spirit.


    That is of course if you believe that Jesus is just flesh!

    Truth is Jesus like the Father is Spirit!


    Do you not believe in the bodily ascension of Jesus?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,04:11)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 07 2009,10:23)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):


    Looks like scripture sees it from a different perspective;
    Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

    “Mother,” not “Father.” Fathers beget, Mothers conceive.


    This is of no consequence to my theory – study conception and you will see.


    Sure. You believe that not only “life is in the blood” but “sin is through the blood” as well.

    BAD theory.


    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 09 2009,15:18)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 10 2009,03:51)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 06 2009,05:15)

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 06 2009,17:53)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):



    Its not just a theory, its fact. When sin contaminated Adam, this contamination was past on to all mankind; Job ask the question, “who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one” 14:4. The death curse is on every human being, none of us could ever have died for anyone else.
    Jesus did not come from any human father but was placed into the womb of Mary by his heavenly Father.


    That's all very well as far as the popular doctrines go, but not accurate as far as scriptural factoids go.

    For Jesus to be “placed” anywhere, it necessitates his being somewhere, and then being moved some place other. That assumes he was prior to his begettal.

    Can't be done.

    Beget [gennao] MEANS to cause to be.

    And scriptures says he was “genomenon of” a woman, not
    “placed in.”

    Unless you take the position that God placed a woman in Adam's side, then removed the finished product, forgot what he had done, and then told it differently. For God tells us Eve was “made” [oikodomeesen] from Adam's rib.

    Both genomenon and oikodomeesen comprise a process. And neither process is that of moving a fully developed entity from one focus to another.

    oikodomeesen tells us Eve was constructed, built, made from Adam's rib. genomenon tells us Jesus was developed over time of a woman. He was not moved or placed, but was developed on scene from material designed for the purpose.

    I know it is far more popular to state that Jesus always existed, but that is not the case. He was “begotten of the Holy Ghost” in Mary's womb. [Mat 1:20] To be begotten REQUIRES one to not priorly exist. Jesus was only in prophecy until he was begotten of the spirit.


    That is of course if you believe that Jesus is just flesh!

    Truth is Jesus like the Father is Spirit!


    Do you not believe in the bodily ascension of Jesus?


    Of course I do, but the body is simply the “Temple” or clothes that we who are “Spirit beings” live in!

    It is Jesus who is Spirit that was always with the Father!

    Literrally! Phil 2:6-8



    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 10 2009,07:20)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,04:11)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 07 2009,10:23)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):


    Looks like scripture sees it from a different perspective;
    Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

    “Mother,” not “Father.” Fathers beget, Mothers conceive.


    This is of no consequence to my theory – study conception and you will see.


    Sure. You believe that not only “life is in the blood” but “sin is through the blood” as well.

    BAD theory.

    I never said sin is through the blood.

    Mary was under the Law. The son born to her would be also. This still does not affect my theory.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,07:48)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 10 2009,07:20)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,04:11)

    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 07 2009,10:23)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 06 2009,12:16)

    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 02 2009,15:19)
    Do you know who the Gentiles were in his bloodline?

    It's interesting to note the science of conception.  Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin.  His “blood” is pure.

    Of course this is just a theory of mine (one of many).   :;):


    Looks like scripture sees it from a different perspective;
    Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”

    “Mother,” not “Father.” Fathers beget, Mothers conceive.


    This is of no consequence to my theory – study conception and you will see.


    Sure. You believe that not only “life is in the blood” but “sin is through the blood” as well.

    BAD theory.

    I never said sin is through the blood.

    Mary was under the Law.  The son born to her would be also.  This still does not affect my theory.

    It's interesting to note the science of conception. Where the “blood” is concerned in the womb, you may be interested to learn that the father's sperm holds the codes for building the blood.

    It is my belief that this is why Jesus is considered without sin. His “blood” is pure.

    Can you explain how this is NOT saying sin is in the blood?

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